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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"A King is born!!"

         The Magi, (we three kings), concluded that a very great event was about to happen, a sign of royalty  was seen that somehow made a kings crown. The Magi decide to follow the “star” to find the birthplace of the divine superstar that was about to be born. Don’t ask me to explain astrology. ...or Astronomy. 
         When they observed a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, as these planets  set in the evening sky that June, they knew they had found the sign. The Magi began their journey and in September after this long journey, they observed  Venus and Jupiter  together  in another rare conjunction, this time in the morning sky.

         The combination of two bright objects in the sky make them appear quite a bit brighter  and this bright star, the conjunction of planets that they knew about, then pointed north, seemingly over the Kingdom of Judea. The MAGI were Magicians, sorcerers and possibly  Druids, but mostly their expertise was astronomy and astrology. These Magi were very knowledgeable about astronomy as proven by some texts that have been found dated to 7 B.C. They were  predicting a king would be born, a king of the Jews more specifically, from the signs.

        Then you know this part of the story where the Magi naturally assume a son had been born to the local king. “
         "A King is born!!! Outrageous!” Herod  stated loudly as the Magi inquired about the sign. According to myth, all babies were then killed and everyone born the next year would also die. You Bastard! 
         Flee to Egypt, the Magi insisted. Get away from the bloodthirsty Romans and the corrupt dittohead Pharisees. Take him somewhere peaceful, teach him the mysteries and get him initiated by a teleste.  
        Forms of Buddhism had reached the homes of the Magi  and  though Egypt was marginalized politically at this time, it was  still a spiritual place and the Mystery Schools were highly regarded forms of education.
          The Magi made this three month journey from out near the Ukraine or something, almost as far as India it's said: so theoretically, Jesus as the divine teen may have made some extensive voyages to that area as speculated by some, by the same route followed by the Magi. 'We three kings of Orient are', thought that perhaps, Jesus was a reincarnated Buddha.
Very likely then, Jesus was born in September and I really have no problem with its symbolic celebration  at Christmas and no one else should either. It’s the Christians persistent proselytizing that annoys people, not to mention the death sentence of our soul in  hell,  they like to tell me I'm going to.  They are mostly bearing false witness and jeopardizing their own chances of heavenly rewards. No one is tryng to take Christ out of Chritsmas, ya morons, enjoy each others holidays. Halloween is the start of the holidays for me. My New Year till the traditional New Year is the holiday period for me. Although this year I am trying to edge away from
Saturnalia  and Solstice and Boxing day and Hanukkah and New Years. It’s the holidays, dude. It’s all gravy, merry Christmas.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


This Is The Folk Magic

Author: Greenhammer 

We are at a crossroads here in the 21st century with magic, environmentalism and the future of pagan religions. The pagan-curious are looking into polytheism, and many of them are active in environmental stewardship and land preservation. As nature lovers, greens and environmental activists investigate what paganism might be, and their first impression is generally that of the Wiccan religion. There are many gradations of belief between Priestesses and Tree Planters.

“Can I call myself a witch since I live so close to nature in my work and home life?” No I was told; I have to be initiated to call myself a witch. I need to listen to someone else’s ideas if I want to become a Witch or Druid. Truthfully, I don’t want anyone to interfere with the path I take, a path that lays somewhere between the Green man and Greenpeace. A path I refer to as, Progressive Eclecticism. So I am not a witch ...or a Druid, but perhaps like you, understand the peril of destroyed ecosystems and polluted oceans.

I totally believe in the big tent concept for Pagans, and I try to promote the freewheeling eclecticism I enjoy. Sure, we need teachers and clergy and experienced pagans to provide guidance of course, but it can‘t be like the Church with its cowering masses and kowtowing hierarchy all kissing each other’s rings. It should be more like the Unitarian Universalists and their reality based morality and their initiatives regarding social justice. 

Remember the 6th principle of witchcraft and that's, "We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, and those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have given of themselves in leadership." Unity without hierarchy. 

The pagan-curious would like to consider becoming pagan but are a little put off with the costumes they see at gatherings or in books. Pagan books seem to be all about spells and ceremony, and newbies end up trying to figure out the right candle color to use in ‘witch’ situation. A green living person will wonder why there is not a bigger emphasis on ecosystem stewardship in Paganism. Many Greens have been living as Pagans all along and not realizing they are. They appreciate the living relationship between the earth and sun and they see that Mother Nature could be perceived as Gaia, a goddess. On the other hand, many Pagans know virtually nothing about Nature, but trot out their certifications and who they studied under to authenticate their weekend witch status.

The green pagan-curious are not spiritual or religious necessarily, but they do feel something and they are curious about it. The Mother, the earth spirit, lies somewhere between perception and reality and many people are looking for some sort of link between spirituality and stewardship of the Earth. 

I’m happy to walk outside to look at the full moon or praise the north wind or pray to the corn mother for a successful crop, and feel no need to be initiated into any specific path. I made up my own religion as a prototype of how easy it is to be comfortable with the path you are creating for yourself. There are many solitaries like me who aren’t worried about any pagan or Wiccan absolutes. 

I believe that earth lovers looking into paganism are put off with the ceremonial excess they see and often times turn away. The gardener, earth activist, or tree planting green would be considered, “just a tree hugger, you’re not a ‘real’ pagan.” Says you; Pagan is as pagan does, earth lovers are real pagans, not neo-pagans. So here I am, Martin Luther, creating a schism with pagans, but I’ll say it again--more trees and less candles, more organic vegetables and less skulls and demons. The near future will be less about ceremony and more about attaining full civil rights for Druids and Witches who cannot openly practice or talk about their religion in this sweet land of liberty and other countries.

Reality based morality will be about restoring ecosystems worldwide after 150 years of profit taking by industrial capitalism. The future will be less about candle color and more about creating new forms of governance and an economic model of market socialism to get us to the end of this century and beyond. Pagans will be there to replace war, violence and greed with passion and compassion, but there are bridges and rough terrain to cross and it won’t be as easy as using your broomstick to get to the Emerald City. “Did you bring your broomstick?" Most people worship the golden calf and walk that yellow brick road of greed behind the façade of the flag and the cross.

The Wiccans have a strong form of rituality and it works just right for them. I have found that witches, as a sociological group, have a good focus on right living, and are the best contributors to forums and websites all across the internet, and exhibit the passion and compassion to move us forward, but I do feel that it is not for everybody. To be a pagan means you can do what you want, don’t let any book tell you there are absolutes. 
Pagans may tend to be naughty and impulsive but are not evil. The disparity between the perception and the reality of witchcraft is simply amazing. Instead of going down to the Moose Lodge to tip some suds; witches get together and promote a lot of positive action and enhanced lives, now what's the bother all about?

There is the classic pagan ceremony where a knife represents the male and a goblet of wine symbolizes the woman, and everyone takes it so seriously and here is where I part company with today’s pagans. Why do I need to do that? It’s just not right for me. It’s like kneeling and standing in church when I was a child; it seems kind of silly and uncomfortable. I kneel for no deity. 

I’m a gardener and I have a few knives around, like 15, and they have many uses. Cut open our modern impenetrable packaging, slice fruit, cut string and tape, tighten glasses, open up bags of mulch, carve pinewood derby cars and on and on. Do I really need an athame, a double-sided knife, one sharp and the other dull? I do have a favorite knife that has a compass in the handle and it's nice for outdoor ceremonies and orienting to the 4 directions, but my favorite use for it is to cut seed potatoes which I do every fall. 

I have hope that potatoes can be my sustainable crop and I call the knife my potato knife. Books and practitioners say a pagan without an athame is like a mechanic without a wrench, a dentist without a drill: you absolutely must have an athame. My favorite potato knife is going to be my athame if I really need one, so does anyone have a real problem with that? Let’s loosen up a bit here and start setting up posts to make the tent bigger. 

It’s time to discuss what aspects of magic are needed for the future. Why is it that New Agers are so into rocks, huh? Oh, stones; they’re not rocks, I’m told by the New Age shopkeeper. I call them rocks so bear with me. Rock magic seems interesting, and I do have a stone shrine indoors with some small but very interesting unpolished rocks…I mean stones. 

A few years ago I found this shrine fit on my dashboard and startling things, mostly good and some bad, happened for three weeks straight when I placed it there, so I brought it back in the house. Stone Magic happens more readily than you might think. 

This is why I indulge in what I call Oxoheartsvoken, the as yet discovered folk religion of the Reindeer People, the cave painters. The magic of the people, for the people and by the people and in synch with the presence of the planet Venus, that planet we call the morning and evening star. Venus is visible far more often than the moon, and helped early navigators such as the Polynesians and the Phoenicians. By now many know about the mysterious pentacle shape that Venus traces across our night sky every eight years.  

Today, pagans think they need to be Druids, Priests or Priestesses and my point is that in every culture there was the shaman or priestly class and then there was the rest of us who would prefer less ceremony. As you begin a journey into ritual and magic, you first have to question the books that explain about magic and its practitioners. Are they capturing what 90% of us did: the folk magic? Not everyone can be a Priest, Druid or Pagan clergy. 

Experienced pagans might rail against someone like me who has unconventional ideas and refuses to wear the fairy king costumes.
As I like to say, ‘Halloween is my new year, not what I do all year.’ Costumes don’t seem natural and I know there are many people that agree with me on that one, maybe we really don’t need to wear robes. No offense of course.

Pagan Traditionalists have created too big of a wall that conservationists and environmentalists try to look over but end up shrugging their shoulders and walking away because all they see is ceremony and candles. Getting your hands dirty as a gardener or speaking at a town meeting in support of habitat restoration isn’t even on the radar of all those city slicker pagans. 

Neophytes to pagan initiation may hear, “Your athame has to be blah blah blah” or some version of, “you’re just starting, you don’t know anything,” which is highly insulting. In my opinion, Paganism needs to be more about planting trees and less about spells and candles and I think there are many people who would agree, and many of us have a lot to bring to the table and this is why I’m promoting the big tent concept of progressive eclecticism. 

There are those that say you have to be on one specific path or another and you’re not a real pagan if you mix and match your deities from different pagan religions. I’m a real pagan in my view, although serious pagans would disagree with my notion of Progressive Eclectics and my iconoclastic pantheon of 9 goddesses and 23 gods. 

Wicca may be the face of paganism with its Lord and Lady Ceremony, but in time there will be ten times as many progressive eclectics as there are initiated wiccans, so the sooner you open that barn door and let us all in, the better.

I’m trying to catch people before they abandon paganism because it seems that if you have a simpler earth loving set of beliefs this is somehow seen as less than pagan in most circles. I’m telling you greenies, don’t kowtow to traditional, because we are creating tradition now and are rediscovering some of the ancient rituals intuitively which may very well outlast traditional, which is, after all, little more than 70 years old since Gardner’s book in 1948 or so, purportedly revived witchcraft from the misty past.

Don’t get me wrong about magic because I do believe there is magic and the more in tune with it I get, the more readily it happens. But my approach is that you shouldn’t summon or call upon magic any time you want. To all psychics, sensitives, empaths and others: some of us don’t have these superpowers and the phrase “getting in the zone” is the sometimes the best us ordinary folk can manage. 

I would next like to quote Scott Cunningham from ‘Earth Power’ as he explains his view of magic. “Magic was the first religion and that if you lovingly utilize the forces of nature to cause beneficial change, you can also become one with them. It is these powers that are personified as gods and goddesses.” 

My vision is that we all find our own way as Pagans and a so-called “newbie” has life experiences to draw on for their pagan expression. In my religion there are no newbies. A newbie could have superlative insights when a traditionalist may have lost their focus, spending an entire weekend driving 300 miles in the Lincoln Escalade looking for Coltsfoot Root. I would much rather take a walk around the ’hood and imagine the tree roots, and shrub and flower roots all touching and entwining themselves for hundreds of miles as I take a walk, and not be a slave to spells, ritual and ceremony. 
You love nature, then call yourself a pagan if you like. Let those Reconstructionists call themselves neo-pagans if they want. Don’t quote me, but I think it was the Celtic tradition many hundreds of years ago that used severed heads to ‘see’ the future. If Celt Reconstructionists can pick and choose what practices to take into their spiritual future, then why can’t I? No offense of course.

Native Americans didn’t realize that the basis for the faith-based genocide by Europeans was because they were viewed as pagans, pure and simple; and yet today they don’t call themselves pagan to honor their part in the history of pagan civil rights. The Great Spirit of the Indigenous People kept this hemisphere in balance, and they have respected the Mother for thousands of years here in the U.S.A. The Vikings created settlements on the mainland, but Christopher Columbus thought the Caribbean islands they landed on was the Garden Of Eden and it was his job to drive out the ‘savages’, or at least enslave them and take their gold and cut their arms off 'n shit.

Is there an ancient mother and are there goddesses? What have the Goddesses been telling us then: maybe they want us that we must encode liberty, embed equality, ostracize criminality and vanquish cruelty 
Maybe Hecate wants you to plant willow trees instead of invoking her to help with your love life. Maybe Cerridwen would rather have you using your creative will to help craft a clean decentralized economy in this polluted world. Sedena of the Inuit doesn't need prayers so much as She needs a solution to the invasion of her cold northern arctic by Bernie Madoffs with drilling equipment. Maybe Yemaya wants you to indulge your carnal side a little less and take care of your little creations better.

Jurate wants you to be aware that humans have killed and fished with a profit seeking rapaciousness that will leave future generations scratching their heads at the depletion of fishing stocks and the lack of earth stewardship, and the illusion of prosperity created by predatory capitalism. Maybe Freya is unimpressed with your double axe zipper pulls and wants you to raise your level of awareness about eroding topsoil and to learn how to certify organic growing conditions to keep up with the demand for clean food. 
The dragon tailed goddess Nu-Kua appreciates that you are beginning to understand about feng shui and Dharma, but would be happier if you understood more about the ecological devastation of war and the emotional toll on civilian populations. 

Maybe the goddesses are trying to tell us to wake up before growing populations and shrinking resources reach a point of perpetual crisis. For now, it may be more important to halt the degradation of our planet and I like to say 100 hands clasped in prayer cannot plant a tree. I wonder... is there a bridge that can be built between pagans and greens? Who can tell, because now all I see is a total disconnect. 

In conclusion, I feel the less you use magic, the better it works. During a pagan pilgrimage to Salem I went jogging and walking to sightsee that way. I was up and down the multitude of brick sidewalks and roads because I got the notion that maybe I could capture a bit of the magic of this place in a broken piece of brick road. For 25 minutes I searched and found nothing. Well taken care of streets.
Jogging here, walking there and finding nothing I could use and i was thinking I should just leave things alone, Then something came over me. I did a secret ceremony to the universe and I heard, ’go here and turn there’ and sure enough 45 seconds later I found the perfect piece. I mean really, how does this happen? 

Very simply,

Saturday, August 11, 2012


           Fetid Cesspool    NOW IN SECTION 3 OF compendium   "The final slaughter

         The spirit of 1776 has been crushed and  replaced with the culture of the warrior elite. The War Culture, the tree cutting and ecosystem destroying culture, has been on a rampage against nature these last 100 years. 

         The profits of previous decades have given us this weapon saturated world we have today, and nuke waste is still waiting for its 10,000 year storage bins. There will need to be a multi-billion, if not trillion, dollar effort to decommission the nuclear power plants that created temporary, cheap electricity.  
         U.S.Veterans feel they are patriots because they risked their lives in Europe and Asia and wherever else. I hate to say it but, George Washington might not agree with the patriotism angle. Bomb bomb bombing Iraq isn‘t the same kind of effort he made at Valley Forge. 
        I am referring to George Washington and his famous quote about "avoiding foreign entanglements," when he became President. Remember, the Constitution says the military would "provide for the common defense." And thats it!. How did we get this 600 billion dollar totalitarian war machine? Call it what you will, but it was once known as Liberal Totalitarianism. Managing the world (for its own good)

       I'm not against the military, except when they are not "providing for the common defense." Which is like, always. In 2004 the Louisiana National Guard was fighting in Iraq and unable to help during the after math of Hurricane Katrina as one example. A simple solution is to tell the military that next years budget will be 500 billion, start cutting NOW!
           President Washington would also discover that the “unprecedented” post war prosperity of the fifties and sixties was fueled by rapacious plundering, such as the many Forests that were clear cut to ignite the suburban housing boom. "White flight."
          The government subsidized nuclear power industry, and other weapon manufacturing jobs, gave people great pay back in those "greatest generation" days, but now we have a trillion dollar toxic cleanup no one wants to talk about. Cheap energy wasn't the goal, plutonium was for bomb making.
           Just something to think about as you work for minimum wage at McDonalds or WalMart as your conservative Uncle touts his "values system". Then you start realizing the Muslims aren't the problem.
        Tons of dangerous chemicals at military sites and biohazards  at weapons of mass destruction assembly sites need to be taken care of. The Greatest Generation got cheap electricity in the 50’s, 60’s & 70's, but left the problem of storing nuclear waste to generations unborn. That is a values system? Judeo Christian ethics?
The Greatest Generation allowed this with their inaction
      A rising tide of enlightenment will eventually drown the meanness, prejudice, bigotry and hate of this grossly misnamed greatest generation. They will disappear into the fetid cesspool of ignorance they created. The Corporate Authoritarian Despots (c.a.d.'s), that they bow down to, will no longer control our economy, once Progressives get motivated.   But mark my words, one day it will be realized the greatest generation was actually the worst generation.

        This older generation has been brainwashed to worship all coercive authority. Boomers work ceaselessly to keep their heads above water or are deeply into the greed machine, and their stock investments in polluting corporations keep them docile. The youth are looking ahead, but don’t understand some of the old American traditions.   Around the world, millions of us are transcending generation, race, gender, and class barriers; are unafraid to discuss the taboos. We are uniting without a coercive hierarchy.

The clotted nothingness of todays liberalism and the venomous spewings of   conservatives actually represent only small slices of the American Pie; and unfortunately, the only two that have a voice in the mainstream media. L ike Lewis Black says, "The Democratic Party is the party of no ideas, and the Republican Party is the party of bad ideas."

          Let’s give ourselves the chance for a new start, with the rejection of violence and discrimination, and the ushering in of The Dawn of Civilization.
 What about the independent viewpoint? The independents have no steadfast, limiting ideology. We develop our own viewpoints and philosophies. We are tired of coercive governments and corrupt corporations. We are in the Tea Party and we are in Occupy Wall Street.
        We believe Churches serve quasi-governmental functions, as do the Cub Scouts, the Rotary, Homeowners associations and Garden Clubs. Government should be our solid edge and border maintaining our Constitution, and all these civic groups are a high thread count in the fabric of freedom. 

A storm is brewing

Josiah Quincy in 1773. 'I see the clouds which now rise thick and fast upon our horizon. The thunder rolls and the lightning plays, and to that God who rides the whirlwind and directs the storm, I commit my country." 

        What God is this then that he called upon? Thor, Perun, Boreas or others?  As Quincy warmed up the crowd,  local businessmen were  walking over to the wharfs to destroy the 300 chests of tea sitting on British ships in the harbor.
         The real Tea Party was about small business striking a blow against Britains corporate control of the colonies commerce. Small business entrepreneurs and their apprentices, along with member of Bostons north and south side gangs were the instigators in the acquisition of liberty. They were the motivating force of the Revolutionary War.
Poor people I have known are hard workers-THEY lie.  

         Jesus never said anything like,  “thy life sucks and then thouest dies”. The bible writers censored many of Jesus’ actual sermons while Christians, Caliphates and the Romans burned down the Library of Alexandria which contained hundreds of thousands of scrolls that were the single copies of writings; traditions, philosophies and myths of the ancient days. 
       There is a reason the bible became a popular book. All the other ones were destroyed! Even in 1913, Hopi children were kidnapped and taken far away to be taught the bible, to separate them from the Old Ways. Why, in 2013, are witches being killed in Africa, and now India recently? Exodus 22:18? It all derives from the pulpits of hate, the uninspired clergy George Tennent referred to in the 1730',s  during the bogus "Great Awakening." I research so you don't have to. I research to prove David Barton and glennbeck wrong.


The American Revolution truly started with the 'despicable rabble' of Boston Towne; the rock throwing, stamp collector confronting, effigy hangin, bar room debating restive roughnecks. (See Liberty Tree on this blog)Small business owners along with their young apprentices and stout  hearted, Independent thinking individuals took the actions needed to ignite the public at large. This country was created by people who finally outsmarted the christians politically
Remember it was only 50 years previous to our revolution that it finally became illegal to kill witches and Quakers, and enlightenment was spreading fast and true freedoms were within reach, and by 1776, most thinking people were no longer swayed by the religious bugaboo that kept people frozen in fear of an angry god.

Demeter is the goddess of the harvest and her story is at the heart of the Eluesian mysteries. As Masons, our founding fathers had secret ceremonies  invoking the oracle at Delphi. Delphi was a place where the intellectually nimble debated, and its well was considered the navel of the world . The umbilical cord of liberty. The Axis Mundi.
 The Founding Revolutionaries of the United States created Washington D.C. much like a giant mason lodge and the Capitol building like a Goddess  temple. Please note the picture below is Ben Franklin with Demeter or Minerva- Greek and Roman names for the goddess of the harvest. Above Ben and Minerva is the apotheosis of George Washington, surrounded by 13 goddesses and muses. Keep in mind this is in an important building in D.C. seen by millions.
Apotheosis of George Washington(upper right corner)
What of the people most known for their stone work; the architects of Chartres Cathedral and most other ancient structures made of stone? The Free men masons became the freemasons . Ritual was added as time went by, and tweaked by the idle rich with nothing better to do. That’s my Cliff Notes version of the Masons.  I am not a Mason nor do I wish to join. But mason bashing by xians needs to be stopped.

         Critics of our founding fathers say they were an elite ruling class. I tell these people that the evolution of personal liberty ‘had to begin somewhere and it had to begin somehow’.  How could justice and equality suddenly arrive full blown out of nowhere? Give these dudes some credit. It would be like complaining that Alexander Graham Bell should have invented a message machine too.   
         Thomas Jefferson,  Benjamin Franklin,  Thomas Paine, AND Sam Adams along with many other progressive independent thinkers, were the primary progenitors of American independence.  On the night of Paul Reveres ride, he emerged from a Masonic hall to get on his horse to warn his neighbors, or was it a Masonic meeting in a tavern? In Paris, Benjamin Franklin talked to Thomas Paine, convincing him to come back to the colonies in 1774 while gathered in a Masonic Hall.

         And yes, I see quotes about how George Washington called upon God in some of his famous statements implying the Christian God. I’m here to tell you my friend that George was inaugurated with his Mason apron on, okay?  He was paying lip service to the pesky clergy of his day with gratuitous quotes about god.
        Most Masons basically believe in a God,  a great architect of the Universe. Primarily, they believe in the duality of male and female in their higher degrees and understand a lot of Egyptian mysticism. Isis  and Minerva and Liberty and muses such as Clio are among their gods and goddesses,or were.
George Washingtons beliefs had far more in common with the Native Pagan Indians than they did with some Puritan or Calvinist tightass ideal. If our 1776  ancestors talked about god they were mostly paying lip service to the pontificating buzz killers. It is not your imagination that dogmatic authoritarian despots have embedded themselves in the American government as they prepare their treacherous coup and continue to divide the nation. Stay alert Patriots.

Friday, June 1, 2012



       Once Upon a time I wanted to write a story about earthlings visiting a planet that was ruled by trees.
The trees lived much longer than the animals, they gave fruit and food and air and held the soil-but most Important of all, the trees were the only ones who could communicate with everything that was alive. 
     The trees could understand the whales talking out in the bay. The tree could know why the owl hunts, or console those with disease or sick plants on a photosynthesis feeding tube with the other plants. The tree roots go deep in the earth and they are connected to each other.   

           Then the humans came
 These first earthlings couldn’t perceive that there was a greater intelligence than them on this new planet “It’s just like the Earth” the astronaut said climbing out of the pod. The news of course showed people yelling and screaming at the bar and holding their beers up.
          Back on earth they cheered!  They made it! The year is 2126  and this year would live forever in human history. Another world had been found, another world to inhabit, just in time. The natural world on earth was exhausted with terrible accidents, diseases and dangers of every sort; criminals, tyrannies and genetics gone wild. Not the kind of gene pool you want seeding the universe, but they decided to anyways.
"So sorry, only those with Zargon 3  citizenships are allowed to stay."
          World population peaked at 18 billion in 2089, and then crashed back to 4 billion during the attack of Fungus-X. This disease was an irascible attack on the human body, even spreading with the rain and through the air-it was everywhere; the Death Fungus.         

             News of the earthlike planet was initially hailed as a miracle, only a 15 year journey in the SLP –Speed of Light Pod. Now that all tests of the atmosphere have been completed, plans for settlement will begin in earnest.           
             In 2019 we had accidentally released an ancient horrible disease, an Ancient Fungus, hidden for 29,000 years, becomes airborne but was only a minor problem till it began mutating. The disease drifts through the air infecting many of those that breathe it. The disease had minimal impact on the hunter gatherers 29,000 years ago, but in 3 years, 14 billion people needed to be buried. 2092-3-4, the years of the Great Sorrow, cities were abandoned.  Worse than the Black Plague it was simply called Fungus-X which didn’t cause a horrible death. ""Wiped out by the X, I'm afraid." You got dizzy and eventually lost consciousness: dying when breath stops. "maybe I won't be able to go", was the grunt of the day, "but at least my granchildren will have a chance to create a new earth."
           Take a lesson from the trees. Quietly giving us food and air, fully integrated into the worlds ecosystems, in fact, the anchor of most of our ecosystems, managing the environment with their roots in the ground, branches reaching for the sky.     
             Maybe god is   pleased with the leadership of the trees and displeased with the planets biggest mistake—the humans. The world worked very well, and the entire planet was self sustaining……  evolving naturally till man abandoned his hunter gatherer roots and became “civilized”.  Truthfully some large mammals became extinct by being over-hunted but the rapid return of an ebbing ice age caught many in valleys they couldn't escape from. Many species were halted by rivers they couldn't cross. This is why I believe there were many more people in the world 10,000 years ago that we are led to believe.
          Stewardship and management of wild lands, greenways, forests, riparian and estuarine areas should eventually be intertwined as part of the social fabric. Who do we think we are overrunning the earth? Seven generations of resource extraction in one. Our symbiotic partners on earth-the trees-turning our carbon dioxide into oxygen. 

                      Our wildness, the rushing rivers and the primeval forests have been given to the Capitalists by weaker generations of myopic opportunists. 

                     Maybe our God or Creator is just a renegade God, Someone in the galactic witness protection program. Banished, but somehow he managed to sneak out some building blocks of life, someone who simply should have been locked up in the Psycho Psychic Prison. 
      This seemingly vengeful God has released Aids and monkey pox and anthrax, smallpox and other delights on an already embittered and embattled population trying to survive a parade of tyrants. Petty despots stealing our lives for their fortunes.

          The rebel Gods theory is that people should go through the purifying flame of a difficult life before achieving heaven. Whereas all the “normal” law abiding gods in other galaxies make life as easy as possible with its primary soul equipped creature.

       Who can say what God is, other than dog backwards? Hopefully there is an afterlife that is our spiritual journey to join up with the Creator or The Force or maybe even the Corn Mother. We certainly aren’t going to burn in hell for 435,000 years (1 eternity) for what we do in this little life. Heaven or hell, religion tells us it will be one or the other for all of eternity. For one stinking lifetime on this…planet….the butt hole of the universe. I don’t think so! .  
Satan is the greatest hoax of all time and the finest tool for controlling the masses……. the bewildered herd...there is no devil for freakin' pumpkin sake. In your eye with a custard pie Satan, not scared of comic book characters.