When a piece is in its final form
1-2-3 THE MEEK
1-2-10 Vikings Druids and Darwin
I am responsible for what I have written, not for what you think I wrote, or meant. Simply stated, the opinions expressed herein, may at times resemble facts, therefore… always double and triple check before you let incorrect facts loose on the internet with millions of undisciplined minds on the loose.
I believe
it is a consensus that we seek, not confrontation, and I look for reforms that all
sides can agree with. The ultimate sad reality on earth is that there are
billions of people living in misery on what was once a bountiful, clean
planet. It’s as simple as that. Once it was ours and it
will be ours forevermore if the working people wake up. Capitalism And
Communism have failed and we need a new set of governing principles.
Let me
guide you around some of the seemingly intractable dilemmas of our modern era
and offer solutions, and please be willing to contemplate new
perspectives, because the
needs to lead now,
and follow no longer.
"Try as they might to make the mass murder acceptable and patriotic, deep in our collective American hearts, we know war is wrong."
Americans demand recreation areas, protected forests, estuaries and parks nationally, and walking trails locally. They appreciate being supplied with good facilities during their travelling adventures, in this wonderfully expansive system of national and state parks in the United States. This notion would seem logical for a country that includes "the pursuit of happiness" in its mission statement, the preamble to its Constitution. Then why does 800 billion dollars go to The Pentagon every year, and only three billion goes to the national park service?
Apparently, making a fleet of eighty MILLION dollar fighter jets was much more important than anything nature has to offer. This is what the government is telling us with this lopsided budget. Why should taxes go to a park ranger explaining the difference between red squirrels and brown squirrels during a guided tour? How is THAT a priority?
What about the supply and demand in our economy that the Republicans are always whining and braying about? Our National Parks have a dearth of facilities and maintenance is spotty, but crowds continue to grow. There is a big demand from the people of America, --- the supply part of supply and demand, you know. Park expansion, safety and the preservation of ecological diversity has been subverted by corporations that profit from war, and by the army of corporate lobbyists in Washington.
The American people and visitors from around the world, are out there trying to have a grand vacation visiting the great places of America, only to find stinky bathrooms, traffic jams, and tour guides swamped with crowds. Not only are you creating recreation for today when land is purchased and preserved, but wild space for ever and ever. Pondering all this, how does upgrading to 150 million dollar fighter jets ever make sense?
It makes sense because everyone has gotten fat off the government the last sixty years, and now they slap "my guns my god and my money…you keep the change", bumper stickers on their cars, not realizing the markets that government encouraged created their prosperity, from markets as diverse as Dairy and Nuclear Energy. The capitalists slipped America a roofie, 60 years ago, and have not stopped ravaging her. They can't believe that no one has stopped them, so they keep taking from her, rapidly poisoning our earth with their newest degradation called Fracking.
Making weapons and selling weapons is profitable. Creating wars to destroy them, so they can make more, made these phony wars enormously profitable. Making weapons is a dirty income and many of todays tea baggers profited, and perhaps you are profiting also, with your investments. Now that they’ve got their pensions and social security, the senior Teahadists are quickly closing the barn door so no one else can share this wealth, which they stole directly from our natural resources. One entire generation destroyed more forests than any other generation and profited wonderfully from the drastic reduction of resources. The cost of paper products was artificially cheap enabling an illusion of prosperity.
Dear reader, if you invest, then divest of your poison stocks. It is time to think about all life on this earth that will be here the next million years. Invest Green best you can. Invest clean. The Market Socialism of the Green Movement needs to be regulated as little as possible. We agree with Conservatives on this one. Raw milk producers want regulations eased but Big Dairy is firmly in the driver's seat. A long battle lay ahead in many different places. The sterile poison seed of corporate farmers get subsidies, yet small organic farmers have many regulatory hurdles to leap; and certifications to achieve.
War is good for the economy, it creates JOBS we were told our entire childhood. "World War 2 lifted us out of the depression", is another myth that has become reality. The truth was that the explosion of innovations after WW2 was actually possible because of all the scientific improvements that had been made in the 1930's. In radio, refrigeration, electricity, and many other areas of research. Invention and innovation and knowledge rapidly expanded in the Thirties; a real prosperity was emerging and lively cultures were booming again, in many cities, then WW2 disrupted everything. Good times with positive momentum were on the way, as the world retooled itself after the Great Depression.
Instead, we are told the Big War created prosperity, when all it really did was create devastation and misery. Brainwashing of the highest order, World War 2 being good for the economy is a complete lie, but 80% of Americans believe it. Reducing our 800 billion dollar a year Pentagon budget would "make us weak" and "could wreck the economy" we are told in 2021. America spends as much as the next ten countries combined on the military, how stupid do they think we are?
Do you truly believe we are preserving American freedom by the wars in Korea, Vietnam and proxy wars in Central America, and 2 wars with Iraq and the furthest away of all, and the longest war, Afghanistan? War may help the Gross National Product and is lucrative for people with stocks in weapon manufacturing and oil companies, but it doesn’t work in real life anymore, unless you are getting a pension from your Weapon maker job. If your conscience doesn't propel you to divest and boycott companies that pollute our planet or degrade any part of humanity, then the falling stock prices of companies that come under fire as regulators investigate fraud, surely will make you sell those stocks. Falling stock prices of companies that are effectively boycotted will be another incentive.
Try as they might to make mass murder acceptable
and patriotic, deep in our collective American hearts
we know it’s wrong.
The Greatest Generations antiquated notions of how everyone has their place, was put to the test and failed in the 60's. The boomers saw this world filled with racism and sexism that existed with our young hopeful eyes, and collectively our disgust level was so high, that things have changed in the last 50 years. Thank you to all who have stood up for equality, you are the actual patriots.
Why couldn’t a black dude or a woman be hired for any job? Why not pay the woman the same as a man? Whazzup with that? We didn’t get it.
Will there ever be a disgust level with war, which will help us change? Not until societies embrace the feminine, it seems. Women are always trying to fit in, but most cultures do not mix the masculine and feminine very well. How can a smooth polarity of the masculine and feminine be achieved, as cultures constantly chafe as an exuberant maleness continues to slow us down. Incivility and brutality is the result of the warrior elites dominance of most societies the last 2500 years. The incivility and wildness of our culture is not the primitive paleo wildness we have forgotten, but the authoritarian despotism of manipulative men, and the fealty of the sycophant chumps that ring their bell. This has led to a false patriotism, the War without end. Always enemies to kill, God bless you.
America is here as a place for you to breathe free, to be anything but ordinary if you choose, and to help hold the light of liberty for all who strive for freedom. I encourage all countries to create new covenants with their people to create equality and freedom. For people that want to escape repression, we need to create safe havens. Not a global order, but decentralized spheres of influence with minimum standards for all to follow voluntarily.
We must upgrade our earth manners and safety nets for all people. Your good efforts will be returned threefold as the momentum of all of us working toward a humane humanity, is finally with us. It is the darkest before dawn.
The theme to most American movies, the good guy wins in the end, is all fine and dandy, but they have all been pyrrhic victories. Life has to be more than vanquishing enemies. They won’t be real victories till we can encode liberty, embed equality, ostracize criminality , humble the mighty, invalidate injustice and vanquish cruelty in all the countries in the world. Let’s give ourselves the chance for a new start, with the rejection of violence, and we will usher in, at long last, The Dawn of Civilization. All of us together in every country: Out of many, one; Unity without hierarchy. We are ready.
THIS is my suggestion for a 28th amendment Henry David Thoreau, "A free and enlightened State recognizes the individual as a higher and independent power, from which, all its own power and authority are derived."
“ ....anarchy is the absence of coercion ....”
The road to anarchy will not be a chaotic anarchy as you have been led to believe, but anarchy as self-rule in our various communities and keeping common local markets open for small business and household industry. Now that the rich have saved up trillions of dollars in hidden off shore accounts, we can use this stolen labor (profit) to create the Infrastructure Initiative (II)
Envision something great for every one of us to
use in the next 50 years in an expanded and expansive health and transportation
infrastructure. A beautiful and enduring hardscape, and finally, wildlife
corridors for migrating wildlife and MORE LAND PRESERVED FOR THE THOUSANDS OF
GENERATIONS TO COME. You’ve seen the trail cams and how often these
under and over passes facilitate wildlife migration.
We can create abundance with a new economic system that isn’t dependent on excessive resource extraction or tanks in Afghanistan that get three gallons to the mile. $400 dollars to supply one gallon of gas for every piece of equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan and an average of 500,000 gallons a day. This wasn’t about terrorism more than it was about selling gasoline.
We also need to knock aside the languid and miasmic political will of the
Democrats the last 25 years, and let’s have a go at a New America.
The Republicans want to
eliminate things we all own in common such as the National Parks so their rich
overlords will prosper and eventually own everything. As I like to say, don’t
confuse Socialism with common sense and there is no war but class war.
It’s time to roll ‘em up and get down to
work to preserve our wild lands forever, and this is the last chance for you
Democrats in 2020, because we'll have a third party otherwise.
As of this writing, the President is appointing corporate parasites and neo-lib war hawks. Consequently, spurned Progressives
hunger for battle. The neo-libs have no idea what’s coming for them and when
they see that the Progressives have the general public behind them on most issues, it
will be a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. Or a window through
which a significant third party emerges.
The Infrastructure Initiative II, will be initiating the construction of a tremendous hardscape infrastructure with immense areas set aside for barter and small business. Down here in the underpaid working world, we have adjusted in many ways to the vagaries of the market. Capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich is the system we have.
and foreclosure? Aw, too bad say the bankers who are gouging the American worker
with interest. Should be a crime, it used to be. Tens of trillions of
dollars charged in interest by bankers to the detriment of American
instance, in a world awash in excessive clothing manufactured by 25 cent an hour
workers, we go to thrift stores now to buy much of our clothing in 2021. I
buy three dollars shirts and pants on the regular and they are normally only
nominally worn. We go to Dollar Stores and
church rummage sales and reliable second-hand exchanges.
We love
bargains, but, let the buyer beware with the guy that has the frozen shrimp in
his trunk, we all have our particular discernments.
The whole
scene is changing from below. There are more distribution sites from
groups that are taking in food. If you can turn over a ton of
food with volunteer labor in thousands of sites, you have accomplished something
real without government bureaucracy.
We can begin to lessen the reliance on
government programs and eliminate as much waste as is practically
possible. The problem with the bush and t***p tax cuts for billionaires,
was that the wealthy were theoretically supposed to step up with more
charitable donations, and of course a handful have, but the dark heart of
capitalism always says, “no thanks not today, the guest house needs new
My point
being is that we are drifting back towards buying locally sourced products
again, Market Socialism, if we possibly can. We are buying hand-made quilts for
xmas presents and reconditioned bicycles for birthdays.
The over
credentialed, over certified white-collar world isn’t going to rule us with
their stuffed and mounted academic validations forever. We can and are creating
a Market Socialism structure that won’t require stockholders and white-collar
The Flat Tax Initiative; I would have each person exempt from taxation
for the first 10,000 dollars of income, and $25,000 for small
business. 20% flat tax for all individual income above $100,000 and business
income over a million per year. In addition, we would lift the cap on social
security from $106,000 to $ gazillion.
everybody make a little money … for crying out loud and give them food stamps
if they need them and every person who has no permanent address but a social
security number, a basic income of $300/month as a start. Make the Republicans fill the
social security fund back up. Let the billionaires give back what they stole
from the languid, complacent, servile, no longer unionized American. See how
that works?
Eugene Debs actually went shoulder to shoulder with the workers and spent
nights in jail as needed. Progressive ‘fightin’ Bob LaFollette, in
his role as governor of Wisconsin in 1900, actually implemented Progressive Pro
Worker ideals into action and reform.
There are no other theorists for the
workers revolution? How about someone who goes outside once in a while and
recognizes an impending environmental disaster when they see it. People simply don’t talk
about marx down here in the working world and I’ve worked in three corners of
this country and have talked to thousands of people from all demographics.
Plumbers and gardeners and property managers and security guards and janitors, administrators and store managers and even homeless people I find sleeping in
the bushes. Not a one of them talked about Marx. The working people don’t talk
about Marxism, they talk about what is going on in their life.
The maids, the sandwich makers, the floor polishers, the CNA’s, your finishers your starters, the kitchen crew and clerical staff. Gardeners get around, we are usually the last to go onto a project and people still working the site unload their problems on us. There’s the ferry captains, the car washers turned computer techs, the vegetable growers and organic chicken egg producers.
I can’t ever
remember anyone talking about marx, but we did talk a lot about unions. I saw a union go in, in 1975 and I watched the
dudes that knew what they were doing advocate for wages and benefits that were
equal to surrounding towns and they got it.
IS different and no longer exceptional with the right-wing coup eating us alive
like a tapeworm and we need more than marx to stem the tide. Small
business has been destroyed and the same minimum wage for all will be the final nail
in the coffin of small business but we could have a cap for small business as I
mentioned previously. Call it an apprentice wage.
Progressives, Greens and Independents are poised to
lead the world out of its miasma but the left/right tennis match (back and
forth back and forth and nothing gets done). Marx or Mussolini? The
billionaires have shown their hand, and they don’t care if we all die and
everyone knows it now. They are stripping the earth
without regard to the economies of the future.
Marx or
Mussolini? What will it be? The Left has to abandon Marx to
gain any credibility with the American worker, that’s all I’m saying. On
the right, the GOP is what Mussolini had in mind. Braying sycophants for
corrupt authoritarianism allied with corporatism.
The billionaires have shown their hand, they’ve chosen
Benito’s corporate-run government and they don’t care if we all die and everyone
knows it now. They are stripping the earth without any regard to
the 100 billion people that will be born on this planet during the next 5000
The workers revolution will be inevitable once the Steam Age
academics of Marxism have been replaced and the Republicans are deloused and
deprogrammed from the brainwashing of Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes’ Fox News.
How do you
like that? We need unionism, not Marxism. Marx is insightful, but not useful.
Does he really have to be the face of socialism? A man who didn't work or
bathe? People are not inclined to malign Marx online and I don’t know why not,
I know I will get heat for my stance. Nearly
every commie has unfriended me on FB. The city slicker Liberals are not crazy
about what I post either.
I do know an American will never call
themselves a communist. Sorry Tom and others, I’ve worked with a lot of people
in three corners of this country and Americans will never call themselves
communists. Never.
Down here
in the underpaid working world we have adjusted in many ways to the vagaries of
the market. Capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich is the system we
Make a showcase for ending government intrusion of the marketplace with market based community centers. Then again, why can't I sell produce from my house? Land of the Free? It doesn't sound like it. We are strangling from an over-tweaked, law debilitated paralysis that destroys too many small businesses and keeps communities separated socially.
Make a showcase for
ending government intrusion of the marketplace with market based community centers. Then again,
why can't I sell produce from my house? Land of the Free? It doesn't sound like
it. We are strangling from an over-tweaked, law debilitated paralysis that
destroys too many small businesses and keeps communities separated
socially. We are dependent on 8 companies to feed us,
fuel us, fleece us and forget US. The four F’s.
is the essence of anarchy”
The Blue Ridge Parkway is a marvel of engineering,
construction, recreation and conservation. Very limited signage like “overlook
ahead” or Pine knob 3728 ft., and no stop lights for 469 miles.
After I realized the GPS voice was bringing me to Dalton Campground in
Virginia, and not Doughton Campground near Sparta North Carolina, I got on the
Parkway finally, and began to search for a place to camp out. When I got to
Doughton Campground, I fell in love with site #77 and stayed for 6 days of a 16-day
When I first
got there, three choppers roared by at eye level after they were leaving the disaster
area that was the North Carolina coast after Hurricane Florence. Even Interstate 95 got washed out. I was
ready to expect the unexpected. The Blue Ridge Parkway had only opened two
days previous in North Carolina after trees were cleared from the road. Sawdust
everywhere and trunks in piles by the side of the road. There’d been a
bear in the park recently too, so I decided to sleep in my rented Jeep.
I was able to set up and get a fire going. This
was a chance to truly relax and the last mountain I saw was Stone Mountain in
Georgia ten years previous. I enjoy Floridas great weather but it is as flat
and green as people say it is. I had a moment of Zen listening to the many bird
calls and crickets as nightfall approached and I sat with my eyes closed at the
picnic table. Releasing my troubles to the breeze, I closed my eyes.
Boom! Boom!
It’s the
Balrog! Beezledoom!
Out of
my comfort zone, I sat up startled till I realized was just a drum circle over
in area B, and it was a welcome addition to the night noise of birds or
was also a squeaky thumping noise that I disregarded at first. By nightfall no
one else had parked in Area C. I had that whole further section of the
campground to myself since people weren’t traveling the Parkway.
Later on, I went to the bathroom to see what they had and didn't have and there
it was again, gears gnashing…a loud mechanical noise... Invasion from
Mars? Were Robots clambering up the side of the knob I was camping at? Later after walking to the bathroom to rinse
off the days dirt and grime, I realized it was a water pump.
It was an excellent bathroom with sinks of course
and a water spigot about a foot above the floor, for taking a French shower or
whatever cleanup you had to do. No lights in the building but a solar powered light
outside so you could see the place on a foggy night.
Then I
got to wonderin' how would a Libertarian get hundreds of gallons of water a
day to this remote bathroom? The bathroom is a sacred place when you're
camping for a couple of days or more. The answer is, they wouldn’t.
They wouldn’t build a campground that every day working class people could
afford. These are the kind of people who objected to a Postal Service
that would deliver to every single house in this country, so people could stay
in touch and important communications could happen. Oh no, privatize it.
Delivery trucks zooming by every day instead of a predictable delivery time and
complete system the USPS has.
Before that, they
objected to bringing electricity to rural areas.
The skint bastards
that squeeze a penny so hard, it makes Lincoln cry.
Some years ago a rich dude built a road to
the top of Mount Mitchell, which I visited towards the end a vacation and
it was located down the road a piece a hundred miles down the Parkway. Bosses
could afford the fee to the top and were also the first to have automobiles
back in 1927 when this road opened. In time the state of North Carolina
came in, and developed the services necessary that would allow everyone
to enjoy the views from the Majestic Mt. Mitchell.
Now I’m not a fan of big government, but I
enthusiastically applaud the effort of the Democratic Socialists at that time
that built such a remarkable road and often at heights of 3000 feet or more
where cold arrives early. The area is nearly unspoiled, and the Blue
Ridge Parkway may be the last hope for the wild things in the Appalachians.
Libertarians don’t think much about “the blessings of Liberty” or “the pursuit of happiness”
unless its for themselves. We need a government to cover the basics so there is
less suffering among its people, and at least food and shelter for everyone. It
wouldn’t cost that much. Just have a moratorium on building new jets or tanks. Sell
a couple of embassies and military bases in places where the United States
doesn’t belong. Social Security extended the lives of
millions of seniors but they are still grousing about it.
Park Service needs to double its budget, and you know, sell a tank or
something. Reduce the CIA by 25%. What about supply and demand GOP? We
demand recreation but are supplied with war instead. A country by the
frat boys, for the frat boys, and of the frat boys. Stop giving rich
senators their Agricultural subsidies, their million-dollar paychecks for not
growing crops. There are many ways to starve the beast called Oligarchy. To
save America we have to save the land along with the liberty and justice for
all that the essentials.
Then I got to thinking about Pilot Mountain that I
had visited the day before, and I wondered how the Libertarians would
manage that park. The sign that says: hikers below, do not
throw rocks. Gone, that’s no fun being careful and courteous. The no alcohol in
the Park directive? That's a silly Liberal rule by sissy men of today.
“How do you like your steak sir,” the waiter asked. “Next to my other steak”
was the reply from the macho posturing pinhead.
Fences that prevent people from falling down the cliff would
never get fixed. There’d be drinking parties “We have to go kids, the
Libertarians are here.” They’d be shooting the crows that use the
mountain for resting, after gliding and hunting. Learn what is good
government and what is bad government.
We can certainly reduce our military to 500 billion a year
and dramatically increase mass transportation for everyone here in the homeland.
We can have small-home villages for the homeless and the rarely homed or
the nearly homeless, and create many more recreation areas, so people with
homes can get out once in a while, and out into Nature and so can people living
out of their cars.
I can’t say enough about the Doughton Campground and how it
is laid out. I had 100 acres of mature trees and steep slopes on three
sides to enjoy. I didn't need to travel for hiking. I prefer, off the trail
stuff where I won't get lost and lose my bearings. For someone stuck in Florida
for 12 years, even a nearby naturally flowing streamlet was enjoyed immensely
by me. Remarkable preservation along the whole Parkway was gratifying to see.
Truly the ultimate forest experience for someone like me who doesn't want to
hike 6 miles to get a view.
The network of roads at Doughton Campground is organized and
not filled with signs for the idiots, as is the entire Blue Ridge Parkway.
I didn’t see any police or ambulances or fire trucks either in 6 days. I
can’t imagine what the Rhododendrons that hang over the road are like in the
spring. Breathtaking falls short in describing The Blue Ridge Parkway,
and that is what I’m thinking about when I try to imagine what a large
infrastructure project would look like. Build it and they will come.
Bloodthirsty libertarian predators are ready to buy up the
rest of America that isn’t nailed down. They made out with the banking crisis of
2008, and they bought up many of the 10 million foreclosed homes. That's how
Bill O'reilly got his 78 houses. Super predators brainwashed by Milton Friedman
and others with the Chicago School of Oligarchy.
Ecosystem health is an important issue, and the corporate
naming of the parks is the worst idea I have ever heard. Conservative cranks
want to sell off the parks but I say sell off military bases and embassies
instead, and stop selling weapons to prop up a dying capitalist system.
-the end-
With the exception of
Alexander Hamilton, our founding fathers greatly feared a central banking
Imagine all the work involved in building a house with
all the different contractors; and compare this to a banker who makes the same amount of money with a
click of a mouse. They make as much money as the builder and all the contractors
Amazingly, I hear no one trying to reform this system.
It's all pure profit for the
Banksters, since they don’t need tools or trucks to move and install their
product, like roofers, electricians and landscapers. They don't even need
stagecoaches anymore like they did when banking was dangerous. It’s the
elephant in the room that everyone is intensely trained to avoid. Well; we
rationalize, we signed a contract and nothing could get done without the money
involved in a loan, right? It’s part of
our gritty reality, that banks can make these outrageous, engorged fully
ripened profits, and too bad for families and homeowners, who pay at least five
times more interest than they should. Did we forget, "Authority is derived
from the free consent of the people"? I'm outraged that people retreat
with their tails between their legs against these bankster crooks, which make
the Mafia look like bumbling amateurs.
The tea party protestors don’t seem
to notice this robbery out in broad daylight, and Faux news doesn’t see it
either because they are too busy inspiring brave individuals who are urinating on
Islamic prayer rugs and telling everyone else they are going to Hell.
Was it
President Andrew Jackson that said bankers were nothing but a den of vipers,
or was that Jesus? In the 1830’s Andrew Jackson managed to eliminate the
National Debt while calling the entire banking system, ‘A pit of vipers’. Or
was it Jesus that called the bankers, "a Den of Vipers", I can't
recall. Andrew Jackson was determined
to get these parasitical leeches off the life blood of the country. With the
exception of Alexander Hamilton, the founding fathers greatly feared a central
banking system that would feed upon the healthy commerce of an emerging nation.
I have an idea for a new kind of banking
company that would charge a true 10 percent, and it would break even. This new
bank would loan you 100,000 dollars, and you pay back 110,000. It's as simple
as that, and the question is, how much would the paperwork cost with nonprofit
banking? Every loan Banking executives
would make less money in this system, because it would be a slimmed down
operation that would handle this loan. HERE’S YOUR NEW SQAURE DEAL!
And happy people with refinanced mortgages, interest
deleted from college loans or car loans for cars over ten years old. Someone
has been paying off that car loan. Along with payments for everything else from
laptops to refrigerators, would be reduced 10 to 60 percent. A stimulus program
the government doesn’t have to pay for. Non-profit banking would reconfigure
all the loans to 10% of the remaining balance, and bill accordingly. It's not
that people can't afford the items they get on credit, it's the interest
paid that weighs down consumers.
The basis of the common 30 year
Home loan is the institutionalized price gouging, front loading ten years of
interest right at the start so capital doesn’t get paid down for a long time.
With this non-profit 10% system I am suggesting, it becomes a 20 year loan.
There has been a smash and grab robbery of the middle class by the banking class
system and its why people won’t feel guilty about taxing wealth. A hundred
thousand dollar loan to most people ends up as 200,000 dollars of total
payments when you add in the accumulated interest and ten extra years of
The horror of this anachronistic
system to me is the fact that the interest is almost all front loaded, so people
refinancing with lower rates end up paying for the principal twice.
This is really a crime and we
have allowed it. Legalized theft, I don't see what else you can call it. They penalize us like law enforcement with
these late fees, LIKE WE ARE SPEEDING OR RUNNING A RED LIGHT. They have these
supernatural rights beyond any individual and they get bailed out, to boot. This is the
corrupt white collar class robbing you in broad daylight and Glenn Beck wants
to talk about restoring honor to America.
One day a child is born and a
father puts a couple of hundred dollars into a savings account for the child
and years later, when he goes to move the money to a CD, he finds the account
empty due to “inactivity fees.” The population has been screwed in many ways
like this. 50 billion dollars in overdrawn charges in 2013. If I was in
Congress I would propose a ten dollar limit to all fees, everywhere. Banking is
rich in corruption and are the true drag on the economy but the billionaires
have managed to brainwash people thinking that the poor hold us poor.
clear, so plain, and these reasonably priced loans I suggest, could be such a
stimulus package for 50 million struggling American home owners---why is no one
discussing this? Nonprofit loans could be very popular. In my case, I could pay
off my house loan and save 75,000 dollars in interest payments if I could get a
loan like this. Many millions can feel closer to owning their home.
importantly, the evil Bankers use these gouged profits to buy up and accumulate
land and buildings and assets as tax write offs, while investing in companies
that pollute our waterways and contaminate the groundwater. Mother Nature loses with every turn of the
wheel. When we’re ready to rise up it will be sweet to see.
financed the brutal western expansion of the United States, and therefore
sponsored the silent slaughter of most of North Americas precious fauna.
Beavers and mink turned into fur. Wolves extirpated in state after state to
raise sheep. Rivers dammed and streams gutted and lakes polluted, as America
was recklessly bulldozing nature. Money doesn't grow on trees, it is trees. The
cheap homes of the 50's and 60's that the Greatest Generation sold for 10 times
as much during real estate booms, led to the demise of southern forests.
Corporate legacy will not age well in the history books. AS toxic sites are
cleaned up, I see activists archiving the corporate activity that led to cases
of toxic pollution. Time to stop polluting and let's break down all these toxic
wastes. Chemicals combining underground even create a new substance. Dioxin is
frequently created by 2 bad chemicals mixed together. This toxic brew needs to
be cleaned up, not encouraged.
What’s the reality here? You are
trained to not be aware of rapacious, gangrenous, oozing greed as it haunts
your life with payments that are far higher than necessary. It seems wrong, but
don't think about it! You are raised with the double brush brainwashing of
worshiping authority and shaped by the greatest generations' mantra, "you
can't stop progress". Seniors look in dismay at their CD, and see a .083%
interest, and remember the time in their youth when they got 5% with their savings
accounts. Even to them, it is apparent the banksters have found many schemes
for accumulating their fortunes but they are resigned to make a token objection
now and then. Today we have arbitrary
late charges that are really not earned, but more like civil fines, than
business between two adults.
To hear Andrew Jackson put it, “If the people
only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would
be a revolution by the morning.” Shame on all you people, worried about the
‘ground zero mosque’, and gay marriage.
You were right Jesus, bankers are
evil, and thanks Andrew Jackson, for the worthy effort you made during your
presidency, eliminating the federal debt owed to bankers. I know he is despised
for being a genocidal maniac but we are talking about corrupt banking here,
is how non profit banking would work. A Non-profit banking company, loans your
hard working family 100 thousand dollars with 10 percent interest. A real ten
percent, a non-usurious 10 %, an authentic, stripped down, no bullshit loan.
100,000 is lent and 110,000 is paid back. How much paperwork is needed in this
computer streamlined world? For Gods sake, give these lending institutions some
Non-profit banking is not socialism. It's common sense.
of the American Progressive Party seek government accountability; an end to
wars of aggression, a vibrant economy including living wage jobs, sustainable
environments, social justice and constitutional rights for all.” The American
Progressive Party from Facebook
Progressive Platform of 1912(100+
years ago)
The Platform
aspires the best for people.
conscience of the people, in a time of grave national problems, has called into
being a new party(the Bull Moose Party), born of the nation’s
sense of justice. We of the Progressive party here dedicate ourselves to the
fulfillment of the duty laid upon us by our fathers to maintain the government
of the people, by the people and for the people whose foundations they laid."
"We hold with
Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln that the people are the masters of their
Constitution, to fulfill its purposes and to safeguard it from those who, by
perversion of its intent, would convert it into an instrument of injustice. In
accordance with the needs of each generation the people must use their
sovereign powers to establish and maintain equal opportunity and industrial
justice, to secure which this Government was founded and without which no
republic can endure."
"This country belongs to the people who
inhabit it. Its resources, its business, its institutions and its laws should
be utilized, maintained or altered in whatever manner will best promote the
general interest.”
Nineteen 12.
"Political parties
exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.
From these great
tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to
promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests
which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the
ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no
allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
We resolve to
destroy this invisible government, to
dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is
the first task of the statesmanship of the day.
The deliberate betrayal of its trust by the Republican
party, the fatal incapacity of the Democratic party to deal with the new issues
of the new time, have compelled the people to forge a new instrument of
government through which to give effect to their will in laws and institutions.
Unhampered by tradition, uncorrupted by power,
undismayed by the magnitude of the task, the new party offers itself as the instrument
of the people to sweep away old abuses, to build a new and nobler commonwealth."
This declaration is our covenant with the
people, and we hereby bind the party and its candidates in State and Nation to
the pledges made herein.”
Amazing how relevant the Progressive Party at that time seems to us here in 2021. The Green Party is like a fish flopping
on the dock. Trying to stay alive despite having the progressive message that
a majority of Americans agree with. The last gasp of the Progressive Party
was when Henry Wallace ran for President in 1948. Independents are a vast majority but
have nowhere to call home. I’ve known very few Republican or Democrat loyalists,
most people I’ve met don’t belong to a party.
You see, if there are only two parties,
then one of these two will always have the power. So, our politics has become
this battle between these two Machiavellian milquetoast malcontents. Don’t let
them fool you. To the Democrats, the poor are their charges, their responsibility
to manage. They don’t really want to work at solving the poverty crisis. The
Republicans are the country club elite and their lackeys carry water for
the world oligarchs.
no man has any natural authority over his fellows, and since force alone bestows no right,
all legitimate authority among men must be based on covenants.”
“Come York or come Hampshire, come traitors or
If ye rule o’er our land ye
shall rule o’er our graves
Our vow is recorded, our banner unfurled
The Green Mountain Men of Vermont
The New Square Deal takes the
battle royale of class warfare to the town square. A new square deal. Is it the
New Deal or Teddy Roosevelts Square Deal? It’s a combination of both of these
successful socialist initiatives.
Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program, which
reflected his three major goals: conservation of natural resources, control of
corporations, and consumer protection. These three demands are often referred
to as the "three Cs" of Roosevelt's Square Deal."
Listen, the Green
Party is pretty cool and I have been registered green in my county since 1994.
My small business is called The Garden Green and I promote green gardening and nature
friendly landscaping processes while focusing on pollinators.
The Green New Deal will hit people wrong, right at the start.
People hear the word green and they immediately go to socialism or communism. The
dim bulbs of America are totally obsessed with communists and so to remove that
taint I suggest we use a bit of the New Deal and The Square Deal. The New Square Deal. To once and
for all create a covenant for all Americans for all time to protect them
instead of allowing a permanent underclass to develop.
Green Ethics and Polytheist Spirituality; A potent brew or strange bedfellows? Polytheist is my code word for pagan because pagan is such another strong word in our culture. The brainwashing is so complete that the word pagan brings up evil or negative impressions with probably 85% of the population. Pagans are known for their freewheeling antics in their American pursuit of happiness is how I see it. Greens however, are often antagonistic to spiritual beliefs, generally because Christianity is so patently objectionable to logical people, but they don't realize there are alternatives.
They find Noah’s Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah and
the book of Revelation as preposterous and burdensome to the American psyche. Islam is
so thousand years ago that it is given virtually no credence or releva when Islam nce
although it once spurred the Middle East to great learning of the sciences,
codes of cleanliness and works of expressive art in the hybrid vigor of melding with Pagan cultures. The Fundamentalists ruined it.
The nine noble virtues listed above are far more relevant to a pagans
life than any ‘thou shalt have no other gods before me. Vikings or the
Norsemen have a belief in the old gods still and in modern times are known as
Asatru or Asatruar. I wonder what has ever happened between a meeting of a follower of the Norse and a tree hugging
environmentalist. Do members of the
Green Party object to the nine virtues?
For that matter what do greens think of Buddhisms eightfold path? All
preferred to the dumbed down version of morality, the Bible.
Asatru finds a way to help people deal with everyday reality and the
eightfold path lights the way for many in the world. So to the greens I’m
asking you to rethink the role of religion and spirituality and consider the
more reasonable outlook of the various religions of the many conquered people
and cultures around the world that have fallen to the cross and scimitar. With
civil and human rights gaining ground around the world, people are getting back
up and brushing themselves off.
No one blithely gives god credit for all
these variables in life, and I want greens to know that many of us don’t try to
describe the nature of the universe or the miracle of life and all the answers
as christians do.
Preachers pastors and priests all telling us what god has told them.
Imagine, the TV evangelists are sending blessings and miracles over the
airwaves. “And god, ah knows you be busy, but Doris in Kansas City has just
sent a generous donation for our building fund and want’s you to cure the
paralysis………in her brain from listening to me.” Is this any way to run a
country? I object so very strongly to this gleenbeck initiative to inject god
into our country. Freedom of religion means you live your eightfold path or
follow the nine virtues, not the 10 commandments. We all add strands of
diversity to the tight weave of our freedoms here in the States and wherever
liberty is treasured and protected.
Some of us have other gods such as Perkunas, Perun Boreas or Zues, or in my
case all of the above along with 19 others. I’m a polytheist but I have to hide
this fact because of the book burning, book banning, pitchfork carrying
purveyors of the “word”.
My main point is that all of us free minded people need to keep the
United States on track with a form of patriotism not often heard. How would
Thomas Jefferson be spending his days in 2021? He would be loving the
diversity, exploring the technology and would be engaged in the lively blogs of
the day and having the time of his life. Maybe even using Tik Tok to He would have contempt for the continual attempt to stuff everyone into
this christian box of conformity and would probably have a show to directly
oppose Fox News.
Contrary to the killing done in Jesus and Allahs name, polytheists are
not actively engaged in conversion. They give you freedom of religion and there
is no preaching about god and punishment in hell. That sounds like a familiar
phrase, freedom of religion….where have I heard that before? Oh yeh, the
Constitution of the United States. So if you are a green atheist, I can
understand your antagonism to religion. Churches putting giant billboard
messages for you to read on your way to work, in god we trust on the money and
on and on is a dealbreaker for democracy.
Atheist greens say two hands planting a tree is far more practical, and
reality based and does more than any 10 hands clasped in prayer. Our diversity
is the high thread count in the quality of our constitutional fabric of
freedom. Religion is pollution in the eyes of many and this is what the
Progressive Pagan Patriots intend to do. Fight for our freedom, a simple civil
rights for pagans. Not in Vietnam or Afghanistan, but like the civil rights
activists right here in our own country. A moral high ground hypocrisy and a
continued disconnect with nature is all that exists within the power structure
Pagans and polytheists have ceremonies that connect them with nature and atheist find it all ridiculous. I find the Lord and Lady ceremony and the twirling athame in the dark as irrelevant to my life, but have some nature respecting ceremonies instead. There is no “Gaia cult” that is going to put Mother Nature in ascendance over the bible god, no takeovers of constitutional governments. Once conservatives are done with the Dr. Suess controversy, they will very likely seek other targets. Media personalities such as radio star “Mancow” are preaching that there is a dangerous “green cult” of people who are going to reduce the worlds population by 90%. There are greens and there are Gaia lovers but it seems thus far, never the twain shall meet, and to tie environmentalists is absurd to the handful of people that advocate a lessening of the world population.
can be like the Green Mountain Men and fight for what we want to preserve. They
took up arms to keep their independence just before the Revolutionary War. New
Hampshire and New York bought fought to take over Vermont. They remained free
and some 10 years later they became a rowdy contingent in George Washingtons
Many greens have no connection to the divine and that’s fine with them,
who cares and why waste your time they ask? The simple fact is that the
greatest generation and their youthful lackeys and apologists have done 7
generations of resource extraction in one and that’s bad in itself, but to say that a deity told them the earth
was theirs to plunder, is simply stunningly
retarded. No offense of course. Then they see pagans wear antlers or flowers and dance till dawn and they shake their head and go
their lonely atheist road.
Religion will
tear this country apart so I am calling everyone to work for our common goal.
Hail the Constitution. Praise the bill of rights. In Libertas we trust. Freedom of religion needs to be clearly defined and will be part of a New Square Deal.
Theodore Roosevelt speech after he got shot
in 1912
I will disown and repudiate any man of my party who attacks with such foul
slander and abuse any opponent of any other party; and now I wish to say
seriously to all the daily newspapers, to the Republicans, the Democrat, and
Socialist parties, that they cannot, month in month out and year in and year
out, make the kind of untruthful, of bitter assault that they have made and not
expect that brutal, violent natures, or brutal and violent characters,
especially when the brutality is accompanied by a not very strong mind;
they cannot expect that such natures will be unaffected by it.”
“Now, friends, I am not speaking for myself at
all, I give you my word, I do not care a rap about being shot; not a rap.
I have had a good many experiences in
my time and this is one of them. What I care for is my country. I wish I were
able to impress upon my people -- our people, the duty to feel strongly but to
speak the truth of their opponents. I say now, I have never said one word
against any opponent that I cannot defend. I have said nothing that I could not
substantiate and nothing that I ought not to have said -- nothing that I --
nothing that, looking back at, I would not say again.
I regard this incident as compared with the great issues at stake in this
campaign, and I ask it not for my sake, not the least in the world, but for the
sake of common country, that they make up their minds to speak only the truth,
and not use that kind of slander and mendacity which if taken seriously must
incite weak and violent natures to crimes of violence. Don't you make any
mistake. Don't you pity me. I am all right. I am all right and you cannot
escape listening to the speech either.
now, friends, this incident that has just occurred - this effort to assassinate
me- emphasizes to a peculiar degree the need of the Progressive movement.
Friends, every good citizen ought to do everything in his or her power to
prevent the coming of the day when we shall see in this country two recognized
creeds fighting one another, when we shall see the creed of the
"Havenots" arraigned against the creed of the "Haves." When
that day comes then such incidents as this to-night will be commonplace in our
history. When you make poor men - when you permit the conditions to grow such
that the poor man as such will be swayed by his sense of injury against the men
who try to hold what they improperly have won, when that day comes, the most
awful passions will be let loose and it will be an ill day for our country.
“ Theodore Roosevelt
Remainder of Progressive Party platform 1912
The National Progressive party, committed to the principles of government by
a self-controlled democracy expressing its will through representatives of the
people, pledges itself to secure such alterations in the fundamental law of the
several States and of the United States as shall insure the representative
character of the government.
Up to the limit of the Constitution, and later by amendment of the
Constitution, it found necessary, we advocate bringing under effective national
jurisdiction those problems which have expanded beyond reach of the individual
It is as grotesque as it is intolerable that the several States should by
unequal laws in matter of common concern become competing commercial agencies,
barter the lives of their children, the health of their women and the safety
and well being of their working people for the benefit of their financial
The Progressive party, believing that no people can justly claim to be a
true democracy which denies political rights on account of sex, pledges itself
to the task of securing equal suffrage to men and women alike.
PASSED IN 1920 America emerges from
third world conditions!
We believe there exists imperative need for prompt legislation for
the improvement of our National currency system. We believe the present
method of issuing notes through private agencies is harmful and unscientific.
The issue of currency is fundamentally a Government function and the system
should have as basic principles soundness and elasticity. The control should be
lodged with the Government and should be protected from domination or manipulation by Wall Street or any
special interests.
The natural resources of the Nation must be promptly developed and
generously used to supply the people�s
needs, but we cannot safely allow them to be wasted, exploited, monopolized or
controlled against the general good. We heartily favor the policy of
conservation, and we pledge our party to protect the National forests without
hindering their legitimate use for the benefit of all the people.
Agricultural lands in the National forests are, and should remain, open to
the genuine settler. Conservation will not retard legitimate development. The
honest settler must receive his patent promptly, without hindrance, rules or
We believe that the remaining forests, coal and oil lands, water powers and
other natural resources still in State or National control (except agricultural
lands) are more likely to be wisely conserved and utilized for the general
welfare if held in the public hands.
In order that consumers and producers, managers and workmen, now and
hereafter, need not pay toll to private monopolies of power and raw material,
we demand that such resources shall be retained by the State or Nation, and
opened to immediate use under laws which will encourage development and make to
the people a moderate return for benefits conferred.
In particular we pledge our party to require reasonable compensation to the
public for water power rights hereafter granted by the public.
We pledge legislation to lease the public grazing lands under equitable
provisions now pending which will increase the production of food for the
people and thoroughly safeguard the rights of the actual homemaker. Natural
resources, whose conservation is necessary for the National welfare, should be
owned or controlled by the Nation.
We recognize the vital importance of good roads and we pledge our party to
foster their extension in every proper way, and we favor the early construction
of National highways. We also favor the extension of the rural free delivery
The rivers of the United States are the natural arteries of this continent.
We demand that they shall be opened to traffic as indispensable parts of a
great Nation-wide system of transportation, in which the Panama Canal will be
the central link, thus enabling the whole interior of the United States to
share with the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards in the benefit derived from the
The people of the United States are swindled out of many millions of dollars
every year, through worthless investments. The plain people, the wage earner
and the men and women with small savings, have no way of knowing the merit of
concerns sending out highly colored prospectuses offering stock for sale,
prospectuses that make big returns seem certain and fortunes easily within
We hold it to be the duty of the Government to protect its people from this
kind of piracy. We, therefore, demand wise, carefully thought out legislation
that will give us such Governmental supervision over this matter as will
furnish to the people of the United States this much-needed protection, and we
pledge ourselves thereto.
On these principles and on the recognized desirability of uniting the
Progressive forces of the Nation into an organization which shall unequivocally
represent the Progressive spirit and policy we appeal for the support of all
American citizens, without regard to previous political affiliations.
A) Myth seeks truth p
B) The Other White People p17
C) Who are the Iberians
As they talked, a black cloud was
emerging from the horizon. Mt. Toba had erupted, and the ash cloud
lingered over the earth for years. A mass extinction Science seems to have forgotten about, and rarely
An untold number of plant
species were extirpated and 75% of the animals died,
And from what I
gather, 90% of the humans also died.
I am responsible for what I have written, not for what you
think I wrote or meant. Simply stated, the opinions expressed
herein, may at times resemble facts, so, be skeptical of anything
you read during the viral information overload era. Particularly about the
ancient past.
It all started when I was researching the roots of witchcraft and trying to uncover how worshipful Pagan traditions could have started.
I had a feeling I was going to find the truth about the first religion
by going back to the days of the Cave Painters, 15 to 35 thousand years
The Cave
Painters lived in Southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and history books
seem to have forgotten them.
Curiously at that time, hundreds of carved
Venus figurines appeared in disparate and far-flung places. From Austria to
Australia, if I remember correctly, and it’s another mystery the scientists are
having trouble deciphering.
Cave art
and carvings are all that remain of these most ancient people after their
shelters and fire altars and clothes have weathered back into the earth.
But it was also the end of the Middle Stone Age, and time for the humans to
kick it up a notch.
Reindeer People, the proto-Iberians, were drawing in caves and making clothes
for colder winters as the Ice Age peaked 20,000 years ago. Fire and early metallurgy compelled them and
sewing clothes with bones and sinew kept them warm on their
were singer-sewer, hunter-gatherer, tuber seeking frog eaters.
In this era of stolen
narratives, one of the biggest thefts
has been by white male nationalists and their idea about who white people
are. Well, I got me a passel of facts to hassle these asshats with, so
back atcha , you betcha.
People be acting like all
this anglo-saxon-germanic-scandinavian motif is what Europeans are all about.
But these folks were relative newcomers compared to the Southern Europeans. I
challenge them a bit about the anglo-saxon-germanic-scandinavian angle on their
facebook pages. Everybody showing their DNA results and like, Greeks get
ignored as do my Iberian exhortations. No Italian or French either.
My ancestors are the
island hopping habiteurs of the Mediterranean Sea, the stone-shelter building boat people of the ancient days. The
Stone People are the indigenous Europeans, change my mind.
As people research
their white roots, it seems to be all about northern European
traditions. Warrior traditions and Gods. “Arrr, always recycle, and
remember the skull of your enemy makes a swell drinking cup you can use over
and over again. Arrrr I’m a bearded Viking”
Well, hold on
one cotton pickin’ minute there Sven… What about the French
and Portuguese traditions? Latest research indicates Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon
mingled 45,000 years ago in North Central Portugal. They are the native
Europeans. We are still here.
What about all the
Mediterranean people, the Berbers, Dogons, Sicilians and Malians who used the
Mediterranean and mixed and traded with us for thousands of years? Vivo Italia!
and hail Occitania, c’est la vie! Then there are the Cretans and Corsicans and non-Hellenic residents of the ancient
Greek hinterlands who settled the land up to the Carpathian Mountains, not to
mention thousands of other ancient places and forgotten peoples crushed by
Christianity and Islam and random maniac tyrants in subsequent years.
We have our instinctive rituals and
antlers are part of it and we wore them in our dances 1000 generations
before the Nordics did. A little bit of cultural appropriation there,
guys. Hey, if you believe in all that ancestor stuff, it would seem that this
would be significant. I adore the band Heilung and the lead singer wears
antlers quite a bit. People think they have to have Viking ancestors to be an
authentic on these Indigenous European FB pages.
According to white archaeologists
and historians, the ancient people were either at war or worshiping at a sacred
site all day long. That’s all you hear about, and never how they lived
otherwise, like farming wasn’t important. The indigenous ancient Europeans
farmed a bit and they did a whole lot of gathering and certainly the live food
was abundant, but cavemen chasing Mammoths is all Hollywood can come up with.
Where ARE my people? I never
see my people on the internet. We ate black bread and olives, drank clean water
and ate figs and aloe, as we were gathering a multitude of berries and nuts that
ripened at different times of the year, so yeah, we gathered. We did a lot of
gathering. It was fun in many ways and a challenging game of life and death. You
stored the extra meat in everyones belly.
Remembering the previous
years harvests they wandered and gathered. Following the paths of their
ancestors. or where something would be finally ripe.
The indigenous Europeans were
gatherers and hunters, and if we didn’t hunt, we’d barter for a slab of Venison
now and then. The abundance of the land produced huge harvests if your tribe
was halfway clever. The Red Deer replaced the Reindeer that migrated
north as the Ice Age Ended, and they multiplied like rabbits.
You know, trade A pound
of ripe dates or something for a hunk of meat. Humanity survived because of the
barter system which evolved out of tribal sharing. They had markets, even if it
were just within the small community or village. Markets across great expanses
contributed to peaceful interactions.
What is my culture and
where is it? A couple of Sophia Loren movies and that’s about
it! As I discover my people’s heritage, I note that there doesn’t
seem to be any TV shows that show US in our flaxen braids and horned
helmets. Mis portrayed as beetle browed dimwits by white WASP historians
and academics, we are the Iberian
As it turns out, the
Vikings weren’t even horn-helmeted, but that’s a misconception for another day.
98% of the Viking adults were farming, fishing and herding without their
Not all Europeans
were Vikings, duh, and most paid lip service to the Christians even after they
were conquered. The forest people were the ones who kept traditions alive. The
Romuvans, for instance, had their sacred fires to the gods and goddesses. The
fire tender had a great responsibility in keeping the fire going 24/7 in many
Slavic tribes. Lithuanian Pagans kept their fires going as the last European
country to be christianized, with one fire even lasting until 1434.
Our United States'
history books are all about christian war victories and making young children
learn about "heroic battles" in such a way that almost no one bats an
eye at these genocidal murderous rampages. The atrocities were normalized because
they were, "killing savages". We are indoctrinated to the myth
of christians conquering savages, but hell no, that's just plain wrong. Read that as Pagan genocide. Everyone was savages except them?
People are discovering that
their Pre-Christian roots are interesting and the music, such as Heilung
and Wardruna is compelling to the core. People hear the music and are entranced
but then they hear racist nonsense from Odinists and other White Nationalists
and they think that’s all there is.
Regardless of who we think,
is or isn’t a European, it turns out our ancient traditions were very much like
the Native American and African tribes. I don’t know enough to know about Asian
pre-history to really comment.
In a
ginormous leap of faith, the white nationalists have fraudulently claimed all
of Europe as their own and twisted it into another white guy warrior world
where “everyone’s a Captain Kirk”. The Germanic thing, that slippery slope of
racism thing, is throwing shade now with the rampage of white nationalist
terrorists in churches, mosques and synagogues in the United States, and
numerous murders elsewhere. People assuming there will be violence
with stories of gun toting magats patrolling long early voting lines here in
Sixty protestors have been
hit with vehicles by these actual terrorists. Dylan Roof is a hero to these
people. They tried to get Tim McVeigh to autograph something for them, but that
didn’t work out. Their chaotic nonsense is divisive to our American future.
Listen, most of us were fishers and
farmers and traders in whatever region of the world our ancestors were from, and
our economic philosophy was “let the buyer beware” in the markets. In 2020 we
are about done with all this religious bullshit and right-wing nationalism,
whatever form the evil shapeshifter takes. The Wetiko virus they are spreading
throughout the world. There is no superior demographic. No Statists Satanists
Nazis or Commies in my back yard.
I’m going to introduce
you to a new narrative. It’s not nationalism that will keep the
storm of change going; it’s the rising of the clans. All the clans, all the
independent groups of people around the world, uniting without
hierarchy. Marginalized ostracized
peace-loving misfits of capitalism. Returning us to
the peaceful world we once had before the dominance of the warrior nations.
This is what 80% of us want anyhow.
The indigenous Africans
and Europeans didn’t have the powerful weapons to stop the middle eastern
invaders of christianity and islam and they lost their culture and land.
We had all found our little Edens between
the Atlantic and the Caspian Sea. To live in peace, to be industrious at a
craft we love. To help our neighbors and to be able to have our relations and
friends close by.
The African and European tribes
could be reclaiming the villages they had for tens of thousands of years. The
Autonomous Zone Movement is a return to our ancient ways. This is one way you
Nazis got it wrong. You want to shoot protestors creating autonomous zones? Are
you shittin’ me? They are creating what you want, an anarchist ethno-state.
Murderous monotheists
loaded up with their godpus, guns and gangrenous greed are ruining this country
and staining its constitutional fabric. Who are my
people, I ask again? I’m like 56% Iberian and 25% French. Lots of Iberian in
your DNA? Lots of Iberian in many peoples DNA? Well yeah, and here’s the story
why. Iberia is Portugal and Spain and the coast of France to the lowlands of
Italy. The islands of the Mediterranean.
I am of the people who knew the Berbers
and the Corsicans, the Canary Islanders and the Phoenicians. The Basques, the
Gauls, the Goths. The Scots and Irish have strong strains of us in their
seems that the Frost Giants had built a mile thick glacier over Northern
Europe, and the proto(K)Celts wandered over to our little corner of Europe in
the southwest part of the continent for the duration of the Ice Age. Then they
became known as the Celto-Iberians when they went back north. Clever folk, the
game was abundant and the fishing superb in the cold waters of retreating
glaciers. They are the link between the Iberians and the war like Aryan
invaders many years later. All this Celtic folklore and another example of
the marginalization of the indigenous
Iberian People.
There are fascinating remnants of ancient
populations around the Mediterranean such as the Berbers and Basques and
Tuaregs that cling to pieces of their ancient culture. Throughout Southern
Europe there were hundreds of enclaves of diverse culture from Cordoba to The
Caspian ten thousand years ago. In
time we were all buried alive by the Monotheistic invaders. And after Islam and
Christianity invaded, the ancient past dissipated in a mist. Statues
destroyed, traditions snuffed. Africa and North America were the most
species-rich places on Earth due to our tremendous variations of watersheds but
these lands were enthusiastically despoiled by Christianized Europeans.
In ancient days we were the reindeer hunters,
the cave painters and we may have migrated out to what should be Kurdistan. In this general area 1500 years ago, there was
once the Kingdom of Iberia.
The entirety of Iberia was the garden of Eden.
We sailed the sea, but we loved our land which was abundant with everything we
needed. In later years, the Masons and the Jewish people knew they were safe
from persecution living with us and in turn, they brought us a written
language, stonework and secret rituals.
The people of The Mediterranean mingled
together best they could but then the so called, “civilized people” came along
with crops and profit, and after that, the obsessive-compulsive military
shenanigans of the Greeks and Romans. The country people, my ancestors, were
thankful of the bounty of the earth and went to the witch for healing. A simple
life in a land of abundance.
Mediterranean Race was a culture where everybody worked. In the summer we
rested mid day. You were part of something, it was an early form of market
socialism and there were ways to give to the struggling poor and the helpless
cripples. There was abundance in the land and the natural instinct is to share.
We over grazed the land unfortunately, and
the Sahara Desert grew. We didn’t understand the land back then as we
understand it today in 2020, but those markets worked, and they always have
worked till Plastic Capitalism and Too Big Business came along.
What I’m suggesting is a unity based on our
shared ancient Iberian identity and what may appear odd is that I include the
people of Northern Africa. Ra’ist academic mthrfckrs over the years
have drawn Africa smaller than it actually is, to minimize how much was being
stolen out of the rich land. There’s those white historians again. Framing
everyone elses narrative.
intend to embrace all the worlds independent and unallied people in our Iberian
Revolution, as we pull white racism out by the entire root.
We are the other white people. We been here
ten times longer than you, so step aside, Proud Boys.
We embrace our brothers and sisters to the
east, the Kurds’ and their ancient struggle. We connect them to the Kingdom of
Iberia in what is present day Georgia … or Ukraine or Armenia,
somewhere out that way. Kurds are genetically connected to
Iberians, more so than other people of the Middle East.
Who made all of todays borders in the middle
east? We can erase all the borders created by white people after WW1 and WW2
and invalidate Turkeys claim to the bulk of Kurdistan. Redraw the Middle
East at a global summit and send the religious freaks back to where they came
from. Genetically, Turks are the Johnny come lately of the middle east compared
to our brothers and sisters of the Anatolian People and the Kurdish Nation.
Northern Africa and the Mediterranean have
always been part of the Iberian culture, our ancient heritage. The violence of
the sword and scimitar has to finally end and all the estranged peoples of the
world will unite. Mali doesn’t need islam. We need markets, not religion. Tax
the rich and deregulate all small business. Just turn us loose and watch what
gets invented. It will be easy to implement common sense measures for human
dignity when we get the Wetiko Virus under control. The people as a whole need
to control the land, not governments or corporations.
We need a land ethic far more than we need a deity
talking to certain holy people. Their myths are full of holes all right so stop
believing all that shit. NASE Northern Africa Southern Europe is the new
kingdom of Iberia. Fuck around and fine out.
Africa south of the Sahara is plenty big, and
organic crops grown there should be able to dominate world commerce. The people
of Africa south of the Sahara need to displace these coercive elements on the
continent and build Community Exchanges.
Build the worlds energy dynamo in the Sahara
with solar panels generating energy. Support a thickening of the green belt of
millions of trees being planted by a group of countries to halt the advancing
desertification in the South Sahara.
Rising ocean waters can be diverted into the middle
of the Sahara in a natural canal lined with mangroves. Be some good fishin’. Might
even produce rainfall. Just let the rising ocean drain into the Sahara and
don’t listen to the scientists. Think of all the jobs and fisheries. Line the
bottom with something that will filter the salt to keep the saline out of the
aquifers. It’s time to start thinking big.
Countries from south of the Sahara can
continue to plant trees. Leucana and Acacia and some other plant I can't
pronounce, are greening the Sahara from the bottom up. People united for peace
because war is a big waste of our time. Coalition for progress. People get it.
Power hungry maniacs don’t.
out that numerous Neanderthal (silent h) skeletons are being found out
towards Eurasia NOW instead of just in Europe, as had been the case. So it
becomes apparent that the hub of Neanderthal activity was actually closer to
the Caucasian Mountains. . . Armenia or Azerbaijan or wherever, I lost all
those tabs, whose got time for all this research? Mt Ararat, where the Ark
landed, lol, divides the Caucasus in two.
I’m more than a little suspicious that their
seems to be some weird shit going on with the Abrahamic religions, and what I
believe is the coverup of the ancient hidden civilization. Where the Grimaldi
People, the last of the Neanderthals, and the hunter gatherers of the Iberian
Peninsula gathered together 45,000 years ago. Evidence of this was just
released in September 2020.
Ancient Europeans have been inaccurately
portrayed as hairy backed cave-dwelling lunkheads, but the Neanderthal is part
of who we are and what no one will tell you, is that we are also the Grimaldi
Plot twist here, who were the
Grimaldi People?
They began the ancient journey after Toba erupted 74 thousand years ago.
The migrating Sans People from Southern Africa, having survived the nuclear
winter of the Toba eruption, were migrating north, and were soon dosed with the
ancient alien Dogon spirituality in Northwestern Africa. Did they mate with
tick headed aliens? Some say it was here the aliens bred with us.
migrants morphed into the Grimaldi People, who are evidenced to have been crossing
the straights of Gibraltar 60-65,000 years ago. The Out of Africa, western
migration is also something scientists seemed to have missed. On purpose. A Homo
Sapien migration from Western Africa ignored by racist academia.
were the Grimaldi People? Black hobbits they were, and the reason Iberian men
are so short. What people are unable to accept is that the Grimaldi People were
the first modern humans to traverse the entirety of Iberia and southern Europe.
Black people were the first modern humans to inhabit Europe, and they taught
rock art to the Neanderthals about 60,000 years ago as evidenced by recent
findings in caves in both Europe and Africa.
Ha ha take that you fucking Nazis around the world, the
first Europeans were Africans! Nyuck
there are the Afro-centric conspiracists and their theory that white people are
albino freaks that need to be eliminated and this shit also needs to be discounted
and disavowed. After all, this is where white nationalists get their white
genocide theory from, so dudes, enough already. Get it? We are so done with war.
Forward together as humans. Help the
least of us first. Who said that? We need a message of unity and consensus in
these divisive times and we’uns need to shut down the abusive, authoritarian
creeps who are always trying to gather together enough idiots to start
something. So don’t be an idiot. Challenge the way its always been and remember
no war but class war.
to the Mt Toba eruption, there was intense cooling for a few years with the ash
cloud circling the earth for many, many moons and consequently, the rapid
regrowth of the ice caps and glaciers for a couple thousand years caused the
ocean to lower for a time after Toba, exposing more land and land bridges. The clouds
blanketed the earth for possibly five to ten years. Crossing Gibraltar could be
done with a sturdy raft, and swam, if Gibraltar could be seen. During the last
Ice Age, people walked during low tide.
As a sidebar, I’m speculating
that Winter Solstice traditions may have began with the ancient memory of Toba
and the trauma that ensued during the aftermath of the explosion. People did
anything that they could to get the sun to return, even wandering across
continents. The survivors and their oral traditions embossed the traditions
with ceremony and reverence.
Greeting the sun, our first religion.
When a great Ice Age finally arrived 50,000 years after
My great and fabulous
ancestors savored the abundance the Mediterranean climate offered, and we were
the people who hid the Druids as they were fleeing christian assassins. We
docked the Templar ships on their way to hide in Scotland as they were escaping
the same. We are genetically tied to people from Scotland to
Kurdistan. We’re here, we’re near and we persevere.
We are the Iberians and in our heyday the
earth was healthy. We spent our time netting fish and harvesting fruits and
collecting and saving nuts as they came into season. We were hunting
reindeer, sewing together clothes with sinew, and drawing lots of groovy shit in
caves, you betcha. Clueless, stuffed museum characters staring at
their naughty bits. I don’t think so. With no defined male and
female expectations, women were enjoying as much as men. You betcha!
Eventually, weak insecure
patriarchal religions encouraged the slicing off of vital man parts while the
other crazy desert religion chopped off womens parts to try and tame us all.
Then insist they are civilized. Not funny, I know, considering all
the suffering.
The Neanderthals had some bodacious disease fighting
genetics and this hybrid vigor with the Grimaldi People created the
Mediterranean People. I get stern looks when I say Neanderthals are the reason
Italians have hair on their back. (I’ll edit these rude bits out later but
Italians do have 4% Neanderthal compared to the European average of 1-2%. Just
sayin’.) Not an insult anymore bro’. It’s also another reason Mediterranean men
are shorter than their northern racist, European cousins.
also find it amusing, but disconcerting to others, when I say that Norway,
Sweden, and Denmark were covered with a mile-thick sheet of ice while the
Iberians were already livin’ in little hillbilly villages. Sitting around the
fire every star filled night when it was cool enough.
noted before, many people came to our corner of Europe to hunker down during the
worst of the last ice age, ten to twenty thousand years ago, and we lived in
many small villages on both sides of the Mediterranean as one wave of people
after another rolled in. The heart of the Western World at that time was
Solutre, our ancient gathering place No wonder most of you mthrfckrs are
We lived in all sort of caves and natural protected areas. We had lookouts
that kept the large carnivores away. We had oasis’s ‘n shit yo. Slept in the
trees if that is all there was. Their home was where they left their spear points.
If I had a thousand square miles to
wander, I'd find every kind of edible food there was. I’d know when the
Huckleberries ripened and when the Geese would arrive. When the Crabs came to
the river to spawn. Home was a favorite place, that special spot where they
found Reindeer antlers and a cool artesian spring or where there were berries
all summer long. The water was glistening, and they stayed clean and healthy. The
fish were practically jumping in the pan. Oh, the pan. Get to that
in a minute.
Academics and Pagan Reconstructionists are all
about sacred spots and worshipping whatever, but think about it, how much time
do you spend praying compared to how much time you spend getting and growing
and cooking and eating food? Right? How about the time spent at work so you
earn enough to spend it in the store on Friday? Most of us could give a shit
less about religion. We lived our religion, it was everywhere.
back to the Iberian Revolution.
hell, we was so advanced we even had 32 symbols that have been found throughout
Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Islands. Not 500 random doodles but the
same 32 symbols in a widespread area and in the deepest caves, and yo, we
had ports way before the Phoenicians and Sumerians came to trade with us.
Venus figurines, thousands of stone houses and a
symbolic language. I was closing in on something in my search for the ancient
religion it seemed.
Unfortunately, the Library of Alexandria
was destroyed so this is my attempt to recreate and reconstruct the era that
seems wiped clean from the history books. 10 to 25,000 years ago. The clues
are laying about but conventional wisdom is always a day late and a dollar
are like, ugh, we don’t know what these 32 symbols mean. Were they maps of
islands in the Sea, where and when ripening fruit occurred or where it was easy
to catch game or where other members of the tribe were
Come on, a central village with small
satellite communes have been around a lot longer than 10,000 years ago. Toblecki
Tepe’s structures indicate some talented stone workers lived somewhere
nearby. The Tigris Euphrates area, the so-called “cradle of civilization”
should now be called the “bassinet of bullshit”. I’m getting suspicious of that narrative. They downplay the
Reindeer Peoples seemingly sturdy physique and modern sized brain.
even possible that the Nordic runes were derived from the 32 symbols found
throughout Iberian caves and dolmens. Now THAT is something that chafes their
goiter. I have finally found the indigenous Europeans
and they are the proto-Iberians, the post Reindeer People. ৯
Who knows, maybe
the symbols and drawings were an ancient version of tic tac toe that the aliens
taught us. lol😃
They figured shit out. They figured a
lot of shit out. There were copper pans 25000 years ago, you betcha. An
archaeologist has never found one, so therefore they never existed? I look at pictures
of my ancestors with their wood sticks trying cooking meat and I go, "come
on science, you're better than this". Then I read about Hannibals
troops dying from roasting food on oleander branches and it’s like that
disappointment again in being born into this primitive state of human
What else was there to do but explore their world and invent shit? Trying
to create sparks by banging different rocks together. There was no
going to town to pick up some sunscreen for your primitive
But if an archaeologist doesn’t have a white peer review then your
research or speculations are not valid. You think the Proto Iberians
were staring at the fire in wonderment and befuddlement?? Naw, they were
fucking around burning shit and melting things when they weren’t carving
beautiful Venus figurines or creating the 2500 stone houses and drawing in 3D
in caves. They went to work literally at the grindstone making their
stone tools sharper than the Levite machetes that were used many thousands of years later to behead the troublesome
Pagans. Buying the past to bury it.
You know that bit about “white people discovered America” four thousand
years before the Bering Strait migrations of humans? The Solutrean Theory? That
was my people Sven, not yours. You have no genetic link to the ancient
Solutreans, do you? Then don’t claim white people discovered America. Not your
kin, Wilhelm. Last tag.
too many cases, Science is just more white privilege. You know the schtick,
western civ educated are the only legitimate sources of science. Harvard Yale
blah blah blah. Folk knowledge is shit they think, tribal elders aren’t writing
papers they’ll say. That’s the attitude of white colonialism. I’m of
the impression that there may be a much deeper racism in academia than there is
in rural Alabama, and once you see it, you will never unsee it.
there in Jesusland, fetal-alcohol syndrome racists have traditionally discounted,
“pointy-headed Ivy League” academics in years past. Ironically, those
liberal, elbow patch city slicker professors that are so despised as communists,
are the ones who codified the ‘only white science is
knowledge,’ scenario where racists get their "facts" from. You
can't make this shit up. Moral high ground hypocrites.
Tainted half-truths and
beguiling near truths aren't enough for us anymore. Like in 1776, an
enlightenment was at hand among the thinking populace and today we are dismayed
at the lack of momentum towards the action we all know is needed.
The main purpose of THE STONE PEOPLE is to
invalidate the most destructive bigotry of our “modern” era, and that is from
the white nationalists who are online recruiting disenfranchised white male
teens, and on college campuses or late night faux-intellectual shows are pretending
they are scientific in their presentations.
Then there are outright racist liars
like John de Nugent who calls himself the white rock of Solutre. Here it gets
personal. I got nothing good to say about these Nordic Usurpers calling our
Iberian Culture primitive then stealing the parts that made us from more
advanced than his ancestors. De Nugent calls himself the white rock of of
Solutre and I’m going to hunt him down on line.
Got nothing good to say about
the patriarhal posers either. The women were brutalized and children were less
than goats and sheep to the obnoxious patriarchy that took hold in the three
patriarchal religions. The little workers. No offense
right? Meanwhile, the Iberians were making Iberico, Mixing goat,
sheep and cows milk. Yessir we was eatin’ cheese, napping mid day, and
staying clean in unpolluted water.
It was slack, bro, and
you ain’t got it.
The never-ending stories of insane violence,
forced conversions and blatantly ridiculous strictures of the three Middle
Eastern, desert, kook religions, needs to have an ending. Apostasy Now!
centuries later, the Spaniards became the absolute worst when it came to
inhumane treatment. De Nugent says the Asians in another one of his diatribes. Exterminating
the Canary Islanders, destroying the advanced Mayan written history. Spaniard
missionaries hallucinating demons everywhere, much like Evangelicals today.
Old white historians have created the
history we have read the last couple of hundred years and (cough cough), I must
now note that white historians are slowly edging away from the oogly boogly
dimwit Caveman concept of the Neanderthal, now that white people have the most
Neanderthal heritage. Lol. No offense Italians. lol.
Many years later when the ice melted at the end of the last ice age, and the
plants and animals went north in an unprecedented abundance that
the Celto-Iberians took advantage of.
Oh and Odin was real.
He lived about 8000 years ago and this is purveyed from reputable researchers.
Serious linguists who read ancient poetry.
Reindeer People followed the reindeer north as Europe warmed up 10,000 years
ago, and the fish were so numerous, a bear could catch them with one paw tied
behind his back. Other Proto-Iberians followed the sun east and stayed in
sparsely populated gatherings bringing the initial technology of the Later
Stone Age to those still stuck in the Paleolithic. Neolithic harbingers of
migrated all the way to the Black Sea and discovered the Aryan people on the
other side of the Caucasians and we taught them how to make clothes so they
could head north to fight the frost giants. Wink wink nod nod. (they’ll believe
Alas, who were the Iberians? We were there
in Egypt when Sashat was pounding in the stakes to build the pyramids. Our
buddies, the Sumerians, made the hemp rope for the marking lines and pull
carts. My people go back in time even further to Noblecki Tepe and the
bare ground before construction. Who were we? Why did we gather together at
Solutre and Tobleeki Teepee? Why were we erased from history? How are we
considered second class Europeans, and why?
This is my whole point.
Right here. People telling me that no one cares about ancient history, but what
I am trying to do it expose the entire root of the racism of white people
before they start WW3. They have excluded Southern Europeans because we are
mixed with all Mediterranean people. White supremacists are so full of
shit. Say goodnight Dick.
These American Nazis are
serious, they've been fighting the commies since WW2 ended. They like Israel
because they hope Armageddon happens. I shit you not, if you are new to some of
these truths, I am not kidding. You're not seeing it on the news, I know. You
need to grow and glow.
Who else but Christians
would have a Hundred Years War and a continual cycle of atrocity and reprisal?
Islam only seemed to have a cultural Renaissance 800-1000 AD because of all the
rich Pagan cultures they encountered, and presumably accepted to some
degree. “Here comes the Sharif, hide the cards.”
The Mediterranean Europeans seem slighted, so let’s embrace
the concept of our ancestors, THE STONE PEOPLE. From the Azores to
are our ancient brothers and sisters and we are genetically connected,
particularly with the Azoreans. Something about a J2 haplogroup. The proto
Saami people in far northern Europe were dwellers of the cold Arctic and were
more likely the first to arrive in America since they were used to the cold
anyways, though I lend credence to the to the idea of Polynesians in South
America as long as 18,000 years ago. The Solutreans following the Reindeer got
lost in America 16,000 years ago. There is a curious thing about Solutrean
stone spear points that were found in the Carolinas
have been given the history eraser button because of our unshakeable faith in
the Goddess and that is the age-old deception for the ages. We love Cerridwen
of the Celts, Freya of the north, Mary of the people and Nu Kua of the
afterlife. The ancient Gaullic goddess Dexsiua, once hidden, she is the May
Queen and the goddess of the life-giving southern wind. Don’t be alarmed now.
Jurate and Yemaya of the oceans.
We are
Children of the Goddesses and this is very likely the reason we are invisible. Yeah,
that’s the ticket, we’re the chosen people. Hidden from History. The third
secret of Fatima concerns the female entities that were the progenitors of intelligent design.
The reindeer
went north and were extirpated in southern and central Europe by the end of the
ice age and it is believed the people that live there today are remnants of
this tribe of reindeer hunters, They went right up to the Arctic Circle and are
now known as the Saami. Their compelling drumming ritual and a life revolving
around the deer remains to this day. DNA testing shows that the Saami
are related to the proto-Iberians.
The Reindeer People of
ancient days had sharpened bones for making clothes with animal pelts stitched
together with sinew(muscles, ewww). Their fancy arrowheads were the most
advanced at that time and as sharp as Roman swords many centuries later. Laurel
leaf flints found in the Appalachians and dated to 16,000 years ago are the
evidence people use to claim Europeans discovered America. They were skilled
at using muscle fiber, sinew, for strapping down the occasional axe head.
Just because
archaeologists haven’t found this or that artifact, doesn’t mean it didn’t
happen. The Ancient People were more industrious than we give them credit
for. But Science tells us axes weren't made till thousands of years later.
Blahblahblah harvardnyale. There’s that over credentialed expert again, Mr.
in mind the reindeer hunters are also called the Cave Painters. Oh! What if
they never painted in caves? Like every other artifact, it would have weathered
away but since the discovery of the cave paintings in France and Altamira
Spain, we have begun to piece together some of what happened in Pre-history.
There was history before war-making communities with their walled cities came
into being, and before the Bible told everyone that god made the world
***poof*** in like six days. Yeah okay. People still believe that shit, sad.
This is why I think
Atlanis was not an advanced society lost to history, destroyed by crystal
technology and all that New Age nonsense you have heard. Stone Magic sure, but
I am trying to get you to imagine a world being filled with primitive basic
instincts. I think people tend towards kindness, and I can easily picture
people hanging around the fire, drinking fermented fruit, eating small mammals,
matter of factly. "Hey Joey, look what I caught!"
Is it so outrageous to
suppose these people had friendships and their sense of humor sometimes carried
the day? Ya reckon they laughed and had fun? You betcha! Most
of history has weathered away or remains hidden, but more is being revealed
every day and we need to stop thinking like white guys with clipboards obsessed
with war.
Then, scientists(white
academic elitists) pretend to speak for the ancient people? Everything is about
gods and Booga Booga they claim, but most people chopped wood and carried
water. Could give a fuck about whatever god the preacher priest
pastor or shaman talked about. Lifeless recreations in museums belie the fierce
nature and inquisitive initiatives of our ancestors. And I do mean OUR
ancestors. We are all in this together in the future. No more color or genders
and let’s send islam and christianity back to the Middle East. They can get
jobs on Dick Cheneys pipeline.
Maybe the Goddesses are trying
to tell us to wake up before growing populations and shrinking resources reach
a point of perpetual crisis and, as I like to say, 100 hands clasped in prayer
cannot plant a tree. Time for action before the Mother lays waste to us in
a mass extinction.
Oxoheartsvoken is the peoples love. The love of all the
people and the compassion that communicates, and a community of Love that binds
us all together, and why I say, “We all learn to love all, eventually.” Giving
when we can, receiving when we need it. It's there for all of us, except maybe
some of those nasty Republican hypocrites whose souls will be extinguished when
they die. LOL.
I am envisioning an anarchic
Iberian union including all the ancient tribes that are about to
disappear, The Swamp Arabs (they are the last vestiges of the Essenes,
Jesus’ tribe) who were victims of Saddams genocide but hopefully survived.
History was written by the winners, the warriors, the dogmatic ideologues,
and TYPE A fartknockers. The braying sycophants worship the crumbling façade of
manifest destiny and continue to perpetuate this predatory capitalist earth
destroying philosophy. Pagans are among history’s losers; hung, banished,
burned, conquered and otherwise, in 21st century parlance, hopelessly
losing the battle in a hostile takeover bid.
We can save all the
accumulated cultural memories in many places now, and we realize there is more
to us than war. The poor and disenfranchised write their stories today, not
just kings and lawyers and other nefarious characters of the court and the
realm. The past was once ours, and though it was burned in Alexandria and
destroyed in every culture that came into contact with Islam and Christianity,
the myths abound for us to seek. So the premise I want to introduce is that we should mobilize politically to drive these
Abrahamic religions back to where they came from. Drive Islam and
Christianity back to the Middle East. Pagan White Nationalists would agree
with us there.
Pagans were on the receiving end of war and invasions, but most people lived
their lives, in synchronization with = nature. They hunted and gathered and
began the long process of knowing which plants would help which which ailments. Thus,
the roots of the art of witchcraft.
Pottery and poetry
were invented and metallurgy was discovered. Just because science has not found
much evidence of so-called civilized culture more than 10,000 years ago, does
not mean a civilized culture did not exist. Ancient people had a diverse
palette of food. Fields of Blackberries and Figs and Almonds or whatever.
Wherever they camped, it was possible the seeds they spit or shit out would proliferate
around these sites. They knew where to go throughout the year. When they
weren’t wiped out with Ice Ages, Volcano Winters and hungry overwhelming
predators, they persisted and traveled.
their buildings weren’t big with foundations, and their temples were nothing
more than shrines in sacred places like, tree groves or special shelters. As I
like to say ‘if an archaeologist doesn’t find it, does it mean it didn’t
exist?'. The only reason we lack artifacts of culture before 10,000 B.C. is
that nature has taken back all the wood and animal objects used by ancient
people, recycled back into the earth. I also suspect any trace of the
aforementioned STONE PEOPLE was destroyed as years rolled on. Unless
there is something in the secret Vatican Library and Archival Pit!!!
reindeer people were a healthy group of hunter-gatherers that survived a total
of 30,000 years, no one disputes that. However, historians and scientists kept
shoving the evidence of the Reindeer Peoples (the indigenous Europeans and
Proto-Iberians) advanced culture, under the conventional wisdom rug.
Scientists want to
perpetuate the myth that people were once sickly, short and disease prone, but
now, because of science, they declare, people are healthier in
this modern age. Actually, the truth is that humans degenerated in the Middle
Ages from their hardier hunter-gatherer Paleo and Neolithic ancestors and they
became peasants and chumps that allowed feudalism to exist. Christianity has
had the effect of making white people weak and servile. That's enough reason to
send them back where they came from.
The natural abundance of
many ecosystems was destroyed, and people were moving to the cities, living
like rats; and eventually slaves to the growing industrial machine in the
They degenerated
even further as advancements in science created a society where family farm
incomes collapsed, because of Mechanized Agriculture. Sterile,
poison packed seeds became the norm. Altered genes in your cereal. “I don’t
want to think about that right now.”
When Ice Age glaciers melted, vast valleys of grass appeared because Mother
Nature covers her dirt as quick as she can and all that water carved out new
streams and valleys and made everything lush. Fish and game multiplied at
an astounding rate I would assume, till the prey populations could catch up.
They ate bunny rabbits and currants and figs and grasshoppers. There
was not a call from the hubby at the store, “should I get the 15 oz
or the 12 oz?” Just eat it.
Fish roiled the fresh clean water of
melting glaciers and filled the undammed streams and DDT-free wetlands that
appeared. The humans mutated and evolved to the conditions they found
themselves in. Like tomatoes. Like humans.
Today it seems we are no longer
evolving; we have reached the pinnacle of civilization people keep telling
themselves. So here I am in Paradise Florida with my arm stuck out the window
like a fuckin’ hillbilly or something. I look around and no one else has their
window rolled down. Pasty old white people of West Vero Corridor grimly going
from doctors to the stores. Superior genes lol. Gods waiting room they
nervously note. Civilized statues.
From the home pod to the
transportation pod to the doctor pod to the shopping pod. Cut off from nature
forever. I mean, it’s 72 degrees, nearly always perfect weather for four
months, but out of 50 cars only a handful of us outdoor workers have our car
windows rolled down. What would even be on when it’s 72 degrees, heat? … AC?
Millions of little white snowflakes silently melting into the pavement, not
much raging against the light here in my little census district.
This is not our culture and many are
returning to a
primal relationship with our natural surroundings. With ocean and sea levels
300 feet lower than they are today, the time of the Ice Age was a time of great
migrations around The Mediterranean Sea. The deeply tribal indigenous
Europeans had been living in peace for over twenty thousand years at that
Where did the ancient Iberians come from? As I stated,
the Grimaldi people of Africa traversed southern Europe 60,000 years ago and
remnant tribes remained behind with their Neanderthal girlfriends and later sipping
gin and juice asking the Cro-magnards out on dates. That’s
where we came from.
For the future then. Imagine
the unity of 200 African tribes and 200 American Indian tribes and all the
other struggling indigenous people around the world I’m making a list of. The
Berbers and Kurds and Ainu; the Sioux and the Cherokee and Nenets. The
tribes in the Amazon are fighting the corporate fascists who are trying to burn
it down. We are all fighting the fascists so remember sticks in a bundle are
unbreakable. This story is not a pointless diatribe, but a call to arms.
Create a worldwide
network with the CPSE. Community Product and Service Exchange(CPSE). The
computer connects us, but the laws bind us. Let the buyer beware. Cavaet
Emptor(CE). Use your head to help other people and we will all stand up together
and end the suffering of two billion working poor making goods for those who
don’t know how good they got it.
Let the people who
make a lot of money fix the roads and bridges since wearing out our road
system was how they made their money. Then create transportation access for
all the people in the world. This is how we work together globally because an
authoritarian global centralized power is too close to completion and we are
going to represent the needs of the people to stop this. Imagine someone dumber
and meaner than t***P, it could happen. So I propose to use governments to create what we need to be independent
of government and monopolistic corporate control of all economies. The suck ass New World Order. Create a new economy as if the old one
didn’t matter.
Imagine sycophantic
right-wing goons with high tech control of all satellites and computer networks. Robot
dogs patrolling your streets and sniffing your home for guns and liberation
propaganda. All Your base is theirs and also control of your garage
door opener, your locks, your cameras to see how Fido is doing while you are at
work. All your base is theirs, even your karaoke machine and self-driving car
will be controlled from one command station filled with red hats. Enforced by robot
dogs. “Arf!”
“ Most men are decent really; they just need to be hit upside the
no head now and then with the dull end of your spear. They need to
be reminded to be civil”--Skjaldmeyjar 985 A.D.
The Eight Directions of Druddism
EIGHT DIRECTIONS OF DRUDDISM "1……Encode Liberty ….2……Embed
equality…3…. invalidate injustice …..4… Ostracize criminality ….5….humble the mighty …6 …. vanquish cruelty ….7 …. cultivate
opportunity and …..8…..sleep on the couch as needed.”
"It is okay to live with
coercive authority, as there will be rewards in heaven"
The Wiccan code states, ‘DO AS YE WILL
AND HARM NONE’, and I would like to introduce this angle to help advance our
thinking. In the marketplace, it doesn't matter what religion we are, but how
you interact with other people. What we buy is ALSO becoming more important,
and I’d like to show you how. Given the choice of a 20 dollar shirt from a
company in Bangladesh that pays its workers five dollars a day, or a 30 dollar
shirt from Sweden, which should we choose?
Take the example of Lucy in Bangladesh,
taken out of school at the age of 9 to work in a sweatshop. Now at 19, her
hands are so sore and worn out, she doesn’t know how she keeps going. Every
waking minute is torture and she is unable to see the gift that life is. Like
many working poor, she is vulnerable to Christianity and Islams message; that it
is okay to live with coercive authority, because there will be rewards in
Ignore the world, follow us, and you will be rewarded handsomely in Heaven.
No one gets their money back on this one. Easy to promise, with no delivery
date of salvation expected till after you die. Could there be a misplaced trust
with this heaven bound clergy and their invisible product?
Back to that shirt: why would you want
to pay ten dollars more to the Swedish manufacturer that treats its workers
humanely with good pay and vacations?
They have to compete with Bangladeshi sweat shop workers who are the
modern day slaves? Why change now? It
was our parents and grandparents purchases in the 60’s and 70’s that
precipitated the exodus of clothing manufacturers from the United States. A low-priced product means low wages for
someone on the other side of the world and the Lords and Ladies of Fauntleroy
need to conceptualize the notion that Capitalism has created an Illusion of
Buy the cheaper shirt and laugh you say, it’s
not my problem, but then it’s YOU that is helping to expand the sweatshop
system that will eventually engulf every worker in the world and perpetuate a
growing workplace tyranny as we return to neo-fuedalism.
People tell me
these lowest paid workers of the world need jobs too. The hidden truth is that were
driven off the farm by technology where only the ruling oligarch gains. There
will be inflation, if all workers made a decent wage, that’s true. By remaining
silent, you allow that encroaching neo-feudalism and your grandchildren will
look at you one day, all misty eyed and weary from another 14 hour day at the windowless
microchip factory and ask,” Why did your generation just lay down and die,
Grandma? How were you so brainwashed, that you couldn’t stand up to coercive
authority, and prevent the emergence of corporate theocratic fascism. What
shortsighted idiots!. Smart slaves is all we are. Toilers for the rich.
" To
everyone else who wants a peaceful world, I’m asking you to look a little
deeper: do ye harm none when you buy that cheaper shirt or any of the other
products created in unsafe conditions or where slave wages exist? Like it or not we are all loosely connected
in the global marketplace. We need to see the billions that slave for our low
prices today. Low prices means someone is getting low wages.
There has never been this many
hungry people in the world. There have never been this many homeless people.
Don't all lives count? Shouldn't every
country have a volunteer population cap? Billions are suffering as the human
population skyrockets out of control; women thrown into factories, men working
in a near death state in mines. The most fit work 16 hours a day and the
misfits are homeless, living degrading lives.
This is the Low Prices mentality and the cheap food policy that has also
failed. Your cheap shit is someone elses working misery.
Lucy Thu in Bangladesh, who I HAD MENTIONED
BEFORE, is so tired and disgusted that when shop mate Rosuh Rivutah loudly
proclaims that they should start a union, Lucy’s hopes rise briefly as she
dreams of some joy and happiness in her life. If she could earn more, SHE
DREAMED, she could buy a refrigerator and TV for the family, and some rugs and
maybe someday have children that wouldn’t starve to death. The next morning
Rosuh is found dead with the implied warning that if you fight the power, you
will die. Lucy’s despair deepens; it seems like the End of All Hope. UNION IS
The fact is that if there was a
worldwide minimum wage of a dollar an hour, a pair of sneakers, for instance,
would only increase from 70 to 75 dollars. Even though the workers wage has quadrupled,
the price only goes up 7% because most of the cost of the product goes to
corpulent executives and their sickening greed, along with the transportation
costs and various forms of white collar crime that is derived from all this
money sloshing around. Most things can be made locally
if everyone received fair wages. Or just create a new system of small and local
business and ignore that Wall Street monster.
We have more products than we can manage, and we
can create dignity, comfort and happiness in the lives of the two billion
working poor in the next 20 years, or choose to continue to kowtow to the
monied interests and one in 3 workers are destitute and indigent.
Boycotts work.
Nestle and Monsanto for a start. It’s a sick, evil greed that has made the
lives of billions, a hell on earth, but the concern of right wing wackos and
moral high ground hypocrites is gay rights and other contrived moral issues.
Being alive isn't enough; you need to be awake also, and you need to push
forward or clear a path for others wherever you find yourself. Do as ye will
but create a future for all. Be brave enough to confront the hoarders. I need
to work a bit on that eighth one, any suggestions?
Liberty ….2……Embed equality…3…. invalidate injustice …..
4… Ostracize criminality
….5….humble the mighty …6 …. vanquish
cruelty ….
7 …. cultivate opportunity and …..8…..sleep on the couch as
1 1-2-3-THE MEEK
A book from 1928 called Lady
Chatterley’s Lover, describes post-WW1 England. The ruling class has power
because they are the most qualified to lead, they told themselves, and don't
forget that he who has the gold makes the rules. That is the actual golden
In the book I mentioned, the coal miners in
the town drag their feet home every day after 12 hours of slavery in unearthly,
horrible conditions BELOW ground. The local oligarch, the owner of the mine,
looks on their parade of gloom with pity, and repeats that he has “been given
the burden of keeping the rabble in line.”
Maybe he could give them a free ham for
chritsmas and the pitiful masses would be thankful, not realizing the actual
criminal class that the Oligarchy is, and the theft of their labor and
their lives must never be forgotten and I hope you hear their call.
Oligarchs are mobsters and criminals
who keep people in chronic poverty, but you’ve been brainwashed to trust the
suit and tie. Keeping entire towns impoverished, what kind of asshole does
this? Look at these extreme capitalists and their innitoal wealt; they have many WASPS among their
ranks. These are the white people that the people of color should be upset
with, not the working poor. “No lives matter” Ice T.
The people of the single god theory and their
political machinations began with burning and banning the meek a long time ago.
Hell, they even "burned their own daughters if they playeth the
whore" as it says in their book, the Old Testament. Christians
crawled into the exoskeleton of the dying Roman world and became the
"Holy" Roman Empire.
They banned the Meek in 395 AD and
began a thousand-year campaign to eradicate the meek and their thousands of
gods and goddesses. A long bloody struggle it was, till they finally
conquered the Lithuanians who were the last remaining Pagans in Europe.
This was in 1384 when the 15-year-old prince of Lithuania married the
12-year-old christian princess of Poland. An inauspicious start for the
purveyors of faith. Sacred fires of the Pagans were kept burning secretly until the last
one was extinguished in 1434, it's ashes thrown in the river, just in case.
They named buildings, rivers,
and towns after their saints and they stuck the heads of dead Meek people on
poles to convince other Meek people to give up their kind and fun loving
Meanwhile, a little south of
the holy empire, the last prophet and the people of the scimitar began THEIR
holy rampage of conquest. They considered themselves great warriors but they
married little girls and beheaded many of the Meek and we say in retrospect, "yeah
right dude, real manly". The ancient stories of the Meek were burned at
the library of Alexandria so all traces of them would disappear. This was
something Rabbi's, Caliphs, and Bishops could agree on. The original ancient civilization was removed from history
The cross and scimitar invaded the
indigenous cultures of the Meek of Africa and the Meek of Europe and took their
gold as forced conversion became the order of the day. Their great holy leaders
surveyed the world years later, and found that the Meek had finally been
subdued, the blood and money cults of Abraham were victorious, and the Meek were
Today the Meek have begun to make
their voices heard. "There is no god" and "there are many gods
and goddesses" the Pagans and Atheists declare. These are the new people
of the word. The many words of the internet to double check all these con
men of history.
The great goddess holds the lamp of liberty
aloft to light the way and the great journey of the Meek has begun, guided by
the words of the first true covenant of the people called the mutrfukon United
States Constitution, bitches. Every day gets a little brighter as the dawn of
civilization approaches and the Meek (today they are known as Pagans and
Atheists and Independent thinkers) are cautiously are coming out of hiding to
reclaim the cultures of the world. This is the basis of black and white unity.
The white WASP elite
needs to feel the sting of the workers discontent from the inevitable worker's
revolution. Like in the south during the Civil War, how did the slaveowners with less than 2%
of the population, convince the other 98% that secession and war was necessary?
600,000 deaths for bullshit. Che slave owners, sent
the working and farming white people to their gruesome deaths.
In the north, nasty
white WASPS opened factories fashioned after slave ships and Catholics such as
the Irish and Italian were scorned and abused in them and in outdoor jobs. In todays America every European
country has assimilated itself into the industrial greed machine with a white-collar
parasite economy perched atop the actual economy.
Maligned no
longer, the Meek and their peace-loving allies are poised to rule the earth.
Ecosystem Stewardship is the phrase to replace resource gobbling for gold. When
the dumb white demographic catches on, we will have another Progressive Revolution
and a new attitude regarding wealth. When they realize all wages would go up if
we put the 1% in jail. Just for fun. Let them feel the sting of profiling
and charge them with a felony and tear up their corporate charter when
criminal activity is found.
1-2-4 SoulView/Secret Rite
All right, what happens if
you accidently conjure up some demons? I want to refer you to The
Philosophy of Magic WRITTEN BY Arthur Versluis for one of the cures from
ancient times. “Another gesture is
the extended middle finger, termed ‘the bird’ in American slang, it is a sign of disrespect or hostility.
It was used in magic ritual in order to subdue demons. One other gesture which
has been retained and which has an esoteric aspect is the most common of signs:
the index finger touching the thumb, forming a circle, the three fingers,
slightly bent, and extending outwards. Generally acknowledged as meaning that
everything is all right, in esoteric terms it signifies the three pillars, or
trinity of alchemical principles-Mercury Sulphur and Salt.”
Something the warrior elite have destroyed in
themselves and their institutions the last 2,500 years, is……compassion. From
the book, Philosophy of Magic. “The realization of Mind is none other than
the ultimate compassion, And that is the seed, the emerald stone at the
very heart of magic, it’s greatest secret and source of strength. Magic is,
in the deepest sense, is compassion.”
So what kind of
magic would Gaia and other Goddesses have? If I made up a religion and killed everyone
who didn't like it and used various forms of behavior modification such as balming words after the stress they create.for a thousand years, there would be a good chance that its
Holy Word was gospel truth. I made up my own creation myth and created a simple
structure for others, so as to make up their own framework for spirituality. It
would have to be a Pagan religion because Pagans believe whatever they want.
The reform in the Pagan Reform Temple.
Design was in effect for hundreds of thousands of years before Homo
sapiens evolved, you see. The Goddesses and the Ancient Mother
sped up the entire evolutionary process on our planet, and Homo
Sapiens is a culmination of mammals evolution, for now. There
was a last tweak in our genome about 117,500 years ago which led to what
scientists refer to as Homo sapiens Sapiens. It was also the last major spike of global warming. It's cyclical, every 100 to 120 thousand years
This is where I tell the Christians and Islamics that their cults of
personality are nothing more than histrionics and intellectual vomit, making a
mockery of history and intelligence. The meek shall inherit the earth you have
heard. Victims of the cross and scimitar are not conquered after all
because you can't kill an idea whose time has come, and Pagan freedom of
expression has emerged from the misty past to emerge in the land of liberty.
husband, the first soul bearing primate, was a skilled hunter and he
was swarthy of complexion, and he was as healthy a human as anybody today. Venus and the first soul bearing husband then performed a
secret rite of sacred sex and he received his soul view, the original umbilical to the Tree of Life, where
all the souls are kept. All thirteen children they had, had souls...and all
their childrens children, till eventually all homo sapiens had souls. Humans
could now potentially connect with the divine. Now you know what really
happened. Venus was carried to Earth by angels. Then carried to shore
on a clam shell pulled by dolphins.
makes no sense that there is only a male god, and that's it. The Mother
of all Life is a dude? I don't think so. Big GrandfatherJudge,
with his anger management problems, and a willingness to torture someones
soul for eternity would be a poor role model for a God. Perun, Thor, Priapus,
Pan, Odin and countless other Gods would
be a better boss of the Universe than the angry desert god called Yeah Way.
The Gnostics and Cathars and Templars are
historical remnants of rebels within the Catholic Church. Countless
pagan communities burnt to the ground and ironically all the sacred fires were
put out. They were destroyed in the Islamic/Christian Holy Rampage of Conquest.
Three patriarchal religions can say that I, and many others, are going to Hell,
then I can certainly suggest that this god they revere is actually the great
deceiver. The ultimate wooden nickel, and the all-time, lying,
deceitful, Olympic class sack of shit. There I said it. The
Loudmouth Huckster God of the Old Testament is actually Satan in disguise.
Trying to hide the Venus Creation Myth with an obvious obfuscation. Telling a tall tale at the camel
rest area, “god” kept traveling till he found a village where no one had heard
of him.
“Churches serve quasi-governmental functions, as do
the Cub Scouts, the Rotary, Homeowners associations and Garden Clubs.
Government should be our solid edge and vigilant protector of our rights, and
all these civic and religious groups should contribute to a "high thread
count in the fabric of freedom, ”
Here’s an example that shows that we can’t really know the what
it's like in the afterlife or Otherworld
1-2-5Angels at the Intersection
Two people are
driving hurriedly; one person wants to make sure her young child arrived home
safely from school; the boy has sounded unsure of himself on the phone when he
has had to call. Another person has turned around to go home because he
remembered he turned the oven burner to low; but never went back to turn it
off. He had to hustle, burning food awaits, yet he needed to get to his 4 to 12
shift on time.
In car #1 Floyd is racing back to his burning oatmeal and as he approaches the intersection, he’s praying really hard, “Please God please please angels, Jesus Mary Joseph make this light turn green!” In car #2 is Jane the donut shop employee who can’t quite get out early enough at work to pick up her son from school, and so at 9 years old the boy rides his bike for a mile and a half home. Cars go whizzing right by at fifty miles an hour and the snowbirds are back having problems adjusting their medication. It’s worrisome for a parent to give our children the same freedoms we had as children riding our bikes.
Don’t you know she is also praying
like the Dickens and her guardian angel hears her plea, “Please please please
don’t turn red I wanna get home please please please Diana keep the light
green.” Floyd’s spirit guide races ahead
to the signal box to delay the electrical connection for the light. At the same
time the guardian angel of the Diana Loving Pagan zooms ahead to the
intersection to facilitate Jane’s plea. And, well, they meet. The angel says,
“Hey, step aside little league.” The spirit guide replies “over my ethereal shadow
of mercy.” Can all this be happening? We seem to think so. What are you
thinking when you are praying for the light to stay green? It must be really
congested in the “Otherworld” with all these angels and spirit guides flying
around trying to keep up with all the wishes. How about the Bronx during rush
You can bet God is
also real busy with his laptop trying to keep up with all the requests. As one
example, four million children in this world got sent to the principal’s office
last month and 3.7 million of them prayed so that they wouldn’t get in trouble.
This is the base of my skepticism; I believe anything is possible but had no
faith in any one answer till recently.
Most religious bugaboo is pretty ridiculous but it’s no reason to be an atheist; the key is this: we are really lucky to be given this gift: just being alive is the gift, it’s all the God and Goddess are really able to give us. Who can tell what to believe but our gut instinct tells us that we have grown beyond slavery and torture and war and need a clean start. I was hoping The Millennium year was the time to build up some positive momentum and I feel Bill Clinton fell short on that although we ended up with a surplus and a reduced government.
What then of the Good caused by religion? In a novel called “The Last Templar” , a secret scroll was discovered that was written by Jesus. Update: this was a TV movie recently and I missed it…arrr. Two researchers and an FBI cop in the story are all bent on revealing whatever they find and near the end of the book a terrible maelstrom capsized both boats during a chase scene and they found themselves washed ashore. The islanders were humble pious Catholic Greek peasants who were heavy on the sign of the cross and selfless kindness. No one had to be kind to the strangers, but the peasants were very gracious and the author was trying to illustrate that many of the peaceful people of the world are devout to their Catholic faith. The good remains, but an exorcism is needed to excise the evil.
When given the choice to
reveal a scroll with Jesus’ actual words the female researcher and male cop let
the paper fly away from a cliffside, rather than disturb the tranquility that
has been created by the good people of the world. Distrustful of each other in
the beginning of the novel, the cop and researcher had fallen in love so that
probably clouded their judgment and you can
just imagine the bad guy researcher, the third main character, saying
“Noooooooooo!!!” as Jesus’ actual words
flutter down to the ocean.
Before I lose readers who think I seem to be mocking everything and everybody let me prepare you by way of explanation. In the chapter, Gods Idols and Icons, I list Fluffy the Cobra. He’s described as “light god-replaces hard to say light gods like Quetozaotacal”. I’m not making fun of Quetozaotacal. I’m trying to light a path for 21st century people who may find pagan paths a little too strange and easy to ridicule, and letting people know they can have some fun being a pagan. What is great about pagans is that they accept who you are, what you believe and Paganism might be the answer to give freedom to everyone in the world and embolden people to upend coercive authority and the growing Islamofascist threat to liberty.
Seriously though, Fluffy is a God I added to
my pantheon of Gods and Goddesses and he lit the way during my pagan pilgrimage
to Salem. Never getting lost or delayed, even through New York City which is a
white knuckle experience, even at four in the morning. If I can get someone to
sit up and take notice of the Pagan resurgence through my attempts at humor,
maybe I can get them to turn on the light in the closet of their spirituality.
In this book I’m not preaching to the Pagan Choir, I want thoughtful intelligent
and independent thinking people to consider becoming Pagans.
indulge in the serious also. The Wiccan code of morality begins with this
statement. “Do what ye will and harm none.” So a Wiccan wouldn’t throw a box of
tacks on the driveway of some idiot preacher that made the newspaper with a
demented anti-Halloween tirade. We believe that what you do bad or good comes
back to you three times as strong. I believe Wiccans and Pagans would be
fundamentally better citizens since we aren’t
like the Christians who would step over their own mother to smite a pagan OR
be just as likely to be kind and charitable and will integrate an upstanding
morality into their lives seamlessly.
1-2-6 The People of the Short Corn
WIKIPEDIA--- “In the
Hopi Prophecy, it spoke of a white man who would come to them and help
transform the entire continent into a spiritual paradise. He would be recognized
because he would carry the fragment of stone which would complete their Holy
Stone, filled with Indian writing characters. The Holy Stone had been preserved
for thousands of years. Thus, when the white settlers came to the American
continent, remembering their prophecy, they were openly welcomed. The Indians
shared all they had. But, in return, all the White Man did was to take. The
Indians noticed that their White Brothers had brought a cross. However, it was
not enclosed by the circle of the Great Spirit, showing the White Man had lost
his way.
The Indians
believe that at the beginning of the 5th World, when man was told to disperse
throughout the planet, from Four Corners, the White Race was one of the
original races that went East. Upon their return to our continent, they had
become confused and forgotten the ways of the Great Spirit. Further the
prophecy continued, either the White Man would bring peace and harmony or
attempt to totally destroy the Indian's way of life and take all his possessions
and the land. If the latter occured, (which is clearly the case today) there
would come a time when the Indian people would appear to be almost
Yet, one day, they would rise out of
nowhere, as the white race is falling due to their own ignorance and
destruction, to lead a spiritual revolution,
so all people on this continent would become attuned to the Great Spirit. To
hold fast to the traditional ways even if it seemed that everything was against
them. To protect Four Corners at all cost, because there is great power under
the land that if it is allowed to escape, great destruction would result.
Today, the Indians
are going through the test to hold onto their traditional ways and protect the
land. The Pahana (or Bahana) is the "Lost White
Brother" of the Hopi; a white, bearded deity who appeared to the Hopi and
worked many miracles. The Hopi say that he will return again and at his coming
the wicked will be destroyed and a new age of peace will be ushered into the
world. It is said he will bring with him a missing section of a sacred Hopi
stone and that he will come wearing red. Traditionally, Hopis are buried facing
eastward in expectation of the Pahana who will come from that direction.”---
Wikipedia turns out
to be very helpful with a writers needs. A good researcher can discern facts from fake. As I state elsewhere Romuvan paganism
is the closest I can find for my own needs, but the Native Americans are my sentimental favorites. Among them I find
the Hopis are most similar to the Romuvans who retained their cultural
touhstones for many years. A Great Mother Goddess created the Hopi world and
like The Romuvan Zemyna, the world is our mother. A child that is born will
become part of the womans clan though naming is done by fathers clan. On the 20th
day the child is taken to an eastward facing cliff and held out to be embraced
by the rising sun. Did I hear someone say Lion King?
Thanks for all those pagan fairy tales Walt. I know, he forgot about the
good witches and demonized the bad ones. Most witches are good so I think
Disney needs to straighten it up with a
movie about a good witch. Sabrina and Samantha didn’t quite capture the authentico
of witchcraft. Magic is real, supernatural powers such as turning people into monkeys is show biz.
If you are open to it , Native American culture is all around when you live
in Arizona. Papagos or O’odham were only 15 miles away when I lived on the west
side of Tucson. Mother earth and the corn mother loom large with all indigenous people. I like to point out, the west side
of the city has Cat Mountain and Kitt Peak the famous observatory, is not too
far away. The Hopis live in cliff
dwellings in northern Arizona, as many people know, and despite the harsh
conditions they can sustain themselves with crops. The lost white brother is
certainly a curiosity and since white dominated technocracy could easily fail
if their computer system were put out with an EMG burst from China or a mad scientist or something, , it could all land in
the laps of the Hopis to spiritually lead the remnants.
Hopis have been on their land for over 11.000 years and I see a link
between them and the Black Sea people who settled the land between the Black
and Baltic Seas on Eurasian continent
seven to 10,000 years ago, even 14,000 years ago according to my Pagan
Fairy Tales in ‘The Song oF Ooglok’.
Hopis believe in the 4 peoples who drifted from their lands and there
could be some sort of unification that the Goddess has in mind with their
ancient prophecy of the lost white brother.
The Spanish vanquished many of the Pueblo people but were unable to
conquer or convert the Hopis.
Corn is very important to the Native Americans, for
instance a shaman gives an ear of corn to the young child that the growing
child uses in various initiation
ceremonies the next 20 years. I know an ear of corn can last 20 years because I
want to tell you my own experience with corn. 1978 to 1983 I gardened in
Arizona and found it true that the soil is fertile even if some years as little
as 8 inches of rain can fall, this is why hoses were invented. I was an
uncompromising organic gardener there and used a technique called sheet
composting to enrich the soil, and grew some decent vegatables; carrots peppers
and peas doing especially well for me.
I may seem not
so serious about some pagan ways but growing corn was very special to me and I
was respectful to the ways of the First People. In ’84 I moved back to New
England and worked extremely hard to re-establish myself in another region. In
’85 I got the notion to grow Indian sweet corn because I was disturbed by the
hybrid corn that was exterminating the thousands of locally acclimated
varieties in the Americas. I discovered teosinte which is the rumored wild
relative of corn.
Teosinte was grown in the corners of corn fields,
primarily by natives in Mexico. It was believed to strengthen the corn. It’s a 120
day crop I plant in April to Harvest in October here in Florida. In Connecticut
it matured in less time.
I ordered open
pollinated sweet corn and planted it in the rich 16 inch topsoil of the
Connecticut River valley. Aztec Black among many other varieties including one
or two Hopi varieties. Unlike most, I wasn’t going for some sort of purity but
wanted to cross pollinate all the varieties to create the New England Rainbow.
Blue corn (black aztec) was a dominating color and people would look at them and
go, Blue Corn?, who would eat blue corn?
Well, a couple of years later a blue corn chip came out that caught
peoples attention and survives to this day. I have a vivid memory of me and Ivy
shopping at Edwards in in 89 and being hilariously surprised.
three years I was astonished at what I was producing. Some ears were getting
smaller and smaller. I don’t know what scientists call it, but I called it back
breeding. There seemed to be majick in the pollen. My goal was to breed a
variety I was going to call New England Rainbow, so I ordered different colored
Indian sweet corn
seeds and wrote to some of these seedsmen and women during my third year and
got back some hand written replies. One dude named White Eagle (he later invent
the glass gem corn variety, sent me 5 different varieties to mix in with my
open pollinated sweet corn and wished me luck. Carl Barnes ah the memory still
works. It’s a name of high honor but the return address of the seeds was
Nebraska, a company called ‘Corns’. I
believe his seeds helped accelerate what I was doing. He gave me one pack of
flint corn seeds and that didn’t make sense but I’ll bet he knew about breeding
and there was something I needed to learn here. The genetic variety exploded
that third year.
Hopi Elder
(79)I woke this morning and knew the spirit was inspiring me
to write to you. Though I didn't want to think about it, because it takes
time to do these things and I have much to do this time of year. I tried
to ignore the feeling that filled my heart and went about my day. I
wasn't sure what I was supposed to write to you anyway. Then in the
afternoon, I was working at my son's house. I was helping him till his
soil for his garden. The tiller hit a big rock, and I reached down to move
it. When I put my hands into the soil I realized what the Great Spirit
wanted me to tell those of you who will listen to the words of this old
man. So once again I am here to share with you my knowledge.
felt my wife's spirit in the rock I grabbed from the ground in my son's yard
today. More than 20 years ago this year, my wife left the mortal life and
became one with the ancestors. A day does not go by that I do not think of her,
but every spring when I work the land with my son and grandsons, I think of her
more. More than think of her, I know I am touching her because our world
is made from the bones of our ancestors.
people believe in heaven, angels and things like that. Hopi do not in the
same way. We believe that the Great Spirit is all around us, so we don't
have to go to heaven to meet him. We believe that our ancestors live with
us, guide us and share with us, so we don't have to call on angels to help
us. Maybe those who believe in angels are right for themselves, but not
for Hopi. The Hopi have a different view of their relationship to the
Earth. Because when we look at a tree, a plant or a flower we see our
loved ones who have gone. We see our mothers, fathers,
grandparents. We see our wives, husbands and children. We see our
past alive again.
the Hopi die, they are buried in the ground in a simple way. Soon, with
the help of the animals and bugs, they are returned to the ground and become
one with the Mother Earth. They return to the Earth that they are made
from. Their spirit --soul maybe -- goes on in some way to become one with
the Ancestors. But also their spirit and their body becomes one with the
Earth. Then, when they are one with the Earth, it is their being we are
planting our food in. It is their body we are walking on. They fall
as rain on our heads and make our corn grow. It is their body that is in
the corn we eat. They hold the key to our continued life. They become a
working part of the cycle of life on the Earth in a way they could not be as
people. And when we each pass away from this life, we too, in our own
ways, will return to the Earth. It doesn't matter if you are not
Hopi. It doesn't matter if you are buried or burned or even lost at
sea. Your body will return to the Mother that gave it life and you will
become part of the chain that brings life to the world.
is this chain of life that is very real to the Red Man. It is this chain
of life that challenges us to remember that in every blade of grass and every
ear of corn our Ancestors, and (thus) our own existence lies. Everything
on the Earth is sacred. How could you not hold it that way? When
you destroy any part of the Earth, you are destroying your past. When you care
for the Earth, you are caring for yourself. Our Ancestors surround us every
moment of every day. They are not just ghosts or memories. They are
the water we drink, the ground we step on. They are the world around us.
Our past is all around us. Our future too. For it is the dust that
is between your toes that may someday be the things your children and
grandchildren are made of. Nothing ever goes away. It is here with
us.” ----- Ed White Eagle
I was a Reagan era pagan(but
never called myself that), and I did actually pray to what I imagined was the
Corn Mother. I used a traditional
planting stick to poke holes in the ground after praying and every year became
more astonished at what happened. Ears were growing on the top of the plant and
at the base. Strange configurations in the rows of kernels that I read were
what the primitive corn “carbon dated” to three thousand years ago looked like.
Double cobs and most assuredly cobs with both teosinte and corn on the same
cob, the same row even. Even more primitive ears emerged that there were not
even pictures for, but reconstructive drawings of what the early corn ancestors
looked like. I really wish I could get someone who knows corn history to come and
look at them. And yes, bring them to the lab to identify the genomic structure.
I never quite came up with primitive varieties in my attempts in Florida. Happy
ending here. I still have them, the genetic sports of the New England Rainbow
Sweet Corn and they are nearly 20 years old, so I can prove I am not lying or
Back to Connecticut I was more
interested in growing the corn as a genetics experiment, eating the ones that
came out a decent size and good flavor was gravy. I have an ear that has
teosinte like kernels and kernels that look like small kernels of sweet corn.
As much as I’d like to believe the corn myths about the corn mother giving corn
to people, I believe I back breeded right to the beginning. Corn must have
started out as a genetic variation of teosinte, I have cobs with teosinte and
blue corn in them; perhaps even triggered by the goddesses intelligent design,
the Corn Mother, maybe Freya in disguise,
providing the trigger to the
change, evolution has to happen on its own. Not, Poof! you are now corn. In a
catalog I found a real curiosity, it was a nearly extinct variety of PERENNIAL
teosinte. Even though in the 90’s I was drifting back to atheism I prayed
really hard to pollinate a perennial sweet corn. Imagine the implication of
perennial corn!
As much promise as this breeding showed: my genetic bank is now threadbare and may no longer be viable. I kept ears for breeding in the nineties but have only been able to grow in 98-99 and 02-03. August ’07 and my teosinte comes up every year without planting from previous years seeds and will tassel as usual in October. With everything else I need to do, I’m determined to grow open pollinated sweet corn again.
Genetics is an insidious intrusion into natural evolution. I suspect something is going on behind the scenes and I’d like to speculate about it. After the mid nineties, the perennial teosinte seemed unavailable. I think some corporation has bought all current stocks and are attempting to take a short cut to what I wanted to do naturally. They may be attempting to splice the perennial gene to their hybrid corn. Imagine the money that could be made if you could plant corn one year and have it come up a second year, or even a third. This seed would be expensive I’m here to tell you and the inventing company would slaughter competing companies with this product and could corner the market for ethanol.
The way I wanted to do it would be not to
make a sterile hybrid but a perennial rainbow open pollinated sweet corn I’d
sell only to the poor farmers in the world. All they’d have to do was put
manure between the rows. Then save the seed for the next year to expand their
field and share with farmers in other climates and locales and elevations,
although Mexico would be the most logical place because this is where the
nearly extinct perennial seed was discovered and I presume there would be a
minimum soil temperature that would need to be maintained along with otherc
compatibility factors. Here’s an odd story from five
years back. I went looking for the perennial teosinte again and my search
yielded a result. My finger paused briefly, I held my breath, was I going to be
able to begin the experiment again? I don’t care what it costs. I pressed to
find out more and suddenly my computer had a spaz. Can’t go on line, reboot,
fegeddabout it. The Bell South Help Center came on board to repair the problem,
something strange here, search for perennial teosinte and get a virus.
People enthusiastically scarf down corn every year and I don’t really have a fundamental problem with this. What happened in the last 50 years, however, is that your average farmer was no longer able to save the seed for the next year because of the nature of these F1 hybrids. Farms became mechanized and ecosystems were torn apart for agricultural production. Small farms went deeper into debt, it was overplanted creating gluts and farms became corn factories. Pollution is created by the mechanized farm equipment, water tables dropped because the mega farms needed irrigation water, corn was shipped much furthur creating more pollution and trucks wear out roads (and especially bridges) increasing highway budgets and on and on. American topsoil has been reduced by 50% the last 100 years a good deal of that by corn. What will they be expected to farm on seven generations from now? The true price of 4 ears for a dollar is not really calculated as resources are depleted, critical resources such as topsoil. What is the diference between the earth and the moon? The simple answer is topsoil. When topsoil is depleted the land turns to desert.
the Indians, pagans all, have had such a bad life? Hopis have a strong sense of
monogamy so STD’s weren’t common, and so
I imagine what my life would be like if I was born an Inca or a Hopi. Get up
early in the morning, mutual
pleasure assured, go running and breath in air not polluted by automobiles
and listen to the birds and animals and not loudmouths
on their cellphones. Stop at some eastward facing cliff to stretch and greet
the sun. Run back to the corn field to chase away birds or raccons, check for
earworm infestation and squeeze them out (or eat them?). Get the bison shoulder bone tool to scrape out
the weeds, greet your friends out in the field, because many were involved with
growing the food they all shared.
Harvesting of
fresh corn was done, the Indian Sweet Corn has only three days when it’s sweet.
Take your sack and bring food to your neighbors. Go back home and appreciate
and love your partner and help her with things, take a nap, look for people to
play games and have fun or help people repair or upgrade living areas. Prepare
the supper, maybe talk to the medicine man, wait for the evening star to come out or help
other tribe members out with problems.
What are we
about in our modern ways? Get stressed trying to go out early to work, feeding
children with no relaxing time together as the children spend 7 hours a day
learning virtually nothing while our polluting car may have a dead battery and
so we are late for a meeting where cut throat competition is the order of the
day. Is a community so bad then that is based on togetherness and growing
corn? This is not socialism my friends, but a fundamental form
of sustainable capitalism.
The Mayas and Aztecs devised calendars more accurate than any other known
at that time, people know this if they watch the History channel but do the
shows state the reason for these calendars? It was to know the correct time to
plant the corn. Corn could be stored for the cold weather, corn meal and
homemade food such as tortillas can be made at any time. Tribes concerned with
famine would plant enough so two years worth of food could be saved.
People are taking a closer look at the
Mayans lately and how many things are lining up for a shock to the earth. Solar
flares will be doing their cyclical
extreme and numerous other potential disasters seem to be all in the same 2012
basket. The best book on what could happen in 2012 is Apocalypse 2012 by
Lawrence E. Joseph and he was guided by two Mayans who are modern day shamans.
Here is one statement he makes,
(50) “…the whole Bible-Quran crowd would
feel aced out of the most important
prophecy in the history of humanity by a bunch of pagans from the boonies of
Central America.” Joseph goes on to explain how the three patriarchal religions
are trying to make Armageddon happen, trying to
force circumstances to fit Bible Prophecy. The Temple of the Mount
could become quite a contentious issue and the Christian Theme Park in the nearby
area where the Great Battle of Good and Evil will happen seems kind of odd to
me. The theme park should be opened just before 2012. Alas, worst apocalypse ever.
have no love of what archeologists do on their land and here a scientist gives
his view. ”…in one such case I was told about the ruins that we have never
discovered. Apparently the Maya are to this day still keeping secrets from the
general public about their great history in Central America. I was informed
that some ruins were buried by people to preserve their temples till the Gods
come back from the Stars. A Mayan informed me that the real temple where the
Great Lightning Bolt will hit on December 12-21-, has not been
discovered. And most Maya do not know the location.” Or maybe ... the actual date is 12-21-21
A story to end Corn “Yawpa the
Mockingbird said, “There is still something to be done-the selection of the
Corn.” The people gathered around as the Mockingbird laid many ears of corn on the ground; One ear was
yellow, one was white, one was red, one was grey, some were speckled, one was a
stubby ear with blue kernels, and one was not quite corn but merely Kwakwi
grass with seeds at the top. The Mockingbirtd said “each of these ears brings
with it a way of life. The one who chooses the yellow ear will have a life full
of enjoyment and prosperity but his span of life will be small. The short ear with the blue kernels will bring a
life full of work and hardship but the years will be many. (Meaning the
longetivity of the entire tribe). The Mocking bird explained the life that went
with each color they chose. The Navaho quickly chose the yellow ear, a short
life of enjoyment. The Sioux took the white corn, The Supais chose the ear speckled with yellow,
the Comanches took the red, Utes took the flint.
At last two ears remained
, the leader of the Apaches chose the longest. It was the Kwakwi grass.
Only the Hopis had not chosen. The ear that was left was the stubby blue ear.
The leader of the Hopis picked it up and said, “We were slow in choosing.
Therefore we must take the shortest ear of all. We shall have a life of
hardship but it will be a long lasting life. Other tribes may perish, but we,
The Hopis will survive all adversities. Thus the Hopis became the people of the
short corn.”
"She doesn't let much get past her Curt."
"No she doesn't Phil, and she is batting .380 in clutch situations. With two outs in the bottom of the ninth, and behind 9 to 5, the people of earth are counting on her. "
"The crowd seems quiet."
"Way too quiet Phil, they need to do something. Throw those carpetbagger POS corporate criminals least make some noise"
"It's the wind up...aaaand....the pitch.”
rule ourselves, employ ourselves?
The GOP has the beating heart of America in their hand. Or do they? I took a long vacation to see if I could find the heart of America and for the first time, I discovered the Blue Ridge Parkway.
I also discovered it isn’t the people, it is the land that is the heart of the United States. The land that has been sliced and sold like cheap luncheon meat.
We have to seriously protect our wild areas and Appalachia is a great place to start.
The Blue Ridge Parkway campground I stayed at, was flourishing with life, arachnids in particular were abounding. If you don’t like spiders crawling everywhere, this is not the place for you.
Ten minutes after parking, I went to take the Superbrella out of the back of the Jeep to set up camp, and there were spiders everywhere. The first Daddy Long Legs I'd seen in many years was crawling on the back hatch. Somehow in ten minutes it had crawled up the tire and the side of the vehicle to meet me at eye level on the back door. It reminded me of the early days in my life, and the abundant insect life I remembered.
A Tussock Moth spent one rainy night on my hat under the Superbrella. A Beetle sat next to me on a towel I had laid on the wet stone bench the next day. For hours I kept looking next to me at this unknown Beetle as I read a book and there it was, for like, four hours. Then the insect below hung around with me the next night.
The National Park System kept growing, preserving the best of the best. Preservationists continued to battle with the Oil and Gas Industry, the logging conglomerates and the ranchers raising cattle on arid lands because they are thinking about the next one thousand generations.
You know the narrative. We are taught about ingenious new plows and "sodbusters". back to Rush Limbaugh. In addition to the loss of the praroes and non-native treeshe golden microphone also equates one 8 inch sapling in a Georgia Pacific tree farm to a 200 foot Sitka Spruce in the Tongass National Forest. Forgotten are all the great trees sawn down a long time ago when all the forests were ancient forests. The forests in the entire state of Connecticut were cut down by the charcoal industry in the mid-1800’s.
I remember a book on reptiles I was reading as a kid, and the Indigo Snake was depicted as this scary, black, eight-foot colossus you might find hiding in the shed one day! Quite prepared to eat you alive.
Then one day Jeb was shootin’ at some food and up from the ground came a bubblin’ crude. Southerners like to hunt for their food as did the Native Americans, but with a paucity of wildlife these days, they end up shooting squirrels or whatever else is left in a damaged ecosystem.
I am from flooded rivers at my fence and fallout from nuclear bomb tests. I am from black and white TV and from a bigotry banned home. I am from the Great Elm and the Nathaniel Foote statue at the foot of the Town Green. Fourth of July horses running up the steps and Thanksgiving smells at Grandmas house.
I am From Kitt Peak and Cat Mountain. Hiding from hailstones behind a Saguaro and looking uphill at a herd of Peccary's.
Peaches in the desert and Peaches at Cape Cod. Peaches in Central Florida where they never grew before and dead squirrels and live snakes falling out of trees.
Confidentiality agreements and bankrupt developers. Eucalyptus became Simpson Stopper.
I am from hobos at the train station and hopping the train to get to Mickeys Restaurant.
I am from outhouses that became Condominiums. Skating under the interstate highway during the coldest winters. Ice bombs on trains and rocks in my eye and head. Running from the police and losing a bicycle in the Connecticut River.
Tommy's friend drowned at Mill Woods and ten years later we toasted him in the park nearby. I am from vodka blackouts and dragging gasoline station signs in the road and driving the wrong way on highway 84 and picking up a confused hitchhiker. We turned around and drove him to his exit.
I am from ill-fitting poor people skates and rutted driveways. Film tricks with 8MM movies and monster movies shown in school. I am from (censored) and drinking stolen priest wine.
Sunsets in three corners and interrupted acid mowing. Illusions of prosperity and the Independent Majority Party. Pagan Space Yahoo Answers, Witchvox, Treebord and Greenhammer.
Dogs gone mad with diabetes and jumping through windows. Razor blade fights with cats. I am from appreciating boy scouts only as an adult.
Driving a bicycle drunk downtown to get home, and cycling 60 miles to the Connecticut Shore. Rain or shine 10 miles to the food co-op and ten miles back with the goods. I am from Black Mountain, Beaver Brook and Cotton Hollow. Bums at dawn and executives on break. Shiny city slicker elevators and flatbeds.
I am from the Marian Cult and French slang. Smoking in church and looking out the cellar window as Bridey walked by and the snow piled in drifts. Manly florists and feminine truck drivers.
Pulling the magic down from the air and thrill bumps at the end of Close To the Edge. Druids and Witches and unbridled cultural appropriation.
Chills in the graveyard and a mason by trade, born 1666. Finding a bloody ancient dagger with my cousin and leaving it there. Falling in unfinished houses and wheelies on an unbuilt interstate. Gripping girders, hitting one over the fence.
I am from running right through people and looking past others. Jumping off the roof and climbing 60 feet up the Greer's Pine. Richie slapping frogs on concrete and praying when the bad boys tried to drown a cat.
Planting trees for uncertain futures and promoting shrubs and bird gardens. Butterflies as food and Indigo Snakes in my arms. Dead snakes and diapers at the mall.
I am from Roger Maris and Fran Tarkenton. Concussions and crawling home. Rainbow spokes and Jupiter with my dad. Jupiter much later from Holst. I am from Hail to the Hammer and Tarkus. The Blue Beats and Cry for a Shadow. Elegy and energy. Snow boarding with art class easels and fireworks with cigars.
My own brown scapula and blessed throats. A John Paul confirmation and Uncle Joe jettisoning bigotry after church. Forceful conversion was slapped upside the head, and refusing to work during the blizzard of ‘78 was a lesson on lessening coercion in my life. They needed a fourth for cards since it was certain there was not going to be any school any time soon. They were stuck there for two days
I have skied from a rope tied to a car on snow covered roads. Drove a go kart with no brakes. Reached 47MPH on a bicycle. Threw dirt bombs but didn’t play “Army” with the boys. Used unsafe bicycle jumps at Kevins and Carlin. Three on a bicycle, and an accident at Mill Woods. Trying to make swings flip over. Found a boat to go fishing in flood waters. Broke windows at the Foundry and the abandoned Railway station.
Jumped off the elementary school roof to run from Mrs. Walters. Played in abandoned buildings. Walked across Middletown Avenue on the Rt 91 girders and almost fell off laughing at how shocked people were. Threw chunky iceballs on the train and got chased by the police.
Tried to cook blackberries on the railroad tracks and burnt all the dry grass around the distribution center and ended up with the fire chief talking to my parents. Crawled halfway across the Connecticut River catwalk and spit on the Dolly Madison. When Bruce moved, I became the wheelie king.
Stole bowling shoes on the Bicentennial and got arrested for 4th degree larceny. Yesterday was dads birthday, he would have been 92 and pretty feeble. Hope him and Mom are okay. Heaven to him would be to join a good combo. Or maybe a gang of ukulele players.
At 13, Pete introduced me to Time Magazine which expanded my view out into the world. The rules of the church were hysterically irrelevant. The real world was merely silly. How were women second class citizens; they were the smart ones?
Weights, baseballs, insecurities, forced and boring education; midget football, rainy Saturdays and afternoon movies. Laughing at the boy scouts and their silly para-military uniforms while we were throwing chestnuts at each other’s heads. Jumping on the hay wagon for a gag and found ourselves going 30 MPH down Middletown Avenue … too scared to jump off.
Riding our bicycles behind the annual Paul Reveres ride or whatever it was on the fourth of July. First time this suburban boy saw a large animal other than a cow take a shit. Lifted its tail and it’s a visual I can’t unsee. We had no pets, and I never saw nothing like that at the Bronx Zoo. The horse kept on down to Broad St and the amazing thing was when the post rider and the horse climbed up the steps of a house, went in, and had a beer. Wow! That was a pretty cool tradition. Then over to the Historical Museum and corny as it may have seemed, the Fife and Drum were kicking.
I don’t think I saw a gun till I was out of school. We broke our necks every day in one way or another, but Wethersfield was a damn safe city. I saw the conversion of the farming community into a suburb. There was Ollie, smelling like shit all the time, except when I went collecting on Friday night after he’d had his weekly shower. He had about six cows and near the end, his barn began leaning pretty bad.
When Bruce the wheelie king became an adult, he lived in Freddys barn and we’d party our ass off. Freddys parents were blind and nearly deaf and never knew we were going there at 1:00 in the morning to bring Bruce a buzz and to get loud.
The next year I lived myself on the weekends in a barn. I agreed to clean out the barn so I could live there on weekends. Steve the boy was too busy with his slut girlfriend to hang out, though there was some authentic Polish breakfasts I got to partake in with his mother. He’d be hungover with four hours of sleep under his belt and I’d be all perky from sleeping on hay and hiking down the railroad tracks. It was like a house from 1825 or something, one of the newer historical houses. The barn I’m guessing was 75 years old at least.
Five years previous I was recalling Ollie and his barn. Another indelible image is when Ollie paid me one freezing Saturday afternoon and a globous frozen snot looking like a stalactite, hung off his nose. He must have been 80 and someone finally got him to quit. Maybe he worked off the books and had no social security. With his barn leaning dangerously, he disappeared from the scene.
To the north on Middletown Avenue, the Clarks had cows. They retired them a few years before Ollie did and we played baseball in their field there. Me and the Middletown Avenue gang played at the Green and mostly Adams field. The games in the Clarks cow pasture included the girls. One of the best interactions of a group of people. Never a fight, no boy girl tension because from us quiet guys, the girls got total respect. Not much toxic masculinity in our direct neighborhood.
Maybe I was a nerd. Super Geek George was a good friend and one of the few other people who were making movies and showing them at school. He was on the AV squad and was far more, technical than us but when he went to make a big project about the Battle of Tours, this mini-neighborhood congealed. It was the closest we came to serious set design and and quality soundWe used real horses and wouldn’t I love to see that flick again.
The Clarks had one cow left because there would occasionally be a cow pie that had to be avoided “second base..ewww,” and there were some old hard ones from previous months still in the field.
I love this picture of the 1955 Flood..
This area was also a cow pasture and was owned by Red Schumann who gave up his cows before Ollie and The Clarks. The picture shows how it began as a grassland in 1955, and by 1965, the field was a mass of large shrubs and small trees when I became old enough to play in the woods. There was a Pear Tree I remember most of all. Tough hard Pears that never seemed to ripen. They were Wild Pears and now Pears from subsidized mega farms all look and taste the same. The basis of my, “what have we lost” theme.
I hadn’t thought about the field behind the house in a big way for a long time. Suddenly tonight I was 12 again and standing around looking at the various plants. Almost tears in my eyes. What else was there: blackberries, Dogwoods and oh yeah 12 Yellow Jacket stings. Learned to watch where I walked.
My working life. Ten years old and we lived on our bicycles. It was 1964 and the Greatest Generation thought nothing of throwing their garbage out the window. You literally saw napkins and other shit thrown out of car windows as people drove by. In this accumulation, however, there were 2 and 5 cent returnables. So off we’d go with our 42 cents worth of bottlesto buy some soda and candy at Dougherty Drugs.
But I wanted more. I wanted to accumulate assets. So when I was 11, I got a Hartford Times paper route. The afternoon paper which I delivered for a year. Then after missing out on playing football and baseball with the boys after school, I decided to get a morning paper route and called the Hartford Courant (est. 1764 “older than the nation, newer than the news”.)
#406 on the Wethersfield Green was available and Gorski trained me for 3 days and I was on my way. When I was 16, I added #420 which was the route on my street, Middletown Avenue.
With both, I had about 70 daily customers and over a hundred Sunday papers in total. I ended up with Dads Caprice Station wagon in 1970 and this enabled me to go to Dunkin Donuts after work after delivering 800 pounds of newspapers.
I graduated high school and we moved shortly afterwards to Bloomfield. I respect my mom and dad, in retrospect, for trusting my judgement the summer after graduation when I wanted to get a motorcycle. I tried Community College and appreciated how much more interesting it was. I often drove my Suzuki 250 for two hours before class to explore the back roads and the October foliage before class.
Then I realized that a career in bookkeeping and accounting wasn’t what I wanted to do with my adult life. Rich Carling, our buddy, was killed riding his motorcycle and when it came time to renew the insurance and do some repairs, I quit the motorcycle and converted to a ten speed after putting 16,000 miles on My Suzuki named Wally.
I would routinely ride from North Bloomfield to the Wethersfield Green on the ten speed. Taking the shortest route possible it was 15 miles in about and hour and a quarter whereas it was 30 minutes and 25 miles by car.
There was 15 year old sophomore Joe Volvo. who had a full beard and looked 25 so he bought us beer during Senior year which was my first year with intoxicants. Then when we graduated, there was the perfect storm. The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1972 when I turned 18. Connecticut thought that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 and that was passed. The Blue State realizing that if you go to war and you vote and are out of school, why the hell not have a toddy now and then.
Alice Coopers “I’m 18” was out in 1972 and really we had had enough of school by the end of senior year and we sang Schools Out as we fled the scene of the unspeakable brainwashing of a stultifying education.
Me and other Wethersfielders would plow through the corn fields in the meadow (fuck their monocultural F1 hybrids.) The Suzuki had highway speed but a thick metal shield under the motor for dirt bike purposes, and it had raised pipes for sharp turns and mud bogging. I loved it and loved those times of unexpected blessings.
But then Ritchie died on his motorcycle and I converted to the ten speed. Thank goodness I gave up the mortorcycle because as a reckless 18 year old I would take my classes at Manchester Community then get on the interstate to get back to Bloomfield. I learned if I followed in the wake of tractor trailers it was much warmer. Being a statistics freak I noted that the lowest temperature I drove in was 14 degrees. No smart phones, in the old days we use something we called an outdoor thermometer.
1973 “How are you going to get to school when it starts up again next semester”
“I quit.”
My Uncle Gid had gotten my dad a job when we moved to Bloomfield and dad got me a part time job at Vincent School. Cold, snowy, it didn’t matter, I got there on the bicycle. Then I applied for a full time job that came up at the new Bloomfield Middle School. I cleaned up the fifth grade wing and was not disillusioned I was a janitor while my friends went to Boston so they could get the piece of paper that said they were smarter and more qualified as workers and therefore entitled to more money.
Broke today because I thought the system would have crashed by now and why I never bought into it. I don’t regret it and came to the conclusion that this myriad mix of experiences would never have happened without being free of the capitalist system. Glad to have not bought into all of itmaking every day challenging at 66.
The summer of ’73 and school was out. The big cleanup for the janitors but at least we could work the daytime shift for a couple of months. Strip and re-wax the floors. I was “the mouse” because I was the only one thin and agile enough to clean out under the giant gym bleachers. Also I was the one who climbed the 24 foot ladder to clean all the asbestos dust off the top of the fluorescent lights in the large Shop Class room.
I worked with skinny white Larry who had his own part of the Middle School Complex. I was in the 500 wing and Bob Jones was in the 600 Wing. He would scratch his back on the door frame like a Bear and I got to hear every joke of the previous 30 years. Black Larry was in 700 and he had a handicapped daughter. He got mad at me one day when I made a dumb comment about cripples. Mario was the boss and a total guinea. He talked about his weiner like it was a cartoon character or something.
After work I went to visit the other young man I worked with the summer of ‘73. Forget his name but he was a cool guy from New Jersey and it was a second floor room. He didn’t seem worried about the cannabis smell, “‘ol Mr Lynch don’t care as long as you pay the rent.” In August he told me that he had to get back to Jersey and I got the notion that 75 bucks for rent was easily handled since I made 400 a month. The minimum wage was $?.?? at that time.
Conveniently, I got switched to the second shift Junior High job which was right down the street and though I had gotten the black Econoline Van, I rode the bicycle. When the cream puff day shift job came up at an elementary school like my dad had, I lost it to Adinolfi. I technically had more time I was assured, and I still have the letter in my “scrapbook” which indicated he had a family and needed the cushy job more than I did.
Honestly, as I thought about it, I can’t remember the sequence of which schools I was a janitor from 1973-1978. High School 75-76. I met Lori with an I and used to get high with yellow eyed Dewitt. “You got?” I think it was the Middle School that was last. This is why I’m writing shit down. In case I’m stuck getting old and feeble, at least I’ll have something to read.
At the Middle School I would put a card or something in the door so I could get back in and would sneak over to Cliff’s house down the street to get high. Neighbors across the way Norm and JoAnne were pretty hip New Yorkers and I met their friend Sherry in 1977, and after a 6 month stint back with my parents I moved to East Granby with her and Cheryl and Eddie and Carls sister.
We had an epic band with Paula the flute player and Bernie on drums and Cliff on folk guitar, me on bass and an amazing vocalist who sounded just like Lee Morse. We played a gig at Trinity College, but that band broke up after the gig we practiced three months for and so Carl joined Bernie and I and we became a bit more metal doing songs like Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath. Bernie saved a recording of it.
So losing the plum job to Adinolfi nudged me into thinking more seriously about the vacation in Tucson. Maybe there was opportunity there. The union fracas with the town of Bloomfield was interesting but when new guys got hired they started at 132 dollars a week, and there I was still making only 125 a week after like two years.
Just so much bullshit, I had enough. Connecticut’s economy was clotted with hierarchy, nepotism and entrenched favoritism and I had had enough of how crowded the state was.
Hold the phone. I just checked on what the minimum wage was during those years. It was $2.65 in 78 and $2.90 in ’79. So off we went to Tucson, the Three Musketeers. My first job was at the Triple T Truck stop on Interstate 10. Like a diner, I don’t have many memories of that other than the Scorpion I found behind the paper box and mopping the floors and observing some skeevy nightlife. Look at me I’m at an old style diner on RT 10 in the middle of the night! This is why you have to let it go sometimes and try something new.
The place reminded me of the diners on the Berlin Turnpike back home, but more oriented to long distance truck travel.
Then I got hired on with Larry Sadowski doing third shift janitorial work at Kings Tables and Village Pizza. He was a mean bastard to his kids and wife but respected my effort, while keeping me productive and on my toes. One day we had a bit of a philosophical talk and he said I was not on a career path and asked what I really wanted to do. Tom and I did a lot of gardening on our patch at Flying A on the west side of town and suddenly I found myself recalling my dads influence with gardening via osmosis.
I’d like to do gardening I told him in 1980 and a month or two later he got me the garden maintenance work at the Kings Table we were working at. I learned about how Barrel Cactus’ grew towards the Sun and I had to replant a bunch of them so they could be better seen out of the window of the restaurant.
Larry lost the Village Pizza account and laid me off but with that gardening experience on my resume, I parleyed a job with a landscape company. Not sure if I qualified for unemployment at that point but the state unemployment service had a most excellent way of listing jobs and soon I got on with Casa Verde Landscaping. That was a great crew with Rick and some others and John Bloom the blonde surfer dude boss from California found his little niche of profit in Tucson. We all got high and also did the very best accounts in town as it turned out.
Meanwhile Sherry got laid off and while looking for a job we came across the caretaker positions at the Kingston Ranch. We applied, what did we have to lose? Beating 125 other applicants we moved to a 40 acre ranch and lived in a converted tack room which was quite luxurious. At Casa Verde my gardening skills had served me well and I was promoted to my own gig at Park Mall as the indoor and outdoor gardener. No more singing “Tube Steak Boogie” with the boys as we went to the next job but some work I could really sink my teeth into. 520 sprinklers heads in an area so vast I had to use a bicycle to get to the stations I turned on.
So in 81-83 I had the Park Mall gig and the outdoor work at the Kingston Ranch working about 50 hours a week in the desert sun and life couldn’t be sweeter. The only thing between us and the 8000 ft plus Catalina Mountains was Paul McCartneys house. A 40 foot by 8 foot pool kept us cool in the , ummerThen the Mall job was underbid, and I was looking for work and got hired on by Jeff as an electricians helper. When I say I talked to a lot of people in my life, I mean to say we mingled with other contractors and ate lunch together, as just one example.
Electrical work was interesting running wire in a bunch of different kind of buildings and I really got to understand how houses and housing complexes are built. Even rewired a college dorm which I remember well.
Alas, we became bored with Arizona, despite having seen and experienced a whole new world in those six years, but still yearned to be New Englanders again. I was once again the scout looking for a place to live while living at Norm and Joannes. They had gone off for a month somewhere and it was just me and Freddy the dog for three weeks then the cats came in on an airplane.
Looking for a New Englandy place to live I went to the Boston area first. I got pulled over by a cop trying to find my way around a tight little neighborhood in Boston in my search for a home and the only way out was going the wrong way on a one way street… and there’s a cop. I talked my way out of it and went on for a quieter town between there and Salem.
Then I realized that maybe Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts were far from the people we knew, and Enfield Connecticut was quite New Englandy in its own way with its old houses and farm stands. At the end of April I had been at Norms for two weeks. They spent a month or something in Cape Cod and I was house sitting which, all in all, was a pretty cool transition to New England. Taking care of Freddy the dog and shepherding the arrival of Dickens and Rocky, our cats.
I applied at Tarnow Nursery which was down the road about a half a mile and got a job. Minimum wage had risen to $3.35 an hour and despite a pretty good horticultural resume by this point, I started at $3.50. Owner John was a well known skinflint as I found out from his nieces Nancy and Susan who had set up the nursery the previous fall and ran the place. He barely paid them 4 an hour to run the place, and they were kin.
There’s that pattern emerging that most guys wanted to be millionaires. The nursery owner probably became a millionaire eventually, on the backs of 100, mostly dedicated young people of course. As did Tom Collins in later years with lots of turnover and probably 1000 employees at Captain Hirams. As did the owners of Rock City leaving 500 disgruntled employees in their wake at least.
Joe from Springfield came along at Tarnow Nursery and he was a young, but old looking, college grad and he became the boss and Susan and Nancy went back to the main store to work, except weekends when Joe was off, and they were the bosses. We spent a lot of time talking on the weekends and there was quite a bunch of interesting kids that came through that summer. That was a good crew.
At 32, I was the oldest at the jobsite and should have been well on my way to a capitalist career and accumulating assets and investing for retirement, but I wasn’t buying into this system. I had learned quite a bit about plants the previous four years with the mall and caretaker job, and I quickly learned about Connecticuts favorite plants since I'd previously lived there for 23 years.
I thought I had quite a good sales approach and we were taught to handle two customers and go between them while, you know, keeping the elbows and ankles flying when Joe was there. I started by being a loader and met many of the Enfield people who frequented the store who lauded the variety of the plants. This was no vegetable stand with plants, it was a slick professionalism that most people like and Tarnows quickly became Enfields favorite nursery.
The end of the summer came, and it was pumpkins and fall decorations and selling the fall planting concept. The kids went back to college and I became the main sales person (except when the college edumacated Joe and that lazy guinea schlub from the Main store worked there). This other guy was lazy as fuck and immediately had an effect on productivity. By November Michelle ran the Christmas shop and I was the everything else person. She was sharp and knew how to please the little old ladies buying Christmas fluff.
So my first winter since 1977-8 was set to arrive. We came back to experience the seasons, right? My partner and I had moved to the Thompsonville section of Enfield and it was like a slice of Boston, a dose of “Southy” that had dropped down in the Connecticut River Valley. There was Ragnos where they served the food I had missed out in Arizona. A little further away was the best Polish Deli I had ever hoid. Our daughter was born and then baptized at the very old church down the street. A little further on, a Norman Rockwell Christmas emerged at Freshwater Pond when the ice froze. There was talk of the giant mill being converted into condos.
It was exciting and I realized at this point that I had truly created my own path. My peers were buying houses and working in cubicles but I decided to carve my own path. I was creating my own horticultural college experience in a pull up your bootstraps way. There was Tiny’s Little criminal enterprise next door in a pool hall and a host of characters living in 8 rentals in two large houses. Add loose soap opera here.
I bought some really choice little evergreens and had planted them on the side of the house. Rocky and Dickens would run up the front steps to come in because the back steps were missing. I was planting in this grey dust they called soil and people were digging it. “Looks good” said local murderer Wilmer Paradise.
My partner was working downtown and I went to the local employment agency to find another job when I got laid off after Christmas. When you make peanuts, the unemployment was very minimal and a couple weeks before Valentines day I got a job with a wholesale Greenhouse.
Former Ball Seed Vice President Peter Stanley was one of the most manic people I’d ever met. He had reconstructed two 440 foot greenhouses and was striking out on his own with his patented concept called Jet Plugs. Instead of the usual 75 cent plugs these were much smaller and only about 35 cents if I recall, so that was 40 cents a plant profit. I learned the long road from producer to purchaser. One day running between greenhouses I caught the top of my head on a round eyehook. Shouldn’t tear my head open since it wasn’t sharp in any way but that was a trip to the emergency clinic and 13 stitches. My nickname was Zipperhead for a while.
So there I was off to a new job in early February with the temperature around 10 degrees and a dry wicked wind was blowing so it felt like it was well below zero and I was reminded of one of the reasons I moved to Arizona. It was COLD! Everything was frozen and the loading dock area looked to be abandoned with 4’x4’ flattened boxes blowing around and other litter was being blown around. I was looking for a job here? It looked like a disaster area.
Peter was short on employees and this was his problem. So he hired me on at $4.25 an hour which was 25% more than I was making at Tarnow Nursery. An employee was walkie talkied to come and give me an orientation. She was one of those fantasy Nordic women who cursed very fluently. We got on pretty good, I was always monogamous, so there was never sexual tension with the female co-workers.
In the world of capitalism, men are sheltered from the minorities and they were the bosses of the women and this is why so much sexism remains. At the Mall job in Tucson I had lunch on the regular with the three prettiest women in the whole place. You treat a woman like a dude and they respond in kind. At the mall I also talked with dozens of the employees from every demographic. I reject the notion that I “don’t know how to communicate”. I've heard that plenty of times but I still believe my own thoughtsAt Tarnow Nursery I met practically everyone in town who came to check out the place. I had the gift of gab when I was younger.
I don’t remember the flaxen haired Valkyries name but she walked me to the first Greenhouse and it was a moment like no other. People with glasses know how they fog up in changing conditions. Ten below zero with a wicked wind chill and it was like Dorothy opening the door to the colors of Oz.
Tropical plants as far as the eye could see and a temperature to match. Plants poised for the Valentines Day sales. Here was a new experience to jump into, fer sure. Many tales I will relate later and just one to keep the flow. Bosses such as Jim the asshole came along and Dwight from out of state who was a hired gun and a spectacular dude. No college for him either and he was older than me and was also into a wide variety of job experiences. He and his friend from Pittsburgh completely refurbished the greenhouses.
When all was said and done, our little family moved to the field office of Consolidated Cigar that Dwight and Marian had lived in. There was always a boss over me and they all got fired or quit and I was a constant for Stanley Greenhouses and now lived across the street in the cutest little white house you ever saw.
Summer of 86 with my first biological child was a fun little baby and it was an exciting time. I believe the wife quit her job to be a mommy since I was putting in 60 hours a week and making enough. A typical day would have me at 7:00 walking over to begin venting around 15,000 sq. ft. of greenhouse.
By then the Weather Channel had become the bomb, and I would vent accordingly, depending on that days conditions. Rolling carts waited on the very large loading dock and sometimes I took a smaller truck and loaded from the greenhouse. Then I would drive and deliver for ten hours going to Mattapan or Poughkeepsie or over Mt Adams. I’d come back and close the vents to keep the greenhouses at 75 degrees, then walk home after a 13 hour day. But it was interesting, you know. I set up plant displays at BJ’s Wholesale and delivered to every Paperama in southern New England out to the Hudson in New York.
Work hard and be rewarded was the message of my youth but then I learned from a friend that I had to work smart. That made sense. But did it mean conniving to scratch and claw my way above other employees? Yes it did. The secret to the American Dream, if you wanted financial security you needed to be the boss. To be able to manipulate people to work harder than they should without because we aren’t machines. Squeezing productivity from underpaid employees was never a lure to me.
The boss at Walmart making sure no one talks to each other. The warehouse manager not caring about workers injuries. The head nurse that all the CNA’s hate. My philosophy is that I don’t like being bossed and I don’t like BEING the boss.
So here I was with caretaking experience, a difficult mall gardening job that included irrigation work, and then some electrical work. A nursery job and greenhouse experience. I was training myself in Horticulture. So, by 1987 Peter ratcheted down his business because his mercurial bossmanship just wasn’t making the money he expected, although of course he blamed the employees.
He even had me set up a retail shop the spring after Dwight left and people recognized me from Tarnows. Then there were the BJ Wholesale sites where I set up the indoor displays and returned weekly to replace plants in ‘86. I even drove to Syracuse a couple of times.
I reckon it was the summer of 87 and I decided I needed indoor plant experience on my resume. The good thing about interior plantwork was that it was a way to work through a New England winter. I spent nine months at Plantations who had some very professional training. I forgot how I left that job.
Then there was the Plantscape job where I was the only dude. When they went big on a pink and black theme with uniforms and stickers and what all else, I found it amusing and they found a way to frame and fire me.
In spring of ’88 I got a job with probably one of the best crews ever. There was the boss, another Lori with an I, who was a dairy farmers daughter. She had grown up with machines and tractors and got the notion to start a landscaping business. Dwarf Evergreens were trending and the plant selection was minty and the boss was calm and organized.
There was Bob the biker. A big bear of a guy with a big beard that the boss described as more a Teddy Bear than a Grizzly. There was Randy the Redneck and there were many interesting discussions altogether between all of us. A big gun enthusiast and one of the first Preppers I ever met. He had enough food for a year at least and even an underground gasoline tank. Randy and his Super Swampers were such a caricature.
Armageddon happens and people are hungry roaming the land for food and shelter We asked him what he would do if dozens of hungry people and their children were walking up his driveway looking for assistance. His answer was that he would “mow them down like zombies.” Then there was Mike Two Hawks, who said he was derided as “only” a quarter blood Mohawk by his peers, but who seemed to be fully authentic. He taught me ceremony and quite a bit else though he was younger.
There were always side jobs such as Tony and “big boobs” Barbara who often wore a sweatshirt that asked, where did you get those tomatoes with two big tomatoes on the front. There was Dat Shenoy and his family. He was a tech dude who quit the biz and wanted to be a landlord so he would be buying houses and I would renovate the landscaping and help him clean and paint the indoors. I’ve like Painting ever since.
I don’t know what years those were with Dat and his lovely family and where they fit in with all those other Connecticut jobs I had, but it was certain that no one could cite my lack of hustle. A 50 hour week was quite normal for me in the 80’s. I had packed in quite a bit of training in horticulture and with Lori I had the classic experience of driving a 1949 Ford tractor down the state road creating a traffic jam.
With my greenhouse experience I stayed on with the landscaperwhen it got too cold to plant Junipers in the frozen ground. There was Joe Gidvelas with his mafioso persona. He cursed all the time and was very gruff, except when he was planting tissue culture jet plugs and he treated those like newborn babies.
In ’89 we got an offer to come to Florida to be manipulated by my in-laws who felt a need to manipulate our life when we got there. My dad drove my rusted pickup and I drove a Hertz rental truck like the ones Stanleys had and my dad drove my Datsun King Cab. Without cell phones and global positioning satellites, we always had a place where we would meet if we got separated. This was important going on the six lane I-295 around Washington DC.
I felt pretty confident and adaptable in a new state and got a job within two weeks while wifey got depressed after not finding weed or a job after two and a half months. Then she met my soon to be ex second wife and they ran a group home for retarded people and we were finally acclimated.
I got a job at Atlantic View, a seven story condo with ocean views. Well one day the boss was caught smoking crack on the fifth floor. He got fired and my New Age buddy Dave was suddenly boss. Turnover such as it is in Arizona and Florida, Dave was funny and smart but definitely suffered from IED. Intermittent explosive disorder. He ended up getting fired too and there I was two months in Florida and I became the boss.
South American investors with alleged old school drug gang connections, it was reputed they were laundering money. Fred Stresau had done the landscape design and I learned he was a bestselling author. He wrote “Florida, My Eden” which remained the landscape bible through the nineties for many in Florida. He had died before the project was finished and I never met him, but Fred Stresau Jr. visited the site, and was such a dick.
The project manager was also a dick. A developers hired gun he fucked with everybody but respected me for some reason. On December 24th, one of the worst freezes in decades was predicted for all of Florida. It snowed on Christmas Day in Titusville we found out and even though I had a difficult time whipping the boys to be 100% productive, arms and elbows flying, I negotiated with them constantly to increase their productivity.
There was nothing we could do to protect the 70 Coconut Palms out by the street but we had many plants in pots that weren’t going to get planted and were bound to be frozen by this freeze. This was one of those worker moments when the workers grabbed the initiative. Paul the pot dealer and a seriously redneck dude from West Virginia and the guy that looked like Jesus. A 6’4” Jesus. All great sincere men who respected each other and they got the notion to build a greenhouse.
“Are you kidding” the developer said but we didn’t need to buy a thing. They made a 15 by 10 foot greenhouse to house the more rare material. I planted tree seeds I had ordered from catalogs in 89 I had hoped to grow in Florida. I forgot how we heated it but they built the entire thing from what was in the dumpsters. Plastic and wood, it was a work of genius with this incredible cold front headed our way. Clamps and nails from home, everything survived, and my seeds even germinated. Mesquite Palo Verde Acacias from around the world, Poinciana and others. What didn’t fit in the greenhouse we placed next to it where it was warmer. Our fifth guy, a young troublemaker but a good egg, didn’t have anything to do at xmas so he came in checked on the heater.
By February or March, I got tired of the fancy condo landscaping and so I quit and got hired by Biogreen. He had an interesting pamphlet on his methods that I still have. Feather and Blood Meal. Natural fertilizing materials I’ll discuss later. Azalea Lane Apts with his much older but foxy girlfriend. His scattershot methods became scatterbrained and it was the Organic experience I needed to get back to my roots and I went into full research mode about Florida plants though I ended up getting laid off .
On May 30 1990 I got hired on to Orchid Island and worked there till June 2001. More horticultural things than I can encapsulate happened, and these issues will blow up this story later.
By the spring of ’01 my ankles and arms were on the verge of total spasm after five years of mowing greens and heavy landscaping with a chain saw and my tractor and trailer. The knee problem had healed in large part to Doctor Dave who lived in Orchid Island. But then one day after 5 years of professional greens mowing, I was going to mow the practice putting green and when I brought the gate down from the trailer my back went into total breakdown. So much pain I had to sit on the ground and wait for help. My strong back was ready to snap. I had had enough precision mowing for one lifetime.
I had been in discussion with Rick about my pending departure at Orchid Island and he promised me 15 hours. So I was paid for like six more weeks and after six weeks of physical therapy I quit. Take this job and recycle it elsewhere. With my ten years I had just qualified for three weeks vacation and was making almost 11 an hour which only long term help earned. 22,600 a year. Kind of a lot for me and why would I risk all this wifey asked.
I already had Delval and three other side jobs and Ricks 15 hours and the Flower Girl started getting me work and I ended up making 22,600 in ’01 and ’02 and like to feel I didn’t miss a beat going to self-employment. Support instead of doubts would have helped, but I persisted.
I picked up Crawfords at Orchid and Reynolds too and then the funny dude who lived between them. Orchid customers like that I could talk greens or fairways and the short holes on #8 and #15. I explained to them some of the environmental issues I’d failed to get implemented in my discussions with management.
I said that the invasive pest plant Brazilian Pepper needed to be removed and native plants put in their place. I tried to promote these mainstream environmental standards but couldn’t make a dent with the profit machine.
Meanwhile the children are 19, 18, 16, 12, and 6 in 2002. Three teens, Master Gardener volunteer and Tree Board Advisor, while planting small plants for future growth in the yard. The ones from the rare fruit council seemed to be doing great at that point.
Needless to say, maintaining a customer base for twenty years leads to a lot of communicating. More so than working with the grumpy nurse demographic, I’d guess.
I AM FROM Hartford Hospital and Pepe’s Lincoln and learning how to go to school in miserable conditions and how there had to be something better than wet galoshes for the foul weather. Taking naps in first grade and peeing my pants in second grade. Staying in class through lunch that day and I was driven home by the principal since mom had no license.
Another day that I got driven home was when I fell flat into a big puddle at lunch break outside in our play area on the pavement. Completely wet, but not embarrassed, they called my mother who was one of the few people in town that didn’t drive. Colleen and Paula in fifth grade made me realize love was in the air. Mr Domino was a male influence finally as my sixth grade teacher. Dad seemed great, both parents were always busy but a boy needs positive male influence. Girls need mentors too I’m sure.
Too many rural kids are raised with killing things and learning boys will be boys and that misbehavior can be excused. The dude who brought me my bundle of papers at 430 in the morning was pretty cool and sometimes I’d get out there early enough to see him and have a little chat. Then teenhood came along and it became about sports and being a feral child on my bicycle.
Adult world stuff I remember was the trouble Auntie had with Uncle Eddie who beat her with a phone in one cruel incident and was finally forced out. This was racist Joe’s son and my cousin Dennis’ dad. Two cousins near my age, they showed me different things like abandoned buildings and driving a go-kart on the sidewalk along route 3. With no brakes. Thrills that parents would find unsafe today.
Favorite hiking places. Back yard Meadows. Bloomfield tracks and Pennwood. Eagle Cloud Mountain. Somewhere southwest Of Tucson. Coronado National Forest. Rt 5, Hazardville Freshwater Creek watershed. Sebastian Greens and the Stormwater Park.
The Portuguese side always had good suppers and a bathroom with all the fairies wallpapered with an aqua blue background. Another younger cousin was retarded but he ended up working at Tony’s corner market. He died at 18 from complications with his brain problem that sounds like encephalitis. He greatly benefitted with Governor Dempseys programs.
I like to say I don’t like being bossed and I don’t like being the boss. So by the age of twenty I was done with mom controlling me and she told me I was going to be a pall bearer for Daves funeral. Not really feeling grief for my dead cousin or even knowing what a pall bearer was so I said no. Tired of being told what to do. Maybe if Tony asked me or something. But, another mistake I made from immaturity.
Junior High was like 1966 and the spring and summer before was filled with tales of horror. “Ninth graders, like, knock your books out of your hand ‘n shit.” “You gotta be naked after gym”. Oh no, everyone was going to know about my hairy legs that I had managed to keep hidden.
Somehow I shaved them where they could be seen between socks and thigh pads in midget football. That naked bullshit was downright weird. Suddenly, a class full of boys were naked with each other, after being taught modesty at home? Then what was REALLY creepy was high school where the coachs office was like, 15 feet from the showers.
“So they can make sure no hanky panky is going on.” I’m told. Another what the hell moment that only crystalizes into adult awareness. Now I look at the Jerry Sandusky scandal and the abuse in the boy scouts class action lawsuit and now I wonder if there is some sort of homo-erotic thing with men. When Randazzo the neighbor saw a huge stump one day he goes “bicep contest”. Everyone put their elbows on the stump and flexed and I’m like WTH is this?
Luckily I was bereft of any sort of male influence regarding guns and sex and being told killing things is OK. Like I said Ritchie with his beating frogs on cement was beyond my comprehension. He done kilt a rabbit and chopped its foot off and showed me one Saturday. I was like what in the fuck is this? This is why I assumed he was in jail as I got older. Or dead. My psycho friend.
The disaster with Janis did yield some insights. The boys were all about coercing the girls for sex she told me. You know the upstanding citizens of Wethersfield High School like Mike B. She mentioned other names but I forgot them. Then there was Ed Duggan the King of coercive assholes. I read his comments on facebook and I’m like how do these women tolerate this misogyny and even find him endearing?
Now he’s dead and people are like what an adorable guy and bought him, like, a park bench or something. A memorial plaque. More like a royal plague.
There was 10th grade football and the Charleys and Jims of our 1-7 season in 1969 were being hyper jocks, but somehow always had lots of excuses for missing practice. One thing I distinctly remember is that I didn’t miss a single practice. Smallest dude on the team at 5’6” 140, I certainly took my lumps but did the running up and down the bleachers with a uniform on …barely. Then rode my Roddy one speed 4 miles home.
So this is a pattern I like to think I created. Tough everything out. I was blinded by Jimmy Pierces rock and the doctor said no football or baseball for a year, so I sat out 9th grade Jayvee football and when I could play baseball again it was with all the neighborhood kids in Clarks cow field. I realized I’d never be a baseball player at that point, the pitching was just too fast. Another form of bullying. One year of senior league in 8th grade and I was 9 for 39 with a strikeout in the world series.
I could nail a runner at home from center field but when a 14 year old is throwing 85 MPH from 30 feet away (66 feet in the major leagues), it was downright scary. I couldn’t swing fast enough. I also learned about branding when I found out the name of my team was Wethersfield Optical. We were The Opticals? That was like Shaun playing soccer for Riverside Lawns. “Go Lawns” I’d shout at the games. “Get psyched”.
Back to 2020, I see these male creatures with their “I just broke a beer bottle and I’m going to kill you in a barfight” attitude, and the dudes with their gym muscles and I am not getting it. They need a constant reassurance of their manhood or something but now I realize it’s a show. Everybody working on their brand, marketing their masculinity. Everyone craving fame and greatness.
So to me it’s your actions that make you a man. While the boys were talking tough with their pints in Beantown, I was riding my bicycle through the ghetto in Hartford to get to the Green quickly and then further out in West Hartford on the way back, when I was tipsy from downing my six pack of Pabst. A 30 mile round trip easily.
In my 30’s I doggedly created a two mile trail that connected all the patches of forest that remained in Hazardville during the 80’s. Looking back on all my efforts, I am so thankful to be still standing all these years. Truly grateful I had the sturdy legs to do these things like hiking and biking. Didn’t like that weird leg hair though, then disappointment when I never developed beard hair.
Twenty years of teenagers and 30 years of (guiding raising?) children and most difficult of all, the 25 years with J as she framed my narrative with my sisters, her sisters and anyone else she could defame and degrade me in their eyes. Maybe Scott is right. A misandrist.
Now at 66 comes a dilemma of not buying into the system. Leaving 25 years of blood sweat and fears in a house that was never mine and not even getting a pittance for my effort. I took our tax refund one year and got a loan for the rest to buy the lot next door for $6400. What do we need it for? Only you need it she complained. And complained. An investment, maybe, dear sweet wise queen of mine? Now it’s worth 28,000 and still without a penny to my name. Looking at sleeping in my truck I still need to buy.
All these expectations about being a man, but I feel that, at least to myself, I proved it. In 2020 all these boomer dudes talk about is how many people they bossed or how much property they accumulated. Endlessly gossiping and bragging and bearing false witness against others. Mowing people down like zombies with their verbal guns I absolutely cannot bear to hear another boomer life story. As I explained, I have talked to a lot of people all my life till about 2005 after ten years of ceaseless negativity and false accusations I was constantly forced to prove false and these “argument starters only got worse and worse and finally I had a big moment where I was drifting away from everyone as I created a shell around me.
As an aside here, I know somebody who is particularly annoying with the bragging about themselves and how they are loved wherever they go he tells me (unlike me, it’s assumed I am a grumpy old fuck). Come to find out they stroll down the boardwalk repeating their life stories to five people a day. The same old schtick is wearying. People always virtue signaling to me that they are either a better person or a good business person (unlike me who doesn’t even return phone calls) or beat me at things that don’t make me feel like I want to be competitive.
It's time to toughen up again and endure. September 12th 2020 and the cool weather is within reach. Five months of glorious weather and perhaps my last year in business. November 12th and night time temperatures are still 10 to 15 degrees above normal in the high 70’s. Florida is finally getting old and I am shaking it up in 2021. I know I sound defensive in my stories here but that’s why I call this FRAMING MY OWN NARRATIVE. People are no longer interesting to me so I spend my time writing to try and entertain but also to open myself up as to who I really am. I only tell stories once and I don’t remember who I told what stories to but just the same, no one knows more than 10% of me.
I’m leaving myself open to anything but I am telling myself this is my last summer outdoors. Anything can happen but opportunity only knocks when you’re out there doing it and immersing oneself in the world and … well… networking. Looking like I will give up my three Orchid customers on January 1st and that will be 30 years. There. Thirty years going to Busy Bee and Moody Tire. I sense a change coming on but I need to mingle with people again but I am so not into meeting people. I’ve literally had enough of people. Conundrum or imbroglio?
But I probably still have a lot to learn about relationships. Started with Joyce. On a paperboy trip a dude named Paul picked up a “chick” at the park. A long story short, they broke up but I dated Joyce and I’d take the bus to Windsor and go to the movies. Then there was a pressure about getting her a ring and I was chastised on the phone by one of her friends. I didn’t have a clue. One awkward kiss was a relationship? Nobody needs this.
Sports. I write about a lot in …
Life Story writing prompt continues on page 40
The paperboy of yesteryear was a wonderful option for boys in the 60's. It was a skill building, freedom loving occupation; with the obvious benefits that came from learning about small business at a young age. If you were never a paperboy, there was also a social component involved with this job that was critically important.
When I had to go collecting for the weekly bill, I went to nearly everybody’s house, exchanging pleasantries and enjoying talking with the many different kinds of people and listening to what they had to say and always adding my youthful two cents. Now it’s funny to look back and realize I had my own small business with 40 customers such a long time ago, one of the last of the door to door peddlers.
By 1971, I was 17 years old and getting many questions; derisive questions from my peers wondering when I would get a real job. You know, being a 17 year old paperboy was so uncool to them. The minimum wage back then was $1.25 an hour and when I got the second paper route in tenth grade, I made 40 dollars in about 13 hours a week. Over three dollars an hour! It would be like making 16 dollars an hour today, in 10th grade! I thought I had it going on, because work and school were over at 3:10, and when that school bell rang; I was free! “Tell me when you’re making forty dollars a week” I told my peers, “from your real job.” They spent 20 hours a week in the hot Connecticut sun, working shade tobacco, to make 22 dollars.
I spent three hours of the thirteen total collecting what was due, but that turned into 6 hours a week, with all the diversions and wanderings I pursued , but fun didn't count as work hours. I was running loose in the morning in the dark delivering papers and on Friday and Saturday evening I didn’t have to account for any of my time with my parents. Nice to be trusted. Now it’s like, “ why were you at the store so long>”
Eventually, I did get curious to see what a “real job” was like. Remember my work was done by 7 in the morning. So I had time to be a “soda jerk” at Dougherty Drugs after school. I only made 20 dollars a week there, in about 16 hours from 4 to 8, 4 days a week. Who needed that, not even half of what I made as a paperboy? I’m glad I didn’t give up my morning job.
Back even further to 1965 when I was 11, my very first paper route was an afternoon paper route. Back in those days there was a competition in all the cities between the morning and afternoon paper and the paperboys were voraciously active selling their product, and there was no advertising needed. My parents approved of this activity, and thought if this worked out, I could start my own college fund. I just wanted to make ten dollars a week and ended up making 11 or 12, and having more fun than I expected.
Back in those days banks gave between 5 and 6% interest. Today most “banks” don’t deal with savings accounts that are small, and they get away with the legal corruption of eliminating many savings accounts for young people by instituting the "Inactive Account" scam throughout the nineties.
People thought they had put aside 400 dollars, for instance, for a newborn child’s future, only to go back 10 years later to see that there was nothing left in the account! Today, banks never pay more than 1% interest in savings, stifling the teen entrepreneur at the very least. In fact, if you do not have a minimum of $400 in the account these days, there is a penalty.
In the old days, you could put money in the bank and every quarter you would check how much interest accrued, so my mother set aside 8 dollars every week to go in the bank and I kept the rest. I got a few new customers and got my income up to 11 or 12 dollars a week which gave me some jingle jangle in my pocket. I had 3 dollars to spend as I chose from the time I was 11 onwards. Usually for bicycle parts or sports equipment that wasn’t available in the paperboy contests but I can say I’ve been buying my own shit since then.
My bundle of papers was dropped off at the apartments where half of the customers were. Sure enough, I was up and down those elevators thousands of times. Friends seemed to like to help deliver the papers if they got to mess around with the elevator. "Dude, that's the last time" I'd tell them as the elevator opened up to a generally friendly old person. "How are you fellas doing today?" “Great Sir, we forgot a paper on the third floor and we’re going back. Rodney Kolodny here (pointing to a friend) still doesn’t know how to operate an elevator.”
I had businesses on the Silas Deane Highway; along with a couple remaining residences on the Silas Deane that refused to sell to developers. Customers included the gas station at the light, Western Auto (where I got tires, spokes, and ball bearings) and a wide variety of other customers. A place called Carlin Inc. had the WORLDS MOST PERFECT BIKE JUMP.
I had a stretch of customers down the other side of the light including a hardware store. Burger Chef, the first fast food to arrive in Wethersfield, was where I would give 25 cents now and then to the teen age panhandlers Tony and Tommy. Every day I cruised through the Carlin INC. loading dock, setting up for the jump. I only had to fall once at the beginning, to be much more careful. Back when we could have unsupervised rough play.
Then I'd drive over the tracks and over to Mill St. A wooded swampy area with some very dilapidated housing. They were very poor families, much like you’d see in Appalachia; people that still had outhouses. One generation removed from potato sack clothes, they were former mill workers and it was a stark atmosphere that was hard to forget. The mill had been closed more than ten years and these families were impoverished by the paltry pay from the predatory capitalist fat cats, no doubt.
The Mill Street Appalachia was demolished a year or two later and there was a rumor something different was coming to that site. Something we’d never seen before. During the summer of ‘66 I was 12 and decided I couldn’t go another school year working the afternoon paper and miss all those baseball and football games after school. I made the phone call to sign up with the morning newspaper, The Hartford Courant, which was established in 1764. Their motto was and still is, “Older than the nation, newer than the news.”
Two weeks later came the phone call; route #406 was available, was I interested? “Yeh!” Dude named Gorski was giving up his route, being 14, a big kid who was going to get a “real job” working tobacco. In Connecticut we know about “working tobacco”. Shade grown for cigar wrappers, it was hot and horrible work, but what a pile of cash at the end of the week and 14 year olds were allowed to work it. 50 dollars! In one week! All you had to do was resign yourself to exhaustion, sunburn and summer fun only on the weekends.
Gorski told me about the customers he liked on the route and made sure I treated them right and they WERE great people. I went with him for two mornings and that was it. He passed on the collection book and told me I’d make 14 a week from it. This route was in historic Old Wethersfield and I did make 14 a week and built it up a little bit to 16, and then something big happened at the former Appalachia site.
Eventually, there were sixteen buildings and 64 living units on the site. What a bonanza, so many potential customers in such a small area. I could drop five papers in a minute. Mill St. Appalachia gave way to something I’d never seen before. It looked like the Jordan Lane Nursing Home, but everyone grew to love it despite its bricky nothingness for architecture. These homes were called “condos”. Condominiums.
I had been like any other fierce, territorial CEO. As they were being built, I hovered around them territorially while letting Izard and Joe, the two closest paperboys, that this uncharted Hartford Courant territory was mine, because, after all, I had customers on both side of the project. Permanent residents I once had on the Hartford Times afternoon paper route, I converted to the morning paper, the Hartford Courant.
So Gorski went off to work tobacco in the blazing sun and humid summer heat. 50 bucks! 44 after taxes… he had big dreams. Saving up his pennies saving up his dimes to buy a 409.
The Hartford Courant had good contests for getting new customers, and I often won basketballs and gloves and bats and newfangled collecting books. With these condos; I got enough new customers to qualify for numerous day trips to New York City. In the winter, the Courant took us to a ski lodge in Massachusetts and when I had gotten enough new customer points; there were the three day trips to D.C. or Cape Cod. You see; this is a form of enlightened capitalism. Or what an open free marketplace should be. When things go well and sales are up, everybody prospers.
Customers were all pretty nice, and everyone had their own little gig to talk about, and it was fun getting a peek into other people’s lives, and there were lots of people to talk about the issues of the day.
“We buy our milk from the store now," I remember people telling me things like this as we were transitioning into the modern age. The local dairies began having trouble competing with the avaricious new dairy corporations bent on excessive profits and converting the family farm into the factory farm.
“The fruit peddler used to stop here," was another comment I remember. He had a rolling fruit stand, and when I was about 12 with my new morning route, he had 10 or 15 customers on our street and I would wave to him, though he was a grumpy sort. A couple years previous he even had a horse that pulled his cart, for real, with horse poop (road apples) in the road and everything. Nobody cared; you went around road apples in those days . Today you sue the horses’ owner.
Business was bad since the A&P opened up in 1964 and by 1968 he was gone. Mrs. Gangi, who was handicapped, was his last steady customer and one or two others. A & P became the place to shop. Then Popular Market in 67 across the other side of the Silas Deane Highway.
Two small business institutions I saw fade away; the milkman and the fruitman, and eventually the paperboy seemed to have disappeared. But I was thriving by 1969, making about 20 to 24 dollars a week and I think my mother was making me save a minimum of 16 dollars per week at this point. She’d show me the passbook now and then. Astonishing, approaching 2,000 dollars when I was 15! The 5.5% interest helped the savings build faster. In this world of 2020, you need to save thousands of dollars in long term notes, to barely get 1%. Did I hear someone say ‘pit of vipers?’
What then of the milkman and fruit peddler now? Our local dairy was probably 8 miles away in Rocky Hill. Every 20 miles or so, there was a dairy, I’m sure. Locally grown eggs and milk from cows you could wave to as you drove by. "John-get your head back in the car!"
One of my jobs was leaving out the milk bottles to be picked up; then bringing in what the milkman left, since I was the first one to wake up in the morning. Looking back, what was the greatest generation thinking when they let progress trample over this and other old fashioned but useful traditions? Predatory capitalism has torn apart the social fabric with the greatest generation as willing dupes.
How old are our eggs now and how far have they traveled? What chemicals have been applied to feed? How crowded are conditions with the chickens? Our modern food production kept food prices artificially low, but at what social and moral cost? Too much lost…landmarks, wetlands, ancient forests, and the fine network of small brooks and streams were compromised or destroyed as the greatest generation ravaged resources such as Southern Forests for cheap homes in the fifties and sixties, and the Atlantic ocean for fish on Friday.
That white Cadillac, so many aspired to, symbolized purity and wealth and the façade of prosperity. Corporations tore apart the family farm and the self-sufficient homestead during the alleged post war prosperity. Much of what makes a community tighter was destroyed by the Greatest “can’t do anything about it” Generation. “Can’t stop progress” the cathode ray instructed them.
Where are the paperboys now? I don’t think I’ve seen a real paperboy for 20 years. What a great way for children to learn about profits, and loss, productivity, and efficiency along with customer relations. Something has most definitely been lost. Now our pollution spewing death wagons are used in paper delivery. I could always throw a newspaper within two feet of the door. No one wants to get dressed to go get their paper at the end of the driveway like we do today. The death wagons spew carbon monoxide in the early morning stillness. My morning hair could really frighten someone and many get their paper before they are presentable. Some customers demanded I put the paper inside the screen door, and usually these people tipped pretty well.
I was deadly accurate, even at 15 MPH on the bike, so my customers opened the door just a crack to get their news instead of going down to the street in their jammies. A lot of youngsters like me had an income and my money circulated through the economy via Western Auto and Mad Magazine and Nestles chocolate, while saving 4,000 dollars by my senior year in 1972. Take that … real job.
Before being a paperboy I had my first career picking up soda bottles. It was 1964 and littering had gotten out of control. People thought nothing of just throwing out garbage of any sort as they drove, the Greatest Generation, right? The privileged 'we defeated Hitler' generation. Unbelievable now to think how our roadsides used to look like garbage at the dump. Most frequently littered were soda bottles. Some were worth 2 cents, bigger ones were 5 cents.... America was discovering soda in a big way and we brought in bottles frequently.
Business got real slow in ’65 because of the littering laws that were being passed and ironically; environmental legislation drove me out of my first business. It was worth it though; a new consciousness was arriving, questioning the strictures of the Old Society. The Greatest Generation felt they deserved anything they could get, and the resources of this country and planet was theirs to use: seven generations worth of consumption in one. Consume they did
One day, to make some money, me n' Richie got the notion of picking blackberries and selling them to the produce manager at Popular Market. With a spaghetti saucepot half filled with berries, we walked into the store figuring we could possibly make 75 cents. It would be like finding more than 20 bottles, all at once.
The produce manager looked at our fruit and for perhaps for a second, a bemused smile crept over his face as he thought about tasty local fruit…………………..but then he looked at our crud encrusted fingernails and said, “I appreciate this fellas……….but uh, I'd need to see a business license.” What hath the corporate world wrought?
We lived on our bicycles. Going to places like under 91 near the dump. Best of all was the Meadows. Woods Corn field and then the Connecticut river. Eventually we got to crossing on the Rocky Hill Ferry and over to Cotton Hollow when I was 16 to 20. I often came back even after I moved to Bloomfield.
Perfect, a peaceful running stream you could walk across. Lots of rocks to jump from. As good as the Rockies without the mountain views of course.
In Bloomfield Pennwood is very similar to a knob in the Appalachians. I could ride my bike there. Then my motorcycle then my bike again and finally the black van. Young man with lots of energy. Lots of sports and paper routes gave me some sturdy legs. No gym muscles here. So I went for long hikes at Pennwood.
Going to Arizona and living on a street called Flying A I felt like I was in the middle of the desert, another kind of wilderness.
I’ll put that picture of mary Lou walking in view of Cat Mountain right here. One day I was sitting on a rock doing a number and looking at all the views of different mountain ranges and saw a cloud that looked like a classic eagle shape and I had some sort of revelation that day.
We moved into town after a year and a half and lived there for a year and a half. Not much hiking but some amazing walks with Mary Lou Dickens and our new cat Rocky.
Rocky was a stray we fed. Skinny with very long legs he went missing for a couple days just after we decided to adopt him. It became five days and we thought we had lost him. Went back to his owner or something.
Then there was the day we heard a muted mewing at the back door. It was him. His fur was all matted and oily but he seemed uninjured. If only animals could talk he could have told us what a degrading experience he had. His fur was scraped off if I remember correctly. He looked like he got run over by a car.
So my cat buddies and I walked all over the neighborhood. Seriously really far, we were truly a pack. I remember the cats darting from one concealed spot to the next as we went further and further each time. Mary Lou would do what I told her and we had hiked before and drove cross country. Dickens always had a knack for running and hiding and Rocky was the boy from the streets. Truly one of the greatest memories for my mind.
Then we got the job as caretakers at a 40 acre ranch. One of 125 applicants but we seemed like the right fit. 250,000 acres in the Coronado National Forest to explore and the next town was 37 miles away. Interesting were the dry stream beds where the occasional roaring torrent went through. One favorite memory was when me Sally and Sammy went through a mini valley. Forty foot cliffs on both sides and one day coyotes started yippin’ and yappin’ from up above. I knew they would never attack an adult human and two large dogs so we continued without fear.
Of course, there was my most exciting nature moment ever and that was when I was alone one day, kind of lost and I looked up at a small hill and saw about five Peccaries. I stood there and they stood there. This could be a problem.
They decided to keep on doing what they were doing and that was looking for food. Insects roots fruits prickly pear. It was out there where I gave myself to the land. Whatever sexless deity there was out there. I rejected all religion and made a vow to educate people regarding that.
Not log after I came across a little oasis in the middle of the desert with some really green soft grass. A magical place and I found some antlers there that day and I still have them. Another exciting day I was in the Sahuaro Monument east of where we lived. A real black cloud crept over the horizon. I was too far out to run back to the house I figured I’d tough out whatever it was. Heavy rain became hail and I crouched behind a Sahuaro.
Sometimes I only took Sammy out for a hike and left Sally back at the compound. Sammy was tough as nails, Sally not so much. Sammy had a docked tail and an awesome moment was when I saw Sammy rear up on his hind legs with three coyotes challenging him. He really looked just like a Bear, a shaggy Black Bear. That was cool.
Moving to Enfield Connecticut in 1984, I was 30 and was doing a lot of yoga and running 3 miles. Along with working outdoors as a gardener, that was my health regimen for a long time. I’ve been working outdoors for forty years. Minus the year and a half with Plantations and Plantscapes, the indoor plant companies.
So in Thompsonville my big thing was jogging down route 5 and looking at all the big houses. There was a tiny library there too and I belonged to a workout club for a year called The Sporting House just off route 5.
Then moving to Hazardville brought me to one of my favorite ecosystems. Freshwater brook, stream, river, who knows? Swamps and bogs and white Birch pioneer stands and Pitch Pine. Very nice Hemlocks and an occasional Shagbark Hickory.
Giant 100 foot Sycamores at the edge of farmers fields.
We start the writing prompt editing again right here with the question ... do you have a favorite year you would go back and live again without changing it?
Well I was writing about the music released and 1973 and it seemed astounding. Then I started thinking about what I was doing that year and I thought of another writing prompt
Sleeping under a big tree at the college on the corner near West Hartford and Hartford. Somewhere along the way in '73 I switched from Wally the 250 Suzuki to a pair of ten speeds. I rode them to the food co-op downtown and to Wethersfield to sink a six pack of Pabst with the boys. What luck the drinking age was lowered to my age and it was suddenly completely legal.
Free to do as I please the year after school ended. Joined book of the month club and there were some great old book stores in Central Connecticut. Research wise I became interested in corn and life of the Indian tribes in the Connecticut River Valley. So I went downtown to the state library and started searching for the culture of the native Americans and corn seemed to be the key. Copy machines were becoming more common.
I joined the book of the month club that year and moved into my own place and the first that I had to pay rent for. I'll run down a list of my fave albums from '73 and I swear, it's the shit. The stuff that will last forever. Lost on a desert island … yeh that kind of year.
If I recall, I got Wally in like, June of '72, ostensibly for Manchester Community College. I do remember exactly how many miles I drove on all Wally with the raised pipes. I went down every state road in Connecticut to see what there was to see.
Wally was a sturdy old cuss, a '68 I think, and put 16,000 more miles on him. Went to school and drove down every road in Connecticut and Central Massachusetts looking at the foliage that fall.
Quit school after one semester, the bike went away in the cold, for less than three months and I was still living at home. I had the dough so I spent a lot of time reading and not working that winter.
As soon as it was warm enough, I was back on the motorcycle. That shit was fun. Drove everywhere that spring and went to the ten speed in July. Mary Lou and Suzie from Bristol were girlfriends to visit.13 months and 16,000 miles. I felt like I had a real motorcycle experience. Thank you, Jesus for getting me over Avon Mountain so many times, and not letting me get killed on those rainy nights.
I remember taking Anne home in a heavy rain when her car broke down at her college and she called me to help. Drove that motorcycle in the rain and she returned the favor by driving me to the Pink Floyd, "Dark side of the Moon" tour in March 1973.
So seriously what an exhilarating year I had. Re-educating myself, travelling thoroughly in my own bioregion *Connecticut River Valley. Pink Floyd and the first quadrophonic concert in March. Bill Bruford left Yes and he brought out the best in King Crimson on the "Larks Tongue in Aspic" album later in '73. Carl Palmer, John Bonham Ian Paice and Billy Cobham round out the best five drummers in 1973
I rode my bicycle during the summer. Drove it all the way to the beach and did some ten speeding to the Wethersfield Green or up hills like at Pennwood Park. Near Avon Mountain looking like the Appalachians.
It was like 60 miles from Bloomfield to Hamonasett Beach and 22 more miles up to Higganum where a friend lived. 82 miles in one day. Physical challenge.
You know, so bizarre, all these Indian names of everything but where did they go? My parents favorite lake with a tough to pronounce Indian name. I'll look it up in a minute, my computer is doing weird stuff with tabs.
My head was going to explode from the programmed learning in the highly inadequate educational system. Training the brain for the mundane I can't count the thousands of hours wasted on what passes for learning.
So I bought a camera and began photography as a hobby after I graduated. The Enfield Falls the Travelers Tower, the zombie three tier abandoned overpass in West Hartford. I put hundreds of miles on my ten speed every month.
I researched The Charter Oak at the state library near the Capitol building. Just locked my bicycle out front and hewed away at the Dewey Decimal System.
The Book of the Month Club had gone radical with all these occult books and I bought a Tarot Deck at a used book store, which were also proliferating and comfortable hangout. Of which I only have seven cards left. I slept with the deck near me for 15 years but by the end of the eighties, I became an atheist again.
In 1973, I was re-educating myself in a hurry with Drucker and Hofstadter and H G Wells' History of the world where I learned about the Reindeer People.
In August I moved into Mr. Lynchs flop house. I rode my ten speed to work, probably a mile and a half, but I remember one day I went to hop a curb like you would with a solid one speed bike. Needless to say that was a bloody mess all over my arm.
Revelation pasty white guy and his Mercedes. One of my best moments was when I decided not to be a bookkeeper and to not go back to college.
It must have been in April or May of '73. The motorcycle wasn't any real kind of exercise so I drove the ten speed back to Wethersfield to hang out. Maybe I was overnight at Steves and with a Polish breakfast in my belly, I was riding back home. I often ended up on Windsor Street and I think it was near a bridge, but not 84. Trumbull Street maybe.
There were innumerable routes to get to Blue Hills Avenue which I needed to use on Hampton Lane or Emerson Avenue. Unless I was taking the longer route through West Hartford.
I remember it being like 9 in the morning and I stopped the bike to get a sip of water. Standing on the sidewalk I saw a car drive into a teeny parking area and I noted an extremely small building. Less than 500 square feet and it was for like bookkeeping services.
A young adult spends a lot of time trying to figure out what the fuck kind of career a dude wants and pondering how you want to pursue the Almighty Dollar.
So here's Ronald Rotunda stepping out of his minty yellow Mercedes and it was like I was tripping, you know, those moments when you are transcending time and space? It was an incredibly run down part of a run down city and this tiny island of prosperity seemed to hold no joy.
He looked like he was on the Bridge of Sighs at Attica, headed for execution. It all seemed like slow motion; you know. My spirit guide needed me to stop thinking about going into the business world. It was like a wrecking ball to my future.
I had $4000 in the bank for my future. Higher education I decided against and thought of getting a used Mercedes. As my revelation unfolded I realized I was looking at myself 20 years from now. Did I want to be this person? A pasty white, under exercised cipher drone for some company or another?
For days I pondered the mystery. I was going to let a career choice flow. Do what I like and let the Universe be my guide. Now I didn't really think like that, but I was going to let it flow from there. It would be another five years before I decided on a career in horticulture and proceeded with my career path self-education from there out in 1980.
Sports was so important to my youth. Greatly attracted to baseball and football. Baseball ended up as difficult as the boys had growth spurts while my growth stopped at 5'6". I managed to get a letter in Football in tenth grade, that was cool. The reward for doing difficult things in your youth is rewarde in memories later. Glad that's over kind of thing.
So there I was one early morning in 11th grade at the Wethersfield Town Green. I've always loved when the darkness of the night had given way to a very gray reality of dawn. Sometimes I would take a book on my paper route and would sit at a bench that was near the Nathanial Foote landmark. This was before the bus shelter was put in.
I was reading a book by Jim Kicx or something and it was a ground breaking book on Jogging. Nope. Google shows me Kixx' book came out in '77 He's the dumbass that thought he could run marathons with an enlarged heart and a father who died of one at 43.
I was probably reading the Roby Davis book "jogging for fitness and weight control". I was also reading Hittlemans guide to Yoga.
I remember formulating the plan that day. Yoga jogging and bicycling. Running would lead to injuries I was reading. Long term. So jogging seemed like a more natural choice. Walk the more scenic areas and run past unpleasant people. What you abuse as a youth, you'll pay for it when you're 50. and rough sports like rugby .... well....I didn’t need any more concussions.
I remember jogging around the Green. I read that running on the street was more stressful so I always tried to stay on the grass or dirt. So in retrospect I think my attitude was to do what i wanted instead of needing people to share the experience? I think its more about control and the human need for it. I abhor control I don't like to be bossed and i don't like being the boss.
Then there was Richard Hittlemans book about Yoga in 1969.,plan.%20...%205%20Thoughts%20for%20the%20day.%20
The college edumacated characters I've met usually lack the overall skills needed to get the job done. Working for a greenhouse, the owner was the inventor of the Jet Plug and vice president of Ball Seed and a college grad with a business degree. He was manic and emotional and clueless with the employees. He hired Dwight who could repair the trucks and then rebuild an old greenhouse and spot plant problems with the best of them. He was a leader not a boss. Then he hired Vicky touting her degree, but she knew too much of what wasn't needed and also had no people skills. On another job I was the first person to take care of an elaborate ten million dollar beach club. A year later the installer won an award for his design and told me the only reason he won it in the first year was because I got the plants to fill in quickly. Didn't need no boss to tell me what to do but then after three years in receivership, the staff expanded and I got me a freshly minted college grad as a boss. I could ignore him pretty much, but one day a patch of grass got yellow and he took it upon himself to fertilize it. He also got iron stains all over the place that I had to remove with Muriatic Acid. Then there have been all the overpaid "landscape architects" whose flawed designs were the bane of workers existence on many jobs. Then there was Joe the college grad nursery boss. "It doesn't matter what you say to a customer just say it authoritatively" I could go on and on with examples but in conclusion, Donna you are a botanist, and you don't need a piece of paper from the city hall making you one. This guy too Tony Santoro.
extra notes and reminders
Glasses and dentists
Food co-op and black van
Master gardeners and mesquite
IPM Salsedo in CT and green party beginnings
Matt bagley and the iron incident college grad boss
Traynig side job and wethersfield condos first side job I went to on my bicycle
Ancient corn amateur scientist open pollinated experiment
Early mornings with the dude who brought the papers
#420 406 memories.
Garys smoking lounge at Valley Crest
Coach cottone movies only dude who went to every practice.
Bernie in Tariffville
With my cat on my lap I moved out west what a life she had
Jose River concept
Village Pizza subs and disco Mexicans
Park Mall overalls babes 525 irrigation heads
Park Mall underbid by art nordell type maintenance guy
West side drug dealer before john bloom in 12 foot trailer.
Anarchist at copaco
Places I moved I am the scout
Mom new Hampshire sherry
Brian and the buds in the suitcase
Master gardener tissue culture
North st cemetary Ivy goose pond desoto pond
Jane OCD with ADD and CCD
Mike Two Hawks stories
Ringing willie peps doorbell and smashing pumpkins
“The founding revolutionaries excoriated and eviscerated religions creepy grasp on the
a) The Sky is Falling
Here we go, we're buckled in and the ride into the future has started. You can go numb and pretend nothing is happening, or participate in the fun we are going to have making history and invalidating injustice.

What we have today is right-wing authoritarianism run amok with American foreign policy and capitalist opportunism gone wild and running roughshod on the domestic economy. Chicken Hawks getting your kids to fight in their paranoid wars since WW2 and looking to the the Biden administration, there doesn't appear to be any peacemakers.
Regime change in Libya was abhorrent in my view, and it's why I could not find any enthusiasm for Hillary in 2016. Nobody could, she couldn’t even attract a disinterested cynicism and was in favor of a war of any sort, and there was also a clotted nothingness to her, not to mention the bill baggage.

This is how the GOP works, even after 13 years, members of the GOP say we should still be in Iraq. Hedging their bets, getting nothing done and staying even longer in Afghanistan, politicians and the warrior elites have spent ungodly amounts of money as war without end became popular with boomers who appreciated how well their war stocks were doing.
President Obama somehow got his footing in the quicksand of Republican incontinence, and he salvaged George Cheney Bush’s wars, acting more like a republican than a republican. I called him the best republican president since Eisenhower and Obama is sometimes called George Bush the Third for, "engaging terrorists on the battlefield instead of in the homeland."
🙉 Some white people seem obsessed with cleanliness and order, especially order. As my Facebook bio says, "White people have become sociologically inbred with their faith in authoritarian excess." Unless it's a test range for bombs and weapons, then hell, the messier the better. ⇛ ⇒
As a youth, I would often note "Columbus didn't discover anything," and I would add,” the Indians were already here." People actually responded with, “ you know the first civilized people." I call this benighted behavior, 'donut shop punditry" and these bile spewing haters are turning out to be far more dangerous than supposed, and their verbal bilge more prevalent than most people realized.
There haven’t been many people as deeply and severely critical of white people as me in many of my past essays, and conversations with people about it. Therefore, I am going to tackle the white supremacy problem prepared for disagreements from all sides, because this is one of those volatile and polarizing issues we can't talk about.
Conniving hucksters on both sides pushing their agenda while Independents attempt to find a consensus.
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Trust me; there are scarier aspects to this whole alt-right problem that people don't even see yet. First of all, as I update this piece a bit, what has happened in 2017-9 is white MALE supremacy. I want to help us all understand how to read between the lines with these people, who speak in riddles and dog whistles.
"Are you a white supremacist?" is the question that popped up in the break room one day. In the mind of the White Nationalist he is thinking that he is a white MALE supremacist, which is different, so he says no and this is one way they avoid answering direct questions, and this is how they lie in your face. They lie to themselves first.
Christian militants in the early 80's announced their plans to "put as many Apocalypticists as possible in the military and police." They yearn for Armageddon and you have to wonder if there is some mental illness at work here. Maybe even demon possession.
Back then, I would point out to people that ... intending to create Armageddon via our military was Treason. "Aw they're not serious." So, there I was, "the sky is falling" again. T***p moves the embassy to Jerusalem because the evangelicals told him it was prophecy.
Fox News is the ultimate KKKool-aid and brainwashing tool for far too many white people. GOP politicians are probably the most despicable demographic going, but, on the other side, the cultural appropriation nonsense needs to be dealt with also.
Political correctness needs me to identify with “my” cultural group instead of considering myself, a… global citizen? One problem for me is that I've been appropriating Yoga for over 45 years now and I am in shock that I have been insulting people by appropriating their culture!
Do I follow “white” customs only now? Am I white enough though, to do an Irish jig? Did you know "paddy" is a slur against Irish people! It never ends, all these slurs and insults. Am I white enough to drink tea at Tea Time without insulting someone?
Would my southern Mediterranean self be insulting the pasty white northerners from England and Ireland if I appropriate their customs? Am I the right kind of white? Is there a wrong kind of white? Holy shit, I'm getting confused!
What if my DNA profile shows I’m from Egypt or India? Quite a few people thought my dad looked like Anwar Sadat and I look like my dad. The point I am going to try to make is that some of us are going to use whatever we damn well please from whatever culture we want to.
One prism of understanding the American Constitution is when you can comprehend why we don't put the Ten Commandments on court building walls, as fervent christian zealots want. As I said before, the founding revolutionaries excoriated and eviscerated religions creepy grasp on the VITAL ENERGY OF DEMOCRACY in the United States. Clergy has been coercive for five hundred years in America, and forced conversion has been normalized.
The Founding Documents is where the actual spirit of Liberty was born. The Founding Revolutionaries were most decidedly in favor of the separation of church and state, and Liberty was the Vanguard of the Revolution, not the bible. Jefferson showed his scorn for the clergy by making a Jesus Bible that deleted all the miracles but kept the common sense kindness.
The one constant that all the founding revolutionaries believed, was that religion was too often a corrupting influence on government, and they were determined to keep the clergy at arm’s length in this new country they eventually called The United States. Freedom of religion was to protect YOU, from ANY coercive majority religion. The forced conversions of islam and christianity was foremost in the FOUNDERS thoughts with the bloodthirsty Ottoman Empire actively rampaging and the Christian Inquisition was still in the news in the late 1700's when the American revolution occurred.
It could be Quakers or Hindus 500 years from now, no religion, period, insisted the Founding Revolutionaries.
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Careful Joe, could be a bomb in that collar |
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Capitalism has failed the world and depleted it's resource base. |
I don't want police cars to say In God we Trust. I don’t want them to say In Allah we Trust either, a hundred years from now, or in Krishna we trust three hundred years from now, if you get what I’m saying. When our gracious islamic brothers and sisters want to kneel and pray 5 times a day at work or in the public commons, I have every right to object to this practice. because I think banning prayer in the common spaces would be covered by the Ninth Amendment which is guided by judicial precedence. Your constitutional rights end where mine begin. Keep your prayers in your pants and don't wave them around in public.
Hey, I can pray five times a day too, and I guarantee you, it is disconcerting to hear my freedom of religion because I pray to my Metal Gods at full volume.
Guess what? The best way to keep Sharia Law out of this country is to keep Biblical Law out of our Laws and Statutes and Ordinances. Take “In God We Trust” off our money, for crying out loud. Stop forcing politicians to use the Bible, for Christs sake, for oath swearing, are you kidding me? We are not one nation under god. We are many united as one. Sharia Law can only gain a foothold if knucklehead republicans insist on encoding Biblical Law. Leave shit alone! You Lost to the Secular Enlightenment.
Before this foray into the white people controversies, I want it known I love everybody. Well, not really. There's a meme that goes "somebody out there loves you. Not me, but somebody must."
Vanishing cultures around the world say, "Hey we had a fine system here before Columbus came along; didn't need y'all." Tens of millions of Native Americans died from smallpox and other diseases brought by the POS conquistadors in the 1500's, even before Virginia was invaded in 1609 by the British.
Colonialism by rich white people proceeded once the European Commons was absconded with, (it takes money to make money), and then Industrial Capitalism came along and that destructive system has disrupted virtually every culture in the world since. Consumed the Market Socialism that had controlled commerce.
In years past, most white people were tyrannized by a local despot such as a Prince Priest or Duke that parasitized off their industrious labor. Poor people inventing things, and the already rich making the profits.
It's always been this sick strain of dogmatic religiosity, the notorious implementation of Manifest Destiny, that fueled this global empire. The gleeful clergy worm tonguing their way to power and influence.

Europe was Pagan and White and Africa was Pagan and black for 30,000 years. Nearby, Mecca became a great Pagan meeting place for polytheists of all colors to commingle, and there was no religion in that marketplace because Pagans didn't have wars over the gods and goddesses.
Back to this cultural appropriation nonsense. Culture is as important as climate and the two will clash, collide and confront. So I ask myself, what is my culture? I find out I cannot have Dreads, hunt seals, or be a Buddhist monk or any of the 6,000 other things that non-whites do.
Trying to run through the swamp here, just keep going. Don't get bogged down. Nobody is right if everybody is wrong.
On Romuva forums though, I find out that they don’t want to know you, if you are not Lithuanian. I can't be authentic in their eyes, you know? Same thing with Native Americans and Nordic Pagans. They want to see blood.
Natives and Nordics often also similarly believe they are reincarnated within their family clan. But eternal skeptic that I am, if I say to someone that reincarnation couldn't possibly occur within a family or clan, people get miffed, they don't want to hear it.
My thing is about bringing these northern European traditions down south and translating them into USDA zone 9/10 kind of stuff. Traditions that white, (read that not christian) Pagans had before the brown christians and brown islamics invaded Europe, is what I am trying to discover.
The indigenous Europeans and Africans got invaded the same way the North American indigenous people got invaded, but historians won't point that out to you. This is one of those hidden truths, their lies of omission. Pagans were slaughtered, their sacred places buried or destroyed by these invading brown hordes. These lunatic brown barbarians. NONE OF THE APOSTLES WERE WHITE, Remember?
Before all that mess, there was the kind prophet from the Essene People nearly 2,000 years ago. He was an anomaly at the time, preaching about peace and freedom and being good to our neighbors and shit, and this is why Jesus became a viral celebrity after his death or disappearance.⇎ People were digging it and hidden by historians, is the nature of Jesus' early followers.
Back then, the people were generally sick of all the coercion and bullshit rules they had to live by with Judaic Law and the, generally fair but randomly brutal and indiscriminate Pagan Roman rules.
In years to come, the Gnostics believed in only Jesus, and they proclaimed that the old testament god was an imposter. A Poser. It became a battle between the energetic Gnostics and the Patriarchal Paulines, but the Gnostics got snitched out and outmaneuvered by the Paulines.
Here is where it gets dicey for me. I would like to ask, what in the heck IS white culture? We know we can’t say it. Can’t have a White television channel, that's ra’ist, right? So if I want to say I am extolling the best of what white culture could possibly be, that’s ra'ist once again. What is white culture anyhow, and how come I can't talk about it? How is it everyone else has a culture and I don't?
It seems that we can no longer even talk about white culture because the discussion of it is ra'ist and this is what the regular working folks are puzzled and pissed about. Everybody else exulting and exalting their particular cultures while white people have to shut the hell up because white culture represses all cultures. 😒
Conservatives think black lives matter has charged the general atmosphere with racial division, when it is the patriarchal white system that has been sick for hundreds of years with the gangrenous pus of discrimination, division and exclusion, the wounds that never heal.
Academia’s politically correct city slicker liberal says, if we "do things from other cultures, we are stealing from them" and that's how this newly concocted horror of cultural appropriation came to be. Oppressed brown people laugh and say white culture is genocide and factories. However, they have yet to explain what white culture is. The Culture Police need to tell me the right way to do things, so you know, email me, you over credentialed eggheads.↭
Recent discoveries of pre-Portuguese artifacts has me wondering who had these boats to travel that far so long ago? The Phoenicians, the Polynesians? The ancient Iberians? Mali in Africa reportedly had an 800 ship Navy that sailed far and wide well before Columbus so it was probably them or Vikings looking for warmer ports.
Don’t know when the original settlers got there, but the Azores are 900 miles out into the ocean, away from Europe. As part of Portugal, it's European, I reckon, and the Portuguese moved there in the 1500's.
My kin have been fishing and farming in the Azores for untold generations, and I am going to guess my poor ass peasant ancestors did not profit from the Portuguese slave trade. Chances are a local despot taxed their harvest bounty.
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Jesus loves all the little hands of the world |
Portugal has seen many migrations of Greek and Egyptian sailors the last 3000 years when it was known as Iberia.
So consider this, Portugal is actually closer to Mali in Africa than Norway in Europe. The Azores is closer to New Jersey than Greece. So needless to say I am scratching my head⇟
I am presumably white, yet the first Mexican to play American Major League Baseball, shared my last name, Mel Almada. Mexicans are brown right, derived from Spain? Spain is closer to Switzerland than The Azores. Therefore people from Spain cannot appropriate culture from Switzerland but I can, because Portuguese people are allegedly white and Spaniards are brown? What? They're not Hispanic? I'm getting confused!
Hispanic people can celebrate Cinco de Mayo with it's cultural link to Mexico, but French and Portuguese people cannot since that is cultural appropriation? We need some explanations here. I see this shit on Facebook, everybody yelling at each other and getting nowhere.
But that's what Liberals do. It can be called enlightened despotism, and its their intention that they are doing things for your own good. This is how Democrats absorb every good radical impetus into it's managed maw. Calm down radicals, we got this, say the Democrats, but they have been feckless, ineffectual do nothings who can't stand up to Neo-con bullying. Over two decades of feel good, gauzy nothingness. They couldn't counter the GOP "Contract on America" in 1995 or the Tea Party buffoons in 2010 and have been mute since, steadily losing governorships and state legislatures.
This is why it has to be third party or bust. ⥁
South of the Azores are the Madeira Islands that are primarily composed of black people. Further south than that are the Canary Islands whose people were slaughtered into extinction by the Spanish who were freaked out by the very strange people they encountered there and they were immediatly compelled to kill them all. WTF! Canary Island customs and language were barely preserved because of the ferocity of the Spaniards attack.
Spaniards were even more freaked out that the Canary Islanders were Brown people and not Black people seeing how far south they were. How could that be? It’s been speculated that the Catalans and Basques and other genetically isolated populations were scattered cultural remnants of Atlantis and were allegedly related to the mysterious Canary Islanders.
Back to the beginning of the story then. What can I dress my child up as for Halloween with all this noise about cultural appropriation? All these insulted demographics. First, it seems people speaking for American Native Indians are the very most offended by cultural appropriation on Halloween. We are warned Indian Princess is now out as a costume for Halloween unless you are 1/16th Native American. Or is it 1/8th? So many rules.
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I evolved, so can you. |
Even if the people who cluster-fucked Custer are heroes of mine, I cannot honor their customs? Or do whatever I want with their celebrations and ceremonies? Am I allowed to use dream catchers or not play drums like Native Americans? Take John Trudell off my Youtube playlists? The Native Americans are the true owners of this continent.
I can’t call myself Two Crows because I don’t have the genetic heritage? I fully understand that names of great respect are given to people who deserve it, and White Eagle is one such name.
When I used to live 15 miles from the O'odham People, I named my roommate Eagle that Walks with his 30/20 vision, and I was Four Eyes. You know, who cares.
One of the funniest notions from the politically correct cultural appropriation police, as I mentioned, is that even Yoga is now cultural appropriation! That's the one that made me realize that they are completely full of shit and my eyes were finally fully opened to this Brainwashing. The traditional stance of Liberals is managed Liberty. They rule us magnanimously “for our own good.” They help the poor for their own good. They imagine they are the salve in a sick world.
They will save the environment for the good of the planet they will say, but what they are actually doing is creating six-figure jobs for them and all their friends and eventually, a world regulatory body that a carbon tax would yield. You send money to preserve habitat and more than half of it goes to an elite white lollygagger and their do-gooder foundation. Recently we've seen that every famous person in Washington has a son or daughter that works in the Ukraine. George Carlin's "its a big club and you're not in it" becomes more apparent every day.
Liberals want to create a carbon tax and a sprawling world bureaucracy so their compatriots all have six-figure jobs and their kids will have six-figure jobs as neo-Liberal institutions grow like coral colonies under the guise of saving everything. We have to be independent, we have to create a third party. Community based, general assembly. Call it the Independent Majority Party. Go ahead steal the idea, as long as independents can start having a say in the Liberal Conservative debate.
The problem is that we have reached the end of the line with managed liberty, enlightened despotism, and cronyism. We actually want anarchy, which is the absence of coercion. We got it now. We know how to shop thriftily and knowledgeably. We are far more discerning now when it comes to what we eat and what we add to our lives.People just know so much more today than they did 50 years ago, so much awareness of many small but important daily issues such as food and hygiene.
But yoga is cultural appropriation? I don’t know what my Azorean ancestors did to stretch in the morning, but maybe the exercises were very much like Qi Gong or Yoga in their movements. Unfortunately, I will never know what exercises I am allowed to do because all the records of Azorean exercise have disappeared. No exercise tradition handed down. 😟
I am clearly not Chinese so my cheesy reinterpretations of Qi Gong mixed with Yoga are clearly insulting on so many levels. I add light weights and call it Yogaerobics. Life sucks. Get a helmet.
Meanwhile, what about that Halloween costume? Maybe my child can dress up as a Fish Monger or a Fish Mongers Wife since my children are Portuguese and French. They can rinse some Bacalhau (dried salted Cod), and carry it around since it’s said Portuguese people are able to tolerate the smell of rotting fish better than any other culture. "And what are you little boy?"
Then across the planet, what happens if some Saudi Arabian mother tells her child at Halloween time that he is not allowed to be a fishmonger since that would be a cultural appropriation from white people.
In India, there a child pleading to his parents. “It is NOT cultural appropriation for me to dress in the style of the ‘Rockabilly culture’. Mother… I INSIST …it is my choice. Please listen to this and tell me you don’t feel the energy. I love Rockabilly!"
The word is that Newt Gingrich is going to have a new Un-American Activities Committee and there will be money for his goons to investigate private citizens, but hypocritically, none for the Meals on Wheels program.
The NSA can screen every email that discusses “secession” and you will find yourself under investigation. The white van with the tinted windows down the street listening to what you are talking about. (Heads up they ditched the obvious and hot black vans.)
The FBI doing a background check on your son, taking pictures with their glasses cam. "Has he ever said anything bad about America?"
But right-wing deplorables go yeehaw whenever someone talks about Texas secession, so it would seem to me that we could talk about an anarchic secession all we want with our First Amendment protections.
Vermont (The Republic of Vermont 1777-1791) has an active secessionist movement currently. In Canada, the very large province of Quebec has voted on separating from Canada but so far they are remaining as part of the biggest country in the world. Quebec and Vermont united in
Lord knows the current situation in the United States is dire. The countries largest demographic, dumb white people, have opened the floodgates to all kinds of kooks and deplorables and your well educated white nationalists. Can you believe it, the fucking Nazis!
After beating back white male authoritarianism for 50 years, it has come alive again like an alien popping out of Americas chest or something, with the electoral victory of Stupid Bigly.
2008 was one of Americas most difficult years as we were mired in the abyss of the two ill-conceived, unconstitutional wars and billion dollar businesses failing as the housing market crashed.
Don’t even mention reducing the military to anybody. Our foreign policy is about the 1,000-year-old Holy War between Islam and Christianity, and I am stunned people are oblivious to that fact. A new Counter-Revolution needs to happen against this religious right wing anti-communist kookism that has ran world affairs since World War 2.
Regular folks created Rockabilly and its enthusiasm took over the world, along with surf music a few years later. We want to sing and dance and play rock and roll in the garage, nobody gives a shit about white supremacy and immigrants. Fuck your god and fuck your racism. This unconstitutional intrusion of being under god and in god we trust, needs to be dealt with. Elvis, Charley Parker and Buddy Holly are our triple gods. Poor people gonna do it again.
We are going to have a revolution in music to get the white people back on track. Rock and Roll was created by the fusion of black boogie-woogie and white hillbilly music and created the greatest art form the world has ever known. That’s right Rockabilly fathered rock and roll and they boogied all night long.
"I knew if I had the chance that I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while" The mission is to go into the heart of rural culture and de-program these bewildered hillbillies and the flummoxed flatlanders that voted for Stupid Bigly. I’m starting a Hillbilly band for the purpose of dancing but also commonality and consensus. Community Democracy inspired by the Black Panthers.
White liberals overcompensating with their white guilt will tell you black people invented rock and roll. It’s even racist to suggest otherwise. Rock and roll was invented when all the sub-genres of music came together, but particularly boogie woogie and hillbilly music.
Some people say Rocket 88 by Ike Turner is considered the very first rock and roll song in 1952. Some say rock around the clock in '54 was first, among others. However, I suggest the Delmore Brothers song "Hillbilly Boogie” in 1946. This is when hillbilly and boogie-woogie were fused together and the song was about playing the boogie-woogie on the guitar, instead of the piano. That would make rock and roll over 70 years old.
Bluegrass, Blues, Western Swing, Boogie Woogie and Hillbilly music were streams that fed the river that became known as Rock and Roll. "If you don't want my Peaches, Honey, don’t shake my tree".
All the streams for social justice and workers rights are currently flowing into one river. If it isn't directed it will flood everything with confusion as it does today.
One of the first labor strikes was in 1834 by children demanding an 11-hour limit to the workday. Okay? Since then, workers fought and died to work a 40-hour week and a weekend to look forward to, because nobody should be slaves. Newt Gingrich however, would have poor children work in their schools as janitors while the rich kids go to Sea Camp. Dignity for the worker voter citizen has not been embedded in our culture but it will be soon because that is how a workers revolution will work.
The 2 billion working poor in the world are suffering so the Donald tr***s of the world can have gold toilets. We have had about enough of their shit and the long-awaited worldwide worker's revolution is about to begin. Thanks to Stupid Bigly the workers now know the rich would crush them if they could. The only problem is white workers who have been voting against themselves during this Reagan Era of Greed.
White male supremacy operatives have wormed their way into our political, law enforcing, and educational systems with right-wing brainwashing. This is why an outreach is needed and why I am starting a Hillbilly band. Why we all need to reach into their fox ‘hole den and pull them out into the sunlight.
Other white people have maliciously maligned hillbillies and many of these mountain people are actually industrious and fun-loving redneck survivalists. They were Americana, you know, Rt 66 and everything uniquely American such as blues and rockabilly died as the Interstate Highways favored large corporations.
So today, because of all the fights for equality in the last 50 years, we are theoretically all on an equal footing. Unfortunately, cops are still racist, and the whole system is still toxic. It's sad to realize this, but the worst problem is white intolerance of Mexicans, witches, handicapped people, and just about every demographic going. I always thought they were the snowflakes since nearly everything makes them uncomfortable. What the hell is wrong with these people? Bricks in the wall of their refutable racism.
One strategy by White Nationalists since 1960 was to make sure felons became unable to vote, and there are now 3 million black felons finding it difficult to get work and unable to vote. This is one of the reasons why Driving while Black can be a fatal enterprise. Then the honkies say welfare is what broke up black families.
Many of us have been shocked that so much racism still exists. My old relatives are dead, my Unitarian brothers and sisters embrace all, even crazy me. My children are post-everything and I have learned a lot from them. My 20 customers are all jovial, nature loving people and we never discuss politics. So I am surrounded by kind loving people and don't hear bigotry anymore because I am about sick of nasty white people and won't go where they are.
I saw in my grandmother a person who was bigoted against blacks then finally realized, "every group of people has its good and bad." She even had a lawn jockey once upon a time. It seems that nearly everyone saw the absurdity of being racist in my lifetime and we were living liberty and justice for all from here on out. I don’t hear any racism anymore, honestly. I did hear the “he’s the wrong color” meaning white discrimination at Wal Mart the other day. I let those kind odd comments hang in the air like the rotten fruit they are.
The white enclaves known as the Fox News echo chamber continues to delude the trump humping bumpkins, the cock holsters of gangrenous greed and authoritarian excess.
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If he could have been honest |
Thomas Jefferson is one of my 23 gods. Thank God, Biblical Law is not constitutional, or we would not have any freedoms at all. This is what the warriors for Christ do not seem to understand. Biblical Law and Sharia Law are kissing cousins and they would be the death of me, for heresy and blasphemy. Christian "Patriots" will be thanking God for atheists when Sharia Law finds they hit a stone wall anywhere they try to establish Sharia Law in the United States. Because the atheists were there fighting for the Constitution. real patriots fighting for us right here in this country. Thank you for your service.
Thanks to the Founding Revolutionaries, we are given a shield to protect us from coercive religious authority, because otherwise, heretics would be in prison and gay witches would be dragged to the center of town and burned for entertainment. That really hurts you know, to be burned alive. Or scraped to death with clamshells like Pagan scholar Hypatia was by a christian mob.
The influence of Paganism is everywhere, and yet this word stirs up the ancient hatred, a brainwashing and induced delirium that has been going on for many hundreds of years, by the most fraudulent, illegitimate authority in history. I keep wondering when the right wing kooks are going to discover the millions of Pagans and Pagan tolerant and Pagan curious people there are in our country. You know booga booga, demons and all that shit.
The founding revolutionaries subverted religions insidious grip on power. Christians would still be burning the Witches, I am sure, and this inspired the Bill of Rights so religion could be marginalized once and for all. On the internet, I find the witch demographic as the friendliest by far, and the most gracious and wise group of people that I have ever encountered.
Trumpoons will add Pagans to their Gay, Islamic, and Mexican list of people to harass and we will then realize we haven’t advanced much since the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 or the Zoot Suit riots of 1943.
There was friendliness and trade between the natives and the roughneck pioneers at first. The founding revolutionaries were familiar with native freedoms. From their pulpits of hate, the ‘elitist clergy’ actively promoted the slaughter of the Red Man to all would listen. The slick talking, rubber jawed, city slicker preachers had a convenient target for focusing the rage of the Pioneer peasants in the New World. The Native Americans were seen as far too pagan to be managed and assimilated and being extremely earth-centered, they could never really be Christians so the idea was to kill them all and let god sort them out.
Washington Jefferson Adams Madison and their ilque were the actual greatest generation. The complacency and blind obedience of the misnamed greatest generation gave the world 20,000 nuclear weapons. It gave us a surveillance nation contrary to the bill of rights. Normandy survivors worked in weapons plants that have filled the world with weapons and gave them a great retirement. It's ironic they gave everything they could to fight fascism during WW2 but allow it today with the neo-con republickin' coup of our government leading the way.
Subservience and fealty to corporate greed have destroyed unions but greatly benefited stockholders. Meanwhile, our young people (parent of 5 here) can far better articulate why racism is wrong and why sexism is incomprehensible. Millenials will not allow "war without end" that Boomers have allowed. They mistrust the pedophiles (catholics) and the demagogues (baptists) that claim to be christians. They have far more expansive vocabularies than high school graduates of 1940 that memorized Shakespeare but accepted "colored bathrooms".
There is no comparison in my mind between these nasty retirees I meet who have replaced "feelings" with fear and submission to authority. Men are taught to crush their feelings and rumble inside with restrained emotion. When I was 20, I remember being oddly proud that I hadn't cried since I was ten years old.
There has never been a generation that has allowed so much bad policy to prevail or accumulated so much wealth. Myopic vision of short-sighted opportunists has left us with radioactive waste, plastic filled oceans and mercury-tainted fish, leading us to the brink of environmental collapse.
“A psychotic pall so widespread, it was assumed to be normal” John Trudell
Hillbilly is a word for white people. Metal is another word for white people. Didn’t know that, did you? Boogie Woogie still stirs my soul, and Hillbilly and Metal music know how to build up momentum. I like what I like when I like it and it does not mean I am a racist if I like white music or make a white playlist. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is white culture anyways.
Then sure, Barack Obama. The problem there, is that his white half was sensationalized as communist, and then ignored. During my adult life, white people are often on the ropes about how they are not racists and white men are constantly accused of being sexist along with being racist.
Liberal city slicker whites fall over themselves overcompensating on the equality issue, gushing over non-white everything. What is white culture anyways? I mean really. European? Japanese people are pretty white aren't they, but crazy white people put them in camps during WW2 and the media convinced regular folks that the Japanese couldn't be trusted. The fight for freedom, remember?
Not many people have been as critical of the whites as I have and WASPy greed masters have been my primary target for many years. Their Capitalism is Americas worst nightmare and I've always called it Predatory Capitalism.
I want to delve into white issues because I see some perspectives that can get us to a higher level, but it is nearly impossible to talk about white people issues without somebody blowing a gasket. I've heard mostly negative things about white people for decades and it does get tiring. I wish people could accept each other. Tolerance is not enough. One world one people. Unity without hierarchy. Workers, citizens, and voters “I don’t want to spend my life being a color.” Michael Jackson.
Now, in the 21st century, our modern sensibilities are not able to comprehend how women were not allowed to vote until 1920. People are finally able to embrace women equally as men, as we should embrace the Goddess as well as the God. Whatever.
Lately, however, I have been visiting these alt right websites and they are as angry as ever and they have a desire to marginalize women and they praise the homebodies. I mean, haven't these people been in the working world? I deal with female property managers and Administrators and teachers and writers. It's a different world now. Women even are welcome on boats these days.
In 1789, just before the bill of rights had been formally ratified, southern racists were having a tantrum and would not sign on as part of the 'United States' unless they could keep their slaves. Northerners thought this unfair since they had to pay their employees. Labor was dear in that, as yet un-pillaged North America.
During the Civil War, the 1% of the southern population that owned slaves, convinced the poor whites to fight for them. I can't help but think of this lackey attitude when I see some 'rebel's' flag fluttering behind them as they drive by. Brainwashed bigoted chumps. No offense. I roll my eyes when a "Smoke truck" sends black smoke into the air.
In 1789, northern economies were primarily community-based and agrarian. You could buy, sell, repair and trade nearly everything that you needed to run the family farms right in your home town. Household Industry involved 80% of the population. Before factories, people made products at home and the Industrial North had yet to arrive. The steam engine hadn't even been invented yet or the cotton gin, so to a Northerner, slavery was an unsavory and unfortunate reality that needed to change.
Unitarian ministers were prominent in the safe house underground railway movement and the last person arrested for heresy in 1848 was a Unitarian. Always there fighting for social justice. Onwards to 1960 when only 10% of the black population in Mississippi was registered to vote, prompting the need for civil rights legislation in a country founded on freedom. Constant, incoming tides of coercion from white male supremacists who continue to do harm. A persistent stain in the fabric of democracy.
In 2008, a liberal hating lunatic burst into a Unitarian Universalist church with a gun killing two and injuring seven. The shooter, Adkisson, stated that he had targeted the church because of its "liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country."
Racists are traitors to Liberty.
Freedom and Compassion got married and their first child was named Liberty.
In 1895, children were working in factories and Protestant CEO's took great delight in hiring the Catholic wave of immigrants from 1875 to 1895, and recreated European feudalism in the cities of America. Back to the right kind of white, only the ruling class considered themselves privileged and they hated Catholics.
Two kinds of white people? Privileged whites and working whites. The ruling class and the working class. I have Facebook friends who are quite antagonistic to whites and I want to say, hey don’t raise your babies to be racist. They learn that shit, it’s not in the genes.
Greedy oppressors and yeah, we know all that. I saw in my youth how white people participated in the marginalization of handicapped people, and keeping blacks out and making the Browns pick fruit with no opportunities to further themselves or become citizens. The Yellow Peril is another embarrassing chapter of white privilege in a previous era. With Enlightenment at hand, we have become post-race and post-gender and participation in prejudice is a thing of the past. I had thought. Workers voters citizens and children, remember?
As a teen, there was a disturbing amount of bigotry abounding, mostly in school ans church, with my Uncle Joe being the most prominent with his antagonism of Black people.
Time waits for no man and it got to be the 70's and most went on a success track, I rejected the white-collar world and the sphere of college edumacated idiots.
I was content to work a second shift janitorial job because the steady paycheck gave me enough money to do what I really wanted to do. Ride my bicycle, join book clubs and visit book stores. I went through some nice guitars and took jazz guitar lessons.
At work, my friend Dewitt would say 'you got?' or 'I got' and we'd take a nice long break when the work was nearly done. One great time was when we said forget the work and we all watched the entire Young / Ali fight with much discussion when it was done. Young won, but judges felt Ali needed to be beaten decisively to have the crown taken from him. Everybody loves Ali but he lost we decided.
In the 80's bigotry was viewed as favorably as a canker sore or really bad breath, and in the (non-white collar) working world, the need to survive was a common struggle with all colors and all genders and we all helped each other best we could and listened to each others stories. The working world, not the white shirted parasite class.
Go to bourgeois(white) locales and the Ivegotmine upper middle-class whites will be uncomfortable with a black dude walking around with a "kill all the cops" T-shirt. Because white people suck his facebook friends yell in caps. So are we doomed to this atrocity and reprisal hamster wheel?
Try to conceptualize that the ruling whites are also standoffish with me and my hillbilly truck, my nasty face hair, and my Union cap confounds the confederate, flag waving racists that remain. The North won bitches, we are the UNITED States and no you can't have slaves and if you need to be beaten again it will happen.
What I'm trying to say is don't be my Uncle Joe and perpetuate mistrust of other people. whatever your race is. My diatribe about Brown people was to illustrate the ridiculousness of color issues. I get into some interesting conversations wearing my Union cap. The South will rise again they say, and I say 'and do what exactly?' #unitywithouthierarchy
Was it my ancestral whites fishing and farming on the Azore Islands during the American Civil War that were the slave masters? You check on this, but the sources of prejudice from white people come primarily from White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. WASPS. As the much discriminated Irish and Italians found out, you must participate in the system, you will no longer be targeted. They created the mafia to supply the liquor White wasp people needed to perpetuate their atrocities.
They needed a smooth talking anti worker, anti- environmentalist who makes white people feel good, to run for president. Someone the 'white guy with a clipboard' demographic can embrace. Someone the cranky old white people in the Donut Shop can quote.
Conversely, the black and brown donald trumps have raised their children to hate 'the man' and 'whitey' when a large percentage of white people are like, what the hell? Race can't be an issue anymore, anywhere, and racism needs to be addressed and the white nationalists are talking out their ass of hate. The good white people are emerging after 35 years of sleepwalking through this military, corporate, and right wing religious coup of America. The aberrant tumor that made corruption legal.
Time for all of us to unite as workers/voters/and citizens. Out of many, ONE. "Is anybody in there? Nod if you can hear me"
Stupid Bigly is walking into a fascist police state 35 years in the making, so I find the dumptrump movement a waste of energy. El-Rushbo has paved the way with Alex Jones and others right behind him. Roger Ailes has been our Joseph Goebbels but the difference is this. 25 years of brainwashing is already in place by Ailes alone. Ailes was his program director and, Limpbaugh endlessly repeated phrases such as 'the rich are the job creators', ad nauseum. A lie that became gospel to his truth-impaired fans, believable because of the relentlessness of the repetition.
Then at Fox News, Roger Ailes’ motto was to brainwash the nation with a white male supremacy agenda without them knowing it. Three guidelines for brainwashing are repetition, repetition, repetition. 'The lies became truth and Fox News Director Ailes created an army of Herman Goering’s wannabes, sitting in their living room with their gun in their lap, waiting for the liberal bloodbath they are prepared to participate in. How many times has Rush-bo or his callers said "lock and load?" Hundreds of times in the 6 years I listened.
With an enemy of public education, Devos in the cabinet, Blackwater has now gotten in the inner circle of the White House. Why would this be, other than anticipating the rise of an elitist Himmler style attack force?
A Right Wing International Cadre of Lawless Marauders
A mercenary army that is already embedded in police departments and the military and is KKK inclined the 3% Warriors for Christ, at the least. Fence keepers and Soldiers of Odin and 984 other hate groups.
This is what I mean when I say most people have no idea the danger that white nationalists pose. Importantly it’s a white Male supremacy agenda and not a master race thing that includes women. "You are going to bear a child for Hitler and the master race." Instead of a regional conflict, we are looking at a worldwide explosion of war as Putin and Trump divide up the world as slow moving, long term planning China is completely taken by surprise and marginalized.
They will do it to "contain China". Therefore, you wake up one day and you can’t get online with your laptop or phone. You turn on the TV and chief executive Stupid Bigly is on every channel explaining the crisis. "China did a very very dumb thing by bombing our refineries with neutron bombs.” In actuality, Oil and gas companies had sabotaged loosely capped wells and weak pipelines creating environmental havoc then blamed it all on China.
We need to be prepared for the unexpected advancement of the right wing coup that has been in place the last 35 years. Personally, I think the golden age of humor, actually #theorangeageofhumor has arrived, as I call it on Facebook. Lately I have been more pessimistic and I need a song to give me hope.
Grassroots solidarity will finally blossom with the inspiration of Independent Bernie Sanders and it will be either The Final Slaughter or the worldwide workers union depending on how the battles go. Stand up or stand down?
I research so you don’t have to IS my motto. The search starts with who are the white people? At first, I follered the Caucasian People to the Caucasus Mountains they are supposedly derived from. It’s out near Armenia or something. Well, they migrated to Romania and then eventually over the entirety of Europe.
Then I found out another branch of the Caucasian People went to India for a couple thousand years and then they came back and took a more Northerly Route than the first Caucasians. I believe these people are the ones referred to as Aryans. This was as the last ice age ebbed and unconventional wisdom has Europe settled much earlier than Conventional Wisdom states. By 14,000 BC the ice age was ebbing and nothing but grass filled meadows were in every valley.
Now I read people from India are closer to Caucasoid than any other genera. Lithuania to India saw many white people migrating back and forth and there is a secret there I am trying to uncover in the ancient past. One peculiarity is the the Lithuanian language has similarities with Sanskrit is the most prominent archaeological clue.
There are 25,000-year-old stone houses scattered across Europe and vivid, artistically rendered cave paintings. H.G. Wells discussing the cave painters or Reindeer Men as he called them.
“They had vivid perceptions, an acute sense of animal form; they had the real artist’s impulse to render. These races of Reindeer Men were in undisturbed possession of Western Europe for a period of at least ten times as long as their interval between ourselves and the beginning of the Christian Era, AND THROUGH ALL THAT IMMENSE TIME THEY WERE FREE TO DEVELOP AND VARY THEIR LIFE TO IT’S UTMOST POSSIBILITIES.”
But we are taught that the first "civilized" people were the brown people from the desert filled with crazy religions, remember? Mesopotamia and the cradle of civilization was drilled into our heads in school but the indigenous White People of Europe were the Reindeer People, and possibly descendants of the Grimaldi People of West Africa.
Maybe the original Denisovans, or the Neanderthal, but people seem confused when I tell them that it was the brown people and their Holy Rampage of Conquest that disrupted and destroyed the indigenous white people along with the indigenous black people of Africa, and everyone's triple gods and goddesses. Christians are interlopers in Europe and Islamics have been coercing Africans for a thousand years.
Imagine it’s thousands of years ago and you are a teen with a sense of adventure living in Georgia, south of Russia. Maybe 5000 years ago. You and your posse go off in the spring intending to come back by winter. You visit the ancient ruins of Atlantis at the north end of the Black Sea. As you approach northern Italy’s mountains you head back after being blocked by the Alps. Then you come across a remnant tribe of Grimaldi People. The Grimaldi people had migrated from Africa and arrived in Europe 50,000 YA via the Straights of Gibraltar. Yes, black people were among the first Europeans.
The ancient cave painters and reindeer hunters had moved east and north, assimilated Neanderthal man, and then met the migrating Caucasians 10,000 years later as they migrated a little further north in Europe.
You spend a night as the guest of the Grimaldi Village and note the children riding the amazing posteriors of the First Homo Sapiens sapiens of Europe. Then you and the boys stay and forget the way home. So now, ask yourself where did these two sets of people come from? It appears that the first religions and the first cave paintings occurred in Africa around 60 thousand years ago and a northerly migration out of Africa was also occurring as the Ice Age ebbed away.
In addition, there was an eastern African migration that the Proto- Nubian People had around 100,000 years ago. It is as if there was an evolution of spirit somehow around 120,000 years ago, as Homo sapiens became our final form, Homo sapiens sapiens. H. sapiens sapiens around the world had evolved and ancient prototypes became extinct over the next 100,000 years. Except for Yetis and Bigfoot and the Allegheny Cabbage monster.
This is where my freedom of religion comes in. I take different threads of very ancient history and try to weave a sensible carpet that suits our purpose. In my religion (from a very ancient secret source), the Goddess Venus arrives on earth on a clamshell, I would guess around 120,000 years ago. The water levels of the Red Sea were at their lowest point when she arrived as a previous Ice Age was in place.
The humans found it natural to co-operate and share the bounty of fruits and vegetables. Then they traded salt and gemstones, eventually discovering gold and silver. Figs, Jerky, and Palm nuts too. People were not inclined to kill each other like in the movies, but to have a nice day and a quiet night.
So where did white people come from? How about the so-called Yellow People? Supposedly derived from Denisovans (a separate human species) from Siberia. Then you realize that for all the folderol about race and wars, we all come from a similar place not really all that long ago geologically speaking.
Evolution is real and not a theory. Where did the Chihuahua come from you ask? That’s right, in less than 20,000 years the wolf became the Chihuahua because of evolution. Humans are also malleable that way.
Look at pandas; they all rather look the same. Squirrels, Camels, and Elephants are indistinct from each other. Squids haven't changed much in 600 million years.
Whereas, cats have genetic variety, and bovines evolved into many different looking ones. I'm saying some creatures never change or evolve while others are prone to evolutionary adjustments.
Then look at the people in line at 7-11. The pasty white rich people, the drunken painters, the black roofers, Mexican landscapers, nurses and secretaries of every color are in line and I am part of the working class struggle of the industrious working poor.
One question I had was, are there two distinct two white races? They are elite whites and worker whites, but are they the same color? If you look at who owned the factories where children worked or who owned the plantations or who dumped toxins into watersheds or who stand to make billions off the Keystone Pipeline or who owns the City of London, it has always been the WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. They are the masterminds of world domination.
They give all Europeans a bad reputation with their cold, bleached egomania. My people from the Azores fished and farmed for centuries before coming to America as did many other Europeans running from the religious kooks. They were simple forest folk that became Hillbillies when they came to America. The black/white schism had me wondering what would be a way to unify all people.
In Africa, going back to a tribe 60,000 years ago, and to the Reindeer People who were the indigenous Europeans 15 to 40 thousand years ago, these Pagans lived with their triple gods and goddesses and people of Europe and Africa had very similar lifestyles for thousands of years. Tens of thousands of years. As I explained, the Grimaldi People were the first black people to inhabit Europe and those descendants of Pygmies assimilated with the people they met as they drifted eastward and it's why Mediterranean whites are shorter than northern whites.
What happened was that the so-called civilized people of the Middle Eastern area created capitalism with their overproduction of wheat and began invading the lands of the indigenous Europeans and indigenous Africans. These brown people invaded the villages of black and white tribes as they moved northwards, westwards, and southwards. Thousands of years later, Islam and Christianity (those crazy desert people) usurped peaceful pagans with violent, forced conversion and leaving millions of slaughtered pagans in their wake. Black and white alike. Unity without hierarchy----heed the call. We will be too powerful if we work together.
Compare the 13 goals for a witch, to let's say, the 10 commandments where the whiny god of Canaan exhibits his jealousy of other gods, and is quite prepared to torture you with fire for eternity if you get on his bad side. Then there is islam where a husband is allowed to beat or kill his female property. Can you see why both of these bloodthirsty religions have demonized Paganism and Witchcraft over these many years? We are the competition and an injury to one is an injury to all.
They needed a scapegoat. There are no demons in the craft as far as I can tell and I’ve been studying and practicing Paganism for years. Racism is the new kid on the block compared to Pagan Hatred.
The Brown invaders became the white usurpers as Pagan cultures were conquered demonized and assimilated as they moved North and West. When these ruling whites got to America, the Native Americans were considered Pagans---plain and simple, and these, upper class ruling whites, were delighted as Baptist Preachers promoted their genocide. By 1920 the spirit of the Native Americans was broken and they disappeared into movies.
A book from 1928 called Lady Chatterley’s Lover, describes post-WW1 England. The ruling class has power because they are the most qualified to lead, they told themselves, and don't forget that he who has the gold makes the rules and that is the actual golden rule.
In the book I mentioned, the coal miners in the town drag their feet home every day after 12 hours of slavery in unearthly, horrible conditions. The local oligarch, the owner of the mine, looks on their parade of gloom with pity, and repeats that he has “been given the burden of keeping the rabble in line.”
Maybe he could give them a free ham for chritsmas and the pitiful masses would be thankful, not realizing the actual criminal class that the Oligarchy is, and the theft of their labor and their lives must never be forgotten and I hope your hear their call.
Oligarchs are mobsters and criminals when they keep people in chronic poverty. Keeping entire towns impoverished, what kind of asshole does this? Look at these extreme capitalists; they have many WASPS among their ranks. These are the white people that the people of color should be upset with. These are the ones with the control problems. These are the ones to tax to rebuild an entirely new infrastructure.
They banned the Meek in 395 AD and began a thousand year campaign to eradicate the meek and their thousands of gods and goddesses. A long bloody struggle, it was, till they finally conquered the Lithuanians who were the last remaining Pagans in Europe. This was in 1384 when the 15-year-old prince of Lithuania married the 12-year-old christian princess of Poland. Sacred fires were kept burning till the last one was extinguished in 1434, it's ashes thrown in the river, just in case.
They named buildings, rivers, and towns after their saints and they stuck the heads of dead Meek people on poles to convince other Meek people to give up their kind and fun loving cultures.
Meanwhile, a little south of the holy empire, the last prophet and the people of the scimitar began THEIR holy rampage of conquest. They considered themselves great warriors but they married little girls and beheaded many of the Meek and we say "yeah right dude, real manly". The ancient stories of the Meek were burned at the library of Alexandria so all traces of them would disappear. This was something Rabbi's, Caliphs, and Bishops could agree on.
The cross and scimitar invaded the indigenous cultures of the Meek of Africa and the Meek of Europe and took their gold as forced conversion became the order of the day. Their great holy leaders surveyed the world years later, and found that the Meek had finally been subdued, the blood and money cults of Abraham were victorious, and the Meek were subsumed.
Today the Meek have begun to make their voices heard. "There is no god" and "there are many gods and goddesses" the Pagans and Atheists declare. These are the new people of the word. The many words of the internet to double check all these con men.
Their great goddess holds the lamp of liberty aloft to light the way and the great journey of the Meek has begun, guided by the words of the first true covenant of the people called the mutrfukon United States Constitution, bitches. Every day gets a little brighter as the dawn of civilization approaches and the Meek (today they are known as Pagans and Atheists and Independent thinkers) are cautiously are coming out of hiding to reclaim the cultures of the world. This is the basis of black and white unity. Fuck those Brown People.
The white WASP elite needs to feel the sting of the workers discontent from the inevitable worker's revolution. Like in the south during the Civil War, how did less than 2% of the population convince the other 98% that secession and war was necessary? 600,000 deaths for bullshit. Cold-hearted elite, the slave owners, sent the working white people to their gruesome deaths.
Nasty white WASPS opened factories fashioned after slave ships and Catholics such as the Irish and Italian were scorned and abused. In todays America every European country has assimilated itself into the industrial greed machine and the white collar parasite economy perched atop the actual economy.
Maligned no longer, the Meek and their peace loving allies are poised to rule the earth. Ecosystem Stewardship is the word to replace resource gobbling for gold. When the dumb white demographic catches on, we will have another Progressive Revolution and a new attitude regarding wealth. When they realize all wages would go up if we put the 1% in jail. Just for fun. A little profiling, charge them with a felony and tear up their corporate charter.
Unitarian Universalists have no exclusionary ethos like the way hyper-patriarchal Christianity and Islam does. Unitarian Universalists are the kindest people you will ever want to meet. We had a lifelong Muslim visit our UU church and talk with us. Everybody in the congregation is fine with Islamic people worshipping down the street because UU's want to get to know you, not your religious beliefs. UU's embrace all.
Bring something to the table, some conversation, some volunteer work, that is what the UU’s are about and what freedom of religion is all about. UU's are the American Freedom of Religion ideal.
Well, we were not impressed with our Muslim visitor as our liberal Reverend asked questions and we listened as the Muslim preacher articulated his Stone Age opinion of women’s equality. The enlightened, liberal Muslim opinion about gay people is that it is up to Allah to judge you. “We cannot judge you. “ Then Allah burns gay people in Hell of course.