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Sunday, October 16, 2011


             What will happen is the following; recycling becomes viable and woodlot management begins to grow as a burst of small business activity begins on different fronts.
               People are out there on their properties cutting up to three trees an acre per year  and they are sold to a mill to make lumber. There's another start up. Small time saw mills which will of course lead to mom and pop furniture makers. Instead of the really large trucks with many tons of trees on them wearing out our roads there are many people starting businesses that have medium sized trucks that start taking logs to the newly opened mills. It's been a rape of Mother Nature and I can believe people are not up in arms about it.

             There are alot of trees out there but they are being recklessly clear cut and in another 35 years there won't be any mature trees left at this ferocious pace of clear cutting. Prices are unnaturally low because this extraction insanity exists. A few make a lot of money and not many are employed by these few, because very large machines are used and alot of fuel etc. Big Business is too destructive. IT'S OKAY TO REGULATE SHIT THAT'S TOO BIG AND MONOPOLISTIC.



                    Small business begins recycling in earnest as price per pound determines ALL markets. All capitalism here, no socialism or government needed so far. A worldwide goal of good pay and safe worksites. Jobs created, recycling and reusing of all products, and sawmills open up again locally in most communities and companies begin producing mulch with waste wood, lumber with bigger trees and fine furniture from the best wood. Furniture makers return to American communities as we boycott furniture made by companies that are on the boycott list who pollute, or violate safety standards or minimum wage standards or use an undue amount of natural resources.
           The Citizen/voter/worker can wield the biggest weapon in the world, boycott.
That's all fine and dandy to encourage good companies but the way you get a rising tide of real prosperity, not the illusion it is in 2014, is to make it tough in the marketplace if you sell cheap mass produced shit and unhealthy food that is almost not food any more. 
             John and Jane Doe create a business called Diversions. Various service oriented entertainment, catering, flower arrangements and other activities. John Doe cuts 50 trees a year on his 40 acre homestead. Total income for the year was 98,000 dollars. Minus the 10,000 and we are left with 88,000. 8,800 is due for income tax .
 And that's it! No accountants or lawyers or investment brokers or depreciation or deductions or penalties. We begin to eviscerate the parasitical white collar class. With computers, how hard would it be to kept a track of taxes due and payments received in a flat tax system? If the total owed goes over 100,000 dollars you get a visit from the IRS to investigate to see if you can pay.  
A registry to qualify for the simple plan. Diversions registers and all those tax headaches float away like smoke from a doused fire. All you have to do is keep track of sales! No exemptions or deductions, just a record of all sales. Receipts and such. Imagine then how many people would start their own business in this country. Hiding income wouldn't be fair play, an honor system where we pay our fair share. 10% isn't enough to run the government you say
You're wrong. 20 million Americans suddenly making small business income that would eat away at corporation sales. For instance, local humanely raised bacon is what 50% of the population purchases by 2018 instead of the Smithfield Farms torure bacon fill with feces and contaminanats and chemicals.
The cheap food policy is destroying our resources and gives us an illusion of prosperity.
                     So here is your teabagger complaining about the price of Codfish in 2014, but bought cod 500 times from 1950 to 1970 when they were overfished and relatively cheap. North Atlantic stocks crashed as much as 90%! Star Kist had cute commercials with Charley the Tuna but they killed probably millions of dolphins and other sealife, selling their product.  Same Tea bagger bought stock in Star Kist and makes out very well as profits are through the roof and stocks rockets up in price from his initial investment in 1950.  

What underlies the whole foundation of it all is overfishing and pollution and reduced fish populations worldwide and less people able to survive. At least our world should be able to have people catch fish to eat, but ecosystems are so degraded by dams and sewage and waste, that survival is no longer viable. 
                       Natural flowing streams and rivers have become ditches or "retention ponds" and are no longer real systems because so much profit has been made that I feel that most wealth is illegitimate
, hence the National Property tax.
           So here is your teabagger complaining about the price of Cod but b ought cod 500 times from 1950 to 1970 when they were overfished and relatively cheap. Star Kist had cute commercials with Charley the Tuna but they killed probably millions of dolphins selling their product. Tea bagger buys stock in Star Kist and makes out very well as profits are through the roof and stocks rockets up in price. What underlies the whole foundation of this wealth is overfishing and pollution and reduced fish populations worldwide and  less people able to survive. At least our world should be able to have people catch fish to eat, but ecosystems are so degraded by dams and sewage and waste that survival is no longer viable. 



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