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Monday, June 8, 2020


 The Other
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White People


  The Stone People 

Who are the White People and 
The Parasite Class


Cave art and carvings are all that remains of most ancient people after their shelters and fire altars and clothes have weathered back into the earth.  But it was also the end of the Middle Stone Age and time to kick it up a notch for the civilization that evolved around the Mediterranean. History's hidden people. 

  The Reindeer People, the proto-Iberians, lived in Southern France ten to thirty five thousand years ago and were working with fire and early metallurgy while learning to sew animal skins for clothing. 

They didn't invent the French Seam but clothing became important as Europe was overcome with glaciers during the last Ice Age ten to twenty thousand years ago.. They danced and I imagine they loved to sing. They were singer sewer, hunter-gatherers. Root finders, frog eaters. Catching fish that filled every stream and river while bathing in the same. 

           As people research their white roots, it seems to be all about the northern European traditions.  Warrior traditions and Gods. “Arrr, always recycle, and remember the skull of your enemy makes a swell drinking cup you can use over and over again.”

           Well, hold on one cotton pickin’ minute there Sven…   What about the French and Portuguese? What about ALL the Mediterranean people, the Berbers, Dogons and Malians who used the Mediterranean and mixed with the Iberians? 

        Sicily and viva Italia and hail Occitania! 

        Then there are the Cretans and Corsicans and non-Hellenic residents of the ancient Greek hinterlands, not to mention thousands of other ancient places and forgotten people crushed by Christianity and Islam. 


Not all Europeans were Vikings, duh, and most Europeans paid lip service to the Christians even after they were conquered, and for instance the Romuvans sacred fires, in Lithuania, lasted until 1434.  By 1005 AD the Vikings had capitulated and were Christianized while in 2020 they were still looking for their first super bowl.

 Our United States' history books are all about christian war victories and making young children learn about "heroic battles"  in such a way that almost no one bats an eye that hundreds of peaceful cultures were crushed. They were "killing savages" we were told. 

They were slaughtering the indigenous Europeans.

        Read that as Pagan genocide.

         We are indoctrinated to the myth that Christians, such as the Teutonic knights, were conquering sub humans, but hell no, that's just plain wrong. They spread the eternal warfare of the middle east throughout Europe.


        Today, people are discovering that their Pre-Christian roots are actually very interesting, and the traditions were very much like the Native American and African tribes.

Unfortunately, white nationalists have fraudulently claimed all of Europe as their own and twisted it into another white guy warrior world where, “everyone’s a Captain Kirk”.

        What we have today is right-wing authoritarianism run amok and capitalist opportunism gone wild. Chicken Hawks guiding American foreign policy getting your kids to fight in their paranoid wars about communists and Muslims, while they made billions off pipelines. 

          Meanwhile, numerous countries in the Middle East have been bombed into rubble,

  much to the delight of those with stocks in American bomb-making facilities. Your stockbroker said space program, but he was lying.

         There was one constant that all the founding revolutionaries believed in and that was that religion was often a corrupting influence on government, and they were determined to keep the clergy at arm’s length in this new country they eventually called The United States.

Freedom of religion was to protect YOU, from ANY coercive  religion. The forced conversions of islam and christianity were foremost in the FOUNDERS thoughts with the bloodthirsty Ottoman Empire rampaging in Africa and Europe while the Christian Inquisition and its attendant  tortures continued unabated. They were patriarchal terrorists and their Holy Rampage of Conquest was the talk of thinking people during the Enlightenment in the late 1700's when the American revolution occurred.
          I'm telling you, it could be Quakers or Hindus 500 years from now, no religion, period, insisted the Founding Revolutionaries. 
EVER! No flag either. Where does it mention  flag fetishism in the Constitution? This religious violence and coercion was truly on their minds as the founding documents were drawn up. No invisible ruler in the United States. Period. End of story.


My thing is that we aren't colors, genders, or nationalities. Instead, think of all of us as workers, voters, citizens, and children.                                                                                                                                                
   Capitalism has created an economy on top of the people who do the actual work. The people who  grow deliver and display, the ones who cook and serve the food. The ones who clean the houses, the driver who puts 10000 gallons of gasoline in the big tank next to the convenience store. 

   Let’s not forget to mention the minimum wage CNA caring for your dying parents or the underpaid and inexperienced child care worker holding your crying child for an hour.  

Vanishing cultures around the world say, "Hey we had a fine system here before Columbus came along; didn't need y'all." 


     Colonialism by rich white people proceeded in the 1500’s once the European Commons was absconded with. (it takes money to make money). By 1850, Industrial Capitalism had come along and disrupted virtually every culture in the world since then. 
              In years past, most white people were tyrannized by a local despot such as a Prince or Duke who parasitized off their industrious labor. Poor people inventing things and working all day, and the already rich making the profits. The clergy at the ready with their collection baskets and clean fingernails.
                This violent totalitarian Paradigm, force-fed to the "uncivilized" in the world, is finally fixin' to be rejected. Keep in mind however, it's the notorious implementation of a very sick strain of dogmatic religiosity called Manifest Destiny, that fuels this global empire. The gleeful clergy striding alongside the tyrant.

               Here's what you don't know,Europe was Pagan and White, and Africa was Pagan and Black for 30,000 years. Triple Gods and Goddesses.  Mecca became a great Pagan meeting place for polytheists of all colors to commingle. There was no religion in that marketplace because Pagans did not have wars over the Gods and Goddesses, and there was definitely more freedom of religion back in the Pagan-dominant days.
        Religious people say the Pagans were corrupt and lawless during the period they were using Mecca as an international marketplace before Mohammad.  Read corrupt and lawless as having fun.

 I have been studied and been inspired Northern European Pagan traditions, but have lived in the warmer part of the United States for half my life, in USDA zone nine(Soon zone 10 with global warming).           


     My thing was about bringing these interesting  northern European traditions down south and translating them into USDA zone 9/10 kind of stuff. You see, when they are having harvest festivals up north, in Florida and Arizona we have just started planting.  

Then I finally realized I was Iberian and not welcome to the racist white north.
           I was extolling the traditions that white, (read that not christian) Pagans had before the brown christians and brown islamics invaded Europe.  
 The indigenous Europeans got invaded the same way North America got invaded, but historians won't point that out to you. Lies of omission.

          This is one of those hidden truths. Pagans were slaughtered, their sacred places buried or destroyed by the invading brown hordes. Those lunatic brown barbarians.


Who are my people? I’m like 56% Iberian and 25% French according to a siblings DNA.  Lots of Iberian in your DNA? Lots of Iberian in many peoples DNA? Well yeah, and here’s the story that invalidates the racist alt right narrative about white people.

➘ ➘ ➘I am of the people who knew the Berbers and the Corsicans, the Canary Islanders and the Phoenicians. The Basques, the Gauls, the Goths. The Scots and Irish have strong strains of us in their veins.

 The Celts visited us first when they initially gathered together. It seems that the Frost Giants had built a mile thick glacier over Northern Europe, and the original aboriginal(K)Celts wandered over to our little corner of Europe for the duration.  In ancient days, the Iberians were the reindeer hunters, the cave painters.

The Berbers and Basques cling to pieces of their ancient culture, not to mention the traditions of hundreds of other enclaves of diverse culture from Cordoba to The Caspian. 

Today we are all marginalized in a world filled with demented power mongers. India Britain Brazil and the United States are in dissaray with their right wing leaders bungling every crisis 2020 brings us. 

Forward together remember. We need a message of unity and consensus and we’uns need to shut down abusive, authoritarian creeps.  #unitywithouthierarchy


           The roots of racism and white nationalism began a long time ago and involves who is European and who isn’t.   I find it amusing, but disconcerting to others, when I say that Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were covered with a mile thick sheet of ice while the Iberians were already livin’ in our little hillbilly villages. For thousands of years.

            Y’all are the Johnny-come-latelys to Europe. We lived in many small villages on both sides of the Mediterranean as one wave of people after another rolled in.  No wonder most of you motherfuckers are Iberian. 

With North and South America devoid of human life, 50% of the worlds population were located between Paris and the Pyramids. We are the other white people. Not the Aryans or Caucasians, WE were the first melting pot. 

         Yessir, We was hunting and gathering and seriously, how hard was it to grow plants? In some places, fruit seeds that were spat out, survived … and voila, grew into trees. Today they call it permaculture. Back then it was simple common sense. If you think they didn’t figure out shit like that then you’re stupider then you look.

          Academics and Pagan Reconstructionists are all about sacred spots, but think about it, how much time do you spend praying compared to how much time you spend getting and growing and cooking and eating food? Right? How about the time spent at work so you earn enough to spend it in the store on Friday? We are about food and surviving, not praying to Mr. Invisible.  


      But back to the Iberian Revolution. 

       Why hell, we was so advanced we even had 32 symbols that have been found throughout Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Islands. Not 500 random doodles but the same 32 symbols in a widespread area and in the deepest caves, and yo, we had ports way before the Phoenicians and Sumerians came to trade with us. Italian salute here.

        Regarding ancient cultures and lifestyles, don't you think teenagers were tying logs together with vines to make rafts to go raise some hell somewhere?  You can be certain they weren’t the lifeless caricatures you see in museums. They had love and humor and wonder and friendship and 32 symbols, This was not random shit, this was a language. We’ve been lost to history.

            Regarding ancient cultures and lifestyles, don't you think teenagers were tying logs together with vines to make rafts to go raise some hell somewhere?  


       In too many cases, Science is just more white privilege. You know the schtick, western civ educated are the only legitimate sources of science. Harvard Yale Oxford blah blah blah. Folk knowledge is shit they think, tribal elders aren’t writing papers they’ll say. That’s the attitude of white colonialism, so, this has led me to conclude that there may be a much deeper racism in academia than there is in rural Alabama, and once you see it, you will never unsee it. 

        Then there’s the fetal-alcohol syndrome racists who have traditionally discounted these same, “pointy-headed Ivy League” professors in years past.  The Liberals they hate so much and, ironically, those elbow patch city slicker professors are the ones who codified the ‘only white science is knowledge,’ scenario.  Where racists get their "facts" from. You can't make this shit up! 

       Now, regarding these Nazis in 2020. My central point in the efforts here is to dig out the entire root of racism. Absolutely all of it. I'm a gardener and racism is like dollar weed. You can't leave any roots in the ground or it will keep coming back.

       Today these nazis have cow catchers in the front of their pickups so they can run over protestors, not to knock down fences or deflect rocks when they’re mud boggin’. They are the ones who joined the military in the hopes they could indiscriminately kill people. They hold court down at the donut shop talking about Obama the Muslim threat (still) to our country. They are hard pressed to articulate the difference between Sharia Law and Socialism. They send death threats, they create fake accounts for fascist bullying.  

        Listen, I don’t like Schumer or Pelosi or any other establishment Democrats either. They haven't been able to stand up to the right wing bullying of the Tea Party since 2010, and this has led to the loss of the Senate and majorities in many state legislatures. 

            The people are not being represented by either party, and bedazzling and befuddling me, is how southerners can’t see t***p for the carpetbagger he is. Totally using them for the last thing that is truly theirs. The vote.


        Capitalism has created an economy on top of the people who do the actual work. The people who cook and serve the food, the ones who clean the houses. Let’s not forget to mention the minimum wage CNA caring for your dying parents or the underpaid and inexperienced child care worker holding your crying child for an hour. 

        Then to hear Nit “corporations are people” Romney or Newt Skintrich calling for poor kindergarteners to stay after school to sweep floors to earn their lunch money, you really have to wonder where the hell have these people been all their lives?


         My conservative friends, I don’t like Marxism either. Socialist Eugene Debs actually went shoulder to shoulder with the workers and spent nights in jail as needed. He’s the man. He told the communists  he wasn't buying what they were selling. 

    Progressive, ‘fightin’ Bob LaFollette, in his role as governor of Wisconsin in 1900, actually implemented Progressive Pro Worker ideals into action and reform. Women had to battle for decades to achieve a semblance of equal rights. Then their husband told them who to vote for.
         Maybe it’s time to abandon the failed economic systems of capitalism and communism.

There are no other theorists for the workers revolution besides Marx? Maybe someone who goes outside once in a while and recognizes an impending environmental disaster when they see it. Who speaks for the worker today. Lot’s of people but they don’t get on the #weakstreammdia.

 Another thing I noticed about people I’ve worked with is that people simply don’t talk about marx. I’ve worked and taken breaks in three corners of this country with plumbers and gardeners and electricians. People who work in shipping and receivingproperty managers and security guards and administrators and store managers and even homeless people I find sleeping in the bushes. Not a one of them talked about Marx. 

The working people don’t talk about Marxism, they talk about what is going on in their life and the reality of the jobsite. They articulate the problems with the system,  better than your average politician.

The maids, the sandwich makers, the floor polishers, the CNA’s, your finishers your starters. The kitchen crew and clerical staff. Us gardeners get around, we are usually the last to go onto a project and people unload their problems on us.

The ferry captains, the car washers turned computer techs, the vegetable growers and organic chicken egg producers. I can’t ever remember a single person talking about marx, but we did talk a lot about unions and their destruction by Raygun and the conservatives without consciousness

  America IS different and no longer exceptional with the right-wing coup eating us alive like a tapeworm and we need more than Marx to stem the tide.  Small business has been destroyed and a minimum wage for all will be the final nail in the coffin of small business. We could have a minimum wage for small business at 12/hr. Call it an apprentice wage.

Progressives, Greens, and Independents are poised to lead the world out of its miasma, but the left/right tennis match (back and forth back and forth) Marx or Mussolini? The billionaires have shown their hand, and they don’t care if we all die and everyone knows it now.

       I’m not an anti communist because I am a capitalist. I see Marxism as just another failed Eurocentric economic model and the world needs something better, but more importantly I see Marxists and their ubiquitous red and black symbols usurping what should be a modern workers movement. They stole the Russian Revolution from the socialists, and they are trying to supplant worker unity today as their own. They are a hindrance to worker solidarity.


Paying minimum wage with no benefits while stockholders reaped the fruits of our labors tells me that NEO FEUDALISM HAS BEEN RECREATED IN THE UNITED STATES. Some got rich, most struggled. You got rich by participating in a corrupt system. Your wealth is illegitimate.

  I could have spent 30 years in a cubicle making lots of dough for some parasitical white collar industry and now I’d have a 30-foot boat and I'd be sipping daiquiris complaining   “service has gone to shit in America” and every other goddam grumpy bubble thing. Nope. I didn’t want to be a white-collar parasite. Fuck that BMW.

American service has gone to the stockholders who insist on lowering wages for the workers. That employee selling the propane, running the register handling cranky customers is regarded as a machine that does work, that’s all, the stockholders and owners see us as work units, not humans. This is a system devoid of looking out for people's dignity. 

         Eugene Debs said nearly 100 years ago“to whom do the Wall Street Junkers in our country marry their daughters? After they have wrung their countless millions from your sweat, your agony and your life’s blood, in a time of war as in a time of peace, they invest these untold millions in the purchase of titles of broken-down aristocrats, such as princes, dukes, counts and other parasites and no-accounts. Would they be satisfied to wed their daughters to honest workingmen? To real democrats? Oh, no! They scour the markets of Europe for vampires who are titled and nothing else. And they swap their millions for the titles, so that matrimony with them becomes literally a matter of money.



       On and on the system grinds up whoever they can with  rampaging white privilege. One strategy by White Nationalists since 1960 was to make sure felons became unable to vote, and there are now 3 million black felons finding it difficult to get work, and unable to vote.  That’s why its good to see a rising tide of justice. Anarchy is the absence of coercion.

               Many of us have been shocked that so much racism still exists. My old relatives are dead, my Unitarian brothers and sisters embrace all. My children are post-everything and my 10 customers are all jovial, nature loving people, and we never discuss politics. So I am surrounded by kind, loving people and don't hear bigotry anymore because I am about sick of nasty white people and won't go where they are.
           I saw in my grandmother a person who was bigoted against blacks then finally realized, "every group of people has its good and bad."  She even had a lawn jockey once upon a time but settled into some fine wisdom and she became a good friend. It seems that nearly everyone saw the absurdity of being racist in my lifetime and we were living liberty and justice for all from here on out. Didn't happen. 

               The white enclave known as the Fox News echo chamber continues to delude the trump humping bumpkins. The cock holsters of gangrenous greed and authoritarian excess as Bannon would say if he were a leftist.

       Washington Jefferson Adams Madison and their ilque were the actual greatest generation and would be certain to be shaking their heads in confusion as they watch the Netflix show, Earth 2020. The complacency and blind obedience of the misnamed greatest generation gave the world 20,000 nuclear weapons. Crazy white people in Russia and America and their failed economic systems terrorizing the world.It gave us a surveillance nation contrary to the bill of rights.

 The Autonomous zones being created is a movement that will continue to grow.

         Subservience and fealty to corporate greed have destroyed unions but greatly benefited stockholders. Meanwhile, our young people  can far better articulate why racism is horrid and why sexism is incomprehensible. Millennials will not allow "war without end" that the Boomers have allowed. 

       In 1789, just before the bill of rights had been formally ratified, southern racists were having a tantrum and would not sign on as part of the 'United States' unless they could keep their slaves. Northerners thought this unfair since they had to pay their employees and the few slaves there were could sue their owners in court. Just the word “owners” makes my skin crawl. #blacklivesmatter 
         During the Civil War, the 2% of the southern population that owned slaves, convinced the poor whites to fight for them.  I can't help but think of this lackey attitude when I see some 'rebel's' flag fluttering behind them as they drive by. Brainwashed bigoted chumps. No offense. Rolling coal just helps so much.
             In 1789, northern economies were primarily community-based and agrarian. You could buy, sell, repair and trade nearly everything that you needed to run the family farms right in your home town.  Household Industry involved 80% of the population. Before factories, people made products at home and in 1776, the Industrial North had yet to arrive. The steam engine hadn't even been invented yet or the cotton gin, so to a Northerner, slavery was an unsavory and unfortunate reality that needed to change. To no avail, Ben Franklin dramatically pleaded with them to change their stance.

      My Union cap confounds the confederate, flag waving racists that remain. The North won bitches, we are the UNITED States and no you can't have slaves. “Granny, the south done got whooped.” The South will rise again they say, and I say 'and do what exactly?'  


      The  good white people are emerging after 35 years of sleepwalking through this military oriented, corporate abetted, right wing religious coup of America.

The aberrant tumor that made corruption legal. Don’t perpetuate mistrust of other people. whatever your race is. Or occupation, or gender, or religion and/or nationality. We can do this. We’ve all worked together and we know we do all the work. Now is time for us to set up a system so we hire ourselves. Community unions. Communitarianism, not communism. Communitarianism as discussed by Huey P Newton.

              Time for all of us to unite as workers/voters/and citizens. Out of many, ONE. My diatribe previously about Brown people was to illustrate the ridiculousness of color issues. The workers will work together. 



President Stupid Bigly is walking into a fascist police state 35 years in the making, so I find the dump trump movement a waste of energy.  

          Roger Ailes has been Americas Joseph Goebbels and 25 years of brainwashing is already in place by Ailes alone.   Limpbaugh endlessly repeated phrases such as 'the rich are the job creators', ad nauseum. A lie that became gospel to his truth-impaired fans,  believable because of the relentlessness of the repetition. 
             Then at the newly created Fox News, Roger Ailes’ motto was to brainwash the nation with a white male supremacy agenda without them knowing it.  Three guidelines for brainwashing are repetition, repetition, repetition. The lies became truth and Fox News Director Ailes created an army of Herman Goering’s wannabes, sitting in their living room with their gun in their lap, waiting for the liberal bloodbath they are prepared to participate in. How many times has Rush-bo or his callers said "lock and load?" Hundreds of times in the 6 years I listened.  Now they are at DSubway with their bazooka launchers.
              With an enemy of public education, Devos in the cabinet, Blackwater has now gotten in the inner circle of the White House.  Why would this be, other than anticipating the rise of an elitist Himmler style attack force?  A Right Wing International Cadre of Lawless Marauders is the eventual goal.
            A mercenary army that is already embedded in American police departments. and they are KKK inclined. The 3% Warriors for Christ, got your name and address for the Liberal bloodbath they want to create. Fence keepers and Soldiers of Odin and 984 other hate groups stand at the ready to create nothing good for the good people of our land.
              This is what I mean when I say most people have no idea the danger that white nationalists pose. Importantly it’s a white Male supremacy agenda and not a master race thing that includes women. "You are going to bear a child for Hitler and the master race."

       If you look  at who owned the factories where children worked or who owned the plantations or who dumped toxins into watersheds or who stand to make billions off the Keystone Pipeline or who owns the City of London, it has always been the WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. They are the masterminds of world domination.
          They give all Europeans a bad reputation with their cold, bleached egomania. My people from the Azores fished and farmed for centuries before coming to America as did many other Europeans running from the religious kooks.  They were simple forest folk that became Hillbillies when they came to America.                                                                    

            The black/white schism had me wondering what would be a way to unify all people. In Africa, going back to a tribe 60,000 years ago, and to the Reindeer People who were the indigenous Europeans 15 to 40 thousand years ago, these Pagans lived with their triple gods and goddesses and people of Europe and Africa had very similar lifestyles for thousands of years.  Tens of thousands of years. As I explained, the Grimaldi People were the first black people to inhabit Europe and those descendants of Pygmies assimilated with the people they met as they drifted eastward and it's why Mediterranean whites are shorter than northern whites.
                What happened was that the so-called civilized people of the Middle Eastern area created capitalism with their overproduction of wheat and began invading the lands of the indigenous Europeans and indigenous Africans. These brown people invaded the villages of black and white tribes as they moved northwards, westwards, and southwards. Thousands of years later, Islam and Christianity (those crazy desert people) usurped peaceful pagans with violent, forced conversion while leaving millions of slaughtered pagans in their wake. Black and white alike.

Unity without hierarchy----heed the call. We will be too powerful if we work together.


       The Holy Rampage of Conquest by Islam and Christianity over the Indigenous African people and the Indigenous European tribes is a slaughter your ancestors want you to address.
          The Brown invaders became the white usurpers as Pagan cultures were conquered and demonized. When these ruling whites got to America, the Native Americans were considered Pagans---plain and simple, and these, upper class ruling whites, were delighted as Baptist Preachers promoted their genocide. By 1920 the spirit of the Native Americans was broken and they disappeared into movies.
             A book from 1928 called Lady Chatterley’s Lover, describes post-WW1 England. The ruling class had the power because they are the most qualified to lead, they told themselves, and don't forget that he who has the gold makes the rules and that is the actual golden rule.
          In the book I mentioned, the coal miners in the town drag their feet home every day after 12 hours of slavery in unearthly, horrible conditions. The local oligarch, the owner of the mine, looks on their parade of gloom with pity, and repeats that he has “been given the burden of keeping the rabble in line.” 

       Old white historians have created the history we have read the last couple of hundred years and (cough cough), I must now note that white historians are slowly edging away from the oogly boogly dimwit Caveman concept of the Neanderthal, now that white people have the most Neanderthal heritage. Lol. No offense Italians. lol.


         Many years later when the ice melted at the end of the last ice age, the plants and animals went north in an unprecedented abundance that the Celto-Iberians took advantage of. 

           The Reindeer People followed the reindeer north as Europe warmed up 10,000 years ago, and the fish were so numerous, a bear could catch them with one paw tied behind his back. Other Proto-Iberians followed the sun east and stayed in sparsely populated gatherings, bringing the initial technology of the Later Stone Age to those still stuck in the Paleolithic. They were Neolithic harbingers of invention.


        The Iberians migrated all the way back to the Black Sea and discovered the Aryan people on the other side of the Caucasians and we taught them how to make clothes so they could head north to fight the frost giants. Wink wink nod nod.



         We were there in Egypt when Sashat was pounding in the stakes to build the pyramids. Our buddies, the Sumerians, made the hemp rope for the marking lines and pull carts. My people go back in time even further to Noblecki Tepe and the bare ground before construction. Who were we? Why did we gather together at Solutre and Tobleeki Teepee? Why were we erased from history? How are we considered second class Europeans, and why?

        This is my whole point. Right here. People telling me that no one cares about ancient history, but what I am trying to do it expose the entire root of the racism of white people before they start WW3. They have excluded Southern Europeans because we are mixed with all Mediterranean people. 

 The reindeer went north and were extirpated in southern and central Europe by the end of the ice age and it is believed the Laplanders of today are remnants of this tribe of reindeer hunters who went right up to the Arctic Circle and are now known as the Saami. Their compelling drumming ritual and a life revolving around the deer remains to this day.  DNA testing shows that the Saami are related to the proto-Iberians. 

The Reindeer People of ancient days had sharpened bones for making clothes with animal pelts stitched together with sinew(muscles, ewww). Their fancy arrowheads were the most advanced at that time and as sharp as Roman swords many centuries later. You can bet along the way, an occasional greenstone axe was created, since they were skilled at using muscle fiber, sinew, for strapping down the occasional axe head.  

Just because white archaeologists haven’t found this or that artifact, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The Ancient People were more industrious than we give them credit for.


             Keep in mind the reindeer hunters are also called the Cave Painters. Oh! What if they never painted in caves? Like every other artifact, it would have weathered away but since the discovery of the cave paintings in France and Altamira Spain, we have begun to piece together some of what happened in Pre-history.

       It wasn’t your ancestors with their flaxen braids and creamy complexions that drew in the caves, that was my people. The original indigenous Europeans. We had no visions of empire but our mistake was not beating back the christians and muslims in later years. We were into working eating hunting planting gathering sewing tattooing and sitting around the fire and melting and burning shit. All this while the land of the white nationalists was covered with a glacier.

       Then, scientists(white academic elitists) pretend to speak for the ancient people? Everything is about gods and Booga Booga they claim, but most people chopped wood and carried water.  Could give a fuck about whatever god the preacher priest pastor or shaman talked about and the lifeless recreations in museums belie the fierce nature and inquisitive initiatives of our ancestors. And I do mean OUR ancestors. We are all in this together in the future. No more color or genders and seriously, send islam and christianity back to the Middle East. They can get jobs on Dick Cheneys pipeline.  


            It wasn’t your ancestors with their flaxen braids and creamy complexions that drew in the caves, that was my people.We had no visions of empire but our mistake was not beating back the christians and muslims. We were into working eating hunting planting gathering sewing tattooing and sitting around the fire and melting shit. All this while the land of the white nationalists was covered with a glacier.


            Then, scientists(white academic elitists) pretend to speak for the ancient people? Everything is about gods and Booga Booga they claim, but most people chopped wood and carried water.  Could give a fuck about whatever god the preacher priest pastor or shaman talked about. Lifeless recreations in museums belie the fierce nature and inquisitive initiatives of our ancestors. And I do mean OUR ancestors. We are all in this together in the future. No more color or genders and send islam and christianity back to the Middle East. They can get jobs on Dick Cheneys pipeline.




So who are the participants in this parasite, white-collar, white bread, white sugar, white people economy?  


It’s the salespeople for many years in doctors offices selling the prescriptions that made many people illegitimate millionaires and billionaires. The System is everyone who overcharges on medical equipment and services. It’s the lawyers making 300000 a year who consider themselves as valuable as the three maids, the landscapers, the plumber over there to check the leak, the cabinet maker making new kitchen cabinets. The person cutting the marble and the person delivering furniture for the guest house are all making one-tenth of what the lawyer makes.


IS THERE ACTUALLY A PRODUCT BEING PRODUCED BY LAWYERS? Physical objects to repair? Handcrafted goods to hawk? Like religion, they are basically selling air. On  the other hand doctors seem like hard workers but why do they make five times what anyone else in the operating room makes. Nurses seem to know five times what a doctor knows with regard to patient care                             



      Class war? Yer darn tootin’ its class war. 


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