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Wednesday, September 9, 2020




         We are the Iberians and in our heyday the earth was healthy. We spent our time netting fish and harvesting fruits and collecting and saving nuts and seeds as they came into season. We were hunting reindeer, sewing together clothes with sinew, and drawing lots of groovy shit in caves, you betcha.  

        Eventually, weak insecure patriarchal religions encouraged the slicing off of vital man parts while the other crazy desert religion chopped off women's parts to try and tame us all. Clueless, stuffed museum characters staring at their naughty bits? I don’t think so. 

               Who are the Iberians? 

       The Reindeer People  lived in Spain and France and Portugal for 30,000 years. Eventually a portion of them followed the reindeer north as the Ice Age ebbed and the Saami people share DNA with us. As Europe warmed up 5/15,000 years ago, The Garden of Eden is known as Iberia today was abounding with flowers trees and animals.  The glaciers melted and the fish were so numerous, a bear could catch them with one paw tied behind his back. 

        The laurel leaf shape of the spear points was the distinctive style of the people that became known as the Solutreans. The Iberians of Cave Painting Days also went north more slowly as the Celto-Iberians.


       Other Proto-Iberians followed the sun east and stayed in sparsely populated gatherings while bringing the initial technology of the Later Stone Age to those still stuck in the Paleolithic. they were the Neolithic harbingers of invention.

          They migrated all the way out to the Black Sea, as recent DNA revelations are showing, and they discovered the Aryan people on the other side of the Caucasians and they

         taught them how to make clothes

so they could head north to fight the frost giants. Wink wink nod nod. (they’ll believe anything) They left behind a lot of swell fire pits and orchards.

      Recently we learned that Neanderthals had some bodacious disease fighting genetics, and this hybrid vigor with the Grimaldi People created the proto-Mediterranean People who arrived even before the Reindeer People. Research is currently indicating a final flurry of Neanderthal activity in Central Portugal 45,000 years ago at the same time of the arrival of the Homo Sapiens.

    I get stern looks when I point out that Neanderthals are the reason Italians have hair on their back. (I’ll edit these rude bits out later but Italians do have 4% Neanderthal compared to the European average of 1-2%. Just sayin’.)  

     It’s also another reason Mediterranean men are shorter than our northern and racist European cousins. Northern Europeans are a different strain of European and certainly are not the native Europeans. This is why its prominently known that the population of the Iberian Peninsula was completely displaced. This is propaganda by the johnny come latelies of Europe trying to hide the identity of the indigenous Europeans.

     It's disconcerting to some when I say that Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were covered with a mile-thick sheet of ice, for like 15,000 years, while the Iberians were already livin’ in little villages for a couple of tens of thousands of years. Sitting around the fire every star filled night when the weather was cool enough. There were plant leaves that repelled insects that they knew of. They enjoyed the blessings of the goddesses green earth. Why eternal fires are sacred.

Homo Sapiens from various locations came to the Iberian corner of Europe to hunker down during the worst of the last ice age, fifteen to twenty five thousand years ago. The Iberians lived in many small villages primarily on the Iberian Peninsula but also on both sides of the Mediterranean. Driven south by the cold, one wave of people after another rolled in. The heart of the Western World, 20,000 years ago, was Solutre, France, the ancient Iberian gathering place. No wonder most of you mthrfckrs are Iberian. Iberians are the indigenous people of Europe.

To readers who are  Portuguese or Greek, Italian or Spanish, I want to relate this to you. These proud white nationalist boys do not consider you white, but on the other hand, many of their assertions are deceptions. This racist Germanic Anglo Nordic whatever, white people schtick.

       People are discovering that their Pre-Christian roots are actually very interesting and the music is compelling. People hear the music, and are entranced but then they hear racist nonsense from Odinists and others and they say, what the hell. I mean, ILOVE Heilung. Wardruna. Regardless of who we think, is or isn’t a European, it turns out that the traditions of indigenous Europeans were very much like the Native American and African tribes.


          In a ginormous leap of faith, the white nationalists have fraudulently claimed all of Europe as their own and twisted it into another, "white guy warrior world" where “everyone’s a Captain Kirk”.  

    What is their point and what is their purpose? What is the link between the crazy desert people and the blood filled sands of the mideast, and the first civilization of Mesopotamia? It's about the Aryan Race. 

    Honestly, I need to do some more reading on the concept of white supremacy. This wiki bit begins the explanation

        So it seems that these Aryans, these germanic types, have only been European for like, 4000 years. They discern how your mustache grows, if it droops you are Mongolian and not Aryan or some such shit.   Try to get, that this is about the Russian Steppes and Aryan people civilized all the Euro-Indo-blah blah blah ... whatever it's called, and they got superior jeans. 

         Regardless, if I may continue, my point is to give you a perspective on the complete pointlessness of whatever it is the Proud Boys espouse.

       The Iberians were hunting and gathering and we had ancient gardens. Those are gone but our cave paintings are still here. The whole world was the garden of Eden before the violent Aryan civilization emerged. There were clam gardens and forest management. Fruit seeds that were spat out, survived, and then grew into trees, and if you think they didn’t notice these things and figure out shit like that, then you’re stupider then you look. 

     The ancient people were far more civilized than realized and they had ten homes instead of one. Quite like the Owl, they needed territory to migrate to.

They lived in all sort of caves and natural protected areas. Stone menhirs, dolmens and shelters like the one in the picture below.  How they built them is a head scratcher but Science will tell you the retreating glaciers it.        



They had lookouts that kept the large carnivores away. They had oasis’s ‘n shit yo. Slept in the trees if that is all there was. Their home was where they left their spear points. 

    If my tribe had a thousand square miles to wander, I'd find every kind of edible food there was over the course of a year. A thousand square miles is about one fifth the size of Connecticut. I’d know when the Huckleberries ripened and when the Geese would arrive. When the Wild Coffee and Simpson Stopper berries were ripe. When the Crabs came to the river to spawn.  Native fruits and nuts fed the birds and animals but quite a few plants were also edible for humans and a small tribe could cover a lot of ground over the course of a year. The earth was a literal garden of eden beofre the white people came along.

Home was a favorite place, that special spot where they found Reindeer antlers or where there was an eternal cool spring and berries all summer long. A cool cave in the summer. A warmer shelter in the winter. There was always a home and something to eat if you were good at planning and knowing your land.  

 They rested in places that had flowing water and the Iberian people stayed clean and healthy. The fish were practically jumping in the pan.  Oh, the pan. Get to that in a minute.

        Academics and Pagan Reconstructionists are all about sacred spots and worshipping gods and all that shit, but think about it, how much time do you spend praying to your deity? Then how much time do you spend getting and growing and cooking and eating food? Right? How about the time spent at work so you earn enough to spend it in the store on Friday? 

Most of us could give a shit less about religion and it's always been that way

We lived our religion, it was everywhere.

      But back to the Iberian Revolution. 

       Why hell, Iberians was so advanced we even had 32 symbols that have been found throughout Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Islands and dated to well before civilization arrived in the Middle East. Not 500 random doodles but the same 32 symbols in a widespread area and in the deepest caves, and yo, we had ports way before the Phoenicians and Sumerians came to trade with us. My people are the ancient ones along with the ancient Africans and ancient Mongolians. 

          Regarding ancient cultures and lifestyles, don't you think teenagers were tying logs together with vines, in order to make rafts to go raise some hell somewhere?  You can be certain they weren’t the lifeless caricatures or spasmodic animatronics you see in museums.

          The Iberians had love and humor and wonder and friendship and 32 symbols, long before Thor was even a gleam in Odins eye. These symbols were not random shit, this was a language. We’ve been lost to history, “disappeared” as they’d say in the modern parlance. 


     Now we got these white Nationalists claiming this or that about Europe, but they are the Johnny come latelys of Europe. The Greeks were engaged with existential extrapolations while the Nordics were trying to keep icicles off their beards. 
       It wasn't the Vikings that had Venus figurines, thousands of stone houses, a symbolic language and like I said, lots of groovy shit in caves. I was closing in on something in my search for the ancient Europeans, it seemed.  

       Unfortunately, the Library of Alexandria was destroyed so this is my attempt to recreate and reconstruct the era that seems wiped clean from the history books. 10 to 25,000 years ago. When civilization actually began. Clues are laying about, but white Academia hasn’t seemed to notice. They seem to think that the overproduction of wheat and walled, weaponized cities, were the vanguard of civilization.

          All these Germanic scientists are like, ugh, we don’t know what these 32 symbols alongside Ancient Iberian Cave Art could mean. They kind of realize these are not their ancestors. It's even possible that the Nordic runes were derived from the 32 symbols found throughout Iberian caves and dolmens. Now THAT is something that would chafe the white nationalists goiter.   I have finally found the indigenous Europeans and they are the proto-Iberians, the post Reindeer People.

        Maybe the symbols were maps of the islands in the Mediterranean Sea or maybe where and when ripening fruit occurred or where it was easy to catch game.  The first calendar. Possibly, where other members of the tribe were located. 


Come on, a central village with small satellite autonomous communes have been around a lot longer than 10,000 years ago. The Tigris Euphrates area, the so-called “cradle of civilization” 8000 years ago, could now be more appropriately called the “bassinet of bullshit”, as research begins to get serious with DNA tracing. I keep getting that feeling that something is being hidden from us.  

I’m getting suspicious of this civilized people narrative concerning the Middle East. They downplay the Iberian Peoples seemingly sturdy physique and modern sized brain and remember the Mediterranean People had been “civilized” ten or twenty thousand years before the fortress of Ur was even built.  Early metallurgy based around the Mediterranean, was all about cooking and art.  It wasn't till later that weapons built for armies, and warlike conditions that began 5000 years ago. 



          They figured shit out. They figured a lot of shit out. There were copper pans 25000 years ago, you betcha. An archaeologist has never found one, so therefore they never existed? I look at drawn representations of my ancestors with their wood sticks trying to cook meat, and I go, "come on science, you're better than this".   

Historians always assumed my people were idiots, all standing around the fire burning their hands and shit trying to figure out how to cook meat. And so.  I’m reminded that there is a natural human instinct to fuck with shit around the fire.

I know if I was living back then and I found some copper or some other malleable shit, I’d be fuckin’ with it. If metals starting melting in the rocks near the fire, I'd be sure to stoke that flame and pull it out later and notice it could be shaped when hot. Be sittin’ by the fire and shit, banging it with a rock, throwing it back in the fire till a flattened metal cooking utensil was created to separate the flame from the food. Stoneware pans were also in use.

Copper fucking pan! Yes! A spatula made of electrum … now we’re talking! Fish eggs and citrus peel. Boiled Mirabilis root for an appetizer and Figs for dessert. Clams shrimps and many other edibles being gathered for lunch as breakfast was being served. 

Ate better than me very likely.

What else was there to do but explore their world and invent shit? There was no going to town to pick up some sunscreen for your primitive adventure. 

      But if an archaeologist doesn’t have a white peer review then your research or speculations are not valid? You think the Proto Iberians were staring at the fire in wonderment and befuddlement?? Naw, they were fucking around and burning shit and melting things when they weren’t carving beautiful Venus figurines or creating the 2500 stone houses spread across Europe and also drawing in 3D in caves such as Altamira.  

Keep in mind the white nationalists homeland was covered in a mile thick sheet of ice the whole time we were busy getting civilized. They went to work literally at the grindstone making their spear points sharper than the Levite machetes that were used many thousands of years later, to behead the troublesome Pagans.  Buying the past to bury it.

You know that bit about “white people discovered America” four thousand years before the Bering Strait migrations of Siberians? The Solutrean Theory? That was my people Sven, not yours!

    You have no genetic link to the ancient Solutreans, do you? No claim to the brilliant cave art in France and Spain either, it seems. Ÿ

Then don’t claim white people discovered America. Not your kin, Fritz. Last tag.

        In too many cases, Science is just more white privilege. You know the schtick, western civ educated are the only legitimate sources of science. Harvard Yale blah blah blah. Folk knowledge is shit they think, tribal elders aren’t writing papers they’ll say. That’s the attitude of white colonialism smack dab in the middle of Academia.  

           I’m of the impression that there is a deeper racism in in our castles of higher learning than there is in rural Alabama, and once you see it, you will never unsee it. Jesus' Mother Mary was alabaster white in the Fatima movies. 

        Out there in Jesusland, fetal-alcohol syndrome racists have traditionally discounted, “pointy-headed Ivy League” academics in years past as being Marxists.  Commies! Ironically, those liberal, elbow patch city slicker professors are the ones who codified the ‘only white science is knowledge,’ scenario where racists get their "facts" from. You can't make this shit up. 

        The central point in my efforts is to dig out the entire root of racism. We are One. Ovum novo seclorum or whatever Latin is for "out of many, one".  Fucking Nazis stealing Pagan shit again. We're going to get our Swastika back, untainted, with an apology.  It's supposed to symbolize a double-headed ax that is being thrown, not to represent a fucking totalitarian super state of authoritarian idiots.  


       Tainted half-truths and enchanting near truths aren't enough for us anymore. Like in 1776, an enlightenment was at hand among the thinking populace and today we are dismayed at the lack of momentum towards the action we all know is needed. The idiots of the left and especially the right,are grabbing all the media face time.
             One course of action is to make relevant information for all, out in the open, unlike the fucking Nazi propaganda machine beguiling the people online with this white extinction nonsense. Time to invalidate the most destructive bigotry of our “modern” era, and that is from the white nationalists who are online recruiting disenfranchised white male teens, and on college campuses or late night faux-intellectual shows, pretending they are scientific in their presentations.

          Then there are outright racist liars like John de Nugent who calls himself the white rock of Solutre. Here it gets personal. I got nothing good to say about these Nordic Usurpers calling our Iberian Culture primitive, then claiming Solutre as their own. Claiming the Cave Paintings as their own. My people gathered there for thousands of years as indicated by the bones that have been found. De Nugent calls himself the white rock of of Solutre. You got nothing to do with Solutre, you nitwit. 

         Got nothing good to say about the patriarchal posers either.
The women were brutalized and children were less than goats and sheep to the obnoxious patriarchy that took hold in the three patriarchal religions. No offense right?  Meanwhile, the Iberians were making Iberico, Mixing goat, sheep and cows milk.  Eatin' cheese, napping mid day, and staying clean in unpolluted water.  It was slack, bro, and you ain’t got it. 



Primitive isn't living in the forest, it's cutting it down that is barbaric.

               Spaniard missionaries and Conquistadors were hallucinating demons while stealing gold, much like Evangelicals today.  


         Many years later when the ice melted at the end of the last ice age, and the plants and animals went north and created an unprecedented abundance that the Celto-Iberians took advantage of. Look it up, the Celtiberians went on to populate central Europe while the Aryans were still wearing stone shoes.

       I am of the people who knew the Berbers and the Corsicans, the Canary Islanders and the Phoenicians. The Basques, the Gauls, the Goths. The Scots and Irish have strong strains of us in their veins. In later years, the Masons and the Jewish people knew they were safe from persecution living with us and in turn, they brought us a written language, stonework and secret rituals.

There are fascinating remnants of ancient populations around the Mediterranean such as the Berbers and Basques and Tuaregs that cling to pieces of their ancient culture. Throughout Southern Europe there were hundreds of enclaves of diverse culture from Cordoba to The Caspian. 

In time we were all buried alive by the Monotheistic invaders. The cultivators devastated the Iberian lifestyle about 5000 years ago.  DNA evidence seems to indicate all the males were eliminated from the gene pool at that time. After Islam and Christianity invaded, the ancient past dissipated in a mist. Statues destroyed, traditions murdered, libraries burned. 

 The entirety of Iberia was the garden of Eden.     

       My people hunted reindeer and horses and had large gatherings in Solutre France, long before Tyr was even a gleam in Odins eye. Last tag Fritz.





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