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Tuesday, February 1, 2022



                                                          SECTION ONE

        I’m gearing this to help people adjust to the realization that a peaceful world is what we need, right now, but we have psychopaths and zealots to work around.

      The old normal wasn't working, as the memes state, and we know why. Profiteers and Greed mongers are not paying employees what they are worth.   We are already in the process of creating small markets and that is what Market Socialism is about, and I make a case for Bioregional Autonomous Zones in section two.


How we are going to set the precedents of earth stewardship for the Millennium ahead. 

    Fifty years of being a good listener and an avid reader is under my belt and here is my contribution to the commons.


I am responsible for what I have written, not for what you think I wrote, or meant.  Simply stated, the opinions expressed herein, may at times resemble facts, therefore… always double and triple check before you let any incorrect facts loose on the internet with millions of undisciplined minds on the loose.
         I believe it is a consensus that we seek, not confrontation, and I look for reforms that all sides can agree with. I created a series of interlocking systems for a general simplification of this excessively technical system that is eating cultures like a tapeworm. We all must compromise. Except for when it comes to the earth and the ancient forests that remain.  We start there by banning clear cutting.
          The ultimate sad reality on earth is that there are billions of people living in misery on what was once a bountiful, clean planet.  It’s as simple as that.  We've failed to manage it up to this point, and we'll see how this first brush with extinction will end. 

        Once it was ours and it will be ours forevermore if the working people wake up. Capitalism And Communism are two Euro-centric economic systems that have failed the world.  We will do better.
  Let me guide you around some of the seemingly intractable dilemmas of our modern era and offer solutions, and please be willing to contemplate new perspectives because, the  

voter/citizen/worker needs to lead now, and follow no longer. 



-1-1-  THE WAY OF THE BIRDS     contains the secret of the Universe

-1-2-  THE STONE PEOPLE    hidden from history. The story of my people (and yours) the Iberians. 

Too long. Read this last. Revealing pre-history

-1-3-  IN THE MEANTIME   some delightful heresy and the crumbling facade of manifest destiny

-1-4-  THE PURIFYING FLAME OF LIFE  a bit scattershot spiritual aspirations and earth action

-1-5-  THE FUNDAMENTAL ORDERS  the birth of liberty Connecticut in the 1600's

-1-6-  THE REINDEER PEOPLE   they painted caves and survived 30,000 years. The indigenous Europeans

-1-7-  SONG OF OOGLOK    civilized hunter gatherers and "cultivators" working together

-1-8-  QUIET AS THE ELVES      made up Viking history 


-1-10- VENUS AND THE FIRST HUMAN SOUL    intro to my religion

-1-11- THIS IS THE FOLK MAGIC     most of us aren't Shamans and Empaths and Psychics. The story of magic and regular folks

-1-12- BROOMSTICK TO THE EMERAL CITY  womens hidden history

-1-13- TAROT FOR NEWBS   MYSTORY OF METAL    Metal energizes all of rock and roll. My view from the beginning.




"We all learn to love all, eventually"


 The less you use magic, the better it works 

 In his book, Sand County Almanac, author Aldo Leopold wrote, "Amid the endless mediocrity of the commonplace, a crane marsh holds a paleontological patent of nobility, won from the march of eons.” (1)

               We love the birds and plant our gardens in consideration of them. My effort is to show you the way to plug back into nature, by way of the birds.   Even if you have planted just one Mulberry Tree, our world ecosystem becomes a better place.  Mulberry is a recommended tree to distract birds away from your favored fruit trees.  Plant for you and plant for wildlife.

 The BIRDS symbolize the spiritual wings we grow after we die and return to our innocent, spiritual counterpoint, our actual immortal selves. Unless you're an atheist who doesn't believe in an afterlife. Atheists are like birds that fly into your picture window and BINK!  They're dead. Consciousness lost forever.  No better than that moth that got caught on the windshield wiper.                 

                  This is what you are here for. Not to be sacrificing and working every minute by keeping the devil at bay with busyness and business. Working to exhaustion so the kids can go to college so they can also get on the hamster wheel of capitalism. Taking pride in never resting, or at least cultivating that image.  Hedging their bets, they still have the carpe diem refrigerator magnet.  The material existence is made to be enjoyed, and to deny yourself the many simple joys during this one lifetime, is to do the worst type of damage to your spirit.

                      I want to help those who have been buried alive by dogma. Help them see a world of endless diversity, with all its flavors and colors and scents and experiences, and the possibilities of many emotional interactions with our earth mates.  I relate to different aspects of religion in this e book-to-be, and my goal is to truly explain Freedom of Religion in the hopes that one day the world will live it.  Polytheism can't be considered flights of fancy, but myths seeking truths.  Once          you get past religion then you can go anywhere.

        The main emphasis of the book, COMPENDIUM, is to explain that this is when we stand up for the earth before Toxic Terrorism makes her uninhabitable. Dead Zones appearing, from the Gulf of Mexico to thegated community retention ponds that are constantly sprayed for insects.  Pollinators and migrating song birds are on the ropes.  Shorelines have been devastated by oil spills and rising oceans while underground water storage is imperiled by fracking and saline intrusion.

There is a simplistic answer for life and the reason we are here. We are here to create abundance for all and sustainability for the planet. Create life and to become Love. (2) "The secret to life lay within a single seed" (2) It grows into a mighty Oak or a sturdy Cherry tree.  To deny any life of its food and home and freedom is to invalidate your existence in the Universe.

And any creature capable of love is capable of living on as a spirit.  Many will fall by the wayside; the remainder of us will all come together in loving harmony to become part of God or The Force or whatever people believe.   God/dess has no gender because it no longer matters what sex we are after this life. No pistil or stamen and they were born into this Universe, yet, have no ideas of their origins. Or how the Universe began. It’s always been here.

This book also contains the core of some environmental initiatives and perspectives I hope to interest you in. I worked on a Tree Board and also with the Master Gardener Volunteers, and I found that most people don't want to trample over the environment. Whatever their political views are.  After WW2, suburban yards were a war zone as commercials convinced us that we wanted bug-free plants and a perfect lawn. 

Resource extraction continues unabated. It has become time to stop The Final Slaughter of Nature and human rights, of family, and community.

            Then there is Green resistance. The Greenhammer.

        The canary in a coal mine is migrating north with climate change.   Pope Francis is making it easy for a billion Catholics around the world to feel comfortable about embracing environmentalism; caring about the Creator AND the Creation he stated early in his Popeacy. In millenniums past, there has been climate change and glaciers ground their way southwards for thousands of years and when the ice age was over, plants migrated back northwards. Bird populations are critical if we have to adjust to climate change because it was the birds that carried the seeds to new locations during all other periods of global warming. Remember they survived and the Dinosaurs didn’t.

           Small songbirds carrying endemic and rare seeds to new locations are crucial in saving plant species. Every nut and bolt must be preserved so we know what we have as Aldo Leopold explains throughout his book, Sand County Almanac. Also, every 120,000 years or so there is a natural spike in the temperature and this appears to be occurring at this time. A cyclical warm spell with a compromised atmosphere and ocean, is greatly exacerbating the near total destruction of Earths living systems. Pest insects will adjust faster to changing conditions. Birds will be able to keep insect populations from becoming overwhelming, and, it’s the fragile songbirds that get into those micro niches where the rare things are.  Every nut and bolt, beak and claw.

          SAVE SEED AND PLANT TREES, was something I had printed on a hat in the 80's when I lived in Connecticut, and I talked about ecosystems with whoever would listen. 


            We can't prove any beliefs till we are dead, you knuckleheads.The environment is quite real, God maybe not so much, is still my opinion. The gods and goddesses represent the forces of nature.  

            We have the seeds of a New Enlightenment, but nothing will grow if we don't sow.  Life seeks life but at our center we are only heart and spirit. Not a myth, but the truth.

 There were once over 250 varieties of apples in North America during the days of Johnny Appleseed, but many have since gone extinct. In our puny human life, we can't see the adaptions that plants and animals have made over many generations, and the importance of saving seeds is lost on most people.   Saving our marshes for the Cranes is also our responsibility. People of room for people to live, we can't fill in any more marshes.

To take a rare seed to its fruiting stage is a great gift for all and we know many medicines are derived from the folk medicine and food from a vast adaptive indigenous ethnobotany. The pedantic, authoritarian struggle for control and profits of the world’s food supplies benefits so few while far too many are displaced from sacred, traditional lands. 

 The next step is how to spread abundance to all. Should it be Capitalism with its waste and competition? Should it be socialism with the government coming to our apple orchards to count and confiscate our products for the good of all? It's neither, and we need to discuss how we can open markets for real and re-invent the family farm for all the people in the world. Green Resistance insists that profiteering from earth destruction must end, and all food production must be sustainable and productive. The small farmer needs a break and that's where you start.

 The Greenhammer of the Grange, not the home on the range.

We create abundance from virtually nothing with the simple seed, the elephant in the room of sustainability.  It is so critically important for the future to have as large a seed base as possible. I admire people like Jere Gettle who bought the 200-year-old nursery in my old hometown.  He is an avid seed saver and his Baker Seeds from the western USA has incredible heirloom varieties and the company is strongly against GMO seeds. I happened to glom on to Seed Savers Exchange way back when in 1977 and bought every seed book they had.  They have firmly developed a system of sharing seeds while stemming the flow of extinctions in the plant world.

To clear cut a forest for profit is to deny life to others and perpetuates the slaughter of nature’s beasts. Statistics show a rapid increase of the human population the last 100 years, with dramatic decreases of bird, animal and fish populations and forest cover these last 60 years.  You don't need a graph to tell you where this is going. I lay this at the feet of the Boomers. We were all like; yeah, equal rights, no war, healthy food, save the whale. So, riddle me this … statistics reveal that between 1970 and 2020, ONE HALF of the wild animals’ populations are gone. On your watch, yo.  Unchecked development and habitat loss has put ecosystems and watersheds in peril.

   I challenge all to take this journey. This is not a guide for dummies or idiots and I would love to have COMPENDIUM as an alternative to the dogma of religion, and the conventional wisdom of science.  Go mano y mano with those trying to make you think what they want you to think. I am trying to plant seeds in your mind so you will create something for the future.  Complaints to understand and solutions to ponder. A study guide to create consensus that leads to action.  

To the Atheist, I believe your denial of an afterlife is as invalid as a religious Zealots claim to an afterlife and their special little heaven. They are both wrong. An afterlife for those who don't follow bible or torah or koran rules of subservience and false promises sounds more likely.   

 The Way of the Birds; the tiny seed rectally jettisoned to land somewhere to begin life anew: this is the simple secret of life. Look no further. Nurture a seed within yourself then, and grow where you are planted.   Faith is a form of madness where people transfer their authority and responsibility to priests and preachers, pastors, mullahs and rabbis.  Clergy sells faith like a car salesman sells cars.  "Let me talk to my manager and see if we can lower the price."  This was basically what selling indulgences was a long time ago. For a price you could get your time in purgatory reduced. This got Martin Luther so upset he started Protestantism. The preacher as middleman between us and god in all cases of patriarchy and you have to wonder how do they fucking know?  Oh, and don't ask the Preacher about Lemon Laws with his promises of Heaven and Salvation.   The Way of the Birds Is that which we cannot know for those that know we can't know.   


         Second Warning        


                I am responsible for what I have written, not for what you think I wrote, or meant.  Simply stated, the opinions expressed herein, may at times resemble facts, so therefore… always double and triple check before you let incorrect facts loose on the internet. If you DO quote from this article, you will find my most implausible and unbelievable facts are actually the ones that are the most fully researched, and 100% true.  It is wise to be skeptical with our viral information overload and millions of undisciplined minds on the loose.

As they talked, a black cloud was emerging from the horizon. Mt. Toba had erupted.    After the volcanic explosion, the ash cloud lingered for a very long time and untold numbers of plant species and 90% of the human population died and it’s generally speculated 75% of the animals. Knowledge lost; traditions shattered. 







a)         Myths seek truth  

             It all started when I was researching the roots of witchcraft and trying to uncover how worshipful Pagan traditions could have started. More specifically, I had a feeling I was going to find the truth about the first religion by going back to the days of the Cave Painters, 15 to 35 thousand years ago. They lived in Southern France and the Iberian Peninsula.

Curiously at that time within the inhabited world 25-30,000 years ago, hundreds of carved Venus figurines appeared in disparate and far-flung places. From Austria to Australia, if I remember correctly, and it’s another mystery scientists are having trouble deciphering. Somebody was doing a lot of migrating.

Cave art and carvings are all that remains of these most ancient people after shelters and fire altars and clothes have weathered back into the earth.  The Hunter-Gatherers had always been part of the earth, but it was also the end of the Middle Stone Age and time to kick it up a notch.

In this era of stolen narratives, one of the biggest thefts has been by christian nationalist malcontents and their idea about who white people are.  Well I got me a passel of facts to hassle these asshats with, so back atcha, you betcha. Some myths too.

People be acting like all this anglo-saxon-germanic-scandinavian motif is what Europeans are all about. But these folks are relative newcomers compared to us Southern Europeans.       ###############################################

           As people research their white roots, it seems to be all about northern European traditions.  Warrior traditions and Gods. “Arrr, always recycle, and remember the skull of your enemy makes a swell drinking cup you can use over and over again.”

   Well, hold on one cotton pickin’ minute there Sven… What about the French and Portuguese? What about all the Mediterranean people, the Berbers, Dogons and Malians who used the Mediterranean, and the Sicilians and vivo Italia and Occitania, c’est la vie! Then there are the Cretans and Corsicans and non-Hellenic residents of the ancient Greek hinterlands not to mention thousands of other ancient places and forgotten people.

           As I discover my people’s heritage, I note that there doesn’t seem to be any TV shows that show us in our flaxen braids and horned helmets. How can anyone with a drop of Nordic blood invalidate our claim to indigenous European ancestry and spirituality? My point is that we are all reanimating our pre-christian past and that’s the good thing we have in common.  Light whites have written a history, while the dark whites are the ones making it.

But where are my people?   I never see my people on the internet. We eat black bread and olives, drink clean water, eat figs and aloe and a multitude of berries and nuts and we barter for a slab of Venison now and then from the hunters.  What is my culture and where is it?  A couple of Sophia Loren movies and that’s about it.  The new Aladdin movie is in the Middle East. (that’s not us) How are we different than the Nordics or the Middle Eastern people and their "blood as high as a donkeys shoulder."


          As it turns out, the Vikings weren’t even horn-helmeted, but that’s a misconception for another day. 98% of the Viking adults were farming and herding anyways but you don’t hear about them. Unfortunately, it has always been about warriors and battles and Machiavellian shenanigans from the clergy and the court.

         Not all Europeans were Vikings, duh, and most paid lip service to the Christians after they were conquered.  Our American history books are all about christian war victories, and they are embedded in such a way that the violence is normalized and justified and no one bats an eye.  Why were we warned about the witches and not the people who burned and hung them? We are indoctrinated to the myth of christians conquering savages but, hell no. People are discovering that their Pre-Christian roots are actually very interesting, and the music is compelling. The Christians were the savages. People hear the music and are entranced.

          In a ginormous leap of faith, the white nationalists have fraudulently claimed all of Europe as their own and twisted it into another white guy warrior world where, “everyone’s a Captain Kirk”. The Germanic thing, that slippery slope of racism thing, is throwing shade now with the rampage of white nationalist terrorists in mosques, synagogues and churches in the United States and elsewhere. Death threats is the milder form of terrorism that is yet to be recognized. 

          Listen, most of us were fishers and farmers and traders and it’s in our blood. We know about "let the buyer beware", in our distant past. We are about done with all this religious zeal and right-wing nationalism, whatever form it takes. We want markets to sell our goods and services

          Therefore, I’m going to introduce you to a new narrative.  It’s not nationalism; it’s the rising of the clans. All the clans, all the independent groups of people around the world can be uniting without the usual hierarchy. Pagan Europe was a peaceful world, but they didn’t have the weapons to stop the blood thirsty xian and xlamic middle-eastern invaders and were subsumed and subdued.

Who are my people? I’m like 56% Iberian and 25% French. Got lots of Iberian in your DNA? Lots of Iberian in many peoples DNA? Well yeah, and here’s the story why.



             I am of the people who knew the Berbers and the Corsicans, the Canary Islanders and the Phoenicians. The Basques, the Gauls, the Goths. We were there. The Scots and Irish have strong strains of us in their veins. The Celts visited us first when they initially gathered together and left for the Alps as the Ice Age ended.

It seems that the Frost Giants had built a mile thick glacier over Northern Europe, and the proto-(K)Celts wandered over to our little corner of Europe in the southwest part of the continent for the duration of the cold weather.  Fire in the cave entrance is what they did.

There are fascinating remnants of ancient populations around the Mediterranean such as the Berbers and Basques that cling to pieces of their ancient culture, not to mention the hundreds of enclaves of diverse culture from Cordoba to The Caspian that have been marginalized, if not destroyed.

In ancient days The Iberians were the reindeer hunters, the cave painters. Thousands of years later, the Masons and the Jewish people knew they were safe from persecution if they came to live with us. In turn, they brought us a written language, stonework and secret rituals.

What I’m suggesting is a unity based on our shared ancient Iberian identity and a unification with all the independent groups, tribes and peoples on this ever lovin’ earth. What may chafe some people’s goiters, however, is that I include the people of Northern Africa.  Some people don’t like the suggestion that there was an ancient civilization in what today is known as the country of Mali. These were the people before Egypt. The Mediterranean was our ocean. Myself, I trace my origin to somewhere north of the 626 mile Tagus River. Where the earliest Europeans were found in a cave. Mixed with Neanderthal, no less.

Ra’ist academic motherfuckers over the years have actually drawn Africa smaller than it actually is! Anything to minimize how much was being stolen out of the rich land in our planets largest continent. Africa and North America are the most species rich places on Earth but were enthusiastically despoiled by Christianized Europeans and why I consider most wealth, illegitimate. The money it took to make money is covered in the blood of innocent people. Even today, Africa produces 75% of the worlds cocoa but produces only 2% of the products made from chocolate. China is plundering what it can in Africa. Loaning countries money and taking over ports when they can't pay it back.

The people of the Mediterranean mingled together until the Holy Rampage of Conquest by Islam and Christianity disrupted the diversity of the Mediterranean cultures and the ancient Pagan traditions. Amazigh are what the pre-Islamic people call themselves in North Africa. Men and women’s roles weren’t defined so I am talking very much to women who are up in arms about abortion and the impending NAZI  takeover of our government.  Remember Ladies, the best way to a mans heart is through the fourth and fifth rib. 

 Everybody worked in the Iberian type of culture. In the summer we rested mid-day. You were part of something, it was an early form of market socialism and there were ways to give to the struggling poor. These markets worked. Compassionate villages took care of the general welfare of those around them.

 We intend to embrace all the worlds independent and unallied people in our Iberian Revolution, as we pull white racism out by the entire root. Invalidate their whole “we are the only Europeans that count,”  jaundiced view.

We embrace our brothers and sisters to the east and the Kurds’ ancient struggle. We are able to connect them to the Kingdom of Iberia in present day Georgia …  or Ukraine or Armenia, somewhere out that way.  Kurds are more genetically connected to Iberians than other people of the Middle East. There’s a connection there.

An interesting video about African migrations was that Africa is both above and below the equator and the drastic changes in the geography were much harder to traverse and adjust to, unlike the east to west and west to east migrations of most ancient people which were primarily from Mongolia to Romania. Northern Africa has always been part of the people of the Mediterranean and we are claiming and cordially invite the Dogons and Malians to join us since we share the ancient heritage. In fact, very likely, we come from you.

Africa south of the Sahara is plenty big and organic crops grown there can dominate world commerce. South America poisons its produce and the east depends on pitifully paid employees. Europe is over-developed so Africa is poised to become an organic food hub for the world. Build the worlds energy dynamo in the Sahara with solar energy and support the thickening of the green belt of millions of trees being planted to halt the advancing desertification.   Turns out that numerous Neanderthal (silent h) skeletons are now being found out towards Eurasia NOW instead of just in Europe as had been the case. Seems the hub of Neanderthal activity was out near the Caucasian Mountains.  Armenia or Azerbaijan or wherever, I lost all those tabs, whose got time for all this research? Internet is out.

          Europeans have been inaccurately portrayed as hairy backed cave-dwelling lunkheads, but the Neanderthal is part of who we are and what no one will tell you is that we are also the Grimaldi People.  

Plot twist here, who are the Grimaldi People? The proto-Grimaldi’s began their ancient journey after Toba erupted 75 thousand years ago, as the migrating Sans People from Southern Africa. Migrating north, they were dosed with the ancient alien Dogon spirituality in Northwestern Africa, and then they morphed into the non-Pygmy, Cro-Magnon Grimaldi People, crossing the straights of Gibraltar 65-70,000 years ago.

         Black hobbits they were, and the reason Mediterranean men are so short. What people are unable to accept is that the Grimaldi People were the first modern humans to traverse the entirety of Iberia and southern Europe. Black people were the first modern humans to inhabit Europe, and they taught rock art to the Neanderthals as evidenced by recent findings in caves. We need a message of unity and consensus and we’uns need to shut down abusive authoritarian nazi creeps and their lies.

           There was probably intense cooling for a few years after Tobas volcanic explosion and the ash cloud circled the earth for many, many moons and the rapid regrowth of the ice caps and glaciers caused the ocean to lower for a time after Toba, exposing more land and land bridges. Crossing Gibraltar could be done with a sturdy raft, and swam if Gibraltar could be seen. During the last Ice Age people walked during low tide and some say the Atlantic was walled off from the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea evaporates much faster than other bodies of water, and being isolated from the Atlantic Ocean AND the Black Sea during the great ice age, no one is certain how low the Mediterranean Sea actually went.

         I’m speculating that Solstice traditions may have begun with the ancient memory of Toba and the trauma that ensued during the aftermath and how people did anything that they could to get the sun to return. The survivors embossed the traditions with ceremony and reverence. Greeting the sun as it returned.

      Take a look at Google Earth and note that all areas of shoreline with a depth of less than 100 feet and imagine that it was dry land for a time after Toba and be you can be certain there were people living there.  When a great Ice Age finally arrived 55,000 years after Toba, our oceans and seas and bays were as much as 350 feet lower than today and it seems science is just coming to terms and contemplating this. White academicians love incrementalism, but catastrophism is what actually happened.



        My great and fabulous ancestors savored the abundance the Mediterranean climate offered. We are also the people who hid the Druids as they were fleeing christian assassins. We docked the Templar ships on their way to hide in Scotland as they were escaping the same. We are genetically tied to people from Scotland to Kurdistan but we have no warrior culture so we are ignored by the media


        b)      THE OTHER WHITE PEOPLE

         We are the Iberians and in our heyday the earth was healthy. We spent our time netting fish and harvesting fruits and collecting and saving nuts and seeds as they came into season. We were hunting reindeer, sewing together clothes with sinew, and drawing lots of groovy shit in caves, you betcha.  Clueless, stuffed museum characters staring at their naughty bits. I don’t think so. With no defined male and female expectations, women were enjoying life as much as men.  

        Eventually, weak insecure patriarchal religions encouraged the slicing off of vital man parts while the other crazy desert religion chopped off women’s parts. Then insist they are civilized.  Not funny, I know, considering all the suffering.


           We drove those sorry ass Neanderthals out of their caves, god bless ‘em, and man, they were some dumb motherfuckers, but they had some bodacious disease fighting genetics. I get some stern looks when I say Neanderthals are the reason Italians have hair on their back. (I’ll edit these rude bits out later but Italians do have 4% Neanderthal compared to the European average of 1-2%. Just sayin’.)


          I also find it amusing, but disconcerting to other people, when I say that Norway, Sweden and Denmark were covered with a mile thick sheet of ice while we was already livin’ in our little hillbilly villages. Many people came to our corner of Europe to hunker down during the last ice age ten to twenty thousand years ago and we lived in many small villages on both sides of the Mediterranean as one wave of people after another rolled in.  No wonder most of you motherfuckers are Iberian.

         Yessir, we was hunting and gathering but seriously, how hard was it to grow the plants they needed? In some places fruit seeds that were spit out survived and grew into fruit filled trees, and if you think they didn’t figure out shit like from there, then you’re stupider than you look.

We lived in all sort of caves and natural protected areas. We had look outs that kept the dangerous man-eating animals away along with pests on the crops or on their favorite patch of wild blueberries. WE had oasis’s ‘n shit, yo. Slept in the trees if that’s all there was. Home was where they left their spear points. Or home was that special spot where they found Reindeer antlers and a cool spring where they could rest on the short soft grass, or where there were berries all summer long. The water was glistening and clean and healthy and they often lived near waterfalls and the fish were practically jumping in the pan.  Oh, about that pan.

           Academics and Pagan Reconstructionists are all about sacred spots, but think about it, how much time do you spend praying compared to how much time you spend getting and growing and cooking and eating food? Right? How about the time spent at work so you earn enough to spend it in the store on Friday?


      But back to the Iberian Revolution. 

       Why hell, we was so advanced we even had 32 symbols that have been found throughout southern Europe and the Mediterranean islands and these were not 500 random doodles with our language, but the same 32 symbols in a widespread area and in the deepest caves. We had ports way before the Phoenicians and Sumerians came to trade with us.

        You don’t think ancient Iberian teenagers were tying logs together with vines to make rafts to go raise some hell somewhere?  You can be certain they weren’t the lifeless caricatures you see in museums. They had love and humor and wonder and friendship and only 32 symbols, this was not random shit, this was a language. We’ve been lost to history, “disappeared” as they’d say in the modern parlance. Our story, bought to be buried.

          Venus figurines, thousands of stone houses and a symbolic language. I was closing in on something in my search for the ancient religion it seemed. Unfortunately, the Library of Alexandria was destroyed so I’ll have to make some things up.

          Scientists are like, ugh, we don’t know what these symbols mean. Logic maintains the symbols were part of an existing language at the time. Remember you were taught that “civilization” started 8000 years ago but these cave symbols are from 20,000 years ago. The symbols created maps, perhaps, or where and when ripening fruit occurred, or where it was easy to catch game or where other members of the tribe were located.  Come on, a central village and small satellite communes have been around a lot longer than 8,000 years. Humans last evolution into homo sapiens was about 120,000 years ago and recent archaeological research and DNA confirmation shows there was more migration than what was once supposed.

         It’s even possible that the Nordic runes were derived from the 32 symbols found throughout Iberian caves and dolmens. Taken by the Celto-Iberians into the center of Europe. Now THERE is something to chafe their goiter. Caucasians are the Johnny-come-lately people of Europe and I have finally found the indigenous Europeans and they are the proto-Iberians; the post Reindeer People. Who knows, maybe the symbols and drawings were an ancient version of tic tac toe that the aliens taught us! 


They figured shit out. They figured a lot of shit out. There were copper pans 25000 years ago, you betcha. An archaeologist has never found one, so therefore they never existed? Historians always assumed my people were idiots, standing around the fire burning their hands and shit trying to figure out how to cook meat.

There is a natural human instinct to fuck with shit around the fire. I know if I was living back then and I found some copper or some other malleable shit I’d be fuckin’ with it. Be sittin’ by the fire and shit, banging it with a rock throwing it back in the fire till a flattened metal cooking utensil was created.

What else was there to do but explore their world? Trying to create sparks by banging different rocks together.  There was no going to town to pick up some sunscreen for your primitive adventure.

 But if an archaeologist doesn’t have a white peer review, then your research or speculations are not valid.  You think they were staring at the fire in awe? Naw, they were fucking around burning shit and melting things when they weren’t carving beautiful Venus figurines.  They went to work, literally at the grindstone, making their tools sharper than the Levite machetes that were used to behead Pagans thousands of years later.

           In too many cases, Science is just more white privilege. You know the schtick, western civ educated are the only legitimate sources of science. Harvard Yale Stanford blah blah blah. Folk knowledge is shit they think, tribal elders aren’t writing papers they’ll say. That’s the attitude of white colonialism, so I’m of the impression that there may be a much deeper racism in academia than there is in rural Alabama, and once you see it, you will never unsee it. 

          In 2022 we still have fetal alcohol syndrome racists who have traditionally discounted and jettisoned scorn on “pointy headed Ivy League” professors in years past. These elbow-patch, city slicker, mostly liberal, professors, are the ones who codified the ‘only white science is knowledge,’ scenario. You can’t make this shit up.

          My central point in the efforts here is to dig out the entire root of racism. Something people can read so they are no longer swayed by exclusionary rhetoricians or demagogic politicians.  Invalidating the most destructive prejudice of our era arising from white nationalists can’t happen soon enough.


        Another elephant in the room is the brutal forced conversion by the blood-thirsty adherents of Islam and Christianity the last 1500 years. The insane violence of the Middle Eastern, desert, kook religions, with their “blood as high as a donkeys shoulders” as (a gratuitous biblical reference I just threw in there.) The women were brutalized and children were less than goats and sheep to the obnoxious patriarchy that took hold in the Abrahamic religions.

           Many centuries later, the Spaniards became the most vicious … the absolute worst when it came to inhumane treatment. Indigenous Native Traditional People gave these white devils the skank eye.

       Old white historians have created the history we have read the last couple of hundred years and (cough cough), I must note now that white historians are slowly edging away from the oogly boogly dimwit Caveman concept of the Neanderthal, now that white people have the most Neanderthal heritage. Lol.

        Many years later when the ice melted at the end of the last ice age, plants and animals went north in an unprecedented abundance that we took advantage of. 

         Back to the stolen narrative issue, my people hunted reindeer and horses and had large gatherings in Solutre France, long before Thor even was a gleam in Odins eye.


                  c  Who are the Iberians?

       The remnants of the Reindeer People followed the reindeer north as Europe warmed up 10,000 years ago. The fish were so numerous, a bear could catch them with one paw tied behind his back. Other Iberians followed the sun east and stayed in sparsely populated human gatherings, bringing the initial technology of the Later Stone Age to those still stuck in the Paleolithic. Neolithic harbingers of invention, they greeted every migration from the east.


        We migrated east all the way to the Black Sea and discovered the Aryan people on the other side of the Caucasians. We taught them how to make clothes so they could head north to fight the frost giants.  


       Who are the Iberians? We were there in Egypt when Sashat was pounding in the stakes for the pyramids. Our buddies, the Sumerians, made the hemp rope for the marking lines and pull carts. My people go back in time even further to Noblecki Tepe and the bare ground before construction. Who were we? Why did we gather together at Solutre and Tobleeki Teepee 12,000 to 25,000 years ago? How did we move multi-ton stones and why were we erased from history? How are we considered second class Europeans today, and why? Because of white bigotry of dark whites.

        This is my whole point, right here. People telling me that no one cares about ancient history, but what I am trying to do it expose the entire root of the racism of white people before they start WW3.  Take it out by the root they said, that’s the only way to eliminate racism, so here it is.

      Who else but Christians would have a Hundred Years War and a continual cycle of atrocity and reprisal? Islam only seemed to have a cultural Renaissance 800-1000 AD because of all the rich Pagan cultures they encountered, and presumably accepted to some degree.  “Here comes the Sharif, hide the cards.”

                       The Mediterranean Europeans seem slighted, so let’s embrace the concept of                                                 THE STONE PEOPLE. 


              Kurds are our ancient brothers and sisters and we are genetically connected, particularly to the Azoreans. Something about a J2 haplogroup. 

       We have been given the history eraser button because of our unshakeable faith in the Goddess. We love Cerridwen of the Celts, Freya of the north, Mary of the people and Nu Kua of the afterlife. The ancient Gaullic goddess Dexsiua, once hidden, now she is the May Queen and the goddess of the life-giving southern wind. Don’t be alarmed now.

  We are Children of the Goddess.  The hidden history of Yemaya and Venus. The Empresses of Atlantis and their consorts, Atl and Grong.  You’re wrong Grong, lol. He hated that name. “Call me Spike, yo”. 


        The young hunter named Grong awoke in a tree. He had once kilt a black jaguar with his Daniel Boone spear point and was bundled up in its coat. His half open eye spotted the sunrise and he rolled the coat/blanket/robe up and climbed down the tree. Then he went over to where he hid the bison jerky, he carried with him for emergency food.  

He had had enough of cold weather and he was headed for warmer lands, and he was certain, he wouldn’t come back to the cold lands, having barely survived last winter when devastating polar vortexes occurred.  “Frost Giants” he was told.  

             As mentioned before, 74,000 years ago a volcanic ERUPTION exterminated 90% of us. Soul equipped life and intelligent design made recovery quicker for the humans.  

              20,000 YA a great ice age began to lock up freshwater into glaciers and levels of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea began to get lower and settlements travelled lower with the shoreline, no one quite understanding what was going to happen in the future, they assumed it was natural. Shellfish was abundant with the receding waters and the alluvial soil grew bountiful plants. People were settling deeper and deeper into the lake basins where there had once been water.

The flooding that occurred after the previous ice ages was largely forgotten. Global Cooling dropped water levels everywhere 10 to 20 thousand years ago. The Mediterranean Sea is an evaporation sponge and possibly dropped lower than other bodies of water, as I have mentioned.

               People were busy exploring and finding areas that contained an abundance of fruit and nuts, which was chiefly our diet, along with fish.  Groups of hunters were following giant herds of animals, and a very successful group was called The Reindeer People.  Impassable mountain passes blocked this hardy, adventurous bunch once the Ice Age was fully underway 16,000 years ago, so they gathered in Solutre, France for many thousands of years and hundreds of generations.   In time the reindeer followed the retreating glaciers and never came back to Southern Europe, replaced by the Red Deer.


            Modern genetic testing is proving my wildest speculations of our pre-history to be true.  I made up a story about how Atlanis was a scattered group of communities that communicated telepathically. Quite a large part of the Northern Black Sea is only 70 feet under the surface of the water and was above water for many years. Probably since the Toba eruption 75,000 years ago. So in my story homo sapiens final evolution was 120,000 years ago (for the last surviving homo species, us). So 25,000 years ago we were evolving around the Black Sea and the Red Sea during colder periods.  There was a great meeting in Atlantis and all six colors were represented. They went in six different directions to all return together some day as one. Out of many, one race.

 The reindeer people learned to sew together clothes more than 20,000 years ago which allowed them to travel further north and adjust to the colder conditions.  It’s speculated that the Saami People were actually Reindeer People from the Iberian Peninsula who got caught in the temporary return of the ice age 12,000 years ago during the (what the fucxit called? Greater or Lower Dryas or something). Graham Hancock thinks meteors hit the North American glaciers and the ebbing Ice Age returned for a time. Recently there has been more scientific proof of that.

           The reindeer also went north and were extirpated in southern and central Europe by the end of the ice age and it is believed the Laplanders of today are remnants of this civilization of reindeer hunters. Their compelling drumming ritual, and a life revolving around the deer remains to this day.  DNA testing shows that the Saami are related to the proto-Iberians.

The Reindeer People of ancient days had sharpened bones for making clothes with animal pelts stitched together with sinew (muscles, ewww). Their fancy arrowheads were the most advanced at that time and were as sharp as Roman swords many centuries later. You can bet along the way, an occasional greenstone axe was created, since they were skilled at using muscle fiber, sinew, for strapping down the occasional axe head. 

Just because archaeologists haven’t found this or that artifact, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The Ancient People were more industrious than we give them credit for.    

               But Science tells us axes weren't made till thousands of years later. Blahblahblah harvardnyale. There’s that over credentialed expert again, Mr. White Science. 

             Keep in mind the reindeer hunters are also called the Cave Painters. Oh! And what if they never painted in caves? Like every other artifact, it would have weathered away, but since the discovery of the cave paintings in Southern France and Altamira Spain, we have begun to piece together some of what happened in Iberian Pre-history.

There was history and civilization before war making communities with their walled cities came into being, and before the Bible told everyone that god made the world ***poof*** in like six days. Yeah okay. People still believe that shit, sad.

This is why I think Atlanis was not an advanced society lost to history, destroyed by crystal technology and all that New Age nonsense you have heard. Stone Magic sure, but I am trying to get you to imagine a world being filled with primitive basic instincts. I think people tend towards kindness, and I can easily picture people hanging around the fire, drinking fermented fruit, eating small mammals matter of factly. "Hey Joey, look what I caught!"  

Is it so outrageous to suppose these people had friendships and their sense of humor sometimes carried the day?   Ya reckon they laughed and had fun? Of course they did! Most of history has weathered away or remains hidden, but more is being revealed every day and we need to stop thinking like white guys with clipboards.

Then, (white academic elitists) pretend to speak for the ancient people? Everything is about gods and Booga Booga, but most people chopped wood and carried water.  Could give a fuck about whatever god the preacher, priest, pastor or shaman talked about. Lifeless recreations in museums belie the fierce nature and inquisitive initiatives of our ancestors. And I do mean OUR ancestors. We are all in this together in the future. No more color or genders.  Drive the xians and xlamics live in peace. Leave us be.

             Maybe the Goddesses are trying to tell us to wake up before growing populations and shrinking resources reach a point of perpetual crisis.   I like to say, 100 hands clasped in prayer cannot plant a tree.  It’s time for action not prayer.  Religion is irrelevant but love isn’t.

       Oxoheartsvoken is the peoples love. The love of all the people and the compassion that communicates, and a community of Love that binds us all together. Bound together in communitarian communities, “We all learn to love all, eventually.” Giving when we can, receiving when we need it. It's there for all of us, except maybe some of those nasty Republican hypocrites whose souls will be extinguished when they die.  LOL.

I am envisioning an anarchic Iberian union that will include all the ancient tribes that are about to disappear, The Swamp Arabs (they are the last vestiges of the Essenes, Jesus’ tribe) were victims of Saddams genocide, the Ainu have finally been recognized by Japan. More on this in a bit.


History was written by the winners, the warriors, the dogmatic ideologues and TYPE A fartknockers. The braying sycophants worship the crumbling façade of manifest destiny and continue to perpetuate this predatory capitalist earth destroying philosophy. Pagans are among history’s losers; hung, banished, burned, conquered and otherwise, in 21st century parlance, badly losing the battle in a hostile takeover bid.


We can save all the accumulated cultural memories in one place now, and we realize there is more to us than war. The poor and disenfranchised write their stories today, not just kings and lawyers and other nefarious characters of the court and the realm. The past was once ours, and though it was burned in Alexandria and destroyed in every culture that came into contact with Islam and Christianity, the myths abound for us to seek. So my premise I want to introduce is that we mobilize politically to drive these Abrahamic religions back to where they came from. Drive Islam and Christianity back to the Middle East.

   The Pagans were on the receiving end of war and invasions, but mostly people lived their lives, in synchronization with = nature. They hunted and gathered, and began the long process of knowing which plants could help which ailments.  Pottery and poetry were invented and metallurgy was discovered. Just because science has not found much evidence of so-called civilized culture more than 10,000 years ago, does not mean a civilized culture did not exist. Ancient people had a diverse palette of food. Fields of Blackberries and Figs and Almonds or whatever and wherever they camped it was possible the seeds they spit or shit out would proliferate around these sites. They knew where to go throughout the year. When they weren’t wiped out with Ice Ages, Volcano Winters and hungry overwhelming predators, they persisted and travelled.                                                                            

              Maybe their buildings weren’t big with foundations, and their temples were nothing more than shrines in sacred places like, tree groves or special shelters. As I like to say ‘if an archaeologist doesn’t find it, does it mean it didn’t exist?'. The only reason we lack artifacts of culture before 10,000 B.C. is that nature has taken back all the wood and animal objects used by ancient people. I also suspect any trace of the aforementioned STONE PEOPLE was destroyed as years rolled on.


             The reindeer people were a healthy group of hunter-gatherers that survived a total of 30,000 years, no one disputes that. Historians and scientists kept shoving the evidence of the Reindeer Peoples advanced culture under the conventional wisdom rug however.  Hidden history, they were six feet tall with brains somewhat larger than ours in some cases.  Look it up. Skulls in caves, and recently, more elaborate burials are being found. The Reindeer People were also known as The Cave Painters, but Hollywood has confused Neanderthals with these healthy Reindeer People who are also known as the Solutreans and later Aurignacian.

               The cave dwellers are portrayed as hairy, uni-browed ogres that used sticks as tools. We are led to believe this, it shows you how a lot of the past has been misrepresented, and many times what is being taught is downright false. Hidden by historians is the apparent healthiness of the inhabitants of the early goddess cultures.   Dismissed as a fluke with their art in the caves. The cave paintings are just the tip of the iceberg regarding their talents, as I’ll explain. Neanderthal man, who went extinct 25,000 YA, is the cave dweller of movies and TV.  The Reindeer People were the indigenous people of Europe, 


 Scientists want to perpetuate the myth that people were once sickly, short and disease prone, but now, because of science, they declare, people are healthier in this modern age. Actually, the truth is that humans degenerated in the Middle Ages from their hardier hunter-gatherer Paleo and Neolithic ancestors, and they became peasants and chumps that allowed feudalism to exist. Christianity has had the effect of making white people weak and servile.

The natural abundance of Earths ecosystems was destroyed and people were moving to the cities, living like rats; and eventually slaves to the growing industrial machine.

 They degenerated even further as advancements in science created a society where family farm incomes collapsed, because of Mechanized Agriculture.  Sterile, poison packed seeds became the norm. Altered genes in your cereal. “I don’t want to think about that right now.”


When Ice Age glaciers melted vast valleys of grass appeared across central Europe because Mother Nature covers her dirt as quick as she can.

Fish and game multiplied at an astounding rate I would assume, till the prey populations could catch up. They humans ate bunny rabbits and currants and figs and grasshoppers. There was not a call from the hubby at the store, “should I get the 15 oz or the 12 oz?” Just eat it. Fish roiled the fresh clean water of melting glaciers and ran heavy in the undammed streams and DDT-free wetlands that appeared after the local glacier melted.

The humans mutated and evolved to the conditions they found themselves in. Like tomatoes. Like humans. This is why you find black tomatoes in Siberia. They absorb the very minimal sun better than other colors.  The specious white nationalist argument is that only recent white Europeans are the only lives that matter.  Like the last few thousand years, whereas Iberians have been many colors over the years.  My point is that todays Nazis have taken a tiny sliver of white history, claimed it for themselves and are treading on the rest of us who have deep, ancient pre- xian and pre xlamic cultural traditions.

Today it seems we are no longer evolving; we have reached the pinnacle of civilization people keep telling themselves. So here I am in Paradise Florida with my arm stuck out the window like a fuckin’ hillbilly or something. I look around and no one else has their window rolled down. Pasty old white people of West Vero Corridor grimly going from doctors to the stores. Gods waiting room they nervously note. Functional statues.

From the home pod, to the transportation pod, to the doctor pod to the shopping pod. Cut off from nature forever. I mean, it’s 72 degrees outside right now, nearly always perfect weather for four months, but out of 50 cars only a handful of us outdoor workers have our car windows rolled down. What would even be on when it’s 70 degrees, heat … AC? Millions of little white snowflakes silently melting into the pavement, not much raging against the light here in my little census district.

So-called western civilization is not our culture and many are returning to a primal relationship with our natural surroundings. With ocean and sea levels 300 feet lower than they are today, the time of the Ice Age was a time of great migrations around the Mediterranean Sea. The deeply tribal, indigenous Europeans had been living in peace for over ten thousand years by the time the ice Age began.

  Where did the ancient Iberians come from? As I stated, the Grimaldi people of Africa traversed southern Europe 60,000 years ago and remnant males remained behind with their Neanderthal girlfriends and later asking the Cro-magnards out on dates.      

          From the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea, I’m suggesting villages used some form of psychic powers to stay connected, and they travelled from village to village, much like the Masons with their lodges. This is where all these stone houses come in. Not masons, THE STONE PEOPLE. Most were hunter gatherers but permanent settlements dotted the early human landscape 40 thousand years ago, contrary to what you have been told by white racist academicians. I mean c'mon, prairie dogs live in co-operative villages, you don't think humans were? 25,000 stone houses called Dolmens are not getting swept under the rug anytime soon. 


                             d Alternative Ending

                Lucifer thought if he could distract her, then entrance her with powers she would leave her leadership role behind and help him create the patriarchal nightmare we have today. Lilith and Adam were sufficiently impressed with this booming voice in the clouds, but Lilith was suspicious and eventually told him to "eat my shorts", in the vernacular of the day, and stomped off. Lilith didn't want to "become stupid" in this faux paradise while becoming servile and subservient in this "man cult".  

The Doomsday Hound started to call himself the God. The God of all. The God of everything. "Really?" asked Adam.                                                                                                    

     "I made the sun and moon and all the lights in the sky."

          "The animals too?" asked Adam. "No shit! You da man!" Adam exclaimed.

                                   "Yeh yeh, all the animals too." Well, this was a miracle and Adam was ready to follow this god, this deceiving light. Satan/Lucifer told Adam his name was God and soon after he found Eve who was not the sharpest tool in the shed, and they soon started a family. Cain and Able did not ******their sisters but married women from the nearby village. Jesus Christ who would believe this stuff? About 2,000 years later God was telling this dude named Abraham that Adam and Eve were the first people 'in the whole world' and this little white lie became the biggest untruth ever told.  How do you disprove a gobber like that? Just like in the Mel Brooks movie Moses was carrying the fifteen commandments down from the mountain he tripped (nobodys perfect) and a third tablet smashed into pieces.                                                   

This Satan inspired tribe really came into its own when the Levites came into power about 4800 years ago. They burned their daughters (it's in the Bible) if they remained pagans. They knocked down goddess temples, torched entire villages laying waste to many peaceful people.  

Hey, light bulb moment. 3 gods and 3 patriarchal religions, seemingly from the same source is more than a little suspicious. The evil, malignant trickster god can inspire violence and talk to humans such as Abraham Jesus and Mohammed. (burneth thy daughter is she playeth the whore suggests the old testament), and he is pretending he is the One, the one true god. I'm saying this happens in all three religions-Islam, Christianity and Judaism.  They all have god firmly on their side but have been fighting about it for thousands of years on the reddened soil of the Middle East.    

          The loving goddesses sent Jesus to thwart the efforts of the evil god and trickster god via the Goddess Mary. Then there's the goddess, the earth mother or Ancient Mother, the ancient maiden Zorya greets the dawn, then there’s the mother Zemyna and the moon goddess -- Zvoruna Crone. (She who sleeps with one eye open). The male force of all positive activity, one of only eight gods in the entire universe, can only protect the earth with an electromagnetic shield and whose spirit inhabits the sun. We literally have a Sun God.


I’m serious, push them back to where they belong. Africa Europe and Asia ravaged by colonialism and communism and slaughterism.  You think I’m kidding. We work with the Nordics and the Africans and the Mongolians and we drive them back and make them take their bullshit Mosaic and Sharia law with them. 

Imagine the unity of 200 African tribes and 200 Indian tribes and all the other struggling indigenous people around the world that I’ll soon be making a list of. The Berbers and Kurds and Ainu the Sioux and the Cherokee and Nenets.   The tribes in the Amazon are fighting the fascists. We are all fighting the fascists so remember sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. This story is not a pointless diatribe, but a call to arms.

Create a worldwide network with the CPSE. Community Product and Service Exchange. The computer connects us, but the laws bind us. Let the buyer beware. Caveat Emptor. Use your head to help other people and we will all stand up together and end the suffering of two billion working poor making goods for those who don’t know how good they got it. Help those who are victims of natural disasters.

 Let the people who make a lot of money fix the roads and bridges since wearing out our road system was how they made their money. Then create transportation access for all the people in the world. This is how we work together globally because an authoritarian global centralized power is too close to completion and we are going to represent the needs of the people to stop this. Imagine someone dumber and meaner than t***P, it could happen.     

Imagine sycophantic right-wing goons with high tech control of all satellites and computer networks.  Robot dogs patrolling your streets and sniffing your home for guns.  All Your base is theirs and also control of your garage door opener, your locks, your cameras to see how Fido is doing while you are at work. All your base is theirs, even your karaoke machine and self-driving car will be controlled from one command station filled with red hats. Enforced by robot dogs. “Arf!”


The summer sinning season is done, in the northern hemisphere anyways. Besides he’s just an archetype not an actual being. No children, this is the final harvest festival, the season of Shadowfest and the fireworks of colors on   the trees. The season of mystery and death, of saging and cleansing. This is the season of the witch.”


-1-3-IN THE MEANTIME, WE HAVE THE CONSTITUTION                                   

          Mary was always there to temper Jesus' enthusiastic youthful extremes, "go feed the donkey before you get us in trouble!"    

     Centuries of religious instruction and indoctrination has provided fertile ground for the heresies that continue to question Christian dogma.   Strap yourself in for a bracing dose of heresy, the Enlightenment continues to question miracles and magic.

Question    What was Jesus’ mother Mary like? As a person? Was she a leader, was she humble?  Please tell me anything you can about her.

Thanks* 1 hour ago - 4 days left to answer.  

John A Almada      

             Here is the real story. First off, the "virgin" Marys' mother Anne was like 60 years old or something, and one day she was gnashing her teeth over her barren womb and an angel heard her. "Go forth with vigor old woman, and thou shalt be blessed." The grandmother of Jesus walked away puzzled.

              Alas, she left without hope; and there was sorrow in her heart. How badly she had wanted a child and despite the miracle of the Angel, it seemed like a cruel joke. However, shortly after an eating frenzy of goat cheese and pickles ...SHE REALIZED SHE WAS PREGNANT.   ''How can this be?'' her husband asked and so she told him about the angel, which of course explained everything.

               Jesus' Mother Mary is one of the nine goddesses in my DIY religion, and the first Goddess to be born as a human. She is a Goddess conceived from the spiritual melding of The Goddess Mary and the barren womb of her mother, Anne. The Divine Adoption, which ended with the Astral Ascension. Therefore, Mary grew up and she was of childbearing age when she got married. The angels, muses, and Goddesses had picked Joseph the Carpenter to marry her, being a gentle man of great integrity, he became a kind and gentle role model for the forthcoming holy son, but it took a few years until she was ready.  The Goddess Mary and the human Joseph created a half -human son named Jesus. This is the first heresy, but more plausible compared to the time tested, biggest lie of all time that states that God got the virgin pregnant with, like, magic dust or something. Mary came from Heaven in a cosmic womb that Joseph seeded.

               Jesus was born of the goddess Mary, and his birth was foretold in the stars, it was such a great spiritual event. Expert pagan astronomers, called the Magi, were able to locate the child using the stars and what they knew of astronomy and myths of a King, a Savior, a Messiah was prophesized to be born. The three-pointed Crown Constellation and a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus pointed the way and they brought three offerings. The Magi discussed the various pagan religions and Mystery Schools in Egypt, where Mary and Joseph had planned to move. Good farming, prosperous people that needed a Carpenter, and some nice liberal synagogues.  Jerusalem was such an uptight city, you know?

The Magi Mary and Joseph all agreed that the Old Testament god of the Judaic Tradition is a spiritual poseur, an angry gasbag trickster deity who seemed to demand an inordinate amount of fealty and worship, oddly reminiscent of insecure old men, Joseph noted.  Jesus was going to invalidate this trickster god when he grew up. They were doubtful of the authenticity of the Old Testament, as were most logical people in those days when confronted with the WORD.  The Jerusalem area was way too orthodox for their taste.

              The Old Testament god is some sort of an illusionist that needed some anger management classes back in the day.  The Magi (magicians) told them the blessed son must write a New Testament for all the people, a true covenant of peace and tranquility. Mary and Joseph agreed to teach the child named Jesus about many faiths.  The Ancient Goddesses had begun to fight back.  Jesus was to change Gods status.
           “Flee to Egypt,” the Magi insisted. "Take him somewhere peaceful, teach him the mysteries, and eventually, have him initiated by a Telestes."   Forms of Buddhism had reached the homes of the Magi from India and China; and, although Egypt was marginalized politically by the time of Mary’s Pregnancy, it was still a spiritual place and the Mystery Schools were a highly regarded form of education at that time.   Mary and Joseph inherited a modest, middle class structure, Jesus being in the same line as King David they say, his kin had some money but none had accommodations that dry, starry night that Jesus was born. 
                  The Magi made this three-month journey from out near the Ukraine or something, some say almost from India. We three kings of Orient Are, remember? That also means theoretically, Jesus as the divine teen, may have made some extensive voyages back to the Magi's
homeland, as speculated by some. 

It has been theorized that Mary, Joseph and Jesus frequented a liberal Jewish Temple near Alexandria Egypt, after they had moved there. Being half divinity, you can easily imagine the half man, half god Jesus, as a very precocious child. By 12 years old, it was known that he was arguing circles around the dogmatic religious leaders.  “Jesus Christ, go feed the god blessed donkey!”

This temple in Egypt they supposedly went to, had tunnels underneath it and initiation ceremonies in the style of the Pagan Mystery Schools. You know, where they go deeper underground in tighter and smaller tunnels and eventually, they are reborn at some secret underground site once they are fully disoriented by the dark. The River of Styx was an important symbolism in this ritual, and Styx was an underground stream that symbolically carried them into a more spiritual life. Some of these temples had actual underground streams deep inside them for effect.
                   Presumably, as the family travelled, he created controversy wherever he went as he questioned the hypocritical Abrahamic leaders. Mary was always there to temper Jesus' enthusiastic youthful extremes, "go feed the donkey before you get us in trouble!" she would say as she shushed him away from time to time. The goal of the Goddesses was to have him start a holy organization of adepts and healers, to get the world away from the excess of the growing, patriarchal led violence, and move towards social justice for all.  It was time to confront the dark side of doom. An Empire of Compassion, not Conquest was what Jesus’ ministry was about.

Not well known is that slaves and women held prominent roles in early Christianity, but the Pauline’s thwarted that effort less than a century after Jesus' death and offered up these original fundamental Jesus followers (Gnostics) to be fed to the lions.   His mission was to unify humankind without the hierarchy of patriarchal, religious groups, while at the same time, not to personally fall victim to the brutal, bloodthirsty Pagan Roman soldiers.     

                 Pagan slaughter began with the Levites, 2800 years before Jesus’' era; and these Levites ambitiously tore down Pagan temples, stole pagan gold, and even burned, not only innocent pagan children, but their own daughters as well, as per the bible, "if she playeth the whore".   Who does that shit?

 The Holy family eventually settled in Egypt for probably at least 10 years, and went back to Israel to live with the Essenes, while maintaining their connections in Egypt.  It wasn't that far after all. A friend's daughter from Egypt, Mary Magdalene, became a pagan priestess, a Telestes, and some theorize she educated Jesus in more ways than one, if you know what I mean.

 The Essenes were the only sect to truly follow the commandment "thou shalt not kill." They were reputedly vegetarians and eschewed blood sacrifices.  No doubt, the Pharisees & Sadducees had serious conflicts with the Essenes.

                       As Jesus got into his 20's, he joined the Masons and Mary's home became a lodge of sorts, and friends of Jesus admired this wise, foresightful mother of his.  In time, Mary Magdalene, a follower of Isis, became enamored with Jesus, and as it became time for his ministry, she wrote a song called "I Don't Know How to Love Him" and sang it to Mother Mary trying to figure out the wazzup with this miracle shizz.  Mother Mary then confided to Mary Magdalene, that she is actually a goddess having a life on Earth, and Jesus is a half-divine preacher who was going to bring equality to all people of the world if his mission succeeded. Teach people how to become healers and peace makers.  Mary Magdalene was in on this, the greatest story never told.  Jesus the Pagan was redone as Jesus the son of god.

            "Go forth with vigor child," Mary said to the Magdalene, “and remember; no woman shall ever own Jesus. I have taught him as best as I can about the world, but he needeth the affection a lover could bring, in order to experience the most sacred mystery."

              Mary Magdalene was an Isis trained Priestess. She had some dough and she was one of the merry widows that funded his ministry. Magic.  Heresy #4 is the notion that there is a Mary Jesus Mary thing going on here. The actual trinity.  Mother, Son and Wife.  Not Father Son and Holy Ghost. Sheesh. What the hell? A ghost?  No females who actually give birth? No balance or sense with that concept. A man, a woman and a divine mother, how’s that? Much better.

              Mother Mary became worried in time, as Jesus was riling up the Jewish fuddy duddys who were controlling society with their schizophrenic nonsense of the Old Testament god, as I explained.   Gnostics believe the author of the Old Testament, the christian and jewish god Jehovah, is actually a fallen angel called Lucifer.  Personally, I think a bunch of nasty old men made up the small b bible.

              Only the Essene community provided the environment a peaceful half man, half god like Jesus could feel comfortable in. As it is today in 2022, religious leaders back then were moral high ground hypocrites, and were frequently complicit with dictators, tyrants and Fascists.

              Jesus began his ministry when he was about thirty and He kept pushing the envelope with what the local authorities could tolerate. Jesus went into the main temple one day, and went bonkers in the market place. After observing the greed of bankers, he flipped all their tables over.  An anti-social act most of us wouldn't even consider, and Mary knew the time for a major confrontation had come, but would Lucifer thwart him? Mary advised and prepared him best she could, Lucifer then tempting him on His 40-day Vision quest in the desert.  Other trials occurred, tempering Jesus’ fortitude. When Jesus talked about the father in heaven, he was thinking of Odin. 

                 Jesus brazenly rode into the big city despite knowing he could get arrested for disturbing the peace, amidst cheers from his followers, and was going to publicize the formation of his organization of healers. People didn't believe the stories that had been circulating about Jesus the Pagan Preacher, and he had some rockin' miracles he was going to perform. . A Miracle Man was the scuttlebutt on the grapevine. Mary had a bad feeling though, and notified Joseph of Arimathea who went to Pontius Pilate to try to keep Jesus out of trouble.

 Joseph explained to Pontius Pilate, that the best thing Pilate could do, was to let Jesus do his thing.   Just leave him be, the people will forget, Joseph told Pilate.  Besides, Jesus' heretical outlook would weaken the psychological strangle hold the Pharisees had over the population, enabling the Romans, Joseph had told Pilate when he took him aside from prying ears and lying eyes.

   Then an angry mob began forming-ditto heads with pitchforks- and demanded that Jesus the Isis loving pagan needed to be crucified.  The religious leadership needed to make sure this strange; miracle-performing man would not infect proper society.  He could expose the moral high ground posturing of the Pharisees and Sadducees, who were the forerunners of today’s Republican Party. He could rouse up a crowd with those parables he had been entertaining people with.  

           "Things are going terribly wrong."  Mary said, and pleaded with Joseph to go back to Pilate to help.
          "What happened to his magic?" Joseph of Arimathea asked Mary, as things went bad for Jesus.

  "I don't know, that danged Lucifer must have a trap spell on him or something." Mary said. Pilate did the best he could, stalling and washing his hands of this hysterical crowd outside, but they were wound up like the false accusers at the Salem witch trials, more madness than hysteria. Crucify Him the crowd yelled.

                        Pilate hired guards, and he confidentially instructed them to crucify Jesus without breaking any bones if possible.  Jesus went up three hours before sundown, which gave him a chance of surviving, because he would be taken down at sundown as per the holy law. He was still alive, people speculate, when he was taken down before sundown, though he had lost far too much blood and several muscles were completely severed.  He had endured tortures few could endure. He was left for dead, spirited away to the cave and the Essene healers helped him recover from his severe injuries and 3 days later Mary Magdalene mistook him for the gardener.

On the other hand, maybe he died, or maybe Jesus and his homies had pulled off a "Jackass" type of stunt.   Faked his death and went to France.  Just the same, the Marys' wept as Jesus was in great pain on the cross. All they had worked for would be ruined by the hysterical, sycophantic chumps of the evil Pharisees.   The Romans didn’t even care! Vigilantes out for blood or paid mercenaries of the ruling elite? Decades after his death, had he escaped to the Far East, then came back and settled in France? The Pauline’s ran away with Jesus' concepts eventually, as I said before, and distorted or destroyed what they didn't like about Jesus’ sermons and teachings.  Jesus’ Christianity was never the same. Then came the slow turning of the patriarchal screw as years went by and censorship was common; The Gnostic verses, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Thomas, and everything good, got cut from the new testament by the male compilers of the Bible,  during the 4th Century.  

             Invariably, they came up with something to use against women and Pagans, then gave this Bible, the bogus New Testament along with the bi-polar madness of the Old Testament, to the Christian men. “Here is a small prize; The History of the World.”  ( 4 )        (  Mary is prophesized to return with the truth and I think that is what the third secret of Fatima is all about.)

              History was written by the winners, the warriors, the dogmatic ideologues and the TYPE A fart knockers. Today these braying sycophants worship the crumbling façade of Manifest Destiny and continue to perpetuate this predatory capitalist, earth destroying philosophy. Not much more than a political Party, they banned Paganism and promoted this corrupt form of Christianity.

                  Pagans are among history’s losers; hung, banished, burned, conquered and otherwise, in 21st century parlance, losing in a hostile takeover bid.  Today, 21st century paganism is progressive and positive in its thoughts and actions, and they are embracing some of the most thoughtful and kind precepts: free of coercion, while tuning back to the earth.  

                Women and Pagan hating pinheads, codified brutality and repression with the vague wasteland of words called the bible.  The whole field of Pagan history is still wide open, as giant gaps need to be filled: Pagan is the word we dare not speak, or write about.    Triumphantly, after 1600 years, Pagans are now finally free to express ourselves without fear of harassment, imprisonment, or being burned as a witch thanks to the Goddess inspired Bill of Rights.

            Jesus was a heretic, a Pagan if you will, and I can only hope He returns to reveal the truth.

In the meantime, we haveThe Constitution.  

 -1-4-The Purifying Flame of Life   

                "They had to do something with all that gold, so they built a bunch of big churches over Pagan holy sites.  This may be their undoing because these sites will be the seeds of apostasy."

 14,000 years ago, settlers came across the frozen North American continent and 15,000 years ago, they came from Solutrean sources across the ice and tundra and 16,000 years ago in South America from Polynesian sources. As they traveled, they marveled at the lush conditions and plentiful opportunities for omnivorous humans. Many years later, the Native Americans taught the English about the food and the medicine the land could produce. Thousands of years. It’s their land. 

 In the 1600’s, industrious New Englanders became known for their work ethic and self-sufficiency. Often supporting large families, ignoring their European homeland, they often had political, religious and economic freedom, and this is rarely mentioned in the over sentimentalized Hollywood version of reality.  It was anarchy. Later, new arrivals moved to Appalachia and beyond to maintain this tradition of self-sufficiency.

Protestant Preachers ruined this burgeoning freedom whenever they could, with their ridiculous patriarchy and hellish strictness.  Poor people were not famous, so there was no reason to tell their story---the story of most of us. 

          There is a growing sentiment that religion has prevented humanity from socially evolving. Others point out that the Church created the greatest art. The Churches wealth was tainted and derived from all the gold they had stolen the previous 400 years and you know Karma is going to kick their ass sooner than later. Today, childrens bodies are being found buried at Catholic mission schools. "Kill the Indian and save the man." Richard Pratt who started the first Mission.

Remember, the Masons built these churches and along with artists, were often heretics who didn't knuckle under to all the Catholics rules. But everybody needs a job, and masonry employed many. The church had to do something with all that gold, so they built a bunch of big churches over pagan holy sites.

The Pagan gods and goddesses are still alive and are returning to teach us how to be human again. “Our birthright is happiness, born from the dawn of time” as African band Osibisa states in one of their songs. The notion that we can all live together equally is the basis of many Pagan and heretical Christian faiths such as The Quakers. The Quakers influenced the Founding Revolutionaries in the 1700’s, but they had been severely persecuted in the 1600’s. Christians immediately tried to create a theocracy and people such as the Quakers were ostracized and even murdered. Pagans are harassed continually and don’t even consider being an atheist in the 1600's, as the American Colonies seemed headed to Theocratic Despotism.

Christian preachers, and I assume, Islamic Preachers; use the demon card a lot and people really believe atheists and Pagans like me, are possessed by demons.  You will also read how Amish living, Jesus loving ascetics called the Cathars were burned at the stake 800 years ago. As were the Templars by 1307 and yet they sang as the fire rose and their skin started to burn and catch fire. Their faith was so strong; they stunned their killers by singing joyfully as they were dying. The King and Pope and numerous so-called dignitaries came for the execution of the leader of the Templars, Jacques DeMolay, in 1307. And he cursed them.  Just imagine Jesus looking on in horror as this happened? He would have kicked the Popes ass right there. 

            This is the purifying flame of life. Our soul is seared and scorched with reality and renewed with pleasure and relaxation. It can get boring with all that cotton candy flavored Ice Cream and all what else in Heaven. This isn't punishment; this is diffusion of the spirit and fusion of the soul. We need this experience and we need to learn how to love. 

            I refuse to see the universe as evil, although it's scary to think it could be true of the KNOWN universe. When we die, it is the same for all of us. There is no prison sentence in purgatory or an eternity in hell, you can be assured of that, but there is a peaceful resting spot if that is what we desire. We scatter, there's new bondings and other worlds. We carry that string of connection as long as we choose.

             If it’s unexplainable, or seemingly a miracle, how does god always manage to get credit for it, that old rascal? How do these people know the unknowable? We must shed this uncomfortable garment called faith. Faith has no legs and is a bad presumption for the future. What about a nod to Svarog, Priapus, or any of the other gods, then?  Pan says "it's break time somewhere." Find someone to love.

              In truth, The Christians actually prefer gold to god and their moronic rationalizations allow them to be cruel and manipulative. Their god is gold ... without the L for love. Preachers curiously using the Old Testament for their sermons. Prophets of god or Humbug? It's just all too dodgy to create a path into the future. 

               Christian clergy insist we worship the creator with our every breath, and too effin' bad about the planet. Use up the resources; catch all the fish, cut down all the ancient trees.  God gave it to us, they claim. Par for the course, but I’m saying it’s a triple bogey. God may not provide for the future, and we may have to take care of the planet ourselves. Stupid fucking Morons!

                 God has worked so many miracles in their life, people always tell me, and how can they explain it — just have faith they tell me. Um, no thank you, that doesn't sound like freedom to me. Unfortunately, faith is not only superstitious, but dangerous.   Christians have used Jesus as a shield and sword for their nefarious, outrageous cruelty over the centuries and today christians are excusing rapacious greed after having gathered much of the worlds wealth. Whether it's the Papacy or the rich WASP industrialist or the conniving clergy, most of the best has been cut down dug up 

              . Accepting Jesus Christ as your savior with the local pastor only gives him dominion over you and Christianity seems to be nothing more than Linus' security blanket that people cling to during their “blessed” day. Thinking they got a leg up on immortality, but its laughable 😁 bullshit that I had figured out by Fourth Grade.

              Do you see that atheist over there? Hell for her. Hell and burning. “It’s like burning a hundred Christmas trees and jumping right in the middle, ya know,” George Carlin describing hell. Hell for the Pagan, Hell for the 25 cent an hour worker that refuses to accept the Lord, although she works 14 hours a day making your good Sunday shoes over in Bangladesh. Children making expensive suits their daddy is too poor to buy. 

            History is rife with various manipulations of the Bible and this chapter is written to give you some food for thought as we battle Satan’s minions in the letters to the editors page.  They keep trying to put their Old Testament God into our classrooms and try to wire our childrens brains with their dumbed down version of morality, the Ten Commandments.

 Colonialism, Christianity, and the Scimitar of Islam have left endangered tribes all around the world. What a shame some said in the 1700’s, when they heard about what the Spaniards did to the people of the Canary Islands. Wiping them all out. You have to wonder how people inhabited an island out in the Atlantic as the indigenous Canary Islanders had done. 

Some say it was a remnant population of the Great Empire of Atlantis or that they were related to the Basque or Berber people. On the other hand, maybe they were Polynesian sailors who may have sailed around the tip of South America. What could we have learned from them if we took the time to understand their strange language? This is the brutality we have to rise above. Or maybe they were all killed because of what they all knew. The secrets of the Ancient world needed to remain secret.

If you remember history, most of the world’s knowledge was transported to the great library in Alexandria by 130 BC. In later years it was burned to the ground, and the ancient scrolls were lost forever. Single copies of books were the norm and they no longer existed.  Maybe the natives of the Canary Islands knew too much. The world wasn’t ready to hear about ancient civilizations from 35,000 years ago. the Conquistadors must have figured.  Some ill-tempered, superstitious Spaniards and it was over.   

Unable to leave things alone, we are still wiping out Stone Age tribes. Before 10,000 B.C., there is no specific date you can say some historical event took place. Middle Earth was the Western Alliance with Atlanis, and was located between the Red and Black Seas.

           I would worry if I were you if you've decided to be an asshole in this life.  Maybe evil people get sent to ant heaven. Where giant ants try to bleach or burn us. Try to spray us, step on us, leave out sweet poisonous bait and burn us with lighters.  Or shark heaven, where sharks cut our arms off because human arms are considered an aphrodisiac and we float helplessly to the bottom of their ocean. 

             This will put humility back into the soul that has just spent a lifetime as a rapacious human plunderer. We are rapacious polluters by proxy because we don’t want to know the full scope of pollution and animal cruelty and poverty we create with our materialism and "low prices". Most Karma is worked out after we die. 

Meanwhile back at the ranch, export executives chortle at the collapse of rural society. They made their money with Big Coal and too bad about the one-industry towns of the South. The mom and pop system of yesterday has the capitalist boot at its throat, not much more than a thug with a tire iron as corporations supplant the local supply chain with corporate dependence. People clouded with material riches and separated from the outdoors want profits and the Liberal city slickers laugh derisively at the bumpkins joy of a clear bubbling stream. Their million dollar property has it’s own stream. 

The Big Business CEO clips another fat cigar as insect species become extinct before they were ever even identified. No one seems to want to dare these large corporations.  No one has the temerity and the lawyers to tangle with the New World Order. Moreover, you know they are not telling the truth. “If anyone asks ya we was out smashing mailboxes.” (     ) Obscure cultural reference.       

“Send the nets out”, the bosses yell as their 10-mile wide nets scoop up more than fish headed for market. The extra fish are emptied back into the ocean bleeding and injured.  Do we want predatory capitalist corporations representing how we feel about the worlds resources?   Which are our world citizen representatives?  

Even after crossing the Atlantic, they would know they were near land from the smell of giant pine forests of America. Then marveling at the ancient trees and running their horses in these forests that were clear of branches for like, 50 feet. Horse hoofs softly pounding on a mulch of pine needles on the forest floor: violets and lilies, reeds and rushes scattered about where trees die or after a fire where when the sun gets in. The fish were jumping out of the water and right into the frying pan in the north America that once was.


              Maybe our God or Creator is just a renegade God, someone in the galactic work release program. He was banished, but somehow still managed to sneak out some building blocks of life. Someone who should have been locked up. Nevertheless, this seemingly vengeful God has released Aids, monkey pox, anthrax, smallpox, and other delights on an embittered and embattled population. The rebel Gods theory is that people should go through the purifying flame of a difficult life before achieving heaven. Whereas all the “normal” law abiding gods in other galaxies make life as easy as possible with its primary soul equipped creature, since the Spirit is immersed in love.

                  Into the future where my disaster scenario has world population at 11 billion in 2089 but then crashing back to 4 Billion after the attack of FUNGUS-x. An infectious, irascible attack on the human body spread by rain or in the air. It was everywhere.

Who can say what God is, other than dog backwards? Hopefully, an afterlife will be our spiritual journey to join up with this so-called Creator. Maybe The Force or maybe even the corn god. We certainly are not going to burn in hell for 435,000 years (1 eternity) for what we do in this little life. I don’t think so.  Satan is the greatest hoax of all time and the finest tool for controlling the masses… the bewildered herd... In your eye with custard pie satan. I ain’t scared of something that doesn’t exist, but I still disrespect his nasty ass with a small s satan.   

God doesn’t want me in heaven so I go to hell to be burned alive and never die?  Burning in hell for 435,000 years? I wonder how people can even believe that. I wonder if humans lack some common sense, the actual missin link?. This is why the USA tries to keep religion out of the public square. Bad enough we've been subsidizing christianity all this time with the lack of taxation.

  The ancient forests have been ignominiously sliced and sold like luncheon meat. So why is sustainable forestry such a hard concept to understand? Why are we convinced there is nothing we can do? Instead, the restless maw of exploitation seeks profits wherever trees can be cut down.                 Japanese as of late are notorious with their style of predatory capitalism. Giving jungle tribes trinkets for the right to chop down their traditional hunting areas. Previously these avaricious capitalists have compromised self-sufficient tribes. The quality of wood products, of the wood itself, is declining precipitously. There is a trend in the last 30 years where builders use wood from houses over 75 years old. It’s worth the time to salvage it because that kind of quality acquired from older, mature trees rarely exists anymore. How good is furniture made with wood that is still practically green?

             One of the most widespread misconceptions is that there are more trees now than when the aforementioned sailor/settlers began arriving on our shores. This from the forked tongue of Rush Limbaugh of course. In his view, 800 one-foot seedlings are 800 times better than one lousy ancient tree. There might only be five or ten trees in an acre of old growth.  A diversity of growth. Deep forest creatures. What then of the subsequent applications of herbicides pesticides fertilizers rodenticides, molluscides and the rest in those tree plantations.    Georgia Pacific finds ecosystems inefficient. They need to plant trees in rows. Now our timber has insecticides and pesticides in it. Prove it you ask. Hey, do you see a lab coat? The essence of the Ancient species was that there is so much life. Nature continually changes and renews herself.

A lot of wealth was created illegitimately, so hence my lack of awe and respect for the old wealthy families. It was nothing more than pre-mafia corruption and the battered bodies of the least fortunate. The ones not quite physically able to work 14 hours a day with virtually no breaks. Feeling they deserved it; thinking the working classes were nothing more than foolish imbeciles. Hey… leveled forests. Filled in wetlands. Legacies of dead fish, dead buffalos, and dead birds. Death instead of abundance.


       This is a Christian nation? 96% believe in God? In addition, all these people think humans should overwhelm this planet? Every other life form is a lower priority and should not be saved. 96% of the country believes that God only wanted humankind to enjoy life? They feel no pain the intern heard often as she spray different chemicals in the eyes. After all, what other animal tells itself, it is immortal. Heaven or hell, religion tells us it will be one or the other for all of eternity. For one stinking lifetime on this…planet….the butt hole of the universe. I don’t think so!


       These obvious shortcomings in our belief system make humans the way we are. Like a bully justifying why someone needs to get beaten, Capitalists tell themselves that they can extract minerals and clear-cut forests and fill in wetlands because……….we are the mighty humans, gods gloriest creatures, the Captains of Industry! We are going to heaven and the animals aren’t, except maybe our dogs and cats.  Parrots and Ferrets too I suppose.

       My idea is to have an umbrella organization for all the Pagan solitaries out there. I call it the Pagan Reform Temple. “No more robes” could be our motto. No robes, tiaras or fairy loops. A simple earth religion with a handful of ceremony. The Druddité religion I made up can be used as a model for your own group or solitary activities, an introduction to Paganism and you go on from there, wherever you will. 

        Just a few simple things and the rest of it is spontaneous. A more earth centered religion with less ritual and ceremony. More ballet (joy), less bureaucrats (tedium).  More trees, less skulls and demons. No more robes. I like that idea and so would many others. We don’t really want to be identified with Neo-Druids or the New Age kooks.                                  

          Some of the more peculiar aspects of pagan rituals seem like useless nonsense, but I do realize that spectacular magic has to be done in the spirit of learning and knowledge, and I know there are reasons for certain phrases. Although, I was just reading about some Pagans who make a point of never doing the same ritual twice. 

           Druddités want to capture some of the ancient knowledge about sacred places, so we use instinct and heart.  I think a lot of what goes on with Pagans may not be appropriate for all, and no offense to ritualistic Pagans, as usual, I am trying to find a middle way, a different way. Think you got the answer? No one does, got it?  Pagans are the ones to most likely embrace the fact that we really can’t quite know what the Hereafter or Afterlife is about, so get over it, and take care of the earth in the meantime. Trillions of people will follow us in the next 100,000 years and this is a big part of what the Earth Movement would be about, a sustainable Earth. 

       Pagan priestesses and priests can be at a kind of a kind of purist level, like the Cathar Perfecti, but more importantly, Paganism really needs to embrace the working poor and middle class around the world. We've always been the vast majority. Women are more inclined to enjoy the colorful and symbolic ceremony, but many women are just too shy or uncomfortable to use all the robes and objects, and would be very amenable to paganisms gentle ways.

      The Goofiness factor has discouraged many from Paganism, so usher in Druddism because Halloween is about all the dress up some of us can manage, men and women alike. Halloween is our new year, not what we do all year. Our gushy soft spirits are damaged in this material sphere and we should be more inclined to savor this life. Life on Earth should be a purifying flame and not a crushing blow to our spirits. This is the change we need to make.


-1-5- The Fundamental Orders

    “Since no man has any natural authority over his fellows, and since force alone bestows no right, all legitimate authority among men must be based on covenants.”             ROUSSEAU   1776

   This is one of my favorite stories.  The history of the Charter Oak updated and my hometown remembered.

            Since the beginning of civilization, wartime has depleted and polluted the earth’s resources, and absorbed the lives of the civilian-soldiers. Death and injury brought grief and disruption to innumerable families over thousands of years of war, and most accepted their lives of toil and misery:  THEIR BODIES no more than CANNON FODDER, their labor taxed heavily by the local despot.

                The despair of the working poor is captured in the 16th century phrase, “Thy life is a bitch, and then thouest dies.” In time, the pilot light of personal liberty had begun to flicker, and new lands were sought.                                                                                                  

                  Punishment was everywhere and eternal in those olden days, with a vengeful God and a diabolical Devil waging a war for our souls. Many people back then rolled their eyes and shook their heads at the superstitious nonsense spouted by religious zealots at the time before the Revolutionary War. Logic had taken hold in cultures during the Enlightenment of the 1700’s .

                Going back to 1600, much trade had developed between Europe and the Far East, and a curiosity developed about the edge of the world, maybe it wasn’t flat!  The Greeks figured that out a long time ago, but Christianity insisted the earth was a flat plane (maybe it is) and was the center of the Universe. lol. I mean, it was in a Papal Bull and everything. Explorers  and adventurers wondered if there was an ocean or a continent they needed to cross to get to China, and during the first decade of the 1600’s Dutchmen drove their ships up the Hudson River in what is now New York State. In 1614 a Dutchman, Adrian Block, sailed up the Connecticut River as far as the Enfield Falls. Meanwhile, the French were exploring the Canadian wilderness via the St. Lawrence River.

                   There was a lot of friendliness and trade between the natives and the original European roughnecks and roustabouts. These original explorers paved the way for other pioneers. The first waves were the Gypsie's, the individuals, the characters, and the Johnny Hucksters by the score.  Dudes looking for adventure led the way, and the families came along later.

                   It wasn't until after the initial explorations into Indian territory that the elitists actively promoted the slaughter of the indigenous people. Faith based genocide; it was. The New Capitalists found easy money as they stripped the country of resources.  Elitist historians think our history is war; true, a war to stamp out the heathen polytheists, in any form! A war on nature. A war on life. Always war. Always fear. Fear of an angry god that needs you to obey coercive authority. You know what, FTS.


                 Plymouth Massachusetts became the first permanent European town in 1620, and other settlements began on the nearby east coast. The Puritans were a dominant force in the settlement, and despite escaping the clutches of tyrannical royalty in England, they then imposed a ridiculously restrictive theocracy on themselves when they got here.  For instance, if you said a curse word and the authorities found out, you might get your tongue nailed to a board in the center of town.  It was going to take a while for this place to be called "land of the free" with the christian albatross around our neck.                                                                                               

               The tally ho of the English elitists became the westward ho of those disenchanted with the Puritans and the Royalists in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and thusly began the westward movement in this country. Starting in the 1630’s, pioneers emigrated from Plymouth and Boston Massachusetts, and after that the religious zealots fanned out among the countryside  looking for towns that would support and sponsor their "ministry".                          

        Truthfully, I realize many preachers started their own towns for the captive audience that ensued, and that is part of history.  They were portrayed as great Pioneers. They were actually instilling people with fear and damnation, and it kept them employed. There was always one religious sect or another trying to capture your mind and control your town.

               Eventually, the preachers asked, do we worship the Creator or the Creation? Most preachers seemed to think we must worship God and to hell with the animals and trees. Forests and babbling brooks and a countryside filled with animals. It’s not reality they insist.  We must bow down to the creator they implore. He's so big we can't see him.

                Things were different with the freedom loving, non-Puritan pioneers, who were agriculturally independent and self-sufficient working slobs ruled by good spirits and kindness. They were not puppets of a conquering tyranny or Lemmings following absurd theocratic philosophies.

             Before Plymouth and Boston, there was the first settlement of English-Europeans at Jamestown Virginia. The indentured white servants of the wealthy English were supposed to hold down the fort during the winter,  but were missing the next spring when a fresh new crop of rich preppies came to rule them. All that was left of the settlement of Jamestown was a note that said ’Gone to Croatan,’ that was carved in the tree. Croatan were nearby Native Americans.  

                        In 1631, stifling and stultifying governments around the world led many of its citizens to look for new homelands. Wethersfield, Hartford and Windsor became known as the Connecticut Colony and this was a good area for those wishing to work their craft,  and live honestly.  

                          It wouldn’t be long and there would be 50 different sects and religions in the colonies. It was a pity the pesky Puritan preachers promoted patriarchal platitudes, and these vultures were always looking for cowering, fearful, suspicious people to brainwash. Like todays Republicans.

 Most of the population paid lip service to the preachers who were whipping up an anti-native frenzy.  The new world was filled with heathens, the population was warned from the pulpits of hate, and a popular T-shirt back then in the church book stores, would have been, “So little time, so many pagans to smite.” They used scare tactics suggesting these Native Americans needed to be slaughtered. Never doing any of the killin' themselves, these moral high ground religious hypocrites saw the native population as troublesome and ungovernable, and sought their extinction from the start, and encouraged their parishioners to kill as many as possible.  Seriously, WWJS? To Hell with you!

                  Encouraged by a Podunk Chief whose tribe was settled on the east side of the Connecticut River, settlers explored the west side of the Connecticut River and found a Dutch trading post there in 1632 at the future site of Wethersfield. In 1633, the first permanent settlement was built in Windsor. In 1634, Wethersfield became the first incorporated town and in 1635, an area between the two towns, Hartford was founded. Wethersfield, Windsor and Hartford commingled in trade and held town meetings, and in 1639 banded together into what they called, "One Publick state or commonwealth". Unbeknownst to today’s pious hypocrites, Wethersfield settlers were about trade and not religion. The Podunks were looking for friends and allies.

                       Inspired by Thomas Hookers iconoclastic sermons, Roger Ludlow drew up a document for governing this new organization and called it 

The Fundamental Orders. He created what has been praised as the first practical constitution to declare, "The foundation of authority rests with the free consent of the people." 

                Also at that time, in 1636, Roger Williams said the king had no right to claim native lands and he was banished for his efforts.  He went south to Rhode Island where he started his own colony through legal means, purchasing land from the Narragansets at fair value. 
                        By 1662, the Connecticut Colony was a proud and thriving region. The Wethersfield Red Onion was getting known around the world and was a superlative cash crop. The locally elected Governor sailed across the Atlantic to see the King of England.  The governor and the king had a splendid time, and along with extending the Connecticut Colony borders to the Pacific Ocean, he legalized the Fundamental Orders of 1639. It was the most liberal document ever approved by an English monarch, ever; anywhere. Remember the English counted India, Africa, Hong Kong and many other places as part of their empire. The sun never sets, remember? On the British Empire.

 Things went well for another 25 years as people peacefully farmed fertile flood lands in the Connecticut River Valley.  Their only government was the monthly town meetings that were guided by the spirit of The Fundamental Orders of 1639. In the mid 1680’s one of the first sparks of revolutionary fervor burned right in my old hometown of Wethersfield. A previously unprecedented defiance, they succeeded in their refusal to pay a five-pound fine, which was imposed on them by the Royal Courts. They held a public election and voted in favor of not paying and this was a form of anarchy, very little in the way of government.

 Feisty, independent and developing a fervent civic pride, the Connecticut Colony did not kowtow or patronize British leadership. Moreover, yes, they excluded many from voting but the evolution of personal liberty had to begin somehow, and it had to begin somewhere.  Many Third World countries are hundreds of years behind us in understanding the notion that all people deserve freedom and liberty so give these patriots a break.

The Connecticut Colony was mostly taking care of themselves and they  enjoyed unprecedented economic freedom. This was something new.  It was anarchy in a sense because of the completely decentralized nature of authority. Don't get in the way of chimney and fence inspectors and if there were no religious kooks in the neighborhood, you could get by pretty well if you were good at storing crops for the winter and could get a load of firewood piled up in time.

                  So anyhow, years went by and the new king found this self-rule, this unity without hierarchy, this … freedom, was absolutely outrageous.  He appointed his own governor who went to Wethersfield to proclaim his royal authority while trying to invalidate the Fundamental Orders. Apparently, the town narcoleptic fell asleep at the main table and knocked the candles over as the Crown appointed governor, Edmund Andros, went to take the document. When the candles were relit, Andros was stunned that the charter, the original copy of the Fundamental Orders that was in plain view, had disappeared even though no one had left the meeting! 

           Tradition states that the Charter was thrown out the window to someone who traveled on horseback from the meeting place at the Wethersfield Cove to be hidden in an oak tree on a hill near the Hog River, a small creek near the Connecticut River in Hartford and site of the current capital building. The Redcoats could search homes and possessions but would be hard pressed to figure out where else it was hidden, like in a tree.

    As the years went by, it was a source of pride and mystery. The Fundamental Orders was radical for the time and became an important part of the fuel that built our 1776 revolutionary machine. The Charter Oak is a symbol of American defiance against colonial authority and it is carved into this arch. 

America is an example of how coercive authority was given the boot. No messing around like the Third World Half Men that kowtow to illegitimate authority. Many people in many countries need to just grow a backbone and fight for their family and their future. Stop coming to America because the gravy boat can only sink. Men that allow tyranny or fascist and obnoxious zealotry should be ashamed of themselves for not speaking up. We need to learn from the freedom-seeking activists of the Connecticut Colony so many years ago, and be inspired by their charter of freedom called the Fundamental Orders.                                                                                                                                                                      

                   In time, a cult developed on the hidden document. Someone hid it and kept it hidden. The infamous tree became known as the Charter Oak. The tree, a white oak, was huge and hollow. It was reputed to be 33 feet in its circumference at the base but was blown down in a hurricane in 1856. When I wrote the original story of the Charter Oak in the Bicentennial year of 1976, my idea was to show the fire in the belly the original settlers in Wethersfield possessed.                    

              After a couple hundred years, Wethersfield citizens became complacent, with the “old families” running the Bored of Education and ruling other functions. Stuffy aristocrats you just wanted to slap upside the head. The story of the Fundamental Orders and the Charter Oak is the story of the roots of our eventual American Independence. They did not want to be toadies to royalty and independence burned in their hearts and this spirit moved with the pioneers. Kissing feet and rings and kowtowing profusely was not on their agenda and they were less enamored with the clergy than you are led to believe by TV.  

               Interestingly, about fifteen years ago, the U.S. Mint allowed states to design quarters and Connecticut chose to use a representation of the Charter Oak, Rockin‘!  The story goes even deeper and the following is from Wikipedia, “The Dutch explorer Adrian (or Adriaen) Block described, in his log in 1614, a tree, at the future site of Hartford, understood to be the Charter Oak. In the 1630s, a delegation of local Indians approached Samuel Wyllys, the early settler who owned and cleared much of the land around it, were encouraging its preservation and describing it as planted ceremonially, for the sake of peace, when their tribe first settled in the area. “This tree has been the guide of our ancestors for centuries as to the time of the planting our corn; when the leaves are the size of a mouse’s ears, then is the time to put the seed into the ground.”

Corn was easily their most important crop because it could be saved for lean times and crop failures.  Important to note is that the local “Indians” knew that this tree was planted ceremoniously in the name of peace three hundred years previous and I find this fairly amazing and an example of our Native American pagans and what was sacred to them.

                This Charter Oak has a much deeper meaning and deeper roots than I realized. The tree’s beginning was actually in the 1400’s when the oak was born and began to grow. When the tree was 20 years old or so, it was ceremoniously consecrated to be THE OAK they used as their corn-planting guide in the 1500's. It must have been a marvelous tree in its youth. Eventually the tree was the hiding place of the banned Fundamental Orders in the late 1600’s. A venerated oak in its youth and a symbol of the new American Nation during its maturity, imagine then the positive energy created by this one tree!                                                   

                Fourth of July is a lot more than waving flags to me and this story had its original inspiration from the Bicentennial in 1976. The ideas of the Revolutionary Era should remind us not to take our freedoms for granted. Today’s Moral High Ground Hypocrites, the religious right and the alt-right and the not quite right, and are all about power, not liberty, and they have more power than numbers. 

              Not all of our oppressors are hiding in caves plotting our destruction. The Christians have been trying to create a theocracy for nearly forty years now, and they think they are in control with the alt-right coup of our United States.

If America is ever taken over, I know I will create my own fundamental orders and fight with others to regain our freedom, we all would.  Whether it's Nancy Pelosis gay police that are going to take your guns away, or some theocracy led by a hallucinating pastor who sees  demons everywhere, we got to be ready.

All you need to remember as The New World Order engulfs the earth, the spirit of America, is this: "The foundation of authority rests with the free consent of the people." Their sacred document was hidden in a tree that was 275 years old and lived to be 450 years old.  For America to last that long, we need to oppose the growing fascist theocracy. 


1-6   The Reindeer People   

                 "   I want to create. I don't want to perform. “ 

          Thus starts the initial, four-part, Pagan Fairy Tales. Much of Pagan history has been lost, so I decided that I would make some up.

     This chapter starts a four-part fictional story of four forgotten eras; the first being the era of the Reindeer People-- 40,000 BC to 14,000 BC. Then along comes the era of OOglak, in the Song of OOglak from 12,800 BC to 9800 BC. Thirdly, there is Groniger Bloodaxe from a thousand years ago and then Zorya, Zemyna Zvoruna Zephyr from Lithuanian mythology. 

      So little of pagan history is known, and conventional wisdom is on the ropes as new discoveries arrive.  Scientists are finding more extinct primates that never evolved into Homo sapiens, and they are trying to stitch together threads of myth to fabrics of truth. Rocco Hornspread and Aargballs the Pirate are yet to come in a line of my descendants…that I made up… that leads to Antonio Suggins and Dagmar Oxoheartsvoken of the current day, and their 13 children who are the stars of “Middlestone Avenue.”

     One of my favorite books of all times has been The Outline of History by H. G. Wells. You know him from science fiction, but he was considered quite the researcher and innovator in his day. He published 'The Outline of History' in 1921, it was updated in 1949 before his death, and I bought the updated 1971 edition from the Book of the Month Club. Professor Wells took a decidedly different approach than his Eurocentric peers, but still, war linked events from one era to the next; historical eras I mean.

 Is war really our history? It seems like it in the history books.  In 2101, will the beginning of the 22nd century be known for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? We are the history, the opposite of war, the peaceful community of ordinary people. Today as I dropped off my 5th grader at school, we were talking about history and I told him, “history is not really about wars like you're being taught; it should really be about ordinary people like you and me, and what we did and how we lived.” Because now we can save all the accumulated cultural memories and realize there is more to us than war. The poor can write their stories today, not just kings and lawyers and other nefarious characters of the court and the realm.

   The Pagans were on the receiving end of war and invasions, but mostly people lived their lives, in synchronization with = nature. They hunted and gathered, and began the long process of knowing which plants could help with which ailments.  Pottery and poetry were invented and metallurgy was discovered. Just because science hasn’t found much evidence of so-called civilized culture more than 10,000 years ago, does not mean a civilized culture didn’t exist.   Göbekli Tepe has thrown a wrench into the old white historian machine. 


             Maybe their buildings weren’t big with foundations, and their temples were nothing more than shrines in sacred places like tree groves or special shelters. As I like to say ‘if an archaeologist doesn’t find it, does it mean it didn’t exist?'  The only reason we lack artifacts of culture before 10,000 B.C. is that nature has taken back all the wood and animal objects used by ancient people.

There is a pyramid called the Red Pyramid and people are saying there is an ancient weathered building within this bigger pyramid. In my novel “Middlestone Avenue,” the biggest secret of all time is revealed. Or maybe not. Depends on what you believe.

Thank the Goddess the Reindeer People made drawings in caves or we would never have known they existed.  I don't believe the stories that say there was some advanced culture and there is no evidence anywhere of Atlantis or any remains.  But, as we speak, artifacts are being dated further back, such as the Vero Man in Florida.  A 14,000 year old bone carving. I tell the tale of 75,000 years ago when gatherings occurred around the first city. They crowned a king named ATL and a Queen named Lani and they called their land Atlani. Atlani(s) which was at the southern end of the Black Sea. All traces of Atlanis were submerged in floods after ice ages which would raise oceans 100 to 300 feet.

Forgotten history begins with the Goddess. Huh? Not pharaohs or kings? The Boys of War are what we’re mostly taught, and Pagan lifestyles have been left out of history.  Armchair generals write the history in their dry, clever less way because most dudes love war. But 85% of the people born before 1500 were pagan and they were generally polytheists, and female goddesses were well represented, and, as a rule, people like the Celts and Gauls had much respect for women. I consider the Romans more like the Christians than Pagans.  The warrior elite came to dominate societies by this time, and especially with the Romans, who are frustrated Neanderthals if I read that right.

 Now, in the 21st century, our modern sensibilities aren’t able to comprehend how women were not allowed to vote until 1920. People are finally able to embrace women equally as men, as we should embrace the Goddess as well as the God.  They are getting back the Divine Feminine and beating back the Patriarchy of the three Abrahamic religions, with sexual equality.


           The reindeer people lived from 45,000B.C. To 15,000B.C.,   and although my mention of Atlanis is fanciful, the Reindeer People were real. The people who had invented art, it is said. Esteemed historian H.G.Wells was my original source and named this group of hunter gatherers, although he called them the Reindeer Men. H.G. wrote this in 1921, so keep in mind that women in the United States had finally been allowed to vote the year before in 1920. Hence my renaming of them from Reindeer Men to Reindeer People, which acknowledges our modern sensibilities.

The reindeer people were a healthy group of hunter gatherers that survived 30,000 years. Historians and scientists kept shoving the evidence of the Reindeer Peoples advanced culture under the conventional wisdom rug.  The Reindeer People were six feet tall with brains larger than ours in some cases.  Look it up. Skulls in caves, and recently, more elaborate burials are being found. The Reindeer People were also known as The Cave Painters but Hollywood has confused Neanderthals with these healthy Reindeer People.  Also known as the Solutreans.                                                                                                                                 

The cave dwellers are portrayed as hairy, uni-browed ogres that used sticks as tools. We are led to believe this and it shows you how a lot of the past has been misrepresented and downright false. Hidden by historians is the apparent healthiness of the inhabitants of the early pre-goddess cultures.   Dismissed as a fluke with their art in the caves, the Reindeer People have been misrepresented as cave dwelling lunkheads but the cave paintings are just the tip of the iceberg regarding their talents, as I’ll explain, and H.G. Wells wrote about them.                              Neanderthal Man, who went extinct 25,000 YA, is the cave dweller of movies and TV.  The Reindeer People were the indigenous people of Europe, and the Laplanders are a remnant population. H G Wells speculates the Laplanders got trapped too far north as an ice age approached and they adapted. Recent DNA discoveries have concurred that this is true.


Atlanis as an empire was in its golden age by 30,000 B.C. Its islands and territories bound together like the Roman Empire, but spiritually instead of physically, and there were tribes from the Baltic Sea to the Indian Ocean. People walked talked and traded.  Black Tribes moved back into Africa 60,000YA after wandering in the middle east down the coast to India.  They came back as Homo Sapiens. The brown variation of human travelled to India and Asia while the white tribes went north and west during the time called The Great Dispersal. The center of communication for the ancient societies was a gathering of villages on the north shore of the Black Sea and ancient village of Atlanis at the Bay of  ????????.

 There was no Atlantean destructive crystal technology, and no giant palaces but two other important talents: mental telepathy and most crucially of all, being able to manipulate matter. The greatest examples were the last before the magick was lost  but not before leaving behind Stonehenge, the Sphinx and the ancient building inside the Red Pyramid and the hidden Mayan Temples. The great riddles of our age.  The secret to moving multi ton stones is lost in the past. In Egypt, Bast was not a Goddess, but a real woman and she helped lay out the dimensions for the Pyramids pounding in stakes around 11,000 years ago.

The second most recent glacial age began 20,000 years ago and the warmer temperatures in the 8000 years to follow, melted freshwater glaciers and tundra. Atlanisians began to abandon the coastal towns and followed the rising waters as ice caps grew larger.  Later, as waters rose during a period of global warming from 10 to 16 thousand years ago, the main island became separate from outlying areas. Many outposts were abandoned as citizens sailed for the mainland. All traces of the greatness of the Psychic Kingdom of Atlanis were lost under water. Avoiding the slowly rising water became a way of life.  Most of the Atlantean culture is buried in 70 feet of water on the north shore of the Black Sea. 

Check out Google maps, you'll see what I mean. As Atlanis reached its zenith many feared the worst and sailed to higher ground on different continents settling on various shorelines. A final dispersal of ancient people.


12,800 years ago began the warmest 7 years of that postglacial era and glacial melt tripled, flooding drove all shore dwellers further inland. At the time in Europe, the Reindeer People never noticed a thing. They followed the reindeer and foraged from the abundance that was on the earth. They travelled between Lithuania and France as weather permitted.  Atlantean villagers wandered far and wide while the Reindeer People continued rendering their great artwork in caves that had been abandoned by the Neanderthals.  Nothing so amazing really, Atlantis was more an idea linking large and small villages that were in communication with each other telepathically and physically.  They walked and talked great distances and had the same brain potential as us with out all of todays distractions.

  A majority of the research I have been reading has the Black Sea as the location of Atlanis, not in the Atlantic Ocean.  In the Indian Ocean, 55 Gazillion tons of lava have been found in lava streams at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, and there is evidence that a large chunk of what was southwest India collapsed into the Indian Ocean. This may be where the myth of the lost continent of Lemuria has its source. As with all pre-history’s disasters, many people lost their lives and this myth leads to the Legend of Lemuria and the story of the Lemurs, but that is a tale for another day.

Not Darwin’s fittest, but survival of the luckiest is the actual reality. If California broke off tomorrow due to an earthquake in a similar catastrophe, you would be lucky to survive it. It wouldn't matter how fit and agile or clever you were.

There was The Great Flood 12,800 YA, which was exacerbated by volcanic outbursts in the North Atlantic and then meteors hitting the North American Glacier in Canada during the Ice Age gave the Ice Age a brief return. There is archaeological evidence in the fjords of Finland that there were 300 foot Tsunamis at some point. Tsunamis have played a greater part in our pre-history than they are noted for, and cliffs and large amounts of rock falling into water have caused tremendous disruption of the earths climate in previous eras.  

  It is not so strange to think a chunk of ice the size of Greenland landed in the ocean as the earth warmed up after the Younger Dryas Period. The splash heard round the world, I’m sure. The Reindeer People didn’t even notice the seas, they were continually heading north with the reindeer that preferred the cold Boreal Forest. The last of the Atlantean refugees mated with remaining Reindeer people and became Gaul’s and Celts and Visigoths and before them the Solutreans.                H.G. Wells put a face on these ancestors. He called them the Reindeer Men, while declaring the evidence of their heights of six feet and brains as large as those of us today. Their diet was healthier than today’s sugar, sodium and fat encrusted fare. 12,800 years ago with the temporary warmth, the Reindeer People headed into northern climates. They became the Celto_Iberians and went to the Alps and Carpathian Mountains. This is why some people think the Saami people of northern Norway are believed to be a remnant population of the Solutreans. Originating from Northern Spain and Southern France, settling and migrating as far north as Moscow and Vilnius, Lithuania they were slowly heading north as glaciers retreated.

 Scientists want to perpetuate the myth that people were once sickly, short and disease prone, but now, because of science they declare, people are healthier only in this modern age. Actually, the truth is that humans degenerated in the Middle Ages as they became peasants and chumps and the natural abundance of many ecosystems was destroyed. People moved to cities, living like rats; slaves to the growing industrial machine. They degenerated even further as advancements in science created a society where family farm incomes collapsed because of Mechanized Agriculture.

 In Goddess oriented pre-history we find many cases of quite healthy people, the Reindeer People being a good example, the First People of Europe.  H.G.Wells describes one of the great gathering places in France. (        ) “At a great open air camp at Solutre, there seemed to have had annual gatherings for many Centuries. It is estimated there are bones of at least 100,000 horses, reindeer, mammoth and bison.” As they were thriving, the beetle-browed cave dweller known as Neanderthal Man was in decline and was extirpated during the reign of the Cave painters.

 The Reindeer People made bone needles for sewing clothes that are superior to those of other early cultures, evenpast the Roman era and even till the Renaissance.” (            ) I’m not kidding when I tell you they had leather clothes and they printed insignias on their clothes from carved reindeer bones and dye.  The biker uniform of the last 50 years is similar to what they wore, without the wallet on a chain, and the tattoos were more on their leather clothing, than on their body. True Facts.

            The Reindeer people were the first Cro-Magnons of Europe. The Native Europeans, who can say what is left of them?  As I write in ‘OOglaks Song’,  many reindeer people stayed behind and mixed with the cultivators from the Middle East. H.G. Wells from his history book,  “They had a sense of animal form; they had the real artists impulse to render. These races of Reindeer Men were in undisturbed possession of Western Europe for a period of at least ten times as long as the interval between ourselves and the beginning of the Christian Era, AND THROUGH ALL THAT IMMENSE TIME THEY WERE FREE TO DEVELOP AND VARY THEIR LIFE TO IT’S UTMOST POSSIBILITIES.”(          )Capslock Mine words by H G Wells

30,000 years of peace, as far as we know. The Reindeer People ate berries and nuts and as H.G. Wells says in his History of the World “….when reindeer gathered so did the Reindeer Man.”  Did they possess something we didn’t.? The art in the cave paintings was not equaled for another 10,000-20,000 years. The bone needles they made were so sharp that even the Romans could not compare, as I said. So, when I heard these Solutreans had migrated to North America I had to ponder the possibility. Scientists are finding more evidence that America was settled by these Indigenous Europeans.

Could their lives compare favorably to ours in anyway? Let’s see; wild meat has one sixth the fat of what present day meat eaters consume from the Super Market. Very likely they slept peacefully (snorers were thrown off the cliff).  No deadlines or reports to finish, and as hunter gatherers, there was not even crops to protect and harvest; can we assume it was the Garden of Eden?  

Archaeologists were puzzled at first when they saw little stick figures drawn amongst the vividly shaded and colorful renderings of cave art by the Reindeer People. Then they realized that these stick figures came along much later, drawn by supposedly more advanced people. Studies show that these Reindeer People were heavily muscled and were above average in height and scientists and religious leaders have suppressed information concerning the Reindeer People because of these facts and others.  Their laurel leaf shaped spear tips cannot even be reproduced today.

H.G. Wells must have been unafraid of his scientific peers, because they surely must have chastised him for his portrayal of the Reindeer People in a favorable light.  We can’t have modern looking people with exceptional skills in pre-history, says white science. I'm glad I chanced upon the information because it is the key to settling the, 'where did the White People come from' question. And recently I noticed that there is a lot more on the internet regarding H.G.Wells'  book compared to a couple years ago.

In 1995 Time Magazine featured these people in an article called ‘Behold the Stone Age’ by Robert Hughes. Finally, the concept that these cave painters were advanced had gone mainstream. Robert Hughes writes “They were not the inarticulate Alley-Oop of popular myth. They were nomadic hunter gatherers with a fairly developed technology. They wore animal skin clothing and moccasins tailored with bone needles, and made beautiful (and highly effective) laurel leafed shaped flint blades and constructed tents from skins and huts from branches and mammoth bones.”

 Let’s not forget we are talking about 20, 30 even 40 thousand years ago. Scientists need us to believe “civilization” began 8,000 years ago with the capitalist wheat growers, but forms of metallurgy and pottery making, had been a part of the goddess cultures before that. Non-war metallurgy, pottery making and socialization from 5,000 YA to 15,000YA was preeminent because of the dominance by the goddess worshiping civilizations.  Somehow historians equate the first large cities as a sign of being civilized; we all learned about UR and how it was the first city. 

Here is something from Hughes again as he presents us with an interesting perspective. (              ) “A mere picture of a bison or a woolly rhino tells us nothing much. Suppose that 20,000 years from now, after a global cataclysm in which all the books perished and the word vanished from the face of the earth, some excavators dig up the shell of a building. It has pointy ogival arches and a long axial hall at the end of which is a painting of a man nailed to a cross.  In the absence of written evidence what could this effigy mean? No more than the bison or rhino on the rock at Chauvet. Representation and symbolism have parted company." (           ) Researchers admit that primitive people were able to gather a lot of food, and it really was all about, knowing what was ripening when.

Who in the heck used those stone dolmens all over Europe? The were built 25,000 years ago at the same time as the Venus figurines were being carved. Next is a story about modern day primitives and their heightened senses and instinctive abilities. From the book ‘Future Primitive’ by John Zerzan we read the following (              ) “…a great deal of evidence not only for physical and emotional vigor among primitives but also heightened sensory abilities. Darwin described Stone Age people at the southern tip of South America who went about naked in frigid conditions. Another South American tribe was able to see the planet Venus in full daylight. This compares to an African tribe, the Dogon who consider Sirius B the most important star; somehow aware, without instruments, of a star that can only be found with a powerful telescope. Australian Bushman are able to see four moons of Jupiter with the naked eye.”

“A bushman walked onto a vast plain with no bush or tree to mark the spot, he then pointed to a nearly invisible blade of grass with a filament wrapped around it. He had encountered it months before during the rainy season when the plant above ground was lush and green. Now in the dry season he dug underground to expose a succulent root and quenched his thirst.”(          ) 



           7   Song of OOglak 

"                “Paganism truly allows the freedom of thought and choice and association, and especially our freedom of speech which we hold dear, unlike Christianity and Islam whose precepts counter American style freedom with their laws on heresy and blasphemy.”

This chapter imagines a hunter/gatherer joining a tribe of cultivators and assuming crops were being grown long before so called civilization began.              


OOglak stepped out onto the ridge. He saw snow covered mountains off in the distance where the climate was distinctly colder. What he didn't know was that, this long Ice Age was ebbing away but the Younger Dryas period was beginning. It had been so warm the last one hundred moons and he has continually migrated northward; first with a tribe of Reindeer Hunters, and then on his own, being self-sufficient. Looking into the valley he sees a village, “cultivators” he presumed, and he wondered how long they had been there. What he didn’t know was that for the last 700 years, glaciers had been rapidly melting with a slow, long-term warming trend, and many humans had been moving north.  Then the meteors hit the Canadian Ice sheet and all hell broke loose if you lived in any watershed that emptied into the ocean. As I said, the oceans rose 10 feet a year during the hot temperatures the next eight years. He watched great migrations of Reindeer go north and remembered his early years.

He found scattered stone buildings as he wandered northwest through Europe. These stone buildings were called dolmens and all this religious significance is given to them, but I think they were places to get out of the rain. The Stone People, wanderers from Atlantis, built the dolmens and left the Venus Figurines. They were the Children of Venus.

Despite the conventional wisdom of the alleged clash of the first Cro-Magnons with “civilized people”, OOglak clambered down the side of the ridge when he saw the people who were living there and walked into the village with not a suspicious glance or disapproving stare.  Human’s war like tendencies had not materialized as yet. “Help us out and we’ll love you, but fuck with us and we throw you off the cliff” was the basic credo of the middle Stone Age.

He was welcomed in the village, and his meat catching ability put him in good stead with these crop growers and he stayed with them for the rest of his life. Remember this was before television bred mistrust of everyone with everyone else, and there is an indication that the intelligence levels of humans were higher than what they were given credit for. Their brains were bigger. Hmmmm?

The Reindeer were extirpated from the west central part of Europe, south of where they had once been, and there were glaciers northwards as far as present day Vilnius and Moscow.  Plants and animals migrated northward during these warm years after comets hit the ice sheet. OOglak’s restlessness drove him on many hunting journeys. One day he came back from a two-month journey with his best buddy and found that a band of war making thugs had been terrorizing the village while they were away. His buddy was another hunter who had wandered into the village about 20 moons before OOglak did. The two-man posse immediately hunted them down and let loose some indiscriminate justice on these thugs.

Bearskin, OOglak’s friend was not reclusive and wild like some of the first wanderers who encountered the “cultivators” and he became an integral part of the village. Bearskin and OOglak routed out the thugs from their hideout and they became heroes. A great feast of good cuts of meat on sticks along with heaps of berries, celebrated their successful hunt and the villages liberation from thugs and terror.  They called him Ancestor Oooglok so he would be remembered forever.

OOglak taught them how to make rope from sinewy reindeer muscle and his bone needles were treated like sacred icons.  Bearskin was a welcome sight after a hunting journey where he would have 50 pelts of animals he had first eaten and then skinned. In their cave, Bearskin used very thin sinew to tie together bones for necklaces while OOglak sewed together clothes. Traditional male and female roles were yet to be established, and I guess Bearskin and OOglok were hunter gatherer, bone needle necklace makers.

 As years went by the two would always take a long mid-summer journey, exploring mountain passes and using the planet Venus as their celestial guide. The glaciers in the Pyrennes had completely melted and they found the Little Alps in Prevence, France and since Mother Nature doesn’t like bare ground, they saw lush green valleys of grass that pioneered the areas that were once tundra and ice. A chill north wind was persistently blowing for days and so they gathered together the 100 best pelts, did a 180, and headed home.

The villagers lived in huts but Bearskin was living in a south facing cave for winter sun and warmth, and eventually OOglak moved in with him till the Empress Polena came along when Ooglock reached his 500 moon milestone.  As Bearskin and Ooglok Polena and others grew older and became elders, they took in many young apprentices from the cultivators and they caught prodigious amounts of game.  Bearskin and OOglaks era included prominent villagers who had discovered many new crops and underground tubers to reproduce, and above ground seeds to find and cultivate. It was a seminal time for the evolution of civilization, 4/5,000 years before the first city in Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of civilization.

The entire illegitimate claim to whiteness lay in the belief that middle eastern people were the first ones who became civilized.  It was the ancestors of the Iberians whom Bearskin and Ooglok embraced. The Iberians were the indigenous Europeans. The cave painters, not the wheat growers.  

Sons and daughters of Ancestor Ooglok and Polena carried on for 39 generations and each male leader of the clan was called the Ooglokas were the women who became known as The Polena.  The Empress was the administrator as women were seen as generally wiser.  Comets had hit the mile thick glacier in Canada and the land was torn asunder there with the impact and then came rushing waters and floods that led to the rising of oceans seas bays and all watersheds. Veneration of Venus the planet, and the Venus of Legend--the life giver, began to include a new goddess they called Jurat. Continual migrations from the Black Sea brought people who knew how to fish and build boats and the OOglok clan prospered for many thousands of moons with a steady influx of immigrants who followed the path of the Stone People. 

There is one story that was told about the day when Bearskin was cleaning out bones in the cave, many were soft and fungus laden and needed to be discarded. On that mythical day Bearskin threw the garbage off a nearby cliff and spotted something in an outcropping of rocks. The Saber Tooth Tiger had become nearly extinct because of geological calamities, and many other types of wildcats evolved. One last mother Saber Tooth had kittens with a black jaguar that had wandered north out of its traditional range.

OOglok had lit the soapstone lamp and was crushing ochre, which produced a reddish brown dye, and along with big ol goobers he was spitting in his hand,  he was painting a giant mural of their hunting adventures. Villagers would visit and marvel at his cave paintings. Artists and tailors and also the badasses of the tribe. Bearskin and OOglak were hunter gatherers, but advanced in many other skills. It would be a very long time, past the Roman Era and even till the Renaissance till artisans could match the painting and sewing skills of The Reindeer People of Iberia. The Legacy of the cave painters has not been fully acknowledged and Conventional Wisdom barely discusses the idea of intelligent cave painters, the Reindeer People. The Solutreans, previously.

The Saber Tooth Tiger mother had died from an infected wound leaving five 3-week-old kittens abandoned, an owl, a bear and a Pterodactyl had taken three, but two black kittens remained.  Bearskin witnessed a Giant Snowy Owl take one of the last two kittens and made an extraordinary effort to save the last one that was meowling in fear.  After a rugged descent and climb, Bearskin scooped it up and carried the starving creature back to the cave, a Jaguar/Saber Tooth hybrid. OOglak was a little startled at the first sight of the cat, because normally they dispatched apex predators and turned them into coats.

Bearskin squeezed animal guts from some squirrels he had just caught; giving the cat liquid nourishment showing he would be responsible for the animal. The kitten learned to drink water from dew dampened leaves or down at the lake and grew into a loyal pet, the first pet cat in history, and perhaps the only Saber tooth Jaguar, ever.  The villagers had their dogs and sheep but shook their head in amazement as the animal grew to over two hundred pounds, yet it was very tame, yet fierce, protecting them from animal intrusions in the village. Jungle Cat they called it and mostly the feline had to walk up to a band of wild pigs and they would scoot.

During the cold interlude of the last ice age, 12,800 to 11,600 years ago, the ice refroze then melting glaciers were rebuilt. The tribe lived as the Inuit and Northern Siberians do in the chronically cold weather. Glaciers had grown to within 150 miles of them and fur lined tents and strong fur coats helped them survive.  There were berries and grains they were able to store through the winter. Though originally founded as a cultivator’s village, they reverted to more hunting as the cold years prevailed.  The Reindeer had been driven north and were still plentiful. They kept on, passing on what knowledge they could. The birds moved the seeds of fruiting plants northwards or southwards as the climate changed.

A cultivator named Ludd was a good friend of OOglak and was with him on that fateful day. For 150 moons the heat persisted and they saw the ocean rise and then there was a summer when there were weeks of storms, and they stayed in the caves.  What he didn't know was during the storms, the glaciers of Sweden had melted and dropped into the Baltic and catastrophic weather was the new normal. OOglok and Ludd hiked to the bathing stream after the persistent rains stopped, but the flooding was so intense and the flow so fast and dangerous, they stood on a cliff and dared not go down into the rising waters. It had rained throughout the usual dry season. "Gather up the children, we must move, I fear it is time the ocean will rise again. Let us move the village to higher ground, and then we will have time to grind up the yak horn," he famously said.

Ancestor OOglak began the Axox clan 12,800 years ago.  He saw animals retreating to higher ground and evacuated his village in time as the ocean was rising and a great flood broke over the land and inundated Jurat Lake in a few short days, creating the Baltic Sea.  

 . “I am the ax” OOglak recited.

 “I am the ox” says the Empress Polena in response during their hand fasting ceremony, 10793 years B.C.E.  Many women named themselves after the first wife of Ancestor OOglak.  Empress Polena the 39th,  1200 years later , and this gives a nod to the first empress named Polena. Ludd Axox, their firstborn son, and Sophia Oxax their firstborn daughter, began two family lines that endure to this day. More on this in my novel, "Middlestone Avenue."                                                                   

 The  39th OOglak, began the two clans of legend, The axes and oxes.  The  son of the 39th OOglak, Ludd, was the first Axox which began all the Ax families bloodline and Sophia Oxax, the firstborn daughter, began a clan of matrilineally led clans  whose names started with Ox, such as the Oxspryds and Oxhorkens and the root word of the first religion of indigenous Europe, Oxoheartsvoken. Unfortunately, researchers marginalize the women of history.

                  POLENA ---      Wife of OOglak, the 39th OOglak. She claimed to be the Goddess Venus reincarnated, but there were doubts.  She had natural red hair which was reputed to be a distinctive feature of Venus, the mother of us all. She told the story that in a previous incarnation; she had brought the soul seed of immortality to Earth.  Was she a huckster or did Venus actually return? This is one of the few questions Druddism cannot answer. Our spirits would live forever with the Goddess she told us.  Just wish it, she was known to say, and it will be.

How the 39th Polena met the 39th Ancestor OOglak was an amazing story, She had been on a journey of over a thousand miles and she was drawn to an area and she stopped for the evening.  The sky was dark with smoke and the weather had gotten colder but she felt she was close to her destination.  Gazing into the night sky she heard the Song of OOglak.  There was faint singing from up in the mountain somewhere and so she ran the rest of the way to him.

          He was singing the song of thanks to his Goddess, for giving him the inspiration and insight to move to higher ground. The Glaciers of the ice age had mostly melted and rose quickly at the end as meltwater raced down rivers and the ocean rose to nearly its present height. He thanked her for giving him the wisdom that saved the village from the Great Flood.   Meanwhile, around the world, tsunamis and rising oceans created catastrophe to all those who dwelt near bodies of water.

           She crossed the valley and found him in the initial settlement in Portugal where over 300 people lived. They had dreamt of each other and immediately embraced when they met.  He took her back and they rained a family. When he went on a planned reindeer hunt, she sometimes went along with him and proved she was no ordinary person.  They married in the autumn season (which they called Badaboom) and went on to have 13 children. It was their story which was carried down for 39 generations till the OOglak became the Ax and Ox people.   

This original Polena had extraordinary psychic powers and was able to dematerialize objects. Twelve hundred years later, the son of the 39th Empress and Ooglok, Ludd Axox, also had this gift and traveled to Egypt during the “Flight to Egypt” which was the last hurrah of Atlanis 11,618 YA, but that's a story for another day.  Who was Ancestor OOglok? Who is this legend that galvanized a hybrid tribe of cultivators and hunter gatherers? Who were these civilized people and why are they not recorded in our history books?

                 12,792 Years Ago       THE STORY OF THE FIRST OOGLOK

One thousand one hundred and seventy four years between the first and 39th Ooglok.      





"Groniger Bloodaxe explains in recently uncovered runes. 'Ate many ox today'."

We move up in time to 950 A.D. with the story of people who were not famous. They were not Nordic or European or even Iberian Fishermen that may have reached the Baltic Sea. Lithuania Sweden Poland Denmark is where they travelled. All part of my fictional narrative throughout what I write. The family history of Antonio Suggins goes back to the time of Rocco Hornspread and the Swamp Dogs in the 1720's and Aargballs the Pirate around 1500. Then further back in time to Gronyar Bloodeau and his 6th grandfather Groniger Bloodaxe.  Then back to the time of Grimhammer and Anagar and Anathar and all the way back to Ancestor OOglok, the first Ooglok.

     This story is about putting together Gronyar Bloodeaus memoir. Fragments were left and I try to fill in the blank spaces with stuff I make up. What we do know, is that Gronyar’s legacy begins with his grand grand grand grand grand grand grandfather, Groniger Bloodaxe. The Bloodaxe clan in the mid 900's lived in the eastern fringes of Viking lands, and the Baltic Sea was their ocean.  The family clans lived amongst the fjords in Sweden, also on Gotland Island and also the coast of Lithuania near the Gulf of Riga.

        It was in Lithuania that Groniger met his wife Dagmar Oxhorken who was known as a Gypsy Queen.  The Oxhorken clan was believed to have ties with an ancient goddess civilization that migrated from the Black Sea region. Sailing in small crude versions of the longboat in Eastern Europe’s rivers, the Oxhorken clan is reputed to have reached the Baltic Sea 11,000 Years ago.   Bloodaxes were soldiers in Odin’s Army around 8,000 BC. north of Greece up near the Carpathians. Odin was a real dude you know.  Secret Oxoheartsvoken cult knowledge traced the Lineage back to the Axox and Oxax clans.    

     Groniger Bloodaxe (914 A.D.-1014 A.D), was the first person to say “If I had known I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself” It’s been written that the Bloodaxes trace some of their ancestral lineage to the last of the Druids who went north to hide in the Deep forests. These Druids found refuge with the Axborgan clan in the 500's when Christian Treachery was everywhere.

     Migrations occurred amongst the alliance of villages that once comprised Atlanis centered along the Black Sea. There were many easy paths through deep forests and along rivers, including the ancient destination of lost ports near the Courish lagoon in southwestern Lithuania. The rising ocean buried established villages over 11,000 years ago as Ice Age Cold lost its grip.

       Great traditions of exploration and a peaceful social order were accomplishments of these ancient clans who honored their ancestors as part of the earth and also Venus as the Mother Goddess (Oxoheartsvoken). Gronigers clan honored these ancient traditions after they were ushered into the Oxhorken Clan with the marriage of Groniger and Dagmar.

     Groniger Bloodaxe explains in recently uncovered runes. "Ate many ox today. Anagar is my kin and this land belongs to Courish Bloodaxes. All other Bloodaxe claims are myth unless derived from Axborgan or Oxhorken clan.” 

      The year, 950 A.D., is when it is estimated these runes were written, and we begin to trace the incredible lineage of this great Viking Gypsy named Groniger Bloodaxe who believed in Perun from the Slavic pantheons, and not Thor the popular Viking God.

Groniger was around 36 years old when he left these runes, and He and the clan that followed, were neither Viking nor Gypsy, nor Druid, nor Celt; but all of them together. They never were much on plundering and invading, so they worked with the land and travelled widely and seemed to stay obscure from the ravages of that time. Members of the clan were sailors of some notoriety. As the Templars came and went through the 1100's,, the Oxhorken clan absorbed more traditions and their secret religion is with us today, as explained in my book Middlestone Avenue.

Unsubstantiated manuscripts allegedly once in the possession of Gronyar Bloodeau Senior (1181-1259)told the tale of Groniger Bloodaxe, who was Gronyar Bloodeau’s Seniors grand grand grand grandfather.

Manuscripts from his standup Bard routine have survived. His incisive biting satire proved even deadly to victims as reports of heart attacks and death occurred soon after hearing his words. But then heart attacks and death occur after people brush their teeth, so there. This is very likely a tale that grew in the telling.  

Kernave, Samland and Jomsborg were among the towns visited by Groniger. Mostly, he and Dagmar raised their five children: Gronyeth, Gakanrth, Gronierss, Gronstangr, and Gakhorken, in the western fjords and Snuflesnes peninsula in Sweden. There were many joyous expeditions to the summer magick festival on Gotland Island and one tale tells of Gakhorken fighting a mighty sea monster.

                     Gronigers comedy gained a giant reputation especially at solstice when he played the mock bishop (Danish myth) to standing room only crowds. The Baltic Sea is not that big and Denmark and Finland were an easy sail from where they lived. Yar!  As they got older Dagmar and he sailed through the heart of Skalvian lands (a Lithuanian tribe) with his small boat on the river.  They settled permanently with their youngest child, Gronygyr Bloodaxe Junior(975-1066A.D.). Reportedly, Junior was a droll humorless toiler of the soil and amassed a very large tract of land where his many children slaved during the growing season, and singlehandedly they created the province of Axdruva.

     Gronyger Bloodaxe 3rd  (1011-1105) knew his grandfather Groniger, who had finally retired at his sons farm, dying when he was three but not without leaving a distinct impression. Gronyger the 3rd became famous like his grandfather the Bard, and unlike his stay at home siblings in the burgeoning Axdruvan lands, he was a sailor who often travelled out to the Baltic Sea in his boat, The Groggy Slut.  

       People from their part of the fjords and the Courish Lagoon were independent and eschewed Chritianity and felt more at home in Pagan Lithuania and many of the ancient clans with ax or ox in their names went eastward into Lithuania and also back to France during the Troubadour era.. They didn't care for the Viking way of life, kind of a different spirituality, and when they became Christianized, fegeddabout it. And always to the east were the Romany Gypsies and other groups lost to history.

Finally, at age 72 , Gronyger the 3rd settled down with a woman who was 36 and they had only one child, Gronyagar  Bloodeax  4th (1083-1168). Unverified copies of rune manuscript are somewhat uncertain as to where his family actually lived. Here is the history that has been reconstructed so far.


Groniger Bloodaxe                               914-1014

Groniger Bloodaxe Junior                975-1076

Gronyger Bloodaxe 3rd                    1011-1105

 Gronyagar Bloodeax 4th               1083-1168

Gronyagar  Bloodeax 5th               1118-1230?

Gronyar Bloodeau Sr.                        1181-1259

Gronyar Bloodeau Jr.                         1211-1291  

Gronyar Bloodeau 3rd                    1276-1374                                                              Gronyar Bloodeau 4th                      1350-1434?                                                 


The Ax and Ox clans along with Gypsies and others, formed a secret society  between the Languedoc region of France and Pagan Lithuania. Sailing the rivers and hiking the deep forests and knowing when and how to traverse the seasonal bogs and swamps at the western fringes of the land of Romany gypsies, they got around pretty well.  They knew how to take short cuts when ponds and bogs were frozen.

              Gronyagar Bloodeax 5th (1118-1230?) Continuing the unusually long lifespan of the ancestral line, he was reputed to be 110 years old and still hunting squirrels for the traditional Squirrel Breakfast Sandwich and his date of demise is uncertain. He said he was going to jump off the cliff and waved goodbye, but it’s believed he went north to be a hermit in one of the ancestors’ caves.   

 Reportedly, his 13 children from 3 wives were all male and they formed a fellowship of Pagan Knights that would take up the cause of Pagans and came to the defense of the many persecuted people and  kept the traditional roads worn and open. Here someone can steal this idea nad make a good story. 

The Pope slated the heretic Cathars for extinction and they nearly were, many hidden by the pagan Knights. Eventually in 1305 The Pagan Knights harbored Templars who were on the lam and the Templars stayed with the Gakhorken clan. By 1307 the other Templars were either dead or imprisoned. The Templars plan on reviving the Pagan Knights is about to unfold, but that's a cult secret so keep that to yourself.

 The 13 Sons, the Bloodaxe Pagan Knights had to hide their Pagan Viking roots, and the name was Frankified to Bloodeau. The 13 brothers became protectorates of various downtrodden and persecuted groups of people. Paying lip service to the conquering chritians, they kept their distance and savored every moment in life.  Instead of Bloodaxe, however, his children were re-named Bloodeaus, and later Brousseau when they migrated to Canada.  They rode their horses from France to Lithuania and  to the Caucasus Mountains and back. 

As they grew older these sons had an extraordinary number of strong-willed daughters, daughters who revived some older goddess rituals of the Oxhorkens while calling themselves the Polena Rangers, after the famous Empress Polena.  Their sacred number of 33 riders, was maintained for many years. There's a story of horses that sailed to America with Rocco Hornspread and the indigenous Americans found great use for them. 

 These daughters became a mysterious cult of horse-riding women who formed a “Pony express” of sorts keeping the Oxhorns and Blodeau’s, Oxborgans and Axhorkens in communication with each other, riding horses from Languedoc in present day France to Kernave, Lithuania and on secret journeys to many other places traced back to former Atlanean villages, and taking former migration routes to the Black Sea. They went anywhere the bloodthirsty religious fanatics were not.  They just wanted to live in peace. Fishing, farming, hunting and gathering in the fruitful and bountiful giving earth that remained. Genghis Khan came and went, even the Ottoman Empire came within spitting distance in time. 

Pagan ways faded further and further out of view as Islam and Christianity went on their Holy Rampage of Conquest during the 13 and 14 hundreds. The Baltic Sea and Black Sea stayed connected with the Polena Rangers travelling between them till 1486 when it is rumored, they left mainland Europe to live in the islands starting with England all the way out to Newfoundland. They were headed for America.                                                  

Their well-formed trails through dense ancient forests spurred many tales of bravery, mystery and superstition. Gronyagar the 5th’s last son was allegedly born when his wife was 56 years old and he was 63. The son became royalty, eventually marrying a French princess. His oldest son, Gronyar Bloodeau Senior was the shortest lived in the unusual long-lived ancestry of this family (born 1181 and lived till 1257). Bloodeau seniors firstborn son, Gronyar Bloodeau Junior(1211- 1291) became Duke of Minnew, in a distant unpopulated part of France.

Reported to practice pagan earth worship while maintaining a neutrality between the persecuted Cathars and the crusading bloodthirsty minions of the Popes, Gronyar Bloodeau Junior eventually fled back to Lithuania in 1276 after his wife and several children were beheaded as Christianity fully absorbed France in its Empire, and had nearly swallowed all of Europe in its maniacal maw.                                                                                                                              

 Deeply hidden in the forests, there are no further exploits of this family to be reported on till 1385 when Gronyar Bloodeau the 4th (1350-1434?) became the most famous of all. His new religion grew quickly in popularity and he attempted to blend in Lithuanian pagan beliefs with new inspirations from St. Francis, along with Ancient Oxhorn Goddess ceremonies, secret Cathar ceremonies and Templar spells. Also included is a tradition of earth worship which went back to the time of the Atlanis Empire, and also a cult embraced a cult that is derived from the believers of a nearly lost Druid secret society. It's rumored that its ceremonies and beliefs may have survived to the present day within the secret Green Cult religion of Druddism.

              Gronyar’s secret religion faded away with no written work, except one. His most famous tract was written as a final message to all villages where relatives resided. Portions of this book allegedly have been recovered. It’s grim prognosis heralded the end of the Pagans in Europe. His Book begins…

              “ It is all over now  except for the dousing of sacred fires. Research reveals that Ragnarok did happen at the turn of the millennium in 999 A.D. with the fall  of the Faeroes Island and the conversion of Eric the Red, and we are the last vestiges of the truth. The light of the Goddess will go out as the 1,000 year reign of these devils will take our populations through many wars, creating guilt complexes and taking hypocrisy and forced conversion to unimagined heights.

What we must do is to form shadow societies that will promote peace and abhor violence. Peaceful pagans; we are the Heathenistas!  We will create traditions of love to help carry the worthy few to the next millennium when we will emerge with a new age of consciousness after 1999. Protect the women, the midwives, the herbalists as we see our sisters burn as witches for what they practice. They say witch like it’s a bad thing, I’ll never understand.

Herbal health has given way….” The text ends here and the unknown middle half of the prophecy can only be speculated about.

His book ends with the final words. "Stay close to our sacred roads along the rivers and be as quiet as the elves” his book concludes, and basic instructions to family members are given.

 The much-persecuted Oxhorkens sailed to North America and changed their name to Hornspread, acknowledging a trend at the time that involved a paste made from horse hooves, Oxhorn paste and honey, which was eaten with the newly invented craquer. Hornspread was also good on bagels and croissants.


Zemyna    Zephyr    Zorya    &      Zvoruna        

Quote “Even the goddesses have their own different beliefs, and are unable to come up with a consensus on the origin of life in the Universe.  They mostly believe the original life force of the known universes was probably neither male nor female.

Ancient creation myths and which ones are true.                

 Zorya greets the sun at the Gates OF Dawn. The Sun is where Zephyr  dwells.  And then there's Zemyna: goddess of all life and death and finally Zvoruna the moonchild.  These are the triple goddesses of the Druddités, one of them anyways, along with Venus Diana and Hecate.

So how should we approach magic, how do we connect with the unseen source? So much of the folklore of the Pagans has sunk into the mists of time,  that  I had to make some up as I said previously, and here is another one. Let me propose a story that feels right to me.

The story begins outside of our solar system. Did you see the Jodie Foster movie, “Contact”?  There is a traveling mode faster than the speed of light the movie suggests. Not even a wormhole but a shadow of this real world, where interstellar travel is common. Very few people that are alive get to go on these journeys. She goes many light years away to Vega or something, and returns in 30 seconds.  She talked with people there for a full 24 hours, including her father the amateur astronomer. We call it the afterlife but according to my DIY religion, it’s jjust more life.

Then I see clues in ancient history for the reason Ursa Major is a very important constellation. It is the location of our grandmother planet, within the constellation of Ursa Major the Bear. Forget human space travel, when you talk about gods and goddesses, muses and ravens and the dragons and…..their spirits are not bound to such limiting concepts as time and space.  

 Somewhere in the constellation of The Bear was a planet that held life. Gaia, Zemyna, or whatever you call her, our ancient Mother, was one of the 9 goddesses on that planet..  It’s like, a relatively empty universe and it’s like, immortal life has barely begun. The Ancient Mothers can trace back their history 400 billion years and do not know what came before them. Some kind of "Men in Black" memory swipe they figure. Even the goddesses have their own different beliefs and are unable to come up with a consensus other than the original life force of the known universes was probably neither male nor female. The force was unlike anything they could actually imagine. Who is everywhere and nowhere at the same time goes the joke. This is about the soul energy of the God and Goddess expanding through the cosmos.

        Our Ancient great grandmothers  sun, within Ursa Major, reached its twilight, and then  it began to cool off and started to grow into a Red Giant. Population growth was halted on the planets in that solar system and hence our myth of The Last Pagan. Someone has to be the last person in a dying solar system. What had been a sun became a rock as the inner fires cooled. The theory that planets blow up at the end has been proven wrong elsewhere in the Universe. They are able to tell which ones will blow up and so people stay on a dying sun because their planet is far too cold with temperatures reaching Absolute Zero not more than a few million miles out.

           Our ancient mother Gaia, was once an apprentice goddess to another ancient mother, who herself was from another galaxy. Even the Ancient Mothers do not know the origin of life; it has always been this way. There has never not been life, never any great emptiness but always the original male-female Great Spirit, the Unseen Source impalpable even to the Goddesses and Gods. The story goes that the ancient grandmother came from a planet whose sun was now cold. People colonized the sun in that dying solar system that was now a planet from the heat that remains deep inside. Most visitors to the dying star are space travelers who want to go to exotic Discos.


       One of those bittersweet tales, galaxies thrive for millions of years with human type habitation, but eventually dies.  Maybe some of the population moves closer to their sun as it cools off over a long period of time, and maybe some remain behind in Self-sufficient Biospheres but normal life ends. As I said, our great grandmother planet is frozen, their sun barely reaching 70 degrees on the surface at the current time. 

            Ten million years ago our planet, the earth, was solidifying and phasing out of its gaseous state.  I know it seems preposterous but I will prove it to you by the end of the book. Do you realize how long billions of years is? Science picks numbers arbitrarily using imperfect random calculations.  Carbon dating is one of them. They say four billion years ago the earth started forming but I’m telling you it’s 10 million years ago Therefore, one million years ago, microscopic life forms began growing in our oceans. Zemyna the ancient mother, had scouted many areas as an apprentice goddess, and chose earth as a planet with the best potential for life and an optimum habitat for soul bearing creatures. 

            As a youth I had made up a character, a superhero, called Zephyr the Flying Chuckwalla,  but I never fleshed out this character within the context of a story or a movie. So I pulled that one out of the air as I was putting together this story of the Universe. Yeh…The male source can be a flying chuckwalla. Dragons and gargoyles are ancient symbols; let’s make chuckwallas the new symbol, Zephyr the Flying Chuckwalla. Flying in from another constellation…Yeh, that's the ticket. A chuckwalla kind of looks like what a dragon and gargoyle spawn would look like.

            As I was working on a religion for myself I was contemplating about Gaia embracing us in her spirit. Awake to my love and justice she says and our soul evolution is nurtured in her womb of creativity. Then I got to wondering who would be the Ancient Father, and I remembered Zephyr the Chuckwalla. I thought it was ridiculous but as it turns out there is an ancient Greek legend about Zephyr that ties in with different aspects of Pagan history. A seed of truth planted a long time ago. Zephyr was stuck in my head a long time ago, and I will tell you right now that every aspect of my DIY religion is completely made up, but the biggest pieces occurred when I was actively seeking an answer from the Universe and could conjure from a stance of compassion and passion.

You have to be inspired to do magic, I insist, and I found a religion from the past from Poland called Zadruga where I confirmed my belief. The less you do magic the better it works for most of us. Those of us who use the Folk Magic because we have no sper powers of clairvoyancy and such.

            Primarily in legends, Zephyr is the bringer of the west wind and I made him the Life Bringer. The male aspect and balance with Zemyna, a drop of yang in the overwhelming presence of yin, but all that is needed. 

In their realm it isn't about sex, we could best call it a celestial union between Zemyna and Zephyr. This occurred 800,000 years ago and as in every case, 9 Goddesses were born. I call them Cerridwen, Yemaya, Jurate, Mary, Freya, Diana (project manager triple goddess) , Sedena, Dexsiua (who I discovered deeply hidden, but she summoned me to make her known again. A story for another day, she was the Goddess of the Reindeer Hunters along with Diana), Goddess of the Gauls and Soutreans before them, finally fading away about 1000 AD. Zephyr is our spiritual father and he created the electromagnetic shield that protects the earth, and his mighty spirit has retreated to the Sun till he is needed somewhere else in the Universe.  He also watches us and his timeless knowledge inspires the Goddesses and he will spend time on earth, always as a lizard of some sort. A Chuckwalla sunning on a hot desert rock.  On the other hand, a dragon with magical powers when He wants to be invisible.

            The feminine is the spirit, the propane if you will, and the male is the spark that creates the explosion of life.                                                       

       In Baltic Paganism, Zemyna is the child of the sun and the moon. Here again, myths seek truths to try and explain our life. About 240,000YA the ancient mother ceded responsibility of evolution to the nine goddesses and the she fell into a deep sleep. 80,000 years later the first land based souls were placed. “Remember the Shaman-man is the dream of the dolphin.”(   ) Talpa Finfur became the first soul bearing creature.  Intelligent design by the Goddesses quickly led to the evolution of the polecat, or weasel as they are known here in the United States. Eventually a genetic outburst occurred with one of the litters of the Great Albino Polecat where the first feline, the first bear and the first marsupial, were born in the same litter. 

       Baltic Paganism has a legend that the Goddess at the beginning of this section, Zorya, actually had numerous sisters and they were supposed to keep the Doomsday Hound from escaping Ursa Major as they Shepard the sun across the sky. I’m saying the hound did escape, hitchhiking a ride with the Rozanacus discussed in the Druddoccitan. The Rozanacus was a group of highly specialized creatures from the hoe planet who wanted to serve Zemyna. They were all she had till the Godesses were born.  The Myth of the Doomsday Hound is one of the many thousands of myths people used to describe life, but the one that rings true. The constellation of the Bear is always visible to us here in America (The Big Dipper is part of it) and we are strangely drawn to it. "The call of home is loud." (                  )

       We need a southern version of Northern Paganism and we need to adjust. Let me try to remember some of the other Goddesses. Cerridwen- goddess of hobbies and leisure time, Diana is the facilitator of all life on the planet, a project manager if you will, She’ll make a great Ancient Mother someday. Jurate is another powerful goddess though she is very humble and sensitive and is troubled when her rising oceans create havoc. Mary is the Goddess in control of the soul bearers and she is the most empathetic to the humans.

       Sedena and Yemaya control much of the life in rivers and lakes and the ice and the life that dwells within the wilderness. Dexsiua connects them as her winds fly with all that is in the air.  Nu Kua is a dragon tailed Goddess that helps us connect with the Otherworld, the Veles where our spirits home base is.   Freyas domain includes all the roots in the ground because without plants there wouldn’t be anything else. Freya weaves a harmony amongst the goddesses and is called by many names around the earth. Some know her as the Corn Mother.                                                                                                       

        Villages became more numerous west of the Black Sea, the four genetic variations gathered together northwest of the Black Sea over 30,000 years ago. They were told by some God in a flying saucer or something to disperse around 30,000 YA.  Yellow people to the east, Black people to the south, The Red Man to the west and the White man to the north. 30,000 YA Atlanis had already been in existence for 10,000 years. Sea levels were at their very lowest in human history and some walking and some sailing along the shore helped get them to America.   Hmmm maybe not, they must have used a star gate or wormhole or something to get to 4 Corners.     


        -1-10-           VENUS AND THE STORY OF THE FIRST HUMAN Soul    (introduction)

           Who was the first Matriarch? Who pulled it together sociologically to begin the first large settlement on the planet? I focused really hard on this one and asked for an ancient name and ‘lani’ were the letters that came to mind, which led to the name Atlanis. Could this be where the Atlantis legend became confused?

         Souls were placed in primates approximately 120,000 years ago. Atlanis was incorporated about 50,000 years ago.  You probably know our last evolutionary step was about 120,000 years ago when we became Homo Sapiens sapiens and I am suggesting this was how we evolved. Our intelligence was changed from the animals and we have not been wild eyed murderous bug eaters. I think people co-operated in many ways. They hunted and housed together and looked at the night sky together. 


            50,000   years later Empress Lani gathered together many tribes on the shores of the Black Sea. She started the first large clan including members of different families and they shared the magic they had learned the first 70,000 years of our soul bearing existence. Magick we are still trying to capture. Not alchemical magic (that came along later) but telepathy and the ability to dematerialize objects.


            Lemurs were watching from the trees, they were the previous stage of soul-based evolution and gave the goddesses a bit of a hard time.. Fairies and mermaids, dolphins and centaurs; many had gathered to witness the last great step in the Goddesses plan. Diana, in her guise as Venus, arrives on the shore as a fully grown adult and meets the man she chose from Earth.  (cue dramatic music). He had no memory of seeing her turn into a human from a raven. She walked on to the  shore and he couldn’t comprehend what he was feeling. She had stirred his soul.      

They had numerous children, all born with souls and they had many other humans to choose from and if one of your parents had a soul so did you.  Soon, in a few short centuries all humans had souls. Sadly the fairies and sprites and elves all moved into a parallel dimension as this happened and are rarely seen anymore though their legends persist.                  

            Transit of Venus. Diana in the Greek or Roman myth supposedly had a conflict with Venus, I just don’t believe it. Why depend on Shakespeare for pagan myths? Diana is one of the nine goddesses and as stated, she began the lineage of soul bearing humans in her guise as Venus. In the system of Ursa Major there was a being she bonded with and he was reincarnated on earth after his last life as a soul bearing sea horse from Ursa Major. See Sacred Rite, Soul View9(chapter 48). Their postbears  started working with a quartz type of magic and developed this for 40,000 years as tribes of people were scattered between Turkey Georgia and Armenia and between the Black Sea and the Red Sea.  There was an earthquake 74,000 years ago that killed 90% of the humans but the population rebuilt itself.

Then 60,000 YA, Empress Lani and Emperor Atl formed a network of communication among all the existing villages using the psychic powers that had been developed in the pre-shamanic era. Every village had a resident psychic that later became known as rishis and vishis.

They all gathered together 30,000 YA to enlighten and expand human psychic and physical presence.  All four races were told to disperse; the white people to the north the yellow people to the east the black people to the south and the Red to the West.  With an ocean to cross the Red People entered a star gate that took them to the 4 corners area where they emerged as the only humans to ever see the underworld, a perilous journey. The Proto-Hopi’s whose fragmented knowledge survives to this day.



We are at a crossroads here in the 21st century with magic, environmentalism and the future of pagan religions.  Pagans are the throbbing heartbeat of the earth lovers, despite their small numbers.  I call it Dark Green Renaissance, with a nod to Derrick Jensen and the DGR, Deep Green Resistance, which reminded me of deep ecology from the 80’s that asked important questions about capitalism and the earth.

Dark Green Renaissance is the more spiritual side of ending the damage to Earth. That’s her name. Earth.  The renaissance is living as if we were living in a world of expanded freedoms and individual Liberty.  So it’s not about faith, it’s about the future.


                   There are many pagan-curious looking into polytheism and more than a few of them come from the sphere of environmental stewardship. As nature lovers and other people investigate what Paganism might be, their first impression is generally that of the Wiccan religion and Greens wonder why Pagans seem more interested in candles than ecosystems, and are not getting out to the forests. If they do, it’s usually about magical plants.                                                                                         

Pagan Traditionalists seem to prefer a kind of a country club with initiated membership where people need to be trained or initiated.  I don’t see why and I ask, “Can I call myself a witch since I live so close to nature in my work and home life?” No, I was told, I have to be initiated. I need to listen to someone else’s ideas if I want to become an initiated Witch or Druid. Truthfully, I don’t want anyone to interfere with the path I take, a path that I claim lays somewhere between the Green Man and Greenpeace. What I refer to as, Progressive Eclecticism.                                                                                     

            I disagree with traditionalists and Reconstructionists, and I totally believe in the big tent concept for Pagans and the freewheeling eclecticism I enjoy. We need teachers and clergy and experienced Pagans to provide guidance, but it can‘t be like the Church with its cowering masses and their kowtowing to hierarchy and behavior based on divine judgment. Remember the sixth principle of witchcraft and that's, "We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, and those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have given of themselves in leadership."                                                                                                                           


One of MY 23 gods discussed his“ God of Nature” in the Declaration of Independence, but otherwise was curiously silent about exactly what he believed: because to Thomas Jefferson, it was essential that religion should have no participation in public policy in the new country being created.            Many of the pagan-curious just want to tend their garden in peace and in harmony with the ecosystems by planting as if nature mattered and are not looking for “enlightenment”.  There is a fascination that a lynx spider made a web while I was away, the joy of cardinals making a nest directly overhead. The delight in seeing one colorful pollinating insect after another as you strolls through the garden.                                    

The Green Pagan-curious are not spiritual or religious, but they do feel something and they are curious about it. The Mother, the earth spirit, lies somewhere between perception and reality and many people are looking for some sort of link between spirituality and stewardship of the Earth.            

So forget anything you have heard about Pagans and Witches and Druids and strap yourself in for a bracing dose of secret green cult knowledge.              

The Pagan-curious would like to consider becoming Pagan, but are a little put off with costumes they see at gatherings or in the books. You know we are not about going to Renaissance Fairs and all that, we’re creating our own renaissance for the future. Pagan books seem to be all about spells and newbies end up trying to figure out the right candle color to use in which situation, and I don’t think that’s what it should be about. 100 black candles have yet to plant a tree.

 I’m telling you right now that ecosystem stewardship should be the main emphasis of so-called real Pagans. I can understand smudging a place with sage and beseechments to the four directions, but does it really matter what colors you use for your candles? Another Olympic long jump leap of faith here and I have to just call myself a non-ceremonial Pagan. Most people are like what I was, a nature lover looking for something a little deeper.  Basically living like a Pagan all along, we need myths, dreams, and inspiration, but logic needs to prevail. Where’s the folk religion for the majority of us? Where is the folk magic?

  Buddhists don’t consider themselves pagans but they are, and Native Americans didn’t realize they were viewed as Pagans, and Pagans were bad. Bad bad bad. Over and over again from the pulpits of hate, and then the whisper campaigns among the good people of the town. If you’re not christian you must be of the devil. This is the basis for the faith-based genocide by Europeans of the Native Americanswas because they were viewed as Pagans, pure and simple; and yet today they don’t call themselves Pagan to honor their part in the history of Pagan civil rights. In the past I had been calling myself agnostic, when I wasn’t an atheist, and now I realize many “agnostics” are actually Pagans.  Let’s drop the snobby pretensions and accept that every phase of thought and gradations of belief we have across this American Prism of  Freedom of Expression can be viewed as Progressive Eclecticism.  My people.             

Gnostic is not agnostic: Gnostics believe that the Old Testament god is an imposter, a poseur who took advantage of the Jews. For some reason the Christians have dragged this Old Testament god around and even Islam embraces Abraham from the Bible. It’s too useless and crazy to me and all these three major religions are from a very small part of the world. These three powerful religions were all created in the same region. Not spiritual so much as they are angry, middle east oriented, fire and brimstone religionists. Drive them all back to the Holy Land.

                     They are people that hold grudges for thousands of years with their endless cycle of atrocities and reprisal known as the Holy Rampage of Conquest. What happened to ‘turn the other cheek?’. Gnostics believe in Jesus just fine, and believe salvation can be achieved without the intermediary, priest or preacher.

           Many Greens are highly tuned into nature’s rhythms and yet any yokel can be initiated into Wicca and would be considered a Pagan.  Imagine the Atheist Green who feels the energy of a forest and has planted many trees, compared to your weekend Wiccan who has gotten certifications and can twirl an athame with the best of them, but can’t identify more than a couple kinds of plants. This is the dilemma I am presenting.                                

Back to our main topic, and that’s magic. First, forget card tricks and being sawn in half, we know that isn’t magic but snarky parlor tricks. As I’ll explain, the traditional meaning of magic is simply working with the forces of the earth and universe. I believe that earth lovers looking into Paganism are put off with the ceremonial excess they see and often times turn away.                                                                                                                

I’m happy to walk outside to look at the full moon or praise the north wind or pray to the corn mother for a successful crop, and feel no need to be initiated into any specific path. I made up my own religion as an example of how easy it is to be comfortable with the path you are creating for yourself.   It’s also time to discuss what aspects of magic are needed for the future. I’ll attempt to explain myths and why it is that New Agers are so into rocks…….huh?,,,,,,,oh..., stones; they’re not rocks I’m told. I call them rocks so bear with me.


Back in the seventies, the Book of The Month Club offered many occult books and I bought a batch of them. What I learned is this: don’t mess with these things unless you’re ready. Don’t summon what you can’t banish. Mysterious and unexplainable at the time, I let it go. Soon after that, my new girlfriend took me to Pentacostalist meetings and I looked askance at what I saw: definitely a WTF moment with the talking in tongues and rolling on the ground. One time I took a crack at speaking in tongues: but there was nothing at the other end. “The holy ghost is not here. Please leave a message.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                              People talking in tongues seem flip and superficial, with them assuming they have found a connection to their deity. In fact, they may be responsible for negative emanations coming to our plane: demons if you will, and every day new evil entities begin to possess some of these simple minds.  Let the Christians bear all the false witness they want about Pagans, but it is THEM that are possessed by negativity and demons.

The topic of magic contains the greatest curiosity factor so let’s explore this together. You put power, energy, wishes, and most of all compassion into an object with positive results. Today, Pagans think they are Druids, Priests or Priestesses and my point is that in every culture, there was the shaman or priestly class, and then there were the rest of us,  who would prefer less ceremony. As we begin our journey into ritual and magic, I first have to question the books that explain about magic and its practitioners. Are they capturing what 90% of us did: the folk magic, not everyone can be a Priest, Druid or Pagan clergy?

The Wiccans have a strong form of rituality and it works just right for them but I feel that it is not for everybody.  To be a Pagan means you can do what you want, don’t let any book tell you there are absolutes. An elephant can be your god and you can collect elephant icons as a focus of your spirituality or whatever. Then you try to do some book learnin’ and looking on the internet to find out what Paganism is about. You read that there is something called an athame that all Pagans have. This is your ritual knife, and books and practitioners say it’s like a mechanic without a wrench, a dentist without a drill: you absolutely must have an athame. 

This is why I made up a practical religion whose credos include less athames and more trees, and only doing ceremony when inspired. Saving heirloom seeds among other earth stewardship issues, people are trying to save our enduring heritage of husbandry and yeoman ship. That’s what Paganism should be about.

           Don’t get me wrong about magic because I do believe there is magic and the more in tune with it I get, the more readily it happens. However, my approach is that you can’t summon or call upon magic any time you want. To all psychics, sensitives, empaths and others: some of us don’t have these superpowers and the phrase “getting in the zone” is the best some of us ordinary folk can manage.

 I would like to quote Scott Cunningham from his book ‘Earth Power’ as he explains his view of magic.  Magic was the first religion and that if you lovingly utilize the forces of nature to cause beneficial change, you can also become one with them. These powers are personified as gods and goddesses. Attuning to them is a spiritual experience and is the basis of all true religion…Natural magic is direct and to the point. Despite what you may have heard, magic is nothing supernatural, unnatural or even alien. It is in our back yards, our homes, in the very essence of our beings. The forces of nature empower magic, not demons and imps, “Satan” or fallen angels.
             Don’t quote me but I think it was the Celtic tradition many hundreds of years ago that used severed heads to ‘see’ the future. If Celt Reconstructionists can choose what practices to take into their spiritual future, then why can’t I?
In addition, for many hundreds of years Catholic priests were considered practitioners of magic. Pope Honorius even had a grimoire and here is a spell from it. It says, to prevent a dog from biting and barking, say three times (looking at the dog), barbaric arch, the heart splits, the tail hangs, the key of St. Peter becomes your maw until tomorrow.” I’m trying to memorize this so I can try it out on some growling dog one day. The wielding of Christian magic by St. Patrick supposedly battled and defeated the Druids and their magic, and that was the real reason the pagans abandoned Ireland.   He drove the Druids out with Christian magic.

So what is out there in the spirit world anyways? Sunday morning, new articles come out on Witchvox and I find many of them interesting and well written and many writers are practical and sensible. However, what about the people that see extraordinary visions such as those that have seen and encountered Odin and Hecate and Jesus and I’m skeptical. If I saw a leprechaun, I don’t think I could ever be the same. PDLSS(post dramatic leprechaun sighting syndrome) would be my bane. If I saw one with a bowl of cereal, I would drive straight to the hospital for evaluation.                                                                                                                                                        

Am I not a good Pagan having thoughts like this? 

The visions and insights I do get are in my minds eye. They are defined, distinct images but not physical beings, merely intuitive feelings I visualize with the inner eye when I am in the zone. Moreover,  these types of comprehension are the rudiments of the folk magic. It’s not demons; it’s the power of the human mind unbound by superstitious bugaboo that has the real power in the Universe. I can't help but be optomistic that what we consider good and true to be the more powerful force.

 I’m saying we all find our own way and a so-called “newbie” has life experiences to draw on right from the start for their pagan expression. A newbie could have superlative insights when a traditionalist may have lost their focus, spending an entire weekend “driving 300 miles in the Lincoln Escalade looking for coltsfoot root.” I would much rather take a walk around the nayba’hood and imagine the tree roots and shrub and flower roots all touching and entwining themselves for hundreds of miles and not be a slave to spells, ritual and ceremony. You love nature, call yourself a Pagan. Let those Reconstructionist doopahs call themselves neo-pagans if they want, no offense of course.                                                         

Pagan is as Pagan does. With Progressive Paganisms freewheeling eclecticism, we create our own path. Mine is a well-worn post road that can’t seem to stop ruminating about pre- 1800 America. How did enough of Paganism survive to 1776 to light the lamp of Liberty when our founding revolutionaries envisioned a country free from religious coercion.                                                                    

A Pagan sure: a progressive….proudly!  I love this country too and I do not appreciate any demeaning by tea baggers suggesting many people are not patriots, but commie socialists. I insist that Lady Liberty inspired our Founding Revolutionaries and our freedoms are derived from the Pagan lifestyle.  Pagans  more easily embrace all the freedoms we enjoy in the United States unlike the patriarchal pustillades of the Abrahamic religions, and. The country created by Washington Jefferson Hamilton Madison and Adams and others are under attack by those who think god is arming them for battle to “take back” the United States.   There is no taking back that which there never was. Now they say that the founding revolutionaries WERE not christians and they need to make this  a christian country. Wrong. They created a country that was supposed to be free from religious and class strife. They created Liberty for the future.

A green living person will wonder why there is such a limited emphasis on ecosystem stewardship in Paganism. I found a lot about pagan dress up and ceremonies galore, instead of the green ethics that you might expect. Witchvox accepted this article a few years back and was moving up the viewed charts and I got email from people enthusiastically agreeing with me.

             I believe that earth lovers looking into paganism are put off with the ceremonial excess they see and often times they will turn away. The gardener, earth activist, or tree planting green would be considered, “just a tree hugger, you’re not a ‘real’ pagan.” Says you; Pagan is as pagan does, earth lovers are real pagans, not neo-pagans. So here I am, Martin Luther, creating a schism with pagans, but I’ll say it again--more trees and less candles, more organic vegetables and less skulls and demons. The near future will be less about ceremony and more about attaining full civil rights for Druids and Witches who cannot openly practice or talk about their religion in this sweet land of liberty and many other countries.

            Reality based morality instead of religious bugaboo will be about restoring ecosystems worldwide after 150 years of profit taking by industrial capitalism. The future will be less about candle color and more about creating new forms of governance and embedding an economic model of market socialism to get us to the end of this century and beyond. Pagans will be there to replace war, violence and greed with passion and compassion, but there are bridges and rough terrain to cross and it won’t be as easy as using your broomstick to get to the Emerald City. “Did you bring your broomstick?” Most people worship the golden calf, and walk that yellow brick road of greed behind the façade of the flag and the cross.

             There is the classic pagan ceremony where a knife represents the male and a goblet of wine symbolizes the woman, and everyone takes it so seriously and here is where I part company with today’s pagans. Why do I need to do that? It’s just not right for me. It’s like kneeling and standing in church when I was a child; it seems kind of silly and uncomfortable. I kneel for no deity. 

            I’m a gardener and I have a few knives around, like 15, and they have many uses. Cut open our modern impenetrable packaging, slice fruit, cut string and tape, tighten glasses, open up bags of mulch, carve pinewood derby cars and on and on. Do I really need an athame, a double-sided knife, one sharp and the other dull? I do have a favorite knife that has a compass in the handle and it's nice for outdoor ceremonies and orienting to the four directions, but my favorite use for it is to cut seed potatoes which I do every fall. 

            I have hope that potatoes can be my sustainable crop and I call the knife my potato knife. Books and practitioners say a pagan without an athame is like a mechanic without a wrench, a dentist without a drill: you absolutely must have an athame. My favorite potato knife is going to be my athame if I really need one, so does anyone have a real problem with that? Let’s loosen up a bit here and start setting up posts to make the tent bigger. 

            It’s time to discuss what aspects of magic are needed for the future. Why is it that New Agers are so into rocks, huh? Oh, stones; they’re not rocks, I’m told. I call them rocks so bear with me. Rock magic seems interesting and I do have a stone shrine indoors with some small but very interesting unpolished rocks…I mean stones. 

A few years ago, I found this shrine that fit on my dashboard and startling things, mostly good and some bad, happened for three weeks straight when I placed it there until I brought it back in the house. Stone Magic happens more readily than you might think. Rookie Me with my favorite rocks on the dashboard.

            This is why I indulge in what I call Oxoheartsvoken, the as yet undiscovered folk religion of the Reindeer People, the cave painters, and the Solutreans. The magic of the people, for the people and by the people in accord with the presence of the planet Venus, that planet we call the morning and evening star. Venus is visible far more often than the moon and helped early navigators such as the Polynesians and the Phoenicians. By now, many know about the mysterious pentacle shape that Venus traces across our night sky every eight years. 

            Today, pagans think they are Druids, Priests or Priestesses and my point is that in every culture there was the shaman or priestly class and the rest of us who would prefer less ceremony. As you begin a journey into ritual and magic, you first have to question the books that explain about magic and its practitioners. Are they capturing what 90% of us did: the folk magic? Not everyone can be a Priest, Druid or pagan clergy. 

            Experienced pagans might rail against someone like me who has unconventional ideas and refuses to wear the fairy king costumes. As I like to say, ‘Halloween is my new year, not what I do all year.’ Costumes don’t seem natural and I know there are many people that agree with me on that one, maybe we really don’t need to wear robes. No offense of course.

            Pagan Traditionalists have created too big of a wall that conservationists and environmentalists try to look over but only end up shrugging their shoulders and walking away because all they see is ceremony that is about connecting with the divine. Getting your hands dirty as a gardener or speaking at a town meeting in support of habitat restoration isn’t even on the radar of all those city slicker pagans. 

            Neophytes to pagan initiation may hear, “Your athame has to be blah blah blah” or some version of, “you’re just starting, you don’t know anything, ” which is highly insulting. In my opinion, Paganism needs to be more about planting trees and less about spells and candles and I think there are many people who would agree, and many of us have a lot to bring to the table and this is why I’m promoting the big tent concept of progressive eclecticism. 

              There are those that say you have to be on one specific path or another and you’re not a real pagan if you mix and match your deities from different pagan religions. I’m a real pagan in my view, although serious pagans would disagree with my notion of Progressive Eclectics and my iconoclastic pantheon of 9 goddesses and 23 gods. 

            Wicca may be the face of paganism with its Lord and Lady Ceremony, but in time there will be ten times as many progressive eclectics as there are initiated wiccans, so the sooner you open that barn door and let us all in, the better.

            My vision is that we all find our own way as Pagans and a so-called “newbie” has life experiences to draw on for their pagan expression. In my religion, there are no newbies. A newbie could have superlative insights when a traditionalist may have lost their focus, spending an entire weekend “driving 300 miles in the Lincoln Escalade looking for coltsfoot root.” I would much rather take a walk around the ’hood and imagine the tree roots and shrub and flower roots all touching and entwining themselves for hundreds of miles underground as I take a walk, and not be a slave to spells, ritual and ceremony. You love nature, and then call yourself a pagan if you like. Let those Reconstructionists call themselves neo-pagans if they want. Don’t quote me, but I think it was the Celtic tradition many hundreds of years ago that used severed heads to ‘see’ the future. If Celt Reconstructionists can choose what practices to take into their spiritual future, then why can’t I? No offense of course.

            Native Americans didn’t realize that the basis for the faith-based genocide by Europeans was because they were viewed as pagans, pure and simple; and yet today they don’t call themselves pagan to honor their part in the history of pagan civil rights. The Great Spirit of the Indigenous People kept this hemisphere in balance, and they have respected the Mother for thousands of years here before it was the U.S.A. The Vikings created settlements on the mainland peacefully, but Christopher Columbus thought the Caribbean islands they landed on was the Garden Of Eden and it was his job to drive out the ‘savages’, or at least enslave them and take their gold.

Is there an ancient mother and are there goddesses? What have the Goddesses been telling us: maybe they want us that we must encode liberty, embed equality, ostracize criminality and vanquish cruelty Maybe Hecate wants you to plant willow trees instead of invoking her to help with your love life. Maybe Cerridwen would rather have you using your creative will to help craft a cap and trade program that makes sense in this polluted world. Sedena of the Inuit doesn't need prayers so much as she needs a solution to the invasion of her cold northern arctic by Bernie Madoffs with drilling equipment. Maybe Yemaya wants you to indulge your carnal side a little less and take care of your little creations better.

          Jurate wants you to be aware that humans have killed and fished with a profit seeking rapaciousness that will leave future generations scratching their heads at the depletion of fishing stocks and the lack of earth stewardship, and the illusion of prosperity created by predatory capitalism. Maybe Freya is unimpressed with your double axe zipper pulls and wants you to raise your level of awareness about eroding topsoil and to learn how to certify organic growing conditions to keep up with the demand for clean food. The dragon-tailed goddess Nu-Kua appreciates that you are beginning to understand about Feng shui and Dharma, but would be happier if you understood more about the ecological devastation of war and the emotional toll on civilian populations.



This Satan Lucifer God Doomsday Hound Dude, was determined to take down all the peaceful pottery making goddess-oriented societies that were developing. He deceived Adam and Eve, confused Abraham, and found out that humans were defective enough to be willing to kill their own child, for a bullshit concept called faith. Well, faith has no legs.  



Author: Greenhammer 
Posted: January 1st. 2015 
Times Viewed: 3,816 

Pagans are purposeful and passionate with their motivations in life, and are also harmoniously allied with the true American ideals of freedom and liberty. Witches are heirs to the spirit of the American Constitution, so why are most of them trying to be invisible? 

Women and their stories are rarely in history books, yet they influenced everyone; big names and little ones throughout Revolutionary history. Mothers, daughters, sisters and revolutionaries, their impact is not fully understood during those years, 1765 to 1788. This is why I prefer to use the term Founding Revolutionaries instead of Founding Fathers. 

The spirit of the American Revolution is not about restrictions and punishment, but the pursuit of happiness, and for the most part people were obliging, gentle, kind and industrious. This country was built with an ax and not the Bible as some contend, but there has been a negative and reactionary force that has been trying to hijack this country since the European settling in 1620. The religious elites saw the Native Americans as Pagans and this is why they were massacred, plain and simple. 

Why call this story “Broomstick to the Emerald City”? I remember the good witch in the Wizard of Oz, Glinda, asking Dorothy if she brought her broomstick " because it was a long way to see the Wizard". It's never been an easy way for witches; even now in the 21st century there is still quite a long ride still in store to achieve full equality.

I don't have to be initiated or take courses with certifications to call myself a witch. See rule #8 from the 13 Principles of Witchcraft. "Calling oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch-- but neither does heredity itself, or the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within him/herself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well, without harm to others, and in harmony with Nature." 

Sure, witches may be a little edgy and mysterious, but paganism allows for a wider range of expression, and an abundantly wide variety of people practice witchcraft in many forms, and it's a good thing. Reminiscent of the American Constitutions freedoms, we love our freedom of thought, expression, and association, with witches and pagans certainly engaging in "the pursuit of happiness." After all, this is the USA where personal expression should be at its zenith. 

It seems to me witches are still doing what they have always done. They are wise in the use of herbal remedies, and, unknown to most, they use intensity and inspiration to achieve ideals, and influence a positive outcome in their endeavors. Despite all the positives I have observed in witchcraft, they are still viewed as demonic which frustrates Witches, Wiccans and Pagans to no end. Hollywood doesn’t help with all its shooting fire out they hands.

Rolling our eyes and shaking our heads at people that don’t like witches can't be enough anymore. Full tolerance is necessary and acceptance is coming around the bend. They can't just turn the other cheek and shake it off any longer because they can't remain invisible forever. 1626 years is long enough and that calculation is derived from 395 AD when Paganism was banned in the Roman Empire. Thirty-five years previous to the ban, Julian the last Pagan Emperor came to power and told the population to worship with exuberance, Christians and Pagans alike. 

When all discrimination ends, and there is a massive Christian apology from the pulpits of hate and division, Pagans will finally exhale. 1600 years of persecution, murder and ostracization has to cease. Congregants are riled up from believing the demons that pastors and preachers talk about. If a person calls him/herself a witch, there is not a reason to be fearful if they are a neighbor or co-worker. Like pagans in general, witches are passionate and sensitive and in many cases, wise in the ways of the world. I wish I had more Pagan and Witch neighbors; it would be a friendlier neighborhood and world. Pagans have American Freedoms embedded in our genes, but we live amongst people who believe Halloween is "the devil’s birthday." Unfortunately, the promise of heaven espoused by Islamic and Christian clergy has no "lemon law". The perfect product: no returns no refunds, not even something you need to make. Eternal salvation sounds specious to the skeptical. 

Many obelisks erected by Masons around the world were purposefully set up with a pyramid shaped capstone. The sun first shone on America in the late 1800's at the top of the 555-foot Washington Monument. It was the tallest structure ever built. Bible thumpers know the Masons were very much behind the American Revolution, while pastors preachers and priests were conspicuously absent. Inspired by various Goddesses such as Minerva and Libertas, Washington D.C. is set up like a Goddess Temple from long ago. Therefore, cast a skeptical eye when you see Youtube videos calling Masons evil. We are weary of 1600 years of whisper campaigns to destroy reputations and of the outright murder of heretics and non-believers. Let this holy war end.

Paganism is something people can’t quite comprehend, and when it comes to witches, most people have a really biased opinion and it’s based on brainwashing. Witches may cast spells, but they know the consequences of wishing harm to another person. Important also, the need to be careful, because you really can get what you wish for. Witches can be very ordinary and here is where the last hurdle to freedom lies. 

Witches are generally thoughtful, thinking and kind people. Pagans seek the true American ideals. We are actually strict constitutionalists, and we are enthusiastic purveyors of the ‘pursuit of happiness’, and laugh at the hackneyed harangues of hate. Then don’t forget Pagans are also, hands down, the best sociological entity to steward the environment, although it's true that many Pagans even don't have a clue about how ecosystems work or what earth stewardship would entail. 

Remember pagans aren’t witches but witches are primarily pagan. As an aside here, there is every range of belief with some witches even having Christian saints in their pantheon of gods and goddesses, and there are Pagans who have very high regard for the teaching of Jesus who basically preached the Universal aspect of Unitarian Universalists. So, toss all the pagan baggage aside and open your heart to the key to our peaceful future. Tolerance: then acceptance.

Witches may not be subject to being dragged down to the town square and burned anymore, or need to worry about being beheaded and having their skulls placed on spikes to scare other pagans into converting to the one true religion; but they can easily lose their jobs or leadership positions in volunteer organizations such as the Cub Scouts, should we be outed as Witches or Pagans. How Un-American can you be with this attitude and why are witches still subject to severe discrimination such as this? The Founding Revolutionaries invented something called Freedom of Expression, but many Pagans cannot have a booth at a fair without some kind of virulent discrimination or harassment. 

This is why so many pagans have to stay in the broom closet.
Police authorities cast a wary eye on any pagan activity, even charitable volunteer work completely devoid of religion. Unbelievably, pagans are subject to unconstitutional harassment and when this issue concerning pagan civil rights becomes known, it will completely overshadow marriage equality in scope. 

To praise the Goddess out loud is an act of bravery even in 21st century America. I know there are people that conclude I am nuts to even consider that the Supreme Being or beings are Female oriented. Patriarchy has been fighting for your mind for many centuries, yet the American Constitution is not based on the Bible or some warrior code. It couldn't be! Thomas Jefferson, for one, discussed what he called his “God of Nature”. One of his favorite sayings regarding religion is one of indifference: “Why should I care about my neighbors religions, ” he asks, “it neither picks my pocket….nor breaks my leg.” 

Come on, let's pull up our big American pants and look at the individual you meet as an individual… as a citizen, a voter a worker or a child. Jefferson was only too aware of the Church and its agenda for control. The Spanish Inquisition was still fresh in his 18th century mind. "Divine Authority" had become a joke to intelligent people during the Enlightened period.

As the boomer generation reached school age, many of us were puzzled and disgusted that a race of people had to use separate facilities and were treated as less than equal. It also seemed dumb and unnatural that females were somehow not equal to males. We didn't GET IT. The bigotry and sexism of the greatest generation was put to the test in the 60’s and failed as cultural norms. The Old Order was about to be stood on its head!

Jefferson was very determined not to let any religion become dominant in this country. Our revolutionary founders looked decades and centuries into the future, and they envisioned a nation of law, an experiment in freedom and they developed the template for Liberty. People will be shocked to see the ignorant beliefs the intolerant majority hold if pagan civil rights become a national issue. (Like in 1919 when the Congress debated whether or not women should vote.) 

Paganism has inspired me to learn so much more about life and now everything I have experienced has an odd synchronistic feel to it. I try to put a comic spin on issues, but I am really serious about the Goddess. Her name is Zemyna, the life of the living earth, the Mother Earth, Deity of the Romuvans, the moist mother earth of the Lithuanians, Estonians, Poles, Latvians and other Slavic peoples. 

I'd like to quote Phyllis Curott and her book , The Book of Shadows. She discusses the Masons. ”The Masons arose from a magical and intellectual lineage and it was their revolutionary brotherhood that founded the United States. They believed in the brotherhood of man, the existence of a divinity, and the immortality of the soul. Many of the treasured secret rituals of the masons reflected those of the Goddesses at Ileuses and Delphi, and the most overt symbols decorate our flag, dollar bills, and seals of high office. Often these days as right wing politicians and conservative Christians appropriate history for their own exclusionary political ends, they assert that we were founded as a Christian country. In fact we were founded by magicians as an astounding political experiment, reflecting their equally insurgent and ancient spirituality.” (1) 

Seriously, our revolutionary ancestors were magicians, Pagan wizards, and eclectics? The actual greatest generation (of 1776) may indeed have been. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine were gifted individuals who studied many esoteric philosophies and no true biography of them shows that any of them they were a Ned Flanders, foam at the mouth, fundamentalist type. Jefferson and Paul Revere were Unitarians who eventually shed their deities. It is reputed that Benjamin Franklin cavorted with witches and various Bohemians on his frequent trips to Paris.

There are many Goddesses in many buildings as artwork or statues in Washington D.C., and like Lady Liberty, they have played prominent roles in our national inspiration. George Washington’s beliefs had more in common with Native Americans than some Calvinist ideals. 

We can’t just get on our broomstick and fly to the Emerald City. It will be a long journey. Our broomstick may help with a few shortcuts, but the road is going to be long no matter what. Neither god nor goddess but super spectrals. 


  August 26th. 2012 in Witchvox
The origin of the Tarot goes back thousands of years, and tarot may have even had its origins in Egyptian history, or maybe, even the cave painters; the mammoth hunters,  began drawing its earliest symbology. I have found a way to help people who are giving and getting tarot decks for our celebrations to explain how to get started. Some people collect decks like coins and are only interested in the artistic creativity and symbolic values. My purpose is to explain a way to help the curious learn to read tarot with a simple overview. Some of the stuffy traditionalists have way too many ‘shoulds’, so I am compelled to demonstrate a basic introduction so anyone can learn to do a Tarot reading. Move on to another chapter if Tarot isn't what you want to read about.

Like any of the mysterious arts, some practitioners try to foment exclusivity with it, by saying things like, “You know, not everybody should do it. I’m psychic and understand how to use it.   I’m fortunate to have a special gift,” they tell me. Well, don’t let anyone tell you can't use it because all you need is an interest;  I learned without knowing step 1 about it. It was a crash course at first, and I feel I can do a fundamental reading if I have my best book with me, the book that came with the cards. Of course, I understand that to be good at it will take years, and I hope to develop a more intuitive skill, but my desire to learn is Important to me.

During a pagan pilgrimage to Salem, Massachusetts, I was open to all things Pagan and Wiccan. Poking around one of the interesting shoppes, I saw a large variety of Tarot Decks, and the storeowners had sample packs to inspect. The Lord Of The Rings has always been a borderline obsession with me and I was really drawn to those 78 Lord Of The Ring Tarot Cards. I took them out of the box and looked at them eagerly. As I scanned the symbols and pictures, I was shaking my head, ‘Oh yeah, NOW I’m going to learn.’ 

Looking at them during my pilgrimage I was just as puzzled as ever. After getting back to Florida I even took the pack with me to work and took another look at the instruction book that went with it trying to figure it out. ‘I’ll read the books entire 260 pages cover to cover and somehow that will kick start the effort.’ There were a lot of pictures in a small book, so it wasn’t as daunting a task as you might think, and what I have discovered is a way for all of us to have access to this wisdom, knowledge and fun.

Part 1: The next day, as a way of starting, I took out the ten most interesting cards to me personally and looked up their meanings. If you’re new to the Tarot, you should try this yourself; go through your deck without any preconceived notions and pick out the ten cards that call out to you. I was a total Newb at this point, but determined. The LOTR book discusses the three-card throw, the Gandalf spread and other ways of interpretation but they didn’t feel right. 

The next day, I stopped off my favorite local nursery. I got what I needed and was leaving when some mysterious force pulled me into the statuary area. How about this here Celtic cross piece? The Celtic cross is some pagan remnant of the Celts, right? Well, I stared at it and said ‘That’s what I want!’ Imagine Homer Simpson saying, “Mmmmmmmm… statuary.” The rest of the day it rode in the back of my work van. I still had the ten cards I thought were the most interesting and was planning on reviewing them again and picked three as my favorites, indicator cards after a fashion.

That evening my driven, focused, semi obsessive determination to figure this out made me concentrate. I was ready to give up… but don’t you know the very best part was in the last couple of pages. Buddha Bing! There it was… the Celtic Cross spread! Thank the goddess. Celtic Cross Synchronicity! This is supposed to be the most common spread anyway, so I laid them out as directed. 

Tarot decks can be lame looking in my opinion, but this Lord of the Rings Deck is really well drawn and easy to relate to because only characters from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit are used. If you know the stories, then every card has some meaning for you. 

Part 2:     

Get out your cards. At this point, it’s time to figure out what to do with your deck. We all know how to shuffle cards, right? Tarot cards are a bit bigger than playing cards but it’s easy to adjust. New decks can be slippery at first, just work with it.{Update: Lord of the Rings Tarot author, Terry Donaldson, writes that oiling your cards is one of the first things you should do. Look into it if you like.} Don’t damage them or bend them in half, it influences your outcome; even if you try to ignore that bent or marked card, your Zemyna (favorite goddess) , spirit guide or angel knows that you still see it in your subconscious. 

Here’s my new easy to understand Tarot. Shuffle the deck five times and cut it four times, which makes nine passes with the cards. Very importantly, on the last cut, concentrate solely on the Question. If you are doing a reading for somebody else, then that person (asking the question) makes the last cut as he/she completely concentrates. The cards that are cut last are the ones you will be using, so (duh) , these are important so focus on. Shuffle and cut thoughtfully because this is an absolute.

9 6 (1 and 2) 4 10 


Try a dry run. Shuffle the cards 5 times (elements) and cut them 4 times (directions) concentrating on the question throughout, especially on the last cut. “Will I ever take a European cruise?” “What will be my economic future?” The first two cards are laid out as indicated above and my Lord Of The Rings Tarot book says card 3 goes above (a crowning) and this is where this reading diverges from other Celtic Cross readings: Other deck instructions say to start on the right, for no particular reason and there are books that say card 3 goes on the bottom! 

My Lord of the Rings Tarot book says the third card goes on top and Card #4 goes to the right; #5 goes at the bottom and #6 to the left. (See above) Card six concerns future influences and is where you’re really free to interpret future events and influences. This is where you put your knowledge to work, because Tarot is not just for the esoterically gifted, I insist, but also a way for friends and family to communicate and influence the future in some way and to also share in some fun. Divination? Yes. Evil? No.

Hey! I just remembered what one of the other books said. The Celtic Cross reading has something to do with the Catholic ‘sign of the cross’, though it didn’t say how. The sign of the cross is a razzle-dazzle Catholics do with their hands before they pray or walk in a church. I was wondering what to do with the last 4 cards, so utilizing this idea, we go top, bottom, left and then right for a symbolic sign of the cross as you lay out the last four cards. (See diagram.) 

Traditionalists say a tarot deck that was given to you should be the deck that you use. Here’s a good time to mention that a Tarot deck would be a great Christmas, Samhain or Solstice gift and a good way to introduce your friends, relatives and co-workers to two aspects of Paganism, Tarot and our Holidays. Run them off a copy of this chapter and fold it up in their present. Get them a deck they will be able to use and, happily, most decks have books to go along with them. If not, order Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis. There are so many interesting tarot decks, so find some books you feel comfortable with.

Part 3: When you read about Astrology and Tarot, just remember that, “astrological aspects are an addition to a reading, and they are never required." Astrology and Tarot have crossed paths at different times in history but are exclusive of each other. For instance, where did the choice of 78 cards in a deck come from? The twelve houses of the zodiac say some. Add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=78.” 

Okay, if you still have your cards laid out then let’s start. Sometimes I have simple questions.

Today my question is: Should I put Tarot for Newbs in my book, History Of The Pagans, or make it something separate? Let’s find out. I shuffle five times to mince up any previous throw. Then I cut 4 times concentrating solely on the question throughout. The first card is the three of coins. My Lord of the Rings Deck shows Bilbo in his library. The first card indicates the present situation of the questioner. Recently, my life seems to be about learning new things and this card says to ‘extol in the learning of new things' to make life even more interesting. Learning a new craft such as tarot is an excellent use of time’ this card says.

The second card lays sideways across the first one and directly influences it. This card is the Ace of Swords and most prominently featured is Gwaihir the Eagle. Remember, in Lord Of The Rings, Gwaihir saved the day a several times when least expected. A positive card, it says unprecedented opportunities are present. ‘By all means, include the tarot chapter’ is what I’m hearing so far. 

The third card concerns goals. It’s the six of Cups. Remember, card three goes above, a crowning achievement in your life. (See diagram) A playful card, the six of Cups shows Merry and Pippin smoking Saruman's ‘pipeweed’ while they laugh about the victory of the Ents and the fall of Orthanc. The card says ‘re-discover the child within’, a reminder to not be so serious and to have fun. Sometimes I do take things too seriously; I need to loosen up and have fun so I should make a tarot chapter fun and accessible. Our modern sensibilities demand excellence with playfulness and I need to remember this. 

The 4th card goes to the right of the center cards and the card will show some aspect of the distant past that links with this question. It’s a card from the 22 card major Arcana; the important cards, if you will. The Hermit is the card, that’s me -- not real keen on city life, even in my distant past, I had been wishing for a country paradise. Never planning on doing anything of significance in life, but secretly hoping I could and History Of The Pagans is where all the different aspects of my life come together. I feel that writing History of the Pagans is what I was meant to do.

Paganism will be one polarizing issue in the near future. Everything that has been under the media radar regarding paganism will charge the atmosphere. Maybe I can help by revealing some of the mystery while admitting that, even to a skeptic like me, magic is there when you use the Tarot. 

The 5th card is below the center. I deal a card that indicates that careful thinking, but decisive action is needed regarding recent past events Can I learn tile and stonemasonry and be a better father and husband and increase my business income? Can I learn Tarot and many other things that have fallen in my lap lately? Determination and focus may yet trump my chronic procrastination. 

Card 6 is about future influences and I draw The Hanged Man, which I don't ever remember getting before. This is not good because it means some delay is in store. Should I rename the book, Pagan History and Culture? History of the Conquered People? A stumbling block is “in the cards" says card 6. Hanged Man indicates some sort of delay and with some readings it concerns court cases plodding along and delaying action, but I don't think this is the case. When I type out the book I shouldn’t waste time. Things could get delayed and the card says to persist with my goals. {Update: Grandma went into Hospice and died shortly after I did this reading and it took a while to get up to speed with our lives I can see now in retrospect. Grandma was an important aspect of the children’s lives and she was very helpful and kind and we honor her memory.} 

In the study of Tarot, you will read about cards ‘reversed’. I make sure they are all facing the same direction before I shuffle them. Those reversed cards add so much inexactness, bewilderment and negativity that I personally avoid them altogether. I recently discovered that reversed cards were introduced barely 100 years ago… specifically to discourage people like me who try to explain tarot for everyone’s use. (Some might say there is something to cards that are near each other or related to another but that is another layer of difficulty I need to comprehend, and this will lead to a deeper level of understanding.) 

Card 7 is the questioners’ attitude. My book says three of Cups means rediscovering someone from the past. This has come up in my readings a lot. Someone I know from the past is going to have some sort of influence on a job or occupation, my book and my future. How does this relate to my current attitude? I used to think that my friends are more likely to enjoy things I write than people off the street. Buddha Bing! Now I’m suddenly inclined to think that I really need to rediscover maybe not a friend from the past, but the attitude I had in the past. 

Here is the magic of the tarot; follow what your heart is telling you and be open to what may be revealed. Loosen up on the direct ‘meanings’ of the cards and stay intellectually nimble with interpretation. As I was contemplating this card, I realized that it may not be an old friend from the past, but how I used to meet dozens of people in short periods of time during my young adulthood. I learned so much from the constant parade of unique people and the situations and scenarios of my youth. Tarot is not Rubik’s Cube. 

Card 8 is about how other people affect the outcome, and environmental factors (like if a hurricane blows the house away and I have to move) . It’s the 4 of Cups and that says ‘new friendships will occur’. The last couple of years have been about full time family, and besides, you get older and you tend to want to stay home anyways. But, I do need to send up the periscope to see beyond the current existence I had been leading and card 8 encourages me to get out and make new friends, friends who know what the tarot is. 

Card 9 is about inner emotions, my hopes, fears and anxieties. I flip over a card; it’s The World. Everything I’ve done before is just practice. History of the Pagans and the Tarot chapter is to be my entry into The World. 

Finally the 10th card indicates the final outcome, the Net result and cumulative factors in answering the question. High Priestess comes up. This indicates balance with our goddess, everything lining up for a positive yin and yang result. Pagans will accuse me of occasional insensitivity and Christians will accuse me of… who knows... whatever they can think of, but the end result will be something that pleases the goddess. Tarot for pagans? The cards say ‘by all means!’ It will be part of the balanced picture in the book I’m writing. So there you have it, Tarot is for all of us.

I hope this has encouraged you to try a reading on your own. The readings I have done for myself so far seem freaky accurate, but more than that, I’m able to see problems and obstacles in a different light. The Tarot opens up the creative parts of our mind. The readings have given me more confidence in myself and provided me the occasional illumination to move forward with this new kind of life I’m creating. 

When I went and got my first professional reading, the results matched the ones I was coming in with; they really were. Tarot Card practitioners can interpret my results here and let me know if I’m close with my interpretation. 

I remember the Tarot reader explained to me ‘she had a gift’ and said I ‘had a guardian angel over my left shoulder’. Maybe us simple folk can’t really see angels but we all have gifts, remember? Tarot is for me and Tarot is for you, too.


ON TO SECTION TWO   >>>>>>>  


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