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Wednesday, May 17, 2023



by  John A Almada



These are selected quotes from COMPENDIUM

In this study guide I would like to pose more classroom type questions at the end of each article, but for now I give a brief description of the article and some representative quotes. 

Section 1 article 1

The Way of the Birds

            The Way of the Birds is a philosophical overview of spirituality with birds as the focal point. We all eventually learn to love all, and this is my end all be all. This suggests that after we die we raise up to higher realms of consciousness, we all unite in love. The nasty gits get vaporized, I reckon, and the rest of us grow with god. 

                  "This is what you are here for. Not to be sacrificing and working every minute by keeping the devil at bay with busyness and business. Working to exhaustion so the kids can go to college, so they too, can get on the hamster wheel of capitalism. 

                    Taking pride in never resting with the sole purpose of sending the kids to college. Cultivating that image, and, hedging their bets, they still have the carpe diem refrigerator magnet.  The material existence is made to be enjoyed, and to deny yourself the many simple joys during this one lifetime, is to do the worst type of damage to your spirit."

                "There is a simplistic answer for life and the reason we are here. We are here to create abundance for all and sustainability for the planet. Create life and to become Love. (2) "The secret to life lay within a single seed" (2) It grows into a mighty Oak or a sturdy Cherry tree, To deny any life of its food and home and freedom is to invalidate your existence in the Universe."

          "Bird populations are critical if we have to adjust to climate change because it was the birds that primarily carried the seeds to new locations during all other periods of global warming. 

      Remember they survived, and the dinosaurs didn’t."

            "The small songbirds carrying endemic and rare seeds to new locations are crucial in saving plant species. Evolutionary changes take thousands and millions of years, and we are forcing natures hand, to do something fast and extreme."

      "Every nut and bolt must be preserved so we know what we have", as Aldo Leopold explains throughout his book, Sand County Almanac. Also, every 120,000 years or so there is a natural spike in the temperature, and this appears to be occurring at this time, since the last one was like, 117,500 years ago. Temperatures went up 7 or 8 degrees each time. Four times in the last 500,000 years." 

            "The next step is how to spread abundance to all. Should it be Capitalism with its waste and competition? Should it be communism with the government coming to our apple orchards to count and confiscate our products for the good of all? It's neither, and we need to discuss how we can open markets for real and re-invent the family farm for all the people in the world."

Section 1 article 2


I lapse into dude vulgarities(slanguage) in this overly long attempt to invalidate white nationalism. No crazy new age theories, but a studied version of hidden history.

"People be acting like all this anglo-saxon-germanic-scandinavian motif is what Europeans are all about. But these folks are relative newcomers compared to Southern Europeans."

"Unfortunately, history has always been about warriors and battles and Machiavellian shenanigans from the clergy and the court."

"Africa and North America are the most species rich places on Earth, but were enthusiastically despoiled by Christianized Europeans and why I consider most wealth, illegitimate. The money it took to make money is covered in the blood of innocent people. Even today, Africa produces 75% of the world’s cocoa but produces only 2% of the products made from chocolate."

" I’m speculating that Solstice traditions may have begun with the ancient memory of Toba and the trauma that ensued during the aftermath and people did anything that they could to get the sun to return. The survivors embossed the traditions with ceremony and reverence. Greeting the sun as it returned."

"We are also the people who hid the Druids as they were fleeing christian assassins. We docked the Templar ships on their way to hide in Scotland as they were escaping the same. We are genetically tied to people from Scotland to Kurdistan but we have no warrior culture, so we are ignored by the media."

 "We are the Iberians and in our heyday the earth was healthy. We spent our time netting fish and harvesting fruits and collecting and saving nuts and seeds as they came into season. We were hunting reindeer, sewing together clothes with sinew, and drawing lots of groovy shit in caves, you betcha.  Clueless, stuffed museum characters staring at their naughty bits. I don’t think so."

" IWhat else was there to do but explore their world? Trying to create sparks by banging different rocks together.  There was no going to town to pick up some sunscreen for your primitive adventure.

 But if an archaeologist doesn’t give you a white peer review, then your research or speculations are not valid.  You think they were staring at the fire in awe? Naw, they were fucking around burning shit and melting things when they weren’t carving beautiful Venus figurines.  They went to work, literally at the grindstone, making their tools sharper than the Levite machetes that were used to behead Pagans thousands of years later."

"In too many cases, Science is just more white privilege. You know the schtick, western civ educated are the only legitimate sources of science. Harvard Yale Stanford blah blah blah. Folk knowledge is shit they think, tribal elders aren’t writing papers they’ll say. That’s the attitude of white colonialism, so I’m of the impression that there may be a much deeper racism in academia than there is in rural Alabama, and once you see it, you will never unsee it."

" Another elephant in the room is the brutal forced conversion by the blood-thirsty adherents of Islam and Christianity in the last 1500 years. The insane violence of these Middle Eastern, desert, kook religions, with their “blood as high as a donkeys shoulders”  (a gratuitous biblical reference I just threw in there.) The women were brutalized and children were less than goats and sheep to the obnoxious patriarchy that took hold in the Abrahamic religions."

"  The remnants of the Reindeer People followed the reindeer north as Europe warmed up 10,000 years ago. The fish were so numerous, a bear could catch them with one paw tied behind his back. Other Iberians followed the sun east and stayed in sparsely populated human gatherings, bringing the initial technology of the Later Stone Age to those still stuck in the Paleolithic. Neolithic harbingers of invention, In Iberia, they greeted every migration from the east."

"My people go back in time even further to Noblecki Tepe and the bare ground before construction. Who were we? Why did we gather together at Solutre and Tobleeki Teepee 12,000 to 25,000 years ago? How did we move multi-ton stones and why were we erased from history? How are we considered second class Europeans today, and why? Because of the pallid white bigotry of dark whites."

"Their fancy arrowheads were the most advanced at that time, and were as sharp as Roman swords many centuries later. You can bet along the way, an occasional greenstone axe was created, since they were skilled at using muscle fiber, sinew, for strapping down the occasional axe head."

"Just because archaeologists haven’t found this or that artifact, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The Ancient People were more industrious than we give them credit for.    

               But Big Science tells us that axes weren't made till thousands of years later. Blahblahblah harvardnyale. There’s that over credentialed expert again, Mr. White Science." 

             "Keep in mind the reindeer hunters are also called the Cave Painters. Oh! And what if they never painted in caves? Like every other artifact, it would have weathered away, but since the discovery of the cave paintings in Southern France and Altamira Spain, we have begun to piece together some of what happened in Iberian Pre-history.

There was history and civilization before war making communities with their walled cities came into being, and before the Bible told everyone that god made the world ***poof*** in like six days. Yeah okay. People still believe that shit, sad."

This is why I think Atlanis was not an advanced society lost to history, destroyed by crystal technology and all that New Age nonsense you have heard. Stone Magic sure, but I am trying to get you to imagine a world being filled with primitive basic instincts. I think people tend towards kindness, and I can easily picture people hanging around the fire, drinking fermented fruit, eating small mammals matter of factly. "Hey Joey, look what I caught!" 


"Is it so outrageous to suppose these people had friendships and their sense of humor sometimes carried the day?   Ya reckon they laughed and had fun? Of course they did! Most of history has weathered away or remains hidden, but more is being revealed every day and we need to stop thinking like white guys with clipboards.

Then, (white academic elitists) pretend to speak for the ancient people? Everything is about gods and Booga Booga, but most people chopped wood and carried water.  Could give a fuck about whatever god the preacher, priest, pastor or shaman talked about. Lifeless recreations in museums belie the fierce nature and inquisitive initiatives of our ancestors." 

" Scientists want to perpetuate the myth that people were once sickly, short and disease prone, but now, because of science, they declare, people are healthier in this modern age. Actually, the truth is that humans degenerated in the Middle Ages from their hardier, hunter-gatherer Paleo and Neolithic ancestors, and they became peasants and chumps that allowed feudalism to exist and fairy tales to became real. Christianity has had the effect of making white people weak and servile."

"Imagine sycophantic right-wing goons with high tech control of all satellites and computer networks.  Robot dogs patrolling your streets and sniffing your home for guns.  All Your base is theirs and also the control of your garage door opener, your locks, your cameras to see how Fido is doing while you are at work. All your base is theirs, even your karaoke machine and self-driving car will be controlled from one command station filled with red hats. Enforced by robot dogs. “Arf!”"

Section 1 article 3

In the Meantime We Have the Constitution.

Through the fog and haze we travel through the embedded nonsense of religion in our culture.

          "Mary was always there to temper Jesus' enthusiastic youthful extremes, "go feed the donkey before you get us in trouble!""   

     "Centuries of religious instruction and indoctrination have provided fertile ground for the heresies that continue to question Christian dogma.   Strap yourself in for a bracing dose of heresy."

"Question    What was Jesus’ mother Mary like? As a person? Was she a leader, was she humble?  Please tell me anything you can about her, was the question on a forum."       

  "Here is the real story. First off, the "virgin" Marys' mother Anne was like 60 years old or something. One day she was gnashing her teeth over her barren womb and an angel heard her. "Go forth with vigor old woman, and thou shalt be blessed." The grandmother of Jesus walked away puzzled."

              "Alas, she left without hope; and there was sorrow in her heart. How badly she had wanted a child and despite the miracle of the Angel, it seemed like a cruel joke. However, shortly after an eating frenzy of goat cheese and pickles ...SHE REALIZED SHE WAS PREGNANT.   ''How can this be?'' her husband asked and so she told him about the angel, which of course explained how a 60 year old woman became pregnant."

        " Expert pagan astronomers, called the Magi, were able to locate the child using the stars. The three-pointed Crown Constellation and a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus pointed the way and they brought offerings. The Magi discussed the various pagan religions and Mystery Schools in Egypt, where Mary and Joseph had planned to move. Good farming and there were prosperous people that needed a good Carpenter, and there were some nice liberal synagogues scattered about.  Jerusalem was such an uptight city, you know? They had to get out of there. The fanatics were dominating the culture."

"The Magi and Mary and Joseph all agreed that the Old Testament god of the Judaic Tradition is a spiritual poseur, an angry gasbag trickster deity who seemed to demand an inordinate amount of fealty and worship, oddly reminiscent of insecure old men, Joseph noted.  Jesus was going to invalidate this trickster god when he grew up. That was his mission. They were doubtful of the authenticity of the Old Testament, as were most logical people in those days when confronted with the WORD.  The Jerusalem area was way too orthodox for their taste, so off to Alexandria they went."

"The Magi (magicians) told them the blessed son must write a New Testament for all the people, a true covenant of peace and tranquility in order to invalidate the trickster evil god.  Mary and Joseph agreed to teach the child named Jesus about many faiths.  The Ancient Goddesses had begun to fight back.  Jesus was to change Gods status."

           “Flee to Egypt,” the Magi insisted. "Take him somewhere peaceful, teach him the mysteries, and eventually, have him initiated by a Telestes."   Forms of Buddhism had reached the homes of the Magi from India and China; and, although Egypt was marginalized politically by the time of Mary’s Pregnancy, it was still a spiritual place and the Mystery Schools were a highly regarded form of education at that time.   Mary and Joseph inherited a modest, middle class structure, Jesus being in the same line as King David they say, his kin had some money but none had accommodations that dry, starry night that Jesus was born." 
                  "The Magi made this three-month journey from out near the Ukraine or something, some say almost from India. We three kings of Orient Are, remember? That also means theoretically, Jesus as the divine teen, may have made some extensive voyages back to the Magi's homeland, as speculated by some. "

        "The goal of the Goddesses was to have him start a holy organization of adepts and healers, to get the world away from the excess of the growing, patriarchal led violence, and move towards social justice for all.  It was time to confront the dark side of doom and destroy the Doomsday Hound. An Empire of Compassion, not Conquest . That was what Jesus’ ministry was about. Not well known is that slaves and women held prominent roles in early Christianity, but the Pauline’s thwarted that effort less than a century after Jesus' death. The patriarchal Paulines offered up these original fundamental Jesus followers (Gnostics) to be fed to the lions.   Jesus' mission was to unify humankind without the hierarchy of patriarchal, religious groups, while at the same time, not to personally fall victim to the brutal, bloodthirsty Pagan Roman soldiers. It was a dangerous mission."  

         "Mary Magdalene, a follower of Isis, became enamored with Jesus, and as it became time for his ministry, she wrote a song called "I Don't Know How to Love Him" and sang it to Mother Mary trying to figure out the wazzup with this miracle shizz.  Mother Mary then confided to Mary Magdalene, that she is actually a goddess having a life on Earth, and Jesus is a half-divine preacher who was going to bring equality to all people of the world if his mission succeeded. Teach people how to become healers and peace makers.  Mary Magdalene was in on this, the greatest story never told.  Jesus the Pagan was redone as Jesus the son of god."

       " Mary Magdalene was an Isis trained Priestess. She had some dough and she was one of the merry widows that funded his ministry. Magic.  Heresy #4 is the notion that there is a Mary Jesus Mary thing going on here. The actual trinity.  Mother, Son and Wife.  Not Father Son and Holy Ghost. Sheesh. What the hell? A ghost?  No females to actually give birth? No balance or sense with that concept. A man, a woman and a divine mother, how’s that? Much better. Patriarchy is such a pile of bunk."

       " When Jesus talked about the father in heaven, he was thinking of Odin. "

       "  Women and Pagan hating pinheads, codified brutality and repression with the vague wasteland of words called the bible.  The whole field of Pagan history is still wide open, as giant gaps need to be filled: Pagan is the word we dare not speak, or write about.    Triumphantly, after 1600 years, Pagans are now finally free to express ourselves without fear of harassment, imprisonment, or being burned as a witch thanks to the Goddess inspired Bill of Rights."

            "Jesus was a heretic, a Pagan if you will, and I can only hope He returns to reveal the truth."

In the meantime, we have,  The Constitution.  

Section 1 article 4


running roughshod over the moral high ground hypocrisy

"You might also read how Amish-living, Jesus-loving ascetics called the Cathars were burned at the stake 800 years ago. As were the Templars by 1307. The faith of the Cathars was so strong; they stunned their killers by singing joyfully as they were dying. The King and Pope and numerous other, so-called dignitaries came for the execution of the leader of the Templars, Jacques DeMolay, in 1307. And Demolay cursed them as the flames rose higher.  Just imagine Jesus looking on in horror as this happened? He would have kicked the Popes ass right there. "

"God has worked so many miracles in their life, people always tell me, and how can they explain it — just have faith they tell me. Um, no thank you, that doesn't sound like freedom to me. Unfortunately, faith is not only superstitious, but dangerous.   Christians have used Jesus as a shield and sword for their nefarious, outrageous cruelty over the centuries, and today, christians normalize rapacious greed after having gathered much of the worlds wealth through the despoiling of Africa and America. 

Whether it's the Papacy or the rich WASP industrialist or the conniving clergy, most of the best has been cut down, dug up, sold and turned into gold bricks. All the good things have been taken as the Animals sing."

            "History is rife with various manipulations of the Bible and this chapter is written to give you some food for thought as we battle Satan’s minions in the letters to the editors page.  They keep trying to put their Old Testament God into our classrooms and try to wire our childrens brains with their dumbed down version of morality, the Ten Commandments." 

            " I would worry if I were you if you've decided to be an asshole in this life.  Maybe evil people get sent to ant heaven. Where giant ants try to bleach or burn them. Try to spray you, step on you, leave out sweet poisonous bait in cheesecake or burn them with lighters.  Or shark heaven, where sharks cut our arms off because human arms are considered an aphrodisiac, and we float helplessly to the bottom of their ocean. 

             This will put humility back into the soul that has just spent a lifetime as a rapacious human plunderer. We are rapacious polluters by proxy because we don’t want to know the full scope of pollution and animal cruelty and poverty we create with our materialism and "low prices". Most Karma is worked out after we die."

            "Meanwhile back at the ranch, export executives chortle at the collapse of rural society. They made their money with Big Coal and too bad about the one-industry towns of the South. The mom-and-pop system of yesterday has the capitalist boot at its throat, not much more than a thug with a tire iron, as corporations supplant the local supply chain with corporate dependence. People clouded with material riches and separated from the outdoors want profits and a continual gain in their portfolios as Earth's portfolio withers. I'm talking about the Liberal city slickers who laugh derisively at the bumpkins joy of a clear, bubbling stream. Their million dollar property has it’s own stream. "

              "The Big Business CEO clips another fat cigar as insect species become extinct before they were ever even identified. No one seems to want to dare these large corporations.  No one has the temerity and the lawyers to tangle with the New World Order."

" Maybe our God is just a renegade God, someone in the galactic work release program. Banished, but somehow it still managed to sneak out some building blocks of life. Someone who should have been locked up. Nevertheless, this seemingly vengeful God has released Aids, monkey pox, anthrax, smallpox, and 4000 other diseases on an embittered and embattled population. 

    The rebel Gods theory is that people should go through the purifying flame of a difficult life before achieving heaven. Whereas all the “normal” law abiding gods in other galaxies make life as easy as possible with its primary soul equipped creature, since the Spirit is immersed in love. Two negatives still don't make a positive."

"Who can say what God is, other than dog backwards? Hopefully, an afterlife will be our spiritual journey to join up with this so-called Creator. Maybe The Force or maybe even the corn god. We certainly are not going to burn in hell for 435,000 years (1 eternity) for what we do in this little life. I don’t think so.  satan is the greatest hoax of all time and the finest tool for controlling the masses… the bewildered herd... In your eye with custard pie satan. I ain’t scared of something that doesn’t exist, but I still disrespect his nasty ass, with a small s satan.   

God doesn’t want me in heaven, so I go to hell to be burned alive and never die?  Burning in hell for 435,000 years? I wonder how people can even believe that? I wonder if humans lack some common sense, the actual missing link? This is why the founding revolutionaries tried to keep religion out of the public square. Bad enough we've been subsidizing christianity all this time with the lack of taxation."

"The ancient forests have been ignominiously sliced and sold like luncheon meat. So why is sustainable forestry such a hard concept to understand? Why are we convinced there is nothing we can do?"

"A lot of wealth was created illegitimately, so hence my lack of awe and respect for the old wealthy families. I'm all about taxing the illegitimate wealth accumulation and having health care and the means of survival for the battered bodies of the least fortunate. And the ones physically able to work 14 hours a day with virtually no breaks get taken advantage of. Elites have assumed they deserve all the best; thinking the working classes were nothing more than foolish imbeciles. Working like a machine, our dignity has been stolen by these crooks."

"Hey… leveled forests. Filled in wetlands. Legacies of dead fish, dead buffalos, and dead birds. Death instead of abundance. I know the anger and frustration out there, and once the people feel their power, it's over for the elites."

"Life on Earth should be a purifying flame but not a crushing blow to our spirits. This is the change we need to make."



  “Since no man has any natural authority over his fellows, and since force alone bestows no right, all legitimate authority among men must be based on covenants.”       ROUSSEAU   1776

   This is one of my favorite stories.  The history of the Charter Oak updated and my hometown remembered. In your face history.

            "Since the beginning of civilization, wartime has depleted and polluted the earth’s resources, and absorbed the lives of the civilian-soldiers. Death and injury bringing constant grief and disruption to innumerable families over thousands of years of war. Most accepted their lives of toil and misery:  THEIR BODIES no more than CANNON FODDER, their labor taxed heavily by the local despot.

                The despair of the working poor is captured in the 16th century phrase, “Thy life is a bitch, and then thouest dies.” In time, the pilot light of personal liberty had begun to flicker, and new lands were sought."      

                 "There was a lot of friendliness and trade between the natives and the original European roughnecks and roustabouts. These original explorers paved the way for other pioneers. The first waves were the Gypsie's, the individuals, the characters, and the Johnny Hucksters by the score.  Dudes looking for adventure led the way, and the families came along later.

                   It wasn't until after the initial explorations into Indian territory that the elitists actively promoted the slaughter of the indigenous people. Faith based genocide; it was. The New Capitalists found easy money as they stripped the country of resources."

          "The Puritans were a dominant force in the settlement, and despite escaping the clutches of tyrannical royalty in England, they then imposed a ridiculously restrictive theocracy on themselves when they got here.  For instance, if you said a curse word and the authorities found out, you might get your tongue nailed to a board in the center of town.  It was going to take a while for this place to be called "land of the free" with the christian albatross around our neck." 

          "The new world was filled with heathens, the population was warned from the pulpits of hate. A popular T-shirt in the church book stores, would have been, “So little time, so many pagans to smite.” These preachers used scare tactics, suggesting the Native Americans needed to be slaughtered. Never doing any of the killin' themselves, these moral high ground religious hypocrites saw the native population as troublesome and ungovernable, and sought their extinction from the start, and encouraged their parishioners to kill as many as possible.  Seriously, WWJD? He'd break out a can 'o whoop ass right there. Did Jesus have a grudge with the native North Americans? 

I don't think so"

    "  Inspired by Thomas Hookers iconoclastic sermons, Roger Ludlow drew up a document for governing this new organization and called it 

                                    The Fundamental Orders                                . 

He created what has been praised as the first practical constitution to declare, "The foundation of authority rests with the free consent of the people." 

                Also at that time, in 1636, Roger Williams said the king had no right to claim native lands and he was banished for his efforts.  He went south to Rhode Island where he started his own colony through legal means, purchasing land from the Narragansets at fair value." 
                    "By 1662, the Connecticut Colony was a proud and thriving region. The Wethersfield Red Onion was getting known around the world and was a superlative cash crop. The locally elected Governor sailed across the Atlantic to see the King of England.  The governor and the king had a splendid time, and along with extending the Connecticut Colony borders to the Pacific Ocean, he legalized the Fundamental Orders of 1639."

    "As the years went by, it was a source of pride and mystery. The Fundamental Orders was radical for the time and became an important part of the fuel that built our 1776 revolutionary machine. The Charter Oak is a symbol of American defiance against colonial authority."

    "  THE OAK they used as their corn-planting guide in the 1500's. It must have been a marvelous tree in its youth. Eventually the tree was the hiding place of the banned Fundamental Orders in the late 1600’s. A venerated oak in its youth and a symbol of the new American Nation during its maturity, imagine then the positive energy created by this one tree! "

    "All you need to remember as The New World Order engulfs the earth, the spirit of America, is this: "The foundation of authority rests with the free consent of the people." Their sacred document was hidden in a tree that was 275 years old and lived to be 450 years old.  For America to last that long, we need to oppose the growing fascist theocracy."


Was  this freedom in 1662 a form of anarchy? The Connecticut Colony ran itself without government pretty much and my definition of anarchy is the absence of coercion. There were monthly town meetings to take care of most business.

a) The Reindeer People

     "   I want to create. I don't want to perform. “ 

          Thus starts the initial, four-part, Pagan Fairy Tales. Much of Pagan history has been lost, so I decided that I would make some up.

     This chapter starts a four-part fictional story of four forgotten eras; the first being the era of the Reindeer People-- 40,000 BC to 14,000 BC. Then along comes the era of OOglak, in the Song of OOglak from 12,800 BC to 9800 BC. Thirdly, there is Groniger Bloodaxe from a thousand years ago and then Zorya, Zemyna Zvoruna Zephyr from Lithuanian mythology. 

    " ... mostly people lived their lives, in synchronization with = nature. They hunted and gathered and began the long process of knowing which plants could help with which ailments.  Pottery and poetry were invented, and metallurgy was discovered. Just because science hasn’t found much evidence of so-called civilized culture more than 10,000 years ago, does not mean a civilized culture didn’t exist.   Göbekli Tepe has thrown a wrench into the old white historian machine. 

"Forgotten history begins with the Goddess. Huh? Not pharaohs or kings? The Boys of War are what we’re mostly taught, and Pagan lifestyles have been left out of history.  Armchair generals write the history in their dry, clever less way because most dudes love war. But 85% of the people born before 1500 were pagan and they were generally polytheists, and female goddesses were well represented, and, as a rule, people like the Celts and Gauls had much respect for women."

" The reindeer people lived from 45,000B.C. To 15,000B.C.,   and although my mention of Atlanis is fanciful, the Reindeer People were real. The people who had invented art, it is said."

"Not Darwin’s fittest, but survival of the luckiest is the actual reality. If California broke off tomorrow due to an earthquake in a similar catastrophe, you would be lucky to survive it. It wouldn't matter how fit and agile or clever you were."

" Scientists want to perpetuate the myth that people were once sickly, short and disease prone, but now, because of science they declare, people are healthier only in this modern age. Actually, the truth is that humans degenerated in the Middle Ages as they became peasants and chumps and the natural abundance of many ecosystems was destroyed. People moved to cities, living like rats; slaves to the growing industrial machine. They degenerated even further as advancements in science created a society where family farm incomes collapsed because of Mechanized Agriculture.

 In Goddess oriented pre-history we find many cases of quite healthy people, the Reindeer People being a good example, the First People of Europe.  H.G.Wells describes one of the great gathering places in France. “At a great open air camp at Solutre, there seemed to have had annual gatherings for many Centuries.""

"Who in the heck used those stone dolmens all over Europe? The were built  25,000 years ago at the same time as the Venus figurines were being carved."

H.G. Wells from his history book,  “They had a sense of animal form; they had the real artists impulse to render. These races of Reindeer Men were in undisturbed possession of Western Europe for a period of at least ten times as long as the interval between ourselves and the beginning of the Christian Era, AND THROUGH ALL THAT IMMENSE TIME THEY WERE FREE TO DEVELOP AND VARY THEIR LIFE TO IT’S UTMOST POSSIBILITIES.”(          )Capslock Mine 

Could their lives compare favorably to ours in anyway? Let’s see; wild meat has one sixth the fat of what present day meat eaters consume from the Super Market. Very likely they slept peacefully (snorers were thrown off the cliff).  No deadlines or reports to finish, and as hunter gatherers, there was not even crops to protect and harvest; can we assume it was the Garden of Eden? 




" ... found that a band of war making thugs had been terrorizing the village while they were away. His buddy was another hunter who had wandered into the village about 20 moons before OOglak did. The two-man posse immediately hunted them down and let loose some indiscriminate justice on these thugs.:

  "Bearskin witnessed a Giant Snowy Owl take one of the last two kittens and made an extraordinary effort to save the last one that was meowling in fear.  After a rugged descent and climb, Bearskin scooped it up and carried the starving creature back to the cave, a Jaguar/Saber Tooth hybrid. OOglak was a little startled at the first sight of the cat, because normally they dispatched apex predators and turned them into coats."

"There were berries and grains they were able to store through the winter. Though originally founded as a cultivator’s village, they reverted to more hunting as the cold years prevailed.  The Reindeer had been driven north and were still plentiful. They kept on, passing on what knowledge they could. The birds moved the seeds of fruiting plants northwards or southwards as the climate changed."



Groniger Bloodaxes legacy and his kin

one of my faves to create. silly af. I love having fun with history. Even if I have to make some of it up. 

"Kernave, Samland and Jomsborg were among the towns visited by Groniger. Mostly, he and Dagmar raised their five children: Gronyeth, Gakanrth, Gronierss, Gronstangr, and Gakhorken, in the western fjords and Snuflesnes peninsula in Sweden. There were many joyous expeditions to the summer magick festival on Gotland Island and one tale tells of Gakhorken fighting a mighty sea monster."

"Gronyger Bloodaxe 3rd  (1011-1105) knew his grandfather Groniger, who had finally retired at his sons farm, dying when he was three but not without leaving a distinct impression. Gronyger the 3rd became famous like his grandfather the Bard, and unlike his stay at home siblings in the burgeoning Axdruvan lands, he was a sailor who often travelled out to the Baltic Sea in his boat, The Groggy Slut. 

          Gronyagar Bloodeax 5th (1118-1230?) Continuing the unusually long lifespan of the ancestral line, he was reputed to be 110 years old and still hunting squirrels for the traditional Squirrel Breakfast Sandwich, and his date of demise is uncertain. He said he was going to jump off the cliff and waved goodbye, but it’s believed he went north to be a hermit in one of the ancestors’ caves.   

 Reportedly, his 13 children from 3 wives were all male and they formed a fellowship of Pagan Knights that would take up the cause of persecuted Pagans and came to the defense of many persecuted people while  keeping the traditional roads worn and open and marked. Someone can steal this idea and make a good story. 

The Pope slated the heretic Cathars for extinction and they nearly were, many hidden by the Pagan Knights. Eventually in 1305. The Pagan Knights harbored Templars who were on the lam and the Templars stayed with the Gakhorken clan. By 1307, the other Templars were either dead or imprisoned. The Templars plan on reviving the Pagan Knights is about to unfold, but that's a cult secret so keep that to yourself. It's hidden here deep in the nonsense."

" ... revived some older goddess rituals of the Oxhorkens, while calling themselves the Polena Rangers, after the famous Empress Polena in their sacred stories.  Their sacred number of 33 riders, was maintained for many years. There's a story of horses that sailed to America with Rocco Hornspread and the indigenous Americans found great use for them. 

 These daughters became a mysterious cult of horse-riding women who formed a “Pony express” of sorts keeping the Oxhorns, Bloodeau’s, Oxborgans and Axhorkens in communication with each other, riding horses from Languedoc in present day France, to Kernave, Lithuania where many were living and on secret journeys to many other places traced back to former Atlanean villages, and taking former migration routes to the Black Sea.

 They went anywhere the bloodthirsty religious fanatics were not.  They just wanted to live in peace. Fishing, farming, hunting and gathering in the fruitful and bountiful giving earth that remained. Genghis Khan came and went, even the Ottoman Empire came within spitting distance in time. "

"Pagan ways faded further and further out of view as Islam and Christianity went on their Holy Rampage of Conquest during the 13 and 14 hundreds. The Baltic Sea and Black Sea stayed connected with the Polena Rangers travelling between them till 1486, when it is rumored, they left mainland Europe to live in the islands starting with England all the way out to Newfoundland. They were headed for America to fulfill the prophecy. They had the hidden Templar ships among other assets. "

"Deeply hidden in the forests, there are no further exploits of this family to be reported on till 1385 when Gronyar Bloodeau the 4th (1350-1434?) became the most famous of all. He created a new religion that grew quickly in popularity amongst the Pagan People feeling the pressure of the Tuetonic Knights itching for battle.

 He attempted to blend in Lithuanian pagan beliefs with new inspirations from St. Francis, along with: Ancient Oxhorn Goddess ceremonies, secret Cathar ceremonies and Templar spells. Also included is a tradition of earth worship which went back to the time of the Atlanis Empire 35,000 BP, and also a cult embraced a cult that is derived from the believers of a nearly lost Druid secret society. It's rumored that its ceremonies and beliefs may have survived to the present day within the secret Green Cult religion of Druddism.

              Gronyar’s secret religion faded away with no written work, except one. His most famous tract was written as a final message to all villages where relatives resided. Portions of this book allegedly have been recovered. It’s grim prognosis heralded the end of the Pagans in Europe. His Book begins…

              “ It is all over now  except for the dousing of sacred fires.  

What we must do is form shadow societies that will promote peace and abhor violence. Peaceful pagans; we are the Heathenistas!  We will create traditions of love to help carry the worthy few to the next millennium when we will emerge with a new age of consciousness after 1999. Protect the women, the midwives, the herbalists as we see our sisters burn as witches for what they practice. They say witch like it’s a bad thing, I’ll never understand.

Herbal health has given way….” The text ends here and the unknown middle half of the prophecy can only be speculated about.

His book ends with the final words. "Stay close to our sacred roads along the rivers and be as quiet as the elves” his book concludes, and basic instructions to family members are given."




We call it the afterlife but according to my DIY religion, it’s just more life.

" The Ancient Mothers can trace back their history 400 billion years and even THEY do not know what came before them. Some kind of "Men in Black" memory swipe they figure. Even the goddesses have their own different beliefs and are unable to come up with a consensus other than the original life force of the known universes was probably neither male nor female. The force was unlike anything they could actually imagine. Who is everywhere and nowhere at the same time goes the joke. This is about the soul energy of the God and Goddess expanding through the cosmos."

    "microscopic life forms began growing in our oceans. Zemyna, the ancient mother, had scouted many areas as an apprentice goddess, and chose Earth as a planet with the best potential for life, and an optimum habitat for creating soul bearing creatures."

"You have to be inspired to do magic, I insist, and I found a religion from the past from Poland called Zadruga where I confirmed my belief. The less you do magic the better it works for most of us. Those of us who use the Folk Magic because we have no super powers of clairvoyancy and such."

            " Primarily in legends, Zephyr is the bringer of the west wind and I made him the Life Bringer. The male aspect and balance with Zemyna, a drop of yang in the overwhelming presence of yin, but all that is needed. "

            "The nine Goddesses are Cerridwen, Nu Kua and Yemaya, Jurate, Mary, Freya, Diana (project manager triple goddess) , Sedena and Dexsiua (who I discovered deeply hidden, but she summoned me to make her known again. A story for another day, she was the Goddess of the Reindeer People and The Stone People.} Belief in this  Goddess of the Gauls and Soutreans before them, lasted a long time, finally fading away about 1000 AD. "

            SECTION 1


       Intelligent design by the Goddesses quickly led to the evolution of the next step the polecat, or weasel as they are known here in the United States. Eventually a genetic outburst occurred with one of the litters of the Great Albino Polecat where the first feline, the first bear and the first marsupial, were born in the same litter. There's another story to steal."

         "Baltic Paganism has a legend that the Goddess at the beginning of this section, Zorya, actually had numerous sisters and they were supposed to keep the Doomsday Hound from escaping Ursa Major as they Shepard the sun across the sky. I’m saying the hound did escape, hitchhiking a ride with the Rozanacus discussed in the Druddoccitan. The Rozanacus was a group of highly specialized creatures from the home planet who wanted to serve Zemyna. They were all she had till the Goddesses were born. 

            Cerridwen- goddess of hobbies and leisure time, Diana is the facilitator of all life on the planet, a project manager if you will, She’ll make a great Ancient Mother someday. Jurate is another powerful goddess though she is very humble and sensitive and is troubled when her rising oceans create havoc. Mary is the Goddess in control of the soul bearers, and she is the most empathetic to the humans.

       "Sedena and Yemaya control much of the life in rivers and lakes and the ice and the life that dwells within the wilderness. Dexsiua connects them as her winds fly with all that is in the air.  Nu Kua is a dragon tailed Goddess that helps us connect with the Otherworld, the Veles where our spirits home base is.   Freyas domain includes all the roots in the ground because without plants there wouldn’t be anything else. Freya weaves a harmony amongst the goddesses and is called by many names around the earth. Some know her as the Corn Mother.   




             "There are many pagan-curious looking into polytheism and more than a few of them come from the sphere of environmental stewardship. As nature lovers and other people investigate what Paganism might be, their first impression is generally that of the Wiccan religion, and Greens wonder why Pagans seem more interested in candles than ecosystems."

             Today, pagans think they are Druids, Priests or Priestesses and my point is that, in every culture there was the shaman or priestly class and then there are the rest of us who would prefer less ceremony. As you begin a journey into ritual and magic, you first have to question the books that explain about magic and its practitioners. Are they capturing what 90% of us did: the folk magic? Not everyone can be a Priest, Druid or pagan clergy. "

            "In my religion, there are no newbies. A newbie could have superlative insights when a traditionalist may have lost their focus, spending an entire weekend “driving 300 miles in the Lincoln Escalade looking for coltsfoot root.” 

              "The visions and insights I do get are in my minds eye. They are defined, distinct images but not physical beings, merely intuitive feelings I visualize with the inner eye when I am in the zone. Moreover,  these types of comprehension are the rudiments of the folk magic. It’s not demons; it’s the power of the human mind unbound by superstitious bugaboo that has the real power in the Universe."  

              "How did enough of Paganism survive to 1776 to light the lamp of Liberty when our founding revolutionaries envisioned a country free from religious coercion."

          "   I believe that earth lovers looking into paganism are put off with the ceremonial excess they see and often times they will turn away. The gardener, earth activist, or tree planting green would be considered, “just a tree hugger, you’re not a ‘real’ pagan.” Says you; Pagan is as pagan does, earth lovers are real pagans, not neo-pagans. So here I am, Martin Luther, creating a schism with pagans, but I’ll say it again--more trees and less candles, more organic vegetables and less skulls and demons. The near future will be less about ceremony and more about attaining full civil rights for Druids and Witches who cannot openly practice or talk about their religion in this sweet land of liberty and many other countries.

            Reality based morality instead of religious bugaboo will be about restoring ecosystems worldwide after 150 years of profit taking by industrial capitalism. The future will be less about candle color and more about creating new forms of governance and embedding an economic model of market socialism to get us to the end of this century and beyond." 

      " If you’re not christian you must be of the devil. This is the basis for the faith-based genocide by Europeans of the Native Americans. They were viewed as Pagans, pure and simple; and yet today they don’t call themselves Pagan to honor their part in the history of Pagan civil rights. In the past I had been calling myself agnostic, when I wasn’t an atheist, and now I realize many “agnostics” are actually Pagans.  Let’s drop the snobby pretensions and accept that every phase of thought and gradations of belief we have across this American Prism of  Freedom of Expression can be viewed as Progressive Eclecticism.  My people.             

Gnostic is not agnostic: Gnostics believe that the Old Testament god is an imposter, a poseur who took advantage of the Jews. For some reason the Christians have dragged this Old Testament god around and even Islam embraces Abraham from the Bible."

"Is there an ancient mother and are there goddesses? What have the Goddesses been telling us: maybe they want us that we must encode liberty, embed equality, ostracize criminality and vanquish cruelty Maybe Hecate wants you to plant willow trees instead of invoking her to help with your love life. Maybe Cerridwen would rather have you using your creative will to help craft a cap and trade program that makes sense in this polluted world. Sedena of the Inuit doesn't need prayers so much as she needs a solution to the invasion of her cold northern arctic by Bernie Madoffs with drilling equipment. Maybe Yemaya wants you to indulge your carnal side a little less and take care of your little creations better.

          Jurate wants you to be aware that humans have killed and fished with a profit seeking rapaciousness that will leave future generations scratching their heads at the depletion of fishing stocks and the lack of earth stewardship. Worst of all, the illusion of prosperity created by predatory capitalism.             

            Maybe Freya is unimpressed with your double axe zipper pulls and wants you to raise your level of awareness about eroding topsoil, and to learn how to certify organic growing conditions to keep up with the demand for clean food. The dragon-tailed goddess Nu-Kua appreciates that you are beginning to understand about Feng shui and Dharma, but would be happier if you understood more about the ecological devastation of war and the emotional toll on civilian populations."




" This country was built with an ax and not the Bible, as some contend, and this negative and reactionary force  has been trying to hijack this country since the European settling in 1620. The religious elites saw the Native Americans as Pagans and this is why they were massacred, plain and simple. "

"When all discrimination ends, and there is a massive Christian apology from the pulpits of hate and division, Pagans will finally exhale. 1600 years of persecution, murder and ostracization has to cease. Congregants are riled up from believing the demons that pastors and preachers talk about. If a person calls him/herself a witch, there is not a reason to be fearful if they are a neighbor or co-worker. 

Like pagans in general, witches are passionate and sensitive and in most cases, wise in the ways of the world. I wish I had more Pagan and Witch neighbors; it would be a friendlier neighborhood and world. Pagans have American Freedoms embedded in our genes, but we live amongst people who believe Halloween is "the devil’s birthday.""

"Witches may not be subject to being dragged down to the town square and burned anymore, or need to worry about being beheaded and having their skulls placed on spikes to scare other pagans into converting to the one true religion; but they can easily lose their jobs or leadership positions in volunteer organizations such as the Cub Scouts, should we be outed as Witches or Pagans. How Un-American can you be with this attitude and why are witches still subject to severe discrimination such as this? The Founding Revolutionaries invented something called Freedom of Expression, but many Pagans cannot have a booth at a fair without some kind of virulent discrimination or harassment."

"Come on, let's pull up our big American pants and look at the individual you meet as an individual… as a citizen, a voter a worker or a child. Jefferson was only too aware of the Church and its agenda for control. The Spanish Inquisition was still fresh in his 18th century mind. "Divine Authority" had become a joke to intelligent people during the Enlightened period.

"As the boomer generation reached school age, many of us were puzzled and disgusted that a race of people had to use separate facilities and were treated as less than equal. It also seemed dumb and unnatural that females were somehow not equal to males. We didn't GET IT. The bigotry and sexism of the greatest generation was put to the test in the 60’s and failed as cultural norms. The Old Order was about to be stood on its head!"
           " I believe that earth lovers looking into paganism are put off with the ceremonial excess they see and often times they will turn away. The gardener, earth activist, or tree planting green would be considered, “just a tree hugger, you’re not a ‘real’ pagan.” Says you; Pagan is as pagan does, earth lovers are real pagans, not neo-pagans. So here I am, Martin Luther, creating a schism with pagans, but I’ll say it again--more trees and less candles, more organic vegetables and less skulls and demons."

         "Neophytes to pagan initiation may hear, “Your athame has to be blah blah blah” or some version of, “you’re just starting, you don’t know anything,” which is highly insulting. In my opinion, Paganism needs to be more about planting trees and less about spells and candles and I think there are many people who would agree, and many of us have a lot to bring to the table and this is why I’m promoting the big tent concept of progressive eclecticism. "

              "There are those that say you have to be on one specific path or another and you’re not a real pagan if you mix and match your deities from different pagan religions. I’m a real pagan in my view, although serious pagans would disagree with my notion of Progressive Eclectics and my iconoclastic pantheon of 9 goddesses and 23 gods from a variety of sources."




A true, total explanation of one way to use the Tarot cards. I created a simple explanation and procedure eschewing some unnecessary stratagems that exclude the common person from using the Tarot. The Tarot is for everyone I insist. 

"Astrology and Tarot have crossed paths at different times in history but are exclusive of each other. For instance, where did the choice of 78 cards in a deck come from? The twelve houses of the zodiac say some. Add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=78.” 

"Okay, if you still have your cards laid out, let’s start. Sometimes I have simple questions. Today my question is: Should I put this article, Tarot for Newbs, in my book, History Of The Pagans, (HOTP)  or make it something separate? Let’s find out."

 "I shuffle five times to mince up any previous throw. Then I cut 4 times concentrating solely on the question throughout. The first card is the three of coins. My Lord of the Rings Deck shows Bilbo in his library. The first card indicates the present situation of the questioner. Recently, my life seems to be about learning new things and this card says to ‘extol in the learning of new things' to make life even more interesting. Learning a new craft such as tarot is an excellent use of time’ this card says."

"The second card lays sideways across the first one and directly influences it. This card is the Ace of Swords and most prominently featured is Gwaihir the Eagle. "

"The first two cards are laid out as indicated below and my Lord Of The Rings Tarot  book says card 3 goes above (a symbolic crowning) and this is where this reading diverges from other Celtic Cross readings: Other deck instructions say to start on the right, for no particular reason I can discern, and there are books that say card 3 goes on the bottom! "

9 6 (1 and 2) 4 10 


"My Lord of the Rings Tarot book says the third card goes on top and Card #4 goes to the right; #5 goes at the bottom and #6 to the left. (See above) Card six concerns future influences and is where you’re really free to interpret future events and influences. This is where you put your knowledge to work, because Tarot is not just for the esoterically gifted, I insist, but also a way for friends and family to communicate and influence the future in some way and to also share in some fun."

:   "Hey! I just remembered what one of the other books said. The Celtic Cross reading has something to do with the Catholic ‘sign of the cross’, though it didn’t say how. The sign of the cross is a razzle-dazzle Catholics do with their hands before they pray or walk in a church. I was wondering what to do with the last 4 cards, so utilizing this idea, we go top, bottom, left and then right for a symbolic sign of the cross as you lay out the last four cards."

 (See diagram.) 

        A playful card, the six of Cups shows Merry and Pippin smoking Saruman's ‘pipeweed’ while they laugh about the victory of the Ents and the fall of Orthanc. The card says ‘re-discover the child within’, a reminder to not be so serious and to have fun. Sometimes I do take things too seriously; I need to loosen up and have fun so I should make a tarot chapter fun and accessible. Our modern sensibilities demand excellence with playfulness and I need to remember this. 

          I deal a card that indicates that careful thinking, but decisive action is needed regarding recent past events Can I learn tile and stonemasonry and be a better father and husband and increase my business income? Can I learn Tarot and many other things that have fallen in my lap lately? Determination and focus may yet trump my chronic procrastination. 

        "In the study of Tarot, you will read about cards ‘reversed’. I make sure they are all facing the same direction before I shuffle them. Those reversed cards add so much inexactness, bewilderment and negativity that I personally avoid them altogether. I recently discovered that reversed cards were introduced barely 100 years ago… specifically to discourage people like me who try to explain tarot for everyone’s use." 


         "Buddha Bing! Now I’m suddenly inclined to think that I really need to rediscover maybe not a friend from the past, but the attitude I had in the past. "

        "Here is the magic of the tarot; follow what your heart is telling you and be open to what may be revealed. Loosen up on the direct ‘meanings’ of the cards and stay intellectually nimble with interpretation. As I was contemplating this card, I realized that it may not be an old friend from the past, but how I used to meet dozens of people in short periods of time during my young adulthood. I learned so much from the constant parade of unique people and the situations and scenarios of my youth. Tarot is not Rubik’s Cube. "

        "Finally the 10th card indicates the final outcome, the Net result and cumulative factors in answering the question. High Priestess comes up. This indicates balance with our goddess, everything lining up for a positive yin and yang result. Pagans will accuse me of occasional insensitivity and Christians will accuse me of… who knows... whatever they can think of, but the end result will be something that pleases the goddess. Tarot for pagans? The cards say ‘by all means!’ It will be part of the balanced picture in the book I’m writing. So there you have it, Tarot is for all of us."

"I hope this has encouraged you to try a reading on your own. The readings I have done for myself so far seem freaky accurate, but more than that, I’m able to see problems and obstacles in a different light. The Tarot opens up the creative parts of our mind. "
"I remember the Tarot reader explained to me ‘she had a gift’ and said I ‘had a guardian angel over my left shoulder’. Maybe us simple folk can’t really see angels but we all have gifts, remember? Tarot is for me and Tarot is for you, too."


"making a fleet of eighty-MILLION-dollar fighter jets is much more important than anything nature has to offer. This is what the government is telling us with this lopsided budget. Why should taxes go to a park ranger explaining the difference between red squirrels and brown squirrels during a guided tour? How is THAT a priority?"
"Park expansion, safety of campers and visitors, and the preservation of ecological diversity has been subverted by corporations that profit from war, and by the army of corporate lobbyists in Washington. THE PEOPLE WANT PARKS NOT WAR."
"It makes sense, mon aci, because everyone has gotten fat off the government the last sixty years, and now they slap "my guns my god and my money…you keep the change", bumper stickers on their cars. These people not fully comprehending the markets and products that the government encouraged, created their prosperity. Markets as diverse as Dairy and Nuclear Energy.  The capitalists slipped America a roofie, 60 years ago, and have not stopped ravaging her. 
"The Greatest Generations antiquated notions of how everyone has their place, was put to the test and failed in the 60's.  The boomers saw this world filled with racism and sexism with our young hopeful eyes, and collectively our disgust level was so high, that things have changed in the last 50 years. Thank you to all who have stood up for equality, you are the actual patriots."
Why not pay the woman the same as a man? Whazzup with that? We didn’t get it."
"This incivility and wildness is not the primitive paleo wildness we have forgotten, but the result of the authoritarian despotism of manipulative men and the fealty of the sycophant chumps that ring their bell. This has led to a false patriotism, the War without end.  Always enemies to kill, God bless you."
"1……Encode Liberty ….2……Embed equality…3…. invalidate injustice …..4… Ostracize criminality  ….5….humble the mighty …6  …, vanquish cruelty ….
7 …. cultivate opportunity …..8…."Unity Without hierarchy"
 "Let’s give ourselves the chance for a new start, with the rejection of violence, and usher in, at long last, The Dawn of Civilization. All of us together in every country: Out of many, one; Unity without hierarchy. We are ready."

a)        The Great Elm

b)   Riotous Revolutionaries

c)   A storm was brewing along with the beer

d)   Disperse ye Rebels

 E   Liberty in Ascendance of Religion

 F   Libertas Holds the Lamp



By 1966, the tree was merely a plaque on my paper route, a victim of Dutch Elm Disease and suffering from the stress, and slow recovery, of the ‘38 Hurricane."

"An old sidewalk that I would ride my bicycle on had 5’x 5’ stones, all wavy and crooked from tree roots, as I threw newspapers to customers.  Almost half of my customers near the Wethersfield Green lived in houses built before 1850."

"In this chapter, I will give you a history of the origin of our American freedoms unlike any you have ever heard, and my version of the struggle to unite the 13 colonies that saw themselves more like 13 separate countries.

The Republic of Vermont  did declare themselves a separate country in 1777, but eventually joined the United States in 1791, sewing the 14th star on the flag after 14 years as the Republic of Vermont.

I must also make a basic outline for those who would like to know more, but who are still confused or uncertain about American Revolutionary History."

"A most basic freedom, it was logical that no one should have authority to force you to lodge them, especially in the case of the Redcoat soldiers who were becoming an occupation army.  Less known about the 3rd amendment is that it is about a basic right to keep all forms of government intrusion out of our homes.  That would include NSA spying on our phone conversations one would assume, and any other heavy-handed tactics in the future. Mrs. Noseypants across the street with the camera system set up for her by her CIA son. Keeps her safe and she knows if anyone is walking down the streetbut she films much of the neighborhood without permission."

"It was the roughnecks, the visionaries, the apprentice helpers, and the hard drinking lower middle class that became heroes in the initial fight for American Liberty, not the Glenn Becks of the day with their chalkboards and half-truths. And not your preachers neither, with their clean fingernails and collection baskets."

"The tea dumping, mock lynching, stone throwing, rioting revolutionaries of 1765 to 1775 did not allow religious bugaboo to cloud the clarity of their vision.  In fact, religion had cooled to the point of being inconsequential, in many towns. This is where Republican Revisionist Rightest Rogue historians are completely wrong when they perpetuate the lie that this is a Christian country."



" Long ago when I was seven and sitting in my sandbox, I could see Interstate 91 being built. Loaders, graders, dump trucks. They were far off in the distance but within view when they were working near the overpass on our street. Such an inspiration for the highways I was building in my big red sandbox! "

  "A huge expanse of concrete, the likes of which we had never seen and we delighted in seeing who could make the fattest or longest skid with our bicycles. We'd practice wheelies without worrying about oncoming traffic. Do endless circle 8’s and play chicken. Crazy fun. Every day for a couple of weeks.

     We'uns dint need no theme parks back in the olde days."

  "One way to save money would be to sell half of our military bases, particularly the ones furthest away from American ports, keep it closer to home, right? The Constitutional mandate is for “a common defence”, not an international death star."

  "Today I realize these fences not only kept wildlife from running across the highway and getting run over, but also kept them from migrating as they had done since the Ice Age."

        "On the trip to New England in September, I got off RT 81 and asked Bubbles for the scenic route to Deposit New York, where there was an alleged Motel 6. From Old Forge Pennsylvania, where I slept on the side of the road, and then driving to Deposit New York, I went on the most scenic 9 hour drive of the year. Six dead deer, unfortunately, (how many were picked up fresh for the deer processing facilities?) I went on Route 11 then 220 then 17 to Deposit. I saw SO MANY rural homes and noted 

how many people live. Too many planned communities and uniformity and HOA rules in my central Florida locale I forgot how interesting the rest of the country is."
    "When it got dark and there was no more scenery to enjoy, I asked Bubbles to put me on the quickest route to Interstate 89. I didn't know at this point about the dearth of facilities. I assumed I'd find a rest area on the interstates, no problem, though I'd been fooled before on the previous trip in May driving in New Mexico. I had driven 100 miles in a state of extreme tiredness waiting for a place to pull over and had a nightmarish near collision with a tractor trailer."
     "After driving on hundreds of state roads, I got the idea that the II24 infrastructure plan would create rural hubs away from the interstates.  Large parking areas where people can stay and rest and local people can sell their wares. Where the free national bus company goes where people can go and pick up their friends and relatives."

"I drove into the far corner of the Vermont Welcome Center and went to Whee behind some evergreens in the dog walking area. Every 15 minutes or so someone would park and check the door of the building in order to use the facilities and would walk away disappointed. I was kind of wired and couldn’t relax enough to fall asleep.

     A cop pulled in as I was trying to figure where I would go if he/she kicked me out and I tried to rest in my seat, but I really wanted to go in the back of the car where I had a cushioned space I made for a bed. 100 parking spots and I was the only one there and luckily the officer left, so I finally laid out in the back. Florida plates in Vermont, let me rest FFS."

" There is going to be a population shift and it will be a good thing. Who is going to work on the wind farms in the midwest where most of them will be located? I saw so many abandoned houses that were still restorable now, but won't be ten years from now.

              Jobs will be moving around as we begin to take back the Commons and Millennials take charge of the economy."

"Certainly not the preppy Grand Tour, I wanted to see the United States without getting into covid clusters and waiting in line anywhere. I wanted to see America, but not necessarily talk to Americans. I've paid my dues being a good listener to these over talkers and barking braggars, and with their lines of shit these last 50 years."

"Several configurations of the trip developed and then almost came to a halt with a bad EKG on April 27th. “You’re not having chest pains?” my doctor seemed alarmed. He was ready to drive me to the hospital. This is shortly before I was to leave on my 7200-mile journey. "

"Suddenly I had a heart condition and my extremities were steadily getting numb from nerve damage and on top of it all, what if I had Lyme disease from the tick? What if I became diabetic and slipped into a coma, having just been confirmed pre-diabetic? 


"had 5 things left. I wanted to get over to Austin and see Little M, and I had also wanted to see the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Blue Ridge Mountains for a long time. I heard it was beautiful. I had no idea.

 #3 was to visit Amish country. I wanted to meet a few of them and learn about their culture. That was a practice vacation for what was to come.

This trip sounded like something I needed to do. Secondly, I’ve always had the feeling that Oregon was where I needed to go and that was #2 on the list and seeing the Redwoods was #1.

  Sure, I’d like to see Solutre, France and the Niobrara River in Nebraska (the least populated part of the continental US) and visit Hudson Bay from the St. James Road, but I would be pretty satisfied to finish these five items."

"Hurricane Florence pretty much followed my proposed vacation drive through the mountains a week before I was to go, but the damage wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be. News always exaggerates

I went to spot #77 in Section C at the Doughton Campground near Sparta North Carolina, and I had the place to myself for six days. Strong fairy spirits up there on the knob."

"No point in going to any Covid clusters and the only two places I went in was the gift shop at Monarch Pass and the gift shop at Crater Lake. 

I saw lots of America and very few Americans, except at rest areas and it was good to see people were all masking up as I was, but I was also yet to be vaccinated. I did in August and never got the boosters.

Everyone in the world was supposed to get the shots and I couldn't help being suspicious, so I waited, as did my client. This turned out to be a good thing because our hosts in Oregon were anti-vax preppers who would not have welcomed vaccinated people and their shedding proteins."

"The world of 2030 will be different than what we can imagine. America needs to shed its white collar parasitical economy and learn to work again. Class War. The workers vs. the parasites."

"The road was misted and it was difficult to see even twenty-five feet.

 A TREE appeared out of the mist across at least two lanes of traffic and we hit it direct ...dead on. Like, I don’t even tell people cause I’m not a drama queen like that. It nearly broke through the windshield in three places and I shit you not we could have been impaled by huge branches if I skidded and swerved and went into it sideways. t National News “two people were impaled on I 10 last night in a bizarre act of misfortune.”"

"So, we nearly got impaled by a 30-foot tree that was laying across Interstate 10, but we ended up getting a nice vehicle upgrade, and were finally on our way to Oregon."

"Took the Oregon Redwood trail and saw and touched my first Redwoods. So, there I was with an empty bucket list and a motel within view of the Pacific Ocean."


      With the exception of Alexander Hamilton, the American Founding Revolutionaries greatly feared a central banking system.

Imagine all the work involved in building a house with all the different contractors; and compare this to the banker who makes the same amount of money with a click of a mouse. They make as much money as the builder and all the contractors   PUT   TOGETHER!

Amazingly, I hear no one trying to reform this system.

           It's all pure profit for the Banksters, since they don’t need tools or trucks to move and install their product, like roofers, electricians or landscapers. They don't even need stagecoaches anymore like they did when banking was dangerous. It’s the elephant in the room that everyone is intensely trained to avoid. Bankers and lawyers have made America far more complicated than it needs to be."

" ,,, too bad for families and homeowners, who pay at least five times more interest than they should. Did we forget, "Authority is derived from the free consent of the people"? I'm outraged that people retreat with their tails between their legs against these bankster crooks who make the Mafia look like bumbling amateurs."

"Was it President Andrew Jackson that said bankers were nothing but a den of vipers, or was that Jesus? In the 1830’s Andrew Jackson managed to eliminate the National Debt while calling the entire banking system, ‘A pit of vipers’. Or was it Jesus that called the bankers, "a Den of Vipers", I can't recall. Andrew Jackson was determined to get these parasitical leeches off the life blood of the country. With the exception of Alexander Hamilton, the founding fathers greatly feared a central banking system that would feed upon the healthy commerce of an emerging nation."

" A stimulus program the government doesn’t have to pay for. Non-profit banking would reconfigure all the loans to 10% of the remaining balance, and bill accordingly. It's not that people can't afford the items they get on credit, it's the interest paid, that weighs down consumers. They don’t have to charge that kind of interest. Period. Give these fucks some non-profit competition."

"The basis of the common 30 year Home loan is the institutionalized price gouging, the front loading of ten years of interest right at the start, so capital doesn’t get paid down for a long time. With this non-profit 10% system I am suggesting, it becomes a 20 year loan instead of 30 with a house. There has been a smash and grab robbery of the middle class by the banking class system and its why people won’t feel guilty about taxing wealth. "

"Legalized theft, I don't see what else you can call it.  They penalize us like law enforcement with these late fees, LIKE WE ARE SPEEDING OR RUNNING A RED LIGHT. They have these supernatural rights beyond any individual and they get bailed out, to boot. This is the corrupt white-collar class robbing you in broad daylight and Glenn Beck wants to talk about restoring honor to America. Wake the fuck up conservatives."

" Bankers use these gouged profits to buy up and accumulate land and buildings and assets as tax write offs, while investing in companies that pollute our waterways and contaminate the groundwater.   Mother Nature loses with every turn of the wheel. When we’re ready to rise up, it will be sweet to see.

Bankers financed the brutal western expansion of the United States, and therefore sponsored the silent slaughter of most of North Americas precious fauna. Beavers and mink turned into fur. Wolves extirpated in state after state to raise sheep. Rivers dammed and streams gutted and lakes polluted, as America was recklessly bulldozing nature. Money doesn't grow on trees, it is trees. The cheap homes of the 50's and 60's that the Greatest Generation sold for 10 times as much during real estate booms, led to the demise of southern forests."

"What’s the reality here? You are trained to not be aware of rapacious, gangrenous, oozing greed as it haunts your life with payments that are far higher than necessary. It seems wrong, but don't think about it! You are raised with the double brush brainwashing of worshiping authority and shaped by the greatest generations' mantra, "you can't stop progress"

Here is how non profit banking would work. A Non-profit banking company, loans your hard working family 100 thousand dollars with 10 percent interest. A real ten percent, a non-usurious 10 %, an authentic, stripped down, no bullshit loan. 100,000 is lent and 110,000 is paid back. How much paperwork is needed in this computer streamlined world? For Gods sake, give these lending institutions some competition.

          Non-profit banking is not socialism. It's common sense.  


Exploring the initiatives of the Progressive Party of 1912. When the Bull Moose party came into being in June of that election year. 

           A NEW SQUARE DEAL Not a New Green Deal. People aren't buying it. Earth lovers and conservationists don't. Progressives want to separate themselves the best we can from the virtue signalers in the Democratic Party and the obsessive single-issue, city slicker liberals. They ruined the Green party. 

         Abortion, immigration and gay exuberance are not the hills I want to die on. The workers revolution, the earth, and fighting fascism can be our three legged stool instead. It's going to be up to Progressives to keep a workers movement going.

        The conservative three-legged stool is christian nationalism, anti-communist paranoia, (and (what they think) is socialism) 

         So what we do as Progressives is subsume and consume the Green party since they are on the ballot in 47 states. A third party is ready to light a fire under the ass of the languid liberals and ridiculous right wingers but Green Party functionaries really don't understand rural America. The Independent majority needs to be heard as we were once before. The Progressive Era 1894 to 1914. In the 1912 election all three presidential candidates called themselves Progressives, acknowledging the overall success of dragging the country into the 20th century."

        "The New Square Deal takes the battle royale of class warfare to the town square. A NEW SQUARE DEAL. Is it the New Deal or Teddy Roosevelts Square Deal? It’s a combination of both of these successful socialist initiatives. What the fascists have been trying to kill for over a hundred years and why our anti-communist/muslim hating foreign policy wastes hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used here where we need it. "

"  "Jesus was a heretic, a Pagan if you will, and I can only hope He returns to reveal the truth."

"  in the meantime, we have,  The Constitution.  "       


"Do we follow the 9th commandment ……or the 9th amendment of the Bill of rights constitution thingy? In the case of tea party ‘patriots’, the answer is neither. In the absence of law, the 9th amendment says we must use precedence and the spirit of our constitution to make decisions. The Tea Potty has warped the meaning of this and this will be one of our constitutional wrestling matches this year. The 9th commandment of the bible talks about bearing false witness and needless to say glennbeck will spend an eternity in hell just for what he has said demonizing Progressives. The deception and half-truths from today’s neo-cons is the epitome of bearing false witness."

"We anticipate the logjam of the Liberal-Conservative debate to break soon and new ideas, independent ideas, will burst onto the media. A new culture has begun to rise up. Its healthy greenery will grow a canopy over the dying, destructive, death dealing, war loving culture of Manifest Destiny.  We will evolve out of this entirely corrupt predatory capitalist system."

 "There was also Bob Lafollette, “fightin’ Bob” and the muckrakers such as Upton Sinclair who wrote “The Jungle” exposing the disgusting conditions in meat factories."

"Progressive Independents can investigate corporate greed while on the other side of the spectrum, Libertarian Independents can root out government waste. "

What was developing in 2009-10 was a growing mob mentality similar to the McCarthy Era that was fueled by the neo-conservative hairballs. 

The ones participating in this faux hysteria carry psychological pitchforks to suppress the independent majority with their sputtering outrage at “Health scare”, the Twin Towers mosque, and beheadings by Mexican drug gangs and other bullshit issues that keep Progressives from getting down to business to help small business gain their first advantages in 100 years."

"Never mind Freddy Kruger and the Halloween movies, the proven failure of communism is trotted out to put fear in the gelatinous lump called the American electorate, the goober nation. Barack Maobama is turning America into Communists right under our noses! Notice it didn’t happen. He didn’t even write any executive orders limiting guns in any way."

"Never mind Freddy Kruger and the Halloween movies, the proven failure of communism is trotted out to put fear in the gelatinous lump called the American electorate, the goober nation. Barack Maobama is turning America into Communists right under our noses! Notice it didn’t happen. He didn’t even write any executive orders limiting guns in any way."


Here is an inside out look at the question I found posted on a forum.
How many people understand socialism and understand it's destruction of America THE WRITER ASKED? 

You know, that bit hack that says we are all going to hell in a handbasket.

"Then I invested in a high profit company that obtained numerous government contracts and when they got caught pouring iridium down a well, we got fined peanuts. As this nuclear waste found its way into the water supply we all laughed and clipped fat cigars at the country club."

" When the sissy state I lived in started cleaning up the rivers, and made my friends update their smokestacks with those damn clean air laws, I moved to Florida where I got involved heavily in sugar production, making gargantuan profits in the 80's as Americas seriously began to overeat and sugar was a tremendous growth industry. We emptied the Lake Okeechobee watershed and farmed the rich mud. By farming I mean applying lots of chemicals. "




I've always tried to see the conservative side of issues. I lived in Arizona during Barry Goldwaters last term in the Senate. I try to make a compelling case to conservatives that rolling coal and the other stupid shit things they do are TFU.

"The squishy soft urban liberal needs to understand the goals of the self-sufficient rural person and both need to respect each other.  “Ewww, you kill it…then eat it…Yuck!” Too many people just squirm when it comes to eating wild meat, but find nothing unsavory about how pigs are raised for those babyback ribs they get at TGIFridays. "

"  In the 60’s, liberals became associated with liberty and civil rights, a traditionally conservative viewpoint and an offshoot of the Progressive Era who were represented by conservative conservationist Theodore Roosevelt (Republicans take note). Liberals were disturbed by the mad devouring industrial machine and the need for full civil rights for all people. Liberals also stewarded laws to reduce and slow down air and water pollution by the greedy corporations and thusly, the Liberals modernized themselves. The land and air should belong to the people, not a waste bucket for the Protestant profiteers, even Richard Nixon knew that.

"In Hazardville Connecticut I was in a house surrounded by 200 acres of corn and a couple hundred acre shrub farm. Then a cul de sac was built. Great for property values but the trucks would speed around the corner and sand piles built up and gravel was flung all over the road. Here in Florida, they dig out ancient sand ridges to built one new house after another.

       This constant rapid growth can’t be good for ecological balance. Agrarian anarchy is the antithesis of parasitical capitalism. Agrarian Anarchy asks the question, “What is better, 700 farmers, truckers, small store owners and others making 40,000 dollars a year or one “export executive” Making 10 million dollars? That one executive is somehow as valuable as an entire small community who actually produce goods? "



 "Now I’m not a fan of big government, but I enthusiastically applaud the effort of the Democratic Socialists at that time that built such a remarkable road and often at heights of 3000 feet or more where cold arrives early.  The area is nearly unspoiled, and the Blue Ridge Parkway may be the last hope for the wild things in the Appalachians."

"A country by the frat boys, for the frat boys, and of the frat boys. Stop giving rich senators their Agricultural subsidies, their million-dollar paychecks for not growing crops. There are many ways to starve the beast called Oligarchy. To save America we have to save the land along with the liberty and justice for all that the essentials."

"Then I got to thinking about Pilot Mountain that I had visited the day before, and I wondered how the Libertarians would manage that park. The sign that says: hikers below, do not throw rocks. Gone, that’s no fun being careful and courteous. The no alcohol in the Park directive? That's a silly Liberal rule by sissy men of today. “How do you like your steak sir,” the waiter asked. “Next to my other steak” was the reply from the macho posturing pinhead. "

"Bloodthirsty libertarian predators are ready to buy up the rest of America that isn’t nailed down. They made out with the banking crisis of 2008, and they bought up many of the 10 million foreclosed homes. That's how Bill O'reilly got his 78 houses. Super predators brainwashed by Milton Friedman and others with the Chicago School of Oligarchy."

-2-10- who are the white people? 

    "“The founding revolutionaries excoriated and eviscerated religions creepy grasp on the 


when they started the United States.”

a)  The Sky is Falling

b)  The Vital Energy of Democracy

c)   The is no religion in the marketplace

d)   Dog Whistles

e)    Donut Shop Pundits

f)   Who are the White People?

g)   Intractable Dilemma

h)   The Meek are now the Enlightened"

""White people have become sociologically inbred with their faith in authoritarian excess." 

"red hats who speak in riddles and dog whistles. All they have are vulgarisms and terrorism. Nothing for workers or families or markets in poor areas."

" Back then, I would point out to people that ... intending to create Armageddon via our military was Treason. "Aw they're not serious." So, there I was, "the sky is falling" again. T***p moves the embassy to Jerusalem because the evangelicals told him it was prophecy. "

" On the other hand,  those gender issues that the city slicker liberals have gotten themselves mired in, that rural people could really give a shit less about, have stolen the narrative."

"I am at my wit's end trying to understand what I can and can’t do and say with this extreme City Slicker Liberal agenda. There are so many things I can't talk about any more, and not just the Polish jokes.


"The Founding Documents is where the actual spirit of Liberty was born. The Founding Revolutionaries were most decidedly in favor of the separation of church and state, and Liberty was the Vanguard of the Revolution, not the bible. "

"Guess what? The best way to keep Sharia Law out of this country is to keep Biblical Law out of our Laws and Statutes and Ordinances. Take “In God We Trust” off our money, for crying out loud. Stop forcing politicians to use the Bible, for Christs sake, for oath swearing, are you kidding me? We are not one nation under god.  We are many united as one.  Sharia Law can only gain a foothold  if knucklehead republicans insist on encoding Biblical Law. Leave shit alone! You Lost to the Secular Enlightenment."

"we aren't colors, genders,                    

                                             or nationalities. Instead, think of all of us as workers, voters, citizens, and children."

"Colonialism by rich white people proceeded once the European Commons was absconded with, (it takes money to make money), and then Industrial Capitalism came along and that destructive system has disrupted virtually every culture in the world since. Consumed the Market Socialism that had controlled commerce. "

"These were crazy brown people getting all violent with the heat 'n shit. They became established near Jerusalem, Mecca and Constantinople. THEN those crazy brown bastards invaded White Pagan Europe and Black Pagan Africa. "

"The indigenous Europeans and Africans got invaded the same way the North American indigenous people got invaded, but historians won't point that out to you. it's all rah rah rah! Victory over savages."

"When I used to live 15 miles from the O'odham People, I named my roommate Eagle that Walks with his 30/20 vision, and I was Heap big Four Eyes. You know, who cares."

"Poor folks created Rockabilly and its enthusiasm took over the world, along with surf music a few years later. We want to sing and dance and play rock and roll in the garage, nobody gives a shit about white supremacy and immigrants. Fuck your god and fuck your racism.  This unconstitutional intrusion of being under god, and in god we trust, needs to be dealt with. Elvis, Charley Parker and Buddy Holly are our triple gods."

"There has never been a generation that has allowed so much bad policy to prevail or accumulated so much wealth. Myopic vision of short-sighted opportunists has left us with radioactive waste, plastic filled oceans and mercury-tainted fish, leading us to the brink of environmental collapse."

"  Compare the 13 goals for a witch, to let's say, the 10 commandments where the whiny god of Canaan exhibits his jealousy of other gods, and is quite prepared to torture you with fire for eternity if you get on his bad side. Then there is islam where a husband is allowed to beat or kill his female property. Can you see why both of these bloodthirsty religions have demonized Paganism and Witchcraft over these many years? "

" A book from 1928 called Lady Chatterley’s Lover, describes post-WW1 England. The ruling class has power because they are the most qualified to lead, they told themselves, and don't forget that he who has the gold makes the rules and that is the actual golden rule. 

          In the book I mentioned, the coal miners in the town drag their feet home every day after 12 hours of slavery in unearthly, horrible conditions. The local oligarch, the owner of the mine, looks on their parade of gloom with pity, and repeats that he has “been given the burden of keeping the rabble in line.” 
"the Meek had finally been subdued, the blood and money cults of Abraham were victorious, and the Meek were subsumed. "

                 A   Malicious Guile on Display

        B   Environmental Justice

        C    Economic Justice

       D   The High Thread count in the Fabric of Freedom 

    " To find peace in this chaos is to be enlightened. The clotted nothingness of liberalism and the venomous spewing of most conservatives, represent only small slices of the American Pie; unfortunately, the only two that have a voice in the mainstream media."
"Independents have no steadfast, limiting ideology and we develop our own unique viewpoints and philosophies. We are tired of coercive governments and corrupt, polluting corporations and reclaiming the Commons is going to be one of our strategies."
"A new culture and economic system have begun to rise up and its healthy greenery will grow a canopy over the dying, destructive, death dealing, war loving culture of Manifest Destiny.  This final, demented phase of Capitalism that wasn’t imagined, even by Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Oligarchy, with their rose-colored greed glasses.  In their world, the rich should own everything, for our own good of course."
" the real battle ahead for authentic conservatives and practical Liberals, will be in defense of small business. "
"Programs that often organized (liberal) volunteers to help assist paid employees were dramatically slashed for no reason other than spite."
"The Master Gardener program, within the Agriculture Department, harnesses 10 times more volunteer labor than the total paid labor hours of the program. I know because I went through the program three times in two states.  It is one of the best government-subsidized programs going and for how much, the cost of a dozen patriot missiles.  That’s ten volunteers or Interns or apprentices for every paid employee.  You won’t find any conservative based programs that can do the same. What other organization does that? Hmmm? Meals on Wheels, that’s who! For god’s sake, how can you stop feeding the hungry and send an army of volunteers packing as the administration of the Orange Menace got into gear? It’s the most shortsighted budget cuts ever, nothing but malicious guile on display."
"Seventy five years ago, there were three times as many hiking trail miles as there were logging road miles. Currently the opposite is true and there are now three times as many linear miles of logging roads, compared to hiking trails. It’s cheaper to develop hiking trails, isn’t it?  Keep the trees, where they are, we can recycle for our paper needs."
"Household Industry involved 80% of the population. Before factories, people made products at home and the Industrial North had yet to arrive. The steam engine hadn't even been invented yet or the cotton gin, so to a Northerner, slavery was an unsavory and unfortunate reality that needed to change."

"  It has been a pity that The Left is stuck on the chalkboard Utopia of communism, and some even hinged to its rapacious Stalinist sideboard. It's the Green and Black baby.                   Americans are never going to call themselves communists ... and I don’t care how many quotes of marx or “books I should read” you throw at me."
"Companies abandoned America in the 70's in order to take advantage of the reckless breeding in India and China and Bangladesh that created far too many people with its misnamed “green revolution”. In their desperate struggle to feed their children, these people are willing to work for 15 cents an hour, 15 hours a day.  How do you compete with that?"
"They are stripping the earth without any regard to the 100 billion people that will be born on this planet during the next 5000 years."
"The over credentialed, over certified white collar world isn’t going to rule us with their stuffed and mounted academic validations forever. We can and are creating a Market Socialism structure."



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