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Friday, January 28, 2022













-5-9-  TELESTE


-5-11-     JESUS AND ALLAH'

-5-12-     THE HEART OF GOD

-5-13-       34 COMMANDMENTS



Liberty in ascendance over Religion 

                    Do we follow the 9th commandment ……or the 9th amendment of the Bill of rights, constitution thingy? In the case of white xian nationalist ‘patriots’, the answer is neither.  

 Strap yourself in for a bracing dose of heresy, the Enlightenment continues to question miracles and magic.

From the Great Book of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Rigatoni #23 verse 9. "Though others may pass through my strainer and into the void, thou whost believeth in me, will stick to my teeth as oregano clings to a meatball."    

        Here in 2022, venom spewing conservatives continue to take a country that was filled with hope and enthusiasm at the turn of the Millennium, and turned us into a fractious, mistrustful and divided nation. People were ready to ride the positive momentum of a budget surplus and the realization that TECH was going to be a boon to research and problem solving and communication. The 35-hour work week and a higher minimum wage was within view. Tech was going to make everything quicker and easier.

       I remember the progressive ideas that were being discussed at the time, despite Newt Gingrich’s Contract on America with its jingoistic patriotism and corporate fealty. American Industrial production shifted to China and those in the know made a fortune in their investments.  

         It seemed that American innovation was going to be unleashed with small business leading the way  in 2000 to create new ways to make sustainable green businesses and creating advancements. The cream of this unleashed talent would rise to the top, but alas, George Bush, led us back to 1953.

Remember when the national discussion was energy self-sufficiency and Infrastructure Repair? Yeah, me neither. We needed a fresh, optimistic new start, and it had nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats. It had to do with Liberty and our ability to create without coercion. Here comes 9-11 and Americas response was vengeful hysteria. 

Small business creates more jobs than the big corporations, let’s remember, and as I often say, “the innovations of the future are going to come from the garages of America, not the boardrooms of corporations.”  

We gave Reagans Big Business Era of Greed a chance and we’ve been turning the other cheek as the religious kooks stole our nations narrative, and now we wonder what the fuck happened?                             

          There is a perception throughout the world that America still has the racist and sexist fire in the belly: this toxic fuel that heats Qanon anger as they buy ammunition and prepare for the worst.  glennbeck and rushlimbaugh sounded like, the charismatic right wing jackbag at the donut shop, or breakfast place, holding court as underpaid teens sling the donuts. Slack jaw yokels nod as these ‘pundits’ jettison dissension and fear. Paranoia of goddam everything, it seems. 

They have wanted to go back to 1950 since 1962 and they influence public opinion more than we’d like to admit. The only problem is that>>> their world has diedand the Old Order refuses to admit it.  At the donut shop you hear, "I earned that lifetime pension defending our country, not like those welfare queens and food stamp moochers". 

What the alcoholic military pensioner doesn't like to talk about is that he or she worked 18 of those 20 years, selling boots in the commissary. Hardly defending our country, but thoroughly enjoying the perks of a socialistic, overly huge, bloated and corrupt supply chain for the military.                                                        

          I’m reminded of Republicans standing guard at Terry Schiavos bedside, trying to second guess a husbands decision, living with a brain-dead Mrs. Schiavo for 10 years. Now they stand guard in front of the crumbling façade of Manifest Destiny, holding up the pillars of the Old Order.

          It's IVEGOTMINE on steroids; Greed, Control, and Coercion is the 3 legged stool they all try to crowd themselves onto. I'll keep my guns, my god, my money; they say, and you keep the change referring to Obamas hope and change.   Their world of moral high ground religious hypocrisy; of wars against political enemies, and an economic system destined to collapse; is now finally dying. As the Old Order of Divine Kings died in 1790 and Liberty was born, we began our pursuit of happiness. Now it’s time to burn down the Patriarchy.

          We had wanted to make neglected bridges safe, and dangerous highway conditions lessened. Not to mention shoring up the electrical grids that break down during blizzards and heat waves. #girdthegrid

           So, instead of streamlining our nation, 9-11 happened, the flags came out and the Islamic/Christian Holy War flared up again. 

         You’re not just giving people jobs when you fortify a bridge or make an animal friendly highway overpass. The bridge won’t need to be replaced for 50 years and this is real wealth, sometimes referred to as natural capital. We expect our government to repair our infrastructure like we would repair our home, right? Face palming their audaciousness, we look on in horror as Rethuglicans are still too busy talking about social issues like allowing children to legally work again. We need to fix our bridges, but their concern is putting more (chritian) god in the classrooms.


             Everything is permissible when you don the armor for Christ as these christian warriors describe it. Social ostracism to isolate the heretic, ridicule and shame for the Atheist and gossipy false witness to all who oppose them and hinder their take over the world agenda.  Don’t let the “have a blessed day” fool you. Let me make it clear, and say, that Jesus is one of my favorite gods and I never mean to mock him, and I strongly object to these corporatist fascist Qanon dim bulbs and their claim to him.

          My intention is to debunk their claim to divine assistance, the agenda (gods plan) handed down many thousands of years ago. Time to invalidate these lackeys, dupes and Hillbilly fundamentalists.    Otherwise, our level of discourse will return to 1692 and the Salem Witch Trials. Bearing false witness is when you lie or speak ill of another person’s intentions and motivations or malign their character……”

          “How do you know that she is a witch?

          “She turned me into a newt.”

          “A newt?”

          Pregnant pause, “I got better.” Monty Python

          Everyone pays lip service to Christianity, but there’s thousands of Christians out there, right now, bearing false witness about our president; lying, deceiving, cheating, disparaging, gossiping. Mean spirited ‘religious people’ who appear themselves inhabited by some evil spirit. In any given minute there are a million Christians telling lies and bearing false witness, I'm sure.  

          Little white lies like the one I used to hear in church about Mary Magdalene are okay though.  A classic example of bearing false witness; for many years, priests linked Jesus’ best friend, Mary Magdalene, with 3 different whores in the bible during their sermons.

        It was suggested Mary Magdalene was the penitent whore who washed Jesus feet with her hair. She was also the whore the mob was going to stone to death, remember? Then there’s some other groggy slut episode that escapes me at the moment.     Then, in 1969, the Church issued a Papal Bull regarding this mistaken zeal and formally apologized. They also upgraded her from Floozy to; Not a Floozy. 

          How about the 9th amendment to the American Constitution that states," The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The 9th Amendment means that any right not enumerated, or listed, in the Constitution is still retained by the people. Not an overarching religious authority, or emergency government control, but the people saying ---whoa there---I call the 9th amendment on you.

          They want god and country to be married completely, church and state on a blissful honeymoon, forever cleaving together as one fleshy appendage writhing in harmony. Reverend Redscare telling us what god told him to tell US.



Will I see my demon possessed cat when I go to Hell?       


         We know the followers of Qanon are the real snowflakes. Suddenly around every corner there are communists and demon possessed atheists and god forbid, Liberals. 

         Did you know that environmental groups are going to initiate a gigantic die off of humans on the planet? Yep, I heard that at the donut shop, it must be true. Gays and Moslems and immigrants need to be feared and despised, because they are ruining the country. Oh, and socialists and Marxists of every demonic stripe are running amok, stealing our honor.

           Instead of using the 9th amendment to support the effort of people to balance the foundation of authority: and instead of heeding the spirit of the 9th commandment, which says that bearing false witness is a punishable offense, IN HELL, they persistently plunge forward, jettisoning their appalling display of ignorance and broadcasting the fecal contamination of their half-truths.

False witness can be described as making up deceptions to make a person appear sinister, crooked or un-American in the teabag/Qanon rulebook. Gossip campaigns that bring people down, well, this is what bearing false witness means, but they seem to revel in it. Do not lie about your neighbor or relative, ALWAYS SPEAK TRUTH, this is what the 9th commandment states.

           A thousand years after the Gnostics were thrown to the lions and booted out of Christianity, the Cathars and their gnostic beliefs in the 12th century were also brutally repressed. The Cathars just wanted to believe about Jesus, and they were on the verge of breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church. This was like, hundreds of years before Martin Luther.

         Eventually the Pope convinced knights in the rich north of France to invade the rural south, and these Parisian lackeys obtained castles and land as a result of the invasion. Rich farmland that the ring kissing knights had craved.

            Then came the Baltic Crusades of the 13the century, and the Papal Army took 100 years to put the Slavic countries under their control with Lithuania being the last pagan led country to fall in 1386.

        In 1453 the warlockiam diabolicus described the evil things witches do and the witch holocaust began in earnest.  Christianity has always had an abundance of enemies they needed to kill. The 15/1600's saw many wars as conflicts between Catholics and Protestants intensified.

          The Revolutionary dudes of 1776 were ready to leave behind the old world of Europe, the emotional intrigue, and the violence and blood. I guess you can take the European out of Europe, but you can’t take the Europe out of the European. Great Britain had command of 75 countries back in the Empire days.

           The horror of the Inquisition was still fresh in the 18th century minds of the Founding Revolutionaries. The United States of 1790 was something brand new and the world stepped back to watch. As a matter of fact, our founding revolutionaries had no real problem with the Arabs. There was the Treaty of Tripoli in 1791 that said that America bears no ill will to the Arab world and Christian proselytizing about the 'demonic' Islamics would not affect American foreign policy, thereby washing their hands of the actions of the idiot preachers.

 These neo-conservative, pulpit pounding republican kooks of 2022 have the audacity to get away with saying that >>>Jefferson, Washington, Paine, Sam and John Adams, Paul Revere and the jovial Ben Franklin along with the serious Israel Putnam, and the spy George Hewes would all be in the Tea Party carrying misspelled signs. I DON'T THINK SO.

 I wonder, would these heroes of 1776, the actual greatest generation, gleefully agree with ridiculous Republican revisionist history that insists that this is a christian country and god needs to be in charge. Not true at all!  Youtube is filled with actual quotes of what the Revolutionary Heroes said, and they were quite disdainful of the thoughtless theocratic dunderheads of their day.

Let me tell you something seriously, Mr. Rand Paul and Glenn Beck and Anne Coulter and Newt Romney; according to the definition of Christianity that you pander to, the founding revolutionaries of 1776 are all in Hell burning and choking and smoking, their skin peeling off in layers as god tortures them for having doubts about him and for not believing the priests, preachers, and pastors.

 Have no fear kids, I’m not going to hell and neither are you. There is no hell. Little white lie? Hardly, it’s the biggest lie of all time. Top three anyways.

The pain of being burned to death never ends in hell, you get that, right? Our Patriot fathers are being punished in HELL for mocking him, and particularly in the case of Thomas Paine who called out Christianity’s “history of wickedness”. Jefferson is certainly in Hell being torn apart by iron maidens and poked by a million demon pitchforks for talking about his pagan “god of nature” in the constitution. Not one word from the Bible in all the founding documents, god …was … pissed!

For this lack of faith, the boys of 1776 are being pulled apart by elephants and their nails and eyelashes are being pulled out by foul smelling demons and BUSES run over them at least once an hour, while rabid squirrels tear their clothes apart. They can never die, only helplessly watch squirrel fury on their face and then the bus barreling down on them repeatedly like an episode of Outer Limits. "Welcome to hell boys. Ha ha ha."  This is the god that the Tea baggers want running this country? This is the god they want back in our schools? This is the god that gives us our validation according to glennbeck?  

          Personally, I have this theory that Jesus was going to invalidate this evil god, this Jehovah, this irrational & emotional train wreck of a deity who wrote the Old Testament. “Why have you forsaken me?” Jesus asks. “To you I have commended my spirit?” he questions.  You may gasp at the thought that god is not as he is portrayed according to my perspective, but heresy is not against the law in the United States any longer, so thanks for opening your mind to alternatives. You really need to question the authenticity of something that was told to goat herders 4,000 years ago. Gotta have faith? We don't start fires with rocks anymore, so why do we need to study the incomprehensible malarkey that is twisted into every inconceivable shape by modern day Cotton Mathers?


              Encode liberty, embed equality, ostracize criminality, vanquish cruelty, invalidate injustice, banish coercion, CULTIVATE OPPORTUNITY, and sleep on the couch as needed.

          I believe Jesus was tricked at that crucial nexus of history, and his life was cut short by this demon god of the old testament, and the Pharisee brown nosers who were finding Jesus and his crew troublesome. Zionist dittoheads out for a night of bearing false witness. 

          The trickster god, the Great Pretender, and what I believe is the manifestation of the myth of the Doomsday Hound was behind Jesuss' execution. The deceiving light: even Jesus was not powerful enough to defeat him.

Jesus is the real light, the Christ Consciousness, but that’s a story for another day.   “So this is Hell,” you say as you look around after you die." Hey, there’s Buddha being waterboarded and Einstein is getting electrocuted," as angels gather around to laugh.

 “The smoke of their torment will rise to the heavens,” god snorts as he walks into the scene, “tough love I guess,” he said putting out another cigar….on John Lennon.

You see I am of a similar opinion that the Gnostics held back around 100 to 200 A.D. They were all about Jesus the Teacher and Healer and couldn’t figure out why chritians were still dragging the old testament around. Jesus only reluctantly pays lip service to the old testament god if you notice. The Paulines ruled the day and their misogynistic obfuscations eventually got Constantine to encode their bullshit in 325 A.D. 

Jesus was deified and set aside. Bought to be buried.


          From the Bible, referring to the Apocalypse or Armageddon, Revelation verses 14:9-12 says that accepting the mark of the Beast is a one way ticket to an eternal barbeque where you will be basted with God’s special angry sauce  and you’ll be……..well, here,  straight from the horses mouth.

       “Anyone worshipping the beast from the sea or his statue and accepting the mark on the forehead or the hand, must drink the wine of the anger of God: it is poured out undiluted into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning Sulphur in the presence of the Holy Angels and the lamb. The smoke of their torture rises forever and ever, and they have no relief day or night, for they worshipped the beast and his statue, and have been tattooed with the code.”

          Go dude! Bring out those boiling lobster pots of revenge.                                                                   

          Now there  is a religion for you! Disagree with us and you will be tormented forever with unimaginable tortures by our god personally: forever and forever. I don’t think so!  Let’s hope that the Old Testament God got a vacation and maybe some medication. An anger management class probably would have helped. We haven’t heard from him lately so I’m guessing he’s in an intergalactic prison somewhere.

          This is the god I want to embrace my American freedom of speech and freedom of association, not to mention my pursuit of happiness? This is the god we praise and toast and thank and give credit to? Despite the lack of any facts, he gets credit for creating the whole world and every complicated organism there is? In a couple of days, no less. Why do people need this?

        The god we thank for helping us win the Academy awards or American Idol while much better actors and singers sleep in their cars? Created the whole universe too? Wow, what a guy. How do we know this to be true, it just is you say---I got to have faith. God will bring miracles to my life, if I give myself over to him.                                                                  

        Installing the christian security blanket and invisible friend as de facto leader of the United States is simply madness. The Founding Documents are there for those of us who use logic. The Unitarian Universalists have been around since 1650 or so, I am told, and the UU’s are the perfect religion for binding all wounds caused by xianities insanity. Bring what you got and be a volunteer and be a part of the community.                                                 

Who needs the freedom of speech when the only book I really need is the Bible? This is what the home-schooled Christian children hear from their fundamentalist parents. Reading the Bible enhances their American pursuit of happiness, I’m sure.  Here’s where the 9th amendment comes in. The founding revolutionaries tried to implement a complete system of government but you can’t think of everything. The 9th amendment says that in the absence of law, we need to be judiciously guided by the spirit of our freedoms and that all authority refers back to all the people. Not the Bible.                                                      

Do children have civil rights? Do the parents “own” them like slaves or cattle?  There are children who are made to work 12 hours a day, pretending they are "home schooled. “The only book they DO read is the Bible, and I wonder if their civil rights or human rights are being violated?   Maybe they are routinely chained to a bed for punishment because, well, the devil is in possession of the child, and I’m the parent they say. I can do what I need to do to discipline my child say the people in court for killing their “demon possessed child”.                               

 Like Martin Luther talking about "demons, that live in clouds” back in the 16th century, there has not been much evolution of thought regarding the Devil. If you can’t explain something, just say, “the devil made me do it.”  This sounds kind of like, “I’m sorry about last night, but I was drunk,” just another excuse. Martin Luther started the first protestant religion, and he thought demons were in the clouds among other places. Can we please… evolve?                                                                  

The separation of church and state says to me that you can believe what you want at home, but do not insult my sense of logic with this nonsense in the workplace, or in social situations. I don’t think people are realizing the rapid rise in atheism this century is due to children being more logical, and there is a rising sentiment that Christianity has nothing to do with Christ anymore anyways.

Of course, there are good Christians out there, but statistically, Atheists are the kinder demographic. They find the concept of god implausible and prefer to have their own thoughts. Atheists have to stand boldly alone in many situations because the Christians know they can form a mob with a calculated scare tactic at a moment’s notice. They’d step over their own mother to smite an atheist. You can’t have people doubting the existence of god.



In 325 A.D. Roman Emperor Constantine used Christianity to bring all the far-flung pagan deities into line.  Essentially, the Pauline’s and others established christianity as a woman and pagan hating political party.  Much of the bible is about what this corrupt clergy want you to think Jesus said. Then I wonder, did Jesus ever tell stories about his youth in Egypt?  Or what he did in his 20's; where he travelled?  Those stories and others were censored by this political party. There were like 50 books in the Bible but after the sleepy Synod of 325 AD there were only 25 or so.

Jesus never said anything like, “Women, be doth like chattel.” Or “thy life sucks and then thouest dies”. The bible writers censored Jesus’ actual sermons and starting in 325 or so, the Christians, the Romans, then the Caliphates burned down the Library of Alexandria over a span of 400 years. The library of Alexandria contained hundreds of thousands of scrolls that were the single copies of writings, traditions, philosophies and myths of the ancient days.  There is a reason the bible became a popular book.  All the other ones were destroyed!   

People tend to think Jesus endorsed everything written in the old testament, but he didn’t. He tried to stay under their radar best he could till he was ready for his incendiary ministry. He was trying to adapt his teachings to the conventional wisdom of the day, trying to avoid the hypocritical nonsense of the Pharisee ditto heads.  His buddy, Mary Magdalene, was actually a teacher from the Pagan Mystery Schools in Egypt- you know, where Jesus grew up. She was even a Telestes, an initiator for the rites of Isis and you can bet she and Jesus talked about a lot of different spiritual things. She had an intellect to match his own it is said, while the male disciples were lunkheads that got fishing hooks caught on each other’s faces.

The old testament god seemed to be an emotional train wreck of a deity, as I stated before, and I want you to be prepared for a bracing dose of what LIBERTY actually is. The illuminated ones created this ‘god’ and protected the “sacred writing” in any way they could. The world’s first political party "The Levite Party, found a way to convince people that god spoke to Abraham and also speaks through them in spirit. Guided by the hand of god, they wrote the bible. Not!

  Jesus nearly ruined it for them as he was subtly saying their leadership was fraudulent and was therefore assassinated as part of a political power play by the Reprehensible Deplorables of those days.

 The author, Merlin Stone, pointed out the historical beginnings of the bible, or torah they called it back then. This god they praise and who wrote their holy book, told the Levites of long ago to “burn their daughters if they playeth the whore.” Rules like this put women into second class citizenship.

There is no antichrist coming and of course the bible talks about people “falling away from the faith”; well, it happens to nearly every religion. Now it’s being told people who don’t believe the bible are doomed, hell bound and spellbound by Satan and his demon lackeys, who are all over the place. Only the clergy can see them or sense them, or really holy chritians.  Come on. Is it really still the Dark Ages? You don’t have to be an Atheist to see the faulty logic in all that.

 The Propaganda lately is that Goddess worship is Satanism.  Satan is a rebel and witches are rebellious, so witches are actually following satan, GET IT? Do you get that this is being said by TV evangelists, and people believe it? Not a very sophisticated spin, but the result will be the same; a continued discrimination of women. 

It’s like when Lewis Black is pointing out how glenn beck is always bringing out the Nazi card in one of the funniest comedy sketches ever. “Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourette's!  Using that logic…… Mother Theresa had a mustache ……. Hitler had a mustache ………. Mother Theresa is Hitler.”  Kind of like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with these false witness bearing preachers spotting demons. Here in Indian River County, we have professional liars such as Pastor Buddy Tipton who says there is an evil pagan entity that controls people’s minds down in the Jungle Trail area. I mean, I can be accused of slander by pointing this out? 

 Apostasy will be the karma of the violent cult of the Paulines that got out of hand, took over Jesus’ preaching and teaching. The evil purveyors of the old testament usurped Christianity.  This false religion manifests itself today with Republican Greedmongers who use Christianity as a cover for their evil deeds. 

Apostasy is the great falling away from the faith and it is inevitable, and this will be the true Armageddon.  The end of Judaism Christianity and Islam. The Peasant Revolt will over throw all religious nonsense and bring government under control and tear up corporate charters of polluters and financial crooks.

This is America, there is no bible in our founding documents. A mention of Jeffersons God of Nature maybe, but that’s about it. The Green Man is not satan and the statue of liberty IS the goddess Libertas who holds her lamp aloft for us to always act with a clarity of vision.  But wacko xians think the statue of Liberty is a demon or something.

Christians? George Washington wore a mason apron at his inaugural for crying out loud, and the American Revolution was not started by people coming home from church. This country was founded by open minded intellectuals who were well read and brave enough to fight for the idea of liberty, even against the greatest fighting force ever assembled on this planet. An empire that had taken over 75 countries. These founding masons were quite aware of the oracle at Delphi and the many goddesses of ancient days.

         The American Revolution started with the 'despicable rabble' of Boston Towne, the rock throwing, stamp collector effigy hangin, bar room debating restive roughnecks. This country was created by people who finally outsmarted the christians politically.  Maybe the flag with the 13 stars in a circle was something Ben Franklin brought back from his debaucheries and his pursuit of happiness with the witches in France.  It always has reminded me of a coven. May the circle be unbroken.

        Our founding revolutionaries are accused of being slave owners and that, but the foundation of liberty had to begin somewhere and it had to begin somehow, it couldn’t arrive full blown out of nowhere.  the Sons of Liberty who instigated the revolution, were not slave owners or slave holders.

Of course there’s a goddess, the mother of all life is a dude? I don’t think so.  The law of the universe is magnetism and evolution, attraction and growth. The attraction of male and female and our need for each other that is symbolized in the flower and the seed. I witness for Jesus right now, he has become my favorite god and brings me revelations, curiously the most during the New Moon sunrise.  Love thy neighbor is what he wants us to believe in, forget what that mad hatter mass murdering old testament false idol.

 Here is more from Revelation. Revelation 13:19 “So the angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth, and threw them into the great wine press of the wrath of God.  And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood came out from the wine press, up to the horses' bridles, for a distance of two hundred miles.”  Does somebody need an anger management class here? What in the fucking hell?

What is it about the great harlot of Babylon that all these preachers and kooks talk about?  Here is also from Revelation 14:1, no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth.  These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste.” huh?

 “And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? / And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; / And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day?  And they could not answer him again to these things.”



   Here is a quote from Barry Goldwater, "the religious factions will go on imposing their will on others, unless the decent people recognize that religion has no place in public policy. They must learn to make their views known without trying to make their views the only alternatives. We have succeeded in keeping the affairs of state separate from the uncompromising idealism of religious groups and we mustn't stop now. To retreat from that separation would violate the principles of conservatism and the values upon which the framers built this democratic republic."

           Republican right wing stalwart Goldwater was a real conservative and so was Teddy Roosevelt. People that call themselves “conservative” today are actually authoritarian bigots and fundamentalist troglodytes.                               

          Mental hospitals are filled with people who think they are Jesus, or talk to god, or see demons and whatnot.  The great awakening of the 1730’s was a last gasp of religion when it should have just died and went away, the vine shriveling as the season of dark ages bugaboo ended. This religious joy the Christians claim occurred during the great awakening of the 1730’s is patently false and was not a strong impulse in America; as much as these religious doopahs insist.                                                                                                                                         

        Conservative historian Richard Hofstadter wrote a book called ‘America in 1750’ and it’s a very accurate pre-revisionist text, and here is a sample quote: “A strain of rationalism was strong in the Anglican Church, and worse still, had given rise to Deism which needed no church at all. A society that was beginning to produce deistical leaders like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was clearly loosening its religious stays, and the example of such men would soon effect the solid middle class, whose members wanted the best and latest of everything, including freedom of thought.” Richard Hofstadter goes on to say people were rapidly getting away from organized religion.

          “Sorry”, I’m told, “there is only one way to heaven and there is no stop drop and roll in hell,” warns the sign out near the highway.”  “Jesus saves”, it says on the tires that people put on fence posts on Interstate 95.                                                    

        “Won’t I go to heaven for living a fundamentally decent life,” I asked Christian dudes I have worked with, and the question I’ve asked dozens of times to other cult members who have tried to convert me in the past.                                                      

         “No,” I was informed, “I have to accept Jesus Christ as my savior” he insisted.  I refuse to believe we live in an evil universe with a deity that craves worship and sends most souls to an eternity of torture. I am passionate in my effort of deprogramming people, but some of these dimwits are beyond help.     

 Home school or Sunday bible class or Wednesday rec program, little children are being told they will burn in a lake of fire for millions of years if they sin. This abomination is the primary result of the Great Awakening from the 1730’s that lingers even today and it’s why the church does not belong in public schools. The Great Awakening was a disease-like insanity where preachers told congregations that hell was going to burn you up for literally millions of years. There had always been Dante’s version of the gnashing of teeth and fires and iron maidens stretching your guts apart, but the Great Awakening of the 1730’s popularized the idea of eternal torment, that survives, incredibly till today.                            

Churches were particularly cruel in those days, enthusiastically supporting torture and the enslavement of minds. They meted out punishments and promised an eternity of gods angry wrath, quite the opposite of the spirit of our constitution. There was to be no freedom of speech with Christianity spearheading a government and thank the goddess that masons such as Thomas Paine  and  Ben Franklin  and Paul Revere  didn't fall for that nonsense. 

 George Washington  outfoxed them and created this country…. despite Christianity’s continual attempt to usurp the authority of the people, and their continued efforts in our modern times to subvert liberty.  Criticize the Founding Revolutionaries as you will, but it's important they did what they did at the time that they did.


-8-6- OUT OF THE TENT AND OFF THE CHAIN                                                        

Government has a real good time spending your money and making confusing laws that favor special interests because nearly 40% of Congress are lawyers. Forget parties, vote out the lawyers who have created this law debilitated society.  

 To delete as many laws as possible should be our goal and enforce the ones we choose to keep. Respect all the laws in harmony with the spirit of the 9th amendment. Government needs to be reduced and that is certain, but not with the chain saw of possessed Q-baggers, but a judicial and impartial ax.                      

          The Foundation of authority lay with the free consent of the people, not the mysterious bugaboo of these christian snake oil salesman who burned the books and knowledge of many cultures.    In their letters to the editor recently, Christians say there is some awakening with God and country, but it ain’t true, I’m telling ya’.  This countries freedoms were achieved despite religion, and now these wackos are out of the tent and  off  the  chain with more lies and deceptions than people can refute.        

          Here is Professor Richard Hofstadter describing the true character of many of the early settlers. It wasn’t like the sanitized old movies and their sappy sentimentality with its defined good guys and bad guys. According to Hofstadter, “the most venturesome or visionary, the most impatient and restive under authority, the most easily alienated, the most desperate and cranky, were the most restless to leave(England), giving at least the initial population of the colonies a strong bias towards a dislike of authority”                                              

Glenn Beck has been sadly rewriting history, brainwashing the population and these people are bobbing their heads thinking he is such a history expert. However, compared to Hofstadter, he’s not much more than a rhetorician and …well…a rodeo clown.  I intend to fight this misology, zealotry and bigotry with another way to look at our history to give people a fairer and more balanced outlook. I’m here for ya baby! I research so you don’t have to.      

          Glenn Beck does not speak for our founding revolutionaries. On many of the websites I enjoy, quotes of our deist and mason founders show that they actually despised religion and I’ll leave it to you to find them, it’s sort of common knowledge these days. I want to go deeper to truly capture the spirit of the people who believed in the American Revolution because by 1776 Americans were firmly in favor of not having god lead the country since they had left the divinely appointed king. 

       The sociology of the nation was that of an open-minded freedom that abandoned coercive religion. They understood the importance of keeping church and state separate. It was the hot topic in all the pubs because they know god is not making the rules in a theocracy, really, but it was the preachers that god has delegated authority to. So they said. How did they know? They were professional liars is why.

      The preachers, pastors and priests have usurped the inherent goodwill that god has in our world by insisting god talks to just them.                 

          That mysterious benevolent invisibleness was absconded with a long time ago by politicians who used Jesus name as a shield for their violent control of governments.  Big Brother has been here all along. Starting in 325 A.D., intensifying in 395 A.D. when all hell broke loose; and a murderous, 1600-year Holy Rampage of Conquest to defeat all who oppose the word.            

        They eradicated truths that people had been gathering for thousands of years, an avaricious tyranny from the start, that knew no bounds. Fire was great for banishing long held truths of all the conquered people of the world and burning sacred groves and forests was one of their specialties.                    

With the rise of Catholicism, networks of lackeys and stooges arose in many governments. The greasing of palms and paybacks and corruption and weapon trading and the constant wars were normalized.  Christianity was Big Business, and just like the way McDonalds put many small diners and restaurants out of business, christians destroyed many peaceful communities. 

By 650 A.D. Islam had joined Christianity in this Holy Rampage of Conquest as they converted the masses at the edge of a scimitar; conquering free spirited cultures.   God talks to us through the bible- really? Through the Koran say others.  What I call the Holy Rampage of Conquest. They seem to be fighting each other, but actually they have been collectively taking over the world.                       

“That’s great” Jesus might say when he returns in 2022, “You defended my honor by killing millions of people…what are you people thinking?.....No thank you.” He would say this while symbolically wiping his hands of the association with Christianity, much like what Pilate did when the Pharisee dittoheads wanted to crucify Jesus.




        “Early Christians experimented with a variety of formal arrangements, from relatively unstructured charismatic organizations, to more fixed hierarchical orders. In some congregations, leadership was shared among men and women according to the movement of the spirit in inspiring gifts of prophecy, teaching, healing, administrations and service. Others were headed by elders, bishops, deacons and widows. In many, women and slaves were important leaders; others resisted this reversal of the dominant social order and worked to exclude them.” 

    The Bible Koran and Torah, and Pagans like the Romans, who dismissed their women as unworthy of civil rights. Women were mere vessels to birth exalted warriors and infallible popes, and wondrously and divinely appointed Kings, along with Bishops and Earls and Dukes. Birthing the mighty servants of god was an important role,  as patriarchal pastors, priests and preachers gained control of as many cultures as possible.  It's believed that the Bible was excoriated of all references to women. Mary Magdalen was too important to be hidden so she was marginalized as a whore, as all pagan women were.                                              

        The search for the roots of the Mary Magdalene story led me to southern France. She left Palestine after the crusifixation, and travelled to southern France.  Or as I read recently, Mary and other Friends Of Jesus(FOJ) were set adrift in boats on the Mediterranean without oars and the Mary Magdalene group landed in southern France. She was sainted in 1900 and her feast day is July 22nd. In southern France there are churches dedicated to her and her feast day brings on a lot of celebration. There is a mystery to the history in this area. Once called the Languedoc, it is also home to the language called Occitan and a famous group of heretics called the Cathars, and also the place where the Troubadours sprang from a very long time ago.                      

        John Lamb Nash speaking of Mary Magdalene and Jesus and that they were actually pagans. (1) ”regarded as Pagans and heretics, Jesus and Magdalene would have been a pair of initiated teachers from the mysteries, the spiritual universities of the classical world. As such they would have taught the divine potential of humanity, but not claimed divinity for themselves, or anyone. The aim of gnosis was to know what the Gods know, neither to become God in human form nor even to find God in one’s innermost self. Almost all we know of Mary Magdalene comes from gnostic sources, texts that portray her as an accomplished seer, an initiated teacher, a telestes. She would have been an enlightened woman facing a world in spiritual crisis.        

At the dawn of the Piscean Age 2,130 YA (years ago) some Pagan teachers emerged from the anonymity of the Mystery Cults and undertook a public mission to address the controversy centered  on a single crucial question; Is human fate pre-determined, or can we each be guided through a life of our own choosing?              

In that time of tremendous upheaval, a kind of New Age fever raged across the Roman Empire. Many people expected a messiah to come and bring social justice. As gnostic initiates (Jewish or not), Jesus and Magdalene would have been committed to the task of spiritual guidance, helping people in all classes of society to find their way against the dictates of fate. It was a moment of tremendous promise, when a great shift for humanity might have transpired. What happened instead was that Roman Christianity took control of the social and political life of the classical world. The pagan profile of Jesus and Mary, which is strongly supported by historical and textual   evidence, undercuts the sacred bloodline scenario because what they very likely believed in was Tantric Principles and procreation was discouraged.”     (1)                                                                                                           

Here are some viewpoints that I hope cut through the fog of deception and half-truths that will fill our media in 2013.  It will be presented by Fux News that there is some ‘Great Awakening’ going on and I’m going to quote conservative historian Richard Hofstadter from his book, ‘America in 1750‘ about the original Great Awakening.

        (2)“A strain of rationalism was strong in the Anglican Church, and worse still, had given rise to Deism, which needed no church at all, and with the end of religious wars and extreme persecution, the rise of mercantile cosmopolitanism and a more affluent and luxurious life,  had taken some of the terror out of existence. In America, it had not been long since (slaveholder and witch executioner Cotton) Mather had seen the Protestant Vanguard as leading a direct assault on Satan’s wilderness bastion. The cooling of religion could be felt, and men, even clergymen, leaned unmistakably to Enlightenment heresies. A society that was beginning to produce deistical leaders like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was clearly loosening its religious stays, and the example of such men would soon affect the solid middle class, whose members wanted the best and latest of everything, including,  freedom of thought.”  One of those pagan virtues enshrined in our constitution.

        “New England pastors, growing desperate, would even hope at times that a smallpox or diphtheria epidemic or perhaps an earthquake would prod the people into a revival,” writes Hofstadter. Americans continue to become more logical and educated but still we have to live with this Christian fantasy of a great battle between good and evil that is prophesied. People around the world cannot figure out American Christians and why they are so extreme. Here is Pat Robertson and what he said about Haiti, with one of his most perplexing platitudes. “You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense, I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist.” facepalm

        As the 1730’s progressed, a religious fervor gripped the populace and the following is a quote from the fiery preacher responsible for much of it, Jonathan Edwards, (and more comments from Richard Hofstadter.)  “It is a reasonable thing to fright persons away from Hell.” His famous sermon ’Sinners in the hands of an angry god’ was to do just this,” Hofstadter tells us, “to bring his listeners to a vivid sense of eternal punishment and to impress them with the necessity of immediate contrition, since death might strike at any moment. A sermon such as a sadist might have trembled to deliver, it was presented by Edwards in a posture of transfiguration, his gaze firmly fixed on the bell rope that led upward to the steeple. The people of Enfield were urged to consider the torment of burning like a livid coal not for an instant or a day but for millions and millions of ages and they would never be delivered’”. How’s THAT for a sales pitch?

        I have my doubts about this Christian God creating everything and disagree with peoples insistence that I should just accept it: don’t mock god I’m told. I do not believe that some magical Dude with a really big wand created the universe and life on earth. From like, out of nowhere basically. No experiments in his garage just POOF …. I am creator of everything. Hogwash, the only constant of the universe is matter and magnetism. Where the spirit came from we can only guess. An imposter, a poseur wrote the WORD.

        I propose these demons have another source. Demons are called into the Material World by Pentacostalists and others as they “speak in tongues.” Then these demons jump into people like Glenn Beck, Pat Robertson, Half-Truth Hannity and some of the others, trying to corrupt society with hateful mean spirited brainwashing: uh huh, this is a true rumor I heard.

This modern Great Awakening is really an attempt to put everyone back in the box and put everyone to sleep so this sweet land of liberty becomes a repressive theocracy. Edward Gibbon wrote about clergy and the basic deceptions of Christianity and how they are the antithesis of Liberty and Freedom in 1776. He compared the light hearted spirit of freedom that was developing, as a startling contrast to the cold empty life that a Taliban style Christian ayatollah inspired world and what that would be like.   “The acquisition of knowledge, the exercise of our reason or our fancy, and the cheerful flow of unguarded conversation, may employ the leisure of a liberal mind. Such amusements however, were rejected with abhorrence, or admitted with the utmost caution, by the severity of the church fathers, who despised all knowledge that was not useful to salvation, and  who considered all levity of discourse as a criminal abuse of the gift of speech. The unfeeling candidate for Heaven was instructed, not only to resist the grosser allurements of the taste or smell, but even to shut his ears against the profane harmony of sounds and view art with indifference.” Edward Gibbon  1778

        I don’t even understand how Christians can claim this is a Christian Nation. Their precepts are not compatible with the codes created in the American Constitution. Beginning with Thomas Morton the Pagan Pilgrim in 1626 and Thomas Hooker, the liberal preacher, in 1639, our pagan roots attempted to grow liberty out of the chaotic tyrannies of the King and Pope. Thomas Mortons cheerful attempts to bring the maypole tradition to New England in 1626 was crushed by the Puritans and their austere, empty house of a religion.                 

 Thomas Hookers sermons were the inspiration of the Fundamental Orders I discuss in Book 1-The New Square Deal and the Electronic Bully Pulpit. “The foundation of authority rests with the free consent of the people,” wrote Roger Ludlow.   Liberal preacher, Thomas Hooker, managed to slip by their radar but the Pagan Pilgrim, Thomas Morton and his flamboyant attempts to party and mingle with the Native Americans were incompatible for a religion that nailed your tongue to a wall if you cursed. The Puritans were unable to see the kindness and humanity we all need in our pursuit of happiness and the communication of our communities. Authority is derived by the free consent of the people.


*   8-11

*   To you I have commended my spirit?

                I have this theory that Jesus was going to invalidate this irrational evil god, this Jehovah, the emotional train wreck of a deity. “Why have you forsaken me?” Jesus asks on the cross. “To you I have commended my spirit?” he questions as he suffers as few people have. This is why I take offense to “nailed it” jokes.

              The "Devil" played 2 important parts in the history of Jesus. One- the angel messenger, and confidant of Christ, “Luke, I am your father", and Two, the diabolical, mass murdering god of the Levites and the Old Testament. The real GOD/GODDESS remained silent, and would never lower him/herself in such a manner anyways. 

               He and She await us; they love us and pray that we find our way.  Love is the gravity and magnetism of the spiritual world, many suggest, as we all eventually unite with God or something. We all learn to love all, eventually. When we die, the purifying flame OF THIS LIFE, will seem like a shadow of a dream. The purifying flame of life renews our SOUL/SPIRITS.

             I believe Jesus was tricked at a crucial nexus of history, and his life was cut short by this deranged, demon god of the Old Testament and the Pharisee brown nosers, the primary progenitors of todays patriarchal religious traditions.

             The Judaic Elders, guided by ancestors’ writings and Mosaic law, were finding Jesus troublesome, much like Republicans in 2022 who make environmentalists the scapegoat for everything that is wrong with the world. Liberals and environmentalis are two different groups of people.

            The trickster god, the Great Pretender, has amassed unlimited power with his misnamed 'holy book', filled with debaucheries and misogynistic violence. Even Jesus was not powerful enough to defeat him back in the day.  The Loki of the Christian World managed to fool everyone into thinking he was the god.  The ultimate trick.  In the world of evil magic, imagine the black magic from a mass extinction?  Gnostics and others often discuss this poseur god, the false light, the one who inspires the vengeful hysteria of right-wing Republicans.

.        Glenn Becks god. Rick Santorum's god. A false God. 


From the Bible, referring to the Apocalypse or Armageddon, Revelation 14:9-12 says that accepting the mark of the Beast is a one way ticket to an eternal barbeque. You'll be basted with God’s special angry sauce and you’ll be……..well, here's the exact quote, “Anyone worshipping the beast from the sea or his statue and accepting the mark on the forehead or the hand, must drink the wine of the anger of God:  it is poured out undiluted into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulphur in the presence of the Holy Angels and the lamb. The smoke of their torture rises forever and ever, and they have no relief day or night, for they worshipped the beast and his statue, and have been tattooed with the code.” 

Go dude! Bring out those boiling lobster pots of revenge.                                                                                                          

       Now there is a religion for you! Disagree with us and you will be tormented forever with unimaginable tortures by our god personally: forever and forever. I don’t think so! This is the basis of my anger and my revulsion of people who tell me I am not worthy of their heaven. Let’s hope that the Old Testament God got a vacation, and maybe some medication. An anger management class probably would have helped, with his murderous tantrums and jealous rage issues to get under control.

       So this is the god I want to embrace my American freedom of speech and freedom of association, not to mention my pursuit of happiness as per the Constitution?  This is the god we praise and toast and thank and give credit to? This is the god we thank for helping us win the Academy awards or American Idol? Created the whole universe too? Wow, what a guy.

Despite the lack of any facts, he gets credit for creating the whole world and every complicated organism there is. Just because he says so in the bible. All at once too! POOF, you are a planet. I wonder what those goat sniffing academics were taking.

Maybe the Universe has its own way of working!  Maybe elements, and evolution, and magnetism makes more sense. Maybe the Nine Noble Virtues displayed nearby are more relevant than the Ten Commandments. Maybe the Eightfold Path of the Buddhists would be a better and more peaceful influence in this country. The seven principles of the Unitarian Universalists seem highly worthy.

On TV the Pontificating Pustillades are personally guiding us to glory if we simply listen to the preacher, priest, pastor or imam and all those other holy men shilling out their scam. Be cautious too with the Noble Savage notion of astral traveling Shamans.  Some of them may be just smooth talking crooks. Many in the past have been, and it's why I promote the original folk magic, Oxoheartsvoken.    How do we know any of Islam and Christianity to be true, it just is you say---and I got to have faith? God will bring miracles to my life, if I give myself over to him.  Sweet rockin' Jesus, what a pack of lies! It really sounds like such a phone scam to me.

             Heresy, you bet.  I know, I know;````` start the briquettes for the eternal fire, but first, baste me in Gods special angry sauce. I was told it was a mortal sin to miss church, even one day, except if you were sick or in a bad car accident or if you are being held for ransom. (I asked). "All right, what if……you were kidnapped. Does God allow me to go to Heaven if I don't go to Mass in that situation?"

          "God will be watching to see if you ask the kidnapper if you can watch it on TV. You always have to try and do the right thing," my mom would say.

Did god create Alpha Centauri and the other 400 billion suns for us to look at?  Did he set them up a million years ago when the light from them began traveling to earth? Don't forget the light we see from stars was the light they were projecting millions and billions of years ago.

2,000 years ago it was easy to explain the stars as, maybe, Angels who are resting, or some shit like that to goat herders and temple slaves. But not anymore. Are the Ten Commandments the end all, be all for guidance for our lives? Imagine 7 billion people on earth and then imagine how big space must be with 400 billion suns?  Why have that many stars unless you were going to populate The Universe?  If God is real, we have to realize he has other commitments. He's not really that much into you.

       8-9-     TELESTE

     “Early Christians experimented with a variety of formal arrangements, from relatively unstructured charismatic organizations, to more fixed hierarchical orders. In some congregations, leadership was shared among men and women according to the movement of the spirit in inspiring gifts of prophecy, teaching, healing, administrations and service. Others were headed by elders, bishops, deacons and widows. In many, women and slaves were important leaders; others resisted this reversal of the dominant social order, and worked to exclude them.

               Women were treated as sub-humans throughout written history,  mainly because of the teachings in the Bible, Koran and the Torah. Women had always been mere vessels to birth exalted warriors, infallible popes and wondrously and divinely appointed Kings; along with all those Bishops and Earls and Dukes &; Sheiks AND ……..Caliphates and all those other Most Holy Men of God. Those mighty servants of god, warning us of demons; while trying to steer us away from the evil of "The Devil" influence being their motivation. "Let me grab the wheel….of your life!" Demons arrow them when thee invisible, but the Priests know they are. 

Patriarchal pastors, priests and preachers with the slickest sales technique ever, blanket the airwaves and pollute our street views. We need to turn this ship around and save the people who are wasting their lives.     Atheists and Pagans united.


    Baptists accuse Catholics of being a Mary cult, and it's true in a sense. There is also a Mary Magdalene cult, the people who call her the spiritual successor to Jesus and who was his favorite disciple. This is part of what Dan Browns Da Vinci Code was about. The Dead Sea Scrolls found in 1946, had chapters from Thomas and Mary Magdalen that was deleted from the Big Bible. The Gnostic Bible, it's called.
             The Bible never specifically says Jesus's gal pal, Mary Magdalene, was a prostitute. All pagan women were called sluts back then to invalidate Pagan worship and Pagan Women, as the Thumpers began to wrest control of various cultures by invalidating the many Pagan gods. Mary MAGDALENE was another of those wicked sinning females, like Eve, that can’t resist temptation and sin; dragging men into their pits of depravity. Wink.

          Christians say there are little white lies that are necessary, I was told as a lad. Little white lies like the one I used to hear in church about Mary Magdalene were okay, as one example. A sterling case of bearing false witness, the church thought nothing of the defamation and degradation of Mary Magdalenes character.  For many years, priests linked her with 3 different whores in the bible during their sermons. It was suggested Mary Magdalene was the penitent whore who washed Jesus feet with her hair (there was a lot of foot massages back then, not so strange). She was also the whore the mob was going to stone to death, remember? Then there’s some other groggy slut episode that escapes me at the moment. None of those attributed to her were actually her, as it turns out.  The casting out of seven demons has been interpreted as Jesus fully opening her Chakras.

           Finally, in 1969, the Church issued a Papal Bull regarding this mistaken zeal, and formally apologized. They also upgraded her saint status from Floozy to Not a Floozy.  In 1971 Magdalene was finally portrayed in a sympathetic light in Jesus Christ Superstar as Jesus’ romantic interest, which created a lot of controversy at the time. No one wanted to think about anything other than the Party Line. The nonsense those Pustillaneous Preachers Pastors and Priests spout from their Pulpits of Hate continue to pilfer unproven myths .

  Don’t get me wrong, I like Catholics, they still have a grain of the truth, it’s the Protestants I have difficulty understanding.  They want god and country to be married completely, church and state on a blissful honeymoon, forever cleaving together as one fleshy appendage, writhing in harmony.  Reverend Redscare and his ilque, telling us what god told them, to tell US. Exactly what the Founding Revolutionaries were trying to prevent.

 We don't need no Middle Man between us and the deities within a nation of laws and covenants. No Miracle Man to save our soul. Too many people can't see the sham that Extremist Christianity is.  An abomination created in Jesus' name as I've said before.                                                                                  

            Think about it, could there be a more devious mind control device than the Old Testament? A deception of the Devil right under everyones noses. The Bible as the Tower of Babel. It’s practitioners have been converting by force for over 1600-3600 years, while concurrently, fracturing into thousands of sects. Sowing discord, while reaping insanity and blind faith; destroying community after community of peaceful, pagan, peasant farmers around the world.  

               Soon, we hope, the hammer of justice will fall and they will reap the final apostasy.  Our eastern friends would refer to this as Karma. I can see now why Israel should exist, God gave them the land of Canaan, and they should be able to live without the fear of being bombed. Jewish people can't eat pork, but you don't see them jailing or killing those who do eat pigs like Islamics do.

              The Old Testament god needs to be expelled from the United States in a diarrheic diaspora, to say nothing of what should happen around the world. Someone is going to have to explain the value of Mohamed and Allah to me, because I don't see it. The vengeful hysteria of those who claim to speak for god and allah have gone too far, for far too long. It is not a time to hope the other guy does something to counter the pile of poisonous slag they spout.  They talk about love,  but seem to hate practically everyone in the world. I have also found out, that the more the preacher talks about the Old Testament, the more full of shit and hateful they are.                                       

             Finally, the story of the Lead Disciple.   The search for the roots of the Mary Magdalene story led me to southern France. She left Palestine after the crusifixation, and travelled to southern France.  Or as I read recently, Mary and other Friends Of Jesus(FOJ) were set adrift in boats on the Mediterranean without oars and the Mary Magdalene group landed in southern France. She was sainted in 1900 and her feast day is July 22nd in the Catholic Calendar.  As the Penitent whore initially, and now a leading light for equality in the 21st Century.
             In southern France there are churches dedicated to her and her feast day brings joyous celebrations. There is a deep mystery to the history in this area along with the myths of the Great Teleste called Mary Magdalene. Sometimes this area in Southern France is called the Langue'doc,  as it was called before it became part of France, it is also home to the language called Occitan and a famous group of heretics called the Cathars. Before the Inquisition, a place of art and beauty and  the place where the Troubadours sprang from, a hundred some odd years before the troubles with the Cathars began.                         

            John Lamb Nash speaking of Mary Magdalene and Jesus and that they were actually pagans  "regarded as Pagans and heretics, Jesus and Magdalene would have been a pair of initiated teachers from the mysteries, the spiritual universities of the classical world. As such they would have taught the divine potential of humanity, but not claimed divinity for themselves, or anyone. The aim of gnosis was to know what the Gods know, neither to become God in human form, nor even to find God in one’s innermost self. "

            "Almost all we know of Mary Magdalene comes from gnostic sources, texts that portray her as an accomplished seer, an initiated teacher, a Telestes. She would have been an enlightened woman facing a world in spiritual crisis."                  

            "At the dawn of the Piscean Age, 2,130 YA (years ago) some Pagan teachers emerged from the anonymity of the Mystery Cults and undertook a public mission to address the controversy centered  on a single crucial question; Is human fate pre-determined, or can we each be guided through a life of our own choosing?      A tremendous upheaval, a kind of New Age fever raged across the Roman Empire. Many people expected a messiah to come along and bring social justice. "

"As gnostic initiates (Jewish or not), Jesus and Magdalene would have been committed to the task of spiritual guidance, helping people in all classes of society to find their way against the dictates of fate."

   "It was a moment of tremendous promise, when a great shift for humanity might have transpired. What happened instead was that Roman Christianity took control of the social and political life of the classical world. The pagan profile of Jesus and Mary, which is strongly supported by historical and textual   evidence, undercuts the sacred bloodline scenario because, what they very likely believed in was Tantric Principles and procreation was discouraged.” 

               To the present then, here are some viewpoints that I hope cut through the fog of deception and half-truths concerning Christian America, that will fill our media in 2022. It has been presented by Fux News that there is some ‘Great Awakening’ going on, another great Christian Revival, and I’m going to quote conservative historian Richard Hofstadter from his book, ‘America in 1750‘ about the original Great Awakening to counter their nonsense..

 )4(“A strain of rationalism was strong in the Anglican Church, and worse still, had given rise to Deism, which needed no church at all, and with the end of religious wars and extreme persecution; the rise of mercantile cosmopolitanism, and a more affluent and luxurious life  had taken some of the terror out of existence. In America, it had not been long since (slaveholder and witch executioner  Cotton Mather), had seen the Protestant Vanguard as leading a direct assault on Satan’s wilderness bastion, the cooling of religion could be felt, and men, even clergymen, leaned unmistakably to Enlightenment heresies.

           A society that was beginning to produce deistical leaders like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was clearly loosening its religious stays, and the example of such men would soon affect the solid middle class, whose members wanted the best and latest of everything, including,  freedom of thought.”)4(  One of those pagan virtues enshrined in our constitution. Freedom of Thought. Satans Wilderness Bastion. Did you ever?

          “New England pastors, growing desperate, would even hope at times that a smallpox or diphtheria epidemic or perhaps an earthquake would prod the people into a revival, "writes Hofstadter. 
          Americans continue to become more logical and educated but still we have to live with this Christian fantasy of a great battle between good and evil that is "prophesied."  It's been 2,000 years. Give it up already. People around the world cannot figure out American Christians and why they are so extreme. Here is Pat Robertson,   with one of his most perplexing platitudes. )5(“You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense, I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist.” )5(facepalm).

           As the 1730’s progressed, a religious fervor gripped the populace, and next is a quote from a fiery preacher responsible for much of the hysteria called the Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards once pontificated,   “It is a reasonable thing to fright persons away from Hell.” Historian Richard Hofstadter recalls that famous moment, considered the Zenith of the Great Awakening, )4(" His famous sermon ’Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’ was to do just this,” Hofstadter tells us, “ bringing his listeners to a vivid sense of eternal punishment and to impress them with the necessity of immediate contrition, since death might strike at any moment. A sermon such as a sadist might have trembled to deliver, it was presented by Edwards in a posture of transfiguration, his gaze firmly fixed on the bell rope that led upward to the steeple. The people of Enfield were urged to consider the torment of burning like a livid coal, not for an instant or a day but for millions and millions of ages and they would never be delivered’”.  How’s THAT for a sales pitch and little white lie?

             I have my doubts about this Christian God creating everything, and also disagree with people's insistence that I should just accept it:  'don’t mock god' I’m told. For one thing, I only capitalize god at the beginning of the sentence so I can counter balance a little bit of what has gone on in the past.     I do not believe that some magical Dude with a really big wand created the universe and all life on earth. From like, out of nowhere basically. No experiments in his garage just POOF …. I am creator of everything.! What a Great Concept! Hogwash, the only constant of the universe is matter and magnetism, adaption and evolution. Where the spirit came from we can only guess, we cannot know.

Then there are all those demons the christians are always talking about, servants of satan everywhere, that they must battle.  I propose these demons have another source. Demons are called into the Material World by Pentacostalists and others as they “speak in tongues.” Then these demons jump into people like Glenn Beck, Pat Robertson, Half-Truth Hannity and some of the others, possessing enough people so they can corrupt society with hateful, mean spirited, brainwashing: uh huh, this is a true rumor I heard. So, in conclusion, this modern Great Awakening of the 21st century is really an attempt to put everyone back in the box, and put everyone to sleep, so this sweet land of liberty can become a repressive theocracy. Kneeling to false gods and toiling for the corporate behemoth.  We can do better than this.

In the 1700's, Edward Gibbon wrote about clergy and the basic deceptions of Christianity and why they are the antithesis of Liberty and Freedom. He compared the light hearted spirit of freedom that was developing with the Enlightenment, as a contrast to the cold, empty life that a Taliban-style, Christian ayatollah inspired world would be like.   “The acquisition of knowledge, the exercise of our reason or our fancy, and the cheerful flow of unguarded conversation, may employ the leisure of a liberal mind. Such amusements however, were rejected with abhorrence, or admitted with the utmost caution, by the severity of the church fathers, who despised all knowledge that was not useful to salvation, and who considered all levity of discourse as a criminal abuse of the gift of speech. The unfeeling candidate for Heaven was instructed, not only to resist the grosser allurements of the taste or smell, but even to shut his ears against the profane harmony of sounds and view art with indifference. " Edward Gibbon  1778


                  I don’t even understand how Christians can claim this is a Christian Nation after a long term, personal study of the Era. Their christian precepts are not compatible with the codes created in the constitution, it's as simple as that. Beginning with Thomas Morton, the Pagan Pilgrim in 1626, and Thomas Hooker, the liberal preacher  in 1639, our pagan roots attempted to grow the future concept of Liberty. Liberty born as an escape from the chaotic tyrannies of the King and Pope, from across the ocean in Europe. Thomas Mortons cheerful attempt s to bring the maypole tradition to Massachusetts, in 1626, was crushed by the Puritans and their austere, uninspired, empty house of a religion.  The Unitarian Universalists say there is no Original Sin we need to washed of, but an Original Blessing of kindness and sharing and an inherent worth and value of every life.

 My point is that whatever moral authority christians and islamics  have today is illegitimate.  It's like a Mafia Dude after 20 years of killing and extortion, buys hisself a legitimate business.           

Thomas Hookers sermons were the inspiration of the Fundamental Orders  I discuss elsewhere, and its quintessential essence was this quote. “The foundation of authority rests with the free consent of the people.” Roger Ludlow was contracted to write the covenant for the Connecticut Colony in 1639.   Ludlow also wrote the Codes of 1650 if you want to research him. Liberal preacher, Thomas Hooker, managed to slip by the Puritan radar, but the Pagan Pilgrim, Thomas Morton, and his flamboyant attempts to party and mingle with the Native Americans were incompatible with a religion that nailed your tongue to a wall if you cursed. The Puritans were unable to see the kindness and humanity we all need in our pursuit of happiness, and the communication our communities require. People of the Enlightenment wanted no part of the hypocritical, moral high ground posturing of Christians, and the Founding Revolutionaries were finally able to outfox the cagey conservatives and their obesiant clergy. Authority is derived by the free consent of the people, or a " Mandate from the Masses", as the annoying peasant in the Monty Python movie"The Holy Grail" states.

      So here we have Protestant Preacher, Jonathan Edwards Great Awakening, along with The Catholics and the Mary Magdalene bashing Priesthood. Just lying out their ass like any other con man; making up shit about burning forever in hell, in the case of the Leader of the Great Awakening. Leaving the burgeoning 13 colonies scared shitless about their fate when they died. Those few that still believed as Enlightenment Heresies opened peoples minds. Undermining the lead woman in the Jesus' Ministry,   even today these "moral authorities" continue to throw women under the bus. The rising tide of Enlightment e and the American and French Revolutions ventually denounced and defeated this divine authoritarian excess.

     Was that Mary Magdalen in Da Vincis painting of the Last Supper? Did he really possess secret knowledge as Dan Brown suggests? Was she the Great Teleste, learned in Pagan ways? How was it Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen (or healed) Christ? How did she become the person to shake the disciples out of their despair, after Jesus was crucified, to get them to hit the streets and preach? Telling the Disciples to get off their ass, and spread the word.  Mother Son Wife, the new Trinity.    Mary Magdalene became the leader of the Muses after her death. Because I said so.   




8-12 Get lost ya mugs, and just remember fellow patriots---Liberty will always be in ascendance over religion in the United States, or there will not be a United States. 

Posted by John A Almada 

PeterbiltMay 18, 2011 7:13 AM Nice post. I appreciate your research. Have you considered relocating to WordPress? It's free, too. Word verification: Bultsna: Word of Swedish origin, meaning "a stubborn insistence on premises being based on verifiable facts and sound logic, in the face of an argument being widely advanced that is based on neither."

Jane  June 27, 2011 10:35 AM

I am amazed at the depth of your research John. I hear your message. You make some great points!! " God as mass murderer...LOL good one. Its sad how many people believe in Satan, and god sending people to burn in hell for all eternity...Brain washed as children and wanting to think that your parents/ancestors are right. You have certainly broken out of the box thinking thoughts that many dare not to consider. 

John A Almada

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply.

Thoughts that many dare not to consider.
That is a nice review of the article. 



       In our present era, the stunning hypocrisy of the Moral High Ground Hypocrites has disheartened many. Jimmy Swag'art represents this group with a name that is a contraction of swaggering braggart. We also keep plunging into the tar pit of technology and genetics, nodding our heads to anything scientists say. The ordinary people, those of us who won’t get in the history books, need to clear a path somewhere between the inexact nonsense of religion and the precise bullshit of science. 

      I seem compelled to prepare history in a different light because among all of us peasants, pagans, office drones, functionaries, riff-raff, heathens, Libertarians, workers and ordinary people (me and you); there is a lot of knowledge. Too much wisdom to tolerate a country that says war brings freedom. Those of us that know history, see the stealth campaign with the continuation of The Crusades after 9=11.

        Many post war boomers are resting from the endless sinning, such as the plague of infidelity, or screwing others at work and the mad obsession of material validation. The endless gossiping and back biting that many participate in. Now they are turning back to their Catholic roots because they remember about last rites where a priest can forgive your sins at the moment before death which is something known as last rites. Or go to confession every Saturday and have them WIPED CLEAN! Amen! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but, the sacrament of Last Rites is not being done anymore. Trillions of dollars of gold along with being the largest landowner on Earth, the Catholic Church no longer can provide the service of Last Rites. Budget cuts. Truthfully, it's because of the shortage of priests. There is a shortage of priests because of the issue of celibacy.

 I emphasize the goddess aspect of the God and Goddess spirituality of the pagans, because the balance is so askew. Here’s a quote from ‘The Return of the Mother’ by Andrew Harvey ”The tragic imbalance of the masculine has brought humankind to the brink of disaster, and unless we recover the feminine power of the psyche, the powers of intuition , patience, reverence for nature , and knowledge of the holy unity of things, and marry in our depths these powers with the masculine energies of rule, reason, passion for order and control, life on the planet will end. The sacred marriage of the masculine and the feminine has to take place in our hearts and minds, whether we are male or female. The rich and organic integration it alone can furnish is the goal of human life.” This is where I hope we are heading.

         I had seven years or more of Sunday school and Catholic  indoctrination and brainwashing, jumping through every ritualistic hoop so I wasn’t doomed to spend eternity in That Place. A cell in hell awaits you bad boy! Now as in the past, religion is overly represented in society, and many unfair advantages have been given to these usurpers of race and gender equality.  The double brush brain-washing of the very young is the cornerstone of modern society; the decaying Patriarchal and Industrial Society. 

        In the years to come, as the Old Order dies, teens entering the workforce need to question why religions are not taxed as their own taxes skyrocket because of an aging generation’s myopic foresight and a Republican Partys inability to balance a budget. Churches build their buildings tax free and I don't understand why there is no real objection to this. Eliminate the 501-c which must cost the government billions to oversee, to say nothing about the billions in lost taxes.
           Some of us have no real place to hang our sociological shingle. We might go jogging but don’t always wear “runners gear”, or go ten speedin’ without our aerodynamic pointed helmet and tight spandex pants. We might have a motorcycle without needing to have the Tattitude to go with it. Maybe you are a war veteran but don’t wear camo pants and have an attitude mustache to go with your angry body language. We are the independent minded and we transcend gender or race or anything else, and we are everywhere, in every country. We are the greatest fear of those who will compete to be leaders of the New World Order; we will be the Freethinkers in a world of greedy sheep.  
         We don’t think a god controls every move we make and hears every plea from every schmuck in Trenton and every overconfident blowhard in Hohaugen. Politically we are what I like to call 
us Blue Collar Progressives or the Independent Majority. We may be Libertarian leaning conservationists, or may be a gun toting animal lover who hunts for her own food; or any other of the numerous examples of good hearted, intelligent and caring people who don’t need much government or religion. I think you understand what I’m getting at. There is a simmering pot of independent thinkers across the world, no longer mentally hemmed in by government and religion. Imagine! 

            I have great hope that the emerging Chinese middle class may latch on to pagan ways, and they are returning to a now burgeoning Taoist Community. Taoism is one of the 5 approved religions of communist China but unfortunately, the leaders of China and our leaders need us to hate each other, so  the gluttonously wealthy can get kickbacks from the real source of evil in the world, the weapon manufacturers and the bankers crooked lending system. Most of history is about charismatic men who find ways to convince other men to kill themselves as needed in battle for the country, religion or both. 

      Pagans have the intellectual foresight and historical precedent to logically launch us into a peaceful world, but preachers and priests needing to fill seats and keep their easy jobs will happily deceive with slick misrepresentations and derisive & dismissive put downs of Paganisms extremes. The Hindu Goddess with 22 arms is a favorite target. The idea of any goddess is generally met with exuberant resistance. Marija Gimbutas, the famed archaeologist, has concuded that goddess venerating societies were the norm, 3 to 6 thousand years ago, but she is still roundly repudiated by many people.

       Do people really believe in the Devil? Come on…really? An eternity!? Tortured and burned? 83 years here and 600 gazillion years in Hell, it doesn’t make much sense to me. They are convinced a pagan like me will burn in their notion of Hell. There are over 1,500 Goddesses and Gods out there in the Pagan World, and so if I decide that something as simple as a butterfly can be my goddess, my Zemyna, because the butterfly will always remind me of death and the rebirth of me; then that’s what I’m going to believe and to hell with you. I realize that to come out as a pagan I will have to receive the scorn from the brainwashed religious doopahs, but I also realize that most people think for themselves and are accepting. 

         We glorify Science, but don't realize the demons being unleashed by them. The Vanishing bees is one example. Science needs to stop trying to fix things and leave things be. Let nature return. Some of us don't want to live in a high tech world.

8-11-  Jesus and Allah

In a Universe far away we hear a teacher speak to the class, “All right, next, we have Jesus and Allah. Are you prepared mighty space gods?”

“Yes ma’am we are,” said Allah as he nudged Jesus to start the presentation.

“Well…our idea was to evolve life on a planet much like ours using the common template. When they had advanced sufficiently we introduced this, like….voice from the clouds that said “I am god and creator of the planet.”

Jesus said and nodded to his friend Allah to continue.“God helped write a complicated story about how he got to be god, and there was enough people who believed it eventually. They even burnt all other books and destroyed knowledge wherever it could be found. We have charts and graphs to follow.”

“And get this,” Jesus continued,” if you didn’t have faith in this invisible diety you would go to a plane of existence where many tortures awaited. Eternity was to be spent in constant agony,” the class chuckled a bit thinking how gullible these people were.  

They finished the power point presentation and took questions. “Did these 7 billion people have souls?” someone asked.

“No, that was too much work frankly, we didn’t have the time.”

Another question that was posed was, “Didn’t any of these people figure this out? What you were doing, I mean.”

Jesus said, “yes, there was a movie called The Matrix which came pretty close.”

The sheer complexity of the project guaranteed them a good grade but by working closely together on the video, the class was impressed and so was the teacher.” There’s no I in team,” said Allah to Jesus when they found out they got the best grade in the class and high fived each other. Work together for the best results kids, is what it's all about.

Later that week, the computer program that contained their project (our earth) was disposed of in the vaporizer by the janitor for safety reasons. The evil created was determined to be toxic biowaste and there became a necessity for disposal.


8-12-   The Heart of God

          About 10  years ago I began praying to Mary again in earnest as I hadn't since 1990, when we seemed to have accomplished the mission of destroying the Soviet Empire with prayer.  Now we read that Our Lady wanted us to pray for others. This I began doing after being solidly atheist for 5 years. Unselfish, loving prayers for others...."Please help starving children...please wake up ignorant idiots like Pat Robertson......please help the local soup kitchen stay open...please make men less violent....and on and on. I had to payback some of the prayers I had answered previously in my life, and pay forward.

This felt really good and I unselfishly prayed for others.  However I was struggling financially in 2006-7 and I made up a new prayer.


                               A MODERN PRAYER                                                               

          Please help me Mary, you can do it girl.   I attempt the selfless seeking, and pray for others as you asked. Bless those (FILL IN YOUR OWN) “soup kitchen” Christians Mary.    The third secret was about Paul getting shot and coming back to help undermine the communist empire………And to SHOW US WHAT FORGIVENESS IS. The Rosary collectively brings people together in prayer that travels through the Veles, creating energy.   Please goddess Mary , rewards in heaven is not enough, this dude needs a break right now,……. please.     Amen

At that time, I began to research about Druids and Vikings and realized that deep down I had been living as a pagan all these years and didn't know it. Mother Mary was all I had left from my Catholic years. Jane and I got married in the Church even though it was the second marriage for both, and we took advantage of the Catholics trying to bring lapsed Catholics back into the fold. Things started falling into place, good things began to happen and I prayed to Mary, and still do. Then I came up with my first ritual in this Dungaree Druid thing I was working on. Palms out, and then I imagine an impenetrable zone in a circle around me. To keep the dimwits, the brainwashed and the fartwads away. Then I came up with the idea of combining Druid and Luddite into the word Druddite, the name of the religion I had decided to make up.

I started getting inspirations and came across 8 other goddesses that I now have in my Pantheon. I saw my mother in a vision 2 hours after she died and saw my dog Ginger 2 hours after SHE died. I prayed a rosary for my dying mother in law 5 months later in Hospice, bringing a rose for her to hold.  I put on my atheist hat now and then because it is familiar territory, but spiritual experiences give me hope that there is an afterlife.

I had my own miracle that involved the Scapular ritual. It was early in the morning, my mother in laws husband and son were resting somewhere off site and the nurses saw what I was doing, saying a rosary. Jane , my wife, got there at 7 and her mother died at 1:00. She was scheduled to be turned to prevent bedsores so "if we could interrupt”. I went and took a break and when I came back they had put on a CD of Pope Paul saying the rosary in Latin and kept the rose I had placed in her hand. Obviously respectful, I thanked them for their thoughtfulness, “now and at the hour of our death," states the prayer. I prayed for Mary to come and take care of this gentle soul who did die 6 hours later.

I didn't think anything of the brown scapula she had around her neck when I came back in the room after they moved her. Asking around, no one could account for who had put it there, and there were no visitors that previous night. Not her son or husband or my wife, no one had ever seen her wearing it. So with very little coercion, I became the inheritor of this brown scapula. I like to think it's my own little miracle, the miracle of the brown scapular.  Where did it come from?

 The heart of god is a goddess and her name is Mary.


8-13-    34 commandments


   Green Ethics and Polytheist Spirituality will EVENTUALLY emerge together one day.  Will it be a potent brew or strange bedfellows?  Hybrid vigor or invalidating opposites?  The Green Cult feared  by right wing Dominionists? The brainwashing is so complete by Christians these last 1600 years, that the word Pagan brings up evil and/or negative impressions with probably 85% of the population, 85% of the time.


                 Pagans are known for their freewheeling antics in their American pursuit of happiness. Greens however, are often antagonistic to spiritual beliefs, generally because Christianity and Islam are so patently objectionable to logical people.   So remember, at first glance, Paganism seems even sillier and even more illogical to an atheist green, and they never get past the costumes to get to the content.

                   Most Greens find Noah’s Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the book of Revelation as preposterous, and Islam is so, a thousand years ago; that both religions are given virtually no credence or relevance.  There are Muslim Greens, thank Allah, and I hope they come to prominence these next couple of years.


               Pagan gods and goddesses just seem like so much effluvium to many Greens. Aren't they over the Greeks and Romans yet, the Green Atheists ask? They don't know about the thousand other pagan religions and white people don't realize how many meaningful deities existed before Christianity. Black people don't know they believed in a triple god pantheon in general and Africans and Europeans  had much in common during the years Before Christ. BC. 

                  Crazy wheat planting people from the middle east took over both continenets, killing millions of Pagans in the process. Many greens have no connection to the divine and that’s fine with them, who cares and why waste my time they ask? The simple fact is that the greatest generation and their lackeys have done 7 generations of resource extraction in one, and thy say a deity told them the earth was theirs to plunder. Stunningly dysfunctional, and not reality based. Logical people in the 21st century need to call them out on it, which Greens often do. 


        When Greens see Pagans wearing antlers or flowers, they are dismissive of us also. I'm not into all the gear and getups people get on. But after I got my article "This is the Folk Magic" published on the Witchvox website,   I discovered there are many people like me who have our own independent belief systems.  They agreed with me that "traditional", horn wearing, costume adorning paganism is not to their liking.  As I like to say, "Halloween is what I do once a year, not all year". Similar to the way the priesthood attracted pedophiles, Paganism seems to attract the Dungeons and Dragons and Renaissance Fair types. Dress up fetishes I call it, but to each their own of course. The plain pagans, the dungaree druids, that's the rest of us.





 The Bible, Koran and the other one is too much about people and not the earth.   It's a world where the chatty loudmouth  huckster dominates our economy, and where the ten commandments carry  far more sociological weight than it should.  The nine noble virtues listed below, are far more relevant to a pagans life. Vikings or the Norsemen have a belief in the old gods still, and in modern times they are known as Asatru or Asatruar. I wonder what has ever happened between meetings of a follower of the Norse, and a tree hugging atheist environmentalist. You know? "What the fuck dude. You really believe in Odin?"



       For that matter what do Greens think of Buddhism's eightfold path?    Add the Greens 10 Key Values to the 9 virtues and that makes 19. Then add the Unitarian Universalists 7 guidelines   and there's 26 GUIDEPOSTS that are far more relevant than the 10 Commandments.  My contribution are the eight directions of Druddism.
       THE EIGHT DIRECTIONS OF DRUDDISM                       "1……Encode Liberty ….2……Embed equality…3…. invalidate injustice …..4… Ostracize criminality  ….5….humble the mighty …6  …, vanquish cruelty ….7 ….    cultivate opportunity and …..8….. 
"Unity Without hierarchy"  


       Asatru finds a way to help people stay strong with the everyday reality, and the eightfold path of Buddhism  lights the way for many in the world. So to the Greens, I’m asking you to rethink the role of religion and spirituality. Consider the more reasonable outlooks of various religions you may not be familiar with, the stories of the conquered people and folk cultures around the world, societies that have fallen to the cross and scimitar. There has never been a history of the world from the Pagan point of view. (So, I copyrighted History of the Pagans Fall of 2008.)

     Maybe greens are jealous that all those TV preachers experience miracles.  I’ve had my own Christian miracle of the brown scapular. But no one blithely gives god credit for all these variables in life, most of us know that god doesn't do all the shit he's purported to be doing.  I want Greens to know that Pagans don’t try to describe the nature of the universe or the miracle of life as christians and islamics do. We live with reality, like harvest festivals 'n shit.

     Preachers, pastors and priests all telling us in their mega churches what god has told them. Imagine, the TV evangelists are sending blessings and miracles over the airwaves. “And god, ah knows you be busy" paraphrasing Richard Pryor, "but Doris in Kansas City has just sent a generous donation for our building fund and wants you to cure the paralysis………in her brain from listening to me.” Is this any way to run a country? Most of our senators are from these states with superstitious bobble heads being bilked out of their money.

      Christians finally realized they are no longer able to kill or harass those who are heretics and heathens, so they embedded themselves in the political systems of the United States in the last 30 years. Their attempted coup wants to make us subject to 3,000-year-old lies. Go away, you have no power here. The Great Spirit that has ruled this continent is returning, 

Growing a green canopy over the dark heart of Capitalism and despite its Christian apologists.


You’ve been so very much lied to and so have your ancestors throughout history. The people that wrote down the history were the only ones that knew how to write and as people began t0 learn to read they were only allowed to read the Bible. Histories of all the conquered peoples were burned and destroyed. You need to fully understand that there is a point of light leading away from the darkness. The light of the Statue of Liberty. The lamp of Libertas.       

Like Orwell’s 1984, history was changed as it suited the monarchies and their protestant and catholic lackeys. Censorship? Well the Spaniards only destroyed 496 of the 500 Mayan codices. Big brother has been here all along. Now in 2022 it is REALLY here. Christians and Islamofascists---they have their eye on you and if we allow heretics to be harassed, it’s over.                                                

 There is no hell and to Satan I say, “In your eye with a custard pie, Lucifer.” Satan is a lie and there is no hell my friends, Kiss my ass Satan. We cannot base public policy on Satan and the machinations of evil. There is enough evil right here on this sphere of reality without needing all this imaginary evil. To believe in the Devil is to believe the Bible too and it's all preposterous. Most Satanists are pulling your leg for their entertainment.                                                                                                       


 I made up a religion that I discuss in other parts of The History of The Pagans. All adherents are known as Druddités or Drudds for short. I combined the words Druid and the word Luddite. Here’s where I bump into a wall of pagan snobbishness. They believe you can’t combine goddesses and gods from different pantheons. 

                       Historically, Druids were collectors of knowledge and were poets and bards along with leading ceremonies.                                                                                                                                                            

        The Luddites were people in the early 1800’s who rebelled against the quick acceptance of every new technology. They destroyed machines back then but today would be questioning our overly quick acceptance of genetically engineered food and plants along with the pandoras box of cloning. Druids of course were hunted down and killed, many of course fleeing to outlying posts of the once forested world to try and pass down Druid traditions. The Luddites became the enemies of the newly emerging industrialized and predatory capitalism so you can guess what happened to them.                    

I was a Reagan Era Pagan, and my best nature experience was the overwhelming spirituality oin a power spot near the Rincon Mountains in Tucson Arizona in the early 80’s. More like a vortex. You could get in it for miles around. I lived in the last house on Broadway in Tucson. On one side was the Saguaro National Monument, a startlingly beautiful desert preserve featuring the Saguaro Cactus. Then travel almost 40 miles to the next town and in between was a mountain range, part of the 250,000-acre Coronado National Forest. Nature was a powerful force in that area and I was fortunate to be a caretaker on a 40 acre ranch which has since become a nature center. I’ve extensively hiked everywhere I’ve lived, and the outskirts of Tucson was the most remote wilderness I’ve ever known. On Google Earth go to 12,661 east broadway in Tucson  to see where I’m talking about. It used to be called the Kingston Ranch.                                                      

         One day I found this unique grassy area in some shady trees. Snowmelt and storms created a network of temporary streams that ran nearby and this was A very special place of peacefulness. Not much natural grass and not many deer in the Sonoran Desert but I had seen them scampering away from this place. When I found a pair of antlers on the short soft grass it felt like some special gift. I have an oil painting my roommate Tom painted of the area featuring an 8400 foot mountain, Rincon Peak. I see Toms painting every day and always gives me a little positive charge.

The antlers are a memory and a remnant of what I felt in that very special area. My atheism lapsed knowing that nature was the true force in the world. Nature is my god I used to say. Then, I worked with this native American dude named Mike Two Hawks in the late 80’s. He was an enthusiastic modern native, doing ceremony at work.  He had A lot of respect for his surroundings and was enthusiastic about Mohawk tradition. 

               Most importantly he taught me how to feel the unseen energy of nature. Regarding the human assault on mother Earth Mike would often use a baseball metaphor saying, “Earth bats last and she’s coming to the plate. Nobody out with the three best hitters coming up. Hurricanes earthquakes and volcanoes.” When I described my “power spot” to him he said I very likely found something very special. Suddenly everything has come alive for me again, this time for good. I’ve been a pagan all along. My message is that you also may be a pagan; maybe you’ve been a pagan all along. Here's History of the Pagans to help your curiosity.


Here are some more viewpoints that I hope cut through the fog of deception and half-truths that will fill our media in 2023. As I mentioned, it will be presented by Fux News that there is some ‘Great Awakening’ going on and I’m going to quote conservative historian Richard Hofstadter from his book, ‘America in 1750’, about the original Great Awakening to start educating you about it.

        Richard Hofstadter, “With the end of religious wars and extreme persecution, the rise of mercantile cosmopolitanism and a more affluent and luxurious life, had taken some of the terror out of existence. In America, it had not been long since (slaveholder and witch executioner Cotton) Mather had seen the Protestant Vanguard as leading a direct assault on Satan’s wilderness bastion, the cooling of religion could be felt, and men, even clergymen, leaned unmistakably to Enlightenment heresies. A society that was beginning to produce deistical leaders would soon affect the solid middle class, whose members wanted the best and latest of everything, including freedom of thought.”                      

       Freedom of thought is One of those pagan virtues that was enshrined in our constitution. Our founding fathers were conservative but didn’t allow religious bugaboo to cloud the clarity of thought. This is what right wing Christian conservatives aren’t getting, the founding fathers were masons, and the rigors of intellectual curiosity allowed them to perceive that there was a reason there were so many goddesses in Greek mythology.  Believing in the Bible was a straight jacket for those of nimble intellect.

              Here is Richard Hofstadter describing the conditions of the 13 colonies at the time of the Great Awakening, a dangerous time. “New England pastors, growing desperate, would even hope at times that a smallpox or diphtheria epidemic or perhaps an earthquake would prod the people into a revival.” Americans continue to become more logical and educated but still we have to live with this Christian fantasy of a great battle between good and evil. Really nothing they believ in is real.. All the other religions are not talking about war but Dharma, Harmony, Community, and maybe we need to give them a listen.

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