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Thursday, January 27, 2022





Druddism-  Beliefs of the Druddité religion. Everything Drudd.

  Druddmooté -  a moon based meeting schedule. There is an exact way to measure the beginning time of a Druddmoot.  The Waxing Moon is between the New Moon and the Full Moon.

  Take the Waxing moon night and find out when the end of Druddmoot on  moonset is subtract 33 hours and thirty-three minutes before the waxing moon moonset. Or, a much simpler way is to start at 6:00 the evening of the waxing moon. Generally start this 30 hour religious holiday with a meeting. A Druddmoot. Kind of like the Ent Moot, right?

      Then lasting through the entire next day which is dedicated to relaxing and letting loose and sharing and connection. The Druddmoot ends at Moonset and ending either at midnight or moonset. A thirty hour holiday 13 times a year. We don’t go to work or look at Honeydew Lists.

          The waxing moon has traditionally been the time to forge new ideas, or gain new inspirations and gain positive momentum, so why not use that time ceremonially? At first when I began banging together this new religion, I was drawn to the waning moon. But it's a time of sacrifice and denial and discipline and purging bad habits. As I followed the moon more studiously, I noticed the waxing moon is more visible on both nights of the 30 hour Druddmoot and throws out just enough light for seeing in the dark and walking down forest paths. 

           What about the full moon you might be asking?  I wait all month for the 30 hour period of Druddmoot. It's an important foundation for what I like to do and this enables me to be able to go to other peoples full moon ceremonies.

       So there's a certain amount of freedom with this, even though it goes against traditional paganism.            

           I will tell you right here that even I don't know when I'm kidding and when I'm serious. There is alot of wink wink nod nod here, particularly when I discuss the Goddesses Intelligent Design of life on this planet. I mean to be respectful to my fellow pagans, even if they don't readily embrace me, but I like to illustrate the absurdity of religion.

            My section, History of the Pagans, is a direct frontal assault on the Christian hegemony of society. I pull no punches for the Islamos either who are simply doing what Christians did 1,000 years ago in this modern age despite the people’s desire for liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

          You see the flag above with the 13 stars in a circle? If this isn't a ceremonial representation of a coven i don't know what else it could be. You are all familiar with the mason symbols on the dollar bill. The pyramid and Egyptian mysticism abounds and the dollar bill should really Isis We Trust.

          Did you know George Washington had 13 generals in the war and had Washington D.C.'s streets laid out in a pyramid or some form of outdoor mason lodge? These were some clever dudes I'm telling you, our actual greatest generation--Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Israel Putnam, Ben Franklin, Paul Revere and Sam Adams are some names that come to mind.

           That flag with 13 stars is magical and this is just some of what can be talked about at Druddmoots. Maybe we can divide America into 13 Bioregions as we grow a new economy as if the old one didn't even matter.

           Here also I want to tell you that the Druddité religion feels a lot of ceremony is not really needed and there is more to being a pagan than doing spells and lighting candles. Really a lot more that is integrated right into our lives. Pagan sites I go to do not seem to be interested very much in the stewardship of the planet and I doubt anyone even knows what Bioregion means.

         The number 13-----not too many get the 12 disciples plus one of Jesus also equal 13.  Mary Magdalen was an Isis trained priestess. The formerly famous Goddess named Isis.

          It is my contention that Jesus was planning on repudiating the Old Testament God once he built a large enough following but was thwarted by what the Gnostics call the demiurge. Jesus, though interesting, and what I call the Babe Ruth of spiritual healing, is just one of the 23 gods I have in my pantheon. You know, do whatever you like.

          With a handful of religions controlling their billions of devotees, along with a relative handful of corporations that make most of the products we buy, while finally, this precarious computer dependence could conceivably break down.   I mean people can barely add and subtract anymore                

11-2         Druddite Ranger     First let me explain all the age designations. My son was in the boy scouts and learned some valuable things. But it seemed to be too much about the military style uniform. Badges and pins were fun as the boys studied and learned about a lot of real type of life skills but why did they have to look like little generals? When it came time for him to get his religious badge I hesitated. Hellenic? Asatru? or maybe miscellaneous Pagan. How about a solitary witch badge? No, I wasn't ready to be the only declared Pagan in the entire county, so I backed off. 

        Warriors for the lord would have made my life a living nightmare and harassment would carry on towards his elementary school. Recall the flap about a couple of children that wanted to be atheists while they were in the scouts and people thought it was so terrible, they weren’t like them. They weren't brainwashed with the invisible friend concept of God. The Drudd Scouts will readily embrace atheists because many of them are good thinking people, logical and intelligent as a rule.

       What to do then? If true liberty and equality and religious freedom sweeps the country it would be fun to start our own version of the boy and girl scouts. There is a group called SPIRAL SCOUTS that are doing what would be some good ideas. I did like the camping, civic participation. There would be no reason to separate male and female since in the future we should all have pretty much the same type of skills and gender won’t be a concern.  

         The Drudd Scouts.  Age 10 and 11 would be the Moles,  younger ones are known as Clams. Like wolves or bears in Cub Scouts they would move up to the next level after Moles and they are called the Polecats. They are the 12 and 13 year olds.

         14, 15 and 16 are called the Lemurs and this is kind of a pre-college level because home schooled children can advance a lot further, much more quickly.  At home learning can lead to a lot less traffic among other productivity gains. Motivation and Productivity go hand in hand. This group takes the passions they find and they explore these passions completely. They can start little businesses to practice for the adult world or a good enough one that carries right into adulthood.

          They learn to cooperate with each other and have fun as pagans are wont to do and when they get 17 years old they become monkeys and at the end of their 18th year they are designated a Druddité Ranger at 19 with an adult initiation ceremony. The Rangers look out for others in the community and start families and set out to achieve  the pursuit of happiness.

          Finally at age 54 we are required to write something, anything -even one page if you are that lame, but something about your life so far and what you would like to tell or teach to the younger voices following in our footsteps. Then we have some simple ceremony that designates us as Druddité  Elders when we reach age 54.     When get our Grumpy Badge.                                                                                                                                                               


where Druddmoot gatherings can take place, like the Druids and many pre-christian pagans, we look for the most spiritual part of the nearby Forest. Or a breath taking grove of oaks or evergreens or whatever we have near us. If all you have is a couple shrubs then what the heck, there are no restrictions. In your own back yard.

-11-3-   Druddité Alphabetical Platitudes   DAP

 Verse 6:12-15 states, "A wicked man goes about with crooked speech (Rand Paul), winks with his eyes, (Mike Pence) scrapes with his feet (Huckabee) points with his finger (Newt G) and with perverted heart devises evil, (t***p), continually sowing discord: (Pat Robertson): therefore, calamity will come upon him suddenly; in a moment he will be broken beyond healing.”


         I got this notion that America was founded with freedoms that are simply not compatible with Christianity.  Theocrats have been trying to create a theocracy here since 1620. The Masons (George Washington tapping in the cornerstone of the Capital building with his mason apron on), managed to outmaneuver christianity to create a country based on liberty (not salvation).” It’s the Masons versus the Christians.  I created a third way that shows you how to do things your own way. We don’t need either group to lead the way.

          This is an A to Z about the religion I made up. Blasphemy and Heresy are splattered all over this chapter, and besides, what could be a bigger heresy than making up your own religion?  

          Druddmooté is our most important ritual; it’s a gathering of Druddités every waxing moon. Mostly to share what we’ve read, and we bring our homemade food and homegrown goods and our favorite books. We have a literary and culinary potluck. Forget discipline, thrift, and sobriety for a while.   Do some divining and Taroting.

              Here are some options to choose from as you create your own religion. Feel free to adopt any of the following A to Z absolutes of my Druddité religion.  Obtain the confidence in yourself that you can believe anything that you damn well please, and …don’t forget, in the end, you won’t be damned and certainly not burned in fire for all of eternity.


YOU CAN’T KNOW THE FUTURE        No God or Goddess knows neither.   You can be sure the future isn’t predetermined or predictable.   There is no creator, only the creation with no beginning and no end.  People die on the operating table and they see a muse or a random spirit travelling nearby when they are briefly dead.  So when they come back to life, they say they saw god.  “Yeah sure, I’m God, and Jesus too.” Said the random dead spirit floating by, “Your mom and dad are my best friends.”


   There are three parts of you on earth 1-physical self-2-a vibrational self that is eternal (an invisible thread).   3-is the soul that combines physical and vibrational to give you your land legs; on loan from the gods and goddesses, we give it back to the tree of life after our material life.   Except when I'm feeling like an atheist; then its splat I’m dead, just another dead bug on the windshield.


You shouldn’t summon or force magic is my personal belief. Magic just happens when it happens, and you just need to grab a hold of it, when you are in the zone and the magic is in the air. If you can make magic on command, well then, that’s what works for you, MOST OF US CAN’T, and as I said in the previous chapter, some of us don’t have these super powers.

To aid in my very infrequent magic, I designate the north direction as male with Boreas as the God. I designate the east direction to Zemyna the earth mother, and east symbolizes the elder and wisdom.  South is another female direction and Dexsiua the ancient Gaullist Goddess holds down this direction. The child is west so it goes like this=male, elder, female and child ---perfectly balanced four directions. Make up your own or steal mine I don’t care.


    Intelligent design by a goddess, and not a god- she is an ancient mother (duh).  Ancient world spirits spread happy eternal life throughout the universe. The God feeds the seed, the Goddess nurtures it.  Across Creation, there are 453 Ancient Mothers at the moment, and eight gods that are critical to manage the universe. In their studly, cosmic kind of eight-directional way. Greeks almost got it with their eight directions.


Islamic and Christian purists will be disoriented when they die because of what is actually there. "They are most confused that come to us" says Diana. Mother Mary nods in agreement.



We are past the tipping point of natural capital and the best thing we can do is to have a population cap. Encourage birth control because way too many young people are entering the workforce with all this reckless breeding and with Capitalism poised to collapse and all, it’s just bad Juju. Let the median age go up with less youth, and you will have a more mature world. Less crime, better decisions. Appears to be fundamental but somewhere in the programming people believe reckless breeding is gods way. Bullshit.


     N ever wear black socks with shorts. Period.


     The Universe has always been there, it's the only universal constant besides magnetism and gravity. The Creation never ends either. No Big Bang Bullshit, the Universe has always been here, there was no ‘before creation’. No creator, just a creation that never ends and no beginning. This view will prevail in the future when people realize The Big Bang should be about the TV show, and not Science guessing at truths they can’t prove.  Maybe there is a beginning. It don’t matter.  Maybe the Cosmos explodes and it starts all over again.


Reincarnation is an option in the afterlife and there are animals and trees that are reincarnated, there are muses also-living inspirations. If you are capable of love, you are capable of eternal life and this is a simple message I leave here regarding the nature of the universe. This is why love is the answer to the big question. What happens when we die? Our malleable spirits become love. We all learn to love all eventually.

Random Reincarnation seems to be counter to some pagan religions who believe ancestors are continually reborn within the family. Once an ancestor, always an ancestor is wishful thinking at best, and complete nonsense at the very worst. You can roll your eyes at my religion and I’ll roll my eyes at yours.


Druddité Universalists- similar to Unitarian Universalists. Accept all –“unity without hierarchy” no mass, just the Druddmooté. Everyone invited. The Druddmooté starts at 6:00 the evening of the half-waxing moon, and lasts until midnight the following day when the moon sets around midnight. It is a 30-hour holiday. Eat meat, yell and burp, do ceremony and smoke. I would have disciplined habits otherwise during the rest of the month, when we have to focus on work and raise families or help friends and relatives.

            We have our 30-hour holiday every 28.5 days, no matter what day it is and we can't go to work during Druddmooté.  Period. We relax from all the work and responsibility during this time and this causes a stir in Middlestone Avenue.  Christianity has to realize their naming of everything in honor of their saints and their goddam holidays are given days off in America. We need some pagan Holidays to celebrate. Yule and Yagans and Christmas and Easter Chreasters. Druddmooté is your holiday, take it.


Creating your own creation myth can be the most fun you can have. I propose that the Garden of Eden was in the Red Sea where the four rivers met.   Satellite images have shown there are two small riverbeds unseen from land.  During the ice Age water levels were way down and there are two riverbeds, once exposed that are now covered.  Thereby, we are locating the actual Garden of Eden from a biblical reference which states the Garden of Eden was where the four rivers meet. What the Garden of Eden actually was where there were permaculture orchards planted by Ancient Iberians.

Ocean levels 120,000 YA were lower than today and it was then that we  evolved into Homo sapiens Sapiens.  Or Hetero Sapiens as Michelle Bachman would say. The temperatures were a couple of degrees colder and the ice sheets were huge if you believe ice core research.

Since that time, over 120,000 years ago, there has been a steady cooling with spikes of much warmer weather.  Then 20,000 years ago, the last global maximum ice age began, and ocean levels ended up 400 feet lower than they are today during the peak of the Ice Age around 18,000 years ago.  Some say it was only one or two hundred feet, that’s the funny thing about science. People think their degree makes them an expert.  They all disagree as usual. (they don’t really know).

Humans from the Red Sea migrated to the Black Sea when waters began to rise after a volcanic explosion about 74,000 years ago and though it was dark and sunless, the average temperatures were warmer because the earth had become more humid.  The people had gone north and began settling around the Black Sea and walking the land between the two seas.  Many hunting areas were abounding with game and endless fruits, berries and nuts, and the people remembered what ripened when. You know, what else did they have to do? They studied their environment and were able to learn what the animals could not.

Turkey contains some of the great areas, such as Ephesus, where ancient skills survived at Tamca Pecky or whatever it's called.  Sambuca Pecky.  Goblecki Tepe, that’s it. Giant stones were placed 12,000 years ago and conventional wisdom was laid on its head because science says no way.

Atlanis was a telepathic merging between many villages, like 100 of them from 60,000 years ago till about 30,000 years ago when climate change warmed the earth.   


Before the decline of Atlanis, there was a great dispersal about 32,000YA from the Black Sea settlements and so the yellow people went east: the black went south again and the white went west then north and the red people got to North America via a wormhole, coming up in Hopi Country. Jesus took the wormhole when he came back to Earth in my forthcoming novel “The Earth Movement.”

            So guess what, in 2016 news came out that around this time there was a great merging of migration routes in this area according to very recent DNA research. Genetic proof of what I had been writing about for the last ten years about The Great Dispersal.  

 On the other hand, maybe the Native Americans were a hybrid of the Solutreans who travelled the edge of the ocean glacier where game was plentiful, and commingled with the Mongolians who came across Beringia not long after and they met in the middle.  I prefer to think the Hopi came here 32,000 years ago via a wormhole because of my creation myth. Change my mind. Discoveries are putting conventional wisdom under fire for its limited view and my point is to open your mind to any possibility.


Druddmooté is a gathering during every waxing moon. Mostly to share what we’ve read and share homemade food and various edibles. Literary and culinary potluck. Forget discipline, thrift, and sobriety for a while and have fun 12, sometimes 13 times a year.  Camping out where the fire or Druddmooté is, we celebrate life together. We have these meetings in the Druddgrové, a forested place or a members neighborhood grove or forested lot. To time the Druddmooté, you count  backwards from the time of moonset on the second night of Druddmooté. Then subtract 33 hours   33 minutes and 33 seconds  if you’re OCD and want to be precise. So let’s say the moon sets at 1 o’clock, which is typical during a full waxing moon; then you go back 33 hours to 4 o’clock the previous  afternoon, then back another 33 minutes, which is the start of the Time of Druddmooét officially. 3:27 in the afternoon. Alternatively, like I said, if you're OCD it's 3:26:27. As your religious holiday, you can have the day off at work. You know, cuz you’re so holy and all that.

                    I like the easy designation of 30 hours, though shorter, it seems more formal to start at six and end at midnight the next day. The simple idea I have is that you mostly try to be disciplined and thrifty on the other 26.8 days in the moon cycle and let 'er rip during the 30 hours of Druddmooté.  I’ve tried to give up meat because we are losing the integrity of our worldwide ecosystems with meat production, but during Druddmooté , I eat bacon the whole time,  preferably humanely grown. Chicken farming is cruel beyond measure with all the chicks torn from their mother on the first day and crushed alive if they are male.  I can’t eat any birds anymore. This is why a worldwide cap of 9 billion is necessary. Then we can truly work the land sustainably and not have to kill 170 million chickens for our food every week.


When ya die>So when ya die the soul you need for the physical plane, goes back to the source, and your vibrational self goes back to the Veles(Heaven) and you recharge much like a cell phone.  A long life it is and it takes a very long time to recharge your spirit. But first, you must get there, and I have a story that explains it called “The Heathen and the Christian”. There is an ancient legend concerning something called the way of the birds(chapter 1), a story that says we are able to fly anywhere, to the heavens (Veles) and all through the universe once we get on the next level.  Beyond that, you then choose to be strictly vibrational going on to a higher level closer to the Gods and Goddesses and can never reincarnate again or visit other physical worlds. It’s the most important decision you make in the Afterlife. After you’ve answered any question you ever had in your human life, you are ready to move on. Exclusive heavens such as Valhalla are in the 2nd level of the afterlife. Metal Heaven and Chocolate Heaven are nearby.

You learn everything about yourself between reincarnations. “I was a hamster in one life and I was a zortroid on the planet Xerxes in another, and a human on earth and a dinosaur on Eastlandia." Then you forget it all during your next life. Grind up the Yak horn and beat the reindeer skins and experience a hunter-gatherer lifestyle on another planet if you desire, never realizing you are immortal in a sense as you experience each life. 


   3O  Holidays- >Druddmootés 12 or 13 a year and there are about 20 other holidays to assure us a lot of time off. Svarogs day Sep 21st for instance and there is the Runic New Year on June 29th or something. Yule on Dec 21 and  Imbolc and groundhogs day. Halloween is Halloween, Samhain or Shadowfest and Tree day is in early December- a day you dedicate to the solstice season by bringing evergreens into the house. Or buy a fake tree with fake snow and make it last 6 to 8 years.


Phrases. Theodiecy or  Theoddessey> searching for divine truths

Other words belong in secret language called Druddoccitan. A multitude of words and   phrases and at the base of it the language shared by Italians French and Spaniards over 1,000 years ago. Druddoccitan will be in my second documentary book called “The Final Slaughter”


Origin of my religion>Where does the word Druddité come from?  Some of my initial inspirations came from the Druids and so I had that in mind when I was trying to come up with a name. I used to read a lot about the Luddites  from the early 1800’s and how they were anti=capitalist heroes. Around 1810, as machines began taking peoples jobs, these Luddites would sneak into the factories and bust up the machines. I see the Luddite attitude being relevant in the future, naturally being mistrustful of the head spinning advancements in technology. Cloning and Genetically modified food should not be allowed and the Luddite in me says no way. 

DRUid and luDDITE.      


I got this notion that America was founded with freedoms that are not compatible with Christianity.  Theocrats have been trying to create a theocracy here since 1620. The masons (George Washington tapping in the capitol building cornerstone  in his mason apron), managed to outmaneuver christianity to create a country based on liberty (not salvation).

The Illuminati used the masons as the fall guy for their nefarious deeds and this is why there is an unfounded mistrust of the Masons.
Louis Farrakhan has always been a truth teller in my mind, even though many people have spoken ill of him. A video shows his passion and his sadness of a world he knows is controlled by the speculators and the war pigs. “BABIES DYING FOR…BULLSHIT” he implores in one video.

No offense of course to people who think this is a Christian nation. It's a country that is here for all to believe what we want, and do what we will as long as we don't infringe others freedoms.  Do as thou wilt and harm none. You christians are bullies and assholes. No offense, right? America is destined to be the light of this world, but the Deceiving false light of the Illuminati is preparing for the final slaughter. Things are not what they seem.  You’ve heard that a lot haven’t you?
I hope I haven't stirred up a hornets nest. Peace.


 Fence of Protection --  Building a self-sufficient community and looking for a bit of a spell?  Druddités believe a schism is going to develop with a large segment of the population demanding to get away from all the technology. Modern Druddités are tired of the beeping flashing glowing tech that never rests. We are also tired of the dumb ass robes that Druids wear, but are inspired by their priorities. I'll show you the fence of protection at the Druddmooté.






   FETCH a soul aspect that appears to the minds eye. A squirrel is my fetch. Reminds me of the daemons in 'His Dark Materials'.   New Agers scared of darkness and chaotic thinking, will take a step back in fear.  They are missing half of life.  No matter what you say about the redeeming qualities of light, the dark always gets there first.

A deer was my fetch in the Rincons and Tucson.  One I never saw but left traces. Then an evil deer behind Sears, at Ingleside in Massachusetts, attacked me.  On the other hand, is a bear my fetch, my link to Ursa Major and  our grandmother planet?


 THE PROPHECY      Greenland is under threat of Jihad Terrorism according to my prophecy. Druddités organized to fight Northern Jihad and all fascists. There is a plan afoot to detonate a nuke device that will crack Greenlands ice cap.  Both Poles  are experiencing puddling and lakes where there never was before. Who would expect it? Set up powerful explosives that could split the icecap of Greenland, have pieces land in the ocean, and raise the ocean level. It would be a way to sabotage all the eastern cities in the US if some of the icecap slides into the ocean after a nuclear explosion. A ten-foot rise would destroy New York not to mention many other coastal cities.

 Greenland is sacred ground to Druddités. We respect all living things in the world and would never invade any country and our ancestors are under the ice sheet. An independent group of nomads will protect the northern lands in Russia and Canada is  part of the prophecy. As the Druddité Warriors hunt and gather near the Arctic Circle.


33  Holidays- >Druddmootés 12 or 13 a year and there are about 20 other holidays to assure us a lot of time off. Svarogs day Sep 21st for instance and there is the Runic New Year on June 29th or something. Yule on Dec 21, Imbolc, and Groundhogs Day. Halloween is Halloween Samhain or Shadowfest and Tree day is in early December- a day you dedicate to the solstice season by bringing evergreens into the house. Celebrate kids birthdays and national holidays.


  Eclectic and Independent beliefs form the basis of my DIY religion and good old fashioned Esotericism. Illustrating my American freedom of religion with a Do it Yourself Religion.  You can do it!   

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