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Friday, January 28, 2022





SCENE 1  Thorsday: sometime in 496 AD. 


SCENE 1  Thorsday: sometime in 496 AD.

      "The spirit and heart are already gone, I just need a painless way to dispose of the body,"   Axes of various sizes laid around , “tired of killin’ …..tired of betrayals.” See the source imageGrimhammer stated as he brought the ax down with a thud. “This one seems sharp enough.”

From the chronicles of Grimhammer, a Visigoth who settled in Solutre, France a very long time ago.  He was the grumpiest cat that ever lived, and the reluctant keeper of the Seals.  From the last Eastern Druid, he was told.

          There are ancient secrets in the scrolls, he was told, and an ancient ritual taught to his grandfather by a group of Druids who were fleeing Iberia. “One God blessed thing after another.”

            “You are always so grim," said his good friend Alathar who walked in to the foundry where Grimhammer and the blacksmith were assessing the weapons. You have food to eat and many dwellings scattered throughout the land with stored supplies. You are a rich man in many ways, be happy for once." The Blacksmith nodded in assent.

          "If these are the keys to peace, then the world will see little of that. Why did a man who cannot read, receive these ancient scrolls?" Grimhammer emphatically shook the ancient scrolls at Alathar, as the Blacksmith looked on. "Why was everything else burnt in Alexandria, yet these survived?” He pulled a bit on his beard contemplatively and said, “ The chances be too slim that these ancient gifts will survive the millennia," said Grimhammer grimly shaking his head.   He wondered why the legacy of the ancient days was his secret to keep? T’was merely another burden in a burdensome life.

          "Be that way then" said Alathar the old Druid.  "As you stated before, thy life sucks and then thouest dies." Alathar shook his head and walked away, though Grimhammer had a point. Clovis the Barbarian King had betrayed them. The ancient days are gone.  Alathar had noted this to another friend, a reminder that trust was now more valuable than gold.

“We’ve never thought about religion, if we fight, it’s for territory. There was no dirty trick too low for these marauding christians and their one god nonsense." And now they have Clovis. A sinsister force was sweeping through the land.

Scene 2  “You liar, I dispose of you not as revenge for my son but because you’re just ... no ... damn good.” She held her hands out, Drudd style in the fence of protection, and instantly Lucifer’s form turned to powder that floated briefly, leaving only the iron molecules he used to assume his shape and these percolated through the soil till they reached the molten core of the earth where they melted……………………………………………………..……………..”     



TUESDAY January 4th 2028

There were some funny shows lately. The Afterlife show of course has been around a couple of seasons. Hey, let me get this in early. My name is Paul Suggins and I’m writing down what I can remember about 2028. An audio book.”

“I haven’t watched any tube in years, but it seems the people have finally found their voice. The debate show between left and right always has some moments. What is it called … “Dig the Nation”, a play on the word indignation. There is the American League who are strict constitutionalists and mostly regular Independents or Greens, then there’s the Nationalist League who believe the Constitution needs to be scrapped and the Bible put in its place.

“Exploding polarizing issues, we all needed to hear. Issues Every right wing kook selling a book. Questions that stumped and embarrassed many candidates in the elections of ’24 and ’26 when ten independents were elected to the Senate. Post-everything Millennials getting up near 50 years old in 2028, and have largely replaced the hapless boomers in Congress who were generally lawyers with more personality than brains. The professional liars.”

“Sometimes on the show, the anti-communists and the white ethno-state people debating the issues the American people have been struggling with the last few decades. Beyond the same old same old sensationalist breaking news (usually about nothing.The corporatization of our country. The stranglehold that bankers have on the economy. The latest idea of making school 12 years with the last two years at a college level. Learning is done quicker and easier these days. Smaller classrooms while keeping the school open all year and do a lot of education from home. Quicker, easier and cheaper.”

" Anyways … I went to Egypt for a photography job and … well here. Scene 4. Maybe someone can animate this story. Maybe Vinnie’s kid, Jenny. "

SCENE 4   WEDNESDAY January 5th 2028

SATURDAY, January 7, 2028   

 With the 9 Goddesses and Ancient 


    Mother in the Veles.

"She is sucking so much energy from the human named Rim of Fire, that there have been noticeable earthquakes.   Indonesia and Alaska and Japan and Chile have all seen smoke and lava recently, and larger tremors in the Northwest Pacific. 

         Jurate the ocean Goddess, paused and then added, "We can't let her get completely unhinged like this, she needs a little anger management intervention.  She said she is reducing pressure on the plates near heavily populated areas. She's starting to scare the humans. Somethings gonna blow, and I hope it’s not near people. I have seen enough volcanic action to know what a bad one could do in this overcrowded world.”

There was nothing the 9 Goddesses could do except out vote her in the Council, and Dexsiua knew it and acknowledged Jurates comment with 'I know'. The Ancient Mother had slept for over 200,000 years, and was now fully awake, and was doing what she felt she had to do. 

 She gave the decision weeks of thought, and she knew the humans needed to learn some humility from Mother Nature and she was ready to give it to them. Killing them all in a mass extinction was voted down, 7 to 2 in the Goddess Council. "It's my backup plan," the Ancient Mother emphatically told them with her inimitable sense of humor. She didn’t look like she was kidding.

 She was allowed to release some pressure from fault lines near population centers by getting the magma to flow towards a live volcano that no one on the surface had noticed yet. It has remained undiscovered in the ocean off the coast of Oregon and even the goddesses were unaware of what she was doing. Can't do earthquakes, I'll do some lava flow, she figured to herself. That doesn't require a vote.

All the goddesses knew her lava flows and tectonic manipulations would lead eventually lead to a catastrophic quake like the world hasn't seen for at least 500 years, but how was she going to do it?  She claimed she was preventing a human catastrophe. The Ancient Mother is a rascal, and wise beyond her years, and that’s more than a million.

 It could take a year she said, or it could be tomorrow or ten or a hundred years. Some explosive volcanic action could slow down global warming as the world would become cooler if volcanic ash blocked the sun. Logical Earth Mother stuff but the Goddesses worried about her inclination previously to have mass extinctions to fix things.. She was out to block the Sun in a natural way before the humans brought out more chemicals to fuck things up even worse.


One of the other Goddesses had a daily spell, a prayer toast type of thing, and she would say. "Smoke and fire under water, cook my meal by the volcano heat. Hoist some mead to the ancient fire.  Toast to the moist mother earth. and Mother………bless us all." Cerridwen said in ritual as the Mother raised all the tectonic plates on the planet ever so slightly, and the entire earth shook and many people around the world swore they felt it.   It registered 2.9 around the world in most spots. what was that asked the scientists scratching their heads.  The molten core reversed itself claimed the scientists. Nothing to see here.    



Ignore it the Big Media was ordered and eventually this near story was buried with other news, but scientists pored over the data but could detect magma flow or what was occurring at the bottom of the ocean. The stunned Goddesses had forgotten how powerful Zemyna actually is and were in awe of her tectonic manipulations. She treated the tectonic plates like we would arrange a Rubiks cube, every area affected another area, and it was not easy to get it just right. In the 29,000 foot deep subduction zone known as the Puerto Rico Trench, a literal cliffhanger occurred as the Caribbean Plate scudged across the North Atlantic plate after Hurricane Maria and hung precariously over the chasm.  Seismologists noted the many earthquakes in that region were now measuring in the low 4's and there was mild concern. 


  Born 3/3/33

Paul Suggins continued, "My dad, Antonio Suggins, has a 95th birthday coming up and he doesn’t want anyone to make a big deal about it. He’s glad to have lived long enough to see Americans get that fire in the belly once again."

"We were suspicious as the years rolled on, that he looked 75 for decades. He's looked 75 since he was 70. I could see him making 100."

"He’s gotten his children to not use packaging when gifting and to give gifts whenever they want. 13 children, no one knew how he and Polena managed it. He had the 33 acre property as his own by 1975 when he bought out sister Helen. Polena was reputed to have brought a fortune with her from California."

"Sister Helen bought a place in the city. It’s value promptly increased in the 80's, at least, ten-fold. The value headed for the roof again with a real estate bubble."

" At that time, his potato field was three acres and all the brambles were gone. He restacked some boundary stones and fought for ten years to change his local tax status. From city to county."

"To get to our place you need to take county road 1331. Take a right after the Middle Stone and you can see downtown East Wilburville. Some tall trees obscured the Proctors(Prescotts?) house at this point.

Take a left on 1331 and you could be in any part of Appalachia. The Prescotts owned 20 acres across the street. East Wilburville claimed to be incorporated in 1754 but stole the original service priorities of Wilburville . No one lived in East Wilburville till Jebediah Proctor developed the land over his lifetime in the early 1900's. 

So Wilburvilles remaining inhabitants pretty much lived down State Road #1331. 1331.  The right turn is Main Street with the Prescott historical house.

Youngest Suggins was Helen born in 1939. 83 as our story begins in 2028.

Antonio's two other siblings, Fred and Doris, suddenly died young. 1924 and 1926 they were born and Fred died in 1972 and Doris in 1976. These were Antonios siblings; the spinster and the widower. 48 and 50 when they kicked the bucket."

" They sat on the porch all day long gossiping about the townies, their relations and everything else. Not exactly a brain trust, and both collecting disability from youthful job accidents. They were a trip. I was born in '72 so I don't remember much."

"Doris was wont to say “Hey train wreck, this isn’t your station” as her greeting to people as they drove in the long driveway and parked. Antonio tore their place down in the early 80's and set up a fruit and vegetable. There was plenty of parking on the 33 acres beyond the streetside house and farm stand. Why not sell the potatoes on site so I don’t have to do so much driving?"

"The myth round these parts is that a witch settled here in 1654 after running from the Puritan Stress Mob. A stone house that the witch allegedly built became news when it was found, but was actually made by pranksters in the early 1900’s. Antonio also had a stone house foundation on the property and he had no record of who built it. Pretty much the entire northeast corner has a rock fence built by Ebenezer Suggins and his sons.

SCENE    5 

      SATURDAY, January 14, 2028   

background with no narrator

 With the 9 Goddesses and Ancient 

 Mother in the Veles.

"She is sucking so much energy from the human named Rim of Fire, that there have been noticeable earthquakes.   Indonesia and Alaska and Japan and Chile have all seen smoke and lava recently, with some larger tremors in the Northwest Pacific. 

         Jurate the ocean Goddess, paused and then added, "We can't let her get completely unhinged like this, she needs a little anger management intervention.  She said she is reducing pressure on the plates near heavily populated areas. She's starting to scare the humans. Somethings gonna blow, and I hope it’s not near people. I have seen enough volcanic action to know what a bad one could do in this overcrowded world.”

There was nothing the 9 Goddesses could do except out vote her in the Council, and Dexsiua knew it and acknowledged Jurates comment with 'I know'. The Ancient Mother had slept for over 200,000 years, and was now fully awake, and was doing what she felt she had to do. 

 She gave the decision weeks of thought, and she knew the humans needed to learn some humility from Mother Nature and she was ready to give it to them. Killing them all in a mass extinction was voted down, 7 to 2 in the Goddess Council. "It's my backup plan," the Ancient Mother emphatically told them with her inimitable sense of humor. She didn’t look like she was kidding.

 She was allowed to release some pressure from fault lines near population centers by getting the magma to flow towards a live volcano that no one on the surface had noticed yet. It has remained undiscovered in the ocean off the coast of Oregon and even the goddesses were unaware of what she was doing. Can't do earthquakes, I'll do some lava flow, she figured to herself. That doesn't require a vote.

All the goddesses knew her lava flows and tectonic manipulations would lead eventually lead to a catastrophic quake like the world hasn't seen for at least 500 years, but how was she going to do it?  She claimed she was preventing a human catastrophe. The Ancient Mother is a rascal, and wise beyond her years, and that’s more than a million.

 It could take a year she said, or it could be tomorrow or ten or a hundred years. Some explosive volcanic action could slow down global warming as the world would become cooler if volcanic ash blocked the sun. Logical Earth Mother stuff but the Goddesses worried about her inclination previously to have mass extinctions to fix things.. She was out to block the Sun in a natural way before the humans brought out more chemicals to fuck things up even worse.


One of the other Goddesses had a daily spell, a prayer toast type of thing, and she would say. "Smoke and fire under water, cook my meal by the volcano heat. Hoist some mead to the ancient fire.  Toast to the moist mother earth. and Mother………bless us all." Cerridwen said in ritual as the Mother raised all the tectonic plates on the planet ever so slightly, and the entire earth shook and many people around the world swore they felt it.   It registered 2.9 around the world in most spots. what was that asked the scientists scratching their heads.  The molten core reversed itself claimed the scientists. Nothing to see here.    



Ignore it the Big Media was ordered and eventually this near story was buried with other news, but scientists pored over the data but could detect magma flow or what was occurring at the bottom of the ocean. The stunned Goddesses had forgotten how powerful Zemyna actually is and were in awe of her tectonic manipulations. She treated the tectonic plates like we would arrange a Rubiks cube, every area affected another area, and it was not easy to get it just right. In the 29,000 foot deep subduction zone known as the Puerto Rico Trench, a literal cliffhanger occurred as the Caribbean Plate scudged across the North Atlantic plate after Hurricane Maria and hung precariously over the chasm.  Seismologists noted the many earthquakes in that region were now measuring in the low 4's and there was mild concern.    

  Scene 6              Wednesday  1/5/2028

                “Continuing with my audio book, it's Paul Suggins again and I’m from Wilburville, Massachusetts. Anyways I needed to tell you about my trip to Egypt."

        "My new friend's name is Jesus, and he had gone deep into the Red Pyramid to find the scrolls. "Looks like no one has been here Paul, you coming up?"  Jesus said to me as he looked into the small opening.

          A pile of rocks was blocking an underground passage in the pyramid. Jesus had climbed to the top and looked into the room. "Still looks the same inside as it did 2000 years ago. Take a peek” he urged. Someone blocked the way about a thousand years ago, according to Akashi Records but they didn't damage the stock room. No gold or jewels in there, I reckon. I clambered up the rocks and the vibes from the space nearly knocked me over.

         He was the first person in 1,000 years to see the room. I was the second. “All right, I’m getting outside” I told him so he could set the explosives.  

     I knew this all seemed fundamentally wrong, but he completely assured me no one would know of my help with the explosion. He'd deny he ever knew me. Three times he joked using a Disciple Peter cultural reference.  I’m telling you, the guy is a riot with that sardonic wit of his.  If he’s not Jesus then he’ a fuckin’ world class comedian. Anyways, Jesus seemed sure that his scheme wouldn't harm the pyramid or that he’d get killed, again. At least he picked a good time, and it seemed like no one was around that mid-week, January  day.

  Having previously scoped out the layout of the building, Jesus knew the secrets of the famous Red Pyramid.  He told me that the oldest building in Egypt, was actually deep inside the pink – hued, Red Pyramid. I was inside for weeks on a photography assignment and that’s how we met. Johnny Huckster’s my nickname ya know, I find all kinds of different work. Especially with my dad who is big on the Community Product and Service Exchange. There was a prominent new dig at the Red Pryamid and I was contracted to do the photography by the museum.

So we got into the pyramid and went past the excavation site and there was some pretty rugged trekking, and THEN he was going to have to blast a wall apart to get to the scrolls to get within the older, partially underground building.  His plan was to call attention to the main room of the ancient building.  Then he would alert the media after getting someone to find his books. If any officials got curious we wre going to tell them I left a camera lens and was looking for it.

So I took him past the current dig when we first arrived at The Red Pyramid, (we both had passes and shit) so we weren’t worried in that respect. I showed him the openings and he had some pretty sophisticated ground radar, I don’t know, satellite pictures or somethin’, and he assured me he was in the right spot.  The “Scroll of the Stone People” was his most important he told me because it tells the history of the forgotten people.

 At that point I was thinking this was unreal. How did he have sophisticated ground penetrating radar on his phone? If he’s really Jesus, why is he such a techie?    So this dude calling himself Jesus talked it up with me a couple days before I was going to go back to Massachusetts and somehow he convinced me to help him out with this ridiculous scheme.

Now here I am, at the Red Pyramid with explosives instead of a camera. “I’m going to set off the explosives. " Jesus said hurriedly. I told him no one was around, no cancellation from site two. I was supposed to keep the area under surveillance to keep people away, and I could also rescue him if he got injured. I know it seems crazy now, but it's like I would follow this guy anywhere. A disarming sincerity, but I did wonder if he was reading my mind with some of the comments he made.  I am easy to read and my face belies my feelings.

Jesus was approximately three flights down and somehow knew the perfect amount of explosives to move the rocks blocking the hallway and giant room.  "At worst, it would sound like a sonic boom" he claimed enthusiastically.  I was ready to run like hell and take the Jeep if this guy turned out to be a terrorist looking to blow up a pyramid because those Islamic State guys are all about random bombings and I will not get arrested with this crazy man.

"Um…how's it going brother?"  I said on the phone after a long pause.

"I got to hand move some rocks in order to place a few more electronic mines where they will blow away as many rocks as possible. " I had no idea what kind of technology he had, I'd never heard of electronic mines and he kept all of his shit in that danged Home in A Jacket he always kept with him.  One time he showed me some huge gold nuggets and said, "when I need some cash….I got these."  A real character this guy, I’m tellin ya’.

Now this is the part that got me to wondering if maybe this guy just has a fantastic story he made up. He told me that he travels using wormholes, of which there are  usually at least 7 that are active and usable, so I asked him, "How do you get your stuff and….clothes and … to the next site", I wondered?

 He said there are two things that can be carried in a wormhole. Anything that touches your skin or hair stays intact on you, and any gold that is 90% pure (???)or more will make it through.   He told me too that these wormholes needed maintenance and spirit people work them. After a while I couldn't believe anything he told me and I really started to worry that this dude was a pathological and clever liar who snowed me with this Jesus story. Maybe he was just a suicide bomber. Oh please god get me home safe I was thinking while also bracing myself for the destruction of the famous Red Pyramid with me as the only witness. It was such a dire situation that I almost wanted to pray, then I remembered I had Jesus with me.

So I got a little concerned when it started taking a while, he'll be dead I’m thinking, and I'll be caught as a co-conspirator.  'Oh my god what have I gotten myself into.' I was repeatedly thinking, someone must have seen me with him. This was the moment to authentically worry. I glanced around, still no one.

  I remember driving to his hotel room. When Jesus met me in the lobby of his hotel, the workers behind the desk said, "Looka here, Jesus Christ has him a friend,” like he was some kinda lunatic or something. You know maybe he was for all I knew.

He made no bones about our modern era. "Jesus Christ,” he said, "I got no ID, and I shouldn't need one, the first amendment is my ID."

You're not in America Jesus”, I reminded him.

“Oh yeah.”

Then finally, “Ready here Paul” and I told him to go go go and lets be went.

   He was about half way back to the entrance where there was a detonator in that big hallway. Jesus was concerned there could be problems, and it took two years just to get them dang explosives. "This better go right" he said to himself out loud. Now that he was so close to completing his mission in Egypt, he was getting antsy for the next caper.  He'd blow open a space so he could go in there and take care of some scrolls he left 2,000 years ago.

 So I'm wondering that, if he's Jesus, how come he can't float through walls? "Against the rules here" he told me one day at lunch “and particularly for me". With a little disbelief I listened to another story, a doozy I thought." I did actually raise bodily into Heaven because I knew  I had to come back, despite not being pure divinity, I'm a half- breed.  My Mother also rose bodily into Heaven because she is a Goddess and the first Goddess to live an entire human lifespan on Earth.”  He paused and said “No shit, and my sloopy,  my steady girl, Mary Magdalene, also ascended bodily so we could travel the different dimensions together. Twin formless flames forming forevermore. That’s like our motto for each other."

On and on with these stories, and at one point I was like, Dude, write a fucking book. He liked to talk.

Finally I heard the pretty loud thump of an explosion and felt it in the ground a bit even though I was 300 feet from the entrance. Now I get to see what happened to this crazy man, and I held my breath till he walked out into the sunlight. I waited and waited and it got to be a seriously long time. As he walked out my face went pale when I realized my ID was in his jacket. I closed my eyes, and prayed. Would this be a movie with a giant explosion in the background with Jesus the super terrorist?

Then, no shit, he started running and waving his camera phone, and he showed me that he had placed a video camera on the ceiling of what seemed to be a gigantic library or mail room or something.  Indeed he had, and it showed some pretty big chunks of rocks and a space now to walk into what looked like a huge cavernous room. "I'll email you some photos." He said. " I ran back and took a quick look around, and left my scrolls out so they can be discovered." 

The plan was that he would come back, maybe Sunday when no one was around and he had a lot of work to do in the room, not to mention reading the scrolls. My pass from the photography shoot was still valid and he kept it on him in case he was hassled by anybody, and would use it when he came back to, "research" he told me.  I told authorities I was going to take a few shots so I He said he lived in that room for six months one time nearly two thousand years ago and there were some scrolls he had kept hidden for safe keeping.  He thought for sure someone would have seen them by now, but there was a reason why the Vatican had a crew close up the entrance with rocks. The ancient building was evidence of the people who have been erased from  history.

 It was my book, "he claimed, " had my whole philosophy and how we could get in that happy place. IN the Zone, ya know?. 

The place was essentially abandoned 2,000 years ago during his first life, but was relatively close to the wormhole entrance so it was a place to hang out.   We parted ways and he handed me a four ounce unmarked gold bar for my assistance after he had secured and cleaned his scrolls that next Sunday. Wrapped like candy, I hoped I could get it through customs.








NARRATOR again. Sixty inches of snow! The forecast was for 6 to 12 inches, but it kept on for three days defying all predictions and in Washington DC, only the Washington monument wasn’t buried beyond recognition.

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