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Sunday, January 30, 2022





-3-1-    The Earth Movement



-3-4- DO AS YE WILL 








-3-12- SAME AS 3-5?






      “Authority is derived from the free consent of the people” 

“Environmental wacko is the term used by Rush Limbaugh, who used to say, that the only good tree is a dead tree, and you are a whack-O if you believe otherwise. Furniture, decking, house frames, sports equipment are all good utilizations, but to the neo-cons, trees are a product exclusively. Many of us however, feel that 

trees need to be forests and not just baseball bats. 

           This planet will be spinning for a long time and our ecosystems will need to have healthier forests than the ones that Capitalism has left us. 


I was dismayed as I searched many Pagan paths looking for the green ethics, SAVING SEEDS AND PLANTING TREES,  and such. On a forum I would post  about an environmental issue, forests or something, and there would be dead air on Pagan websites. Then someone asks a question about healing light and pink candles, and then, BOOM! THE PHONES LIGHT UP!               I was kind of new to the internet and wanted to discuss forest issues,  but Pagans didn’t seem interested. That seemed very odd to me since they are supposed to be “green” and, love nature and all that. Though I did find some environmental Pagan compadres, it’s mostly about sending love and light. Love has yet to plant a tree. People do that.
                Then I came across an article by Dr. Susan Greenwood in the book, Pagan Visions for a Sustainable Future, and her view had me nodding in total agreement.

       ”Paganism is a philosophy that would join ancient and modern values in a religious way of life that would allow a regaining of kinship with nature. A religion that venerated nature would consider the protection of the earth and the restoring of nature as paramount. You would think. “
                 Dr. Greenwood continued, " I thought Pagans would automatically be interested in the natural world, however there was more emphasis on ritual and a psycho-spiritual internal nature as a personal experience, rather than a connection to, or even an interest in the environment. Margot Adler in the 80’s, wrote that there was a split between Pagans with ecological principles who called for a change of lifestyle, and those with a religious vision that change would evolve by itself.”  

               Margot Adler, though deceased, is still a Facebook friend of mine and had actually communicated with me about this before her untimely death.  She also gave me some suggestions for other publications to read.  Her book ‘Bringing down the Moon” is highly recommended by me, for any spiritualist, or anyone who is re-connecting with the earth.  A great starting point, Drawing down the Moon has the science and the myth. The facts and the mystery.
                The conservation of the land and protection of our resources is the master key to long-term prosperity. This is the battle between the ecological values of the land versus the real estate values of the land.  Looks like another real estate boom is bubbling up this year. Having a real prosperity based on creating abundance and not a house of cards “on paper” prosperity that continues to degrade all natural ecosystems. Resource extraction will be our undoing.

                    The press co-opted the word “green” as an umbrella for all environmentalists back in the early nineties in order to dilute the radical nature of the emerging Deep Green Schism that developed between the city slicker liberals and the left-leaning anarchists.  

               Unfortunately, the radicals in the 80’s could not rise above petty disagreements and internecine infighting to make the Green Party a viable Third Party as the nineties emerged. The time has passed for the Green Party; they should have recruited Bernie Sanders a long time ago. Bernie has held elected office in the Congress and Senate for more years than  all the Green party candidates put together. Tainted with the limousine liberal marxists, the Green Party needs to come out Independent.  Call it the Green Independent Party. Two thirds of the population would consider themselves independent or green. It's the nature lovers whose voices have been silenced by the weak stream media. 

 The smartest thing to do in 2022 is to start some sort of Independent third party that I have named the #IndependentMajorityParty or IMP for short.  As in troublemaker.

       There are thousands of political offices infested with GOP vermin and we need to build foundations for a large third party and get them and most of the aforementioned tapeworms out. Democrats are a writhing pile of attorneys who see the poor as helpless and needing management.         

Independents see how a small business oriented localized economy could return. In it's final form, America will pioneer the Market Socialism concept. 

 Progressives and Independents can easily take over the Green Party which is already on the ballot in what? 47 states?  Most people that look into the Green Party accept their platform, but seem reluctant to back most candidates.  There is a structure in place with the Green Party,  but I'll tell you what. I have been registered with the Green Party since 1994 and as a Green I think it's a great idea for Greens, Progressives and Independents to create their own political party. Independents have nowhere to tie their horse you know. You can't just toss the rope like they do in the movies. 

                    In the 70’s and early 80’s, being green meant more than recycling newspaper. A deep green knows the sources of pollution is our products.  A hardcore green doesn’t want ANY of the old large trees to be cut. Less than 5% of the ancient tree forests remain. By my definition, clearcutting is when you chop down more than four trees an acre. My particular view is that all clear-cutting can be banned, and our paper and wood product needs can be satisfied with selective logging, the growing of high cellulose perennials or annuals such as hemp, and let’s face it, recycling has yet to achieve its real potential. You ABSOLUTELY have to preserve every last old tree and we secretly would love to ban clear-cutting world-wide.

                    There’s woodlot management to boost rural incomes where landowners sell selectively cut trees with no real net loss of canopy. This can be part of a simple form of sustainability that enables forested lot owners to make money and to be part of the overall return to a small economy. I would love to see the return of local lumber yards for one thing. Local jobs, local lumber, custom cutting and jobs in furniture making again. We gave up craftsmanship for cheap throwaway garbage from China.
                      Yes, it’s true, there would be inflation for wood products at first until prices “float up” to where they should be. Trickle down just isn’t happening, and resource extraction directly robs generations yet unborn. 

                       Today the old school green mocks the label on the plastic soda bottle that says, “environmentally friendly.” There’s a certain understanding that all plastic is an abomination. The Pacific Garbage Patch is what we were trying to avoid.  The production of plastic has created billions of tons of toxic waste, and no one can seem to stop it or slow down the demand for petroleum-based products. The Pacific Island garbage patch is the "we told you so"  by environmentalists.

                Dioxins and other poisons are working their way down through fissures and macropores underground, and this dangerous mixture of chemicals is worming its way to our underground water supply. Humankind has been irresponsible by allowing this. Earth killers will keep killing and it will take some work to stop them. Then how many decades will people spend trying to ameliorate the damage? 
                        Being green meant more than planting a tree back then. It meant being prepared for the battle with the elitist industrial tyrants who are bent on wasting our earth. You seemed stunned in recent years when you realized that they don’t care, but they don’t, and they don’t think you care enough to stop them. Woke used to mean awareness of the destruction of the earths systems  not the virtue signalling nonsense of today.
                       There are “experts” that claim we are hardly using the earth at all, and this planet could hold 15 to 20 billion people. Yikes! Most people don’t seem to have the foresight to see that our ecosystem resource base could be destroyed if we stay on this path of uncontrolled births and resource extraction insanity. People want to colonize Mars but look what we are doing to near space. Hundreds of thousands of objects (space junk) travelling at 11,000 miles an hour encircle our earth. 30,000 more sate;;ities are being planned to be sent up. I don't remember voting for this. 

         Let's see if we agree here on step one to support the earth movement. "Have two and you're through." Don't be responsible for more than two births. maybe you can afford to raise ten children but will the earth be able to feed the 400 descendants ten generations later.
              How about a voluntary population cap and I propose we make 9 billion the cap and give ourselves till 2050 to accomplish this with a permanent leveling off of the world’s population at that point. With 7.2 billion now (wait what? 7.6 billion now!! Dude. Update. We hit 8 billion last week., we have to put the brakes on soon.  Every country would be encouraged to comply but not forced because we want to avoid any sort of world order.  Limit the population of every country to 10% more growth before leveling off. The United States with 340 million people would cap its sustainable permanent population at 375 million. Seems like a reasonable goal, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, I’ve been accused of eugenics simply for suggesting this. A raw cultural taboo nerve I hit there.  Ow!

                       I’m here to help you undo the brainwashing that has occurred. You can tell when you have hit a nerve by the severity of the reaction. I noticed this with Marija Gimbutas and her archaeological theories. Gimbuta’s theories and discoveries upset the house of cards that is the conventional wisdom of Archaeology, and I also got some ridicule for extolling her forward thinking which stated goddess oriented societies were much more peaceful. She pointed out that pottery from Goddess oriented cultures never depicted weapons and war unlike more modern ones of Greece and Rome that did.

                      Can we make a sustainable planet in perpetuity? I firmly believe there can be prosperity and sustainability. We have to work with our ecosystems and economically align ourselves as bioregions. More markets, fewer borders. For instance, Florida could replace citrus with cattle because grass grows here naturally all year long, whereas western ranchers graze cattle, where there is less than 15 inches of rain a year.  They are creating a desert the same way the Sahara was created. My trip across the country was dismaying as it seemed everything had been fenced off for cattle. Places I could pull over and walk into the desert a bit were now fenced.

                   Sustainability needs to be our reality someday, but it will take some work. A population cap is critical as a first step that we can carry into the future. When is our sun going to burn up and become a red giant? Five million years? Five Billion years? Believing in the End Times is insanity. The reality is that we have been gluttonously foolhardy, shortsighted, plundering, rapacious idiots the last 200 years.  For 500 years, Christianity has been telling everyone the white man’s burden was to subdue the earth and tame the savages.  
                       How many natural brooks and streams have become culverts and ditches during the expansion of suburbs in America? Are we going to continue to be the head-nodding milieu, sycophants to developers and resource exploiters? Will we do anything for jobs in this broken economic system? 

             Sometimes I like to see humans as a catastrophic earth cycle, like a Yellowstone super volcano going off, resulting in a 90% loss of species. Is it really the Anthropocene? Humans have challenged the mother and the mother has to ask herself how much discipline to apply. Is Gaia always angry like the Old Testament God?  That grumpy touchhole, exploding in fury and basting us with his special angry sauce before He burns us in Hell for eternity? Is Gaia wise but sees us as no better than wildebeests and mountain goats? She'll think nothing of wiping us out in another one of her mass extinctions, although, Science says that humans are initiating the sixth extinction all on our own. The final slaughter, the Anthropocene.
                 Being green in the early 90's meant rejecting the chemical dependency of the food produced on factory farms while promoting, purchasing and producing organic food. This market has completely emerged from demand. The Ag corporations think we have accepted the fungicides and weed killers and pesticides that get on our food. They were wrong and the 10% increase in sales yearly of organic products proves it.   Veganism is also trending with people rejecting the poisons we have normalized as food. The slaughter of animals. 170 million chickens a week are killed around the world? 
                As green awareness mainstreamed in the 90’s, everyone planted a tree. Maybe stopped using plastic bags at the supermarket, not to mention using less water when you brushed your teeth. You walk more and drive less and get the cigars with the wood tips instead of the plastic ones.
                 These are all needed efforts, but we can bust a gut recycling and save energy, but it’s the production of many of our products where waste and pollution is the biggest problem.  Well over 70% of it is from large corporations, not the general population. One factory puts more toxins in the air and on watersheds than a whole town could produce in a whole year. My friend ’John Doe’ told me about a Ford plant he worked at for 30 years, and he enumerated to me about the various toxic wastes they dumped right into the nearby Hudson River, with a wheelbarrow!  Ill-gotten gains may be an overused term, but it needs to be said concerning these polluting profiteers. Can we have sustainable prosperity? It’s the logical path with brand new opportunities, inventions, and peaceful living awaiting. If we don’t do it we will be reminded that Nature has no mercy.


                Our goal should be to prevent doomsday, not stall it, or as Blink-182 says, "let this train wreck burn more slowly." The Coming Credit Collapse will clear the path for the final industrial and military destruction of what's left, that's any good. This is what I mean when I say the Final Slaughter. Corporate bankruptcies and resource depletion will be our grandchildren’s birthright, instead of happiness. Do you want those unborn to be a pool of workers to pay off bank, insurance, automaker and city government bankruptcies? Workers of the 21st century will be a herd of toilers for the business giants, industrial tyrants and government pensioners, particularly military pensions in this CURRENT socialist military sphere many depend on. 
            Also very importantly, the military needs to show how they are going to pay all these pensions of people not even 50 years old.  Mutilated veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars should receive health care forever. We could afford it if we pull our military back from the furthest one third of the world.
                   Courage and foresight will be needed in the transition, and citizens will be called to make their voices heard. We can't hope the other guy does something because we need to be the other guy this time. We need the 60 million who didn’t vote to get off their ass. Open minded, thinking independent people without agendas are not participating because of the paltry choice of candidates.  Citizen legislators. I dare say the lunch lady or the shipping and receiving dude or the manager at Taco Bell. It's all about the vote and these people would vote for the working people unlike currently, where our lawyer infested justice system that favors corporate interests.
                  Predatory Capitalism and Big Business will falter and collapse; swallowed whole by the debts of banks, insurance companies, and governments. Unfortunately, in that scenario, tyranny would fill the social vacuum, with Techno Goons imposing martial law as World War 3 breaks out. We had a tyrant in the White House, an apprentice at life, who hates kids and animals and now we know Putin is nuts. We trust these people not to start a nuclear war? Sheeeesh.   
China has become 1984 with their good citizen points.  We have some work to do.      
too many people programmed in one way or another 

                     Indoctrinated lackeys continue feeding off the military matrix of benefits and will decry the reduction of military bases. Except for the homeless vets of course. There shouldn’t be homeless people period.
                      Market Socialism is a place where all goods are sold for what they are worth and all resources are self-sustaining with wages fair, and worksites safe.  This would be at every jobsite in this world, flat or otherwise, it's about the worlkers.  One very important aspect of Democratic Socialism is water usage. Are landfills around the world lined to protect the groundwater as they mostly are in the United States? How badly are European Asian and African aquifers faring? People in the future will learn toxins recognize no borders.
                    Will Americans continue to use billions of tons of dangerous chemicals that run off into our waterways? Half the fish in the world may have mercury in them, how did we get to this state, aside from the peoples waterways being used as a sewage dump by long bankrupt corporations? Coal burning pollutes the air and spews mercury.  I ask myself why we are killing each other by doing nothing.  H
ere’s a clue for you all. How can the people feed themselves in the future when corporate (and state)  interests drain the oceans of fish and consequently compromises everybody of the water that has a sustainable amount of fish to eat?

              How can the people feed themselves in the future when corporate interests drain the oceans and consequently the rivers, of fish? Industrial Farms are out there, literally, killing the soil. We have since learned about the Soviet bankrupting of the soil and their horrible stewardship of the land during the tenure of the Communists. The toxic waste estimates cannot be known with all the hidden toxic sites in the US and Russia. Possibly a three trillion dollar cleanup.

             The Predatory Capitalists won the Great Economic War of the 20th Century between Capitalism and Communism, but I see a small business-based Market Socialism being the primary economic order by the end of this century.
                    Predatory Capitalism will falter and will be swallowed whole by the future debts of banks, insurance companies, pension funds and the spiraling National Debt, while stocks and investments will end up circling the drain (but not quite. Just enough left to fund the war machine.)  Unfortunately, in that scenario, tyranny would fill the social vacuum. Techno-goons imposing martial law as World War Three 3 breaks out. A virulent, pernicious and avaricious evil strain of greed has subsumed capitalism. Communism is a chalkboard utopia that would only lead to authoritarian cronyism.
                    The degradation of the earth continues at an alarming pace. Nature’s dirge will become more apparent in time. Cyclical disasters in nature will happen and I expect more are to come since pollution affects the atmosphere more than we want to admit,  and taking natural gas and oil out of the deeper depths of the earth may have affected the tectonic plates and underground water quality.

                                                        Minerva going over stuff with Ben franklin          

                    The credit collapse will clear the path for the final industrial and military destruction of what’s left….that’s any good. Resource bankruptcy will be our grandchildren’s birthright. THEY WILL MERELY BE A POOL OF WORKERS TO PAY OFF BANK, INSURANCE,
AIRLINE, INDUSTRIAL AND GOVERNMENT PENSIONS. As the dominoes of the world economy crash against each other, the damage will be unstoppable and enduring.
                  How come the concentration of wealth is the highest ever? One percent of the population has 35% of its wealth and the only other era where it was that lopsided was during the Pro-business 20’s just before the devastating stock market crash in 1929.  Now, 200 years into the Industrial Illusion of Prosperity, our economy is destined to shit the bed. On the news, we will watch as plants animals and indigenous cultures become imperiled, then extinct. Steep price hikes or shortages? The vicissitudes of all industrial and agricultural markets will get worse and the corporate stranglehold on most supplies will become more apparent.  We see the beginnings of this with the empty store shelves. Why I am getting involved in the food distribution process. moving surplus between bioregions. 
                  The low price of gas up to 1973 was due to the deliberate manipulation of the energy markets to gain monopolistic control of food and transportation. All competing forms of energy were overwhelmed and eliminated.  Automobiles are nothing more than toxic waste when they are junked: batteries exploding, mercury and cesium dripping. Microscopic and carcinogenic dioxin is created when chemicals meet in the corporate toilet bowl otherwise known as our underground water.

                  Not to sound contradictory but I can also see where our American freedom can also include sections of interstate highway where 90 MPH sections are opened, and roads are built exclusively for trucks. Rural hubs where people can gather and where jobs will be made. I mean, in  an American autobahn would be interesting and vitally necessary in the vast open Interstate highways of the west. Vegas to Denver. 90 miles an hour limit.  And consequently, we need reductions down to 30 MPH in many residential areas as alternative forms of transportation take to the roads. And sidewalks.  I saw what looked like a bicycle going 20 MPH on the sidewalk.  Probably many electric vehicles among the ones I see. To allow more of us more access of our streets since we all pay for it in our taxes. 
                Making it easier somehow for a more diversified transportation system, that would include bicycles, mopeds, electric cars, and hybrid buses for public transportation, is a necessity. The roads are for all of us to use but the automobile has taken over.  What's been calculated lately is that if everyone in the world lived like the average American, we would would need 5 planets worth of resources. 

        Try to be a pedestrian these days! It seems unbelievable that practically any moron can drive 8,000 pounds of automobile 50 miles per hour about two feet away from where you are walking or where your child is bicycling. Just something wrong here.  America seems unconcered about the general welfare.
               The predatory capitalist system went through its first death throes with investment companies in 2009. This gets my goat because what do companies like AIG produce? Toothbrushes? Bicycles? Furniture? Lettuce? ...nothing, only more paper income for those that already have enough.  Yet they needed to be bailed out or "the entire economy could collapse?" We will be shocked and grossed as Big Business begins the final bamboozling and the good people of America won't be able to stop it.

        The last senile phase of the Industrial Revolution (1830-2030) will leave a legacy of misery, despair and environmental devastation, and debts too immense for one generation to dig out of.
              Given the morals of Big Business, do you think your pension funds are safe? Your life insurance policy? Your "insured" savings? Even the money in your wallet is no longer backed by silver and gold reserves as it had once been. The capitalism of credit. In Debt, We Trust.
  We can create unencumbered markets where the government only regulates product safety.  The proposed Farmers-Truckers Union bypasses the white-collar parasites who are looking for their percentage of the deal with stores and shipping. We can rid ourselves of these leagues of leeches  that get between production and purchasing. The Community Product and Service Exchange wants to join the movement toward more farmers markets and Market Socialism will create more common areas so people can set up for free. There will be lots of jobs in a small business economy.

There is a  simple solution to keeping the economy robust as it gears down from its bloated military budget, and that is to reduce our sphere of influence. My foreign policy idea is to respectfully withdraw from any country that does not border the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. How simple is that?  While at the same time we have to decentralize Russia and Chinas and thwart their expansionism.  Look at all the troublesome countries we are avoiding with this reduced sphere...Iran, Pakistan, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, India, Bangladesh, eastern Africa and all the rest of the countries that are the furthest away from us.   Over 5000 miles in most cases. Oil and Gas companies need war.

                  We could cut troop strength down to 750,000. More warriors, less shoe salesperson (no offense Angus) and pencil pushers. More protected military vehicles and less retirees and consequently an end to the cost of disability payments. I can't imagine that when my children are 60 they will be paying disability for those injured in the Bush Wars when they were children.

         This is what the Boomers will be known for---bankrupting the future. Highways, bridges, hospitals, wetlands, inner cities, all needed people to repair and maintain.  The boomers who owned stocks to “save for their future”, did nothing as the reputation of sterling American service went to hell, as employees were laid off to please stock holders.  Boomers. The Boomers ignored the abysmal minimum wage too many of us had to work for.  The blinders were on during the corporatization of EVERYTHING! They told themselves that unions had outlived their usefulness, but who else was going to look out for the workers? Certainly not the white-collar Boomer parasites saving for retirement. Funny on many levels, the Boomers I see don't even remember how to ride a bicycle. 

          Now the Boomers think we need a 716 Billion dollar military? What? 750 now? Wait, 813? R U Kidding me? We are truly wasting our money on a worldwide military: we cannot interfere in other countries politics any longer. That is the American Doctrine of Peace. Withdraw from the furthest one third of the world and start having effective peace talks to solve all these conflicts and look into what the CIA is doing.

         It’s different now, it’s up to the Millennials, and Generation X to fix the mess created in the last 200 years of the Industrial Revolution because the Boomers emulated the WW2/Depression generation in its greed. 

                   Planting for wildlife, creating a sustainable resource base, making corporations pay for pollution instead of the taxpayers.  A movement for change, a movement away from democrat-republicanism and Islamo-Chritianityism and a movement that respects all life on the planet-The Earth Movement. It would change everything.

                      Billions of tires are piling up, breeding mosquitoes but nothing on the news. Keep us busy with celebrities. Hundreds of oil spills and poorly capped wells in the Gulf of Mexico but the #lamestreammedia never covers it. In other environmental news, has acid rain suddenly gone away? Not a problem no more? Because of the environmental alarmist backlash, nothing is taken seriously anymore.  

                     I speculated that there would be some sort of terrorism that would involve international shipping. As it turned out, the terrorists went after symbolic targets and not economic ones in 2001. There are so many other ways terrorism can manifest itself.  I’m trying to say there are so many vulnerabilities with our present predatory capitalism system, that price spikes and shortages will be the norm.  Because it has to collapse. It must die.  As I like to point out, will Wall Street be here in 10,000 years? Fish filled oceans and fertile fields will need to be here 10,000 years from now, so I ask everyone, what are you thinking? Low prices mean death to the future.
                       Tankers bombed, production facilities sabotaged. “Emergency” drilling begins in the arctic. “We need the energy for the war effort! “will be the excuse to ravage the North Pole. The frozen poles where toxic debris from scientists is being revealed as snow melts.  It’s a fragile ecosystem up there, not easily repaired. What if there’s a revolution in Saudi Arabia or something and they won’t be there to pump extra? What if there are new Arab governments that seek to preserve their major resource and not give it away like they had been doing to the international oil companies?
                      Yet independent transportation is an aspect of our freedom. As I said we have a one-sided transportation system where buses, bicycles, and pedestrians are not in the club. The Perpetrators of the Petroleum Plot have created a system where 70 MPH death wagons kill over 40,000 people a year and injure millions. It’s not drunk drivers that are completely to blame. The blame goes to a system where 3-ton vehicles need to carry a person one-thirtieth the weight of these behemoths. Why not a 550-pound vehicle to carry that same person? Wouldn’t it use less fuel? Wouldn’t we all be safer? Why are 1,000 bicyclists killed each year? It’s those damn death wagons. Driving a bicycle is simply too dangerous with two-ton cars are driven by the barely witted, careless, half-awake American worker.

                      The year is 2036 and the big news is that the government is trying to round up all the escaped zombie clones and chimeras. An early May hurricane caught coastal residents off guard and thousands are dead and major bridges have fallen. A two inch rise in the ocean turned out to be more problematic than realized. Not to scientists of course.

            2038 Should we call it World War 3 or are they still five different wars? Recessions, depressions, bank failures, wide scale insurance fraud uncovered, pension funds going belly up. The white-collar crooks fleeing to hidden enclaves. Viewers are shocked as they witness the final collapsing and the implosion of the Industrial Revolution. Terrorists are jamming satellites disrupting important transmissions.
                    Now we are left with radioactive material that needs to be stored and a trillion-dollar cleanup of toxic sites. Panic is mounting as social security funds are propping up collapsing banks and pension funds. The Pandora’s Box of genetics has been opened as various creatures have been loosed on the world by renegade labs. Some believe we won’t even make it to 2039 but they've been saying that for years.
                        Steep price hikes or shortages? The petroleum markets exhibit the vicissitudes of all markets of the future. The dirt-cheap price of gas until 1973 was due to the deliberate manipulation of the energy markets by the oil barons. All competing forms of energy were overwhelmed, underbid and eliminated from the market so this one product could rule them all GASOLINE. One example is how General Motors bought up trolley lines back in the 40's and 50's, only to close them down and tear up the tracks so they would never be used again. My little hometown had electric trolleys but they were paved over. Bought to be buried.
                         I'm reminded of the Petroleum Plot the other morning when I went jogging. There was no air movement and it was humid. A neighbor started their car and drove by, the exhaust cloud clung to the ground longer than usual, and the stinking smell of exhaust was disgustingly distinct as it hugged the ground. Multiply this by millions of cars for the past 60 years. Even if cars aren't contributing to global warming, they are still polluting. We allow toxic filth because we just don’t quite care enough.
                          Oil companies want to drill for oil in a wildlife refuge to satisfy those who want it all and want it now. Drill Drill Drill. To many people, this Republican Party mantra of 2012 was quite chilling.
                         Why are roads so crumpled, bumpy and worn? 40,000-pound trucks, that’s why. They make the profits and you maintain the roads and truckers pay many extra fees. I'll tell you what, I drove across a tall bridge over the Indian River on my bicycle and it was a little scary, but became eye opening when the trucks rolled over the bridge. The whole bridge shook and when another one came along, I got off the bike and walked to be safe.  No lie, but Interstate shipping has shortened the life span of many roads, taxpayers pay for the repairs and corporations make the profits while you are told that Big Business means small prices.  When the Interstate Highways system was planned and built, it was never imagined that trucks would get so large. If you drive the Interstates you know how reckless truckers are with their tailgating and flashing lights at people who are going the speed limit.
                           Recessions, depressions, bank failures, insurance fraud, price gouging, overcharging--and soon life insurance companies will be going under if just one of many geological mega disasters that cyclically occur, comes around. Maybe not a nuclear winter but some other disaster that will shock people into submission. No phones for years is hard to imagine for instance. “I knew there was something wrong
                     Given the morals of big business: do you think all your policies and pension funds and IRA’s and 401 K’s are all safe? I mean seriously, all this invisible prosperity is built upon our trust of bankers. Bankers not backed by the FDIC. Bankers who are worried that if the minimum wage goes up, it will cause inflation. When wages go up, the stocks will go down. Never mind that it could make a lot of lives easier. That’s no longer important with the entrenched parasitical class driving the big boat.
                         No change is forthwith. Why can’t there be good incomes for skills and trades? You know, the people who actually do the work. Mom and Pop stores should be able to thrive again, they were driven out of the market by scoundrels and big business hucksters and service became less important than “price per unit”. Balls to the wall materialism till this gig shits the bed if we don’t put on the brakes.  And whoever does put on the brakes, will be demonized for bringing the game to an end. But it has to end.
                          Agriculturally damaged farmlands in the Midwest could not survive an extended cyclical drought and the imfamous Dust Bowl was made. How was the Sahara created you asked? A medium size desert was there. (Like we have out west) but North African tribes farmed and dammed the few rivers of Northern Africa thousands of years ago, and they dried up during a long-term cyclical drought. Diversion of water, too much cattle and goats grazing and then more soil erosion as the trees in that formerly semi-arid area were cut down for firewood or fences. Like today where cattle are fenced in and hikers are fenced out. Todays ignorance is not without precedence. We have cattle grazing the semi-arid lands of the West and that’s absurd.
                       The last 100 years have seen our taxes go to damming of rivers for cheap electricity and to pay for western farmers to water their crops by building giant irrigation facilities, while putting the small family farm in the midwest and east out to wither and die. There is a bigger cost to pay for this prosperity. 

                  Two billion will be spent to repair some of the Everglades. Why did we almost destroy the “River of Grass?” For developers to pile up some soil and build homes for that burgeoning pest-the humans? For farmers to make profits? Are you seeing a pattern here? We get taxed to set up an enterprise, while corporations get “relocation incentives,” from cities and counties.
                    Then there’s the Western American farmers who actually suck the Colorado River dry. They have to do something to compete with foreign slave labor so they get cheap water. Therefore, we have giant rice farms in California. The Grape and Apricot growers got the government to build canals for irrigation. How are they going to compete with South American farmers and their wanton use of chemicals? Give them free water! This whole “cheap food” policy uses up many resources and pays its workers poorly, while encouraging excessive population growth and spurious business development.
                        Free people in the world need to help the exploited 20 cents an hour worker. Maybe unions aren’t right for some of us, but they would certainly help the Third World pull those people up by the bootstraps. The unionizating of Starbucks, Amazon and the others is the most encouraging sign I've seen in many years. Things are not going well for most of the world’s workers. There are too many of them, too many young people without jobs.   More hungry people than than there ever has been.

                                                           the undending cycle of atrocity and reprisal

                The basic premise I was presenting is that the United States should only ally ourselves with countries that share the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Go east of the Atlantic and west of the Pacific and you’ll see what I mean.
Most of the wars are over in that nasty one third of the world, furthest away from us.  A part of the world that hasn't stopped fighting for 6,000 years. Let’s leave these people be and quietly withdraw from there.  (buh bye) Some may want to include countries on the Mediterranean; it’s all up for discussion. Pull out a world map and you’ll see what I mean. I was thinking we withdraw our interests from Italy to Thailand.  There are so many trouble spots we can extract ourselves from and where it really isn't our business. We need to “pull in the horns” as they used to say. Shrink our commitments. Unfortunately, Neo-Liberalism wants to manage the world. For our own good, you see. For the good of all. We need an earth movement to counter this fake hope, don't fall for that "Great Reset" stuff. 
        Cap the world population at 9 billion. Ban all clear cutting except for invasive trees.  Conservation of energy, not increased production of not so green technologies. We are truly wasting our money on a worldwide military. Too many lifers just milking their jobs to get to twenty years. It is conceivable some day that someone who retired from the military at 48 collects a pension till they are 98. Collect a pension for 50 years, because, why?
             We need to evolve also. We sell weapons to 100 countries, what’s that all about? Do weapons boost the economy? Would taxing their illegitimate accumulated wealth be better spent on hospitals, bridges, restoring wetlands, dental care, blighted inner cities rejuvenated, building or adapting roads to accommodate the slower 25 MPH traffic I was talking about?  Day care for all children and adults with Alzheimers?
I’m trying to raise the alarm about another issue. By then2030, a growing share of the military budget will be used for retirement and health issues of veterans. Exposed to toxic chemicals, extremely loud noises and specious causes. Corporations throwing Americans into war zones for what reason?    First, you have to phase out the 20-year military retirement pension. Stretch it out to thirty and pay current soldiers more and reduce our forces 25% as a benefit to staying closer to home. This idea is more in line with some generals who think we need less of an army on the ground and naval and air supremacy. But do we need to upgrade every jet for the cost of 150 million per? 
        Get it? We can help allies closer to home because we can get there a lot faster. Do this first and we can begin to create safe, worldwide markets for Market Socialism. An infrastructure for the world. 
                       Planting as if nature mattered, create a sustainable resource base, a movement for change and real progress and getting a grip on the 21st century. Capitalism bankrupt…...dictatorships barbaric…Communism passé…like it or not this is the era when new governing principles will be created. “Authority is derived from the free consent of the people...”

“Authority is derived from the free consent of the people”

-3-2-   GHOST NETS    

   “Yar”, jettisoned Rush. “Throw me them pataters, ya piece a crap.”

      Hannity threw the platter of potatoes at Rush, then grabbed the jar of caramel syrup and began chugging it down, squeezing the sauce down his throat in loud gulps. He threw the empty plastic container in the fireplace.  “Run…. toxic fire. Ha ha ha ha.” He said as the plastic melted and the fumes filled the room. Bill O’reilly hopped from one leg to another, “pinhead pinhead.”

        Rachel Maddow was invited to the party for balance, but Anne Coulters plan was to KNOCK her off balance by hitting her behind the knees with a baseball bat. When she was on the ground grabbing her knee in pain, Anne squatted down and started farting on her head and everyone had a good laugh. Funny and entertaining for some, but are these appropriate dinner manners for a dinner party?

           I’d say it’s not, but this is how The Republicans treat the environment.

         Tuna is probably the most popular fish to buy and everyone had to experience this as children because of the cheap cost. But how did tuna stay so cheap all those years? Last year I got 2 cans for a dollar, like it was 1980 or something. Great for people with the protein and fat ratio and anyone on a budget, but for these last 50 years there were mile long nets catching this tuna. And dolphins and seabirds and turtles got caught in the nets as do billions of fish that gets tossed overboard, half dead, and this is so completely wrong that the word by-catch doesn’t do it justice. Death catch works better.

         There are now too many compromised ecosystems on the planet and many people around the world are unable to catch the fish their ancestors were used to doing with their traditional hunting. It’s as if we still don’t see how the world works. Thank the goddess the kids understand and every generation will be more inclined to a gentle stewardship of the earth, but will it be too late? The biggest nets were banned eventually but a lot of poor practices persist and fishing stocks are severely depleted and we suffer today with trying to restore fish populations as the ones who got rich from it are sitting pretty.

          Pretend you’re a sailor out there in the middle of the ocean and imagine how tangled up a ten-mile net can get.  Sometimes the sailors have to cut away parts of these monster nets to get everything back on board. So there are these 1000 foot pieces of nets floating around the ocean entrapping plastic garbage and killing sea life.  These floating webs of death are called ghost nets.

         Greenpeace made a great effort to get dolphin free tuna on the market. Sustainable products can be obtained; otherwise you are encouraging the wrong markets to flourish if you don’t know what you are buying. Wild-caught labeling seems like another sustainable concept to pay attention to. Environmental groups try to raise awareness by tracing back how your food was produced. Now, as the Anthropocene approaches, Republicans are decrying the Green Cult once again.  Resisting the Green Dragon is a DVD that describes how environmentalists are taking over the world.

          Environmentalists realize we may need this world for a million years and we should be the people that put sustainability on the right track. When the ocean is healthy and full of fish, everyone can have fish. No more fishing licenses. All line caught is legal. The corporate depleting of fish in the ocean has led to hundreds of thousands of bankrupt small fleets and impoverished people who live near the ocean.

         To me it’s discouraging that people diligently recycle while reckless corporations can leave 600 linear miles of fishing nets floating around the ocean. That’s a low estimate. A lot of illegitimate wealth was obtained from this insane extractive insanity that has occurred. Clear cutting, overgrazing, overplanted soil with their piss poor excuse for farming, mineral robbing and on and on. Units sold is all that counts, the gross domestic product reigns supreme. 

        I discuss American excesses, but here is a case where Japanese people need their comeuppance along with all the other multinational corpsters. Japan is a tiny island, smaller than Michigan, and there’s 120 million people there.   Since WW2 they have needed a lot of wood since they have no forests and so they bought giant tracts of land where timber was clear-cut and the local indigenous people had their livelihoods go up in smoke as trees were clear cut.

       Japanese catch a lot of fish too, oh and they experiment on a lot of whales which we know about. Does their Pagan religion Shintoism encourage them to use up the land because their deity said it was all right? No, I think it’s because they learned American style greed. We taught them predatory capitalism.

        Here’s your American guy out fishing with his family and he keeps telling them that plastic comes from the earth as he throws tangled line into the water. Why should he care or recycle when the big guys do what they do? (Note: see the lesson here? With corporations as our high profile examples of behavior, many people emulate these approved behaviors.)  Why should he care about a tangled line? “What, maybe one fish will get tangled in it and in five years it will be deep in the mud. Besides, plastic comes from the earth anyways,” he says remembering something from Fox news.

         “Yeh in a hundred years,” his child states.  “There’s styrenes and PCB’s and other chemicals created in laboratories that the earth will have to assimilate,” retorted his daughter.

       “All right” he says reaching into the water to retrieve the twisted ball.  He did more research and found out that many towns were installing fishing line recycling tubes and he went to his city council, and the parks director and got them approved for all the fishing lakes in town.

        This is green ethics, this is cultural reform.  With the way things are now we are farting on Mother Nature’s head when she’s down.  Digging out diamonds and metals, scooping the ocean clean of fish and reckless clear cuts of ancient forests. Recycling is going to be able to take care of 50% of our paper needs if we can manage things right. That begins with a ban on clear cutting. We share our destiny with forests and we also need our watersheds and oceans clean and healthy. remember those that die in battle qualify for Valhalla. 

         Do you own property to sell the resource that’s on it? How can everyone do this and think anything will be left to the future? Yes, it means inflation when clear cutting is banned; we are living in a subsidized nanny state of materialism. Logging roads are built by the federal government because we need cheap paper. Then loggers cry about lost jobs when people try to save endangered species. The paper companies don’t care about jobs or the lives that are sustained by them, they go looking for the cheapest deal. Predatory Capitalism assumes that 80% of the population will suffer from shortages in the future and well, that’s too bad. They really see us as cannon fodder and consumers.

        Limit clear-cutting to 4 trees per acre as a worldwide custom; a limit at last to curtail rapacious profiteering so we’uns can begin growing back forest cover in the world. The price of timber will go up, raising prices at first, then suddenly wood and paper recycling begins to pay off as a sustainable price level has been achieved. Meanwhile, many small companies will be getting a start with paper production from recycled materials and many individual families or villages will be making money from a woodlot management program will also benefit. Not to mention the hemp revolution that is gathering strength. We can ban clear cutting NOW!

     With a clear cutting ban in place, wood from construction dumpsters will finally be recycled and instead of large amounts of heavy cardboard getting thrown away will start fetching a decent price. Lumber has always been too cheap, and a price spike is inevitable with timber being cut at the unsustainable rate that has been in place the last 100 years. But it may go up from $7 a foot to $12 a foot but at that point a stable system of paper and wood recycling will be set up. Lumber yards will be selling plants from local trees.

       Small business, and family companies making money off trees on their properties will be part of our future. People at recycling centers turning trash into recyclables ill have jobs. Pickers of many stripes recycling. People growing hemp on small farms will hire people. Small paper companies starting up. Small business is the answer. 3-D technology will be putting many large companies out of business anyhow. 

        The high carbon footprint of White-collar wealth is an invisible economy sustained with imaginary money and it allows them to ACQuIRE, ILLEGITIMITLY, the land and water resources of the world. 

          We need to teach our children the value of the land not land values as it’s stated in The Sand County Almanac.


               People are simply not understanding how dwindling resources and skyrocketing populations is a recipe for disaster. Meanwhile, phony conservatives are decrying the preserved National Parks, Monuments and Estuaries saying they should be sold to ‘balance the budget’. This preservation of National Park Land for all Americans for all time, has stymied the potential profits they could make from oil, gas and mineral extraction.


           Cattle and mining interests lease government land but act like they own it. Mining interests have sold chunks of earth from National Park land during their industries avaricious mining,while others have made a lot of money during the weapon production for our military. All dirty money to me. Illegitimate wealth. Maybe coal needs to be rationed like we need it for a few thousand years. Others test nuke weapons underground shaking Mother Earth to see if their product works and this is just wrong to an earth lover. Nuclear Power companies and weapon labs have made money supplying the largest military on the earth these last 70 years, many times more than what is given to people with welfare, food stamps and Medicare.                                                               

                My main point is the wealth amassed by IVEGOTMINE America has blood and pollution on its conniving hands and the greatest generation were willing dupes when the corporate stranglehold of our economy took place. They were paid off with investments that paid back ten times as much. A 10,000 dollar house built in 1950 with wood stripped from southern forests by carpet bagging developers, would be sold for 100,000 in 1985. It takes money to make money and many make money by killing trees. Then they all got bigger homes through the 80’s that they resold in the 2000’s for 5 times as much.  Land values were important they taught their children, not the value of the land

        This is the real basis for the housing crisis. September 2010 and house prices are slipping again, what do we do with overvalued land? Keep paying the banks? They have enough money at this point.      

              With housing, It has always been a race to beat the developers, and I saw it in Tucson late 70‘s and early eighties. Then I witnessed Hartfords real estate boom in the 80’s and now here in this little town of Sebastian Florida, whose population was 5,000 people when I got here in ‘89 and has tripled since.  Stunning growth that couldn’t possibly be good for any ecosystem and has resulted in very high unemployment as workers flooded this boom town and never left. Thank god for the environmentalists who managed to preserve some large tracts of land. 

            Private property rights as per the Constitution, are for individuals and theoretically their self-sustaining farmsteads. In 1776 America, 90 percent of the population lived on a farm. After 1840, the Industrial Machine began pumping out jobs to displaced members of family farms in the big cities. Family farms became production farms and machines replaced people. In the late 1800’s  numerous waves of immigrants entering the United States went to work in factories or digging ditches providing great wealth to a few unworthy greedmeisters.  “Get a good education son, you don’t want to dig ditches when you grow up.” The memory of that era still rang out as I was growing up.                           

              The very worst unsustainable resource of all is nuclear energy. Maybe in 50 years there will be advances and the problem of storing radioactive waste for 10,000 years will be solved. Yucca Flats remains in limbo and hundreds of sites have leaking barrels of radioactivity and they are anxious to inject this poison into our mother, the earth, but final approval is pending. Polluters are waiting for Yucca Flats to open up so 158 radioactive waste sites can ship out this material and store it underground at Yucca Flats. If Yucca Flats is approved, all that waste will be barreling down the interstate highway with you as you travel to Disneyland as it heads for New Mexico for ‘storage.’ No nukes on my planet please.               

     It’s up to us now to take this damaged resource base and build a structure for sustainability. The so-called ‘greatest generation’ used up 7 generations worth of resources in one and are loath to give up the illegitimate wealth as they ‘played the game of life’ and made out swell with their investments. They turned a blind eye to how much of the earth was being destroyed as they proclaimed capitalism lifts people out of poverty.

         Remember when we were young and we watched fields and forests recklessly cut down to make room for more people? Taxes were then used to try and save forest and riparian areas before it was all gone. A town shouldn’t even be allowed to incorporate without setting aside significant common areas for all the residents to use in perpetuity. Imagine the taxes used to clean up rivers that were used by high profit corporations as their own personal sewers. The fishkills, the no swimming signs, do I even have to discuss this, we know how much pollution has been generated by amoral companies.  Guess who profited? They are now stapling tea bags to their hats and putting mean spirited bumper stickers on their car. “My guns, my bible and my money, YOU keep the “change.”


ROUSSEAU    “since no man has any natural authority over his fellows and since force alone bestows no right, all legitimate authority among men must be based on covenants.”

 -3-4- DO AS YE WILL  

I’m not going to complain without offering solutions of course. Taxing Gasoline at their source of production (the refineries) and taxing plastic at the site of their production will become a good income stream. Eventually, till we can complete the grid that will allow Americans to be free of government,  
 We can power and feed and rule without the monopolistic corporations and the coral colony of government.  George Washington said the government "should be like fire. A useful employee, but a terrible boss."
The people can use the government to create the structure that will make us less dependent on the government.  We don’t need more tolls and fees, what we need are pipeline taxes.  Duh, tax the rich, they wonder why we’re not!
The Wiccan code states, ‘DO AS YE WILL AND HARM NONE’, and I would like to introduce this angle to help advance our thinking. In the marketplace, it doesn't matter what religion we are, but how you interact with other people. What we buy is ALSO becoming more important, and I’d like to show you how. Given the choice of a 20 dollar shirt from a company in Bangladesh that pays its workers five dollars a day, or a 30 dollar shirt from Sweden, which should we choose?
Take the example of Lucy in Bangladesh, taken out of school at the age of 9 to work in a sweatshop. Now at 19, her hands are so sore and worn out, she doesn’t know how she keeps going. Every waking minute is torture and she is unable to see the gift that life is. Like many working poor, she is vulnerable to Christianity and Islams message; that it is okay to live with coercive authority, because there will be rewards in heaven.  Could there be a misplaced trust with the heaven bound clergy and their invisible product?                                                    
Back to that shirt: why would you want to pay ten dollars more to the Swedish manufacturer that treats its workers humanely with good pay and vacations?  They have to compete with Bangladeshi sweat shop workers who are the modern day slaves? Why change now?  It was our parents and grandparents purchases in the 60’s and 70’s that precipitated the exodus of clothing manufacturers from the United States.  A low  price means low wages.
 Buy the cheaper shirt and laugh, it’s not my problem, but then it’s YOU that is helping to expand the sweatshop system that will eventually engulf every worker  and perpetuate a growing workplace tyranny as we return to neo-fuedalism.
                People tell me these lowest paid workers of the world need jobs too. The hidden truth is that there will be inflation, if all workers made a decent wage. By remaining silent, you allow that encroaching neo-feudalism while keeping prices low. Your grandchildren will look at you one day, all misty eyed and weary from another 14 hour day at the microchip factory and ask,” Why did your generation just lay down and die, Grandma? How were you so brainwashed, that you couldn’t stand up to coercive authority, and prevent the emergence of corporate theocratic fascism. What shortsighted idiots!. Smart slaves is all we are. Toilers for the rich."                                                                                                                                 To  everyone else who wants a peaceful world, I’m asking you to look a little deeper: do ye harm none when you buy that cheaper shirt or any of the other products created in unsafe conditions or where slave wages exist?  Like it or not we are all loosely connected in the global marketplace. We need to see the billions that slave for our low prices today. Low prices means someone is getting low wages, and is not fairly represented at the jobsite.
              There has never been this many hungry people in the world There have never been this many homeless people. Don't all lives count?  Shouldn't every country have a volunteer population cap? Billions are suffering as the human population skyrockets out of control; women thrown into factories, men working in a near death state in mines. The most fit work 16 hours a day and the misfits are homeless.  This is the Low Prices mentality.
 Lucy Thu in Bangladesh, who I HAD MENTIONED BEFORE, is so tired and disgusted that when shop mate Rosuh Rivutah loudly proclaims that they should start a union, her hopes rise briefly as she dreams of joy and happiness. If she could earn more, SHE DREAMED, she could buy a refrigerator and TV for the family, and some rugs and maybe someday have children that wouldn’t starve to death. The next morning Rosuh is found dead with the implied warning that if you fight the power, you will die. Lucy’s despair deepens; it seems like the End of All Hope. UNION IS THE WORD THEY DARE NOT SPEAK.
The fact is that if there was a worldwide minimum wage of a dollar an hour, a pair of sneakers, for instance, would only increase from 70 to 75 dollars. Even though the workers wage has quadrupled, the price only goes up 7% because most of the cost of the product goes to corpulent executives and their sickening greed. Then there are the transportation costs and various forms of white collar crime that is derived from all this money sloshing around.   
We have more products than we can manage, and we can create dignity, comfort and happiness in the lives of the two billion working poor in the next 20 years, or choose to continue to kowtow to the monied interests. Boycotts work. Nestle and Monsanto for a start. It’s a sick, evil greed that has made the lives of billions, a hell on earth, but the concern of right wing wackos and moral high ground hypocrites is gay rights and other contrived moral issues. Being alive isn't enough; you need to be awake also, and you need to push forward or clear a path for others wherever you find yourself. 

Secret Antifa Plan
   Detoxify the earth. The Earth Movement.  Village Autonomy.  The first day of summer showed a lot of promise for the future. Only 2.5 inches of rain per month in this area during July and August, with temperatures between 50 and 75.  Sunrise at 4 50 and sunset after 10 at night, it was an ideal summer getaway and the crowds were gathering. Boreal Gathering 2 had exploded far beyond its original parameters.
In the much delayed, total infrastructure rebuilding program, there will be lots of work for engineers and designers, and good paying jobs for boots on the ground.  A real infrastructure for ALL OF US to have access to, AND a unifying coast to coast effort to show everyone in the world how it’s done.  Deconstruct this 700(800?) BILLION dollar military that has brought peace to no one and power overwhelming for the Nazis running the United States.
There is plenty of money once people wake up to the illusion of prosperity that is capitalism. Why isn’t there emergency housing for natural disasters and tornado shelters in every vulnerable town? Where are the evacuation facilities for seniors and people with special needs during weather disasters? What about the many terrified people trying to survive an approaching hurricane?
We should create a country that cares for every one with a real infrastructure, with humungous rest areas on the highways for vacationers and people living out of their vehicles. Call it the INFRASTRUCTURE COMMONS, with lots of public land for recreation and small business commerce.           
Taxing and demonitizing the corporate structure of Google Amazon Facebook and some others to allow the people to gain control of our people generated content. The whole Facebook jail thing is ridiculous, and we will find something else.
Clearly, large corporations were the only ones considered during the planning of our interstates, and we can fix that. Oil and Gas subsidies have to end so the alternatives can come online. Biodiesel is great for recycling restaurant oil and creating less toxic fumes and could compete with petroleum. 

         -3-5-  Fetid Cesspool 

         The spirit of 1776 has been crushed and  replaced with the culture of the warrior elite. The War Culture, the tree cutting and ecosystem destroying culture that has been on a rampage against nature these last 100 years. 
      The profits of previous decades have given us this weapon saturated world we have today, and nuke waste is still waiting for its 10,000 year storage bins. There will need to be a multi-billion, if not trillion, dollar effort to decommission the nuclear power plants that created temporary, cheap electricity.  
         U.S. Veterans feel they are patriots because they risked their lives in Europe and Asia and wherever else. I hate to say it but, George Washington might not agree with the patriotism angle. Bomb bomb bombing Iraq isn‘t the same kind of effort he made at Valley Forge. 
        I am referring to George Washington and his famous quote about "avoiding foreign entanglements," when he became President. Remember, the Constitution says the military would "provide for the common defense." And thats it!. How did we get this 800 billion dollar death star war machine?  

       I'm not against the military, except when they are not "providing for the common defense." Which is like, always. In 2004 the Louisiana National Guard was fighting in Iraq and unable to help during the after math of Hurricane Katrina as one example. A simple solution is to cut the military 5% a year. It's like a 400 pound person who is told to lose 5% of their weight per year. 20 pounds the first year.  19 pounds the second year. 

                The 5% of 361 is 18. Down to 310  in 5 years. The military can do it but who will have to guts to challenge corruption in the supply chain, The over pricing.

           President Washington would also discover that the “unprecedented” post war prosperity of the fifties and sixties was fueled by rapacious plundering, such as the many forests that were clear cut to ignite the suburban housing boom. "White flight."  
          The government subsidized nuclear power industry, and other weapon manufacturing jobs, gave people great pay back in those "greatest generation" days, but now we have a trillion dollar toxic cleanup no one wants to talk about. Cheap energy wasn't the goal, plutonium was for bomb making was the plan.
           Just something to think about as you work for minimum wage at McDonalds or WalMart as your conservative Uncle touts his "values system". Then you start realizing the Muslims aren't the problem.
        Tons of dangerous chemicals at military sites and biohazards  at weapons of mass destruction assembly sites need to be taken care of. The Greatest Generation got cheap electricity in the 50’s, 60’s & 70's, but left the problem of storing nuclear waste to generations unborn. That is a values system? Judeo Christian ethics?
The Greatest Generation allowed this with their inaction
      A rising tide of enlightenment will eventually drown the meanness, prejudice, bigotry and hate of this grossly misnamed greatest generation. They will disappear into the fetid cesspool of ignorance they created. The Corporate Authoritarian Despots (c.a.d.'s), that they bow down to, will no longer control our economy, once Progressives get motivated.   But mark my words, one day it will be realized the greatest generation was actually the worst generation.

        This older generation has been brainwashed to worship all coercive authority. Boomers work ceaselessly to keep their heads above water or were deeply into the greed machine, and their stock investments in polluting corporations keep them docile. The youth are looking ahead, but don’t understand some of the old American traditions. Around the world, millions of us are transcending generation, race, gender, and class barriers; are unafraid to discuss the taboos. We are uniting without a coercive hierarchy.

The clotted nothingness of todays liberalism and the venomous spewings of   conservatives actually represent only small slices of the American Pie; and unfortunately, the only two that have a voice in the mainstream media. L ike Lewis Black says, "The Democratic Party is the party of no ideas, and the Republican Party is the party of bad ideas."

          Let’s give ourselves the chance for a new start, with the rejection of violence and discrimination, and the ushering in of The Dawn of Civilization.
 What about the independent viewpoint? The independents have no steadfast, limiting ideology. We develop our own viewpoints and philosophies. We are tired of coercive governments and corrupt corporations. We are in the Tea Party and we are in Occupy Wall Street.
        We believe Churches serve quasi-governmental functions, as do the Cub Scouts, the Rotary, Homeowners associations and Garden Clubs. Government should be our solid edge and border maintaining our Constitution, and all these civic groups are a high thread count in the fabric of freedom. 

A storm is brewing

Josiah Quincy in 1773. 'I see the clouds which now rise thick and fast upon our horizon. The thunder rolls and the lightning plays, and to that God who rides the whirlwind and directs the storm, I commit my country." 

        What God is this then that he called upon? Thor, Perun, Boreas or others?  As Quincy warmed up the crowd,  local businessmen were  walking over to the wharfs to destroy the 300 chests of tea sitting on British ships in the harbor.
         The real Tea Party was about small business striking a blow against Britains corporate control of the colonies commerce. Small business entrepreneurs and their apprentices, along with member of Bostons north and south side gangs were the instigators in the acquisition of liberty. They were the motivating force of the Revolutionary War.
Poor people I have known are hard workers-THEY lie.  

         Jesus never said anything like,  “thy life sucks and then thouest dies”. The bible writers censored many of Jesus’ actual sermons while Christians, Caliphates and the Romans burned down the Library of Alexandria which contained hundreds of thousands of scrolls that were the single copies of writings; traditions, philosophies and myths of the ancient days. 
       There is a reason the bible became a popular book. All the other ones were destroyed! Even in 1913, Hopi children were kidnapped and taken far away to be taught the bible, to separate them from the Old Ways. Why, in 2013, are witches being killed in Africa, and now India recently? Exodus 22:18? It all derives from the pulpits of hate, the uninspired clergy George Tennent referred to in the 1730',s  during the bogus "Great Awakening." I research so you don't have to. I research to prove David Barton and glennbeck wrong.


The American Revolution truly started with the 'despicable rabble' of Boston Towne; the rock throwing, stamp collector confronting, effigy hangin, bar room debating restive roughnecks. (See Liberty Tree on this blog)Small business owners along with their young apprentices and stout  hearted, Independent thinking individuals took the actions needed to ignite the public at large. This country was created by people who finally outsmarted the christians politically
Remember it was only 50 years previous to our revolution that it finally became illegal to kill witches and Quakers, and enlightenment was spreading fast and true freedoms were within reach, and by 1776, most thinking people were no longer swayed by the religious bugaboo that kept people frozen in fear of an angry god.

Demeter is the goddess of the harvest and her story is at the heart of the Eluesian mysteries. As Masons, our founding fathers had secret ceremonies  invoking the oracle at Delphi. Delphi was a place where the intellectually nimble debated, and its well was considered the navel of the world . The umbilical cord of liberty. The Axis Mundi.
 The Founding Revolutionaries of the United States created Washington D.C. much like a giant mason lodge and the Capitol building like a Goddess  temple. Please note the picture below is Ben Franklin with Demeter or Minerva- Greek and Roman names for the goddess of the harvest. Above Ben and Minerva is the apotheosis of George Washington, surrounded by 13 goddesses and muses. Keep in mind this is in an important building in D.C. seen by millions.
Apotheosis of George Washington(upper right corner)
What of the people most known for their stone work; the architects of Chartres Cathedral and most other ancient structures made of stone? The Free men masons became the freemasons . Ritual was added as time went by, and tweaked by the idle rich with nothing better to do. That’s my Cliff Notes version of the Masons.  I am not a Mason nor do I wish to join. But mason bashing by xians needs to be stopped.

         Critics of our founding fathers say they were an elite ruling class. I tell these people that the evolution of personal liberty ‘had to begin somewhere and it had to begin somehow’.  How could justice and equality suddenly arrive full blown out of nowhere? Give these dudes some credit. It would be like complaining that Alexander Graham Bell should have invented a message machine too.   
         Thomas Jefferson,  Benjamin Franklin,  Thomas Paine, AND Sam Adams along with many other progressive independent thinkers, were the primary progenitors of American independence.  On the night of Paul Reveres ride, he emerged from a Masonic hall to get on his horse to warn his neighbors, or was it a Masonic meeting in a tavern? In Paris, Benjamin Franklin talked to Thomas Paine, convincing him to come back to the colonies in 1774 while gathered in a Masonic Hall.

         And yes, I see quotes about how George Washington called upon God in some of his famous statements implying the Christian God. I’m here to tell you my friend that George was inaugurated with his Mason apron on, okay?  He was paying lip service to the pesky clergy of his day with gratuitous quotes about god.
        Most Masons basically believe in a God,  a great architect of the Universe. Primarily, they believe in the duality of male and female in their higher degrees and understand a lot of Egyptian mysticism. Isis  and Minerva and Liberty and muses such as Clio are among their gods and goddesses,or were.
George Washingtons beliefs had far more in common with the Native Pagan Indians than they did with some Puritan or Calvinist tightass ideal. If our 1776  ancestors talked about god they were mostly paying lip service to the pontificating buzz killers. It is not your imagination that dogmatic authoritarian despots have embedded themselves in the American government as they prepare their treacherous coup and continue to divide the nation. Stay alert Patriots.

-3-6-   BOREAL 



    The Final Slaughter of nature will begin in the melting sea ice in the arctic region. Outside the Arctic in lower latitudes, a Boreal Forest encircles the globe from Canada to Greenland to northern Europe, Russia and Siberia.  Corporations have been permitted to steal Diamonds and oil and virgin timber and other resources in an extracting frenzy all around the globe and now want to look for these resources in the frozen north, and this is where environmentalism will take its last stand.


      The biggest shipping shortcut in 100 years will be developed when the Northwest Passage is open 7 or 8 months a year because of melting and shrinking ice instead of the four months that ice breakers have now. This will introduce a lot of supertanker traffic in the fragile artic area where the degradation of anything is much slower because things don’t break down as readily when they are frozen all the time. The plastic cup that breaks down in 100 years here in Florida’s soil will take 500 years in the frozen north, remember the Iceman that was found in a mountain pass?

New ports will begin to grow in relation to various paths of the Northwest Passage, mostly in the indigenous Nunavat Province. I am going to suggest that environmentally minded people of the world need to grab a green opportunity.  The summer of ’07 was the first time this northern shipping route was traversed without the help of ice clearing ships, and it will get easier every year and we need to create an earth protector presence to counter the profit gobbling greedmeisters.                          

With all this in mind, it occurs to me that there should be some place where all of us regular folks can stand up for each other, and a place where outrageous corporate evil can be thwarted. A place I want to call the NOMOREWAR Conference Center. We can build our port at the far southern end of the Hudson Bay. There is a St James Bay Road that goes from the last populated area that is between Amos, Canada and Lake Matagami;  that goes near St James Bay.

I seem to focus mostly on one area of the Boreal Forest for a great gathering place.  Look at the Hudson Bay in Canada on a map. The far southern end of Hudson Bay is named St. James Bay and is visible but not labeled on some maps. We can change the name of St. James Bay to Godfred Bay. Godfred was a warrior, a king of Denmark, who built sea walls defending his country against Charlemagne's Christians. I know you were taught Charlemagne was a good guy, but he wasn't if your peaceful community was in his way or targeted for conquering. Sometimes the conquered people didn't want to be conquered.

The icecap is getting smaller and since the ice is derived mostly from snow and rain and not so much from the salty ocean, this melting freshwater will change the salinity anywhere nearby.  A rising ocean would also crack and loosen all these different ice sheets exacerbating the problem even more. Imagine a one foot ocean rise flooding up and over all the ice sheets?  It has also been mentioned that the lessened weight on the tectonic plates from melting glaciers will facilitate the plates movement and subsequently there will be earthquakes. It could be a bumpy ride.                               

 My idea is to pay for this peace conference complex with money made from a giant desalination complex near the outlet of the Nottoway River that flows into Godfred Bay.  Pure iceberg water can be separated from the melting iceberg and sold as gourmet drinking water while the unmelted chunks can be made into Iceberg ice cubes. Call it Carbon Sink Springs Water and sell it in biodegradable corn based containers. These containers are so biodegradable that they can be tossed outside your car window; just like they did back in the 50's.

The throwing of greatest generation garbage outside the car window ended up being the catalyst for the littering laws in the 60's, but these modern containers will cause no harm. Desalination should be easier in this location with a higher percentage of freshwater flowing out of the Nottoway River that empties into Godfred Bay.  The Desalination plant can be near where Nottoway River empties into Godfred Bay (formerly St. James Bay). The Desalination plant can be expansive, but carefully planned will create no real footprint in the overall pristine nature of the Boreal Forest. The building can be made from local trees that are cut down. This can be a port where green technology rules and fossil fuels can be eliminated.Fossil fuels banned above the Arctic Circle.

 We need a rich consortium of people to build the facility, and their investment will be returned. Dividends will be perpetual and ever giving to employees and the town that is created and the commerce that takes root there.  The St James Bay Road can be changed to the Godfred Parkway and it would be a 5 hour ride to Lake Matagami area if the road is improved. Here the NOMOREWAR Conference Center can be built.  As the sponsors of this facility, Pagan Reformists can show the world we can all live peacefully, enjoy our crafts and traditions and holidays and turn this religious and corporate hell of modern society into something worthwhile.     

There are way too many unhappy souls in the world and the human population is out of control. There are obvious obstacles in the way of the planets overall quality of life but when will everyone’s vision become action?  Can you imagine a world where someone starts a war with a belligerent neighbor and the both of them get interrupted and dragged by the collar to the peace table? I’m suggesting a kind of Bounty Hunter for people perpetuating crimes against humanity and nature; and a hunter gatherer tribe of modern 21st century people.

First off they can hunt the excessive deer population in the States and Canada, and send the venison north to foragers in Canada. I call them the Druddité Rangers.  A volunteer group that will thwart the efforts of the polluters and parasitical pirates of Industrial Xapitalism.

    These Druddité Rangers can work with the Canadian snowmobile squad, American  Navy seals, The Norsemen Brigade, the Artic Mounties, The Polena Rangers, Coast Guard and Greenpeace to bring law to the extractive insanity that is going on. For instance, you may have heard about a Soviet sub going under the arctic ice to plant a flag to claim ownership so they can get resources like natural gas to sell. Assholes. They are lining up like jackals during a lions kill.  Meanwhile Russia spills 20,000 tons of diesel fuel in 2020.

    I think that once a building is built for meetings, the first issue that can be addressed concerns Quebec and its quest for independence. Why can’t Quebec be its own country? Sure, I joke like the Canadians do, that Canada is almost the biggest country in the world, as long as Quebec doesn’t secede. Well, why can’t they? The less centralization the better, there will be freedom for cultural groups to have rights as entities, not someones satellite. Go over the Quebec issue first since the NOMOREWAR conference center will be based in Quebec Province. Conference 2 can begin with the Basques separatists of Spain suing for the rights to their own country and representatives are forced to come from Spains government to have explain themselves or have the bad publicity go unanswered. Conference 3 can be about the Zapatistas in Mexico and what they are seeking. Number 4 can be about Tibet. Agenda items 5-10 to be announced later as its understood that this is not the UN but the people united. Perpetrators of war crimes, or    people harassing those starting unions or involved with genocidal ethnic cleansing will be spotlighted in this situation. The Global Court of Public Opinion.     

If polluters and piratical profiteers win, say goodbye to our Mother Nature. If a technological theocratic Fascist group takes over the world say goodbye to Liberty.                                        

The Boreal Forest encircles the globe and has been called the world largest biome. Over on the Russian side of the world is a mirror image of the Canadian and Alaskan Boreal forests. Will corporations be allowed to pillage the resources?  We all own this, who sold to all the big corporations and countries like Russia. Forest clear-cutting is going on right now. Recycling should be providing more of our paper products than they do now. But we continue to allow these large corporations to cut down virgin forests for toilet paper and that keeps recycling from being viable.                                                                                              

Corporations are unchallenged in their plundering of the world, and religion is too weak kneed to deal with their greedy machinations. Let’s have wars about our belief in the afterlife, (Jihad and The Crusades). and ignore the sustainability of nature. This makes sense (not).  Polar ice is melting as scientists have noted, and sailing will start becoming more common up in the artic as I said. This will be big news because ships find the Panama Canal difficult and going around the bottom of South America is very time and fuel consuming. With gas prices having risen so much, the pipeline pirates want to drill again; but why we don’t we save petroleum resources for other generations in the future? The United States really needs to lead by example and we need to do it soon.

There is no sane policy in place and the world can support 15 or 20 billion people say prominent people. apparently unaware of the chaos and starvation that would result. They must assume genetics will create 25 -foot chickens and 7 ton cows to produce all the meat needed.

As populations level off, a rising tide of prosperity will lift all boats. Rule number 1 is, a world population cap at 9 billion. Birth control has to be part of everything a society deals with. Have two and you’re through could be rule #2.                                                                                                                                           


        Our world societies can evolve to where motivation to be good is derived from common sense, knowledge and wisdom, not religious bugaboo. We have grown past the point where the threat of an eternity in hell getting poked by demon pitchforks and an eternal immolation in the Lake of Fire seems less and less believable. It's time to cast out these phonies and Moral High Ground Hypocrites and create our own rockin’ world without government and religion.                                                                                 

        Repressed Victorian Era Moral High Ground Hypocrisy led to sexual suppression and as the pendulum swung the other way to find a balance, it swung out too far and is still swinging out. The Druddité religion encourages the use of birth control to achieve zero population growth, so a tradition would be to not be responsible for the birth of more than two people. Of course, there are so many different kinds of blended families and people taking care of others children but a good credo can be “Have two and you’re through”, in other words, to be genetically responsible for no more than two new lives in this world. Any more than that will be considered greedy and déclassé. People with ten children that suffer from malaria or are bothered by flies in their mouths; and countries that are so overpopulated you have no room to bury your dead so you throw them in the river after dark, need to be slapped upside the head and given birth control.                    

                 Another problem is what I call the Babe Culture. The wrong kinds of women are treasured; the healers, the gentle women that can bring peace to a situation, should be most revered in a violent world.  Instead, we have this lurid culture where women sell products with seduction. This babe culture is part of this Era of The Loudmouth Huckster. The pendulum of crass has arced out far enough, and a little pagan soup is needed for the empty soul and peaceful enlightened market socialism will be about producing, selling or buying products from each other without an excess of ads and corporate control.  Our field of vision is filled with more and more advertising and Youtube is filled with 5 second ads. Shopping cart ads is an example of the ubiquity of what it is becoming.

There is a difference with the sexes and males need to get out and be exuberant. Get out and be nearly primitive, everyone knows the story how on a clock of time we would be hunter gatherers till 11:54 and “civilized” the last six minutes. It’s still in our genes. 

 This is the Anglican Church flag of Canada but how about our own Druddité flag something like this; green and black with maple leaves and stars. Keeping the Boreal Forests intact around the world will be environmentalisms last stand, and the Boreal Gathering will bring attention to what is going on up there.  I also imagine a Boreal Gathering in Russia also where people from that side of the world will gather.                                     

Eventually what I envision are the provinces of Ontario and Quebec ceding land to make a neutral site for a world headquarters for Peace conferences; from Lake Matagami in Quebec to Lake Lawagamau in Ontario. The rainiest months in my targeted area are June and September. I would like to start an annual progressive gathering there for six weeks in July and August. Craft fairs, drum circles, swap meets educational settings and classes; Camping, celebrating and ceremony, all on the road from the town of Amos to Lake Matagami. There would be campsites available and if it becomes popular the road is about 100 miles long and conceivably there is plenty of camping potential. Have people discreetly buy some property up there for a summer escape from rising temperatures in the south, maybe develop some sort of eco tourist business. Languedoc is about 20 miles the other way down the road from Amos. I have to guess that local residents will appreciate tourists spending money.


Lower right corner is Lake Matagami upper left is Godfred Bay (formerly St. James Bay)

           On map, note the white line on left side of picture, this is the Quebec Ontario border. My proposed area to look at is the lower right corner till the outlet of the Nottoway River in upper left of map. To review my suggestions, I think a highway should be built from the Lake Matagami area to the St. James Bay (soon to be renamed Godfred Bay), A highway that has smooth dirt and 40 MPH areas where animal migration will not be effected along with a superhighway in sections with 80 MPH limits that is fenced in to keep animals out. But the highway can go underground with shrubs on top like plants on top of buildings to feed the birds on their northern migrations. The Godfred Bay Parkway could have solar refilling stations. Keep in mind this cold frozen region is warming up and in ten years the growth of port cities in Hudson Bay will begin in earnest. It’s going to happen anyways, grab control of this idea and make a green highway and initiate some environmental safeguards for all the animals. Trucks over a certain weight can be required to use Bio-diesel which will also be available.                                                                                

            The NOMOREWAR Conference Center will be located along this road and also the Boreal Forest Pagan Preserve; a kind of a mitigation to all the pagans throughout history that have lost their land to religious warriors. Saudi Arabia, The Vatican, and others can contribute. The idea is this; in 2023 we gather on the road to Lake Matagami in Canada and make a Freedom Pilgrimage; the first of its kind. For some reason I have zeroed in on this area. As I tried to get a feel for the area I discovered the town Of Languedoc; of course this is also the name of a region in Southern France I refer to numerous times in History of the Pagans. The place famous for the Cathars, the Templars and Mary Magdalene and it was here the Troubadour movement emerged from and the Occitan language once connected the cultures of eastern Spain, southern France and western Italy: Occitan is the Druddités second (and secret) language.                                                               

                 Hudson Bay is going to become important. The Northwest Passage in the artic circle is melting to where it may become a viable transportation route for shipping and ports will develop. Global warming is happening faster as you get closer to the artic. I can see a northerly migration of people and animals and plants.  The American Catholic Church can also be given a piece of land: In chapter 8 I describe them and their feelings about married clergy and child abuse. Pagans and Catholics, bitter enemies for centuries will show the world how to peacefully co-operate and would also invite Jewish people to have an alternative Homeland there.                                

                   Beautiful grounds, walking paths, monuments, shrines and churches and temples that emphasizes the beauty of the Boreal Forest. There will be one main building where world disputes will be discussed. A conference center like the Lied Center at the Arbor Day Foundations headquarters which is designed for energy conservation and ecosystem integration. Call it the NOMOREWAR Conference Center. Compare the carbon footprint of this compared to let’s say the diamond mine that will open and have a pit nearly a thousand feet deep, using unimaginable amounts of water  to separate the diamonds from  dunghills. Water used to extract diamonds will be returned to local lakes and streams polluted and possibly toxic.                                                                               

Tourists, such as those in the next picture, can plan vacations there; hiking, fishing, getting together with like-minded individuals. How about a stop from Ozzfest one summer? 2022?  One advantage of this area is that the sun rises at 5:15 and sets at 9:15. Go further north and the days are even longer. Average temperatures in my proposed Boreal Headquarters is 72 and 52 during July and August, a welcome relief in the middle of the summer from our pre-heating planet. Six weeks of abundant sunshine and cool temperatures in July and August. A safe place from ravaging 200 MPH hurricanes that develops in 90 degree ocean waters.


        The 21st century should be about “LAWAGAMAU” which is picking out the hi-tech we want to keep and knowing what we need to discard. Nanotechnology is poised to create potential for unbelievable disruption of Natural Law. Why should a couple of profit heavy corporations decide? This is time when the humans really need to stand up for their planet and their dignity. Let’s keep IPods and digital cameras and discard cloning and plant genetics. This is an example of what I mean. It’s probably already too late to put the genetic manipulation genie back in the bottle, but other horrors can be prevented. Cloning just sounds wrong on so many different levels even the popular squirrel cloning.    



        A yearly pagan pilgrimage, call it the Boreal Gathering.  The Boreal Forests around the world are the largest “carbon sink” we have. I got this feeling that extractive profiteers are going to do as much damage as they can before the public notices, and what corporations have learned in the Reagan Gingrich Bush Tea Party Era you can do nearly anything and the American public has no real protest that amounts to  anything anymore.    


SON   OF          POPULUXE

By                    John Almada             

All I can say is that you know it when you see it. Sure, it’s a boomer thing, but children can understand also. They call it “retro”, and retrogressive means culling from the past.  Clothes, interior décor, car design ………... Simpson’s do it. “The Incredibles” was based on a newly built 60’s ranch house with all that eras attendant artwork. 
Ren and Stimpy was so much about recreating the 50’s cartoon imagery and quirky cartoonery.  Jimmy Neutron on Nickelodeon was big on the Populuxe design and color.   All the best cartoons my children seemed to like, really, have that motif. The Jetsons was Populuxe in the rocketing space age of the 60’s.


Thomas Hines wrote a book called "Populuxe", in 1986 or so.  He has been trying to popularize the idea of what Populuxe is, and has coined this term with a specific meaning. His book, “Populuxe”, was published in 1986 and in the revised 1999 foreword, he is delighted to note that his word got into the dictionary. 
From the Random HOUSE Websters College dictionary, ”Populuxe, n, a flamboyant decorative style of the period 1954-1964. Implying pastel colors and futuristic contours to impart a sense of luxury in everyday objects, as cars, appliances and dwellings.” Instead of calling it Post Art-Deco, Thomas Hines has given the era its own identity.

          I see the Rogers Maris home run chase as the peak of Populuxe. I wonder what Thomas Hines would think of that notion. 1961. It was also President Kennedy’s first year in office. At the time it must have been great to have two modern people for president and first lady.  
        Untainted by the hopeless political and social quagmire that Vietnam became by the late 60's, the Kennedy years buoyed peoples spirits.  But not all.

    Billy Crystal made a fabulous movie called “61” depicting that period of time. 

       The automobile culture in 1962 was firmly entrenched; it wasn’t such a new thing anymore.  Except for those bitter Ruth diehards, it was a historical transition from the old era to the new with baseball and most everything else. Soon Cassius Clay would rock the oldsters with brazen outspokenness. He would handle the glare of the modern era much better than Maris. 
         No. 61 was the nexus of the Populuxe Era. Whether you were a surfer or a housewife. September 30 1961 was when the modern era was born. The Era of Youth. A 43 year old president. A 27 year old breaking Babe Ruth’s 37 year old record. Astronauts and movie stars and youth oriented television.   

Populuxe was really about the material enthusiasm after World War 2 and the rapid improvements of convenience, leading to the rampant over consumption and the empty busyness of modern life. Critics call it, enthusiasm for the tacky, but look at those cars from the 50’s. Recognized worldwide for their industrial artistry, it was an era of too many choices, yet worthy experiments.
Inventions were showing the world a new way back in the 30’s, but World War Two put the kibosh on everything. Drills, saws, refrigeration, cooking, plumbing, electricity, lawn mowers and thousands more improvements came on line despite the world wide depression. Dramatic improvements.
It appeared Americans, and others around the world, were inventing themselves out of the depression during the 30’s and World War two usurped this momentum. Many factories, owned by a few corporations, profited greatly from government money to convert to wartime production to say nothing of the profits created by accoutrements for the 'dancers of death'.

               Every area of the country shook off its Bank depression in different ways and at different times. Contrary to conventional wisdom, I believe World War Two slowed down the momentum of what could have been a long term, economic recovery that could have lasted many decades. 
           A corporate mantra I heard as a youth, that was embedded in our minds, said war was very profitable for America. The era of Madison Avenue, it's propaganda and commercials, became a heavy influence in the 50's and people believed 'war lifted us out of the depression.' but this was a psychological setup  for the Vietnam War. 

           Tailfins disappeared and Detroit floundered till the muscle cars of the mid sixties became the fashion and was another way Populuxe was ushered out. The suppression of male aggresion was able to be transferred. The Press was becoming the media. Press was the written word; and media became the term for all what was going on with news. The Roger Maris home run chase was an early exhibition of what was to become the paparazzi. Their merciless hounding undid Roger Maris' spirit and showed a dark side to the endless happy face of baseball. 
         I think from 1962 onwards, Populuxe went into decline. The heady heydays of too many choices and traditional male dominance and mismatched two tone design began to splinter away. Women went to college and work and found others frustrated with their spouses and the divorce boom began in earnest through the sixties. 
       The old fuddie duddies decried "this new permissiveness". Women realized it wasn’t all right that men run the family and beat their wives.  The Old Order had outlived their usefulness, if there ever was any.  

                   Culture was moving fast. The farmboy from North Dakota simply didn’t understand what was happening to him as he arrived home to embrace his family after a very successful road trip in 1961. There were 30 or 40 reporters standing around his front door.  He insisted family came before profit and chased them away like raccoons eating his garbage.  Reporters in his yard, the new paparazzi, reported in the papers he was enraged and hysterical. 

                   The home run chase was a part of our boomer childhood that was pretty much forgotten till Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa had their home run race in '97. Roger was not a fluke or a freak. The previous year he was voted the American League's Most Valuable Player. Then the next year he breaks Babe Ruth’s record that had stood for 34 years. 

          Imagine you’re an embittered New York reporter. Maybe you’d seen the Babe, or saw his farewell speech in 1948 shortly before he died. Ruth was baseball. The god of baseball. 
        A few years before 1961, Elvis had led a parade of rockabilly rockers that had upset the older generation’s apple cart. Old people at that time really had sand in their pontaloons.  They wanted their world to last forever.

             In the movie "61", it showed how Rogers hair started falling out near the end of the summer. Mickey Mantle was then an old veteran over 30 and was trying to help Roger deal with the mess. Babe Ruth Fans had written death threats as the trailer to the movie showed. The Press was constantly twisting his quotes around to make him look bad IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. All he wanted to do was help his team win. Trying to tell him that others faced the same monster, Mickey told him,” Hank Greenberg had 58 home runs with a week left in the season,” said Mantle, “He couldn’t take the pressure, then they conspired to not give him anything to hit……cuz he was a Jew.”

             During the heat of the season the Commissioner of Baseball, the evil Ford Frick, decides an asterisk would indicate that the record wasn’t broken in 154 games. Major League baseball had switched over to a 162 game season since the old days of Babe Ruth. This gave Roger more pressure to do it “in a timely fashion.” on the other hand it’s been pointed out that Maris didn’t get a homer during the first 11 games. So in actuality if you take the last 151 games in the season he hit 61. 

              In 1962 I was 8 years old and started playing baseball and in time started collecting cards. But I remember that season, how everyone was talking about the home run race. I woke up in different ways that year and baseball was like what video games are today and Roger Maris was my hero. I even pretended to be Roger Maris Jr. when a hobo staggered down the street and our little posse started chatting it up with him.
              By the time I was 12, I was a paperboy waking up at 5 00, and the first thing I did was check the box score if the Yankees played. Right down to where Roger was. Fourth in the lineup. He hit 33 home runs and batted in 100 in 1962 which was a big disappointment to all. Just a fluke they said but keep in mind he was MVP Most Valuable Player two years in a row. 

           He had a good year in 63 but was injured a large chunk of the season. In ’64 the real decline began but damage had been done. the stress of the world weighed heavy on his feel good, do good farmboy simplicity. He was never really the same. One of the greatest sporting feats of the century and it ruined his spirit instead of nourishing the man.                                                                                                                                                       
           Can’t you be just good at what you do and not have a press corps plucking at you?  The emotional water boarding of the vicious New York Press was the most avaricious ever concocted. It wasn't about being a man, it was about being an asshole. In ’66 it was clear he would not fulfill his potential as a longtime slugger after he had a second bad year in a row. In ’67 he was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals and I became a Cardinals fan following Roger as he switched leagues. 

        Apparently he was viewed as a seasoned pro and was highly regarded, despite only hitting 9 home runs. He won some games with timely hits and became a good clutch hitter helping the Cards reach the World Series. He had his best series ever and hit .385 going 10 for 26. He was 2 for 3 in the last game as Bob Gibson pitched a 3 hitter, winning the series for the Cards. 
        It was the most exciting World Series I ever remember, and it was the last good ball I’d ever watch him play. The Red Sox played some gutsy ball, but Gibson won 3 games and was unbeatable. Roger played another year and was in another World Series in ’68 then retires at age 34. He was done. I still had a paper route and still religiously checked the box score for every game the Cardinals played. 

                    In 1969 I was 15 and at a loss after Rogers retirement. I didn't like the Yankees and I came around to becoming a Red Sox fan for 35 years. Finally achieving satisfaction in 2004 when they won the World Series. Uncle Joe would have been proud. He was a foam at the mouth Red Sox fan and was happy when I converted. 
          My dad was a lukewarm Yankees fan and grew up 104 miles from Fenway Park in Boston and 115 miles from Yankee Stadium. Those of us growing up in the Connecticut River Valley were split on our allegiance so I would show an interest in the Red Sox and the World Series in varying degrees over the years.

           Back on the road Mantle tells him. “We’re chasing a ghost Rog. Frick used to be Ruth’s ghost writer, they were tight.” On television they watched a news item about the Mantle and Maris feud?”  “Are we feudin?” they laughed and asked each other. "Must be, its on the TV."
           The movie pointed out how destructive the media can be. Later evolving into the relentless paparazzi that chased Princess Diana when she crashed and the ever intrusive snoops looking for something to keep the rabble buying the various rags that pass for entertainment. they made up the story about a Mantle / Maris fued.
                    Roger got letters that said, “DIE Roger DIE” Fans began to boo him on those days after he was misquoted in headlines. He’s supposed to just deal with this? He does somehow and ends up with the unassailable 61 home runs. Till 1997, 121 years since the first professional baseball league began, only one person hit more than 60 home runs. . –All those great home run hitters of the past Lou Gehrig, Willie Mays, Harmon Killebrew, Hank Greenberg, Hank Aaron, Ralph Kiner Rocky Colavito and many others could not achieve what was Rogers that fateful year called 1961.

                    When Mark McGuire was on his record pace he made it clear that if he broke any record it was Rogers.   Mark got payback for Maris to get back at the New York media dissin' of Maris.  Mark was a California boy but understood the Roger Maris story like others of us. After all, did any other records get the asterisk it was asked? Suzuki’s 262 hits recently? Maury Will’s 104 stolen bases in 1962? 
            It was  Ford Frick versus Roger Maris and Frick told the press, "sic em boys".  I don’t care what anyone says about the 50’s. There was too much verbal harassment and threats and meanness. Relentless hostility embedded in the culture. If only he lived long enough to see the respect he would eventually earn. Roger only lived to 1985 which was his 51st year. 
           His movie son said to another son, during the McGuire Sosa home run race, “It’s like the best year Dad ever had.” Mcgwire smashed 65 homers by the 154th game thereby making sure Ruth’s record was buried forever.     

   The tailfin era began and styling reached a disquieting zenith. In 1961 I was seven years old and poised to absorb this cultural tsunami. From the men in the world I heard about baseball.  Friends of Dad, guys at church, fathers of friends, I became initiated into the baseball tradition. Geez, look at those Yankees. Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris both looked like they were going to hit over 50 home runs as the summer of 1961 proceeded. Mantle got injured, then it became Rogers quest for Babe Ruths record.  

In 4th grade I listened to my first pop radio. I was all about the big bands till then. I remember walking down Ritchie Casasantas driveway and hearing “Tie me kangaroo down, sport” We just stood in his driveway and listened to the radio. Hey we had a radio!
  ‘Richies family listens to other radio stations.” Mom and Dad probably gave each other wary glances as I suggested we listen to other stations. The modern American culture was about to enter our home. “That’s such trash, we don’t need that kind of music in our house.”   
    “My Boyfriends Back “was a song that made an impression on me. The drums were SO huge. Syncopated clapping and the heavenly singing by The Angels. There were cool instrumentals like Pipeline and Telstar. Barbara Streisand’s “People” and Ray Charles “I’m Busted” were some of the earliest crossover songs. These songs were on “my stations.’ AND MY PARENTS CORNY STATION.
    Later in ‘65” Louie Armstrong’s hit, “Mame” was something everyone could love. Wayne Newton’s “Danke Schein” was on both  stations also.  

        Thomas Hine’s “Populuxe” is a scholarly address of the many details of life back in that era and I recommend you read it. Is there a reason to historically recall those times? Some of us think so. I e-mailed T. Hine, telling him what a great book he’s got and how I enthusiastically support his idea for making the era special in our history. Oddly I got a response. He sounded thankful and kind and said it could help to request another printing by asking for it at places like  

          When was the Populuxe Era? 1946 to 1966 is the most expansive time span and I like to use those 20 years instead of the ten years described in the dictionary. In 1967Everything changed..                                                                                                                          
        I have a Populuxe display or two in the house and it’s about cars from 1947 to 1967. Die cast cars. I have black crouching jaguars that complements grandmas homemade pillows. Well, maybe they didn’t match but they were the most distinct object d’art in her house. Blue glass ashtrays, Silver of pewter candy dishes. Some crap that never wore out whatever little things I can find. Probably filled with lead but it's been a good life. 
           We saw the past fade away during the Populuxe Era. It seemed like hardly anybody had an outhouse anymore. It was a new,  modern,…...clean era. Jet Age style. There was debates about clothes dryers, should we spend 10 dollars a month on electricity instead of 8. That was the choice. Clotheslines were such a common site. Using air to dry clothes. Free air no less.  I would carry wet laundry outside. As one of the New Lazy Youth, I was too modern to help out much more than that. You know how laundry piles up.
    Imagine squeezing the water out of clothes one by one? Then dragging them outside. But back then, there was no Oprah to nail laundry oppression to the couch. Laundry smelled fresher and dried softer when hung outside, but now Americans are too good to do that anymore. It's not womens work either, fellas. We insist on more stuff. Make everything cheaper regardless of quality, Americans needed more stuff and eschewed anything reminiscent of Old Europe during the Populuxe Era.  

                    Populuxe was the push button era. My grandmother Eva (memere) was the only person I knew who was willing and able to buy these things. Her dryer had buttons. Her boyfriend/driver’s car had the buttons. “Drivers car,” that’s funny. I was creating a deception. She wasn’t rich but how do you describe her fella? They never got married because they were strict Catholics and he was divorced, taboo. They spent every Sunday together. Anyways he had the Rambler Ambassador which was a fancy version of the Ramblers we had. Before that He had a 59 Chevy with full Dagmars and fancy chrome. She was the first to get a self-propelled mower. 

                 The Populuxera is really about the postwar boom. World War 2 in case some of you are too young to remember... Burgeoning suburbia. Too many choices, too many colors, not enough carports. The houses from the most extreme fringes of Populuxe design are on the verge of being appreciated in these modern times.
         In the Populuxe era service was different. Americans took to the road. Other Americans learned about the tourist dollar. Or just good customers. An older friend of mine named Joe often spoke of the era. I remember as a child going to the beach and experiencing the hometown hospitality when we got our gas. Going further back in time Joe reminisces,”…check your oil, fill your gas tank wipe the mirrors, check other things, even greasing the U-joint… all that….for two fuckin’ bucks.”
           Everyone looked out for the kids. Would know when they had seen someone last. There was the milkman. Fresh milk and eggs from nearby farms. What was wrong with that system?                                                                                                        
             1961. Game 154 of the season, Roger still has 59 homers. His last at bat in the game. One last chance to tie Babe Ruth. The white Sox sent in Hoyt Wilhelm, the knuckleballer whose strange floating pitch was difficult to hit. It was not even about winning the game. Stop Roger. There are virtually no home runs hit off the knuckler.
             Fast forward to 1997. Mark McGuire was about to smash Rogers and Ruth’s records. In a press conference Mark Held Roger Maris bat with reverence and respect. as Rogers’s wife Pat handed it to him. He touched it with his heart and made no mention of Babe Ruth. Put a tear in my eye, that finally, my Populuxe idol finally got his just due. 

         The beatniks………………… 
  part 2 of the Son of Populuxe. What is a way to identify this era? Those 50’s diners everybody loves.
The roadside diner is so Populuxe. Outdoor movies also.
         The previous stylistic  era was what was known as Art Deco. 1925-1940? 1923-1938? 1921-1941? It all depends on who you ask. While it was happening it wasn’t called Art Deco.  It was the jazz moderne or moderne era among other names. Well the stylistic flourishes of that time period were interesting and modern and the Empire State building being a prominent example. 


         After World war two the modern era began running on all 8 cylinders. Free college, forests being destroyed for the cheap housing boom. Material growth rocketed as the space age approached. Atomic waste created for cheap electricity. Water was clean and free. The greatest generation was using up resources in the most reckless ways possible.
         The Modern Era of the Mad Media began here. Roger was one of the first victims of the tectonic sociological shifting that was about to occur.
         Roger was booed and abused, but when he hit his 61st, it was a celebration of triumph and national exaltation. He did it and as is hoted he hit 61 home runs in the last 151 games of the season.

           Everyone looked out for the kids. Would know when they had seen someone last. There was the milkman. Fresh milk and eggs from nearby farms. What was wrong with that system?

     The Warrior elite would like you to believe that building bombs and jet planes and bullets for World War 2, was what got us out of the depression. The burgeoning Military Industrial Machine that Dwight Eisenhower warned of in his farewell address, seemed to have a plan. Now we know the plan is called War Without End.
          That coven of conspiratorial compadres, the International Bankers, giggled with glee at the debt that was to be amassed during a world war. They offered Hitler and others some low interest loans. 50 million lives later, It was 1946 and the smell of spent bombs was still in the air, and then effluent from their production began the silent slaughter of aquatic regions.

 Appliances and other household items saw a dramatic rise in sales after the war.  In 1948, signs that automobile design was going to enter the “jet age” began. Refrigeration was turning the “icebox” into a distant memory. Land was cheap and wood was even cheaper. The titans of the Logging Industry saw advances and huge profits when the ten foot chain saw was invented. 
The Mad Men of Madison Avenue could convince people of anything. Destructive, ecosystem destroying logging, was portrayed as 'inexpensive homes for war weary citizens.' Aw.

            The poor and discriminated against, the abused and beaten, and the crazy aunt still in the cellar, were still invisible to rampaging consumers. Taxes were low as these societal ills were continually hidden under the rug as the trillion dollar toxic waste cleanup is today.  
      Everything was okay, you know, just consume a lot of products, throw litter right out the window of your car, and always trust the boss, the company, the police, your priest, and what the government tells you. Meanwhile the Beatniks were going to destroy America.                                                                                                                                                                                  
 The sheriffs' son in a small town could still get away with anything. American Liberty was subject to local censorship. Business was booming for the production of chemicals as WW2 stockpiles were spread across the land like cheap margarine. Taxes weren’t used yet for cleaning toxic waste. Car pollution wasn’t smoky enough to need pollution controls in 1948. No cars were built between 1941 to 1945, and there was a pent up demand that was filled and then television became very popular after 1952.
  The interstate highway system was quickly developed during the Eisenhower years and I saw it as a good thing. We rode the unfinished highway on our bicycles after making highways in our sandboxes. Americans were now able to go anywhere in their two ton death wagons. The Industries of the Warrior Elite continued full steam since all the weapons were used up in the world war. More weapons, more jobs. The taxpayers were footing the bill so high wages for all!(According to plan) The Russians tested the hydrogen bomb in 1952 and the cold war was on.

         By 1954 television was entering homes at a much quicker pace: from the saloon to the living room. Radios were household items and getting smaller. In 1958, the transistor radio came on the market and in five short years it seemed every young person had one stuck in their ear. Music could now be everywhere. 

         There were still hobos. At an abandoned railway stop we found hats with fishing hooks in them. They looked like hobo hats, so we called them that. “Look, hobo stuff!” In many neighborhoods at the end of the row of houses would often be some woods or an open area. Those who grew up during the initial birth of suburbs had plenty of places for wild play.  We had the fun of skipping rocks on actual unaltered streams before they storm drains. Magazines, hula hoops, little pedal cars, Frisbee banana bikes, infinity nauseum. We had a gushing of goods from the toy manufacturers.

        As 1953 progressed, the bigger hydrogen bomb was being tested by America and then by the Soviets.  From June ’53 till testing stopped, Atomic weapons were tested in the American Desert. Did radioactive fallout drift down on my mother as she hung the laundry outside? What was going on inside the secret America. 1953 was a great year for a new car and kept you distracted from what the CIA was doing in Guatamala. 
        Beatniks pt 2 somewhere else, Populuxe.

Meanwhile beatniks were being refused service


          The pain of being burned to death never ends in hell, you get that, right? Our Patriot Revolutionaries are being punished in HELL for mocking god in the case of Thomas Paine; considered an atheist, who described Christianity as “a history of wickedness”. Jefferson is certainly in Hell being torn apart by iron maidens and poked by a million demon pitchforks for talking about his pagan “god of nature” in the constitution. Not one word from the Bible in all the founding documents… god was pissed. Our Constitution is about liberty, not dogma, and that's why there's no mention of the Bible.

           In an essay from Time Magazine, Barbara Ehrenreich explains the reason for the separation of Church and State.

 "The government that the Founders designed could levy taxes and raise an army, but it could not do these or any other things in the name of a higher power. By stripping government of supernatural authority, the Founding Fathers created a zone of freedom around each individual human conscience. They demystified government and reduced it to something within reach of human comprehension, protest and change” italics mine                                                 

          Glenn Beck and an ‘expert’ was on a special show about the bible and the constitution, trying to prove that the colonies in 1776 were enthusiastic about their religion and this notion is misleading--false witness even, to conclude the bible is the source of the American Constitution. Men have always been men and I can’t imagine many of them willingly going to church, arm in arm with the sissy preachers. Therefore, Religion held an iron grip wherever they could, even requiring mandatory attendance in the early days of the colonies, but let’s face it, these were tough pioneers who weren’t big on kissing up to these pesky preachers. This country was built with an ax and not a Bible and many were loath to give their hard earned income to the machinations of clergy.                           

                    This is why fear has worked so well for 1600 years; this was how to break the resolve of the peasant. If you saw your church father stringing up Quakers in 1650, you sure as hell wouldn’t be the one that was going to test him. By the 1720's, when hanging Quakers and witches became illegal, they stridently scared people with Hellfire and doom to hold onto their fraudulent authority. Were most people cowering wimps who had to pray as much as possible to keep demons away?

               Richard Hofstadter wrote a book called, 'America at 1750', and in it  he quotes someone who wrote about those days,

 "Hector St. John de Crevecour, after observing sects in the middle American colonies, and the feeble religious instruction of the children, thought this a world of waning zeal,” 

de Crevecour writing, 

"religious indifference is imperceptibly disseminated from one end of the continent to the other…persecution, religious pride, the love of contradiction, are the food of what the world commonly calls religion. These motives have ceased here.’”                                

          The Germans and Scots were hard working farmers who pushed the boundaries of the colonies hard westward and they were reluctant to give their hard-earned profits to some lazy ass preacher who was only out to scare their children. This is how they talked; it wasn’t Little House on the Prairie. Real men love Jesus sure, but Jesus only puts food on the table in their imagination.

          Let me go get my bible and randomly pick something, it must be time to bring out the good book again, maybe a commentary or analysis relevant to this discussion. That's the fun of the Bible; close your eyes and point to a random verse, kind of like astrology, and make the quote something to live by. Like Tarot and the 10th card of a Celtic Cross spread, the summation of all the cards or an end result, does it please the goddess? Well here goes, Proverbs 5:9-11, “Give your honor to others and your years to the merciless. Let strangers take the fill of your strength and your labors go to the house of an alien; and at the end of your life you groan when your flesh and body are consumed and you say ‘how I hated discipline.”        

  What this verse says to me is that if you put your hopes in the unknown(faith), you will regret it.

But verse 6 continues with the solution to our woes, stating how the meek will someday overcome the evil lying Republicans and the era of greed, 1981 to 2011. Verse 6:12-15 states, "A wicked man goes about with crooked speech (Rand Paul), winks with his eyes, (Sarah Palin) scrapes with his feet(Huckabee) points with his finger (Hawley Gaetz & the others) and with perverted heart devises evil, (Newt G), continually sowing discord: (Pat Robertson):therefore, calamity will come upon him suddenly; in a moment he will be broken beyond healing.”

Don’t worry all you cowering fearful children, there is no hell. These people are hallucinating demons and they really can't be taken seriously. 

gOd told me tell you to pursue happiness, and not to fear an eternity of torture. The afterlife that Christians try to scare everyone with, would seem to portray god as a mass murdering evil god. A notorious galactic despot with rage issues who is not happy that your life sucks beyond your wildest dreams; in the poor countries and regions of the world, but also promises you an eternity of Halloween the 13th type of scary hellish torture after you die! ?….and your pledging allegiance to HIM?      

This is the god that the Tea baggers want running this country? This is the god they want in our schools? This train wreck of a deity who tortures people in Hell? This is the god that gives us our validation says glennbeck!!  A leap of faith, or reason?


Glenn Beck is sadly rewriting history, brainwashing the population and people are bobbing their heads thinking he is such a history expert, but compared to Hofstadter, he’s not much more than a rhetorictician and …well…a rodeo clown. I intend to fight this misology, zealotry and bigotry with another way to look at our history to give people a more fair and balanced outlook. I’m here for ya baby!            

I research so you don’t have to.     

It’s very frustrating to Christians that they can’t kill those who disagree with them anymore, and now they despair that there are so many books there never will be enough time to burn them all. So they have now embedded themselves in the political system, and they want a return of child labor and hey slavery wasn't that bad. Worth another try.

Logic should tell you to deprogram yourself. Reject these religious notions that the afterlife is one horror after another if you don't believe what the clergy may say. Like when the car salesman says “we checked it out top to bottom, she’s in great shape.”

I don't think life is not some made up game with a puzzling rule book (bible). For instance, people are gambling with their eternal salvation when they don’t go to church. “Missing church is a mortal sin,” my mother would say. “Your soul becomes all black and you don’t get to go to heaven.” The truth is that The Great Architect created souls so s/he could share the joy of being alive.  Sharing joy and creating life, that's more like it, that's a God I can party with. There is no hell and to believe this old testament fairy tale is nonsense.

Think about this my friend, if that pastor, preacher or priest had no audience, he’d have to get a job, right? Bearing false witness to beat the band, it’s his or her job to keep you coming back to give to the building fund. Religion is an easy product to produce -rhetoric and brimstone; “Showtime,” says the evangelist as she straightens out her wig, “time to be authentic”.       

        People who say this is a Christian nation are bearing false witness; most Christians therefore break the 9th commandment. Spreading lies, half-truths, and defying the spirit of the 9th commandment while they passed out NObama stickers at Bob Evans.

     Then there's the fear of Islam, but the Moslems who opened an office. The people going to the ground zero mosque are Dervishes I found out recently. The Dervishes are the most opened minded and reasonable sect of Islam, the ones who could have a dialog with terrorists. Living in America, Christian preachers are no longer able to gather up a mob to carry torches and pitchforks to terrify a social adversary, such as these Moslems.                                            

The difference is that today the pitchforks are psychological, and the scars are on the inside. They can’t even become KKK because the Klan is held in very low regard, unlike 100 years ago. There are chritians targeting people for harassment as we speak, or typing to somebody encouraging them to keep buying as many bullets as they can, because fighting for gods honor is going to take a lot of ammunition. Kookbag politicians are still promoting this notion in 2022.  When the Christians come for your guns after they take control, will you object? With god on their side? I’m sayin’ we may need a militia to protect ourselves.

     There are dangerous people with too many guns in my estimation, but I optimistically predict that a general rising tide of enlightenment will drown the meanness, prejudice and hate of the mislabeled greatest generation. Spinning their wheels in the fetid mud of the bigoted and hateful authoritarian despots they bow down to. 

       But it will be a photo finish and I truly fear Christian violence. Part of Christianity is evil, as it has been from the day the Old Testament was written, till the time of Plato. Then it became embedded in political structures till Jesus came along. Remember the traditional clergy that was harassing him? Pharisees or something.  They maneuvered their way eventually to many positions at the Council of Nicea that established Christianity as the religion of the Roman Empire.  Then corrupted the Koran in various ways.  An intelligent, evil, otherworldly presence wrote the Bible.  Change my mind.

You’ve been so very much lied to and so have your ancestors throughout history. The people that wrote down the history were the only ones that knew how to write and as people began t0 learn to read they were only allowed to read the Bible. Histories of all the conquered peoples were burned and destroyed. You need to fully understand that there is a point of light leading away from the darkness. The light of the Statue of Liberty. The lamp of Libertas.        

Like Orwell’s 1984, history was changed as it suited the monarchies and their protestant and catholic lackeys. Censorship? Well, the Spaniards only destroyed 496 of the 500 Mayan codex’s. Big brother has been here all along. Now in 2010 it is still here. Christians and Islamofascists---they have their eye on you and if we allow heretics to be harassed, it’s over.         There is no hell and to Satan I say “In your eye with a custard pie, Lucifer.” Satan is a lie and there is no hell my friends, Kiss my ass Satan. We cannot base public policy on Satan and the machinations of evil. There is enough evil right here on this sphere of reality.                                                                                                                           

      Here are some more viewpoints that I hope cut through the fog of deception and half-truths that will fill our media in 2011. As I mentioned it will be presented by Fux News that there is some ‘Great Awakening’ going on and I’m going to quote conservative historian Richard Hofstadter from his book, ‘America in 1750‘ about the original Great Awakening to start educating you about it.

          Richard Hofstadter, “With the end of religious wars and extreme persecution, the rise of mercantile cosmopolitanism and a more affluent and luxurious life, had taken some of the terror out of existence. In America, it had not been long since (slaveholder and witch executioner Cotton) Mather had seen the Protestant Vanguard as leading a direct assault on Satan’s wilderness bastion, the cooling of religion could be felt, and men, even clergymen, leaned unmistakably to Enlightenment heresies. A society that was beginning to produce deistical leaders would soon affect the solid middle class, whose members wanted the best and latest of everything, including freedom of thought.”  


Freedom of thought is One of those pagan virtues that was enshrined in our constitution. Our founding revolutionaries were conservative, but didn’t allow religious bugaboo to cloud the clarity of thought.

This is what right wing Christian conservatives aren’t getting, the founding fathers were masons, and the rigors of intellectual elasticity and curiosity allowed them to perceive that there was a reason there were so many goddesses in Greek mythology.  Believing in the Bible was a straight jacket for those of nimble intellect.

          Here is Richard Hofstadter describing the conditions of the 13 colonies at the time of the Great Awakening, a dangerous time. “New England pastors, growing desperate, would even hope at times that a smallpox or diphtheria epidemic or perhaps an earthquake would prod the people into a revival.”

Americans continue to become more logical and educated, but still we have to live with this Christian fantasy of a great battle between good and evil. Soon, they said. We can’t know when, but soon, I was told back in the seventies. The other religions are not talking about war, but Dharma, Harmony, Community, and maybe we need to give them a listen. They have miracles all the time too ya know. Even Atheists are experiencing miracles, except they call them, random designated realities.                  

Get lost ya mugs, and just remember fellow patriots---Liberty will always be in ascendance over religion in the United States, or there will not be a United States.


             As a youth I argued with my parents about nearly every aspect of Catholicism. There was so much of it I couldn't respect, even as a ten-year-old and  I was finally allowed to stop going to church at the age of 14 and therefore doomed to the fires of HELL.

     The infallibility of the Pope was a doctrine completely incompatible with my true belief that I had developed as a young teen.  The tenets of the American Constitution and the founding documents of America, and the separation of church and state made sense. The constitution was my religion. It didn't choose me, I chose it.

       Afterwards, my mother always said at the least, I could say the rosary. A way to keep me in the fold but it became the thread I used to fuse Paganism and Mary. There was a lot of mystery about it, I figured, and it was a bit like chanting, a la 70's eastern spirituality. In the 70's and 80's, it was said Mary and her earthly visits were about peace, keep praying the rosary, pray for peace. Without the Rosary, I never would have experienced my own personal miracle of the brown scapula.

     Pray for peace and pray to reach into the hearts of the evil Soviet Union was the effort for three decades. This is what my mother told me, and this was what many millions believed. So, we prayed for a peaceful, velvet revolution in Russia and that is exactly what happened.

       Millions of us prayed and the power of prayer is something that is difficult to study, but being the Unitarian Pagan Taoist Catholic Atheist that I am, I've never felt uncomfortable about the rosary; a series of prayers to the Blessed Mother. The Lady of the Rosary. No skin offa my nose.

      Frankly, there are 200 books I would rather read than the Bible, and I truly believe if there was a second coming of Jesus, he would denounce the Vatican and devastate WASPy fundamentalism. He's one of my 23 gods because Jesus is just all right by me. He certainly would vehemently demand justice for the indigenous North Americans who were abused, murdered and raped in Canadian schools. WTF, you people!

       When I was 12 or so in 1966, 2 important events were taking place: Vatican 2 and its controversies were in the news, and the Beatles stopped touring to focus on studio work.  Less important on the world scene, I was preparing for my confirmation at that time and I chose Paul as my confirmation name in honor of Paul McCartney. So I became John Paul (Anthony Almada) in Catholic parlance.  The Mass was being read in English after Vatican 2, and a large majority approved.

       Then it was the 70's and I was a logical young atheist who delighted in confounding the christians who were like buzzards looking for dead souls to consume and convert. Legions of programmed converts intent on harvesting weak minds for their army of thought control zombies. 

        In '75 I went out with a Pentacostalist woman and I observed the heart of the Protestant evangelical nonsense. I was told the rapture was coming and all that ...soon... I better give myself over to Jesus to save my soul. “How soon” I asked? “We can’t know the time, but it will be very soon” I was told…..38 years ago.

        That relationship fizzled out when I was not able to speak in tongues. I was always skeptical of all religion, calling myself an agnostic, then along came Pope John Paul the 1st, who died shortly after becoming Pope, and then John Paul the 2nd was chosen. He had the Mother Mary thing going, and I related to that, the one last thread of my Catholicism.

       He and I were both John Paul so, hey, maybe this Pope won't be so bad.   In 1981 he was waving to the crowd and as he turned to what he believed was a vision of Mary (Mary imprinted on a t-shirt, he was never sure) his hand deflected the bullet headed for his heart, a movement that saved his life. And what did he say after being shot? Miracle Man authenticating Mother Mary for our modern times by saying, "Mary, my Mother" just after being shot and shortly before passing out from his injuries.

        So here is my namesake John Paul the second, he recovers, forgives his shooter, Ali Agca, and then visits him in prison. He then proceeded to put the weight of the Catholic Church behind Lech Walesa and the defiance of the Soviet Union during the shipyard strike in 1980.  which was the first domino to fall with the soviet union. THE pivotal moment that began the downfall of the evil empire, the coral colony of communist corruption and coercion. So, no shit, we prayed for peace and got it. Not getting assassinated was a miracle. I'll certify it.

         In America, we protest and fight and disagree and keep it real, but the Soviets were barbaric tyrants with no relevance for liberty seeking people. Those who went against the Commies were poisoned, assassinated and disappeared. It was the ultimate bravery to call for a General Strike. 

Let’s recall the first trade union in the USSR, Solidarity. Lech Walesa and the first Polish Pope kicking their ass.

        Let’s recall that during all this, Pope John Paul 2 was shot on May 13th in 1981. I truly believe we all prayed the rosary enough to save JP2's life, Mary's greatest miracle, and the Soviet empire began to fall as a consequence. It was a metaphysical photo finish as the Goddess decides we don't need WW3 to teach us a lesson.    

Reagan busted the federal budget with weapons in the 80's, like a spoiled rich kid, and the rights Muslim, neo-con ally, Osama Bin Laden, held off the Ruski’s for ten years in Afghanistan, which financially finished them off. 

         Finally, the Berlin wall fell with Reagan taking credit and glad handing with the press, but the true hero was the Pope. JP2 took the gloves off and challenged the communists directly with the full weight of the Church behind him in 1980. It took years for the dissatisfaction with communism to manifest into protest, but it all happened.  Theoretically and theocratically, he shouldn't have done what he did, but he did and it’s done.

         No other Pope would have done that. Heavenly intervention? He knew. He knew the real prophecy. Not many know about the three secrets of Fatima.

         Fatima is a story you may or may not know about, but the third secret of Fatima is a fascinating story and my cliff notes version of it is this: Cardinal RATzinger presented what is reputed to be a phony third secret, an indecipherable obfuscation, 40 years after the promised release of the third secret of Fatima.

        This revelation was a personal disappointment, but John Paul 2nd continued insisted on seeing it. Then, keeping the real prophecy to himself, even reaching out to many pagan groups, praying with them.  My parents openly talked about the third secret of Fatima and I believe the pope knew that the female wisdom was coming. Sophia Gaia Fatima Diana, whatever you call her, the divine feminine is  poised to bring equality.

         Pope Ratzinger (Benedict the 16th), is a deceptive liar: (clue: zingers are devil’s food cake) who was so traditional, he didn't think people should know the actual secret which states the mother of us all is an embracing and ancient female earth spirit.

        These perfect prefects kept the secret from even the Popes. This is why Benedict became Pope, to prevent the return of the ancient mother and the Goddesses. The Doomsday Hound was cornered. But that’s a story for another day.


“anarchy is the absence of coercion”

        Communism and Capitalism are failing and we need to                    come up with something else, something for the world. 

Yes this is the same Market Socialism as in Section Two. Important to me and may in this one I can condense it somewhat.

The road to anarchy will be wrought with confounding battle royales. Not a chaotic anarchy as you’ve been led to believe, but anarchy as self-rule and managing ourselves in our various communities, while keeping common local markets open for small business and household industry.  The struggle will be with the despots and corporate special interests. Authority and Monopoly.

Now that the rich have saved trillions of dollars in hidden off shore accounts for us, we can use this stolen labor (profit)to create the Infrastructure Initiative of 2022  (II22) Envision something great for every one of us to use in the next 50 years in an expanded and expansive safety net, and a beautiful and enduring hardscape.  We can create abundance AND create a new economic system that gives more than it takes. A system that creates abundance without mining the earth and clear cutting ancient forests.

One way to start would be to sell half of our military bases, the ones furthest away from American ports, keep it closer to home, right? The Constitutional mandate is for “a common defence”, not an international death star. Closing 450 of the 900 overseas bases would not make us any weaker.

The Republicans want to eliminate things we all own in common such as the National Parks.  Eventually in the future it will be understood that no one owns the water. Everything has to be owned insist the goons and lackeys for the rich.  Communists Stalin Genocide booga Booga.

The languid and miasmic political will of the last 35 years has to be put aside and then we can finally have a go at a New America without the white-collar parasites this time.  It’s time to roll ‘em up and get down to work to preserve our wild lands forever and to create a covenant of caring for all people.  Last chance for you Democrats in 2020, third party otherwise, how long can we go kicking the can down the road?

We’ll be initiating the construction of a real infrastructure with immense areas set aside for barter and small business. Community spaces where the majority of us can set up our small business or non-profit enterprise. Free spaces for all to use and an interesting way to illustrate Market Socialism.  Giant parks for people where they can stay for free as they vacation. A secure safe place for those living out of their cars. The people with jobs that don’t pay enough to make rent. 

A new infrastructure program would focus on the rural areas abandoned when the interstates went in.  Cities and towns in the rust belt that the steel industry left behind. The towns along Rt 66 that saw economic activity flatten when the large chain stores destroyed millions of small businesses in small towns. Corporations destroyed American craftsmanship when they sent jobs overseas to be made by dollar a day labor.

A ginormous infrastructure program will not be an outrageous notion once people realize we could have all this by penalizing the gangrenous greed of corporate America and its stockholder enablers. Taxing Wall Street and the churches and accumulated wealth. Not current income.

In the much-delayed total infrastructure rebuilding program, there will be lots of work for engineers and designers, and good paying jobs for boots on the ground.  A real infrastructure for ALL OF US to have access to, AND a unifying coast to coast effort to show everyone in the world how it’s done.  Deconstruct this 700-BILLION-dollar military that has brought peace to no one and power overwhelming for the Nazis running the United States.

There is plenty of money once people wake up to the illusion of prosperity that is capitalism. Why isn’t there emergency housing for natural disasters and tornado shelters in every vulnerable town? Where are the evacuation facilities for seniors and people with special needs during weather disasters? What about the many terrified people trying to survive an approaching hurricane?

  Am I the only one who sees America as a war mongering bully abroad and a callous band of hucksters at home?

We will create a country that cares for every one with a real infrastructure, with new humungous rest areas on the highways for vacationers and people living out of their vehicles.  Instead of paying for soldiers to patrol foreign streets, we can have our jobless citizens train to be security and grounds personnel in what will be a greatly expanded national Park Service and the aforementioned rural recreation hubs.

Our new infrastructure commons will have lots of public land available for recreation and small business commerce.  How do we pay for it? Tax the largest landowners.  If they cry when they sell properties, have handkerchiefs handy. There is a land grab by the largest banks and the nefarious oligarchs in their quest to own everything while you have nothing. Banks and foreign interests are buying up as many homes as possible and a Congress with any guts would be investigating this.

When we say the two parties are the same we mean THE PEOPLE as such, are not represented.

Clearly, large corporations were the only ones considered for our interstates and we can fix that. Oil and Gas subsidies have to end so alternatives can come online which will be available. You’ll see that $5 a gallon is where the price will settle in.

Market Socialism is refunding what needs funding. Cut 30 billion from the military and put that into a national bus system where everyone rides for free. Instead of one employee at a large rest area, that are generally widely spaced, we could have ten people in a larger rural hub running security and facilities.

State roads can be enhanced wherever possible. Habitat set aside anywhere near where roads are built. Purchased for all of us to own. This is what the rural red hats need to understand. It’s not Socialism per se, but common ownership. With everything developed there’s no where to go, the commons has been stolen from us. We decide this decade if a handful of people and corporations own everything and call the shots or we decentralize into Small business based Bioregional civic groups is all that should be needed in the United States.

All that “means of production” nonsense is just out of touch white people making things more complicated than they need to be. Grumpy people with carbuncles say the darndest things.

 We build the roads now to integrate wildlife back into our lives with modifications to enable animal and pollinator migrations. Fallow farms replanted with wildflowers and permaculture orchards. Destroyed city blocks cleared of debris, remineralized and replanted and tiny homes for the homeless. Time to tax the landlords more severely. Not Doris renting out her back room but billo the clown who bought 50 homes after the housing crisis of 2008/9.

I’m not going to complain without offering solutions of course. Taxing Gasoline at their source of production (the refineries) and taxing plastic at the site of their production could become a good income stream, till we can complete a grid that will allow Americans to be free of government, and free of the large corporations, who have no intention of allowing healthy ecosystems. We have to force them to do it today!

We can power and feed and rule without the monopolistic corporations and the coral colonies of government.  George Washington said government is like fire. A useful servant but a terrible boss. Religion Government Monopolies. The American people have become servile and weak, languid and meek.

The people can use the government today to create the structure that will make us less dependent on government tomorrow!

 Instead of hard-fought incremental safeguards for the public the next 20 years, just tax these bastards at the source of our misery.  Tax the refineries and tariff imported plastic. We don’t need more tolls and fees, what we need are pipeline taxes.  Duh, tax the rich, they wonder why we’re not! Knock down all these toll booths, you’re holding up the working person. Just tax the churches and every toll booth can be closed. How crazy is it that there is a toll booth at the end of every giant bridge.

I had been pushing the idea of a LUXURY TAX and I was happy to note a presidential candidate also suggesting this idea finally.  Unimaginable wealth has been accumulated, and like a rich harvest of fruit, we need to juice it and use it before it becomes a pile of rotting compost.

In contrast to most, I don’t think we should tax this years high income earners. These are the people who are doing the best in this current climate.  They’re doing something right, even of its ethically wrong. Tax total assets, once people accumulate more than 35 million dollars. No one is earning that shit. The tax-free stock market is basically stolen wages and/or depleted resources. Everyone with more than 20 million dollars of equity cash or stocks has to report to the government.

Here’s one for the Libertarians. Wouldn’t it be more efficient to tax a million of the richest people instead of all the employees and forms needed to tax the 100 million least wealthy? Small business owners spend way too much time on paperwork. Corporations are large enough to afford teams of lawyers and squads of accountants to take care of that. There are ways to make a flat tax system work.

Tax 1% of all assets the first year.  A One percent tax on total assets over 20 million dollars is a modest proposal.  Where we make the money is we also tax businesses with more than 60 million in assets. Or whatever. Everything above that taxed at 1% the first year. At the same time we can have our Progressive Senators and a re-animated Congress to eliminate corporate loopholes. 

This LUXURY TAX will go up one percentage point, per year, TILL THE NATIONAL DEBT IS PAID, AND OUR BUDGET IS BALANCED! Therefore, 2%  the second year. 3% the third and on and on.  Turning the pressure up slowly, it’s in everyone’s best interest to eliminate the national debt. Much of the national debt goes to banks and their usurious interest anyways, but then we can tax THEM and we keep the money flowing through the economy with an infrastructure system for all for the next fifty years.   

 If we are smart, no wealth will escape taxation. Instead of the poor reporting every asset and every detail of their life to qualify for indigent aid, and instead of every small business having to keep every receipt of every transaction while burdened with burdensome regulations. Knock down all those toll booths and petty license fees, you’re holding up the working person.  28th amendment. Tax accumulated wealth till the national debt is paid.  I shouldn’t have to use caps lock to make my point.

The lawyer/lobbyists have hijacked the United States and they like to find every kind of way to make your life more expensive and inconvenient.  They will do whatever possible to keep you from accumulating any assets, while they amass their dragon hoards. There has been unimaginable damage to OUR countryside by thousands of pipelines that destroy nature but enhance stock portfolios.    

      This will be just a start in our national recognition of who we really are. Americans are not heartless opportunists, only those who speak for us on the global stage seem to be.

Is it about energy and national security, or is it actually about profits and market control with a government run by corporations?  I think our global effort to not let the earth get poisoned, will be about curtailing the abuse that automobile, airplane and truck exhaust has done to the life that was on this planet.  Yes, keep it in the ground for the thousands of generations unborn. On the other hand we aren’t going to let fragile ecosystems get torn up with Lithium mining.

Artificially low prices from resource thieves have undercut all competitors and destroyed the fine network of small businesses that were in existence up until WW2 in the United States, and that is called a monopolistic control.  Money didn’t grow on trees they joked after the war and today I add, Money was trees.  Far too many of them. Drastic degradations of all the mini ecosystems that are part of bigger systems such as watersheds. For instance, buying a beautiful forest to clear-cut it has to be considered theft.  I mean come on; this has been going on for hundreds of years nearly all the ancient trees are gone.

Capitalism has created an illusion of prosperity. Houses filled with priceless junk and “what am I going to do with all this stuff?”

‘Just get a storage space, Joe’

People hunger for battle with the oligarchs and the first thing we need to do is take out all the tax loopholes in place for the Oil and Gas industry.  Then get ready to ride the scariest ride on earth, “The Vicissitudes of The Market.” It’s not even about global warming, but the pollution of everything. Have international no fly days so we can see the old blue-sky return. 2-22-22.

  Replace the whole withholding tax nonsense and its attendant bureaucracy with a federal Property Tax for all billionaires and billion-dollar corporations. Create a global effort in all 200+ countries, to expose ALL the hidden income everywhere, so the wealthy have nowhere to hide. Let the mighty be taxed mightily as it’s said in the bible. Let the people be united and strong and be ready for a mass unionization of the world. The John Deere strike is setting the precedent.

 Go ahead, tell me why that’s ridiculous or impractical Mr. Libertarian. Taxing ten people instead of 1000 would certainly streamline government, wouldn’t it? This is where your basic income starts. What can be afforded, and the destitute and homeless first. $300 for a start.  




        This time we win. Profit is theft from the workers who produced the product and every worker in the world needs to understand this. The age of Piratical Profiteers is over if we want it to be. We hunger for battle. The workers are ready.

Self-government is where Socialists AND Capitalists both fear to tread.  How do you do it with the super structure of excessive government that is already in place, and a placated public happy with the status quo of corporatism and child slave-labor derived products such as chocolate? A billion working poor people around the world, making products for the entitled Lord Fauntleroy’s of America.  

Bioregionalism is one of the tools to break free of all the previous inhumane paradigms. Another concern of mine is the red and black, the communists trying to usurp another movement it seems. Why we still dragging (Marx)around? We got remineralization of the soil to be concerned about and carbon and sulfur rates accelerating and we have to drag around someone who did not write a single word about the environment?

Russell Means has some thorough and earth loving things to say, regarding our world and he is much more relevant to the modern worker. Particularly in regards to marx, which is just more white privilege in his mind, and I agree.  Just more of that old white bullshit.

Didn't Karl Marx's mommy make his lunch and bring him anti biotics for his carbuncles? He could barely walk to the bakery by himself he was so feeble minded. (Something someone told me privately.) But it’s well known his children loved him, which is good enough for some people. But seriously, how about labor theory from this century? Or maybe even a more recent century? In the early 1900’s, Eugene Debs was a great socialist and ran for President from jail and got quite a few votes.

 Recall "fightin’” Bob LaFollette, Progressive governor of Wisconsin, who actually implemented Progressive ideals into action and reform starting in 1900.  He reportedly had no carbuncles.

One person to accomplish advances for workers was Cesar Chavez. Strikes for better wages also made the general public aware of the problem of underpaid workers.  Are there are no other theorists for the workers revolution? Maybe someone who goes outside once in a while and recognizes an impending climate disaster? It turns out people don’t care and workers seem too servile today to demand better pay. Maybe the spirit has been beaten out of them. 

Why couldn’t American furniture makers compete during the 70’s? You don’t compete with 25 cent an hour-workers in Asia, that’s why. Therefore, an important part of Market Socialism would be to boycott companies that don’t pay, not just a living wage, but a thriving wage, in any part of the world.  This is where boycotts can slay the giant.

We can't raise the minimum wage high enough here, till workers around the world make more.  Simple fact, prove me wrong. Just an aside here, but did you ever notice the most frantic recyclers are the ones who seem to be addicted to buying things online?

 American, European and Asian companies have enslaved a billion people who now live in poverty, abject or otherwise, making nifty products and priceless junk for people with white collar jobs.

         Sadly, it was American corporations that threw American workers under the bus by moving factories overseas. My dad worked at the Royal typewriter factory for 20 years and was a victim in 1972 of unemployment, when the company moved to England for the low paid, desperate workers.  In the 80’s, the Royal McBee moved to Asia for the extremely low wages there.

          It has been a pity that The Left has been stuck on the chalkboard Utopia of communism, and hinged to its rapacious Stalinist sideboard. It's the Green and Black baby, Americans are never going to call themselves communists. Blue collar environmentalist’s maybe.

     I don’t care how many quotes of marx or “books I should read” you throw at me.  The Blue Green and Pink could become Americas largest demographic. Pink, Green and Blue collar united as one. Workers around the world creating unity without hierarchy. You know what pink collar is, right?

Companies abandoned America in the 70's in order to take advantage of the reckless breeding in India and China and Bangladesh that created far too many people in large part, because of its misnamed “green revolution”. In their desperate struggle to feed their children, these people are willing to work for 15 cents an hour 15 hours a day.  How do you compete with that? You should be banning plastic products made with pennies per hour labor, not purchasing them.  Place a tariff on all plastic products.      

Boycott companies who are not fair to their workers. These people need jobs you say but I’m telling you these people had jobs in the market socialism that existed in most markets in the world. These were autonomously run markets that communism and capitalism trampled over in the 1900’s.

At least try to source your purchases, because boycotts will be swinging from the cleanup spot in the big game. The mouths of these lawyer/lobbyist/leeches move when they run for office, but nothing changes, so it’s up to Progressive Greens and Independents to stomp on the accelerator of reform.  The dnc donkey is dead and  rigor mortis is settling into the entire body politic.


Like Islam, it should seem obvious that extreme forms of Marxism will never work in this country. We have to make everything uniquely our own and that’s what people have forgotten.   America IS different but no longer exceptional, with the right wing coup eating us alive like a tapeworm. They purposely bog down Progressives with fruitless battles, that should never have been fought in the first place.

Mass corporate hegemony of the Republican/Democrat, Wall Street Power Structure continues to feast on the pavement pelts of small business Main Street. Ironically, a minimum wage for all will be the final nail in the coffin of small business. It has to be a progressive or escalating minimum wage. Ten for small business (under a million dollars of sales and income), 13 for medium(over a million) and 16 for billion dollar corporations.

I signed a petition for $15 an hour minimum yesterday and found out it is going to go up a dollar a year and that’s something to work with to create a small business revival. I would suggest capping a small business minimum wage at ten dollars an hour with small business being one that generates less than a 100,000 dollars in sales or income. Leave small business alone. Let people make 10 thousand dollars before taxation.

             American Progressives, Greens and Independents are poised to lead the world out of its miasma of greed, but this never ending, left/right tennis match (back and forth back and forth), has kept Americans distracted the last 35 years. Marx or Mussolini?  What will it be? The Left has to abandon Marx to gain any credibility with the American worker, that’s all I’m saying. On the right, the GOP is what Mussolini had in mind.

The billionaires have shown their hand, they’ve chosen Benito’s  corporate run government and they don’t care if we all die and everyone knows it now.  They are stripping the earth without any regard to the 100 billion people that will be born on this planet during the next 5000 years.

The workers revolution will be inevitable once the Steam Age academics of Marxism have been replaced and Republicans have been deloused and deprogrammed from the brainwashing of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
           How do you like that? We need unionism, not Marxism. Marx is insightful, but not useful. Does he really have to be the face of socialism? A man who didn't work or bathe? People are not inclined to malign Marx online and I don’t know why not, but I do know an American will never call themselves a communist. Sorry Tom and others, I’ve worked with a lot of people in three corners of this country and Americans will never call themselves communists. Never.



Down here in the underpaid working world we have adjusted in many ways to the vagaries of the market. Capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich is the system we have.

Bankruptcy and foreclosure, aw too bad say the bankers who are gouging the American worker with interest. Should be a crime, used to be.

For instance, in a world awash in excessive clothing, manufactured by 25 cent an hour workers, we go to thrift stores now to buy much of our clothing in 2022. I buy three dollars shirts and pants on the regular and they are normally only nominally worn.  I got storm shoes and a nice pair of shorts for less than $5.  We go to Dollar Stores and church rummage sales and reliable second hand exchanges. We love bargains, but let the buyer beware with the guy that has the frozen shrimp in his trunk though, we all have our particular discernments.

The whole scene is changing from below.  There are more distribution sites from groups that are taking in food.   If you can turn over a ton of food with volunteer labor in thousands of sites, we can begin to lessen the reliance on government programs and eliminate as much waste as is practically possible. The problem with the bush and t***p tax cuts for billionaires, was that the wealthy were theoretically supposed to step up with more charitable donations, and of course a handful have, but the dark heart of capitalism always says, “no thanks not today, the guest house needs new furniture.”

I noticed on my 3300 mile journey to find America, most local gas stations were now selling local products. I bought a Pumpkin Turnover to die for and Apple Butter somewhere else at a reasonable price. I noticed home-made items standing near the register in many places.  The Apple butter was so good I drank that shit right out of the bottle when I needed a snack while I was driving.


My point being is that we are drifting back towards buying locally sourced products again, Market Socialism, if we possibly can. We are buying hand-made quilts for xmas presents. We buy reconditioned bicycles. The over credentialed, over certified white-collar world isn’t going to rule us with their stuffed and mounted academic validations forever.

  I would have each person exempt from taxation for the first $10,000 dollars of income, and $25,000 for small business.  In addition, we would lift the cap on social security from $106,000 to $a gazillion. Let everybody make a little money … for crying out loud, and give them food stamps if they need them and every person who has no permanent address but a social security number, a basic income. Make the Republicans fill the social security fund back up. Let the billionaires give back what they stole from the languid, complacent, servile, no longer unionized American. See how that works?

  Socialist Eugene Debs actually went shoulder to shoulder with the workers and spent nights in jail as needed.  Progressive ‘fightin’ Bob LaFollette, in his role as governor of Wisconsin in 1900, actually implemented Progressive Pro Worker ideals into action and reform. There was a second revolution in the United States and it was called the Progressive Era.

There are no other theorists for the workers revolution? How about someone who goes outside once in a while and recognizes an impending environmental disaster when they see it. People simply don’t talk about marx. I’ve worked in three corners of this country. To thousands of plumbers and gardeners and property managers and security guards and administrators and store managers and even homeless people I find sleeping in the bushes. Not a one of them talked about Marx. The working people don’t talk about Marxism, they talk about what is going on in their life.

The maids, the sandwich makers, the floor polishers, the CNA’s, your finishers your starters, the kitchen crew and clerical staff. Gardeners get around, we are usually the last to go onto a project and people unload their problems. The ferry captains, the car washers turned computer techs, the vegetable growers and organic chicken egg producers. I can’t ever remember talking about marx, but we did talk a lot about unions. First I saw a union go in in 1975 and later we decried the disappearing unions in the 80’s.      

  America IS different and no longer exceptional with the right wing coup eating us alive like a tapeworm and we need more than Marx to stem the tide.  Small business has been destroyed and a minimum wage for all will be the final nail in the coffin of small business but we could have a cap for small business as I mentioned previously. Call it an apprentice wage.

Progressives, Greens and Independents are poised to lead the world out of its miasma but the left/right tennis match (back and forth back and forth) Marx or Mussolini? The billionaires have shown their hand, and they don’t care if we all die and everyone knows it now.  They are stripping the earth without regard to the trillion people that will be born on this planet the next 50000 years. Leave it in the ground.

  Make a showcase for ending government intrusion of the market place with these market-based community centers. Really, why can't I sell produce from my house? Land of the Free? It doesn't sound like it. We are strangling from an over-tweaked, law debilitated paralysis that destroys too many small businesses and keeps communities separated socially.  We are dependent on 8 companies to feed us, fuel us, fleece us and forget US. The four F’s.

 MYSTORY OF METAL    Metal energizes all of rock and roll. My view from the beginning.


From thee the river flows

What hath Ozzie wrought?

Heavy Metal, like the ice breaker tearing across the ice, opens the road to new innovations; always pushing hard, sometimes over the edge and never standing still for too long. Pop music remains content to use traditional and popular structure, dwelling on the ubiquitous love song and derivative riffs stolen from rock and roll. Mainstream rock music cops metal riffs and the crushing beats from previous years metal, and this will keep rock and roll alive.

            We are the metalloids, magnetized by the metal.   I wanted to point out we are all going to have our favorites and my metal may be a little PG for most metal snobs who love brutal 24/7.  How can you have a Top 100 with all brutal compositions that most people can barely understand?  I am not going to consider Cannibal Corpse or Rotting Christ as worthy of my Top 100. Just gross, that’s why. I aspire to nuanced metal song construction and won’t tolerate violent lyrics. Except like Motley Crue’s Shout at the Devil album.

            Going back in time and sifting through my memories of heavy guitar rock, I remember holding my breath the first time I heard "Cry for a Shadow" by the Beatles. There was such a perfect guitar sound. This was what I was looking for, listening for, that is. (add cry for a shadow here.)

      In 1964, the Beatles entire catalog was being played on the radio and the Instrumental “Cry for a Shadow” broke out of the Pop Music formula as a Beatles instrumental. It was the sound my core was looking for and was all about the guitar.  The song managed to make the top forty briefly and I would listen to the radio every hour I could, in order to hear it again. Then it dropped out of the survey like a second flush and I couldn't believe it.  Listening to it these days, it seems like a prototype Blue Oyster Cult song. It was the first song with elements of metal.  Convince me I’m wrong.

            The Kinks were proto-metal as far as I am concerned. It was in the guitar, the sonic siren leading to a lifetime of metal addiction. Fifth chords to the center of the earth.   The Avant Garde scene was noodling around the boundaries of what was possible thereby opening the door to psychedelic rock. Pop songs such as Hot Smoke and Sassafras and Journey to the Center of the Mind condensed the power of proto metal into a 3 minute pop song.    

   Garage Rock has always been the birthing ground for metal, poor-ass motherfuckers out to create a noise louder than there’s ever been before.  The garage is our cave, I guess, it could be seen in retrospect. The 4 dudes of Black Sabbath emerged from their caves on the gritty end of industrial Birmingham England, and woke the world up with a new genre. They must top my list of top 100 METAL MASTERPIZZAS and so I asked myself a very important Black Sabbath fan question, and that is what was their best tune, ever? 

"Warning" from the first album is #1 on my list is my #1, the Rosetta Stone of how metal was created, illustrating the link that separated rock and roll from the blues to create the dark sound we were craving.

 #2 favorite song of all time is "Cities on Flame" by Blue oyster Cult.  In 1971, East Coast Garage rock met English Heavy Metal in Blue Oyster Cults first album. Cities on Flame was a wake up call to Americans to have a counter revolution as another British Invasion began, led by Black Sabbath.

I went to very few concerts as a youth, but managed to see Blue Oyster Cult early in their career when they were still billed as ‘formerly known as the "Soft White Underbelly" because the New Jersey band had regularly toured Connecticut in previous years. 

Alice Cooper, MC5, Blue Cheer, the Stooges, were some of the notable American bands that were active when Sabbath came on the scene, and there was a genre busting fray in the early seventies. Cream Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix certainly have metal songs but Sabbath took their machete to find new lands.  Grand Funk Railroad’s “I don’t have to sing the blues no more” was rock in its hard rock way, but its misogynistic lyrics make the song impossible to update.

   When I first started this Mystory of Metal chapter, it was 2003 and Napster was great fun at the time.  I finally found every song I had ever wanted to hear, and We engaged in (file sharing) finding one interesting song after another. From “London Bridge” for my 7 year old, to “London Calling.” As a sidenote I bought more music during the Napster period that I had in the previous ten years. Support your keepers and support the system that allows file sharing. I don’t even know if people do that anymore. They stream now and music is getting steamed homogenized and packaged.

My boys didn’t listen to the cornball nonsense they make kids listen to, the oldest gravitating to various hardcores and the youngest discovering Rage Against The Machine and others in 2004 when he was 8.  Eight year olds don't get depressed. You can be Emo when you're older, you're only young and innocent once. Learn the difference between Iron Fist and Iron Maiden. Then Guitar Hero came out in November 2005 featuring all the great metal works of the past. Probably the best game ever invented.

These eight year olds grow up and become dudes and get obsessed with one interest or another. I let my boys flow where they wanted though made it known my disgust for some bands. Misogyny and Violence suck out loud. Skate boards, slot car racing, lifting weights and I guess playing games for the younger folks.  In olden days, 14 year olds got married and became apprentices for 7 years as was the habit back then, and it seemed a grim time. No IPod to cut the boredom as you worked long hours. They’re young now but they are the first generation to be complexly computer immersed and as elders will grumpily note, “it wasn’t like that back in my day.”

As it says in “Working in a Coal Mine”,  “when night time comes I’m too tired for having fun.” Then dudes are told in their 20’s, 'A happy wife is a happy life!' and as young adults they think "Oh my fucking God, it's over."  

Metal is the acid in the face of bullshit.

I find the dead (all dead all dead Queen) thank you little buddy. Find your power and use it.

             We are irresistibly drawn to Metal by some primitive gene that is deeply embedded in our behavior. The link between our head and our heart. Drawn together by chanting and insistent drumming throughout the centuries, human expression is now drawn together by the guitar. Nazis switched the something or other to 440 after it had been inexact previously but primarily 432.  Now after 45 years of metal the guitar reigns as the greatest INSTRUMENT of all time and Metal is the greatest art form of all time. Or maybe it's just the creative part of Rock and Roll. We can discuss the future of 432 and the metal revolution that will sweep the world in the near future.

         Gravity is not a theory. The older ones of us remember the British Invasion. Ears were opened to the hard guitar of The Kinks and the Sonic explosions of The Who and the psychedelic birth of hard rock in 1966.  One truth most will agree to is that the album Black Sabbath 1 is the birth of actual metal in 1970. Though I may discuss "The Dude Culture" and 'dudes will be dudes', I am of the opinion that the more women that become dudes, the better we all will be.

          Some dude hears a womans voice singing and go, "that's not metal" making that wing of the Heavy Metal Movement as misogynist as any Republican Country Club. I hope by now with Arch Enemy and Battle Beast and Jinger and many other combos led by women, these snobs can get over themselves. That same dude hears an organ and says, “that’s not metal”, so I want you to know metal is what you make it.

Dudes gather in their caves(garages) and light our amps on fire creating warmth and making sense of an obviously fucked up world. 

A world where the future was to be a faceless fiduciary or a toiling miner and it didn’t look good either way. Dudes grow and learn and there are many stages. One is their active thread in the fabric of our culture. Actually it’s our culture, the dude culture.

 An ancient and insistent beat, there has been a return to chanting and drumming and grooving as we tune into the hum of the earth.  I've got my eye out for the next big phase of metal and looking for bigger outfits with more percussion and chanting and singing. The Solfeggio Frequencies is something to look into. Punk energy and Metal chops continue to propel rock and roll into the future.  Rockabilly is the beating heart of metal prepared to meld with metal.


 California garage rock was reaching an apex of innovation and was spinning off sub genres and gave us glimpses of genres to come in the early and mid-60’s for those infected with the hard guitar bug. You can still hear the influences of California garage rock today. The Monterrey Jazz Festival of 1967 was an explosion of inventive music from many categories. It created the cauldron of creativity from 1967-1973 for American Music. This era also signaled an American dominance of the charts by people who had been enthralled with the British Invasion 64-66. East Coast garage rock was never derivative of West Coast and tended towards punk and a stripped-down version of Rock.

            In tiny little England, they tended not to have garages and garage bands, but they did have sheds old metal buildings and The Yardbirds. The second wave of the British Invasion began in ‘67. Rock and Roll dropped its Blues base and evolved the next three years into Heavy Metal, Black Sabbaths first album marked where a new important branch began to grow on the Rock and Roll Tree of Life. The song "Warning" on Black Sabbath 1 showed all the ingredients Tony Iommi used to forge this new weapon against Conformity.  Please go and give a listen to my #1 song on my Top 100 Metal Masterpizzas on YouTube.

            Controversies. Progressive Rock is not metal.  To other snobs, a keyboard also disqualifies the metal designation.  Good musicianship is discounted as self indulgent excess.  Drummers can make a band metal with Carl Palmer(ELP) and Bill Bruford(Yes) and Billy Cobham(Mahavishnu) John Bonham (Zeppelin) all influenced by jazz but created the big beat sound.



            Unlike the former #1 instrument, the piano, guitars have more harmonics and scales and you can beeeend the notes.  Always artistically inspired, unlike pop music which is profit inspired. Pop Music is weighed down with a preponderance of love songs which gets quite tiring quicly for a dude looking for raw energy. How many times can you fall in love and have your heart broken?  Pop music sucks.

We are the Metalloids, magnetized by the Metal and the searing melodic screaming guitar is our siren call. Avoid the rock and sail into the Unknown. Joints, beers, torn clothing and the Blue Jeans Army emerged in the seventies and the concert hardcore was born.

Iron Butterfly had emerged in '68 and it was like, "dude, listen to this."   Seemingly stripped of the Blues, it was in the Psychedelic Metal category, as was Hendrix. This is the reason Led Zeppelin is not considered the first metal band. Metal is stripped of the Blues despite Blues being located in our metal genome. Garage Rock continued to churn out innovation, and sub genres littered the sonicsphere. East Coast Garage rock was never as big as west coast but was never derivative.  The English hardly had room for garages and soon a third British invasion began.

The etymology of Dude goes back to the Wild West and also became ghetto slang for friend, compadre, buddy or brother. mocking the “King of the Dudes”. When the brothers adopted 'brother' and dropped dude, honky dudes began using the word.  We called each other dude and we refined hanging out into an art form. "Dude, you suck". "You suck."  "No way, you suck" "and you suck until infinity" which trumped all other sucks.

 And so it began in the primitive years and our habits became embedded in the culture.  Phrases becoming much more complex in the eighties till the phrase "that doesn't suck" became the definitive phrase of something that is " cool " or "neat".

Most hardcore dudes abandoned the word dude in 1974 when the words "let's get it on dudes" appeared in the Grand Funk Railroad Song 'We're an American band’ on Pop radio.  The eye roll heard around the world. We simply called each other asshole after that.  The word dude disappeared buried by disco, one might suspect. At the end of the Vietnam War we didn't need jingoistic patriotic crap.  We wanted to tear down this predatory capitalist military christian complex. It is such a phony morality, but most Americans love to perch on their pretentious branch and decry our morality with their moral high ground hypocrisy.

The dude language continued to evolve as fuckwad and jackbag and other creative terms were used in our friendly interactions.  Touch’hole is a western New England colloquialism and it is a contraction of touchy asshole Not long after, we grew up and kept jobs and left our words behind and became responsible members of society.  Usually.

I liked Jazz and Classical and still do, but once favorite songs became classic rock and were played too much, they lose their authenticity. I never really considered myself a hippie and I identified more with the dude culture created by the sons of the working poor and I was influenced by the Beatniks of the 50's and the Be Boppers of the 40's. My dad seemed to be on the edge of the Be Bop with a strong interest in Hard Bop and I viewed this radical jazz through his eyes.  In retrospect it turned out to be melodic and thoughtful stuff.

Dad didn't like the Beatniks though.  I remember our trip to Quebec in 1966 when I saw a herd of Beatniks walking across a town square. "Who are those people?" I asked before I knew their anti-social activity and protests were the fore runners of the protest folk movement.

There were Beatnik remnants which people had forgotten about.  Hippies were soon to become the scapegoat for an alleged decaying society after the Beatniks were gone. Black people were finally getting to vote and it was a primitive time and the Beatniks were thinkers and philosophers from 1955 to 1965 that lived outside of proper society as they tried to usher in the dawn of civilization.

This is why I considered myself a Blue Collar Progressive and unable to be categorized otherwise.  Pagan Anarchist Beatnik Hillbilly is my final form, and writing this book is one of the most important things I can do at this point. I don't want to die with my book in me, so thanks if you have gotten this far. We weren't the dumb ass dudes of let's say, the Midwest or we weren’t eastern CITY dudes who didn't really get it.  East coast suburbia invented the dude culture which went through Americana and came out as the Valley Girls of California.

               Progressive dudes have intellectual obsessions, mine was and is still is that corporations are taking over the world. Monsanto is practically its own country and certainly more powerful than many small counties.  Chevron has its own system of justice as it can't seem to get out of the way of itself in South America. Walmart heirs make more than a million of their employees combined. It happened on our watch dude!

              Libertarian Anarchists, we thought the Vietnam War was the greatest lunacy of all time. We understood the Hippie Cultures protests but weren’t really part of it. We collectively decided war was over, because that is what we wanted. Who could have known warmeisters Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney and Wolfowitz and other chicken hawks who never served, would direct American foreign policy and give us two wars at once. We could have been restructuring this country instead of destroying others. Much of metal is anti-war.

Dudes were more of a powder keg demographic coming down the pipe, but the killings at Kent State chilled the hippies fervor and that apathy reached down into us younger dudes. Reagans go go jingo go America attitude was a bitch slap to Green Anarchists in the 80's that many of us became. All protest groups were investigated and infiltrated by the FBI in the late sixties and seventies and ethnic spying of the Black Panthers and AIM, The American Indian Movement was a brutal revival of a long forgotten police state.

The police state headed by J Edgar Hoover, the notorious cross-dressing hypocrite. These leaders didn't follow the Constitution, but their own authoritarian right wing fascist leanings.

Not hippies, not beatniks, dudes are something else entirely and we persist in every generation now.  It was 1971 and an element of synergy was bubbling around the genre defining Black Sabbath album.  Metals Golden Age began as an explosion of music the world had never experienced. As disco would influence rock years later, metal would rock from 1971 to 1973 and Pop music really began to suck. Then it all went bad.

With todays corporate control of the world, boys grow up to be dudes and we are all subjected to the numbing sameness and boring minutae of what educators think we need.  Education must still be in infancy because it is virtually useless and can be taught in 2 years when the child is ready, not programmed into children before they are ready. Not dragged out for 10 years forcing children to learn things before they are really ready.  I remember being in school and thinking what a load of crap most of it was.

We know it's all about conditioning minds, the liberal commie plot to make us knuckle under to the state, and dudes know this. Trained rats running to their next cage, I mean class, summoned by the bell. Making sure you become a kiss ass and toady for the monied elite who are treated with reverence. Conditioned to be callous of other people with the Never Ending Wars.

Dudes, then guys, then men. Many females have grown up in this mold and this makes a them more well rounded, questioning anarchists.  Among the women I have gotten to know, there are no gender barriers. No men no women, just people. Women have the additional tool of empathy to understand the emotional roller coaster of youth and would make some righteous dudes.  Calling a girl or woman a dude, is a compliment of the highest order, and trust me you are welcome and we need you to rout out the mysogynists.

So how does one qualify for a dude card? First, you need a hangout and these days straight or not, stoned or straight, the Dude Enlightenment is open minded in a Buddhist Way.  Zone out and feel the groove. "Shut up dude and enjoy the music!"  It's really not about drugs and alcohol, and it shouldn't be. But it can also be a support group of party enablers, though really, most dudes like to hang out……some call it hang out and party. The partiers are the ones who end up as alcoholics. Hang out and grind up the Yak Horn with the dudes. 

The Love Generation of hippies found out that wahat they really loved and that was money. Security and happiness as you build your nest somewhere in the inner workings of the machine. But some of us ended up as misfits, going against the grain of our training and brainwahsing and still walk outside of the civilized circle.

Vietnam was about manufacturing weapons and tanks and jet fighters and machines. Imagine the empty soul that sends someones son to a war without end. The dark spectre of Vietnam cast a shadowy pall over my life. In 68 I was 14 and suddenly with Tricky Dick Nixon as President, things suddenly were not going well.  "Why do good in school, just to get shot in Vietnam?" I questioned my parents who only said authority must be right.

   We are irresistibly drawn to by some primitive gene that is deeply embedded in our behavior. Drawn together by chanting and driving insistent drumming, human expression is now drawn by guitar. Now after 50 years of metal, that guitar music reigns as the greatest art form of all time.



      At first I was going to call this the History of Heavy Metal but then I thought that would be a little presumptuous.  Like, I would know the definitive history of anything, it is all about choice.  I wanted to point out we are all going to have our favorites. My metal may be a little PG for most. Probably old school too.    The Solfeggio Frequencies. Punk energy and Metal chops continues to propel rock and roll into the future, an enduring genre and perhaps the greatest art form ever created.

Heavy Metal, like the Icebreaker tearing across the ice, leading the pack with innovations.


-3-12-   Fetid Cesspool 

ARE 3-12 AND 3-5 THE SAME?

A rising tide of enlightenment will eventually drown the meanness, prejudice, bigotry and hate of the greatest generation. It will disappear into the fetid cesspool of ignorance and the hateful Authoritarian Despots that they bow down to, will no longer control our economy.”

        The Libertarian spirit of 1776 has been crushed and replaced with manufactured demand and the culture of the warrior elite; The War Culture, the tree cutting and ecosystem destroying culture. Developer Delerium. Veterans feel they are patriots because they risked their lives in Europe and Asia and wherever else. George Washington might not agree with the patriotism angle, and would find that bomb bomb bombing Iraq isn‘t the same kind of effort he made at Valley Forge.

        He’d also discover that the “unprecedented” post war prosperity of the fifties and sixties was fueled by rapacious plundering. Forests clear cut to ignite the housing boom and the government subsidized nuclear power industry and other weapon manufacturing jobs, gave people great pay, but now we have a trillion dollar toxic cleanup no one wants to talk about. As all this wealth accumulation occurred black people were herded into the city in an invisible reservaion.

Tons of dangerous chemicals at military sites and weapons of mass destruction assembly sites continue to fester. The Greatest Generation got cheap electricity in the 50’s and 60’s but left the problem of storing nuclear waste to generations unborn. Atomic bomb makers want to thank you though.

        The profits of previous decades has given us this weapon saturated world of today, and there will need to be a multi-billion dollar effort to decommission these nuclear power plants that created temporary cheap electricity in the 50's 60's and 70's. France still doing it? Ask them where they are storing the waste.

Meanwhile, Russia is propping up its weak economy with weapon and oil sales and China has not got a clue that they are shitting in their own nest with the pollution they create, and the weapons they sell.You may have too many people but it's our world too.

        The older generation has been brainwashed to worship all coercive authority. The boomers work ceaselessly to keep their heads above water or are deeply into the greed machine. The youth are looking ahead but don’t understand some of the old American traditions. We don‘t want militias or Unabombers. Did Mahatma Gandhi belong to a political party? Millions of us transcending generation, race, gender, and class barriers are unafraid to discuss the taboos and are quite aware that our right to speak out is in jeopardy.

“The theme to most American movies, the good guy wins in the end, have all been pyrrhic victories. They won’t be real victories till we encode liberty, embed equality, ostracize criminality and vanquish cruelty. Let’s give ourselves the chance for a new start, with the rejection of violence and the ushering in of The Dawn of Civilization.

The clotted nothingness of todays liberalism and the venomous spewing of conservatives actually represent only small slices of the American Pie; and unfortunately, the only two that have a voice in the mainstream media. What about the independent viewpoint? The independents have no steadfast, limiting ideology. We develop our own viewpoints and philosophies. We are tired of coercive governments and corrupt corporations. We are in the Tea Party and we are in Occupy Wall Street.

       We believe Churches serve quasi-governmental functions, as do the Cub Scouts, the Rotary, Homeowners associations and Garden Clubs. Federal and state government should be our solid edge and border maintaining our Constitution, and all these civic groups are a high thread count in the fabric of freedom.

  Josiah Quincy in 1773 "I see the clouds which now rise thick and fast upon our horizon. The thunder rolls and the lightning plays, and to that God who rides the whirlwind and directs the storm, I commit my country." 

What God is this then that he called upon? Thor, Perun, Boreas or others?  As Quincy warmed up the crowd,  local businessmen were  walking over to the docks to destroy the 300 chests of tea sitting in the harbor. The real Tea Party was about small business striking a blow against Britains corporate control of the colonies commerce. Small business entrepeneurs and their apprentices, along with member of Bostons north and south side gangs were the instigators in the acquisition of liberty. They were the motivating force of the Revolutionary War.

           Jump ahead to the election of 2008. Suddenly, around every corner,  there were communists and demon possessed atheists; and by the way, did you know that environmental groups are going to initiate a gigantic die off of humans on the planet?



         Proud to be Progressive


             Where do progressives get their name from?  Progressive has come to mean many things, but the reformers from the Progressive movement of 1890 to 1915 brought the world into our modern era.  Work site safety, decent wages and a more reasonable number of hours worked was the focus.
           The immigrant wave of Europe (1870-1890), had provided corporate factory owners with cheap labor in those industrializing decades. The Progressives created child labor laws and improved school systems because the children who were working in Christian (read that Protestant) owned factories, began going to school during the Progressive Era, and the second American Revolution began. Many more people began reading books other than the Bible, and thusly the Dark Ages ended once and for all.  Improvements in  Interior lighting   led to a book boom
                                        Protestant factory owners hated the laws passed in favor of workers, following union strikes. The man who could break the back of these unions would be a great hero someday.
         Progressives encouraged invention and innovation and science, while bible thumpers kept insisting that indoctrinating people with Adam and Eve as truth and Hell for atheists is an absolute truth, was important to teach.  They still think that today, as they attempt to change history schoolbooks. 
              There was a resurgence of classical music--- boy scouts and girl scouts were founded; and there were many forward thinking reformers. It was a great cultural era in the improvement of human societies.

 The Progressive Era grew a healthy canopy of honesty over the moral high ground hypocrisy of the Victorian Age.   Today, Republicans are the heirs to the moral high ground hypocrites of that age. Nefarious characters such as Newt Gingrich (divorcing wife while she was in the hospital) and Mark Sanford (Hiking the Appalachian trail-the new part that goes to Argentina) and Strom Thurmond ( encouraging segregation, but having a black child nonetheless); are prominent examples within a long list of others.

         The meat packing industry was shamed in 1906 with a famous book that revealed horrid conditions and the disgusting nature of the Meat Industry.  Standards of cleanliness were enforced  in many industries after that.

            Left to their own devices, big business will pay as little as possible for safe working conditions and not give a whit about the sustainability of raw material, and make safety a priority, only when forced by legislation. This is repeating itself today. 
Are you seeing the pattern of greed and hypocrisy and the traitorous lies? Hypocritical grandstanding idiots like glennbeck, will diss and discuss Progressivism like it was some horrible movement that has hampered mankind ever since its beginning. I'm offering another view of what Progressivism is.
           Progressives are under attack, prompted by the apologists of greed and authoritarian excess with the likes of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Progressive to many means commie socialist Marxist moochers.  Republicans muddy the waters so no one can see  how shallow they are.

            Theodore Roosevelt was perhaps the most prominent progressive and spent a career busting up the Rockefellers and other corporate monopolies that paid little wages, but accumulated wealth beyond any before them. T.R. started the National estuary program at Pelican Island here in Sebastian, Florida, because the slaughter of birds for the Victorian Age fashion of the day-hats with feathers- was a disgusting and violent disgrace.
                   The passenger pigeon went extinct because they were shot out of the sky after the civil war, as neo-pioneers shot for fun instead of food.  Indoctrinating youth towards loving war, and killing animals makes them violent adults,  in many cases. It certainly did after the civil war, as it does today with todays veterans hating terrorists and 500 million other Muslims.
Canada wins the gold
                  Progressives halted the killing of buffalo and we only have buffaloes today because the last 1,000 were able to expand their numbers. How many millions of Buffalo were killed by lunatic gun enthusiasts? Progressives want to end the blood sports encouraged by the warrior elite, shooting everything in sight these last 200 years. Progressivism is about sustainability, peace and personal liberty.

                  Womens right to vote in 1920 rode one of the last waves of progressive era reforms. WE THE PEOPLE was important to Progressives then, and they proved their commitment by their actions. The Progressive Era was not a violent revolution, but the most thorough evisceration of corruption and cruelty in modern times. Activism AND action to bring about change. This can happen in every country that has corrupt business and politics. It appears that after 100 years the oligarchy is poised for a poisoning of the earth and an enslavement of peoples minds.

            Anti progressivism and half truths will not stop the real American patriots from prevailing. Jingoists waving the flag and Dominionists thumping that bible are still shocking to us, but the new progressive era will marginalize these people --so much -- and reveal them to be the moral high ground hypocrites that they are.     
          Freedom and Compassion got married and their firstborn was named Liberty.  The good people of America need to stop hoping the other guy does something and support reforms and change.  You are the other guy now, so take another look at  The Progressive Era. It was about small business, farmers and various tradespeople having a  bigger say in what went on in this country.  
         Pre Progressive Populists   were agrarian utopians, and they tried to create an equitable bi-metallic economic system.  Gold and Silver, with silver being the working mans coin. Populists hated the bankers as modern Progressives do today.  
        Progressives of 1890-1915, were middle class business people, writers and reformers and those who were being marginalized by wealthy industrialist oligarchs in many small towns across the country.
         Wall Street has always tried to control Main Street and the Reagan Era of Greed has accomplished what oligarchs in the 19th century only dreamed about. The hero had arrived to kill the unions and all workers representation. The black hole of oligarchy had swallowed the mom-and-pop system of family farms and small markets, and now seeks a future of profit and control. These are freaks of human nature we are fighting, super villains if you will.

     Modern Progressives will work towards the liberty and compassion, justice and freedom that every human on earth should expect. Progressives are not GO USA but GO  WORLD!  

       The Republicans inability to balance a federal budget since Eisenhower is not mentioned enough. Republicans are good at breaking things and bloating budgets, but have not balanced the federal budget within the lifetime of many alive today.  They try to take credit for the Clinton Prosperity, but they had nothing to do with it. It was a cheeky optimism and lowering barriers and borders. The global economy is a step too far however.
       The Illusion of Prosperity will be the cause of many higher prices in the future. The blame will go to Progressives who are trying to correct these obvious flaws in our markets. Savor these low inflation rates because our reality, in the future,   will be shortages and price spikes.  To state that there has been low  inflation is a joke. House insurance is up 30% in Florida. Medical procedures go up 20% a year and costs of many items increase dramatically while the government tells us there is low inflation.  
       The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is our guide to inflation and it is simply no longer accurate.  Neither is the GDP that was created shortly after the Great Depression. Nobody can tell me there is low inflation. Veterinarian services are up 20%, car repair is rapidly getting more expensive. Plumber’s rates have increased 50% in the last 5 years. 

     Some of it is caused by the over reach and over regulation of the government increasing costs everywhere and Progressives have that smaller government mentality. Regulate only where it's needed. Government passes out favors to those who can manipulate the system. Rich or poor with the middle class holding the bag.
     Briefly, regarding the word Progressive, Republicans are trying to associate what was once a good word, into something that means hippies, blue collar dinosaurs, unions, conservation, and all those other code words and dog whistles that tell the Rush Republicans that progressive means anti-profit, anti-private property. NO! Blue collar Progressives take their cue from the Progressive era, duh. 1890 to 1915.  The Progressives set out to reform the obscene profits and inhumane working condition of the Robber Barons and Industrial Tyrants.  
            Upton Sinclair’s, “The Jungle”, in 1906 was very popular and boosted the importance of muckrakers who were finding  avaricious and hexcretous wealth  in the lives of the greedy and gluttonous. The grandiose and grotesquely rich  who saw nothing wrong with rat meat in the commoners sausage, or who were responsible for making my grandmother, and millions of others,  work 12 hours without a break, when she was 12 years old.  They tried, and the result was 12 year old girls peeing their bloomers. Or people adjusted as they always do and didn't drink anything all day to please their bosses by not using the bathroom and suffer from problems related to dehydration. This is why I often say that most wealth is illegitimate.
            Child labor laws were passed and small business was going strong and the Federal Tax System had yet to arrive during the Progressive Era. Good hearted people fought back with results. It began in 1890 with the big Carpenters strike. It ended in 1920 as women were finally allowed to vote and then Prohibition and the Roaring 20's emerged.  The federal tax system got its foot in the door and is now the elephant in the room controlling our economy with its endless loopholes for corrupt business. The White Collar criminal class has taken over and Progressives intend to get it back.
  Thomas Jefferson promoted the idea of the citizen legislator, where a broad spectrum of workers and crafts are represented in the federal government; Carpenter, blacksmith, nurse, teacher, fireman, lunch lady. The idea was to always have a representative sample of the population, not what we have today; where 45% of Congress are lawyers, an army of law making psychopaths with more personality than brains, in lockstep with their oligarchs agenda.
          Richard Hofstadter was a Pulitzer Prize winning author back in the fifties and I find his more traditional conservative viewpoint, open minded and somewhat radical in retrospect. Hofstadter had this to say, “frequent and sensational rises in land values bred a boom psychology in the American farmer, 1800 to 1899. This caused him to rely for his margin of profit more on the process of appreciation than on the sale of crops. It took a strong person to resist the temptation to ride skywards on lands that could easily triple or quadruple their value in one decade and double again the next. “He continues, “It seemed ultraconservative to improve existing possessions if one could put savings or borrowings into new land. What developed, along with the relentless march of commercial agriculture, was an agricultural society where real attachment was not to land but to land values.” 
             Murica. Not to mention the deforestation and prairie destruction involved with the farming of America. Hofstadter would be puzzled today by corporate apologists and moral high ground hypocrites like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly calling themselves conservative.    
             They will have retrospect in the future I’m sure. Their intellectuals will discuss the myopic wisdom of 20th century economists, who were unable to see  the rapacious plundering of the earth that will have a negative impact on future prosperity and resource sustainability.  Environmentalists are despised by right wingers, but the Greens are trying to save a nice piece of Earth for all future generations. 
                Humans are the large square peg pounding our way into the small round hole in the fabric of living creatures.   Becoming more sensitive, individually, yet still quite hostile,   to all the planets REMAINING lives BY FEELING THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO CHANGE THINGS, even enthusiastically supporting a system that looks the other way to the homeless and hungry workers of the world: the people making the goods that give us an Illusion of Prosperity.

         I'm proud to stand with Progressives because the First Progressive Era brought Americans into a modern age of invention, convenience, recreation and freedom of assembly (unions). People like glennbeck  think the mass of people should be working 16 hours a day at 5 dollars an hour. The Progressive idea of Liberty is something completely different.


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